Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 06, 1911, Image 5

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. Z7
jjf' i ll ( MAKZS THE PERFECT I A h
lift M foTTOr7f raw M
"lltUs Mi
Also Rolls
Send for Royal
Cook Book f t".
Tuy a good farm on the Dakota
county bottom. I Lave it. Eimers.
Lincoln Sanitarium
, Suipho-Salins Springs
ifocatod on our own pramiifei ud Ba&
. in tb 9
Natural Mineral Water
K Unanrpausad In tha treatment of
art, Stomach. Kidntr and Lira
MdctaU Charge!. AMtfn
4.W. EVERETT, Mgr.. Lincoln, Reb.
- r r
ai con;- -.-..(Hnp n f':rirh and f.ascrinf;n ma
quickly i'-'''T' i in iriir u nton i'ro wh.'thrr nr.
ilivt'iii n ir'. t f;-l v p:i;"'ul !h ( 'Mum unicfi.
;i..iism.'tU r' nii;.-ri:i,il. H'Wt?3W. on I'lUiuo
fci'ii frc. i: i".-mi'v u i si-ci (latwiM.
t';it"iits t u ici'n thrnui'i. ?.lntn & Co. receive
th'nul H'jfr w t n:u'. cnit.m, ia ttio
r i.it p-ti:-' i' .' 'owrnM.
Hi by a, 5
Tshs Ilci-.-Ici 8k.nci
New Idea jMngnziae $1
Sions City Daily and Sunday
Journal 5
withont Sunday 4
to rural route patrons 3
Ksnsa3 City Wruklt Star . . . . 1
Iowa IToraestead
Poultry Gazette (Lincoln)....
Woman's World
Lafollette'a Magazine, weekly.
TJamjiton'H "
Lipi'iucott's "
. , , , : 1,7. v; ; . -- r J-J-
f f n rrfl W:firi
w m
1 rMiJII
vuiunauaiLiu 10
txinnits rrom every vvesteru state, bhowing
wliut Is grown und how to grow it. Exhibits
Irrigation and dry farming methods. Exhibits
showing how to raise more corn wheat
oats alfalfa and potatoes. Good roads ex
hibit atW lectures how to prevent hog chol-
era- Moving pictures and illustrated lectures
iV" g00d mualc an-d ce&n entertalnoaeut. Ad
mission 15 cents.
Come to the Omaha Land Show.
MCi jt0. Oji 00( 40M( 3M! ,'MC. .-rOM
Patronize Home Industry buy your meats of
Proprietor of
City Meat Msrlcct
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket goes on
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays.
; j4 vjfA MMtJ xm
and Muffin
and Cake
13S William St.
Now York
Local Items
Friday, Jan. 6, xgn
We have Rewinpr ninchine needles
nnd 8chuttlen to lit any sewing ma
(diine. You will also find a good line
of hardware, graniteware and tinware
at right priceB, at Schriever Bros.
Real estate loans. Geo Wilkin b.
Fruit of all kinds at Van de Zeddc's.
School supplies and the latest school
books always on hand, at the Dakota
City Tharmacy.
Diuggiht John Turnbull went to
Omaha Saturday to visit over New
Year's with friends.
Frank Orr oud wife have removed
to Sioux City, where FrHuk has a po
sition with au express cotupauy.
Ilemeiubr. the Dakota City Phar
macy curries n complete lino of New
Year post cards and sells them too.
Mr3 It B Orr is home from Winu'de,
where slio has been assisting her
dungliter, lira Lottie Hodgson, iu the
telephone excl)uue;e.
Expert prescription work, and a
complete pharmaceutical stock, are
the two requisites always found at the
Dakota City Pharmacy.
Slius Luth Vollrath of Cheboygan,
Wis. was hero the past week to attend
the Eleikes-Kate weiMing, she being a
school friend of Mrs Kate.
D H Hager and wife went to Wake
field Tuesday evening to attend the
fiftieth wadding aunivcrsary of Mr aud
Mrs (Jims T iiarto, which was cele
brated Wednesday, Jan 4.
Chamberlain's Cough liemi dy never
disappoints those who use it for ob
stinnto coughs, colds und initntions of
the throat and lungs. It Htmuls un
rivaled as a r.'inedv fur till throat and
lung dineiiBes. Sold by all druggists .
D M Nei.WMUgi'r f this place has
accepted a position as traveling sales
man with the new wholesale drv goods
linn of Hicks FuJbjr Piersou which be
gun liufinesa iu Sioux City the first of
the year. His territory 'Includes north
eastern Nebraska.
The busiibt and mightiest little
thing that was ever made is Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver tablets.
They do tile work whenever you requ
ire their aid. These tablets change
weakness into strength, listh sness iuto
energy, gloominess into joyonsuess.
Their action is so gee tie one don't rea
lize they have taken a purgative. Sold
by all druggists.
t' .--1
.s , ::;.;t'li-'-v -"!stl
Art vir' H iza
s ir: j-W
E r ,
4 :s::V-'.-!f.aa.;-f ' vJL-t I
C, 40M WJr'A'At W. MO (MC
s m
: mtM mm :: -kv. rM
Fresh country butter 30c per pound
nt A Christiansen s.
F A Wood returned Tuesday from
ten diyw' visit in Kansas City.
Judge 11 L' Evans went to Lincoln
Monday on business before fie supreme
For a good soap at a low price, noth
ing beats Palmer's. The Dakota City
L Imrmacy.
Harrv II Adair and wife ate New
Year's dinner in Homer at the George
Mc Heath home.
Charles Maxwell returned Monday
to Chicago to resume his studies at
the medical college
All ranges left on Laud will be sold
at 5 per cent discount, if taken at once
Fred Schriever & Co.
George Sheibley left Wednesday for
Douglas N D, to spend a month with
his daughter, Mrs T E Lovey.
If you haven t got tim to do your
own shopping call up No 1. nnd he
will deliver the goods promptly.
Don't forget the coffee w ith tho dish
es ali Van de Zodile's he has a nice
nmoi t ment. A nice 'ish with each
jJon I'ornes, wno came in iroin ins
ranch near loiiiagn, iei, a weeis ago
Sunday, was laid up Several days wit!
tonsil it is.
Mrs (..'orgi llirschhack was brought
homo from the hospital last Saturday
and is roovei n,g nicely from an oper
ation for a tumor.
Win Messerschmit of Emerson and
Anna aiiUimsou ot Muuinrii, were
granted n rnarriago license iu Sioux
City last Thursday.
A babv daughter was bom to Clias
Cluypoolo and wife of Sioux City last
week. Mrs (Haypoole was formerly
Miss nnsau Clapp.
Alfalfa wanted wo are paying $10
a ton for good alfalfa hay. Can use
damaged hay also. See D L Fair
bank, South Sioux City.
judge u u uellernan nad business
at Lincoln the first of the week to
see that tho present session of tho leg
islature got started off right.
Dr D K Tiudall will preach in the
Methodist church next Sunday at 7:30
p m. I no business meeting will be
held on Saturday, tho 7th, at 10 a m.
Paul liarcus aud Mabel Soavey and
James McOrath and Jeanette Madru,
all from Sioux City, were married by
Ilov W 11 Warren, M E pastor, Tues
Ed Easton came homb Sunday from
working with a gang of telephone line
men at Waterbury aud vicinity. The
cold weather put a i-top to the work
for the present.
Kay, Lee and Mabel McDowell and
Dow Hill, of Lyons, came up Sunday
to spend New Year's at tho S A Stin
son home. The blizzard detained
them until Tuesday.
Mrs Eliz.i L Osmnn, a former resi
dent of tnis place, died at the home of
a niece iu Los Au:;eli?s, Cal, December
24, 1910, at the age of U3 year. The
remains will be brought to this place
for burial by the side of her husband.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a
very valuable medicine for throat and
lung troubles, quickly relieves and
cures painful breathing and a danger
ously sounding cough which indicates
cougested lungs. Sold by all drug
gists. George Wilkins went to Wakefield
to spend New Year's day with friends,
aud owing to tho blizzard was maroon
ed there until Tuesday afternoon.
Georgo says that uuder the circum
stances it wasn't such a great hardship
being stranded away from home,
About sixty friends and neighbors
of Ollie Fisher surprised him at his
home last Friday evening aud held an
informal stag party. The eveuitg was
spent at cards and visiting, after
which hu oyster feed was indulged in.
All who attended declare it the time
of 1 heir lives.
Mrs Dr J E Do Walt of Sioux City
died on Friday of last week, after an
illness lasting nearly a ; ear. The fu
neral services were held Monday. De
ceased was a sister of Mrs L
Harden of this place, and had many
friends here who deeply sympathize
with the bereaved ones.
Have yon a weak throat? If po,
vou cannot be too caretul. You can
not begiu treatment too early. Each
cold makes you more liable to another
and the last is always the harder to
cure. If jou will take Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy at the outset you will
be saved much trouble. Sold by all
Mrs Fred Rcermaun, wife of one of
the old residents of Dakota county,
died at her home in this precinct
Thursday morning, froru dropsy. De
ceased was born in Wheeling, W Va
July 5. 1852, and came to Dakota
county with her parents, Mr and Mrs
0 Armbright, when but 0 years of
age. She was married to Fred 13eer
rnann in 1872. The funeral services
will bo held Saturday from the Salem
church, at 0 aud will be conduct
ed by Rev S L Keller. Interment will
be in Logan Park cemetery, Sioux
City. Tho bereaved family have tho
heartfelt sympathy of the community
in their hour of sorrow.
A pretty aud elaborate home wed
ding took place Wednesday at twelvo
o'clock, noon, at the home of Mr and
Mrs S A iieikes when their daughter,
Agnes Blanche, was united in marriage
to Charles R Kate of Wayne. Tho
ceremony was performed by liev u li
Gtynor of Sioux City. Miss llutli
Vollroth of Cheboygan, W is, octed as
maid of honor and Earl Hopkins of
Sioux City as best man for Mr Kate.
Miss Lola Heikes and Miss Frances
Kate, sisters of the bride and groom,
acted as (lower girls The Misses
Grace and Florence Ward played the
wedding march nnd Miss Florence
Ward sang "1 Love You Truly " Tho
house was beautifully decorated
with the wedding colors of lavender
and white, and a profusion of hothouse
(lowers. A live course luncheon was
served to the 80 guests, following tho
ceremony. Mr and Mrs Kate depart
ed Wednesday evening on a short
honeymoon trip south, and will be at
home at Wayne, Neb, after Feb 15
Mr Kate is iu the mercuiitilo business
at Wayne, and his bride is an acorn
pushed Dakota county girl. I hey
have tho best wishes of a host of
frieuds for a long und happv married
Fresh eggs at A Christiansen's, 30o
per dozen.
For ssle, good millet and alfalfa
hay. John li Evans.
liriieu's coffee is still in the lead
Yau de Zcddo Hells it.
Anything wanted in the bakery line
please order it tho day before at Van
do Zedde's.
lieunin Weigel and Eva Clay, botl
of Sioux City, were granted a Jiettisi
to wed Tuesday.
I have a good house and half block
of ground in Dakota City for sale
cheap. Eimers.
Mell A Schmied left Wednesday for
Mason City, Iowa, to attend a meeting
of tho auditing committee of the M li
A order.
George I Miller and wife went to
Norfolk Saturday to spend New Year's
with friends, nnd weio snowed in until
auss r.tti Kaner of 1 onca, a former
teacher in our schools, was an over
night visitor here at tho D U Stiusou
homo last Thursday.
I'he electric street car line ban been
out of commission most of the week
ot ing to the severe snow storm drift
ing the track uuder.
If it is A 1 groceries you want,, just
glance over au lie Zcdde s stock, il
will sell j'lst as cheap as possible, nnd
lie handles nothing but first class
goods. '
llio rural ciriiers took tluir Nr
lear s holiday on Monday, while thi
snow storm was raging at its worst
l'hey couldn't havo struck a luckiet
ilav for a Piv-off.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is not
a common, evcry-day cough lxturc
It is a meritorious remedy for all the
troublesome and dangerous eomplica
Hons resulting from cold in tho head
thiont, chest or lungs. Sold by nil
lhe two year old baby daughter of
Mr and Mrs Alex Nixon of Homer died
snddeulv last Friday . The little one
n as s tting at the tablo eating when it
seemed to choke, and died while set
nng in us cnair. ino oereavod pa
rents have the sympathy of the entire
The third number of tho lecture
course, the Washington 15ros, darky
jubilee singers, drew the largest crowd
that has attended any number of the
course thus far. The singing of the
quartet was exceptionally good, and
hey were recalled time and again,
i'ho next number of the courso will be
tl o Nevin Coucert company which
ppears hero February 18th, Hnd prom
ises to excel anything ever hoard heie.
An interesting meeting of the Dako
ta Count? Hornemakers Club was held
Friday afternoon of last week at the
home of Mrs S A Stinson. The meet
iug was called to order by the chair
man and miuutes of previous meeting
were read and approved.
the discussions System m House
work, led by Mrs S A Stinsou aud
He'ps for Blue Monday," led by Mrs
Med A Schmied, were well presented
aud discussed by the ladies present.
In the absence of Mrs Oe Bates
the demonstration of the bread-knead-
er was giveu by Mrs Chas Beerman
two different kinds of machines being
used. As the idea was new to muni
present, much interest was shown and
considerable time wat given for ask
ing questions.
Iu Domestic Science, the paper,
Food Suitable for the Winter Season"
read by Mrs D C Stinsou was very in
structive and well appreciated by the
audience. Mrs Geo Miller gave recipe
for mince pie followed by general dis-
cussiou on p.e-making.
For Select Reading "The Home
Training of Children" was given by
Mrs U II Bryant and Mrs S A Stinsou
road "How Maud Muller Voted." Both
were humerous selections.
Ruby Dierkiug recited "Billy's
R iso'' and Dr Nina R Smith favored
the audience with a humorous selec
tion "The Hypochoudiac."
Tne musical part of the program
was exceptionally good and lidded
much to the enjoyment of the after
noon, In Instrumental music Mrs
.Martha Murphy played "Convent
Bolls'' and Mrs E W Nordyke played
"Scented Roses." A vocal solo by Miss
Lulu Hirsoh with Dr Nina R Smitli
accompanist was much enjoyed as was
also the vocal selection "Bust and Fu
ture" by Miss Eliz ibeth Boals. A vo
cal duett " Walk Beside Me O My
Savior" by DrNiuuK Smith und Mrs
Marvin Armour with Mis Lulu Hirsch
accompanist closed the program of the
About 30 attouded the meeting and
several new members wi re enrolled,
making a membership of 50. Those
attending from neighboring towns
were: Mrs E W Nordyke, Sioux
City ; Dr Nina R Smith, Mrs Marviu
Armour.and Miss Lulu Hirsch, Ho
mer ; Mesdames II J Roouoy, Geo L
Boals, Martha Murphy, Catherine
Phillips, J N Mullenv, Herman Fouts
aud Mins Elizabeth Boals, South Sioux
Brood Sows
I have u choice lot of Poland China
sows, good size, for Bale. J M Barry,
Key. W, It. Warron, l'astor.
Services at the Methodist Kplscopal
church every Sunday as follows: Trench
Inu at 1 1 a m ; Sunday school at I" a in ; class
ineelliiK 11' in: Kpworlh i.eaKUi) 7 P mi
preachlntr H p in.
Kov.S. .. Keller, l'astor.
Sunn y school every Sunday at U: 15 a m ;
KIIalMUi S. ilaase, superintendent.
prcachliiK at 7;.n p m. every Sunday.
PreaohInK every Sunday at II a m: Hun-
day school promptly at 10 a III. K. 1 Hul
ls-rt sou, MUtterliUendeut.
Thu pulillu Is cordially invited loan tnese
i. If
y "v Frssn, fteliible, Pur
: j -TV Curunled to Plena
' .-- -u , , A
;g I'laiin rslxmM truths
fni-t-r!"r inrrnnor (mr
II t .iu li .sec.in.
S Pf.t'iaL OFFER
c wil fiul imh) luiid our
II r'.--''" I "ink'. I
1 i I' !,.. t'n.ti.h
I ,.lt. si,.,., ,,.
1 ita
:at NOKiiii n si
1 TO.
. SI. Kim kl.n
I Him 1h
Mr. Clinrlc.i Vom nnd Daughter,
link In Vos, Describe Their Re
cent Trip to New York.
- 'n on r return from the east o wore fro
iltienlljr le'iuestecl to Impart the plea-urn s
of our journey. It was MiKtrcMtMl to u that
we ronlil accomplish (his with Blester facil
ity throiiaH the medium of our kind editor,
KlvliiK.us the opportunity to coiinnuiilcnte
with our friends here nnd clcw here.
Tnkltiu the Nort Itwcsttni route from
SloiixClty to Chlcnco, our train leaving
nlKiut .:: p. lit. which iinn- hi little oppor
tunity to view the count ry. Wo had often
hoard of t he hustle and hustle of ( hlcatro,
the "(inrden t'lty," lait one must two to lie-
llcvo, and wc fully realled this when we
were conveyed from the Northwestern to
tho Waluish depot to Hike our train to l!uf
falo, N.Y. As wo sped on our way wo saw
lako M IchlKan at n distance, aud the soil
nenr Chlcano noomcd nn thlim hut fertile
Passing throeuh the northern part of Indi
ana, the mosteonspleuoux features were tho
.i-.n mil fencci and small Holds of corn
tiindintt In shocks, I
It was there that wo saw t ho cemetery Iu
provlmtly wll h the churches, really sutf-
H's t vr t'f I In- iui tm
ehu rch- at'd.
A I nun 1' p. tn. wc r in In' I I mm roll v li
wo lnul ti stop l IimIT il 1 1 Iwnir. Horr
I i ii tl ut ' u w of Inki' Si . till r. tin1
I hx 1 1 1 - 1 1 if opl'i'-i to I'i l . W liul iu-, i n mm -
hi. i'i tVt ( I tm lulo I tio miIt. At hi'titiit
imm' i i"-" ( t r to I it iui'Im, nm 1 1 nut nif our
jim i in, i mi 1 1 mm 'a mil I in it Mlo tin i il m m-.
lilt N i:i III, t il inhlii. As .etui IH t'
t --. ( tho iMiuli r, wo ojhio' Into oontiiot
In tho on -tm ii fii-pootnr. I nil u na : ol v
on r v-Mlp va- I no only tn jjj muo In h t , ti nl
Utii'ntly wns tj.-oil. I, no,.- rrm'lil.i
on i ( ii ino Ha u li s ' n i a I ion ri n limi r m-.ii' rti lo
from liuilulo, iN. V.. wo wt ro kliKlly mullou-
I hy t no I'olurod piii tor. hrl'm ,t. i,s.,,.,.-
tor niailf hi- roh-w tnkiri) t ho c m t n I n-ot
t Iio hort li l i'ii Ait Muis to roil i-on I t lio rovt ni
ou iM.iiwvnuo 1 1 oi ii low I lin l lay i ii t ho ti p-
por lion a. 1' r t liN w o w oi l- u i a t ofu I .noo
Irul p;: i f llll-oit a ro w n t t lolts Im IoI O lrn -
t mz slou i li t , w li it'll coi'iaiiily would not
have o-oiipotl I UMiool itn ninl tint . A ri t -
hiuin I ;u l!alo at u: ;o a. mi.. otlnostlay. vr
intiino.l tor t hit '' ilayv.
I'.uilalo Isii tionutllul oity, truly vnoiiv-
iihuh wit Ii It sola i alio I , Uu "(,itoo;; t Hy of
tho LiiUooi." Anions otln-r thlhkfs ovprt-ial-ly
worth nn'iUli i; iiio tho SoIiIIoi'm Moii-
Uiuoit on Matn iiiul Court stroot, pliirrtl on
paciniiH piazu; ino .MrKinioy nionutni'iit
two lilorks (IKtntit Iroin tho Soltllor'N inon-
inn-ul on Court stroot. One rouhl liHult
1 voly roroKiito t he liittrrs U-liitf u horo's
inonuiuont y Its imissl vo bitso, lolly, tower-
life ohottk it nit tho our eoui'Miiiit.llon rosl-
Intf ut tho nutfh's of thu I'to a nohlo ti ih-
uto to our inarlyroil proM'ilont.
rht noxt day wns Tlmnk-ui Intf day. It
was In luht ami sunny, mi Idoal day to vlmv
tho Miiuia halls An hour' trolley ride
ln tuiLTh Hih to N Ifltfara, N , V., w here w e
handed eurn to the Niwalh d Holt Line 1 hat
itikoM out a ron in i i ne (fortfe. A I tor w o
boarded one of the ohservat Ion rai'M, tlie
uirlst 1h rarrtod to the American annroarli
of the Ki'etit .steel arch liiidtrc spaniilnw t he
Mauiua river 11 lew hundred foi l holow the
falU nnd overthls reutarkiililo structure to
'atutdii. An the eiir slowly inoveit over the
In IiIlto, one of tin' tfrandest and most ner-
feet view s of the Kails Is gradually unfohlotl.
Noarlnn' t In OtiiMdlau tipproarh the ever
present custom Inspectors took nu Inven
tory of the occupants ol ilo car iM'fore Im-
tim pcrintttod to km on our course for near
ly one mile up the river on the Canadian
Ide w here the inntfnlMcont view of the
merican nnd HorM'shoe Kails Is ever pro.s-
nl t the eye, nlways from u new point of
hilt ii io, until the cur reachos the laole
Hook. House nl most at t he In Ink of t he
Horseshoe Knlls. Here we roinul notl for an
hour continuing our Journey around the
Wortre on a later cur. At Tnlilo Itock llouse
we iiM-ondcd to the third slory and stepped
out on lhe platform overlooking the falls.
We Kot u line view of the upper rapids
hlch Ih-kIii alMMit half u mile above
the falls, liavlnu a descent of llfty-llve feel.
lust at t he lulls t he rapids or tho river 1
divided by (, out Island, .iluono hide Is tho
American full, the other tho Canadian
fall. The American fall Is iilsiut 1.1' feet
ide anil lilfi feet IiIkIi. The ('aiiadhoi fall
Is nlMiut :t,il foot In width ulollK Its lirlnli
and Km feet hlnli.
Now Illumine the green waters of I.nke
Kile proclpiitullntr ivor tho brink of this
(front cataract, tniiililimi, whirlluu, sealh
IliK and foaiolnn below, as wo conlemplato
tho ininfiiltudo and kiiiiiiIuio of luilure s
llspoiiatlon I Wo are Inspired with Hit
niajost Ic work of t ho Creator, defying ttu'
power of deserlpl Ion, and our venture to
do this remnliis only an attempt.
ho Hrlltsli irovoi niuenl w as every when'
evidenced by t ho picture of Kl iik (ioorno on
tho llrst lloor of Table Itock House ha.aar
w here wo boimht a few souvenirs, and mall
ert soniu post ciods accordlim to thu con
ventional custom.
A short time Is-fore our car was due, we
left Tablo Kock House and went across the
st root to the Iron fence, on Hie bank of Hie
river to lake a look at, tho falls from there
where to our surprise we reached tho be
nlKii showers from the falls, reachlint us In
inlets aud sprays by tho mists of wind,
when t Iii'h' are constant or Strom; euouuli
they keep the bank aud cement walk bniheil
In vapors.
As we boarded our car, we advertently
chose the river side, rctrnctnir the route lo
thestci-1 bridge, aud tlience around the
(iorkre. The rainbow formed In the
va por of t he falls seemed to Klhio nloioz
we advanced.
illidlu aloiuc In mlrthriil Klee,
I.Ike nalui'e reM-tiiikT In ecstacy.
S' hlle on our lefl , hull way 1s t ween Table
Kock llouse and the liridue. Ithe new nil
ml nisi nil Ion 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v- In I'lospcd I'arU.
'l'hee lire t ivern me 11 L buihlhurs couMruct
ed of a pi cullar rock, irlvlnx their surface
an uudiilal lii appi-ai ance. rrospeel 1'ark
Is very beam I I'ul . its landicapo architect
ure Is on a Kuroporinii plan, and Is even In
trinsically m on account ol t 'a Hilda's native
growth of - erMrreens. Krom t he bridge lo
y iii en-liiii. t'anada, wo skirt the brink of
liiecllif for elKlil miles, always In plain
view of tho river and kuivi-, in t ho declivi
ty of the itniKi' to t lie edtfe of the river are
arlsn -ltae and ot her evergreens. A p p roach -Intt
the Kreut railway brldvoM, about Iwn
miles distance from tho falls, tho placid
waters of the lower Niagara river once more
Is'como turbulent until tho wonderful
Whirlpool Rapids Is reached, CoutlnuluK
ulomi the hikll bank a splendid view of tho
W hlrlpool Is obtained, ami the con rso of t ho
II vol - iu i n is poi u i iiiKiiiK an iiiuupi iuru,i
the now anil the river on Its way to Irfike
I IlliariO may no seen nil se era I mi m-s. ;nu -
HiiuliiK ou and approachliiK HueeiiNtuii
lii-luhts a turn in the route suddenly to-
veals the maifulllcent panorama tif tae low
er N limara rlN'or and t ho surround I iik coun
try for miles to I, like (intai lo.
Alwueeiisioii iieiiiiits we saw inn irreai
moiiumeiit, '."i feet hiuh, erected lo the
1 1 1. li i ,1 y of tho famous lirlllsh general, Sir
Isaac isrock, w no n n in naiiie on inose
heiKhls In the war of H:'. No holler spot
could have iH'eii chosen to t ho ded U-al Ion of
his memory. 1 1 was placed ou the summit
of a low hill. I.eadlok from the foot of tho
hill up lo the monument was a broad artlll-
clal walk w I nd lim t h rouu h a t hh'ket of e ver
Kieens. The Idyllic soli t ude a nd beauty of
the place was elevaliia.' and Impressive.
A terminal and easy ibscoul from the
heltits In intis the car to the approach of
the l.ew iston suspension bridge. vlom the
way and within a few feet of tin- railway
may bo seen the cenotaph erected by the
laic k Intr I'M w ard of Kntrland ou tils visit
to tills cou nt i y in 1 si in, and which murks
the spot where (ioiiornl Krock fell.
Here Is the vlllatb' of .): uston, with
Iiowlston ai-ross tho river, these heliiu Hie
bi ad of nuvniiallon on tho lower Nlatoua
river and the ports of call for steamers of
the NiiiKiira lllver I.lno to Toronto. Cross
InK Hih Su-ponslon llrldke, the rnr pro
ceeds to the town of Hewiston, here Ho
return trip to Niagara Kails Is commenced
over t he (ireal (loi e Itoute, ruiiulnf close
to the water's edie nearly all the way
This rldo up the uoivc, ou the American
side. Is so wonib rlul Iu Its scenic features as
to defy descrl pi Ion, the car passlntt ou nun
scent's of Imposing mainline by u w lndliiK
courso, follow Inu the contour of tho rlv
bank. A short lime after lenvliiK l.cwlstou
the Hevll's Hole is passed. 11 Is said this
spot Is prominent In Hie annals of Ntainira
rrontler history, a I'.ritlsh caravan anil
comnany of soldiers licinir ambushed nnd
luassai'red by the Indians Iu 170.1, the entire
c puny Is'Iiik driven over tho ellll to
death on tho rocks l-low.
Almost directly across from hero on the
I'aiiaillan side Is the (lion, a space of a f
acres Interveiilnu tho river anil declivity of
tho tfoive, In w hlch Is a dense tirowlh or
ovoru reti lis liesllluK amoiiK them wi re tho
rmvilllons iLiid suiinuor househ.
Naturo has hero ls-en so luxurious In Its
dlHtrlbuliiiii, that tho i Hon Is a favorite
i. lace for a pleasure resort especlallV for
HiitTalo, N lauma and oven Toronto. Kwas
told us that tho Ik ml from Toronto to Lew Is
ton carrli it 2.HIII tourists, at ouo tlmo w ho
count lo Ik) conveyed to .NiaKara Kails and
till ooluts of Interest.
(in Hut way up the ttortio a cloter view of
the ureal VA hli niHil Is had from tho car
and at ii turn In tho river tint Whirlpool
Itaplds slid lenly loom Into view, churiiluK,
foiiiiiluK. and tossliiK, and formlnK a scene
that holds one suclllxmud won aiiiii.oiiieut
It. I ml int Kin and aw.-. Alloc leavlntf Hot
rapldsand passluu the ureal railway brldues
the car beulus an easy ascent alonu the river
bank, and here the i lvoraud all Its Is aulles
sink Inio restful dimness. Near the top
mass of oat u rnl stone format Ion Is passed
and once more wo win-within the city of
N latiaia halls. N . V. Our trip consumed
nliuosl tho entire day, bi lnulnu us to rea
lize that we were compensated l yiud our
c x pcctnl Ion. All this 1 1 n Hi i nl phenoni
eiial ui'anduro tint lcnuty In a measure stir
i fias-i-s all Hie inairulilcence or the metropo
lis which we will descillst next week
"The Dank that ALWAYS treats
Hank, of Dakota. County
AIhiijs the Oldest Bank in tho County.
Sometimes tho largest bank in tho county.
Trl-s to lt the 1 1 EST Bank in th U. S. A.
And "ALWAYS hungry for MORE business."
Oetting it, too every wnek. Just closed Uje largest year of
twenty-five good ones. Try this good batik for a sample month,
and if we doat treat you better than yon have ever been treated be
fore drop us, like a hot coal.
That's tho way we gain and keep new customers.
"The bank that
hot StUffl
Cast Iron Tank Heaters
not crack, has no seams to leak and will last a
Moisture evaporates through smoke pin.' and
sparks of fire.
Positively guaranteed
I J very owner of a stock tank should own one of these
Tank Heaters Price $7.00.
Sold and Guaranteed by
Edwards & BradfoitLuiiikr Co.
Dakota City, Neb.
t nop
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees tho accuracy of every
Abstract I make
Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers
Book on patents. '"Hints to Inventors." "Inventions needed."
Why some inventors fail."
search of Patent Office records.
Acting Commissioner of Patents,
the U, S. Patent Office.
see: tee whole west.
Vou Should Not Fail to Visit the
Western ' Laid
Omaha, Jan. 18-28, 1911
A great educational Land Show of farm and orchard pro-
, . r . .t
dllCtS lrOltieVLTy State 111 tllC WCSt
It will be an actual and autheutic demonstration of what
can be grown, the cost,of production, the financial returns and
the favorable conditions under
interested parties can obtain practical and accurate information.
Variety Of Crop.-. Com, wheat,
Beets, Alfalfa, roragc Crops,
Bui'lilljltoil Territory will be
vS Look for them.
iiJT )."''. '.'-.'' n
Jh J Vy.'& ' sr"l it 1,11
s, Kk)ffeci 31 1
This Vi-xn. Coucord Harness No. 70
no collars $31
Our No. 179, lK-in. Concord, with
flat backs, a better job $35
V.l-4 ?ik50
ALWAYS treats you RIGHT
mr. a.. agMsMjgaaaniiiiiai'iij raRstanwwsa
kills . -t it
not to float.
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co.
Bonded Abstracter
Send rough sketch or model for
Our Mr. Greeley was formerly.
and as such had full charge.of
Products Exhibit
which crops are produced, so that
Oats, Barley, Potatoes, Sugar
Apples, and all small Fruits.
well represented with exhibits.
ft emmm
D. Clkm Dkaykk, Gen Agt
Land Hcekcrs Information Bureau,
1001 Farnuiu fcHrcot, Otuaba, Nebr.
ail Pearl St
Sioux City