Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 30, 1910, Image 5

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'u00n -a 'H3V3M "M 1H
) tnetanit tqi aaerc&iaeaa
jtA Jsuw JnjM
pee tef tnajd ra e peeeoa'i
tSujds eui$-oidn$
unjjcjiucs u09U"
Made to kalis New Baalaraa. A trial Will
make you our permanent cuilomer.
Prize Collection sM! !' it-
11 tbe ftnairt Taraia, T tplentLd : Oaiaa, a beat Tarle-
t r - ii it HNi 1J I IMI 1 tHWM.
1 1
ueei iwepnvaowri ' v. Ta.neue in au.
Write to-day; Mention thin Paper.
V teeoaar eotwn paeilntua mm tale Talaakle
i collection of Herd aoatnald, tofatbar with m bit
1 1 InatraetlT. Heantlrul Hmd and Plant Hook, 1
(aaiaaja"" -ww. m oa oi ommna, riaDU, aie. j
1 cMna
' ' i Tradk Mark.
iv & t . Designs
'VM Copyrights Ac.
Anrona ei1ing a akef rh and description
quirk ly aareriRin our opinion freewtiHhpr u
Invention ts prohnhly patent nhtn. Communlm
lions strictly ftutirtttentlfil. HANDBOOK on I'atenu
tent frn. (iMflr t fluency fur SHcurmir patents.
Pntpntfl laten through Muim A Co. receive
tnrcial notice, without chnr.ro. lu tbe
Scienitfec American.
A liandsomolf 11 lust rut d wppklf. I,nnret clr.
rulatiott uf any etent.tln Journal. Terms. t'A
ypnr: four month., L, bold by all newsripalera
?!UNN&Co.3C'B- New York
Xhe II ere. Id. txnd
T-New I Jea Magazine $1 30
Sionx City Daily and Sunday
Journal 5 00
without Sunday 4 20
to rural route patrons.. 3 50
-Kaunas Citj Weekly Star. .. . 1 15
"low a Homestead 1 50
r- Poultry Gazette (Lincoln) ... . 1 10
Woman's World 1 15
Lafoltette's Magazine, weekly . 1 60
Hampton's " 1 75
Lippincott's " 2 75
T7'. 1. II. I. m
...iun irom every western state,
What is Brown aud how to tfrow it.
....sauoH aiiu ary farming methods.
showing how to raise more corn
i,?K7T 1Ia ana potatoes. Good roads ex
niDlt ansi lectures how to prevent hog chol
muvjug pictures and illustrated
,67u music and clean entertainment
mission 25 cents.
f Come to ihe Omaha Land
DAKoTc.Tv.N... Lawyers
duuui'q : Aosiracier
Prize Offers from.Leading Manufacturers
Book on patents. "Hints tolnventors." "Inventions needed."
"Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for
search of Patent Office records. Our.Mr. Greeley was formerly.
Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge.of
the U. S. Patent Office.
Washington. D. C.
Patronize Home Industry buy your meats of
Proprietor of
CJiy Meat Msxrlkct
Fresli and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hide? and Pelts
Agent for Sey mom's White Laundry. Basket goes on
Tuesdays and comes hack Saturdays
mo ji ;
Local Items
Friday, Dec. 30, 1910
We have sewing machine needles
and scbnttles to fit any sewing ma
chine. Yon will also find good line
of hardware, graniteware and tinware
at right prices, at Schriever Bros.
Frnit of all kinds at Van de Zedde'a.
Grace Hamilton eame home last
week from her Holt county homestead.
School supplies and the latest school
books always on hand, at the Dakota
City Pharmacy.
Remember, the Dakota City Phar
macy carries a complete line of New
Year post cards and sells them too.
Expert prescription work, and a
complete pharmaceutical stock, are
the two requisites always found at the
Dakota City Pharmacy.
Robert L Cheney oame down last
week from his ranch near Hardingrove,
8 D, to be with his father, Wm Che
ney, who is seriously ill.
Frank Melian and wife came down
from Ponoa to spend Xmaa at the J P
Rockwell home. Mrs Mehan remain
ed for a week's visit with her parents.
Howard Rockwell has accepted a
position as stenographer and book
keeper at the Sioux City stock yards
and will begin work the first of the
B C Bachannan, formerly station
agent at Coburn, took charge of tbe
station in this place Wednesday. Re
lief Agent R Poole takes a position
as night operator at Emesron.
George J Boucher and family of
South Sioux City, were Sunday guests
at the Luther ileikes home. Little
Francis was taken quite sick and Mrs
Boucher remained until Tuesday be
fore returning home.
The Consumers Ioe Co started a
small gang at work at their plant at
Crystal Lake Tuesday morning. The
ioe in now nearly a foot thick and of
excellent quality. Another week of
winter weather and a full crew will be
put to work.
A sprained ankle will usually dis
able the iujured person for three or
four weeks. This is due to lack of
proper treatment. When Chamber
lain's Linement is applied a cure may
be effeeted in three or four days. This
linement is one of the best and most
remarkable preparations in use. Sold
by all druggists.
The bunch of "signors" from Omaha
billed to give a concert and dance in
the hall here last Friday evening, evi
dently got cold feet when they saw
the size of the crowd that assembled
to hear them (about 24 people), for
they called tbe show off and shoulder
ed their instruments and took the car
for Sioux City.
An item reproduced in the Sioux
City Journal from its files of Dec 26,
1890, says: "Mr and Mrs Royce of
Dakota City, skated into a hole in the
ice on the lake near that place tbe
other day and were rescued with much
difficulty." Mr Royce will be remem
bered as a former depot agent for tbe
Omaha in this place.
4- t'i .irJ
f: i 4... r- s !l myri
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iov. z.
:jf :. t Ht :
: msmmm
1 1 I
Fresh country butter 30e per ponnd
at A Christiansen's.
Julius Quintal has been quite nick
this week with stomach trouble.
Blanche Africa was over from Sioux
City last Friday night visiting friends.
Will Phillips came np from Ban
croft last Friday to visit over the holi
days. Sam Bouton was down from Norfolk
conple of days last week visiting old
For good soap at a low prioe, noth
ing beats Palmer's. The Dakota City
Barney Gribble spent s few days
last week with relatives st Sergeant
Bluff, Iowa.
D H Hager began work this week
putting a new roof on the Salem Luth
eran church.
Tbe baby of R O Hlleman and wife
has been quite sick tbe past week with
bowel trouble.
Joy Bouton came down from Nor
folk Monday to spend the holiday
week with friends.
Don't forget to write it "1911" after
Suuday, on that check for yo .r sub
scription to Tbe Herald.
If you haven't got time to do your
own shopping oali up No 1. and be
will deliver the goods promptly.
All ranges left on hand will be sold
at 5 per cent discount, if taken at once
Fred Schriever & Co.
Tbe W il & F M society of the
Lutheran church will meet with Mrs
J N Hamilton Thursday, Jan 5th.
Harry E Brown and wife celebrat
ed their teuth wedding anniversary
Tuesday evening, December 27th.
Don't forget the coffee with tbe dish
es at Van de Zedde's he has 9 nice
assortment. A nice uisb with each
George Carter and family of Omaha,
aud Homer Skoen and wife of Cody,
were over Christmas visitors at the M
O Ay res home.
A marriage license was issued by
Judge Ueffernan Thursday morning to
Geo M Molstead and Ella M. Ellesaon,
both of Sioux City.
R E Viucent returned last week to
his borne at Gentry, Ark. Tbe Herald
will keep him posted on the happen
ings of Dakota county.
Alfalfa wanted we are paying $10
a ton for good alfalfa hay, Can use
damiiged bay also. See D L Fuir
bank, South Sioux City.
George Trumbull of South Sioux
City aud Lillian Eastern of Sioux City,
were issued a marriage license in the
latter place last Saturday.
Postmaster L Kryger and D L Fair
banks of South Sioux City, transacted
businens here Wednesday and were
callers ut the Herald headquarters.
Galt'U llatheway has disposed of
his agency for the Watkins remedies
to E tj Scbaub of Homer, aud will
move 0.1 to the Henry Fisher farm in
the skiing.
J S oosiassen, a former principal of
our schools, but now a student at the
state university at Madison, Wis, is
spending tbe holiday vacation with
friends iieie.
Geo Sheibley is helping on the 00 n
binatiou bridge again while Sam Jen
kins is superintending the repair work
which is being done on the Nebraska
approach of the bridge.
If you want to "keep a few bogs" on
your farm a day with the swine breed
ers of Nebraska may be time well
spent. Meeting January 18, 1911, all
day at tbe University Farm, Lincoln.
Henry llolbrook of Ludlow, S D,
spent a few days here the past week
at the home of his daughter, Mrs S W
Foltz. He says that Herman Was
muud aud Merviu Dewitt are holding
out at Ludlow.
liufus W Johnson and Genevieve
Hughes, of Bronson, Iowa, were mar
ried by Judge Heffernan lastThurs
day. Ed Gibbs and Nellie Ferdig,
both of Sioux City, were married by
tbe judge the same day.
You may not know it, but S A Stiu-
son bus piles of goods saved from tbe
recent fire that he is selling at about
half price. There are some excellent
bargains in dry goods and shoes thut
you cannot afford to miss.
The peculiar properties of Chamber
Iain's Cough Romedv have been thor
oughly tested during epidemics ot iu
iluenza, and wnen it wus taken in time
we have not heard of a single case of
pneumonia. Hold by all druggists.
Miss Margaret Nicklin of Center-
ville, S D, and Edward Leash of Yol-
ln, n L, teachers in the public schools
at their respective homes, are spend
ing their holiday vacation at the hom
f the former s sister, Mrs Frank B
The greatest danger from influenza
is of its resulting in pneumonia. This
can be obviated by using Claim ber-
luin's Cough remedy, as it not only
cures influenza, but counteracts any
tendency of the disease towards pneu
mouia. Sold by all druggists.
Mrs Nevada Lattin, with her little
grandson Gerald Wilson, returned last
Thursday evening from a couple of
mouths visit at Anaheim, Cal, with
Mrs Lattin's brother, Levi Yeoman
Mrs Liatlin says that California is no
plaoe for s poor person.
Let me kiss those . tears away, he
begged tenderly. She fell into his
arms, and be was busy for tbe next few
minutes. And yet the tears flowed on.
Can nothing stop them?" he asked,
breathlessly sad. "No," she muttered,
"it is uay lever, you know, but go on
with the treatment.
Twenty years ago tbe people of our
country ate in one year one bog for
every person . Ten years ago six
seveuttis 01 a ling, and last year one
half of one bog per capita. With rapid
lv increasing population of the Uu'ted
States, is uu over production of pork
probable for some time to come? The
swine breeilt rs program ut the Organ
ized Agiiciilturul meetings, January
18, l'Jll, ut Lincoln, will be exception
ally strong this year.
Dr C II Maxwell's horse took fright
11111I dumped him out 011 one of his
trips to the country Monday evening.
One wheel of his bugy wus biitlly
hiuuhIk iI. The bu'gy was li ft stand
ing by the roaMsule that t,u;iit in l
when Ilarrv mid Lena (Minever were
dlivn.g pai-t it their tenia became
frightened and run away throwing
tlieui both out and injuring Miss (M
meyer quite turioUbly.
Real estate loans. Geo Wilkins.
Fresh eggs at A Christiansen's, 0;)o
per dozen.
Mrs Martha Adair has been quite
sick this week.
For sale, good millet and alfalfa
hay John B Evans.
Mrs Fred Iteerman is laid up with a
bad case of bronchitis.
Bruon's coffee is still in tho lead.
Van de Zedde sells it.
Buy a good farm pn the Dakota
oouoty bottom. I have it. Eimers.
Prof Chicoine and wife are spending
tbe week witb relatives at Jefferson,
F A Wood went to Kansas City last
Saturday to spend Christmas witb
Anything wanted in the bakery line,
please order it tbe day before at Van
de Zedde's.
Don Forbes came in from Ballagh,
Neb, Sunday on a business trip and to
visit relatives and friends for a week.
John F Sides, deputy U 8 marshal,
returned Wednesday from s week's
trip through the western part of the
state on official business.
Miss Nellie Orr, of College View,
Neb, is visiting her undo, RB Orr.
She is the daughter of Rev Orr, a for
mer M E pastor in this place.
If it is A 1 grooeries you want, just
glance over Van de Zedde's stock. He
will sell just as obeap as poxsible, and
be handles nothing but first class
Mr and Mrs Edwin Moren have re
turned from their trip to Omaha and
next week will go to housekeeping a'
Wynot, Neb, from which place Mr
Moren runs as conductor ou the branch
of the Omaha road.
Many persons find themselves affect
ed with a persistent cough after au at
tack of influenza. As this can be
promptly cured by the use of Cham
berlain s Cough Remedy, it should not
be allowed to run ou uutil it becomes
troublesome. Sold by all druggists.
Judge R E Evans went to Omaha
Tuesday to preside as referee in the
ouster trial instituted by Gov Shallen-
berger against chief of Police Jobn J
Donahue. The trial is on tbe charge
that the chief has failed to enforce
the 8 o'clock closing and other laws,
and the taking of testimony iu the case
Villi occupy several days. The report
of t he fiudiugs and facts will be sub
mitted to the supreme court.
If you are suffering from biliousness,
constipulation, indigestion, chronic
headache, invest one cent in a postal
card, send to Chamberlain Medicine
Co, J)es Moines, Iowa, with your name
and address plainly on the back, and
they will forward you a free sample of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. Sold by all druggists.
We pay the highest market price
for hair combings. Send us yours by
mail, or let us make up your combings
into a switch or puffs. Barry & Barry,
506 Fourth st, Sioux City, Iowa.
The sixth public meetliiK of the Dakota
County Homcmnkers Club w ill be held in
lmkotu City at i p in, Friday Decemheranth,
In the homo of Mrs S A HUHHOn. All are
cordially invited to attend. The followliiK
program will le given:
KendlnK of Minutes.
Roll Call Responses. A humorous wiylng
or memory Keiu,
Instrumental music Miss Margaret Holer
".System in Housework" iMscusslou led
by Mrs HA Htlnson.
Is the Breud-kneader a success? Mrs Geo
Vocal Kolo Miss Lulu Hindi.
Select Reading Mrs (J 11 Bryant.
DIkcunxIoii, "Helps for Hlue Monday"
Lei by Mrs J K Sides, discussed by Mrs
Mell A Sclimled.
llf-cltatlon Ruby IMerklnn.
Life Sketch of Florence Nlglilngale Mrs
S A Mason
Vocal Solo Miss Kll.ubltli Konls.
Recipe for Mince pie Mrs(tco Miller.
Select Reading M rs It Udrlbble.
FoimI Suitable for the Winter Season
M rs li () Stlnson.
Recitation lr Nina R Smith.
I list ru mental M uslc M i s Martini Murphy
Current Kvents Mrs Mary It Mr Heath.
TlioughlN on the Holiday Season M is J
Select Reading Mrs J P Rockwell.
Vocal laiett )r Nina It Smith and Mrs
Marvin Armour.
Maky M Kkampkk, Jimki'HINK Stinson.
, 1'ren. Ser,
. All persons that have un interest in
the Taylor cemetery are leqtlested to
be present at the Salem English Luth
eran church January 2, 1911, at 1 p m,
for the purpose of appointing a sexton
and a treasurer lor the cemetery tor a
term of three years, If anybody has
matters to present, or wishes to have
some improvements made they can
present it nnd tbe matter w ill be taken
up and considered.
Fiikd Bahtelh.
District Court Dates
For the Eighth Judicial district
Nebraska, for the year 11)11:
Cuming .lanuary :m, Seiitemlier 11
Imkota February 1:1, Septembers)
Stanton March , tlctolier tt
t'edar Marrh 111. NovemlsT 1:1
IUxoii Marrh 27. Iieccinlicr
Thurston April iu, iicIoImt ID
The II rst clay of each tenuis set for heur
lug applications forcltleuslilp papers.
(luy T (Haves, Judge.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
rirxuB & Slaughter Oo.
Thio E Blivkn, Manager,
Dakota Gity, Neb.
Rev. W. K. Warren, Pastor.
Services at the Methodist Kplsropal
church every Sunday us follows: Preach
ing at 11 u m: Sunday school at Ma in; class
meeting 12 m; Kp worth League 7 p m;
preaching 8 p in.
Rev. 8. L. Keller. Paxtor. -
Sunday school every Sunday at :4i u m;
KltaU'th S. Ilaasr, HupciiuiKiidcnt.
preitchlng al 7:itn p iu. every Sunday.
Preaching every Sundav at 11am:
. cm
day hdiool promptly at lu u III. K. I
lie rt sun. Mope rlnlentlent.
The public Ix cordially Invited to all these
He I" V Ices.
R R Time Table
c, st. p., M.a o.
Trains leave Dukota City at the fol
lowing time :
G:'2." pin Omaha 7 ;.r8 urn
10:li:) urn Omuhu 1 .03 urn
It :l!H pm Norfolk . . ,
.8:2 Hum
'.I -2H am Norfolk
. 4:5:1 pm
.10:18 am
7 ;.'IH am. .
1:15 pm .
;t::SH pm .
9-.2H urn.,
. .Newcastle,.
" 5:5'.) pru
hl'NKAY TlUlNn.
Omaha 2 :'!) am
...Norfolk H :2ii urn
. . . Norfolk 4 :5:i i lu
San Francisco Outclasses Kev
Orleans In Every Respect.
The great tight that ts betng waged
between San Francisco and New Or
leans for the honor of celebrating Mm
completion of ths Panama canal ts
attracting ths Attention of tbs entire
country. Ths fight ts no lonxsr a
contest between ths two cities, but be
tween California and Louisiana, the
legislatures of which have each au
thorised state tax to ralss funds
In aid of ths proposed international
In financial standing California Is
so far ahead of Louisiana that Its
superior ability to finance the fair
must be conceded, and If ths question
of selecting a site for ths exposition
were to be decided on basis of the
relative wealth of the contestants,
congress would have no option, but
would be forced to award the coveted
honor to San Francisco.
To the unprejudiced observer it Is
difficult to see wherein New Orleans
has any legitimate claim to recogni
tion as the logical point for the ex
position, aside from the mere fact
that it Is located nearer to the center
of population. In beauty of surround
ings, climatic advantages, ability to
handle the hundreds of thousands of
prospective visitors, general progres
sive spirit of Its people and record
of achievement, San Francisco stands
head and shoulders above Its rival.
According to ths report of the na
tional monetary commission on April
28, 1909, the population of California
was 1,732,000. and that of Louisiana
1,642,000, while In the amount of sav
ings deposits California ranked
fourth among the states of the Union
and Louisiana twenty-fourth, the ex
act figures being as follows
California $2S1. 218,437 2S
Louisiana Z1.SB6.28S 90
C:illf.irnlo had B2B.4SS depositors, aver
aging 1585.00; Louisiana 1G1.8H, averag
ing 264.00.
Tho total resources as repreena in
bunk riposlta were:- California, 1842,
96t.ss0.00; nvernge per capita 1486.70.
LoulsUrn, 1158. 642. 602.00; average per
capita, 136 61.
The following figures are taken
from the report of the repcrfs of the
California comptroller of currency:
San Frenrtaro Total aavlnprs deposits,
tl53.7n2.lSS.05; total Individual deposits,
$213.927, 437. 47: averago, $740.00.
New Orlenna Total vlns
tt6.K56.7S". 49; total Individual
142.979.077.18: average 1300.00.
Inrrense in resources of
bunks, year 1909-1910: Ban Fraocleco,
$103,620,828.96; New Orleans, 12, 370.226. 74.
In the face of such a showing New
Orleans and Louisiana do not appear
to be in the same class with San
Francisco and California, financially.
And California Is as much superior
to Louisiana In every other respect
as she Is financially, Just as San
Francisco Is Immeasurably superior
to New Orleans In all that goes to
make a great and beautiful city.
San Francisco is the ideal hlte for
the Panama-Pacific International ex
position in 1915. Let congress make
no mistake.
City Already Struggling Under an
Indebtedness of $40,916,913.13.
New Orleans Is far from being a
unit in favor of the proposed ktate
tax to raise a fund of $6,500,000 In
aid of
the World's Panama eiposl-
New Orleans Taxpayers' Pro
UBSoclation has adopted a
resolution, which Is being
distributed In the form of a
circular letter, advising Its members
to opposa the levy, principally on the
ground that the city Is already taxed
and bonded to tbe limit of endurance
and that the taxpayers are not able
to bear the additional burden.
The letter quotes ths comptrcller's
report of Dec. 31, 190$, to prove that
the present bonded debt of the city
is $:!2,!)2 1,040, on which ths annual
interest amounts to J97B.740. In ad
dition to this the water and sewerage
board is attempting to sell $7,000,000
of bonds, hearing interest at 4
per cent and the unpaid ordinances
and unfinished contracts for paving
amount to $343,168.33 and $852,709.80
respectively, bringing the total In
debtedness of the city up to the enor
mous sum of $40,716,918.13.
To tbe above must be added more
than $5,000,000, which must bs paid
by the city on state bonds now due;
the courthouse commission carries a
debt of $750,000, the dock board
$3,000,000, and ths levse board
Continuing, ths letter says: "Re
member, also, that If ths city of New
Orleans succeeds In selling ber
$7,000,000 of bonds, ths water and
sewerage board will compel every
property bolder, to ths number of 66,
000, to put In ths sewerage and
waterworks In their premises at a
cost of not less than $260 per resi
dence, thus making tbe enormous
cut. of $16,000,000.
"Where Is all this money to come
"The taxpayers feel that tho Inter
est on the outstanding Indebtedness
Is now over $1,400,000 and will at
rv.rb all tbe revenue If tbe debt Is
pcrtnltttd to accumulate.
Remaining in the pestollli-e at Imkota
Neb., for Ihe month ending lire. Ill, I'.iln;
It O lliadford liotllch MHyo-
Nellie r.iiuibaugh N K Robins'
eorie 4 alliihan Itoliiml s , Jf
( A KIiik
I'hiu Hcirsr
I'lirtleH CUllIll
for the alioa
......a-e Miy
",tderll,i d
Ion v II.
1 v. a m .
" llinnt
Katie It 1 1' Ileum II Io.Iimi !i II ' llou
llell, v,-1 , , , ii 1 1. 1 u 1 i .--e1., -it' ' t".Mt,
nnd iiw't .'li-.'iij;, iin, - i -'-
.".t-'i, ninl (hi i t ol lie1 , tl-i'ii r, . . . f. . j.... $
Kmnia K Wolfnnil M I. W-.ll In II W
U nil. lol S lu I, l( 7, ,, Mihlllliiu I,,
Sou I Ii hum a (ily
Minnie (' Kuilh y mid (' i Smiley to
l.onl- ,leei. Ini. l.iaud H in blk i.oi Ik
inal ila I to sou ill Kiou Hy
If You Qot Sick
or had a bad accident How About Yoiir Last
Summer's Wages?
If it is saved (as it should be) and in the bank, then
you can Lungu at Misfortune.
Just think ahead, to the rainy day that is bound to
come to all the old age creeping on apace the
decreasing earning ability and the increasing spend
ing needs and Start thut Bank Account Toddy.
We pay 4 interest on time deposits, and keep your
money Absolutely Safe:
"The Hank that ALWAYS treats
Bara.lt of Dakota County
"N For
riorum or uva lit y
tw CMipUtf
Ltopwiooti'i n popMfi
font il Vm ydta!
otMtf tfwrliefifttt
ftavtrtnl tfomrti k
1 2 GREAT COMPLETE NOVELS one In each issue.
50 TIMELY ARTICLES by competent writers.
75 SnORT STORIES clever, clean-cut, and vital.
50 PLEASING POEMS that need no interpreter.
Wine," tbe most widely quoted humor section in America.
2000 pages yearly of exhilarating reading.
28 eenta per copy 12.50 a year
Send all orders to this paper or to
e.h.u.i084. LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE pwuedphu. r.
Cast Iron Tank Heaters
Will not crack, has no seams to leak and will last a life
time. Moisture evaporates through smoke pipe and kills
live sparks of fire.
Positively guaranteed not to float.
Every owner of a stock tank should own one of these
Tank Heaters Price $7.00.
Sold and Guaranteed by
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Dakota. City, Nb.
TKat will Make You RicK
The greatest combination of
rapidly developing, is to be found along the Burlington Route in
the vicinity of
Sleridet.re Wyoming,
HardiiY and Oillings, Mont.,
a d in the Big Horn. Btxsin
where large, deeded, alfalfa ranches that have made million
aires of the owners, are being divided into small farm, and
where Government irrigated homestead and Cary Act Lands
are available.
A Wonderfully Rich Country:
farm within a radius of a few miles of excellent coal, natural
gas, illuminating oil, building materials, fast growing towns
that have varied industries,
'ersonally Conducted Excursions: On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays
I personally conduct landseekers' excursions to see these lands.
i. . -
If""""1"1 ai.aMaaHiawaaMiiMawBMai aaaaacM
This lja-in. Coucord Harness No. 70
no collars $31
Our No. 171), 1-in. Concord, with
flat backs, abetter job $35
Strcs Bros. 4i!.5 a "
you RIGHT" U
(X JevoUaiora )i
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