Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 09, 1910, Image 5

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    A S
All Cakes,
Biscuits, Hot Breads
More Tasty, Economical,
Absolutely Healthful
l. IT"
G6e Her ex. Id. and
New Idea Mngnzioe $1 30
Sioni City Daily and SuDday
Journal 5 00
without Sunday 4 20
to rural route patrons 3 50
K'lneas City Weekly Star. .. . 1 15
Iowa TToniestead 1 50
Poultry Gazette (Lincoln) ... . 1 10
Woman's World 1 15
Lafollctto's Magazine, weekly . 1 60 I
Hampton's " 1 75
Lippincott's " 2 75
Local Items
Friday, Dec. 9, 1910
We have sewing machine needles
and sehuttles to tit any seniug ma
chine. You will also find a good lino
of hardware, graniteware and tinware
at right prices, at Schriever Bros.
R R Time Table
C, St. P.. M. A O.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
lowing time :
South bodnd. south bound.
6:25 pm Omaha 7:58 am
10:03 am Omaha 4.53 pm
3 :38 pm . . . ; . . .Norfolk 8:23 am
9:28 am Norfolk 4:53 pm
7 :38 aui Newcastle 10 :18 am
1:15 pm " ..5:50 pm
12:13pm Omaha 2:30 am
3:38 pm ...... Norfolk 8 :23 am
9:28 am Norfolk 4:53 pm
No. 91 Local Freight1 7:15 am
17 " Passenger4 .12:47 pm
No. 92 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
16 Local Passenger. .6 :1'7 pm
daily. daily except Sunday.
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpha-Saline Springs
Located on our own premises and ued
iu the
Natural Mineral Water
Unsurpassed Id tus treatment of
Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver
MsdcrsM Charges. Address
DR. 0. W. EVERETT, Mgr.. Lincoln, l(b.
il experience;
"- I
.;; TRADE WlARnr
rt i i fN .COPYRIGHTS &C.
Anrnne fining a sketch and dnscrlptlnn
eiil klT innerlum our opinion I ree w lii hit an
invention la prohably piUontiihln oninmnloa-tioniiliily!-onn,lontlal.
sunt free. ollmt aunnry for wuriiig ualenta.
I'nteius timcii tlirouuh Munn & Co. receive
snrrlul not ire, without chnnro. In the
Scientific flitiericati.
A hnnrtnomdy llliiftrnted weekly. I .areeet elr
dilution of nny a. iuiitlUn Journal. 'I i-rnia. .t
vnr: tour inontUs.tL Sold by all newhrtHalera
,TON&Co.3C,Bw"'' New York
Frank Iluase wuh down from Emer
son over Hundny.
Don't forget the lig Xnius aud New
Yenr post card display, now on, at the
Dakota City Pharmacy.
Mrs F II Forest and son Frank, jr.
spent a few days this week at Moville,
Iowa, with Mrs Forest's purents.
Van is giving away a dandy dish of
your own choice with every package
of coffee you buy. The dish is worth
the money.
Mrs John Nunn, of Winnebago, was
an over night visitor here at the
Ashley Londrosh home Monday, while
enroute to Pender on business.
Wm Best was a visitor here Tues
day, while enroute to Homer from Em
erson, having resigned his position
with the Emerson Merchandise Co.
T J O'Connor of Homer, is rapidly
recovering from a bad case of blood
poisoning on one of his hands. For a
a time it was thought he would lose
his arm.
Frauk Orr and wife came down from
Winside, Neb, last Thursday, where
they hud been spending a few weeks
with Mrs It 15 Orr, who is assisting
her daughter in the telephone oilice.
Bmuey Grilible returned lust Fri
day from Meadow Grove, Neb, where
he spent a week at the Joe Jackson
home. He says Mr Jackson lias been
seriously ill with ulcers of the stomach,
but is improving slowly.
The greatest danger from iniluenzu
is of its resulting in pneumonia. This
can be obviated by using Chamber
luiu's Cough remedy, us it not only
cures iijihi'-nza, but counteracts uny
tendency of the disease towards pneu
monia. Sold by all druggists.
Mrs Will Iliizlegrovi! left Monday
for her home at Goodiicli, X D, after
u week's visit with friends and rela
tives iu Salem snd South Sioux City.
She only recently returned lrom a
trip to Arizona where she went to vis
it her father, Leonard Bates, who hus
been seiiously ill.
Crystal lake lias frozen over iu line
tdiape this year and manv are enjoying
the excellent skating there. The Foye
electric line did a big business Sunday
hauling skaters from the end of the
traction line to the lake. There were
nearly as many skaters on the lake
Sunday as there were bathers iu the
good old summer days.
The Modern Brotherhood lodge of
this place elected the following list of
nflieiira at the regular neetiug Thurs
day eveuing of last week : President,
Mrs Ida Yeits; vice preside,ut, Her
man Biermann : f ecretarv and treasur
er. S A Stinson: conductor, Chris
Paulson: chaplain, Agnes Hartranft;
watchman. WmLabrs; sentry, Julius
Giese; member of auditing conituitU'e,
George I Miller; physician, l V SUn
Cast Iron Tank Heaters
Will not crack, has no seams to leak and will last a life
time. Moisture evaporates through smoke pipe and kills
live sparks of fire.
Positively guaranteed not to float.
Every owner of a stock tank should own one of these
Tank Heaters Trice $7.00.
Sold and Guaranteed by
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Dakota. City, Nb
Chas niserote returned to his claim
near Oolome, 8 1), last week.
Bay a good farm on the Dakota
county bottom. I have it. Eimers
A few more days of this kind of
weather and theioo harvest will begin
I want to sell my sorrel team of
horses, ages 5 and G years, S A Stin
John L Nixon of Homer, was here
on business last Friday, and also in
Sioux City.
The 120 acre farm of W I Hazle
grove was Bold the past week to B M
Bosls for $16,000.
All ranges left on hand will be sold
at 5 per rent discount, if taken at once
B'red Schriever & Co.
A poor cuss from Walthill, the worse
for liquor, was given a bed in the
county jail Tuesday night.
Mrs Wm Adair wont to Wayne last
Friday to spend a week with her
daughter, Mrs 0 L Culler.
Ed Easton was home from Water
bury over Sunday. He is still with a
gang of telephone linemen.
If you haven t got time to do your
own shopping call up No 1. and he
will deliver the goods promptly.
John II Gribble expects to leave iu
a few weeks on a prospecting tour in
Oregon and other western states.
Sheriff Kockwell was laid up with a
severe cold several days the past wetk,
threatened with a touch of the grip.
What equals a post card album for
a moderate priced Xmasgift? See the
display ac the Dakota City Pharmacy .
Wendol F Pauly of Sioux City, and
Marie Mower of Leeds, Iowa, were
married by Justice D C Stinson Sun
day. With a "Post Card Calander" you
can give your triond 3G5 remember
ances. The Dakota City Pharmacy
sells them.
Anyone wishing a now phonograph
of the latest style for only $17.60 can
get one by leaving their order with
Van de Zedde.
Have you bought our Christmas
present yet? If not, just send iu a
dollar or two ou your subscription and
we ill be satisfied .
Emmett nileman has moved into
the Ernest Triggs ho ise, and F G
Stiiniird I as moved into the house va
cated by Geo Pranger.
For u long Xii'iis remembrance noth
ing bents a nifty bottle of perfume,
such as the Dakota City Pharmacy
now has on display.
Mrs Louis Larsen went to Soldier,
Iowa, Tuesday for a two weeks visit
ith relatives, and Louie is pretond
ing lo et joy bachelor's life.
John Jierge.r went to Phillipsburg,
Kansas, Tuesday to look after business
matters pertaining to his father's
estate, and to visit his mother and
S A Stinson has the basement and
foundation of his burned store build
ing cleared away, aud is about ready
to begin on the construction of a new
Mrs Etnerett McKernan returned
Saturday from a two weeks visit at
the home ;f Iter daughter, Mrs John
Spi lei, at Lake City, Iowa. Doc is
on full feed r.gain.
J II Callionett of South Sioux City,
was in town Wednesday to tix up with
thd county treasurer. He informed
the Herald that he will move to Sioux
City to reside the coming week.
Xmas Photos made at the old reli
able Kezy Studio will please you.
Photos made iu ail sizes. Prices the
lowest. Have them made now. New
location 3rd and Jackson st, Sioux
The peculiar properties of Chamber
Iain's Cough ltemedy have beeu thor
oughly tested during epidemics of iu
tluenz i, and when it was taken iu time
we have not heard of a single case of
pnenniouiu. Sold ly all druggists.
Curl McAfee of Canton, Ohio, whs
married November '24 to Josephine
Harvey of that place. The groom vis
ited hero last summer at the D C
Stmson home, and made many fiieuds
who join the lit raid in extending congratulations.
Xmas Photos The placo to have
them made in latest styles and finishes
at money saving prices, and a hand
colored photo of yourself on 1911 cal
ander free at the De Lux Studio, 4 (Jo
Fourth street, next door to the 5o and
10c store, Sioux City.
nenry Lau of South Sioux City, was
brought here Monday by the authori
ties aud placed in charge of Sheriff
Kockwell. He was suffering with a
bud case of alcoholism, but after a few
days local treatment he recovered and
on Wednesday was permitted to go
A sprained ankle will usually dis
able the injured porson for three or
four weeks. This is due to lack of
proper treatment. When Chamber
Iain's Linemeut is applied a cure may
be effected in three or four days. This
liuement is one of the best and most
remarkable preparations in use. Sold
by all druggists.
The hearing in tho case of the State
vs Mrs Uattie Gilseu occupied the
time of Judge Heffoinau's Saturday
until 0 o'clock at night. Mrs Oilmen
was charged with assault with intent
to kill, by Mrs Gibson, a neighbor,
tho parties all living in Blyhurg.
After carefully weighing the evidence
the indue placed Mrs Gilsen under
$200 bonds to keep the peace.
Miss Julia Power, assistant priuci
pal iu our schools, met with a tenons
accident last Friday evening. While
coming down stairs at the school house
she missed her footiug in some manner
and fell the full length of the stairs
She struck on her face, breaking her
nose and badlr brusing her head, bo
sides suffering bruises on Lor body
"Tokens from a Pig Skin Trunk" is
the title of a lecture to be given by
John Hay KuhnB, at the Salem Luth
eran church on Friday evening, De
cember ICth, and in the Dakota City
Luthran church Saturday evening,
December 17th . Admission, adults,
'25o, children under 15 years 15o. In
this leolure there i'l unpacked before
the andienco a typical Chinese trunk
brought from the very heart of the
Empire and filled with curios gathered
iu Japan, China and Korea. As each
article is brought forth and explained
a novel and living interest is woven
Into the w hole nurative aud holds the
Attention throughout,
Real estate loans. Geo Wilkios.
F W Swingle of Sioux City was over
Wednesday looking after business
There will be regular meeting of
the Masonic lodge Saturday evening
of this ween.
D M Neiswanger returned last week
from Umaua where tie lias beeu serv
ing on the federal jury.
Lam on t 0 Burk and Clara Goff of
Salt Lake City were joined in mar
Huge Saturday by Judge Ueffernan,
Oeorge W Sheibley expects to leave
soon for Douglas, N D, to spend the
holidays at the home of his daughter,
Mrs T E Lovey.
Did you know that you ran buy
nearlv everything at S A 8 tin son's
Fire Sale at about half price? You
had better act quick.
Elmer Biermann has been quite sick
at the home of Sheriff and Mrs Kock
well, threatened with pneumonia,
lie is recovering nicely now.
If it is A 1 grooeries you want, just
glance over Van de Zedde's stock. He
will sell just as cheap as possible, and
he handles nothing but first class
George Kohlmeier of South Sioux
City, was in to see the Herald Monday
and changed the address on his paper
to Wakefield, Nebr, where h gos to
take a position with the Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co.
.Lost, strayed or stolen iroin my
place Thursday, October 27, 1910,
four red hogs. 1 big sow, weight
about 400 pounds; 3 slioats, two of
them sows and 1 barrow, weight about
150 to 175 pounds. Louis Dierking,
Dakota tiity, Nebr.
Many persons find themselves affeot-
ed with a persistent cough after an at
tack of inlluenza. As this can be
promptly cured by the use of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, it should not
be allowed to run on uutil it becomes
troublesome. Sold by all druggists.
Will J Hiloman arrived here Wed
nesday from Westhope, N D, to spend
the winter. He owns a fine farm iu
North Dakota, which he reuts, while
he works at the carpenter trade. He
aud his brothers Guy and t'lnt have
made good since going north.
If vou are suffering from biliousness.
coustipulation, indigestion, chrouio
headache, invest one cent in a posts 1
curd, send to Chamborlaiu Medicine
Co, Des Moines, Iowa, with your name
and address plainly ou the buck, and
they will forward you a free sample of
Chambei Iain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. Sold by all druggists.
per ct. Discount
On HI! Purchases TQade !iv Our
Store Durfix? December, 1910
This bijr rrencrous reduction is ottered in order to stimulate a desire in you to buy
practical presents for Christmas and for the purpose of saving money.
1ST Kor tlio ClirlMtnn Nlmpper
who will buy I'rnctlcnl Pie-enti
from our lain" atoek of Kurnlluie
and Carpets.
2ND-For the Nowly Weds who
are plniiriliiir to furnish two rooms
or nil entire house.
3RD Kor thf lfunhnriri or Wife who
l lltfiirlnn on tiny Inn omn very much
nevdrd new pieces of Kumlture or a
new Hun for the home.
The Regular Trice of all our goods is marked in plain figures Vou arc allowed 20 off.
Read the following list of Suggestions and you will see what 20 Per Cent Discount means.
lto4'kTM Oak and mahogany,
regular price $5.00, Discount $1 "0.
ltockrrM Oak and mahogany, reg
nlar price f 10, Discount
$2 00, cost to vou
I.oallirr Itiu'kcrM Regular price
$15 00, Discouutf 3.00
cost to you ,
Morris 'litiii-M Regular price,
12 50, Discount $2.50,
! co.4 to you
hor Itockors Hegubi
f 20.00, Diso.iuut H 00,
cost lo you
Turkish KiM'Krrs Ri gnlar pii
i50, Discount $10 00,
cost to you ,
piilni priei
gnlar pii.-e
Card TuMos Regular price $5,
Uisflonnt $1.00,
cost to you
Ladies IsUs Regular
$10 00, Discouut $'2,
COit to vou
Music Cabinets Regular price,
$8.00, Discouut $1. GO, TC f
in b e
co-t to von.
$12 00,
ost to
Cabinets- Regular
Discount $2.40 gQ
Library Tables Regular price,
$25, Di-coum $5, con on
cost to you 4U.UU
Pedestals Regular price. $3,
Discount 00c, Q Mf
cost to you HU
Pedestals Kcgular price. $8,
Discount fl.CO, frf An
cost to you 40. HU
Hujjs, IK 1 2 Regnlar price $28 50
Discount $5.70, t99 Dfl
cost to yru 4.0U
KnHfs, 1xll Regular price $40,
Discount $8.00, CQ9 nn
cost to you 4)JZ,UU
Carpet Sweepers Regular price
$J 50, Discount iUc,
cost to Vou..
Your opportunity to save
money is here,
on all orders
Take advantage of same,
of S5.00 or over.
Freight prepaid
Anderson Furniture Co.
(HW-OOS Fourth Street. Sioux City Iowa.
Ho well the duty of the chIM
Anil iiiiimIkhmI's tank Is well Ix'Kllil.
The report of each pupil is sent to
the parents every six weeks that they
may know what progress their child
ren are making. Do not think that
your duty is only to sign the report.
The parents if truly interested in the
welfare of their children can by co
operating with the pupils and teach
ers aid materially iu attaining the de
sired standard of work. Inspect each
report brought to you, if auy grade is
lower than 05 or tho average below 75,
inquire of the pupil the reason for the
delicioncy. Lack of application in
school ; lack of home study ; or lack of
thoroughness in some former grades
are the common reasons. You can do
a great deal by intelligent guidance to
overcome the first and second and the
third cannot exist if the first two arc
prevented, l'ut forih a judicious ef
fort to have your children do thorough
and eflieieut work thru-out their school
life aud u good deal of grief and dis
appointment will bo averted.
Last Friday Miss Power fell down
the high school stairs and sustained
several bruises aud a broken bone of
too linse,
Elmer Bioriian was taken seriously
ill ut school Monday aud pneumonia
was feared.
A. A Reed, stato iusector of high
schools, will pay us a visit some
time before Christmas. It is our hope
to have the Dakota (Jity school ac
credited the coming year.
The teachers are preparing a Christ
mas program.
The Nebraska State Teachers Asso
ciation was held at Lincoln November
23 '23. Dakota City was represented
bv l'rof Chicoiue. the Misses Tower
aud Robertson.
The Misses tiponoer, Jepperson and
Bui u us visited the Sioux City schools
Wednesday, Nov 23.
Altho it is cold and the playground
is sliopery, the boys persist in playing
The cold weather seems to have d&
stroved manv germs of laziness. The
pupils are now studying with a vim.
Some of our high sohool people ap
parentlyjthink there heads are sponges,
or that their is a royal road to learn'
ing, at least they do not study out oi
school but depend entirely upon the
absorbing process.
Frank Powell has enrolled in tho
5th grade this week.
Margaret Carroll Entertains Next
Following is one of tho many notices
Miss Carroll has secured :
Margaret D Yuill, Instructor in Co
lutnbia College of Expression, Chicago,
It gives me great pleasure to rucom1
mend Miss Margaret Carroll as a pub'
lie reader of unusual ability.
Miss Carroll has a most charming
personality and possesses that rare in
tuition and sympathy which enables
her to win her audienoo at once.
In addition to her oharm oi person
and manner, Miss Carroll has the
greater charm of a finely trained mind,
which makes it possible for her to
truly interpret the most subtle and
diflioult literature.
Miss Carroll exoells in Irish dialect.
She does not tell her audience about
the humor and pathos of the Irish peo
pie, but she lives through the expe
rieuces of the characters portrayed
aud they are presented us living reuli
Remember the date, Wednesday,
December 11th, ut the Lutheran
ohurch, under the auspices of the Da
kota Cemetery Association. Admis
sion, 35o, school children '25a,
It L Broyhill and wife leave today
to spend the wiuter with relatives in
Dalton and Bridgeport, Nebr.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasuiiuble prices.
Tflio E Blivkn, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
llev. W. H. Warren, l'nstor.
Services at. the Methodist Kplseopal
church every Sunday n.i follows: I'reneh
I UK tit 1 1 a ill : Sunday school at lo a 111 ; class
iiicxtlhtf I-' m: Kpwoith LciiKiiu 7 p in;
DieacliliiK S p in.
Ituv. S. 1.. Keller. Pastor.
Sutidiiv school every Sunday at :I5 a in ;
KllzalH-ili S. Haase, superintendent,
pieiiclilim nt 7:;i p in. every Sunday.
Prenchlnir every Sunday at 11 n in: Sun
day school promptly ul in a in. F. 1'. (Jul-hei-tson.
superintendent. '
The piihllc Is eordlully Invited to nil these
se ivlcis.
If You dot Sick
or had a bad accident How Abont Your Last
Summer's Wages?
If it is saved (as k should be) and in the bank, then
you can Luujili at Misfortune.
Just think ahead, to the rainy day that is bound to
come to all the old age creeping on apace the
decreasing earning ability and the increasing spend
ing needs and Start that Lank Account Today.
We pay 4 interest on time deposits, and keep your
money Absolutely Safe:
"The Bank
Oil nit of
that ALWAYS treats
Dakota. County
The Most Popular Book
1 ?
C,fr.j:it I
( ,(..
By The Most Pcpulsr Man
Gives In book form by Roosevelt's
own hand tho sole account of hit
African Hunt.
in every
City, Town and Village
to handlo
Colonel Roosevelt's
Great Boi
mil. A ........ & IIaui Vr..L
ioj ruin svviiuv - - " u
III tllO Sunny South: Kvery 1st and 3d Tuesday very low
homcscekers' excursion rates are in effect to the South with
2") day limits, and every day the winter tourist rates are in
effect with all winter limits.
To California: Daily excursion rates with attractive conditions,
limits, stop-over privileges, side trips, etc, are in effect. The
annual winter movement to southern California by thousands
of Americans who desire to escape the rigors of the North is
now under way.
Colorado: A two or three weeks sojourn in the winter climate
of Colorado is recommended by physicians as one of the best
up-buildiug tonics available. The great National Western
Stock Show is held at Denver, January 16-21.
The Burlington takes excellent care of you to California,
either in through standard or through tourist sleepers with con
ductors in charge, via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City.
Western Land Products Exhibits will be held in Omaha janu
ary 18-28. All western localities should be represented; all
farmers and prospective farmers should see this exhibit.
W. E. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
L. W. Wakklky, G P A, Omaha, Neb
1004 Farnam street.
Ladies! Sve Money and Keep b
Style by Reading McCall'i
Magazine and Using McCall Patterns
Mean's Mstssiitwin
help you lre.i styl
l.ildy st iniiitxraln
mpenso by keeping
you post ittl on tho
Intent fashions In
t'lolues mid lists. 60
Kvw Fashion IivsIkiis
In earh Issue. Also
fahuililK Information
on all homo a ml ior
sonal Inallurs. (ml;
boc a yuar. Including
a free pattern. Hull
wrllHi today or scud
jaEKBssaM for true sainnlo copy.
liiCall Patttras will onalih' ynil to imiko In your
own lioinu, with yoiirowu hands. clotliliiK for
lyuiirsi'lf anil i lulilri n wliit h will h IH rfcrt
in M In ami flu J'riri" wine higher than IS
t iniLi. hi-nd for frco I'uUrru ( aulok'nu. t
Will Cits Yos FiM Pnttato for rotting mill-M-rliiioiis
among your Irionils. htuul for Irun
I'ri'inliiin ataioKUit anil Cash True OITur.
H E sUALL COMPANY. 119 Is 249 Wul 37 St, HEW I0W
This lK-hi. Coucord Harness No. 76
no collars $31
Our No. 179, 1-in. Concord, with
flat backs, a better job $35
4 1 1 Pearl St
Sioux City