Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 02, 1910, Image 5

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    Local Items
Friday, Dec. 2, 1910
We have sewing machine needles
and achnt.tlen to fit any sewing ins
chine. You will hIho Dud a good line
of liHrdwnre, graniteware aiid tinware
at right, priors, nt Hchriever llros.
W'm ftest was down from Emerson
over IStinday visiting relatives.
1) M Ncinwnngrr in in Omaha tLii
week hh a juror iu the federal court.
Mrs Will Ki'Hm and daughter Mabel
of Wiiltliill, were over Monday night
visitor ht-ra at the Johu 11 Ileum
Van i giving away a dandy dish of
your own choice with every package
of coffee you buy. Tuo dish is woith
the money.
George Clifton and wife, of Orchard,
Xeb. spent the past Tew weeks here at
the home of their step-sou, 8 II Moore,
the Ituwlcigh man
If you don't know where to trade
since the S A Stiuson store burned, try
Van de Zedde's ho will guarantee ev
erything lie sells to be first class.
The coming marriage of Miss Lena
Rockwell of Mionx City, formerly of
Homer, to Raymond W McDouold,
has been announced in the Uiuux City
The morning freight on the Bur
lington played out between here and
Homer Monday forenoon, and the
lengers were finally brought back
to this place after a two or three hour's
The greatest danger from influenza
is of its resulting iu puenmonia. This
can be obviated by using Chamber
lain's Cough remedy, as it not only
cures it, flu' UZ4, but counteracts any
tendency of the disease towards pneu
monia. Hold by all druggists
Guy Cheney arrived hero Hun da
from Seattle, Wash, for a short vi-.it
with his parents, Mr and Mrs Win
Cheney, ut their home West of town.
Guv U now in the real estate hu-iness
at Heattle, inn) is on a business ti to
Chicago mill other points in the middle
west in the iuleri sts of his linu He
expects to he ub.se tit from home about
u mnu th.
Owing to tlio d:uiger of tho spread
of infantile itiinilvsis, the state bord
of health ha decided thnt quarantine
must lie established by the local phy
sicians and health boards in this dis
ease. A twen y-one day quarantine
must be established, with subsequent
fumigation as in other contagion dis
eases. All cases outside of the juris
diction of towns and cities are to be re
ported by the attending physicians to
the county health physiiian, and all
cases iu towDS and cities are to by re
ported to the local health board.
t L Important
properties of i
11 the Grape are U
ft transmitted J
m T1
Absolutely y
to the food.
The food is fi
made more
tasty and
Real estate loans. Geo Wilkins.
"Deak" Foltz baa been laid np the
past two weeks with icflueuza.
Buy a good farm on the Dakota
oounty bottom. I have it. Eimera,
Mr Gertrude Kest and son Donald
of Homer, were over Hunday visitors
with relatives here .
If you haven't got time to do your
own shopping call up No. 1, and he
will deliver the goods promptly.
ltnd Odell of Homer, is on trial in
the federal court at Omaha for selling
liq'ior without a government liceuse.
John Freglia, age 37, and Ellen
Prohnska, age 22, both of Sioux City,
were married by Judge Ilefferuan on
Anyone wishing a new phonograph
of the latest style for only $17.60 can
get one bv leaving their order with
Van de Zedde
Prof W L Best, of Chadron, Neb,
formerly assistant principal of our
schools, spent a few days with friends
here this week.
Itobet L Cheney and wife left Mon
day evening for their home at llardin-
grove, a U, am r a two eeR u visual
Mr Cheney s parental home.
If it is A 1 grooeries you want, just
plauoe over Van de Zedde's stock, lie
will sell just as cheap as possible, and
he handles nothing but first class
A part of the Rooney estate will be
sold by the referees iu partition at the
couit house ou Haturday, December 3,
at 11 a m. See desoiiption aud sale
uotice elsewhere in this paper.
Mrs Elmer Robinson, for many years
a resident of this place, died at her
home in Ghetek, Wis, November 17th,
of access on the luugs. The family
moved to Chetek about four years ago
J C Dnggan, Good-sin's Nasby-mer-
cfiant and all aronud good fellow,
was a business visitor here Tuesday,
atd of course remembered the lleiald
with the price of auother year's sub
sen pt ion .
Ilenrv Thornton of Hubbard was
brought to this place hist Htturdin
and u charge of itisaniU lodged agiiint
him lie wis taken to Norfolk Wcd
tiisday by D pnty Sheriff Fu-t-t n
and placed in the iifylnm.
The peculiar properties of Chamber
Liiu's Cough Reni'dy have been thor
oughly tested during epiib mict of in
fluenza, and wtieu it wus takeu in time
we have not heard of a single case of
pneumonia. Sold by all druggists.
George W Rockwell returned Mon
day from a ten days visit with nis
daughter at Teknmah. He thinks thi
corn in Burt county is a little better
grade than ttiat raised iu this county
this year, while the yield is not quite
ho heavy.
The hour for divine services in Sa
lem Lutheran church will bj changed-
after the first Sunday ia December-
frora 11 o'clock a m to 2:30 p in. Sun
day school will meet at 1:30, By ord
er of Council.
Lost, strayed or stolen from my
place Thursday, October 27, 1910,
four red hogs. 1 big sow, weight
about 400 pounds; 3 shoats, two of
them bows atd 1 barrow, weight about
150 to 175 pounds, Louis Dierkiug,
Dakota Uitv, Nebr,
Many persons find themselves affect
ed with a persi-tent cough after an at
tack of influenza As this can be
promptly cured by the use of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedv, it should not
be allowed to run on until it becomes
troublesome. Sold by all druggists.
Al rs Tena Ure, of Spearfish, S D,
spent a few days here this week at the
Fred Duensing borne. Her daughter,
who is a nurse at St Joseph' hospital,
Sioux City, is just recovering from a
nine weeks siege of typhoid fever, and
will accompany her mother homo to
Spearfish Saturday,
The Wednesday Literary club will
meet with Miss Haase, December 7,
at 2 :30 p m, for the following program :
Roll call, quotations from Spanish
note book ; lesson review, ch. V VI,
VII, VIII, IX. Miss Haase; paper.
Spanish Art, Mm Mason; reading, se
lected, Mrs bides. Music.
Byron Buchannan, who served as sta
tion agent at Cobnrn, Neb, and who
recently took a layoff to visit his pa
rents at Los Angeles, Cal, has been
appointed agent at this place to suo
ceed Geo Granger. tie will lane
charge of the station here as soon as
he arrives from Los Angeles.
The Odd Fellows at their meeting
Monday night elected officers for the
term b -ginuing Jan 1. The new ofh
cers are: James Fueston, noble grand ;
Howard Rockwell, 'ice grand; 8 W
Fol'z, secretary; Chris Paulson, treas
urer; H W roltz, trustee, installation
will be held the first Monday ia January.
If yon are suffering from biliousness,
constipulation, indigestion, chronic
headache, invest one cent in a poxtal
card, send to Chamberl tin Medicine
Co, Pes Moines, Iowa, with your name
and address plainly on the back, aud
they will forward you a free sample of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. Sold by all druggists.
Sheriff J P Rockwell and Clerk of
the Distiict Court Geo Wilkins went
to Ponca Wednesday to be present as
spectators at, the trial of Wm Flego of
Dixon connty for the murder ol bis
sister, Louise Fbge, last summer.
County Clerk lioss went to Ponca lust
evening, accompanied by Mrs Ross,
and will attend the trial and spend a
fe days with friends there.
The property owners in drainage
district No 2, of Dakota county, met
at the court house last Saturday fore
noon for the purpose of electing two
members of the board of supervisors
of said district, one for oue year to fill
vacancy, aud one for the regular five
year term. Fred liartcls was elected
to succeed himself for the one year
erm, anil uiou Armour w as tu sen
for the five year term to succeed linn-
If, ThoH Sullivan was chosen to pre
side over the meeting und Harry
lirowd acted us secretary. After the
eleotiou of the two supervisors a mo
tiou was made by C II Maxwell and
seconded by John T Daley that any
land owuer in tho district be aut hoiized
and requested to suggest anything for
the good of the distil. a or for the pur
pose of aiding the board iu the perfor
mance of their duties or iu tho method
to be pursued iu tho drainage of the
district or raising funds to carry on
the work.
Death Claims Another Pioneer,
Surrounded by her children and
friends, Mrs Margaret Broyhill passed
peacefully away Sunday night it
about 9 o'clock, nt the age of 81 years,
2 months and 28 days. Ilcr sickness
dated back severs! year, but being of
strong constitution she bore np brave
ly. On several occasions when the grim
messenger seemed about to call her
home she rallied and seemed appar
nntly iu good health until the final
summons came.
Miss Margaret Hutchinson was born
in Kentucky August 31, 1820, and
was married to W I Rroybill Novem
ber 1, 1847. The family moved to Da
kota county, Nebr, July 12, 180!), and
located on a homestead on Elk creek
in the western part of the county.
They sold their claim and moved to
the Cheney farm just west of this
place. Tho family resided in 'his vi
cinity ever since coming to Nebraska
with the exception of one year w hen
they lived on a farm near Sergeant
Bluff, Iowa. Mrs Broyhill conducted
a hotel or boarding house in this place
for many years, aud was considered
' V
I - J.
" L - ,
a model landlady by the traveling
public who knew where they could get
a first-class meal. Her husband dii d
December 14, 1892, and sinco then
she has made her home with her son,
G F Broyhill. She leaves eight chi'd
ren to mourn her d.parture from this
life, namely: Charles Broyhill and
Mrs M M Ream, Sioux City; Mrs
Ellen Berg, Portland, Ore; Mrs Mary
derrick, Los Angeles, Cal; James
Broyhill, Bii'geport, Neb; R L and O
F Broyhill. of this place and Will
Broyhill of Omadi precinct, Two
cbildreu di.-u' during their residence
here, Lincoln aud f)ora.
The fnnera'. services were held from
the Methodist Episcopal church Tues
day afternoon at 1:30, and were con
ducted by Rv W R Warren. The
remains were interred in the family lot
in the Dakota City cemetery,
"Grandma" Rroyhill, as she was fa
miliarly known to so many, was a kind
and agreeable woman, and one of
those sturdy pioneers who helped pave
the way to civilizition in wut was
comparatively an unsettled region
when she first saw Dakota county.
Miss Cora Chieoine, sister of J A
Chiooine, principal of the Dakota City
schools, began teaching last Monday
iu distiict No 20, or Hale school, for a
month or two w Lilt t) e regular teach
er, Miss Minnie Stone, is recovering
from au attack of pneumonia.
All teachers will kindlr inform me
during the school year as to when,
how long and for what reason their
school has been closed. It may save
me a needless drive to your school
house, snd, too, furnish me with the
cause of irregularities iu reports and
the like.
Did yon read the information given
ou tho Nebraska Compulsory Attend
ance School Law iu the "County
School Notes" column of this paper
two weeks ago? If not, a copy will
be furnished to you, upon application,
by your county stiperiutendeut.
Each pupil in the flrrt eight grades
in this county has been furnished with
report card w hich is to be prsouted
to the parent or guardian for his sig
nature at tho end of each month I he
parent should note iu particular the
grades iu the "quarterly testa column,
for these have been earned on ques
tions furnished by the county. If you
lo not find those grades ou the curd
during the 3rd, 5th, 7th, and f'th
month of this school year, you may
know that your teacher ia neglecting
to perform one of the latest progres
sive duties required along with the in
telligent use of the "Mourse of Study.
In a few rural districts, boaidiug
places are harder to get than are
teachers. Why not see to solving the
boarding question before the teacher
comes? A teacher left to find her
owu boarding place and having the
most inconvenient in the district as to
distance, and often ia every imagina
ble particular, offered her is usually
found leaving sometime betweeu her
arrival and the end of the first month
or two.
.' JM :'. 0M -Me VJVJH.U
Vt -K-1 C; tW -Vj KKh ' K iv
NuiiiIht of puntls enrolled if!
Nil in tier lie! I tier nls-eiit nor timly Irt
Avenme per rent of at teimnnre it,
A venule percent of pum-tiiiillty lis
Niiiiu-i of those neither nDsent nor initiy ;
Nellie IHerkiUK
lA-lln Keller
ulmlys Orr
Klmer Hierniami
Harold Wrllibl.'
VI in tioiiKoiis
KImIk I .Isclike
MiuIku ilclkcs
MmIh'I lllermiinn
Helen (ii'iilumi
Miirunret Nli'liuhr
Marie lloss
Henry ilese
Alice Dooltttle
( 'liiuile Helkes
Frank Sides
HONOIt noi.I,
Ninth Orade: Alirertra anil Latin, Mnliel
Hlei-uiiinii : KhKltsh, MhImjI Uleriiiann, Hel
en Uraham.
Tenth Hrade Aluebro. Oaesnr nntl Hhet-
orlc, Marlon Ilelkes; 1"U. Ueou., Harold
Kloventh Orado: Geometry, t limine uel-
kes; (Ucero and Aurlculture, Frank Hides;
KnKlIsli, Villi IIOUKOU8.
.1. A.Ohlcolne. Principal.
Julia rower, Assistant l'linclpiil.
Hess Hobertson, Teacher.
Kni-ollment 21
Attendance m
I'uiictimllty W
Kva (iriihiiin and luiy ilclkcs ranked one
In eldlitli Kriide.
Ituliy Moore ranked ono in seventh grade.
Kollnr Honor
Stott NelHWBimer
Joseph UolKTtS
Vei n Arinnriitiii
Helen Kleruiiiiiu
Keith Kviins
('iirrance Fisher
Frank Gleso
Harold Van de Zedde
MurmierltH Hehrlever
l.o.vd Hrldenluiinrh
F.lda Brl'lenbiuiKh
It vi by UlerkliiK
Hay HelkcH
Mary Eastou returned Sunday t"
Peuder, Neb, to resume her school
work near that place.
A sprained ankle will usually dis
able the injured person for three or
four weeks. This is due to lack of
proper treatment. When Chamber
lain's Linemeut is applied a cure may
be eff -cted in three or four days. This
liuement is ono of the best and most
remarkable preparations in use. Sold
by all druggists.
South Sioux City is again agitating
a movementto move tne county seal
from this place to that town. It
would be rather an expensive move for
the tax payers to spend fifty or seventy-
five thousand dollars to satisfy the
whim of a few speculators, when it
would be of uo benefit whatever to the
balance of the county .
Fire Sale Still On.
The sale of fire damaged goods from
the S A Stiuson stock, which is being
conducted iu toe old Fred Beerman
store building, is still being carried
on, and many artbe bargains that are
being off. red . The bulk of the goods
in this s ile are not damaged in the
least by fire, only soiled slightly in re
moving, and yet the; are being offer
ed at rediculously low prices.
Takb a look over the stock and the
chances are ' that you will see some
thing that you need the worst kind,
and you will save mouey by so doing
You will find clothing, hats and
caps, men s mess stuns, chick coats,
overalls, pants, underwear, sweaters,
comforts aud blankets, rubbers, em
broideries, laces, notions aud furnish
ings. Look it over and sen the bar
gains offered. S A Stisson.
We pay the highest market' price
for hair combings. Send us yours by
mail, or let us make up your combings
into a switch or puffs, liurrv & Uarry,
5u(J Fourth st, Sioux City, Iowa,
Mildred Spencer, Teacher.
F.nrnllnipnt is
Attendance WJ
I'liiH-tiiallty It'
Hnyiuond Renin ranked first In the sixth
a- rjiilt.
Loin, Ilclkcs ranked first In tho fifth grade.
Roll of Honor:
Helen Harnett Oenrire Illcrnmnn
Merrll Mooro Wilfred Harnett
Frnnii Hull Kuynimnl Keani
Alleen Ktlnson John Wasniuud
f'lara JeDDeson, Teacher.
K.nrollinent M
Attendance I"1
Punctuality W
Honor Koll
Gltl'lllll HIM
fiOttle Illlcmilll
Gladys Hlerinann
Hlanche Hllven
William Kckhart
Anna Kviins
Marie Ulee
Ralph (linlinin
Donald Hall
l.lllle Kriimwliido
Freeman Quintal
(iriice Ijccdoiu
Theodore Frederick
Anna Kviins und
one In the till trrude
Theodore Frederick ranks ono in
If rude.
Wilfred Klnkel
K.ra Moore
Alex Quintal
I.yda ledoni
(4relcher, Hull
Amies Quintal
Maiimrot Sherman
liorls iiiirnctt
Dorothy Harnett
William Kckhart rank
the t)rd
llillil W
1 1
Iany children get sick and die every
winter because of some poor heating
appliance in the home.
Come and see us and we will show
you a Base Burner that will not only
keep the children warm, healthy and
happy, but will save one half on
your fuel bills.
There is no other base burner like THE FIRST CLASS FAVORITE,
with TRIPLE EXF0SED FLUES, because the features that make it such
a wonderful heating stove, so economical in the use of fuel are patented.
Don't put off the buying of your stove
until the cold days come. Drop into
our store any day, and we will be glad
to show you this beautiful BaseJSurner.
It is a Real Favorite. There are more
of them sold than of any other base
burner made, and we guarantee it 'to
be the best made.
It s like opening a bank ac
count to buy a Favorite Base
Burner, because it saves you
money every day it is in use, and
brings such comfort and satis
faction, too.
e. a b
YaufH Find the
Reason in h
Lumber Co.
Dakotek. City, Nbrakek.
ill, ' T SSfS)
Salesmen Wanted.
We want "I CAN" and "I WILL"
men for our permanent sales foroe.
This is an cpeninR for the rnau wuq
warts to be a KEALi accident Bales
tuau, with exceptional money-making
opportunities. If you believe in domR
btihinessona "100 per cent uoneety
buBis," if you want "success," if your
wishbone is not where your backbone
ought to be, write ns today for full
National Fidelity & UaBaalty uo.,
Natiousl Fidelity & Casualty Bldg.,
Omaha, Nebr.
A Worried flother.
A boy 14 years old, slender
blue eyes, riding a roan pony, left
home October 17. Any one kuowing
his whereabouts would do me a great
favor by having him write to me at
Daltou. Tell him I am staying at the
Grand Hotel. Tell him I am watch
ing tne mails and praying for a letter
from him. All papers please copy.
Mrs Eva Ilaudley, Dalton, Nob.
Attachment Sale.
Bv order of an attachment isnued
out of the court of Justice of the Peace
rj B Fotlts ot Houtu Mioux Ulty, JNeO,
I will sell at public auction ou Hatur
day, December 3, 1910, to the highest
bidder for chq, eltuur iu uuia or par
cel lots, to suit purchaser, all of the
stock of merchandise formerly owned
by Jas E Dougherty-Gordon taken
under said attachment.
J P Rockwkll,
Sheriff of Dakota Uouuty, Neb,
If You Got Sick
or had a bad accident How Abont Your Last
Summer's Wages?
If it is saved (as it should be) and in the bank, then
. you can Lnugli at Misfortune.
Just think ahead, to the rainy day that is bound to
come to all the old age creeping on apace the
decreasing earning ability and the increasing spend
ing needs and Start that Bank Account Tody.
We pay 4 interest on time deposits, and keep your
money Absolutely Safe:
'Thc Bank
Bank, of
that ALWAYS treats you
Dakota County &
Entertainment for Cemetery Asso
ciation. The ladies of tho Dakota City cenv
eterv association have secured the Her
vices of Miss Margsret A (Jiirtoll of
Sionx ity. to Kive uu entertainment
iu tlia Lutlieruti church, DakoN City,
on Wednesday evening. Die 11 com
ini'iiciiig at 8 :lo p ni. This entertaiu
iiiciit is given by tint ct-met-ry shho
ciatiou with a vi.'w of ruining funds to
place a new fence around the Dakota
City cemetery. The object of tho en
tertainment is certainly woithy the
8Uiioit of the entire onmmiriity.
Tim rioett of admi-Mon are: Adults
llCii', sclioid children 2jc.
Mihh Unrroll cornea highly lecoin
uii inled tt an etitertainer of consider
Me ine it, aud her repeituire will con-sii-t
of 1' ctnrn recital on Ireland, leo-
. .... t..... vi.;i. i.
l"7 " ' " , ..; . " " ' ! at re.isoiiuld
aild Illl-ueiltnilMM.n orir-viiwiin, it.i
progritu will be iuterHperHcd with vo
cal selections by local talent. Ke
member the date, December 14th,
M. Kclno BuIukm, Tenclier.
Roll of Honor
I.oyii Moort t'liiuli'H Hull
.Iiinies Uriiham Harold Antrim
Irene l.iik It y Krumwledo
Harriett. Ayres Klsle Kriiniwleiln
Killtli Hull Hiiynioml QilliHnl
Oliulys " William I'owell
Kank 1, second (rrado, Irene Lake.
Kank 1, Ili'Mt Krnde, Helen K i iiinpor,
Hi, iik '. iK'if Inni'l'M. Artlnir KelHey.
() iirlea AHlirurtl has eniolled In tlie sec
..ml iriiilti.
Walter Keyinour Is on tlie sick list this
Itei'ilm Murray and Adeline Hllven aro
In Kcliool tiKulii lifter several days of Hick
For the annual l'raine and Thank
offering meetiug of the W II & F
Hncietj, to bo held Wuuday evening
December 4th, at the Lutheran church
ut 7:30.
Voluntary M rn Hherinitn.
Antliein Choir.
I iivoeiitlon Kev Keller.
Ilyinii So. 77.
Kesniinslve Iti'adliiK, l's. HH.
Hnlo M rs Helllllled.
Hi til Keadlim Mrs Hainlllon.
Tiilk. "A Wtirlil-wlde opportunity
Keed-sowlntl Kev Keller.
Hymn So. Wl.
IteadliiK, Hunm Mlnlmm Mm Hockwell.
Keiidlim, KondKii M UsIiiiih M rs 1. liler
klint. Sulo Mr Velswnnirer.
IteiKlliiK.Tlie Mlsaltinor u Thunk-otTerlnK
llm-Mls Keller.
.ii 1 1 1 ill ii K of Thunk-oirerliiK.
ReiMlunr, Wlnit it 'riiank-nlTerliiK Itux
should not In) and what It should Ut Mrs
Solo 1'erln Ktlnson.
1 nwliv,
R R Time Table
c B & Q
..7 :16 am
.12:47 pm
No. 91 Local Freight...
17 " Passenger
No 92 Local Freight Ui'ib pm
16 Looal Passenger".. 6: 7 pm
dailv. dailv except ftunuay.
- . - -
Ladies! ave Money and Keep in
"" Style by Reading McCall'i
Magazine and Using McCall Patterns
McCaU't Mtf nix will
help yna dresii styl
ishly ut a iniideriiin
exptmsii hy kuopliiK
you poRlpil on tlin
Iiitest fa ah tons In
t'lolhus and lulls. 00
Ntiw Fnslilon Licsli'im
III OBI'll Kmio. Also
Viiluutiln lnforinnlloli
on all lioimi a ml per
sonal iimuiTi. (inly
buc a year, IiicIiuIIiik
a fren putteri). Huh
rllifl today or send
for free sample copy.
UC.ll PallarM will nnahlnyoii to niakn In your
wn Iioiiih. Willi voiirown hands, rlotlilni.' lor
yourself and children which will he perfei t
n atyln and fit. l'rlr none limlier man Ij
i! n is. heud for free l'attern t uialnmiu.
'V Will Gita Yaa Fiaa PrauaU fur pelting suh-
'i rlptloiis aiiionK your friends, henil tor treo
Vruiuliiiu ataloisue and Cush Prlie (illur.
' E McUU COMPANY. 239 249 Wal J7a St., NEW YORK
IteiunliiliiK In the p stoillee at luikota.
Neli., lor the month cmlliiK Nov. mi, ltdu;
John C Matz
t'riiz Matz
Wm Crew
Heniy Kisher
Fred Grey
Monte Hape
Hill liendrickuon
Gro l.ridy
Mn Will Martin
Wil Murray
Fiunk Murray
Chas T Marty
i'lii ttes ciilltinr for
"advertised." John
Aug Hnen
L. 11 Saunders
Geo Sutton
Adam Wenzel
Win Wahltman
tw rg Ward
James Ynull
Mrs Joy Zartman
t lie lllo-e pirate Hliy
II . Illlll. rontlllllsll'l'
All kinds of coul, teed and hay for
1 tWLVH it HLAUa IITKlt 00.
Tmo E Ulivkn, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb
TKat will Make You RicK
The greatest combination of industsialism and farming, now
rapidly developing, is to be found along the Burlington Route in
the vicinity of (
SKeridevrv, Wyoming,
Hardin, and Billings, Mont.,
and ia tlie Big Horn B&isin
where large, deeded, alfalfa ranches that have made million
aires of the owners, are being divided into small farm, and
where Government irrigated homestead and Gary Act Lands
are available.'
A Wonderfully Rich Country: You can get hold of an irrigated
farm within a radius of a few miles of excellent coal, natural
gas, illuminating oil, building materials, fast growing towns
that have varied industries.
Personally Conducted Excursions: On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays
I personally conduct landseekers' excursions to see these'lands.
D. Clem Deaver, Gen Agt
Land Keekers Information Bureau,
1004 Furnani Street, Omaha, Nebr.
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A n vino F,..nit r hU h und Awny n "in
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ScletMiflc Jlinerlcna.
A lianfN-.rnriT llhitrni1 w"'klr. Inrtro-t rif.
filler i. mi -f hiiv m ifn I ID' 1 '1 '
vf-ir f.n-r iii MMi ha, M. fc -.a b tnw ' it. 1
Oji J: I f Wiuililuyluu. I), w.
This lK-n. Coucord Harness No. 70
no collars $31
Our No. 179, 1-in. Concord, with
flat backs, a better job $35
41 1 Pearl St
Sioux City
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