Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 02, 1910, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Bubecription Price. $1.00 Per Year.
A weekly newspaper published Ht
Dakota City. ISebraaka.
Permission baa been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
mmig as second-clana matter.
Telephone No. 43.
According to the census rt tinna the
tnt.nl iiomtlation of the ntnte of Nrliraa
k in 1.192.214. as cmin nred witlt
1.00(5.300 ten yearn bro. The increase-
in 125,411, or 11 60 per cent. The in
oreiine in Pakota county in tlin ten
tears is 278. Ttie present population
of the county is C,t04, against 0 280
tt.n years Bpo.
We wonder if the frro'rs in our vi
oinity know that the number of lio(7
in Noliraska clecreaneil frtu S.JJ'J.SUT
in 1008 to 1,4.(0,232 in 1010. This
fact ia of vital impoi tanee to Nebras
kBns.. What cau wo do to remedy
thia shortage of ork production? At
tend the meeting of Ornauiz-d Agri.-til
tnre at Lincoln, January ICth to 20th
and solve, the problem.
- Itame rf I ntara e t I
from our Exchanges f
Sergeaut Bluff Items in Sloan, Io,
8tnr: Mrs Lewis Larsen and son, vis
ited friends at Dakota City, Neb, laht
81oan, Iowa, Star: Mr and Mrs Geo
Tiiacker, Mr and Mrs John Thacker
and wm, and Mrs Wilbur Wilcox,
came over from Homer, Neb, Haturduy
to attend the funeral of Art Pope.
Hornick Items in Sloan, Iiwa Star:
Mr and Mrs (ieoiK'i Thacker and Mr
and Mrs John Thacker, of Homer,
Nel, vinited Sunday in the homo of
Mrn O I'm brother, J F Forney, north
of town.
Emerson Eutei prise: Mrs M McEn
tnffer spent the week at the homo of
her daughter, Mrs Gho Ilolekiimp at
Carroll Mr and Mrs W Y MoLaiiKh-
liu took Thanksgiving dinner at the
home of Editor and Mrs liurt Kros
aeu at South Sioux City.
Pender Republic: John Ashford
was here from Winnebago last Satur
day on business . . . . Mrs Li L Ileum and
Miss Lou Hirsuh visited at ilomer over
Sunday with relatives.... W E Voss
was down from Dakota City over Sun
day, visiting at the E W Tarrant
home. . . .Rev J L Phillips and family
were down from South Stoux City as
guests at the L D Kulph home.
Winnebago Chieftaiu: Miss Helen
Niebulir was a pasaenger to the City
Saturday, for an over Sunday stay ....
Ashley Herman, who hub heoh having
a siege of tyhoid fever, is somewhat
butter .... Mis G A Gibson, of Homer,
visited with Mrs Lulu Gilstrap last
Thursday. The former was on her
way to Mott, 8 D....Miss Lizzie
McGliisb.au was auoompamed home
Wednesday evening by her friend,
Miss Debertha Fuller, fur the turkey
the eastern states is repeated here, of
course there a ill be iuterurbau roada
in time. I he question no is, will it
be g"Od policy to encourage their com
ing to jour town ? Maty of the small
er cities are disposed to look askance
at the internrbau. but if tuey are com
ing anyway we believe they KotiM
pass THRU the town rather than LY
the town.
Sioux Citv Tribune, 25th: Is
moon healer without honor in his own
family? The question arisi s f row the
fact that Mrs John F Myers, 710 Cook
st.wiis taken to the detention hospital
y-sterday ss a sufferer from dlptheria.
Mrs Myers husband designates bun
8' If as a moon healer, or magnetic
Iheahr. Mr Myers was away from
home when a regular physician diagnos
ed the illuessof Mrs Myers as diotlie
ria aud told her she had the choiee of
going to the di tout ion hospital or hav
ing the home qurat.titi"tl. She elect
ed to go to the detention hospital an 1
was taken there be ore her husband's
return. "She certainly would not have
gone to the hospital if 1 had been here,
said Mr Myers. "I am able to treat
my own cases and those of my relatives,
besides attending to quite a large
miscellaneous practice." Mrs Myers
and th" quarantine oflleers declined to
discuss the incident, but from another
source it is definitely ascertained that
Mrs Myers was anxious to go to the
hospital, principally on the questiou
of being treated for the illuess. On
learning that she had diptheria, she
expressed much alarm and concern,
particularly on the proposition that
she might be denied regular medical
treatment if left at home. According
to the statement made, Mr) Myers
wan almost in a panic from conflicting
fears. On the one hand she was
af mi l to tmfct her illness to her hus
band's moon manipulations, and on the
other hand she feared the result of
Ida anger if she took any other step.
Mr Myers declared today that ho does
not In li ve she lias th-4 diptheria, but
thinks the illness is merely iiggruvut
ed form of sore throat.
John Uarty and daughter Mary.
Minnie liaucioft is on the sick list
this week.
Cora Sorensen was a Sunday visitor
wilh the home folks.
A merry crowd from Fiddler Creek
went down tothe lake Tuesday. They
report plenty of finli.
Nets Hansen and family, Miller Uros
and P Sorensen and family Sundayed
at the John Jessen home.
Peter Sorensen and family and John
.lessen and family a to turkey at the
Millnr liros home Thursday,
John Jensen and wife returned from
i heir trip to Germany last Wednesday.
They say that Germany is very nice
but they think there ia no place like
the gooii old United States.
Miss Cariie Stone spent Thanksgiv
ing with her sister Minnie, who is
very much improved at this writing.
The dance given last Saturday even
it g at the Geo Johnson home was well
attended and nil had a very enjoyable
School opened in district No 20 Mon
day with RHhs Cora Chicoine, from
Dakota City, as teacher. She will
teach the school until Miss Stone has
aufliidontly recovered to take charge
Geo Rockwell accompained A Mon
roe to the southern part of this state
to assist in invoicing several lumber
yards. He expects to be gone for two
or three weeks.
Friday evening while returning from
Oomer John and Helen Hook well hud
a very narrow escape. Their horse be
came frightened and ran away, upset
ting the bungy in such away that John
got out but Helen wm8 caught in the
top and dragged several rods, but es
caped with a few scratch s.
Dakota City, Nebr, Nov, 20, 1910.
The liourd of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment. Pres
ent, Nelson IVutito, chairman; Kd.
Mnrpin, Thus. Lung iind W. L. Hubs,
Hoad petitioned for liy Tlios (inrinally
granted ai prayed for except t lint the road
In to lie 40 feet wide mid that Hie full 4n feet
lie on and iirrm the ne1 of He 12, Tp W,
110, the Imln nee of the road to 1st upon the
section line. 1 iiininifeM Allowed as follows:
T.I Bcy. allowed on road dlst No H..2I! en
Rev. W. H. Warren, 1'iistor.
Services at, the Methorllit KpUcopal
church every Hunday at follows: Preach-
Inir nt II a in ; Humliiy school m in a in : cihxh
tneetliiK 12 in; K.pwortli I.enKue 7 P in;
pienchlnK 8 p m.
l!r ll
115 m
131 ii
H no
X i
:l i
H U)
,i .Mt IMC ''M wmif.
He.. ay. rtOM M j 1JM Ht .-.
Homer Star: Ohas Davis is siifQ
oieutly recovered as to be about town
....Henry Loomis, our village mail
oarrier, has beeu notified that his pen
sion wax recently raised to $20.01) per
month... .Miss Helen Queen came
home from DakoU City, Sunday, from
her duties as telephone operator of the
Boll Exchange, and is confined to her
bed at the home of J E McKiuley . . . .-
May Goodsell, tne litt'e daughter of
Mr and Mrs L J Goodsell has been
taken out of sohool on account of her
nervousness and will spend a month
in Dakota City with her grandmother,
Mrs Philena Goodsell .... Miss Mattie
McKiuley, who has been in the employ
of The Star siooe its beginning, has
aooepted a more lucrative position on
the Walt Hill Times and will take up
her work next Monday. Miss McKiu
ley is an exceptionally good composi
tor and we are glad to chronicle her
good fortune '
Hartiugton News: Sheriff McFad
den and Cniuf of Police Wallaoe spent
a number of uncomfortable hours Sat
urday night. Rev G E Yonllagen,
pastor of the Methodist Episcopal
church, came to Mr Wallaoe early in
the evening apparently in a high state
of excitement, insisting that someone
bad thrown ttones at his houae and
had greatly frightened Mrs YouIIa
gen. lie demauded protection aud
said that it it were necessary for him
to carry a revolver to protect himself
he would do so. When questioned as
to who the, offenders were he said he
did not know. The oiHoer tried to re
assure and pacify him, and after the
clergyman had rushed away ho and
Sheriff MFadden went down to the
vicinity of the parsonage and endured
the rain aud wind of the unpleasant
uight for a number of hours waiting to
catch the alleged culprit. No one
showed up to f amish them exercise
and after a few hours of chilly wait
ing they went home to thaw out aud
dry their rain soaked garments.
Oakland Independent: C W Daker,
manager of the iuterurbau projeo.s
out of Omaha, aud E M I'.aymoud,
European representative aud engineer,
were hi re in an auto last Friday morn
ing. They were gfting over routes as
propound for the different lines and
gathering information as to the towns
aud oouutry. As now pWuned, the
main lino from Omaha to Sioux City
will traverse Hull Creek valley anil
continue uoithwurd till It stakes tho
Lone Tree valley aud ruu thence on to
Deoutur. and from Deoitur the routo
will probably be northward uloug the
west side of the Misiouri river. It is
proposed to make another line diverg
ing from this one jo Dakota county,
or bomewhere near Hioux City, taking
the Omaha creek vallev route south
ward. This line is eventually to con
nect with West Point un I it will in all
probability come via Oakland, or near
Oakland. Thus were tho plans given
to us by Mr baker. It is evident that
eliouio,ruilioad are in the air, as
well as on paper, aud if the history of
Dora Leap was iu the city Tuesday.
Woolen boots for wiuter wear at
Curl Anderson's.
Jus Harry, of Jackson, was here lust
Several from here took iu tho dance
at Homer lust Fruay night
Mary Timlin visited at Jackson lust
Sweaters for meu, women and child
ren. Just what you need for fall aud
winter er. Carl Anderson.
Will Dodge left for his home last
Thursday, after showing the people
here how to pick corn
John Smith and wife and Jos Lud
don were county seat visitors Satur
day .
Raymond Cullins is on the sick list,
but it is hoped that he will soon he
out again. It is feared that he has
We have a few heavy shirts left over
from tust season that we are closing
at bargain prices while they last, to
make room for new stock. Carl An
The ninth and tenth crudes took
their examinations Tuesday..
Mrs Henry Uirsh enioyed a visit
from her mother, Mrs Peters, Tues
Mrs Dave Lean entertained the
Ladies Aid society Wednesday.
Rev Oarlock visited friends in Hub
bard Tuesday,
Let us fit you out with a new fur
coat while we have the sizes in stock
Carl Anderson.
The many friends of Mlunie Stone
will be pleased to hear that she is re'
covering from her illness.
Johu Jessen aud wife returned
Thanksgiving day from their three
mouths trip to Germany, their native
Ingri Hansen visited Saturday at
the home of her uncle, J Jonuson,
near Nacora.
Hueep lined coats for winter wear,
lost the thing for these frosty morn
ings. Carl Anderson.
U Jounsou and son ueorge were
city passougers Wednesday,
Helen Rockwell attended the dance
at G Johnson's Saturday uight.
Charlie Finkle went to Ponca Sat
urduy, aud to Orohard the first of the
Mrs Wm Goertz and Mrs W Nelsen
visited at the U Hiroh home Wednus
Our new etook of overshoes is in,
aud we can supply your wants in Pall
Hand, the best overshoe made. Carl
We wonder why tho people of Hub'
bard do not get a drug store and doe
tor located here. We have everything
else, aud there is a good opening for a
physician aud drug store.
The pupils from here utteuding the
academy at Jacksou all spent i hanks
giving vaoatiou at home.
Fred Voss took home three car loads
of stackers Tuesday.
Sam Thorn was down to the county
seat u'u ouaiueas Saturday.
Underwear iu all weights aud sizes
uud at all pi ices, at Curl Anderson's.
A merry crowd gathered at the
Henry Hirsoh home Saturday night
aud spent au eujoyable evening.
Quite a nuutber from here attended
the funeral of Mrs T J O'Connor ut
Homer last Friday.
A dunce was given at the Geo John
son home Suturday uight.
We waut your produce, aud we are
still paying more than the market af
fords. Curl Audersou,
Fred Hurtels was iu Dakota City
and Sioux City Suturday on business.
Wm Reniuger went to Omaha Fri
day to be at the bedside of Ins daugh
ter who hail bei'U operated ou at the
M E hospital, lie returned Monday
leaving his daughter ou the road to
i ecu very.
Among those who weut to the city
lust Saturday were: Mamie Clausseu,
Dan Hartuelt, wifo aud daughter
Mary aud son Daniel, Mr aud Mrs
Heeuey aud daughter liuuutte, Mrs
William Gillau and wife of Dixon.,
Neh, spent Thanksgiving in the home
of their daughter, Mrs Lee N Hall.
Charlie Flider, who iiderwfnt a
serious operation at St Joseph's hos
pital last week for appendicitis, is
much improved.
Duniel Dillon, of Ponca, spent Fri
day aud Saturday with friends here-
Cecelia Romnrnlke. of Milwaukee is
a guest in the Ed T Kearney home.
Mrs Geo Teller returned Monday
from an over Sunday visit with her
daughter, Mrs J O Boyle, of Water
bury, Neb. -
M B llogan of Dixon, and Raymond
Hall, of Royal, Neb, spent Thunksgiv
ing with their f Iks here.
Mrs Lulu Boyles, of Omaha, is visit
ing her mother Mrs J B Smith.
Mrs T A French of Beaumont, Tex.
who spent the past two months with
lelatives here, returned home Thursday.
Eighteen members of the M W A
weut to Laurel Monday eveuing.
Thus Sullivan spent Suu jay with
relatives in Sioux City.
Clarence Hnngerford, who is recov
ering from nu operation for appeudi-
citis at St Joseph b hospital, is expect
ed home h riday.
John Brady and wife, expect to
move to Sioux City shortly and spend
the winter with their daughter. Mrs C
A uarrett.
E A Leahy and nephew, Bart Leahy,
speut lhanksgiviug with relatives at
Wayne, Neb.
A strangor by name of Frank Flion,
came into town one day last week suf
fering with frozen feet. Dr Leahy
took him to the hospital where he hud
to undergo an operatiou for the ampu
tntion o( His toes. Mis tolas live in
Mrs Clara Banse, of Sioux City, at
tended the dance here last Friday
night and was a guest in the M Hef
fernan home until Saturday eveuing.
JLr IS J Lieatiy nas purchased a new
Ford auto.
Josie Erlach, who spent the past
six weeks with the Misses Maiy and
N Hie Barry at Belmoud, Ind, re'
turned home Tuesday evening.
Henry Morris is putting ia a new
drive well and wind mill for Mrs Alict
List of letters remaining in the past
office at Jackson, Nebr, for the month
ending November 30, 1910:
Mr. Jos II Vych, W U Doney,
C F lUrton, John Keneelson,
L L Heickes, Marliu Lally,
Mrs Lavina Gray, Chas Simmons.
John Million, ' H,
J J McCarthy, 8.
I K Itnsh, ' " a.
1 n luiiruan, " ' M.
M Heacom. " " H
T K Croly N.
John K rainper" ' 8.
Hoad petitioned for tiy Chris ItaMiiiiincn
irianied iih prayed roriind damiiKcM allowed
on road district Nu li in follows
John Uni ty, Ilrtn on
Frank lleeney ITU in
M Iclniel Waters, Kooney estate lit Mi
1 1 r nu i n Wen.e 8
II K ( all U lie
John ircell Kl
U II (Irllilile U li
Uond petitioned for liy John I Welsh
mnnleil an prnyed for and the followliia
ilainiiKcs allowed on road district .No H:
Chris Hinltli tlin nil
.I f WflHI Ki no
M Heacoin a Kl
Joe M Twohlu 8
K C Carpenter .1 no
A II Anderson U on
Hond of K M Lerke, rond overseer district
.No f, approved nj the Isuird.
Report of D fl HefTcrimn, county JudiO'
approved by the bourd.
County elerk Is ordered to write the fol
lowliitt warrants:
James Alloway, Homer village fund..! 2 no
Thos Allowny, " " 2 ll
Fred o'.'.'liunder,. . ." " 2 hi
II A Monroe " " " 2 oe
J J McCarthy, on rond district NoH... Km no
The following claims were allowed
on the county general fund
J J McAllister, salary $17fi (in
.1 .1 McAllister
I) () Kvnn. Ktaiups. etc
J Stuiiiliaimh. witness, .State vs Ward
Hert M lller, simie
J J Klinei's, same
J 1. I'll 1 1 II is. Mime
.1 M licciloin
Chill ies Waddell,. kiiiiic
M rs Thos Teier, mimic
Claude Mnner, snine
A I- MitlliwiK, Mime
Ida I'lillLps, sanie
W V Suilevdle, same
(sum liopp. Mime
A I vii M nelu'll, miiiic
Itertha Woodcock, mimic
Mnble I limcUer, s;i ne'
Mary Harnett, miiiic
Joseph Harnett, miiiic
It- i t Mci mini I,, mi me
M rs .1 N WooilciH-k, mi me t
I-1 iu i k 1 1 in ni l t, x,i it -
John lliincker. muic-
Charles Maynard, -nine
C l.i Sniylcy, same
M rs C It Smiley, kiiiiic
J M Woodcock, same
Hen llancker, same
Harvey l.ovi-, same
Kellx Kenlwortli, miiiic
Arthur Manner, same
lot llnriieit, same
(ilen Hinlt li, wltiK sh. State vs (iurlock
Mrs T.I Woods, miiiic
John Mornndl, sninu II
K A Oanipliell, .same H
I A Olnistend, sninu. . . . 8 20
1 Kaucher, same . .
J V Rockwell, sninu
Rev. S. Ij. Keller. Pastor.
Sunday school every Sunday nt B IB a in;
Kll.als th M. Haase, superintendent.
preachliiK at 7:!i p in. every Hiiiulay.
Prenchlnir every Hunday nt 11 n tn : Sun
day school promptly nt Id a ni. V. V. Cul-
Is'rtson. an perl n tenden t.
The puhllc Is cordially Invited to nil these
0 on
a on
bl fin
l:i rti
s s
II 8
IS :,
11 HI
1 fll
2 f
H :i
I no
tl fin
I f.o
1 fin
1 fin
1 fin
f on
r no
s fin
8 2U
W 0 W VMM. 0MM 3 no wvm
Patronize Home Industry buy your m?ats of
First publication 11-25 3ws
Notice Is hereby given Hint on the luth
ilav of licccmlicr. Ililn. at I o'clock p. in., at
the oilier or the county treasurer oi liiikoih
ounty. the Commissioner of ruhllc Irfinus
anil lliillillnjs or his aiithorl.cd rpnresentn-
tlve will olTer for lease at puhllc am-lion all
(lucatloiial lands In said county whlcli
have Is-en declared forfeited for non-pay-
inent of rentn or InttM'est. IIS 111 ims:
Mlehall Heeman.
lot:l. in-iit-H. John Mulhall.
Lot 5 and nccretlon 111 bWii HV-2l-8, H, B.
Cattle Land Co.
Lot 2, HI-2W-S, W 1 1 till r K. W elles.
lilltcd-Novi'lillH'r L'l, 1HII1.
K. B. Cowi.ks,
Coinnilssloner Public t.andsand KulldliiRs
Proprietor of
City Meat Msvrkct
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hide? and Telts
Agent for Seymours White Laundry. Basket goes on
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Dakota Cityi Nil
Bonded :
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iov.
First publication 10-28 6w
By virtue of nn order of the district court
of Nebraska, In anil for lmkotn county, for
the sale of real estate to make parllllon,
rendered on the 7th i ay of llclolier, A n.
Kiln, In a suit for partition, wherein Mary
lltllnir Is n aln.HT. and Kllen liiiKKan, rl-
rick HiiKiran and John W Ulllliii KiKiney and
Thomas Benedict ttooney, minors, Frank
Ctuntf, Kdwnrd .1. Mulhilly, Mnry h;. m ni
hil l.v. linns Nelsen and Laura Nelsen, are
defendants, we. the undersigned persons,
referees In nartltlon duly appointed nnd
commissioned lu said suit, qualllled nnd
iictinir. will, on the d ilav of I lecemlier, A.
H. lain, at II o e nek In the forenoon of said
day. sell at puhllc sale nt the front door of
t lie court house nt I iiiKom i 'liy, coumy oi
Hakota nnd state of Nebraska, the follow
ing desciilH'il real estate, to-wlt"
I'he enst half of ttie southeast qunrtr
( K'.of SK't), nnd the soiithea-t (inaiter of
the northeast quarter I K. 4 of N K',,) of sec-
lion "7. nil In towns iId 28. north of raiitfe ,
ea-t of the (tth 1. M.. In Hakota coiiiuy, Nt
The terms of salil sale to be cash, or not
less t linn one-ha If cash, with mort unite hack
on the land sold or other equivalent securi
ty for deferred payments and Interest.
' Hated October 27, ItU".
Pvrmi'K JoNKS,
Referees III 1'artltioii.
Kverything in the line of
Harness cxrvd Horse Goods
Whips, Fly Nets, Saddles, Sweat Pads,
Lap Robes, Stable Blankets, Etc. g
Kep-iir Work iiiveu Prompt Attention .
II Masked, same
oseph KriiNtkeru, same
(1 Kllefon, sumc
H lialverson, same
John Kanslnw, sanie
T J Woods, same
Ihoiiias frost, snme....
W Harris, same 1:1 40
lyde Myers, sauie 8 211
Violet Kllefsoii, same 8 fx
B K Hnwyer. saim) a
Hiram I'l'lest. snme 11 '
Alex Welnuudt, same..
11 Ml
n 00
6 tut
8 2.1
8 fill
8 Ml
8 60
11 40
8 20
8 20
A surprise party waa given Satnr
dT evenirg at the spacious home of
Mr ami Mr & A Bridenbaugh, iu hon
or fil their hod Hal.
Mary Harden, the youngest daugh
ter of Jesse Harden, ia dangerously ill
with tttilioid fever at the home of Win
Fulton and wife.
Mis ChaH IMessing returned home
Sjiuluy from Kushville, Neb, where
she weut to attend the funeral of her
brothe -in-law, Wm blank. Hhe was
aceo u)anied home by Mrs Dlack aud
youngest sou.
Chas aud Anna Bartela writo f om
Los Aueles tbat they are about ready
to start for home, and will likely reach
home this week.
Mrs Geo Ilirachbaek lias been quite
sick the punt week.
Galen Huthaway him rented the
Henry Fiaher farm of 80 acres for the
coining year. Johu ii Miller, who
farmed it last year, will occupy the H
Wesley Brown place.
Harry Hides ia sojourning in Kan
sas City, uud Oh, My 1 how lonesome
some of us girls are.
ooda Hileiuan ia here from Jules
burg, (Jul, looking after his property
Mrs Horace Duttou lias been quite
ill for a eotiple of weeks pai-t.
Wm Berry, of I'opea, visited at the
home ot hia daughter, Mis E U Cor
nell, between trains Tip a lay,
$ 1 00Rewardr $ 1 007
Tti rrailera nf thia rrr will b pliaard to Intra
thiu then m at Iruat one Ureauisl ilttftwi tlmt -tfiu-
Iiim tHsa slue Ui run ia sil li iakih. hiu! tlmt is
lwrrh. ilall'i (uurrb euro to tim only p,niv
cum uuw known to the nnstii-al friitcrniiy. I'HUirra
b-niK isMiHiiiuliui'ifcl dUM'iuie. rt'iiuiicM a roimtitu
tliiiial Irt-utiui'iil. ll.itl'f Catarrh l ute to tnkeu Iu
tiTiially, ai-luiif dl'.ectly upon the tloisl Anil niuisiiia
urtmssl ol th- D'mIiiu, llieri-liy Irslniyllut II.
fouiiiliiiloa of tho iltofitiM. sail Ktvlini the pritlrnt
trciiKili bf bviliillng up ttie coimtitutiun nnd hmhihi
liut iiutiiru In li-ilnn Ita work. Hie pnipm-tnni liave
u inurll fullh la IU ciirnllve po.T II ,1 0,ry oHit
One liuiiilrisl In lion lur any ciua tluti u lulls W
cure. rSiul for IU'. of ti-Mtliuonliito
Aililnsa V. J. ( I, KVI V CO.. Tulnlo, O.
rsiiU tir all liruudila. 7So.
'laka UU tau.Uy l'Uto for eonatlpatloo.
Madlusltoe, ssme 8 20
I It Peters, same n 2U
hnrles Iiliidny, same a 20
Hans Jensen, kiiiiiii 0 21)
Kudolph Schopku, same 6 20
John Helt.mati. same o 20
Andrew Leuth, snme .... o zo
linnet Ireland, same 0
Nelwl ron. same 0 20
Henry r.nritciiL, buiiic u w
Arthur Hett.iuan. anine o 20
(1 A IzonhurK, Mime 6 20
llem v l.lniifelter. same n zn
liomas Kerwln. snuie s
I de (iutley. same 4 20
Theofore Thomas, snme 4 60
us Imhl, same 1 0"
hnrleg Wrlttht, snme 4 fill
Waller Mcl.annhllii, same IW
Klopp A Hnrtletttlo, supplies 42 (r
Austin dc Western i 'o 12fi 80
K Kroyhlll. supplies is in
Kit wards ISradtord I.lr(!o, Mdse.... 1W Wl
K AUordon, rent for Ismt lo no
W V imveuport, lirliiKiiiKUin niina
Nib e from Mtniiesota xn os
Aiiiiin Llnefelier, election Htm
Kred Voss, Hiinie 4 on
Sum Knok'. same 4 (HI
i'hllo McAfee, same 4 no
John Oolllns, same 4 no
Scl 1 District No 2tf. snme lf en
H ODorn same BO
John Kurke.same 4(10
John Jenkins, sumo 4 nil
U Htani, same 4 HO
J I' Meredith, snme . 4 no
('has W mldell, sarnie i 11
Town Halt, .Sunt h Hloux Ulty. same. . 5 on
K McKiuley, same 7 i
Win Winch, same' 4 Wt
(thus Holswortli, snme 4 no
Carl Larson, same 4 00
N It Hinltli, same 4 (10
Woodman Halt, Homer, same 5 (Kl
Hoy Armour, same 7 00
H It Urlhhlo, mine 4 00
It H Kockwell, .same 4 no
II Cain, same 4 00
Kd ( Ireeu, same 4 00
Woodman Had, Hiililiard, snme fine
4 00
4 00
8 no
4 oo
4 no
fi no
4 nn
4 nil
4 in
4 oo
4 oo
4 (ii
8 in
4 on
4 in
4 oo
4 00
r in
7 oo
4 no
4 no
t in
4 (
2 ill
2 ill
2 in
2 ill
.Martin Hotrh, sumo...
John Kush, same
J i) linviran, miiiic
John W TwoIiIk, tame
N A Nelson, same
J (1 luurKiin, same
M J Hynes, miiiic
H Ii Wood.snino
Chas Kfitm, same
Kred Schrlcver, same.... ..
Wm l.atirs, snme
Jay Kots'i'tson, same.
( leo I 'ook, same
Marton Wlirle, same
S llltam llieile, same
Illinium siol.. same
A I I invls. same
hire Hall, Kincrsou, saini..
T H Siilltvun, same
Hans K mnlseii, saiiui
Jolin Hyan, snme
Joe lliannaii, same
.lames Klyiin, same
W m HI ley , same
Win McKiuley, same
W I. Itoss. same
James Krou ii, g:imc
1) O HclTernan, same
Scott liuiicnn. work
l iilversliy tulillslitmiCo, mdse 21 to
Hurt K rosen, pi lnllini liallols 2'.' 26
r red sclirlcver Co, supplies 'JH 411
lit' lletTcrnan, stamps h :m
liukotaClly riiaruiucy, druirs 1191
lie ItclVcrnuii, Stnle vs Hot) Stone .. . 0 45
.1 I' Itis'kwell, salary til ilrt
lames Kui'-liiu, salary :ifi III
Hen.e A lli eeii, inaklinl election hooth W 111
The lil lowing claims were allowed
011 the county tii-ldge fund:
Kdwardstl- llradfoid I.hrCo. lumler..$."i:Ct la
Homer llarilware Co, hardware li 2f
The following claims were allowed
on the county road fund:
Henry Ulne, rond work 47 no
K.rnsl laii'hr, same 4 in
Nick Stiuinoiis. Minie 4 m
W III Havls, same tl 111
Nets Anderson, same :t (II
James lieml rti kson, same 11 ill
( cui ire J oh n-on. same s hi
Martin IIumiiii-m'II. muiic it 111
I'elcr .1 11I1 iimi.i, same K ill
Chits KiickM-n, miiiic :t 111
I'eter Jensen, same I ill
utile II ale, same il 111
( it in we J ciiM'ii, sa me !l in
Andrew l arsen, same ;t in
I1I111 NcIm'ii. same ;i in
Allien Schrocder, snme ;l 10
Clius I niUi1, Mime Jim
Itui'ty i iiiliiirn. bailie :t 'o
M J (iiceii, same :i in
Maitin Uu-iniisM'ii, same :t in
Louis k iniil-icii. miiiic tt in
.1 1I1 11 sum Ii. miiiic .'I i"
W in Itri.i lull miiiic ill i'i
W in I t iiiniT kiiiiic. -ii ,rsi
lieoi'ire M iilkllT. -nine j .'m
John ThnoUcr, -aiiu' 7
S:un J 'ftiorn. Minn' liiiT'i
Kinll Aii.lei Min, miiiic s.'
The lolliiu mi; cl.iiiiis wet'..' allowed
mi the toad district I'ttnd:
lleni v (.toe, freidht on milder, lNt 17 - 2u
JiihnC Mnlih, I.011 I Hist No til :i un
John C S11111I1, I'1 4 ll
.1 K l.ci'iUmi, rcpnl rl mr it ruder, nisi Xuj 4 2f
Louts 1'edei 'son, work, (list No t ,v. Im
te iuse Ji lisen, iil k, dl.-l No lit 1 m no
Iti n.c A liieeii, 11 imli lmt ttradcr.ih-t J !tt
adjourned to Decern her
First publication 11-11-10 4vk.s
You nnd each of you will take notice that
on the -.Ttli day of ( letolsT. lam, IJ. Mai tin
Plalnttll herein, Hied her petition in the
district com t of Iwkota county, Nebraska
aval 11st you, the said defendants, the object
and prayer of which are. to establish anil
uulet her title iaiilnst your adverse claim
to the property nereinnuer uesci iisu ; it-it-
Imr that you be tmrred nnd estopped from
hayliiK or clnimimr any rutin or iiiiu mere
to, act verse to said plalntllf, whether by
eonvevance. inortitutfe or othrwlse.
The followtiiK nre tne names 01 me ue
fclidants. and descriptions of the property
nlwive refiirred to:
To W. H. Hood win, jr., as ciniminit lots 11
nod 12, In block 42, of Joy Plnce Addition,
South SlouxClty; to 11. licnver.usciinnilim
lot 12 In bliH-k n of l'liiincr riuce Aduition,
South Stoux City: to Anna r.. f.lllott. us
clalmliiK lot 4 In block 10. of 2nd Addition to
South SlouxClty: to John tJ. xfleukirou anil
J. I). Blenklron, ns clatmlim lots 1 and 17, lu
block Vof 2nd Addition to south Sioux city,
lot 18 111 bliH-k fi of 1st Addition to South
Sioux City, lot 17 in block 6. lot In block 7,
lot HI In block 8, lot IX lu block 12, nil of
South Sioux City: bit fi In block 2.
lot 1 In block , nnd lot 2 lu block
4 of Central Addition to South Sioux
Ulty; to Anron M likllekmilT, as owner of
lot 18 In block 0 of 2nd Addition to South
Hloux City ; to J. M. Wlllett, as elalinliiK lot
5 In block 8 of 1st Addltlou to South Sioux
Oily; toUeo. K. Healsjld, as clalmliiK lot 2.1
lu block 6 of 1st Addition to South Stoux
City: to .lames Kephart ns clalmluit lot 0
In block 14 of South Stoux City ; W. A. limits
ns cluliuiuK lot 18 In block 12 of South Sioux
City: to Ann K. rVreslnim or Anna M. IV r
eshliiR, as claiming l 't 10 in block V of South
Stoux City : to the Unieway Improvement
company us clalmlnx lots 8 mid 17 In block 7
of South Sioux City ; to John Walraven, as
clalmliiK lot lo lu block 0 of south Stoux
City; to Chas. A. Chapman, ns clulmluK lot
8in block fi of South SlouxClty: to Lota M
llu nt, ns clalmliiK lot 11 In bhs-k & of Sou til
SlouxClty: to William IS. Palmer, as claim
lot 1 In block 8 of Central Addition to South
Stoux City, uud lot 12 In block Id of CovliiK
tOll, S llll II.' A.-ll IU C1lMll.il .-UOLiA un; , 11' IX .
J. Ilrnsslleld as owner of lot 5 In block 112 of
CovliiKton,, as annexed to South Sioux City ;
to Kllzals'tli Arnesdorf, ns elalmliiK lots 1
nnd 8 In block So, In UovliiKlon, annexed to
South Hloux City: to the Combination
HrldKO Company, clalmlnir lot lo In block
Kl, lu CovliiKton, annexed to South Sioux
City : to the Sioux Olty & Nebraska Railroad
Company! as clalmliiK lot U in block 7u of
CovliiKton. as annexed to South SlouxClty
to Tealle (ii'llTi-y. or Telilie Dowalt, clalmliiK
lot 1 In block At) In CovliiKton, annexed to
South Hloux City: to Thomas SlKler nnd
Moses K rub, clalmliiK lots 2, 4 and fi lu block
KW of CovliiKton. itudexed to South Sioux
City; to John Mehaiis, clalmliiK lot 8 In
bhs-k On of CovliiKton, annexed to South
Sioux City ; to W. J. Unruh, and K. K. Me
Pherson, clitlmliiK lots 11 In block (18 of COv
liiKton annexed to South Hloux City: to
William Unrdon, trustee, clnlinliiK lot 8 hi
block Ml of CovliiKton, annexed to South
SlouxClty: to Kruncls A.Joy, Chnuncy L,
Joy nnd Helen J. Skeels, clnlinliiK a niort-
Kiikh on lots 11 nnd 12 In block 42 ot Joy
Place. Addition to South Sioux City: to J
M. Moan. Frank Hunt. Kit e C. Palmer
William H. Palmer, and Charles K. Palmer
clalmliiK a mortKiiKe 011 lot 4 In bhs-k lulu
2nd Addition to South Stoux City: to James
M. IIikks, clalmliiK the enst null of lot 1 In
section 84. township 27, raiiKe W east. All
of said properly belnK iu lmkotit county
Vou are required to answer said petition
on orlM'fore the luth day of Heccmlx'r, 11)10.
Hated November 2. ItUO.
C Mahtin,
Ky HeoiKo M. Pnnloe, Attorney.
See the
at S. A. Stinson's
Big Clean-Up Sale of
Undertaker County Coroner
The Mico Ktcrnd I'roces.4 of iCml'alming.
Nothing taken from body and notliing put
in body. AH done upon outside. Body can
be kept for ages.
15. F. SawytT, Tackson, Nebraska
"Che Herald and
Now Idea Magazine $1
Sioux City Dailv and Sunday
Journal 5
without Sunday i
to rural route patrons 3
K'luaas L'ltv Weekly Star. .. . 1
low a Homestead 1
Poultry Gazette (Lincoln).... 1
Woman's orld 1
Luf.illette'a Magazine, weekly. 1
Hampton's " 1
Luiplneott a 2
Nice Things for the Holidays
Oar lice contains many itoms that would make suitable presents.
Not "nick-nacks," but goods of worth. Remember the useful and
beautiful are never far apart.
We Mention a Few
Kitchen Cabinets, Home Comfort Bread and Cake
Cabinets, Roasters, Knives, Safety Razors, Clocks,
Goasters and Express Wagons.
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co.
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abutract I make
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co.
Bonded Abstracter
W. I- UOSS. Clerk.
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho-Salins Springs
Located ob our owu truil'M ad wj
v la tti
Natural Mineral Water
UnnarpuMil io tt tr-!mnt of
Mrt, Btomtch, Kidney nd Llror
Miru Cktrfta. AddnM
DR. I. W. EVERETT, Mgr.. Lincoln, Nb.
Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers
Cook on patents. "Hints tolnventors." "Inventions needed."
'Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for
search of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly.
Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge .of
the U. S. Patent Office.