Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 18, 1910, Image 7

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RV. W. H. Warrvn, Pastor.
Hervleca at the Methodist KpNoopnl
huroh every Hiinday a follows: Preach
ing at II am; Hiiiidiiy school at in ft l" ; class
mooting li in: Kp worth Ijcnirue 7 p in;
preaotiliiK 8 p in.
Rov.S. I.. Keller. Pastor.
There will be no service I" Kininniiiicl
Lutheran church, Dokota City. Ktnicloy
nlKtit, hi the pastor litis another (imiiKt
nient out of town.
Sunday school every Sunday at t:46 a m ;
Ellxnls-th M. II huso, superintendent.
pruauhlng at7:HU p in. every Mundoy.
Preaching overy Hunclny at 11 a in; Sun
day school promptly nt II) a in. F. I. (Jul
bertsoii, superintendent.
TIip public Is oordlally Invited to all those
R R Time Table
c B ft Q
No. 91 Local Freight 7:15 am
17 " Passenger. .12:47pm
No. 92 Local Freight 2 :26 pm
16 Local Fassenger. ,6:t.7 pm
daily. daily except Sunday.
C, 8t. P., M. A O.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
lowing time:
i :55 pm Omaha 7:58 am
10:03 am Omaha 5.13 pm
8:38 pm Norfolk 8:23am
9:28 am Norfolk 5:13 pm
7:38 am Newcastle 10:18 am
1:15 pm '" ...... .5:55 pm
12 :13 pm Omaha 2 :30 am
5:38 Norfolk 8:23 am
9:28 Norfolk 5:13
Send Us Your Name
WE nave a good money-
making proposition
and w ant to tell you about
it. Write to-day for par
ticulars. Address
t'.Si! Ursadnay
Local Items
Friday, Nov. 18, 1910
We have sewing machine need Ion
and sehnttles to fit any sewing ma
chine. You will also find a good line
of Imrdware, graniteware and tinware
at right prices, at Bchriever JSros,
Trade Mark?
Copyrights Ac.
AtiTone e.iltng a sketch and description "in"
Quickly ascertain nnr opinion free whet ner an
Invention is nrohnbly pntentiihlo. ; mnmmilcn
tlrmsstrlollymiilt.lontliU. HANliB03l onl'RtMite
iont lice, til'lnit siiency for aururinir paienta.
l'ntonta mkeii throw-ii Mui.ii Co. recelra
mxrinl notice, without clinriio, lutiie
Scientific American.
A hflndi.unelT llltlitratel wookly. Iirifest clr.
iillnlli.n .f nny aeipnilS'! I.mriml. '1 erli'S, T I t
venr; torn-mourns, L suiuuyau mBirarmii
1 1.
mm & co.36"
iniiiin-'iu'i. i ;
Eye Hcrsvld and
New Idea Magazine $1 30
Sions City Daily and Sunday
Journal 5 00
without Sunday 4 20
to rural route patrons 3 50
Kansas Uitv Weekly Star. .. . 1 15
-Iowa Homestead 1 50
Poultry Gazette (Lincoln)
Woman s World
Lafollette's Magazine, weekly.
Hampton's "
Lippincott's u
2 75
The Youth's
So Much for
so Little !
52 Weeks' Issues
only $i.7S-
lW JV.l."i 11 Ul
The Companion entertains half
a million families every week.
Only the Best
chosen from the
world's abundance
of every sort.
Send for Free Sample Copies
of the Larger Companion and
the Announcement for 191 1.
FREE to JAN. 1911
All the "!".' "iVKiTlM ''."lln'
Till-' IDIIIMMON'" ,!T 'V',' V
Thru TUp V....II.-. "V"'! Vr' "f
S A Stiiisoo was a visitor fit Lyons
a few days the past week.
George Haase and Wra Best were
down from Emerson Sunday.
Porter Bonis was quite sick the past
week thieatened with appendicitis.
Mrs Jas Hutchios of Sioux City,
spent the week hero with Mrs Mary
Julius Quintal went to Elk Point, fl
D, Sunday to look after Lis property
A baby daughter was born to Mr
and Mrs Hal Dlacketer, of South Sioux
City, Sunday.
Miss May MoOaskey, of Sioux City,
spent Suuday with Miss Burkett in
Dakota City.
Mins Lottie Orr came down from
Winside Neb, Tuesday for a few dajs'
vinit at home.
Postmaster L Krygerof South Sioux
Oity was a vUitor at the county
seat Monday.
Arlow linger went to Bloomfieid
the first of the week to work at his
trade carpentering.
Glen Smith of Emerson, was a pass
eager to Ilomcr Wednesday for a
week's hunt on the river.
Miss Mary Easton went to Walthill
Wednesday to visit at the Ilev EE
Shafer home a few days.
Rev S L Keller will preach in the
Lutheran church, South Sioux City,
Snnduy evening at 7 :30 o'olook .
II M Stevenson, of Moville, Iowa,
father of Mrs F H Forrest spent the
week here at the Forrest home.
James L Kramper of Omaha, ar
rived Saturday for a few days' visit
with relatives and frieuds hereabouts.
Blanche Hamilton is home from
Speaifibh, S D, where she has been
holding down a claim and teaching
Van is giving away a dandy dish of
ynur own choice with every package
of coffee you buy. The dish is worth
the money.
A Thanksgiving program will be giv
en at the Salem Lutheran church on
Wednesday evening, November 23rd,
beginning at 8 o'clock.
If yon don't know where to trade
since the S A Stinson store burned, try
Van de Zeddt's he will guarantee ev
erything he sells to be first class.
Chas Suowberger, of Wilmerding,
Ta, was an over Suuday guest at the
It E Evans home, being enronte home
from a business trip into South Dakota.
Postoflioe Inspector L A Thompson,
of Omaha, was here Monday and
checked up the accounts of the post
oflice. He found everything in good
The lecture course committee is try
ing to entertain you. Come out and
hear the "Brownie Girl" and show
them you appreciate their efforts.
Don't forget the date.
Dean Cornell experienced a little
trouble with the light plant u his au
tomobile Tuesday Dight, and as a re
sult the lamp exploded and came near
blowing Dean's head off.
Roland Orr ipent part of last week
with his wife and daughter at Win-
side, Neb. He brought home witn
him a fine draft uorsq mat tips iue
scales close to the ton mark.
T.omn linek comes ou suddenly and
is extremely painful. It is caused by
rheumatism of the muscles Quick re
lief is afforded by applying Chamber
lain's Liniment. Sold by all drug
Mrs Fred Runge and children ar
rived here last Friday from Alta, N D,
to join Mr Runge, who came down a
couule of months ago. They will
spend the winter hero and return to
their claim in tue spring.
Miss Elsie Browu, the "Brownie
tiirl" deserves a crowded house. She
gives one of the best entertainments
that wU be seen uere mis wiuin.
Come out and hear something good
and boost for the lecture course.
Union Thanksgiving service will be
hpld in the Methodist cnurcu dpxi
Tlnirmlav ( the 24th ) beginning at 10:30
o'clock, Rev S L Keller of Emmanuel
Lutheran chnrch will preacn tue ser
mon. Special music is being arranged
for the occasion.
Many school children suffer from
nutinafmn. which is often tue cause
stupidity at lessons. Cham
l.rluin'ii Htomach and Liver laiuots
. an ideal medicine to give a child,
for t Lev are mild and gentle in tueir
effect, and will cure even chronic con
stipation. Sold ty all druggists.
ltv W H Oherholtzer writes from
, 1 i i.l
lUrstow. TtiXus, wuere lie locaieu
and a half aco, to have
the address on his Herald cuangen
to AUmquerque, N M, to which place
he is about to move witn uis iuiuuy,
having accepted the pastorate ot tue
Lutheran church in thai ciry. e ex
tend a cordial invitation to any of
their Dukota county friends, suouui
they ever come to Albuqueique, to call
and see them in tueir new uome.
In order to do their share towards
acoiuiuodating the teachers in at
tendunce at the Nebraska State Teuch
Ur' asfociatiou which convenes
T.i.mnln. November 23, 24 and 25,
11)10, the Lincoln Business Girls' club
has assumed a share of the expense of
furnishing the now Y W C A building.
Rooms for four or rive together, or sin
gle rooms, it desired, cau ue iurtnsueu
at DUc per niht. These rooms can be
eiipiied in auvauceby addrehsing Miss
Etta Ager, Y W C A, 1432 N St, Lin
ooln, Nebr.
Tin. Iloi.iun and wife, who have
conducted the City Hotel in thU place
for the mist two years, vacated the
hontlery Monday and moved to Sioux
Citv, where they will eouiluct tue
Sioux City Uoune, corner of riftu ami
Pearl Kts W hlle here they couaueleu
u first class hotel, iu fact the beBt we
have had in years, and the residents
of Dukotit City us well as the traveling
j uhlo who iiniko this place are sorry
to have them leave us. The hotel is
owned by Dr C tl Maxwell who ex
pects soon to have it occupied again.
Mrs T J O'Connor, of Homer, is
dangerously ill.
F W Swirgle of Sioux City transact
ed business heie last Friday.
Mrs V I Broyhiil is very low with
little hope of her ultimatate recovery.
Buy a good farm on the Dakota
county bottom. I have it. Eimors.
Mrs F II Forrest rpent a few days at
Moville, Iowa, this week visiting rela
tives. Lost Black enajiel bar breast pin
with pearl setting. Retard. Herald
Mrs George Pranger was down from
Wakefield Wednesday calling on old
The little babe of Mr and Mrs Rich
ard Quintal has been quite sick with
Charles and Anna Bartels departed
Monday for a month's trip to the Pa
cific ccast.
John F Sides, deputy U 8 marshal,
made an official trip to Genoa and
Fremont Wednesday.
If you haven't got time to do your
own shopping call up No. 1, and he
will deliver the goods promptly.
George Kean and Nellie Hoott, giv
ing their address as Sioux City, were
joined in marriage Thursday afternoon
by Rev Warren, M E pastor.
Anyone wishing a new phonograph
of the latest style for only 17.60 can
get one by leaving their order with
Van de Zedde.
Reed Conway and Goldie Boilings
worth, of Onawa, Iowa, were married
in the county Judge's office Thursday
by Rev J L Phillips of South Sioux
If it is A 1 grooeries you want, just
plane. o over Van de Zedde's stock. He
will sell just as cheap as possible, and
he handles nothing but first class
Mr and Mrs Rob Cheney and Mr
and Mrs E II Spurliug and baby,
of Cherry Creek, 8 D, are down on a
short visit of a few days at the Wm
Cheney homo.
County clerk Ross and John Hile
man spent several days in camp at the
river the past week hunting the festive
duck but we have not tasted any of
their game, as yet .
The Dakota City schools will take a
vacation next week on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday to enable the
teachers to attend the state teachers'
meeting at Lincoln.
Word came to Mrs R B Orr the fir.it
of the week that her mother, Mrs Ja
The following information is given
to parents and guardians of Dakota
county as a notice pieparatory to the
enforcement of the Compulsory Atten
dance Law
1. Upon whom does the law place
the responsibility of sending children
to school ?
Upon parents or other persons hav
ing legal or actual control oi children
2. What is the penalty attached to
the violation of this law?
A fine not to exceed $25.00.
3. Whose duty is it to enforoe the
It is the duty of tue county superin
tendent, and the county superintend
ent is under oath t do bis duty.
4. Whose duty is it to inform the
county superintendent that the chil
dren are not attendiug as required by
Any superintendent, principal,
teacher, or member of a board of edu
cation, who shall know of the violation
of this act,
5. What are the ages of children,
wl o are compelled to att?ud school?
Children not less than seven nor
more than fifteen .
6. How loug must such children at
tend school ?
Two-thirds of the entire time that
the school shall be in session in the
district in which such children reside,
aud no case less than twelve weeks.
These additional explanations are
made to clear away all doubt as to
the requirements of the law:
Iu a district having three months of
school and in city districts, children
from seven to fifteen must attend the
entire time.
In districts Laving six mouths of
sohool, children from seven to fifteen
must attend not less than eighty days.
In districts having seven months of
school, children from seven to fifteen
must attend not less thau niuty-iour
In districts having eight months of
school, children from seveu t fifteen
aiunt attend not less than out hundred
seven days.
In districts oaving nine months of
school, children from seven t fifteen
must attend not less one hundred
twenty days
Attendance at school means to be
present five days in a week and four
weeks in a month.
It is not ouly right, but tlu duty of
the teacher, to iLquire into the cause
Brownridge. age 84, had died at the of abs.-uoe on the part of tho pupil of
home of a daughter, Mrs Wm Irvin, compt.isory age, ami a icauuer us uo
in Toronto. Can. on Thursday of last right to excuse suou pupil
Don't fiil t hear the "Brownie Girl
at the M E churoh the evening
Thau'nKKiving. If the lecture
or insufficient
for non-at
or trivial
before I
ill li
ft Sfi
Being a Story of How iva Were Convinced
First, we were attracted by the handsome ap
pearance of the Favorite, but we did not deciae
to handle it for thi3 reason alone, although we
decided it was the most handsome base burner
on tho market.
We wanted a better reason than an attractive
looking stove, so we looked it over thoroughly,
comparing it point by point with other case
burners, and this i3 what we found:
That the material from which it is made is all of
the highest grades the doors, mica frames and
joints Deing absolutely air and paper tight.
We were told the Favorite produced the most
satisfactory results with about half as much coal
as other base burners. We discovered this to be
true. We found the reason to be in its Triple
Exposed Flues.
The sectional cut herewith explains these flues
better than we can in words. The heat passes
lrom the nre pot into the two outside down
flues, across the bottom of the stove, under
the ash pan, where it enters the central flue.
It then passes back over the bottom and up
the central flue to the chimney. Just think
of this great radiating surface, and it is more than
doubled, because- the flues are SET OUT from the
.br.ck of the stove. The flues therefore radiate from
all sides, and the back of the stove radiates heat, also.
This feature alone places the Favorite in a class by
itself, making it the best and most economical heating
stove in existence. But other features of its con
struction must not be overlooked. Would like to tell
you all about them.
Do not put off buying your heating stove
until the cold days come. Come and
see us now, and our Favorite will be
your Favorite too.
(Si 13. Lumber Co.
Dakota. City, Nmbrm.mU.rs.
YotiTJ Find the
Reason in the
The exceptional to which the law
does not apply are:
1 U'l.ora tha nhilil . for nn enual
this yer does not pay it will be your tj,UH ttyJovt, Bpeoineii, instructed in som e
fault nd there will be no more suoh piiroclliai or prvate sohool.
entertainments in Dakota City. 2 where the child is instructed for
, .. . , .,! 1,, to order liy the chairman, tlie.olijeci oi mu
A dumaoo case has been hied in the sn equal time, at home or elsewhere, ..,. extended
district court of Dakota county by Ua- by a person quauueu to teacu iu iue mesent to become members. The
vid Kensler against Judd Odell, in publio schools. inlnute.sof the previous nieetlnit were read
which Kossler seeks balm to the 3. Where a child of fourteen years ,,,, approve, in the disoiiHsioiic.r Hutter-
amom.t. of $." (100 for a brutal beating of aste is of necessity, employed for his ,,mkinu a description wits Riven of the inov
he received at the I own support or the support ot tuose mu school of butti r-inakinn eonuueieu ny
HOMCMAKERS- club meeting
I Contributed )
An liitereKtlutr ineethiK of tho Dakota
County lIomeiimkerH'elub wits hold Krldny
afternoon of Inst wck nt the homo of Mrs
Moll A Hchinled. Tho meeting was called
to order by tho chairman, thoohjoct of tho
I " I..""1 "II "'
which he alleges
hantlb of Odell.
Lost, strayed or stolen from nty
nlace Thursday. October 27, 1010,
four red hogs. 1 big sow, weight
about 400 wounds: 3 shoats, two of
them sows and 1 barrow, weight about
150 to 175 ponnds. Louis Dierkiug,
Dakota uity, Nebr.
An appeal has been taken froa the
oonnty court to the district court oy
depeudent upon him.
4. Where the child l uuable either
physically or mentally to do tho work
of the school.
Where the child lives more than
two miles from the sohool house by
the nearest traveled road, unless trans-
Miss Hose of Nova Scotlu. Mrs 11 J llooney
nave a very practical taut on.mu kuhjiti,
repleto with helpful suwKOHtlonH.for buitor-
inakers, and Mrs 1 j Dlcrktnir Kftvo a iletnon-
HtrnUonofu butter worker, it IiiIkh- miivIdk
machine used In worklnn butter.
Mrsiieo li Hoals recited n parody on Mnud
Mullcr. while for select reudliiK Mrs J F
portation is furnished by the district sides gnvu "I.iko his Mother.used to Cook
for the child.
Tha l.iw of Nebraska Buarautees to
each child the richt to attend school
ini.n p KaiKvim. in the matter of the This opuortunitv to obtain an educa-
appropriation and condemnation of tion belongs to the child. He has the
' . w r-v a. i. I ' i.- ..a.!. wnmati.iua-r
lunds and lots, by xminage uiswui same ngiu iu it ma u
v o ,f naknta rinnntv. and the as hiftirm. the bauker to his bank, or
therefor. the merchant to his goods.
... i jxo man lias a riguu vo " " i i no pupor, nm uMii.uium, ui
When a cold becomes settled in tue urouertj except those rights iato." by Mrs Ueo Hates, was welt written
system, It will take several aays treat t d , the laws and customs and showed careful prepuration.
ment to cure , auu i ur . . t, 80flietv in wbicU be iiv8. The
tnnseis "uaniberiainsuougu "emeu,. - llftrilIlt(,G- to the farm.
It will cure Quicker man mau uj . ,.- .aa , tlin ,mriuPr a
other, and also leaves the system Li8 moneT an'd to tr.e merchant
natural aud healtbv condition, doiu . v. tl,u
by all druggistB. children of Nebraska the right to go
of F W Harding, t.n nnbool .
a former sohool professor of this coun- The parent or (tuardian, taking this
t iin.i Miss F Mormann. both of r;Tbt awav from his child, is robbing
- . - . ., . , .. - -.- . .
Sioux Citv. were ametiy marrieu uv it Gr us chance lor tuture Buccenn,
County Judge neffernan baturuay pendent upon education, as tue trusi,
evening, Oct. 22. The ceremony was roUs the individual oi ins coiuiueiuim
witnessed by J A 1 oye jr and Ueriruue BUccess,
M P..vb. li? what riarht can a father demand
... .. , ... ti.
i.i imo- ith- obedience oi bis cuua, wnue iu
lUBUiu.wu.;,.- i . ,,.LJ, i,, nf thn land 1V
outnumber, and repeated over na " . -
. iL ... i.ui sr. r. hut it taking from the child, what the law
over KU 'r .: , iu ltir what loeiO can 8
' . . . i .. I r 11 ii i M 1
If You Qot Sick
or had a bad accident How About Your Last
Summer's Wages?
If it is saved (as h sohuld be) and in the bank, then
you can Lnugli at Misfortune.
Just think ahead, to the rainy day that is bound to
come to all the old age creeping on apace the
decreasing earning ability and the increasing spend
ing needs and Start that Bank Account Tuday.
We pay 4 interest on time deposits, and keep your
money Absolutely Saje:
Hot tl wore humorous selections mid much
Current Kvents a review of tho world's
hiippouliiKs for the last four months, rend
by Mrs Kllznls'th Horwen, was well selected
and IntcrcsMiur.
Keclpo for AuKel Food Cuke, by Mrs Oh O
lSarnett. was followed by Keneral (Uncus-
Tho Diiuer, "Tho Possibilities: of the To.
Tho discussion, Kail Work in the'tlnrdon,
led by Mrs Mell A Kchinled. and Kail Work
In the House, wore ably discussed by the
ladles present.
About thirty ladles attended tho meeting.
Those from nolKhlKirluR towns.were Mes-
danies W 11 Bradford. J h Phillips, Uoo I
Bonis, M II I. locum, H J Koonoy.T K Mon.
iilian, and 1) DoLonir, (South .tsioux City;
Mrs Venus Drydon and Miss Williams of
Kloux City
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats
Bank, of Dakota County
By what logio
suneriutendent, a
The Rev. Irl R. Micks 1911 Almanac
Tim llov Irl It Hleko Aliuitniwi for 1UI1
that uuardlau AnKcl In a hundred thousand
luinios. Is now ready. Not many are now
willliiK to Ihi without It mid the llov Irl II
Hicks iniiKuzlno, word and works. 1 no
two are only Sl.i" a your. Tho Aluianiio Is
IVic prepaid. No homo or oHlc? should fail
to semi lor inein, io h oro anci n orm i uo
HshlnK Uoiupany, Ht Mollis, Mo.
1H WWJ" . . v... .1 . . . j . I
. ' r... ..n.:. I teacher, a
uornhn maim xuere is uuiuiuk iu . . ...
. . - ... ......... minor ninnilHI b HHK 1
.... i i 1. 1.. i ii.iii'r.i. iii re i.'jtiiiL. ii ..,.i. , i j . ... ,..nr.
the world thai cures cougu. .... , ,,. . rniH of the """"
as quicklya8 Chamberlains Uougn r", .t,. the law of The Bank Of Dakota COUntV
I TT nil (1 rn a or HI. H. I i " . . . , I
A tft JM
t i U.il.i Iitt nil 1 ni a triur.H
iveuieuj. j I tlia state by not protecting
We have a good position open in mis of tUttt iitti0 0bilii ?
county for a man of good standing 101
take charse of branch Oil and Uaso
line station, to sell direct to the farm
era iu barrel lots. Must be able to
nu.nU seonritv us we carry car
loud oil, each station. Will pay good
xalarv or commiMsioa to right party
Address Milwaukee Oil Refilling Co,
Aberdeen, 8 Dak.
Van de Zdde has just finished in
voicing aud cleaning up his store pre
paring for the fall trade which is nn
neiittlly large this year, ue una inn
in a full and complete stock of cauned
goods of this year's packing, besides
the fresh fruits which he always car
ries. His grocery stock is fresh aud
up to date, aud you can always get
just what you need at Van's.
Croup is most prevalent during the
dry cold weather of the early winter
months. Parents of young children
should be pi epared for it. All that is
needed is a bottle of Uhainiteriuin s
Cough Remedy. Many mothers are
nover without it ill their homes aud it
tifver (liHUMioiuted them. Sold
by all druggiHts.
hv ambitions young men or ladies iu
the Hallway or " Wireless" Telegraph
service. Hinco the 8-hour law became
iffective, and since the extensive de
velopments of wireless telegraphy,
there is a shortage of lO.OOO telegrap
ers. Positions pay begiuners $70 to
$')0 per month. We operate under su
pervision of Telegraph Olliiiuls and
all graduates are guaranteed oniiieu.
Write for full details to 'he Institute
nearest to you. NATIONAL TELE
Philadelphia, Pa, Memphis, Teiiu,
Columbia, 8 C, 8t Paul, Miun, Enid,
Okla, Portland, Ore.
the rights
The eleventh grade have taken up
the study of "Macbeth". At present
they are studying the historical busis
of the iilav and fiud it very interesting.
Tnis class Las liiht completeii a stuuy
of "The Merchant of enice'
The ninth flrrade composition class
u i, - .. i. n-
am writing iiuHiness uonoio .....
week, last week they wrote sooiul
forms". This class derives mucu
pleasure a well us beaeht from this
Many of the patrons of tho Dukota
Citv schools are neglecting to send
their children to school regularly and
some aro so far as to keep children of
nchool aize home to work and many
times to l.iuf. Under "County Bcnooi
Notes" in this paper an extract of the
"Nobtaska Compulsory Attendance
Law" is given and a strong effort will
be made to enfore the same. Several
children in this district have attended
onlv a few days and a small number
have not eurolled this school yeur
Hut one hundred twenty cirfht school
lavs are left in which to meet the r
ouireiaen ts of the law. therefore take
- ... . .
heed. This is said not witn uti aniag
onihtia motive, but for the good of tho
coming generation.
'The Bank tint ALWAYS treats yu RIGHT"
of Jackson, Nebraska, Charter No. a,il, In
enrporuted In IheHlaloof Nebraska, lit the
c lope of iiuslness Novenils-r 10, lulu.
I mill discounts t HVi,flS4 7
Ovcrdi afls, secured and unsecured W.'S hi
HiinkliiK house furniture ana na
tures ll.imu no
Current expenses mid taxes paid .. l,KM II
lute from luiti, stale ami
private Isinks 4:t.:KJ ff
Cui roiicy til.ivvi no
hi, ni i. ii ii wti nn
silver, iilckelsuiidcents.. 4WH (HI I'i.Milim
Total t H7.tHH li
To the South: Ilomeseekers' excursions will continue dusing the
winter to the South and Southwest; winter tourist excursions
are in effect every day to southern resorts; these excursion
rates offer an excellent chance to escape the northern winter in
looking over the land and recreation possibilities of the south.
Ilomeseekers' Excursions on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to the
new lands of the west, including the Big Horn Basin, which
country today offers the greatest combination of industrial and
farming resources at the cheapest rates in the whole country.
To California: Every day excursion rate with choice of routes
going and returning, to include the whole Pacific slope. Thous
ands of Americans, especially invalids and elderly people, have
selected Southern California for their permanent place for a
winter sojourn.
Throuyh tourist sleepers to California via Denver, scenic Colora
do and Salt Lake the all year route.
Send for Burlington publications, "California Excursions",
"Pacific Coast tours." Let me help you plan the tour of
the greatest attraction at the lowest rates.
W. E. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
L. W. Warklkt, G P A, Omaha, Neb
1004 Farnam street.
Capital stcs-k
hui puis mini
Tho Brownie (iirl
at the M E Church
November 23rd
mllvliled prollts.
IllllvldUltl ill' posits hllll-
liald In t ln.nnh
.1 M Ml ll
l ft.vv,i r2
ii Oil
lect to check . .
leinaiid ccrllllcalcs
lino i-ertlllcates of de
posit 1 17.II7M
HHliler's chocks out-
BlandliiK 17 lii xr.- inii "i
Total Ji!:i7,rtWU 12
Ktatk ok Nk.iihakka, (
omit y or imkota. I
I, Kd T. Kearney, cashier of tho nlsive
named bank, do hereby swear that the
ulsive stale men t Is a correct and t rue copy of
the report made to the state liankluK iMuiro.
vitkst: ..i j. hkakkkv.
M.Kkaiinky, Director. Cashier.
it h;. Kii'AitNKv. Iilreclor.
Subsciils il mid sworn to Is toro mo mis
mill day of Novenils-r, h'lu.
I.KK i . i r. A H r. y .
(skai.) Niilnry I'll l'H
My to 1 1) l li I -si 1 1 1 1 expires March 1
A (iood Stetcnient
of A Oood Bank
Deposits ten thiiusiiuil dollars larx
one year uko.
Total losses In nearly twenty-live, years
still less than llfty ilnlliirs, mnl still
TRYING to lx the Is-st bank III Ihe I'. S.
"Always hungry fur more business."
" I he Bank that ALWAYS
treats you RIGHT"
i I I
til I J...;Vi'as . . I
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale ut reasuuablc prices.
l iriibs & SLAiiauTEK Co.
TbioE Blvkn, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
This lja-in. Coucord Harness No. 76
no collars $31
Our No. 179, ltf-in. Concord, with
flat backs, a better job $35
Stories Eroo.
41I Pearl St
Sioux City
,thm Kccclvcl nt tin '"