Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 11, 1910, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Subscription Trice, $1.(X) Per Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
l'erniission has been granted for tbe
transmission of this paper througb tbe
maiis as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
Omaha ean retain Dablman for their
Mayor, and welcome.
Tbe election of Hitchcock over
Bnrkett forU 8 senator; LslU over
Iloyd fur congress, and Oallugber over
lionghn for representative, are conced
ed by the teturos at band,
Following is the total vote of the
connty by precincts: Dakota 178, Em
erson 189, Covington 257. Summit 102,
Omaili 220, Hubbard 129, St John's
120, rigm n Creek 52. Total 1197.
The total vot of the connty in 1909
was 1404, and in 1908 1545. This is a
falling off of 207 votes from last year
and 348 from the votiof two years
In the scattering vote cast for dif
ferent offices on the ticket we give the
following totals: For U 8 Henator,
Birmingham, pro, 10 Lippenoott, s,
22 For governor, Wright, s, 22.
For lieutenant governor, Lichty, pro,
15, Blatter, a 21. For secretary of
state, WittHtrnck, pro, 1C, dishing, s,
22. For state auditor, Lambert, s, 27.
For state treasurer, Fitch, pro, 17,
Barns, s, 23. For state superintend
ent, Jeffryes, s, 25, For attorney
general, Terry, pi, 11. Burleigh, s,
22. For commissioner public lands
and buildings, Olmstead, s, 23. Rail
way commisxiouer, Muh, s, 23. Con
gressman Third diwtiiet, Hookenber
ger, pro, 11. There wus a large scat
tering rote for county attorney, which
il it bad been combined on one candi
date, wonM almost hiive electnd him.
It E Evana and Fred Hchriever were
high men with 21 and 8 votes respect
ively. There were about twenty oth
ers with from oue to half a dozen votes
Precinct Returns
Following is tbe vote on precinct
oOioers, with a few scattering votes
Justice of the Peace, Nelson Fea )to
3, H B Hemstreet 2. Constable, R A
Campbell 2. Overseer district No 15,
Carl Hirsh 6. Overseer dintriut No 17,
Henry Gloe 7.
Justice of the Peace, W V Reninger
1, A K Liuafelter 1. Overseer din-
trict No 10, Hans Bonnicksoa 6. Dis
trict No 14, F H Way 1, E 1 Way 1
Constable Car), Frederickson 47
John Oreen 81. Overseer dipnoi No
9, Sam Thorn 36, Frank Uffing 51
Overseer district No 16. Oeo Jensen
20. Jacob Francisou 11, J O Smith 7
Overseer district No 8, MJ Mines
14; district No 18. Martin lloug 15.
st. John's
Jnstice of the peace, J B Smith 18
M E Kennellv 17. Constables, Frnd
Anderen 2, John Uickey 4 Overseer
district No 4. Louis Pedersen 66, li F
Sawyer 12 r district No 7 II Francisco
2JP Gill 12.
Justice of the peaae, H O Dorn 1, J
P Meridith 1, O Statu ru lt Coustu
bles, CD as Waddell 131, ueo uiver
more 99. Overseer diet No 11, Ira
Waddell 11.
Justioe of tbe peace, 8 W McKinley
13. Constable, Roy Rymill 144
Uverseer, district no l, run vsn
Oleve 18; district No 5, R M Lerko 50
Wni Learner 37", Dau . Kooawell 28
dutriot No 6, George N Gorgenstm 25
E H Loomis 6.
In this precinct J F Hall, republlo
an, was elected justice of the peace
with 117 votes; for oontables, James
Fueaton, republican received 126
Totea and Harry Foltz, republican, 99
votes; Madious Learner, republican
polled 44 votea for road overseer of
district No 2
of Carter, this week brought in a num
ber ufeaia of corn which be picked
from bis fluid. The corn is some of
the best that we have ever seen in
Soutii Dakota, and it only goes to show
bat Tripp county land will produce,
it the crops are well eared (or. Mr
Brown has several ears on display at
the Farmers State Bank.
Winnebago Chieftain: Mrs M 8
Mansfield was in Homer Tuesday even
ing and Wednesday to see relatives.
. . . .Mrs Ida Coleman, of Homer, wai
here over Sunday, the guest of Mr and
Louis Herman.... Miss Bersie Turner
returned to Emerson Tuesday after a
visit here with Mr and Mrs Sol Smith.
....Craig Spencer, a former Thurston
banker, bow living down in Kansas,
passed through VVinr.ebago Wednes
day, ...Mrs J W Nunn made a trip to
Omaha Wednesday, returuing today
She says Mr Nunn is about the same,
and that the little boy is gaining.
Emerson Enterprise: Mrs 8 H
Smith and children came up from
Winnebago Tuesday .... Miss Elsie
Wilkins of Homer has been spending a
few days at the borne of Mica Julia
Davis.... Mrs J L Davis and Harold
and Mrs T Carabine drove to Ponca
and spent the day at tbe borne of Cbas
Davis.... Mrs T Carabine of Kansas
City, has been spending the week at
the home of J L Davis. She will re
turn to her home today .... Burt Brown
of Sioux City was in LmerHon on
business Tuesday. Mr Brown
wa associated with Mark ielber in a
eneral store here at one time.
Wayne Demoorat: Rollie and LeRoy
Ley and Harry Armstrong were Satur
av passengers to Crystal Lake to
net ducks etc... Miss Gladys
Thompson of Dakota City, who has
been taking a review course, has been
leered to a position as teacher in a ru
ral school of Dakota county. Miss
Thompson has proved a most excel
lent student tbe will be a very efficient
teacher. . . .The remains of the late
Mrs Ream, mother of Will Ream aud
former residents of Wayne county,
were brought here from Holt couuty
yesterday and interred in the Green
wood cemetery. The body was acoom
panied by sous of the deceased.
Aldrich Wins by 25,000
Republicans Lose on Legis
lative Ticket
Sioui City Journal, 8th : Broken iu
health and with bis fortune gone, John
Peyton, of South Sioux City, Sunday
became an inmate of the Dakota coun
ty poor farm. In the early 90s Pejson
was known aa the "czar of Covmgton .
Peyson then bad plenty of money and
be stient it with a lavish hand. His
friends were many . He was the Johujf WiltHB, r 121
Si UAVMA h M A a a A 4
from our Exchanges
Sloan, Io, Star: J J English, of
South Sioux City, was a business caller
in Sloan one day last week.
Hartington News: Miss Rose Greve
aooompanied by ber nephew and nieoe,
Delos and Dorothy, children of Mr aud
Mrs C W Oroutt, went to Dakota Giiy
Saturday for a two weeks visit
Pender Republic : Miss Helen Nie
bubr tfrom Winnebago visited with
Pender friends over Sunday . . . .Craig
Wpenoor of Seattle, Wash, arrived
,Peudr yesterday
business matters.
to look after some
Salix items in Sloan, Iowa, Star
Sterling Linkswiler, of Winnebago,
Nub. visited here last week with U
and Mrs 8 D Cone. . . .Brosia Wbitti
oar who has been staying with ber
lint, near Bronson, has returned to
the borne of her mother here.
Sergeant Bluff Items in Sloan, Io
Star: Martin Hawk ana wite ol Good
win. Neb visited over Sunday with
relatives In and near town.... Mr and
Mrs Sylvester Camerer ara occupying
the Ebberson cottage vacated by Will
Koon's who have moved to Waterbnry
South Creek items in Ponca Journal
John Dillon baa resigned his school
work at the Jackson high sohool and
returned borne.... Pat Hodgins and
wife of Minot, North Dakota, came np
from Dakota City Monday in an aulo
and visited 1 this week with bis
sister, Mrs M Sbeaban.
TrinD Conntv. 8 D. Journal: Wo
Brown, one of our energetio borne
leaders residing about four miles east
Dakota County Gives Democratic Majority of About
Seventy-Five on State Ticket
The Vote in Detail It Might Have Been Worse.
a- g.
5. &
t t
2 I
For Amendment J06 101
Against Amendment 53 36
Preference for U. 8. Senator
Elmor J Burkett, r 108 122
Gilbert M Hitchcock, d ,. 58 78
For Qovernor
Chester A Aldrich, r 124 153
James C Dablman, d 44 56
For Lieutenant Governor
M R Hopewell, r 116 143
R A Clark, d 48 57
For Secretary of State
Addisou Wait, r 114 140
O W Pool, d 49 59
For State Auditor
Hilas R Barton, r 120 141
P J Hewitt, d 61 57
For Stats Treasurer
W A George, r 114 153
G E Hall, d 51 58
For State Superintendent
James W Crabtree. r 116 140
W U Jackson, d 52 62
For Attorney General
Grant G Martin, r 120 141
O H Whitnoy, d 46 63
For Com. Pub. Lands and Bldtrs.
E H Cowles, r 119 144
W R Eastbam, d 60 53
For Railway Commissioner
n T Clarke jr, r 118 141
B H Uayden, d 48 54
For Railway Com. to fill Vacancy
Peter McrtHUsen, by petition 42
For Congressman -Third Dist.
J F Boyd, r J0i
J V Latta. d 70
For State Sen. Eighth Dist
24 34
15 64
17 422
23 430
104 47 21
127 74 94
4 22
98 99
116 49 26 39
125 77 94 94
108 45 23 48
127 75 92 76
7 19 535
93 32 615
46 23
75 92
117 48
118 73
114 45 25
!16 74 91
114 43 27 49
115 76 86 74
21 522
29 685
21 520
28 591
110 42 24 40 4
124 78 88 76 97
45 26 47
73 88 71
117 40 23 45
117 75 91 78
4 20 514
96 28 585
72 114 30 25 32 5 7 321
Y McKane in Dakota county politics
Peyson at one time bad to bo reck
oned with by politicians seeking office,
ut for years bis star has been dimmed.
He was a conspicuous iiguro in Pearl
stieet when it wa the "white way" of
Sioux City. He conducted the Bijou
theater at Pearl and Third streets, a
notorious variety house. In those
days the Pontoon bridge connected
the wicked district of Sioux City with
Covington. Previous of ooming to
Covington Peyson was a respected
German farmer of Plymouth county.
Homer Star: Charles M Borowsky
returned from Excelsior Springs, Mis
souri, the iflrst of the week.... Word
from Bert Thaoker at Omaha states
that be is working in an automobile
garage, and likes bis job A card
from Wellington Smith and George
Warner state that they had an une
ventful tiip to Northern Minnesota
but enjoyed some good hunting and
Ushing. Their address is MoOregor,
Minn... .While Phil VanCleve and
Judd O'Dell were fishing in the Mis
souri river last Sunday a spoonbill oat
neb was caught that measured four
and one-half feet long and weighed CO
pounds.... Dr Stidworthy left Satur
day morning for the Black Hills where
he and his brother from V lborg. South
Dakota, will spend a couple of weeks
bunting for big game. Dr Johnsou of
Winnebago is looking after the doc
tor's practice here.... Win H Hols-
worth is now the possessor of a pair of
monkeys and is going to establish a
jungle town on the reservation. He
drew the two jookoea that have been
hibernating at Borowsky's saloon last
Monday . , . . O A Iliserote is back from
his homestead in Tripp county, South
Dakota and will spend a month or so
here getting out bis corn and looking
after other interests. Mr Iliserote has
his homestead nearly all fenced, be'
sides having sowed forty acres of
spring wheat. He likes Tripp couuty
M Taloott, d 4j
For Representative Sixteenth Dist.
Cecil R IJoughn, r 122
F L Gallaghur. d 49
For County Attorney
J J MoAllister, d 70
For Co. Com. Third District
Nelson Feauto. r 114
Geo W Thaoker, d 5G
98 45 30 41
136 79 87 80
117 49 22 46
113 72 92 68
20 51
29 598
100 143 81 98 74 96 36 698
110 48
30 87
78 39
17 494
29 601
Husking mittens at Carl Anderson's.
Hans Carlret) went ou a hunting trip
George Eble was a business visitor
in the city Friday,
Mrs J Heudricksuu visited from
Thursday until Sunday at the Mads
Hansen home.
Overalls the best made, for wear
and tear at Carl Anderson's.
Grandma Provanoha is again able to
be about,
Jim Barry was over the latter part
of tbe week and took along quite a
bunch of cattle from UubbarM.
D C Heffernan was in Emerson Mon
day on business.
Shoes the kind that never wear
out. At Carl Anderson's.
We read in last weeks Herald that
County Superintendent Voss had visit
ed the schools on Fiddler creek; now
its Hubbard next, Mr Voss.
Mrs Cbas Varvias returned Monday
from Elk Point, 8 D.
Mrs James Hendrioksen was a Sioux
City shopper Wednesday of last week.
You will need some warm winter
clothing for these frosty mornings, and
Carl Anderson can fit you out.
Tom Long had a car of bogs on the
market last week.
Patrick Jones returned from Ponoa
Charley Tinkle went to Ponca Sat
urday to visit bis parents. He return
ed Monday.
Sweaters, for men, women and ohilj
dren, at Carl Andersou's.
Soma of those from here who were
city callers Saturday were Freeman
Rockwell and wife, Mrs L Rockwell,
Dan llartnett and wife, Miss Malady
and Mrs Christiansen.
Rev Father English has been some
what under the weather the past week,
but at this writing is greatly improv
ed. k
Don't forget to See Carl Anderson's
ntock of winter underwear. He cud
supply your wants in that line..
Mr and Mr John Jensen are expected
homo by Thanksgiving. They left
Denmark November the 9th. They
have been gone about two months..
W W Pounds and Mr Walters of
Pender were in Hubbard Election day.
Hans Larseo was in the city Sun
day. Dr Leahy was over from Jackson
Tuesday to examiue some candidates
for the Woodmen,
Election went off very quietly here.
Blankets and quilts in all weights
and prices, at Carl Anderson's.
Carrie Stone spent over Sunday in
the city,
John P Beaoom is slowly improving.
John Hogan and wife and Patsy
Duggau and wife leaves Thursday for
Exoelsior Springs, Mo. Thy will re
main for a couple of weeks.
A L Andersen is enjoying a visit
from relatives from the city this reek.
Katie Long left Monday for the con
vent at Jackson,
Briug us your produce, butter, eggs
and cream, and get the highest mar
ket price. Carl Anderson,
A very light vote was oast here in
J J Eimers and John F Sides of Da
kota City were business visitors in
Hubbard Saturday.
Mary and Willie Hiich visited Sun
day at the Henry Hirch home'.
Mamie Clausen was a home visitor
from Saturday til Monday.
J J McAllister came down Tuesday
to help iu the political field.
J O Newburn of Sheridan, Wyo., is
visiting bis brothers, Frank, Lew and
T J O'Connor and wife welcomed a
little daughter to their home Satur
day, of the usual weight aud fineness.
Mrs A J Ream visited with ber son,
Dr Will Ream, in Walthill Sunday.
Eph Rockwell and wife and John
Braunt went np to the city Sunday
evening returning on Monday.
Dr a.nd Mrs Maxwell were down
from Dakota City Sunday.
Mrs Richardson, a representative of
the Child Saving Association ot Oma
ha, addressed the congregation ot the
Methodist church Sunday at be regu
lar preaching bonr.
Mr and Mrs R A Raoley, Wilbur
Racley, Miss Lue A Ilirtob, Mrs Guy
eitis. She is getting along as well as
mid be expected as the case was very
Dr Leahy is having the second story
f bis residence remodeled and laid off
into bedrooms, Jas Reeder of South
ioux City is also painting it through
J E McGonnigal, who spent the
summer on bis claim near Duff, Nebr,
returned home Saturday. He reports
very dry summer there and a killing
front in August.
The first number of tho lyceum
oourse will be given in St Patrick's
hall Nov 15, 1910; after tbe entertain
ment a dance will be given. Mnsio by
Collins orchestra.
Miohael Bolers new bouse 'ir ill soon
be completed and ready for occupancy
bout lhankngiving.
Krom the Keeord
An Automatic toll station hns been
put in at C D Smilcv's restaurant.
T E M.-irker is bavins a small bouse
built nt corner ol 11th and 1st Avenue
W. II. Gcoruc is building n primary
and corn cribs on bis Walker s Island
W A Need has retired from the Hotel
Maverick nnd has moved back to bis
home here.
LdiMetz and son Arthur, left Sundav
noon tor Lincoln where Mr Metz started
his son in the agricultural course nt the
Arthur Forbes nnd A. L. Math win
went to Omaha Tuesdav afternoon via
he nuto route. They returned Wcdncs
day evening.
Miss Mvrtte Wood, n former resident
ot this city, will commence the erection
of a new house in tbe north part ol
town near the residence of F. li. Church
C. A. Connnt started work Friday
morning on the new residence ot Hurt
Kroesen at he corner ol East Bradford
and 1st Avenue. It will be a six room
ttory and a ball' cottage.
Ed Mctz on Tuesday purchased a
cvlindc 30 horse power Oueen automo
bile. This mikes tlicliilth automobil
for South Sioux City and we understand
several others have their eyes on math
S. Shnfter, a Russian broom peddler
imbibed too treely last Friday and as a
result lost his brooms along the Hurling
ton track near the Distillery, his horse
nnd wagon north ol Ferry track on
Dakota street nnd Marshall Waddell
nicked the pediller up in the south part
of town and he is now serving n ten day
There to nor CiUrrh In thb aactloa of tlx eountry
thwi U olbar dimaH put tuneilivr. lud unul U lut
tew year iu uppuwd lu b Incurable, frur crrat
many year 1K-Uira pronouueed It a local diaeaae ajl
preacrlbetl local rvmvtflee. auil by coiialalitly alliim
10 cura wild local lriiiihl, pruuouuctxl It loruralile.
Bcleuoe haa proven CaUrrtl to be a roiullluttuiial ule
raee. ana therefor require ooiuUtutlottal treatment.
Httll'a Catarrb Cure, manufactured by V. J. Cheney
a Co.. Toledo, Ohio, a the only Cunalltulkmal run on
the market. It I takcu Inleraally In dor from 10
drop to a tmapoonfui. It acta directly on the blood
and mucoua urfare ol In eyaieni. They offer on
hundred dollar for any ran It fall to cur, bt-od
tor circular aud teatlntonlal.
A.lurre.: V. I. c llh.SL a CO.. Toledo. Ohio.
Hold by IruKKUta, IV.
iak Uail'l lauuly tut lut eooitipsUoa.
Graves and son Guv autoed over from
Pender Sunday nnd spent the day at
n. T.i 1 u 1
mo j-. j CTimui iiome.
will Host, whole clerking for th
Emerson Mil be Co, visited at his bom
here Sunday.
Wm Tbuett of Chicago was an ove
Sunday guest of Homer relatives.
luos CIupp came down from Siou
City Tuesday to vote.
Mrs M R McHeath stopped off here
tnesday evening for a short visiton he
way home from Lincoln and Blti
Springs, Neb.
Miss Rose Smith has been quite sick
the past week with tonsilitis. Mrs
Geo Campbell is teachiug for her dur
lug ber absence.
We understand that tbe Hompr
Statue Bank has a list of all personal
tares due in Umadi precinct. This
a great convenience to taxpayers, since
tUoy may pay their tax at their local
bank and receive their tax receipt di
rect from the county treasurer. This
is done only as a matter of accommo
dation, und without exoense to the tax
payer. The personal tax will draw
interest after Deo 1st.
Dr D B Stidworthy is taking a
hunting trip through the Black Hills.
Lute Smith of Winnebago was in
town Wednesday.
John Church has gone to Emerson
where he will work in the round bouse.
His family will move there in a short
Newell Sawyor, father of Frank
Sawyer, died at the home of tbe latter
Tuesday afternoon. Tbe remains
were shipped to Sioux City for inter
ment. Cbas Davis is so much improved
that he is able to sit up a portion of
the time. Thetraiued nurse is still in
Guy Weir has opened a barber shop
iu the MoBride building on Main
Gladys Carroll of Sioux City spent
over Sunday with the Misses Gertrude
aud Editha Kearney.
Catharine Quinn, who is prinoipal
in the Banoroft, Nebr High school,
spent Sunday with ber folks here.
Died, Nov 5, George, the 10-montbs
olp adopted baby of Mr and Mrs Or
lando Garner, after a weeks illuess of
dysentery, The fuueral was held
Monday, interment in the Taylor cem
etery .
Lizzie Teller departed Monday for
MoCook, 8 D, to apend a few weeks
with her grandparents, J G Merrill
and wife.
Mrs J B Smith was confined to her
bed the past week with a severe case
of stomach trouble.
Mr and Mrs Nolsn returned to their
home at Btruble, Iowa, Sunday after
a few days visit in the home of their
son, James, ofista, Nebr.
Tboa Crosby of Goodwin suffered a
fraotuieof bis collar bone Monday
which will lay him np for some time.
Chris Smith is building a fine large
barn on bis farm west ot town,
Election day passed off very quietly
here Tueiday; a light vote, 120 being
Marie Riohter was hurried to the
hospital Sunday where an operation
was performed that night for appeudi-
Klrst Publication Oct 14 4w
In the county court of Dakota county
In the matter of the estate of Peiry Iif
Hier, deceased.
Notice In hereby rrlven that the creditors
of the Hiiid deceased will meet the execu
tor of wild estate, before me, county Indue
or nnaoia county, ruem-asmi, at tne count
court room in Kttld county, on the 18th day
of February, nil 1, on the Ittth day of March
lull, mill on the 17th day of April, Hill, ut
10 o'clock a, in. each day for the purpose of
presenting, their c minis for examination
adjustment and allowance. Six month
are allowed for creditors to present thel
claims nnd one year for the exrcntoi'
to settle snld estate, from the 14th day of
October, mill.
This notice will be published In the Iako
ta tiounty Herald ror four weeks successive
ly prior to the Kith day of February, lull.
Witness my hand, anil seal of said four
this nth day of October, A. 1). lull).
D (J. Hfkkebnan,
skal County Judge
First publication 10-iiS 6w
By virtue of nn order of the district com
of Nebraska, In and for Dakota county, for
the sale of real estate to make pui-tltlon
renaereci on me 7tn day ol October, A I
nun, m a milt for partition, wherein Ma
rillna Is plaint I IT, and Kllun Diiutmn. I'a
rlck DuKKim and John William Huoney nn
Thomas Kenedlct Rooney, minors. Krnn
I'llliiK, Kdward J. Mullally, Mary K. Mul
Hilly, Hans Nelsen and I jtura Nelsen, are
defendants, we, the undersigned person
referees In partition duly appointed and
commissioned In said suit, qualified and
lifting, will, on the 8d day of Decemlier, A
1). lUlii, at 11 o'clock In tho forenoon of sal
day. sell nt public sale at the front door i
the court house at Dakota Olty, county o
Dakota and state of Nebraska, the follow
lug descrllx'd real estate, to-wif
The east half of the southeast ounrte
(KSof KK1-,), and the southeast quarter of
the northeast quarter I HK of N K') of sec
tlon 27, all In township 1!. north of range
east of the 6th P. M., In Dakota county, Ne
The terms of snld salo to be cash, or not
less than one-half cash, with mortgage bae
on the land sold or other equivalent securl
ty ror deferred pay men ts and Interest.
Dated October 27, 11)10.
Da NIK i, Habtnktt,
Patrick Jonrs,
Hkkman Rbn.k,
Referees In 1'nrtltlon
First publication 11-11-10 4wkg
You and each of you will take notice that
on the 'Tth day of October, lull), V. Martli
plaintiff herein, tiled her petition In the
district court of Dakota county, Nebraska,
against you, the said defendants, the objec
aud prayer of which are to establish and
quiet her title against your adverse claim
to the property hereinafter descrilied : a
tug that you lie barred and estopped from
Having or claiming any right or title there
to, adverse to snld plain II IT. whether by
conveyance, mortgage or otherw ise,
The following are the nnmes of the de
fendants. aud descriptions of the property
unove roierreu to:
To W. 11. Hooilwln, Jr., as claiming lots 11
and 1-2, in block 4'.', or Joy Place Addltloi
South Sioux IU ty : to It. Heaver, as rial ml n
lot 12 In block 8 of Palmer Place Addit
South Sioux t'lty: to Anna K. Klllott. a
claiming lot 4 111 block 111, of 2nd Addition to
South Sioux Oily; to John t Blenklron and
J . t). nlenklron. as claiming lots 1 mill 17. I
block Vf 2nd Addition to South Sioux Oity
lot IH in block ft of 1st Addition to Soul
Sioux Olty. lot 17 In block . lot V In block
lot ill In block N, lot 14 111 block 12. all of I
South Sioux Oily; lot 6 In block
lot 1 In block U. und lot 2 lu bloc
4 of Oentml Addition to South Siou
City; to Anron M lddlvkaiilT, us owner of
lot is In block U of 2nd Addition to South
Sioux Olty ; to J. M . lllett, as claiming li
6 In blocks, of 1st Add 1 1 loll to Soiilh Slon
t'lty; to Ueo. F. Seiilsilil. us claiming lot 2.1
in bliK'k n or 1st Addition In South Siou
City; to. lames Kepliart us claiming lot
In block II of Sou 111 Sioux 1'lty ; W. A. llou
as claiming lot 1:1 In block 12 of South Siou
t'lty: to Ann K. Pereslilng or Anna M. Pe
eshlng, us claiming l t 111 In block Uof South
Sioux I'lly : to the Uuleway Iiiiiiroveinei
company us claiming lots n und 17 lu block
ol south sioux oily ; to John Vt al raven
claiming lot 16 In block S of South Siou
Olty; to I'lias. A. Ohapiiiun. us claiming l
Nln block 6 of South Sioux Olty: to Lola M
Hunt, us claiming lot 11 In block 6 of South
Sioux Olt.v : to W Ullniu H. rainier, us elaln
lot 1 In block a of Oentrul Addition to South
Sioux t'lty, aud lot 12 In block U4 of Oovlng
ton. as annexed to South Sioux Olty ; to
J. Hiusslleld us owner of lot 6 lu block 112 of
Oovlugton., nsaiiuexed to South Sioux City
to Kllulieth Arnesdorf, as claiming lots I
and s lo block as, In Oovlugton, annexed to
South Hloux Olty; to the Combination
Hrldge Company, claiming lot in In bloc
M. In Oovingtoii, annexed to South Siou
Olty : to the Sioux Olty Nebraska Railroad
Company, as claiming lot W In block 7W of
Covington, as annexed to South HlouxClty
to Tealle UrltTey. or Teulle Dewalt. clalniliu
lot 1 ill block AU In Covington, annexed to
South Sioux i'lly; to Thomas Slgler and
Moses Krah. claiming lots 2, 4 and ft lu bloc
6U of Covington, nndexed to South Siou
Olty; to John Nlehaus, claiming lot I
block Ml of Oovlugton, annexed to South
Sioux City ; to W. J. I'nruh. and K. K. Mc
pherson, claiming lots 11 In blocks of Cov
ington, annexed to South Sioux Olty; to
William Oordon. trustee, claiming lot 8 In
block Wt of Covington, annexed to South
Sioux City: to Francis A.Joy, Ohauncy I..
Joy aud Helen J, skcels, claiming a mort
gage on lots 11 and 12 In block 42 of Joy
Place, Addition to South Sioux Olty; to J.
M. Moan, Frank Hunt, Kate O. Palmer,
William K. Palmer, and Charles K. Palmer,
claiming a mortgage on lot 4 In block In In
2nd Addition to South Sioux City: to James
M. lllggs, claiming the eust half of lot 1 lu
section ill, tow nship 27, range W eust. All
of said property ts'lng In Dakota county,
You are required to answer said petition
on or Is-fore the I nih day of lxcciuler, lwu.
Dated November 2, lnUi.
C. Martin,
Ily Cicorgu M. Purdoe, Attorney,
Cash Store
Everything New, Clean
and Up-to-Date
FViaits in Season,
Notions, XCtc.
A Good Line of Vndcrwc8k.r
e.t R.e mar It ably Low Prices
A. (DRristefiLSGftL
Sooth of City Hotel Dakota City
Everything in the line of
Harness and Horse Ooods
Whips, Fly Nets, Saddles, Sweat Pads,
Lap Robes, Stable Blankets, Etc.
Kepair Work Given Prompt Attention
FVedricksen (Sl Son
We have the "Hot Stuff" Tank Heater it will not crack,
but it will save money for you, as it is better to keep the
water from freezing in the tank by using a fire, than it is
to feed extra corn to warm up chilled cattle.
And the Ollly Hog Waterer, will not clog, run over or freeze,
because it is different from all others. Come in and see it
it's just what you want. Take one on trial.
Edwards& Bradford Lbr.Co.
1 Patronize Home Industry buy your meats of
I Proprietor of
I City Meat Market I
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
goes on
Agent for Seymours White Laundry. Basket
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Siotjx City, Iowa
at the Stock Yards Sale' Pavilion
TKisrsday, Nov. 17,
Beginning at 1:00 O'clock, P. M.
50 Head. All Good Ones 50
The Best of the Breed to Select from.
The quick Maturing, Heavy Boned, Good Feeding Kind.
IS Head of High. Class Bulls. The bulls se
lected are everyone a herd header of outstanding merit, con
formation and breeding. Those looking for herd bulls should
attend this sale.
35 Head of Choice Young Cows. Five
choice cows with calf at side', and bred again. Several im
ported cows, thirty lusty two-year-old bred heifers.
Edmunds, Shade & Co.
Kinsley, Iowa
Stanton Breeding Farm Co.
Madison, Nebraska
Abstracts of Title
A 110,000 Surety Borid
Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abstract I make
SuoceaBor to
Dakota Connty Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstracter