T 8 LO Tlhte u u u u u .'S'M So 1 h I ANTS beet Mend to his mother the forth . All she asks Is ttio oppor tunity ami the will yield him the wealth of an account that has been growing for age. And he has treated her an he usually treats his best friends. He has taken all she had to Kite, bought an auto mobile and a house In town and then hid his address from his relatives of the soil for fnar they would bring their earthy Bmell Into his new residence. With quiet Indifference old Mother Earth endures this ingratitude, but he time comes when she has nothing for lils greed. What happens then? 'Look to India for one answer. Ten million of our own Aryan blood starve there In a (--ingle famine year starve upon a soil that once was, and still could be, almost Inconceivably fertile. Russia offers another reply, where "Villi stomachs empty men enter a world that never fills them. Yet an other answer, centuries old, may be found in the Tigris-Euphrates ralley, which, once marvelously fertile, now scorches uselessly in the tropic sun. The necessity of man forged a weapon that brought him plenty; but the greed of man forged a weapon that brought blni penury. For do you think there can be prosperity when the earth no longer yields? Do not forget that the sbaine of Rome was coincident with the time when one bushel of seed re turned but four In the harvest. When the soil exploited, that is when it is so farmed that the essential ele ments are taken out In crops and noth ing returned to Wild It op, the resnK K V - 11 t 8 1; ; ' . . ...... KADFORDt jasa 1- v is exactly the same an when men are exploited In workshops and nothing returned to bnlld nji their bodies. You cannot haul phosphorus and nitrogen Jn oats and wheat and corn from your farms year after year and maintain the fertility of the soil, if you give back no phosphorus and nitrogen in return. Twelve thousand abandoned farms In the tWale of New York alone testify to this. After sixty years of cultivation the lands of the corn belt are beginning to hint at the same thing. We all feel the results; and it is not the man with the hayseed in his hair who feels It first but the man with the pen behind his ear. Month by month the price of each separate commodity puts a little large punc ture in his salary, until by the end of the year his savings, which began hopefully, as an un known quantity, have ended as ' X nothing." He It Is who knows the cold dread of middle age; for unless the land can be Induced to yield abundantly prices will not settle down to the point where the man oa a moderate salary an live free from fear. Farmer and clerk alike, we are all vitally concerned In this problem of maintaining and Increasing the fer tility of the soil that is fertile, and of restor Ing soils that have been cruelly exploited. Fortunately they enn ba restored. Intelli gence is more potent than avarice and can jnndo the evil Hi has wrought. Even those soils that have been exploited to the point of appar ent ruin can bo nursed back to health. Dr. (Cyril Hopkins, head of the agronomy depart OTent of the University of Illinois, a soil spe cialist of national reputation and the author of jnumerous pamphlets and a book entitled "Soil Fertility and permanent Agriculture," is ono of the most enthusiastic workers along this line. Ho Is a man of hard facts and loves pretty theories even as the devil loves holy water. Every fact that he gives out must prove itself over and over again in tests upon his own farms, or those belonging to the uni versity or tixn oiw of the various experimen tal plots. There ure about thirty of theRo plots scattered through the state of Illinois, wh'-re Ihe soils ore carefull examined and then Topped according to their needs. I roulil tell you tales of what Mother Earth has done in the way Of corn, wheal, outs, or clover when tihe has received proper treatment that would set you to huil.lm c-imles in (he air upon an earthy fnundai n 'I'll . ni , yield upon one of thf nniv-Ti.v l:ivtii.i in I was 87 bushels to thf acr.- due to T" n iee:ir-t with lin-estotie at!'! phn-pl'c; 'r i;m lietore w ro farther 4 v4r ).r hik v t n inif- M V - vims!i jr ) tmiiitl..Witili4lf. i.mri.ii .nil i mifni tin "" , -' m.;,.in let us consider a few fundamentals of crop growing. First, there are six positive, absolutely es sential factors. They are: (1) the seed, (2) the plant home, (3) the food of which the plant Is made, (4) moisture, (5) heat, (f) light. Now, except in the case of the seed and plant food ttusc factors are largely beyond the fann er's control. Dame Nature can, however, he trusted to attend to them satisfactorily. Mow, then, has the farmer made use of his ability to control the two factors? Uy exercising jiidn ment and care in the selection of seed and In Ignoring the matter of plant food entirely. The result? When the land was worn out and had no plant food to give the good seed the agricul turist arose irately in farmers' institute nnd told what he thought of the seed si ller. The trouble all the time was not with the seed lint with the soil, which had had the elements of plnnt food removed In previous crops, and as a consequence could not respond to the call of the seed. What are these elements? There are ten in the list, but eltjht are provided abundantly. Three- oxygen, hydrogen and carbon conio directly from the air anil water. Most nor mal t-ods contain enough potassium, magne sium, iron, calcium and sulphur, although some times the first must be supplied. The problem of plant food, therefore, narrows Itself, in nioHt cases, ti. maintaining and Increasing the phos phorus and nitrogen Now nitrogen Is as easy to catch as the measles If one knows how. The air contains it in Inconceivable amounts. Dr. Hopkins has eslitnated that the air above an ncre of ground contains about $10,nnn,nnn worth, if sold over the counter nt ordinary commercial rales. In order to induce this nitrogen to enter the earth, where it may reappenr as food for man, all that Is necessary is to plant clover, alfalfa, pea'i or any legume. I!y means of the bacteria upon the mot; these legumes draw the nitro gen into the toil, now neof ssary the element of nitrogen is may be seen from the fact that a 100-bushel crop of corn takes from the soil almost 100 pounds of nitrogen In the corn and about 48 pounds In the stalks. Rich, well-balanced land In the corn belt contains about 8.000 pounds of nitrogen. Therefore, If the process of subtraction of nitrogen goes on year after year with never an addition. It can be seen clearly that the farmer's finances can not multiply, flotation plans for grain fann ers always should include a crop of legumes. Wheat, corn, oats and clover Is a satisfactory rotation; also wheat, corn and cow peas; also cotton, corn and oats and cow peas. The first of these rotations should include a catch crop of clover seeded the first year and plowed un der for corn as late as practicable the second yesr. The other two should Include catch crops of legumes whenever jiosslble. Legumes when plowed under perform valuable services besides supplying the soil with nitrogen as they decay they supply organic matter to the soil which helps other (dements of plant food to free themselves from the earth and Into the fanner's hank account. Now that the question of nitrogen has been outlined, suppose v.e turn to the problem of phosphorus, the only element of plant food we ever shall have to buy. As to the lmortance of the use of phosphorus upon the common soils of the I'nlted States, Dr. Hopkins has this to say: "Phosphorus is the key to permanaent ag riculture on these lands. To maintain or In crease the amount of phosphorus In the soli makes fiosslble the growth of clover or other legumes and the consequent addition of nitro gen from the Inexhaustible supply in the air; and with the addition of decaying organic mat ter In the residues of clover and other crops and la manure, made In large part from clover, hay and pasture, and from the Ip'ger crops of corn and other grains which clover helps to produce comes the possibility of liberating from the Immense supplies In the soil sufficient potassium, magnesium and other es sential abundant elements supple mented by the amounts returned In manure and crop residues for Um pro duction of large crops at least for thousands of vears: whereas If the supplv of phospiiorua In the soil Is steadllv do-rensed In the future In ac cordance witli the past and preseut most common larin practise, then poverty Is the only futuro for the people who tin the common agricultu ral la-.d:-. of tho United States." Phiif-I ortis may bt applied In lib eral anioiinls as much as 1,000 pounds to the aero every three or four years nnd It costs about $7 a ton. Aftir ti,c problem of returning the elements to the soil has been solved the farmer may find another condition of the so.! which must be corroded before bis farm will produce as It should. This Is the tendency of cer tain soils to acidity. Clover, alfalfa and other valuable legumes cannot thrive upon soil that Is sour. Some- tluies on acid soils when applications of farm manure are made, the legumes will seem to grow well, but examina tion reveals the fact that tho nitrogen gathering bacteria fail to develop tironerly. Hence tho most valuable contribution the legumes have to make to the soil Is largely lost. Upon cer tain fields belonging to one of the most fatuous agricultural stations in the world, that of Rothamstead, Eng land, applications of natural limestone were made a century ngo. They are still moderately productive, although other fields near by, which have never received the application, are extreme ly unproductive. Care should he taken that lime stone Is used for tho one and only pur pose of correcting soil acidity. And while we are upon this subject of soil stimulation, have you ever thought that most of our nn- nrovemenis have that In view and 1 1 1 j MAn,fn Mint nnlv? Improved seeu, iniruvi u mm ..." irrteatlon, even ciup Mr. WtTllam A. Radferd will snswor quentlnns an! rlv ftdvloo KRKH OH" OOST on ni subjenta pertaining to th ubjoot of bulldlnc for Ilia rcadt-rn of thta pnper. On ocount of his wide exp rlrnco aa Editor, Author and Mnnufnr turor. ho Is, without dnuht. tho htithnst authority on nil thw nubjerts. Aildrpsn nil Inquiries to William A. UHriford. No. 194 Klfth Ave.. Oiloao, HI., and only ?n cloao two-oent ulamp for roply. With tho approach of cold weather there Is one feature of home building that conies into now prominence. We hear the qnsetion asked, "How Is the house heated?" or, more often, "Is this a warm house V These are Im portant questions; not more Impor tant now. It is true, than In the hot summer weather, for even then the wise home builder looks forward to the wintry days and provides against them by proper construction; but now that cold weather Is upon us the ques tion of adequate heating seems to be more present and absorbing. With modern heating equipment there la probably no form of dwelling that cannot bo adequately heated. Some, however, are very difficult to heat and require a much larger heat ing plant and much more coal than they should. This Is due sometimes to faulty construction, sometimes to unwise design. In the first place every home build er should know that there Is no mon ey so well spent as that put Into Insu lating felts and high grade sheathing papers; which, combined with thor ough construction In other ways, will go very far toward making a resi dence frost proof. A house so made can be kept thoroughly warm with from one-third to one-half the amount of coal required to heat tho same structure If not properly insulated and put together. Insulating paper does not cost very much and it should be used freelv. The entire exterior walls should be covered betweon the rough sheathing and the clapboards and care should be warm-air furnace, steam or hot-water-systems very good results can be bad with this house. Doing rectangular tn outline, there are no exposed por tions. Tho solid porch at the front will be found a great protection, as K will blanket to a certain extent the broad exposed side of tho living room. In other ways, too, the arrange ment of this house Is desirable. It I well suited for a narrow building site. Its width being but 22 feet 6 Inches. Even counting the side entrance porch. It doesn't require more than 25 feet. The side entrance Is very popular at 7o-n7r I Bed Rm RiBedPm BcdRm Flwo- 9 crxra'or i 7 Second Floor Plan. the present time and this Is a good example of the possibilities of this kind of arrangement The living room extends clear across the front of the house, the reception room and stair hall occupy the middle of the side and at the rear are the dining-room igTIi ery, m all are even crop rotation. leans for extracting from the soil the rich ness that Is In it. not ior reiuimuB j ?ood elements of grain building. All of these methods of soil stimulation are excellent in their way If used In connection with methods of returning the elements of plant food; but If used without them they are means of hastening th" Impoverishment of the soil. To return to the question of limestone, one ton to the acre linely ground will correct the acid condition of most soils. It Is, however, in tho end cheaper and easier to apply more and to apply it less often. As much as ten tons to the ncre was applied to the soil of one of the experiment fields In southern Illinois and the crop yields there have been greater than upon any other fields In that district. A question that has been given much at tention lately is the question of crop rota tion. Undoubtedly it Is absolutely essential for successful grain farming , but It Is not the universal panacea some would have us be lieve. For Instance, a group of theorists have declared that fertilization Is unnecessary, that crop rotation will keep the soils In per fect condition. The Idea Is that plants do not Injure the soil berause they uso its plant food elements but because they throw off poisonous excreta as animals do. Therefore a so-called worn-out soil simply has become saturated with this excreta. Plant a crop which will neutralize the poison of the last crop and the sollsoll will be sweetened and the breasts of Mother Earth kept dripping with plenty for ever. This is very attractive as a theory. It has, however, no foundation In fact. As Dr. Hopkins has said, the rotation of crops has Just the same effect upon wealth In tho sooil as the rotation of the check book among the members of the fumlly has upon the wealth In the bank. Plant food elements cannot be used up and not returned without resulting In Impoverishment of the soil. t Jr it's ' r A f "1 . MWrjsww-,-., V" 'TW- r"w' taken to see that the paper is fitted snugly around all openings, both doors and windows. The workmen are some times careless in this regard and It Is well to keep pretty close watch of what they are doing when It comes to this part or the work. Good oil pa per should also be used In the floor ing between the rough and finished floors. This serves a double purpose, as it not only makes the houso warm er, but shuts out all furnace dust from the cellar, or dampness If there should he any. The building paper used be- 3ORO MTR , , , lfJlTCHr.r J fjQO'XIi cr D1NIN6 Rm. ij I ux-xii'o' J tkNISpiLtiH' TZf wsrwv Hall f"" I ll-OCTO' C s p Living Room Porch p ai Qn Hell'Fer-Sartan Creeh I had been to Hei: i. i-S.uiain, nnd h;id heard preaching :hM If I went hack raw the " oy I h.vl con' I hould save six Icnv wary miles. I was tired, a wai did Fait hi til. hut I Bad not been to .he mouth of lleH-Or-Sartain and I had not seen th church :here, and while my curiosity wa sat fled, my eoiisclem . wisn't. nnd so from sheer stutilsirnucss 1 stddled Old ralthful and roil.. j lown VfMl fer- narM.in through an avenue of c;:i'iiiii h.cr tre-'s. Never hat I Keen no many cucumber tree in my life as were on th't one rocky rnsri, and had they only been starred with their great cri nniy lilossoms they would have been coiupeiiHiitlon for thn whole toil-pnn-.e H'ln lll.i,ip)otntmcnt nw.ilted me at the mouth of the creek. The ch irch there ws c'osed. nnd above Its door w.m not th pieturesaus title of the stream, but some fernlike name that was easily traceable to some, shocked feminine taste from the outer j world. Half a mile on I got a dinner 1 ni' cold beans and cold cornbread, and j joli.. d by a 20-ycar-old school tacher I on ! big black mule, turned my face j tow aril Jackson. This young tchool ; teschcr was making money lit bis na- tite mountains In order to study .'aw out ride; he had gone to school tn the Plucgrass and he knew my books. Just then he was electioneering for hU brother, who was running for a county office and ho shouted his slo gan to some native playing baseball up the creek, to tho porches of the houses as we passed, and when we met a voter In the road he stopped, while I rode discreetly on, and he nev er failed to overtake me with a wink of euccess. I'd like to wager that the brother won. Hell-fer-Sartaln Creek had onre deserved Its name, he said, for there had been a "heap of devil ment" done up there. There bad been several fights In the schoolhouse where where I had beard preacblnfi but everything had quieted dowc there, as It was quieting down al through tho mountains, except ovei toward Jackson. Ves, the good ol( times were gone! John Kox, Jr., in Serlbner. First and Foremost. "My wife has a great deal to say t me about her first husband." "Nonsense; you're wife was nevei married before." 1 know It. That's what makes hei reflections so. painful." Puck. First Floor Plan. tween the floors should be turned up six Inches behind all the base boards. Another trivial expense while build ing that proves a very great economy In the long run Is to have the baso- ment lathed and plastered. Twenty ifive or thirty dollars will do this on !the average Job, while the satisfaction and comfort resulting will be worth many times that amount In after years. Also great care should be taken that 'what are called the rough sheathing 'boards for the exterior walls should be good matched lumber. Shlplap Is very tood for this sud costs very little more than the ordinary un matched boarding. Very often large knotholes In such boarding tire al lowed to go unnoticed ; hut this is a grave mlstnke. Much cold can find Its way In through even one large knot bole. They should all e hunted out and carefully plugged before the sheathing pnper is nailed on. And In addition to thorough con struction much can lie accomplished In the way of easy healing by hav ing the house properly designed. A long, rsuihlliiK structure Is much more difficult to heat than a square, com pact housi. The accompanying d'tign la a good example of a residence that Is vnrv easllv hestrd. Wltr, thr a and kitchen. There Is a email den directly back of the stair hall, which will be useful for many purposes. On the second floor are three good sized bedrooms, each with a clothea closet opening off from It. The bath room Is also on this floor and finds Itself directly above the kitchen. Tbla brings all the plumbing together and makes quite a saving In this factor of the expense. It Is in matters of this kind that the experienced house de signer can save a good deal of money for his clients. Too often not enough, thought Is given matters of this kind, but there is no doubt but that substan tial savings may be accomplished tn the construction of any house by hav ing It properly designed. In exterior appearance the honsa Illustrated herewith Is very satisfac tory. It Is dignified, neat and sub stantial. It has the home atmosphere. A house of this kind has the advan tage of being very easily kept no so that It always presents a neat and well-cared-for appearance. The cost of thlu seven-room, story and a half house Is estimated at $3,000. Restoring Garden of Eden. Though theologians and geologist! may disagree as to the exact location of the garden of Eden, the average historian recognizes that Mesopotamia, between the River Euphrates and the River Tigris was once a garden spot. It is quite probable that the ancient Babylonians, and Persians, and Chal deans, and even their ancestors, util ized the principles of Irrigation to make their country blossom like the rose. Hut It Is certain that Mesopo tamia, for a number of centuries, haa been a barren, desertlike land. An Englishman Is now engaged In the task of carrying the gospel of Irri gation into Mesopotamia under the auspices of the Turkish government, which provided $750,000 for the pre liminary work in the 1910 budget Sir William Wlllcocks is the roan. In 1908 he was asked by the Turkish gov ernment to make a report on the sub ject of Irrigating Mesopotamia, and then engaged for five years as adviser and instructor to carry out the neces sary surveys, etc. Sir William report ed that 3,200.000 acres of desert land could be turned into garden by tho expenditure of $37,500,000 ou twelve projects. In his investigations Sir William has discovered certain depres sions in the country which ho believes o be the site of ancient irrigation rystems and that can be utilized in the modern work. He expects to be able to complete the work to irrigate more thnn 3.000.0DO acres In three years. Lightening One's Load. If your hsd Is heavy don't waste en ergy lu whining shout It! Expend yonr rtr-ns'h in tnrrjlng It! Lift It 10 our hoii!der. snd, though It hum, frry II Mb a smile on your fare to the M of l he way.