vSubscription Bargains "Che Hcrtvld svnd New Idea Magaziue (1 Sionx City Daily and Hunday Journal 5 without .Sunday 4 to rural route patrons 3 Kansas City Weekly Star. .. . 1 30 00 20 50 lis 50 10 15 () Ion a Homestead Poultry Gazette (Lincoln).... Woman's World Lafollette's MagHzine, weekly. Hampton's " Lippincott's " 75 75 R R Time Table c B ft Q south . 1 Local Freight 7:15 am 17 " Passenger. ,12:47 pm 19 " " 7:30 pm NORTH No. 92 Local Freight 2:25 pm 16 Local Passenger". .6:1 7 pm 18 " " ..ll;50ain daily. daily except Sunday. C, St. P., M.ft O. Trains leave Dakota City at the fol loving time : H0BTH BOUND. 80DTH BOUND 5:55 pm Omaha 7:58 am 10:03 am Omaha 5.13 pm pm Norfolk 8 :23 am 'J :28 am Norfolk 5:13 pm 7:38 am Newcastle 10:18 am 1:15 pm "' 5;55pm SUNDAY TrtAINB. 12:13pm Omaha 2:30 am ?1:38 Norfolk 8:23 am !:28 Norfolk 5:13 All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. i iiXDB & Slaughter Co. TueoE Blivkn, Manager, Dakota City, Neli. Lincoln Sanitarium Sulpha-Saline Springs Located on our own premise! and used in the Natural Mineral Water BATHS Fnanrpaaaed in the treatment of Rheumatism Heart. Stomach. Kidney and Liver Dtsoaaos Medcrate Chiracs. Addraas DR. O.W. EVERETT, Mgr., Lincoln, Neb. GXPEiiiEUCfc. V-i': w.av -1 2 Trade Mark? "tit" il' DESIGNS 'ryyiiM Copyrights 4c. Anrnnn R....1li'3 ft sketch and description iri quickly .-inrertjiia ii!nii)ixn Ire.,, whemor mi. Invention ty pr..MtM p-noi.':!'''" C muiitcn tliiiaatriotlvr''inlniithil. HAHIR'TW on I'nentr Bent !re.. (ill.'.t nuenev ft r t-. - i.l iijk patotns. i'atiMin luuen through Miinit A Co. receive Willi :mtui n irinul entires, iu iuu Scientific Jlssuriccm x) linrnlKiniflr lllnttrl wrnklT. I nrirest clr . d.ation n( tinv r-oiemlUf l.-'iriml. 'IVrun. fit Tcir: l"iir nmntba, AL ttuiubyall rcwadeiiW'- 6!U!f88Cii.,rBeiT' Undertaker County Coroner li. Jb Sawyer Jackson, Nebraska ROOSEVELT'S Own BssR The Most Popular Bock cr ByThe Most Popular Man tlHWIIM IIIIIIIIt'it I'rfimil'l' IUMI 1 il liliU Cives In bock form by Roosevelt's own hand the si!e account of his African Hunt. 9 AGENTS WANTED NOW in every City, Town and Village to handle Colonel Roosevelt' Greet Book CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 153 Filth Avenue New York & rii - a tntta Ti it i wmmii Milffr fji Local Items Friday, Oct. 7, 1910 We have sewing machine needles and scbnttles to fit any sewing ma chine. You will also find a good line of hardware, grHiiiteware and tinware at right prices, at Kchricver Bros. George T Woods was a visitor at the H A Combs Lome iu Homer Hunday E L lions sent ns several more of those dandv watermelons, that taste just like "more." N O Horensen of Sioux City, and Laura Jessen jf Homer, were married in Hioux City Wednesday. Aired jizey and family are moving froniSioux City to this place, and will reside with Mr Pizey's mother. If you haven't got time to do your own shopping cull up No. 1, and he will deliver the goods promptly. One of thebc-t wheat yields report ed this year is that of N O Hansen's, one field going 35 bushels to the acre. Everything in the line of school supplies, such as pencils, crayons, peus, tablets, etc, at Van de Zeddes. Frank Orr and Miss T R Hermann eft Tutsdoy for Henchlaud, Montana, where Miss Hermann will take a claim. E.lith Sheffel, teacher at the Merid ian scLool is sick at her home in Pou ca, and M iry tleikes is tiling her place temporarily. It pays to trade at Vans, and be sides lie will pive vou, free of charge. handsome chromo in the course of time. Go and si-e him. Mr and Mis John U Gribble, among the oldest residents of the county, will celebrate tlieir goldeti wedding anui veisary tomorrow (Saturday) atter noon, The Odd Fellows lodge at their meeting Monday evening elected and installed Wm Lorenz noble grand, to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of T W Uiibble. A box social w ill be given at the Suleru Lutheran church next Friday evening, October 14u, the proceeds to go to the cemeterv association to help pay lor mowing the cemetery. l'oiir cough aunovs you. Keep 011 bucking and tearing the delicate mem branes of your ih'oat if you want to lie cured, taking Chambeilain's Cough lti niedy. ISold bv all druggists. Paul Pizey returned home Sunday evening from a hnsim 88 trip to Coloia- lo. MrsPizeyand mother, who no- oonipauied him o the trip, went on to Rmdolpl, Iowa for a weeks visit. Geo U Blessing. Geo W MeBenth, Jhb Alluwiiy ji, aud George It Rock- 11, of Homer attended Masonic lodge here Saturday evening, returning home via Frank ISrov bill's automobile' W L Ross and his father, L Ross, lefi Tuesday evening for Lewiston, Montana, on a two weeks trip. They will look ovei the country iu that lo cality, and will also visit F G Ross at Windham, Mont. Mrs Annie M Evans, graud worthy matron of the O E S of Nebraska, left Thursday for Omaha, and fr m there she will make a tour of the lodges htoug out the state, and expects to be awav two weeks. Rev .1 F Kulilman, of Pawnee City, Nebr, a former Lutheran minister 11 this pi rce t nit faitv years alio, nan ae Turunda' visiting i.ld time friends. He whs enroule to Dixon couutv where he'lias two sons living with 4 horn he will visit. Hoiisuess in a child subject to cionp is a sure indication nf the appioacli of the disease. If Cham herluiu'tf Cough Heinedy is given Ht once or even after the croupy cough htia ap, eared, it will prevent the attack. Contains no poison. Sold bv all druggists. Leonard Ross was thrown from his biiKKV Snnday when his horse got f lightened at an automobile Mr Riss was thrown out on his head and shonl deis ami was remlere unconscious for a shoit time. No bones were broken, but nevertheless he was badly shaken up. Mrs John H Gribble and children leave next Mouday tr Los Angeles, Oal, to spend the winter with Mrs Gnbl le's mother, Mrs A M Geyer. Mrs Mary N Latin will accompany her on the trip, and will pend the winter with her hrother, Levi Yeoman, at Anaheim, Cal Clias T Maxwell left Thursday night of last week for Chicago, wbere he is Mlteuding a medical college He has tw i more years, work before flni-hiug Miss Mary Maxwell departed Saturday evening for Washington, D O, where she if attending a semiuary. She will finish the coming year. In giving ile list of Dakota county nrize winners at the Interstate fair lasi week we inadvertently omitted one of the most important exhibits, that of Beacora Bros Duroc Jersey hogs. They won 2nd on produce of sow and 4th on sow imdor 1 year old Thev also sold fifteen male hogs five going to points iu South Dakota, six to Iowa and four to Nebraska. J uese hogs were all of their o n breeding and were shown without uny extra fitting. George Vaught and Mrs Nora Les, of Ida Grove, Iowa, were married on Tuesday evening by Justice of the Peace D C Stmson. lhe wedding party drove from Sioux City in an au tomobile, and wheu they were stopped iust north of town by a searching party on the lookout for the prisoners that broke j til that evening, thny thought thev were going to be the victims f a ld-up, arid did some tall skirmishing to hide their valuables. J. hey were greatlv relieved when the posse simply inquired if they had mot the fugitives on the road. A GOODrOSITION Can be had by ambitious young men or ladies in the Railway or Wireless Telegraph service. Since the 8-hour law became fft ctive, and siuce the extensive de elopments of wireless telegrsphy, there is a shortage of 10,000 telegrap ers. Positions pay begiuners 70 to $')0 per month. We operate under su pervision of Telegraph Ollicials and all graduuts are guaranteed positiens Write for full details to Mie Institute nearest to you. NATIONAL TELE GRAPH INSTITUTE, Cincinnati. O, Philadelphia, Pa, Memphis, Teun, Columbia,' S C, St Paul, Minn, Enid, Okla, Portland, Ore. Bargains at Van's every day. Clyde Wilson and family have moved into the house just east of the Eagle dflice. Mrs Ashley Londrosh is spending a few days at Winnebago with her daughter'Mrs Ada ChamberUia. Samuel Gribble and wife are ex pected here from Goodwin, 8 D, today to spend a few months with relatives iii It Cornell lias purebnsed a new Buick automobile, and Dean is now the envy of all the boys wheu he is at the wheel. The schedule for the Sioux City Jobbers' trip through Nebraska has been postponed until October 20th and 21st. They will make a short stop iu this place at 6 :00 p m on the 21st. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has become famous for its cures of coughs, colds, croup and influenza, Try it when in need. It contains no harmful substance and always give prompt re lief. Sold by all drueisst. The pleasant purgative effect expe rienced by all who use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, an 1 the healthy condition of the body aud mind which they create, makes one feel joyful. Sold by all druggists. E II Robinsen of Lincoln, a depnty from the state auditor's office, was here several days the past week inspecting the records in the office of county treasurer. He found the reoords of the treasurer's fll'e iu this county bs well kept as in any county iu the state. Tlie Wednesday Literary club will meet with Mrs S A Mason on Satur day, October 8th. The following program will be given : Roil Call, Re spoi.s( s Aooiit .Mudri 1 ; Liesson Study, Cb. 4 and 5 MiHS Burkett; The Roy al Family of Spain, Mis Orr; Music. Mrs Ltta M bides, secretary. George Warner leaves next Monday by team for McGregor, Minn, where he recently filed on a homestead on one of the many lakes w hich abound iu that locality . His family will fol low him in the spring. IT S Marshal Warner has purchased bind in the same locality and will establish a sum mer home there . It is time of sudden mishap or acci dents that Chamberlain's Liniment can be relied upon to take the place of the f amity doctor, who cannot always be found at the momeut. Then it is that Chamberlain's Liniment is never found wanting, iu cases of sprains, cuts, wounds and bruises Cbamber htiu'a Liuiuieut takes o it the soreness and drives away the pain. Sold by all druggists. Don't go away from Dakota county to invest in farm lands. Stay where there is to such thing as a crop failure anil where the markets are already es tablished aud getting better every day. I am going to sell some man the pret ties. 80 acies iu Dakota county and he's going to get rich on it. Ibis is the north 80 of the Early farm oppo site Finnerty's boat yard, on Walker's island. The laud lies only 2 miles fiom the car line by nagou road, aud has te ephone and rural mail service. It is all under cultivation. Walkers isl iud is the gardeu spot of Dakota county, and Dakota couuty ia the garden spot of the couutry. If yon are thiuking of investing, or if you have money you can invest, let me show vo.i lhe magnificent alfulfa, corn aud olher ciops now growing on this laud. It's a snap, aud lhe fellow who sefs it fiist will be lucky. Eimers. Prisoners Escape Fnm County Jail Tuesday evening between the hours of 6 ami 8 p m, Dana Sihle and Rob .Mouer, occupauts of the county jail in 1 his place, ilng a hole throngbjwi 18 iuch brick wall aud escaped from the corridi r of the jail. The work of dig ging thiongb the wall was done while a deputy aud others were in and aDOUi the court house, musio from a mouth organ which was industriously played bv tne of the jail birds, drowned ant that w as made by th other iu working their way to liberty. Sible was held ou a charge ot forg ing checks to the amount of $ 150'.00 ou the .Jackson bank and was lacing a neiiitentiarv sentence, while Stoncr was alleged to Have been impiiotiei . . r . . . . . iu the disappearance of Mrs Wm Uau shaw from Jackson, and was to have had his preliminary hearing Wednes day morning. Deputy J as Fueston took tbeir sup per to the j ill as Usual at about O p in went to his borne supposing mm tin ouard would look after them dur ing the remaiuder of the uignt. But when Shenff J 1' liockwell went to lock them in the cell for the night at about 8:30, the "can.iries had 11 wu. A posse was formed aud the couutry was scouted all night iu hopes to head them off, but up to this time they have eludi d the otliceis. Sheriff Rockwell aud John N Ream, who made a hurried automobile trip to Cobum Junction to head off any pos sibility of th fugitives boarding a freight train at that place, surprised the two men as they were emergiug from a cornfield. They commauded them to surrender, but instead they broke and run through the corn, fol lowed by several shots from the olh cers and were seeu no more. This was Sible'e second attempt to escape, tne Iirst, ume ue uau out a uoie, through the roof of the jail room, but was discoverd beforo he could make his escape. Posses are still on tbe lookout and it is hoped to capture the men vet before they cet out of the couutry. Sheriff Rockwell is offering a n ward of f 50 for the capture of Dana Siblo, who answers to thefolloving description: Age 29 years; eyes gray or blue; height G fe. t, 1 inch; weight 17(1 pounds; hair light brown; large nose; smooth shaven; large nanus; wears largo shoe; tall and awkward; slouchy iu dress; good talker anl well posted; has good education; drinks, chews and smokes; gambles a good deul . KO CTHER STOVE DOES THIS i.li 'n Hot Must Ilcnter mntntalna on tilinuiH tip-: ulsn a Hlchtly, even lii'Mt. H lll I1.1M lire from fciitunluy nltrlit mil II Munday iiinriilnt! lis linursi. If will hold Are ovrr nlk-M with lem ri.nl than any ollux stove. (lsn t lie ilrufls la Hip mortihiK ami Hit' room are (iili kly In a ! with lhe mi. I p. it in IIji nU'ht e.-f-.n1. C..inp In aud Pininhi '"li''i Original Hot Itlnst H.-utiT. ITU lli.0i and Dp, according lu aUc. (IM1) Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. GUS GERLACH ACQUITTED Jury Out Fifteen Minutes-Self . De fense His Plea. Iu a tiial beforo District Judge Guy T Graves lasting nearly four days in which nearly forty witnesses were called to testify, and which drew large crowds of spectators at each session of court, Gustav Gerlach, charged with killing Joseph Lee at Emerson, Neb, on the evening of January 12, 1910, was given a verdict ot acquittal by a jury of twelve men in just fifteen ruin utes from the time the jury receivod their instiictions from the court aud passed out to the jury room. It re quired just time enougn to cuoose a foreman and take one ballot. The killing of Lee, with which Ger lach was charged, occurred in the back room of a meat market in Emer son, whe re Gerlach was employed, and the only eye witness was Glen Hmith, w ho runs a harness shop at i.mersoii. Lee, who had been drinking for sever al days, drifted into the back room of the meat market on that evening and began flourishing a large revolver lie had been carrying, and Smith urged him to put it up, which he finally did. Gerlach who returned from waiting on GUSTAV GERLACH ci'stomei iu the fiout part of the shop, sat down and began playing a clarinet. Upon looking up he discove red Lee pointing his guu at him, and picking up an automatic revolver which lay on a shelf near him he fired five shots at Lee, all of which took effect, killing him instantly. At the coroner s inquest which was held the next morning Gerlach was exonerated. He left Emerson and went to Valentine, where he worked f ir about six weeks on a bridge gaiip, going from there to Omaha, and about a week later to Herman where he has relatives living. The marshal there arrested him and he was brought to this place and given a preliminary heaving bef re County Judge Heffer nan aud was acquitted. County At torney MoAllister immediately filed another complaint aitaiust him and at the hearing which followed, witb prac tically the same evidence as before, he was held on a charge of murder in the first degree, without bail. Later his attorneys took the matter up befo.e District Judge Graves aud secured his release ou bonds. Since hi acquittal Gerlach has returned to Winnebago here he has been employed as a butcher for a couple of months past. Gerlach was defended bv Attorneys D H Sullivan of Sioux City and R E Evans of this place, while the pros-" cntiou was conducted by tiouuty At torney McAllister. Friday evenitig the case of the State .igainst Lon Ward aud Ben Haaker, chargnd with assaulting Ida Teter ne ir her home in South Sionx City last May. It was agreed to try them separately and a jury was selected to trv Ward, who siuoe his arrest has been an inmate of the county jail, una tile to furnish bonds. Saturday and Monday were taken up in examiuiug witnesses, and tue oaso was given to the jury at 11:30 Monday night Tuesday forenoon the jury returned a verdict of not guilty and the prisoner was released, Court was adjourned luesday noon until Thursday morning when tho case of Thos Sullivan vs the S C & W Ry and C B & Q Ry was taken up fur hearing. Other matters punned upon during the session was the McNtmari divorce 111 which leave was granted to file amended supplemental petition in stacter; defendent srrauled time to file answer to sai l petition in ten days Weisz, Moll & Co vb Dau O'Hanlon dismissed ou motion of plaintiff without pieju- ice. I'lios V Brauuao vs Village of Jack son et al judgment and decree as pi aye ; costs taxed to defendant, Vil lage of Jackson. Thos Ashford vs Heirs of Henry Jones, deceased Judgment and de cree as prayed ; lnjunonon made per petual; costs taxed to plaintiff. Acme llarves'ing Machine Co vs U C Heffornan Defeudant allowed 15 days by consent to answer. Report of cemetery Association The annual inoctlnk of tho association for the Is'itutiryiiiK and care of the Dakota tnty i' lei-y was held al lmkotaClty rial unlay. I ii-lols r I. The lepoi l of llie serretary showed thai the association has a inoiuliei'shlii of si, mill is in ooil tlnaui-iiil condition. A limn has Is'i ii ki iil busy inosl of tlie nasi sumiuc r mow lux and HI unions" trees anil sli ruhliery , and nltoucther the eeinelery presents iiiii. li linnroveii iilini'iu inic-e. No t'liane was niadH In tlie fillleerH, Mrs Laura liorn retat liu her ntiiee of nresl dent, and M rs J J Kliners that of seeretary ami treasurer. A vice iiresldi iil'siiltlce was created, and Mrs Alice Sides was elected to tlie noslt ion. It is I ti 1 1 1 () hy tlie association to replace the old fi'lit'e now silri-oiinillnK the cemetery with a substantial Iron one, hut owIiik to a lack of funds, this work will have to Is deferred until next year. Kollowlnn is th" llnaiieial report of tlie assfH'Intioii since the time of Its oixanlxu Hon : Total ft 1 1 n hi 1 1 1 collected from nil sources I IftB HO I 'ash 01' liursetnenls Si pt I'.nis, Ksti'ii 1 ilsen, InlMir.f i fin :., ' Id roid Isn.ks n.. ' :n, ' Hlnmps 1 ii May II. I'.' 'I. Van I lardeii, lalsir loon .Inn '-':!. ' Vim Hard, n, lalsir J', in July lo. ' Van Hard, n, lalsif Slim Sep lit i, Vim Hani. 11, lahor HI W April I, liild, i'lliitiiu; 7.i I. ' Stumps I Mi .llllli7, ' Ksleu ( ll-oll, liihoi- 21 (Ml Aim IT, 1 Ksicn (l-eii, liilsir ;i, nn Total cali disbursements,... $!' 75 Halalicu ou In, ml 7 In addition to the above expenditures, tlie Vllhufe of Imkiilii I'lty lias paid $!. it) from tlie cemetery fund of the village for additional IiiIh.i', Burkett to Speak Here Next Wednesday Senator E J Burkett is scheduled to speak iu this place Wednesday alter noon, October 12th, at 2 o'clock. Ev eryone is invited to come out and hear him. Next week, beginning Mouday, tho 10th, Senator Burkett will speak in several towns in the Third cotigression al district, meetings having been ar ranged for the following dates: Monday lie will deliver one address in the evening at Herman. Tuesday will find him at a meeting in the afternoon at Pender at 2 o'clock. In the evening he will speak at 1'onca at 8 o'clock. Wednesday he will address a meet ing at Dakota City at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and at Randolph in the evening. Thursday at Bloom field at 2 p m, and at Uartingtou at 8. Friday at Wakefield at 2 o'clock, and at Wayne in the evening. Saturday he will address a meeting at Tekamah at 2 p m, another at Craig at 4 :30, and still another at Oakland iu the evening. The Senator is meeting with a very hearty reception wherever he goes. the large crowds testifying to bis pop ularity at every poiut where lie has spoken. Crystal Lake Claims Another Vic tim. Sioux City Journal, :ird : Ry rock ing the boat in which were, besides himself, three companions, E Palmer, aged 35, an employe of the Consumers lee company, was drowned in the mid- ilo of Crystal lake about 5;45yester lay afternoon. The other lueu who were thrown into the water were saved by Joe Foyo, secretary of the Sioux City Crystal Lake and Homer Railway company, who in ins Munch with John Thayer, a bookkeeper for the Stephen- Kennedy company, battled the waves for five minutes before he could reach the victims of the accident, who were nearly dead from exhaustion when the life-saving craft reached them. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Palmer, in company with John Steff- ens and two foreigners whose names could not be learned, all employees ol the ice company, left the plant iu a frail rowboat for a resort on the oppo site sbore. They arrived there with out mishap and about 0 '30 left for the ice plant agaiu. At the time a heavy wind was blowing across the lke. Palmer, who was sitting in the rear of the boat, began to rock it. He was cautioned by his oorarades to Jdesist, but according to Stiffens he r plid "Oh, that's alright. I can sw im aud I dou't care what bec -m. s of yon." Hardly had he uttered the words than a big wave struck the boat and over turned it. " Wbeu the boat overturned I had no ticed Joe Foye on the shore with his launch watching us, said Steffens. I saw him, in comauy with another man, run lor their launcu ana come towards us I looked around while iu the water and noticed Palmer going under. I made for him aa fast as I could with my clothes on and succeed ed in holding him up. However, bt almost pulleti me under, and, besom. in ft exhausted. 1 let ro ol him iust as hb Foye came up to us with his launch That is all I remember, oi ly that I crabbed the Hide of the launch and was pulled in. Joe Foye, who had been standing on the shore at the time of the acci dent, said he Saw the men were mak ing a hard fight in their battle with the waves, aud as soon as they over turned he went to tlieir rescue. Whei he arrived at. the side of the meu they all made for . he launch, with the ex ception of Palmer. The weight of the three meu on the side almost overturn ed the Foye launch and hindered him from reacuiug Palmer, who sunk fm the last time before the horrified eyes of the rescue party Several men on the shore immediate ly went out anil dove for Palmer r body, but after au honr's trial it wai given up, the water being too cold am deep for success. The body up to th present time has not been recovered. T elabe will be dragged this morning According to witnesses ou the shoi and the men in tbe boat, Palmer was under th influence of liquor at the time of the accident. "All the way over and on tbe way back I kept tell ing Palmer not to rock the bout, sale SteflniB, "but he persisted iu doing It. He told his comrades that be coul. swim, but when in tue water ue was perf-otly helpless aud was the only one drowned. Palmer has been in tbe employ ol the ice company since early last siirurs. Part of the summer he whs at Riverside aud lately has been work ing at the plant at Cryi-tal lake. Ht alays has been respected by the nu merous friends he has made sino. going there, although it ia said he fre quently drauk. Early yesterday nfter noon he borrowed f.J from t red Jvige, an employe of the company, saying i wag Koiug across the lake to make an afteuoon of it." As far as could be learned Palmei has uo relatives iu this city and is Dot married 11a loomed somewheie In Sioux Ci'v. b it his address was not known tu his friends. The two Poles who have been work iiiK for the company for the last few days, aud who were in the boat at th time, disxppeared after being towed to shore and have not been heard of Hinoe J E Hathaway, mansger of the coropa ny. last nicr 1 1 1 said he did not know the names of the two foreigners, as h employed a number of thr.ni and couh not tell from the desoiiplions who the pair are. We will send you Tins Heuamj an the Lincoln Daily Ktate Journal fiom now until January 1 1911, for only (1 20; or you can add the big Hunday edition of the Journal for 20 cents more in all $1 40. The sooner you subscribe the more you will get for your money. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, aa tlicy rannot rnirh tho (lla-tiiM-l iMirti.m i1 tl.t car. lliiTtt u only one way tu fure rii'urni-.ia. ami thai la by i-ouMllullonal ri'lnollea. IfrHfncaa la cailiw-d by an Uitluiiu-il i-oiiulllnti ul lint n.ucoua lliiinii ,( the KunUiclua Tuiie. When tin tuliit la Inllunied you Imvu a rumbling enund or lln Iierfcrl lieurliiK, ami wlii'll It Ia entirely clntx'd. )ial new 14 tliu n-Hiilt, ami unlcte tli InlUiumuUim run ba liiki u out ami t liia tube rentortil M it muinnl condi tion, liriirli.K will be di-Hlroy.d forever; nine runea out ot ten arc laumil by ulurrli, whli h la nutliiiuj Lul an II. II. un.. 1 cmiriltlon til the inucon 'ir !.'.. Wo will itiva One Hundred l,.M.ira lor any ciu' ol IlrHlnexH (caused by raturrh) th.it riiniuit b i-urod ly Hull a talurrli ure. riciid tor clrcuiara. Inf. K. J. t llUM.ir ., Toli-do. tt Pnl.1 by Drueiriiita. 7r. Uaae Jiail latuily 1'llii tor coDatipation. ! SATURDAY Stvtcirclsvy, Oct. 6tK 3 Cans Standard Tomatoes 25o 4 No. 1 or No. 2 Lamp Chimneys 2 So ( I5ars White Flake Soap ; 2fiC 1 Dozen Clothes Pins 2c 150 Yards Calico, per yard 5KC Mrs Morrison's Jelly, per glass 1()C 3 Pounds Seedless Raisins , U5C Saturday, Oct. 1 5 tlx Coal Oil, per gallon 80 3 Cans Baked Beans or Hominy 25c 3 Cans Extra Standard Corn 25c 1 Cake of Baker's Chocolate 20c Armour's Veribest Lamb's Tongue 20c 3 packages of any 10c box of Crackers or Cookies. . . .25c S.A. Stinsoni Dakota City. Nebraska PROTECTION Why we advertise "Safe as a Government Bond." We loan to farmers almost exclusively (the safest class of borrowers in Hie world ) Less than $50 losses in nearly a quarter of a century. Ample capital, surplus and backing to fully protqet any possible loss, with a lifetime's reputation back of all. Protection most thorough vault, safe, burglar alarm aud the services of all the detectives of two Insurance companies. State and Amorican Bankers Associations, and of Pinkcrtons. That's part of the reason for saying "Safe as a Government Bond." "The Bank that ALWAYS treats Bank of Dakota County PAUL PIZEY, Dkot CmiNu. i 1 atiVDVC Bonded : Abstracter Patronize Home Industry buy your meats of Wm LORENZ. Proprietor of City Meat B&eurket Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent for Seymoui s White Laundry. Basket Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA nv j4c :m 4jc ko, 4C: :y c Mjm October The Homeset kers' Excursions the West, Southwest and South offer an excellent opportunity for a jonrney of inspection or pleasure, during the autumn and winter, through these fast growing localities where land is constantly increasing in value. i'hfi Clienp One-Way Autumn in effect this year only until October 15. Go early and escape the final rush for sleeper accommodations. Every-day round trip Coast rates are in effect this winter; general basis $90.00, and $15.00 higher via Shasta. The Daily Winter TUirit II effective about November 1st. These rates with their desirable routes and privileges, together with the out door and hotel attractions of the Southland, should appeal to many looking to avoid the rigors of a northern winter. Sip ' BaaaaaaaaBueMBeaBBmBaaaaaal L. W. ,,. - 4 - : jo HARNESS This ljj-in. Coucord Harness No. 76 no collars $31 Our No. 179, 1-in. Concord, with flat backs, a better job $35 C-4t w.m. 1 SPECIALS j i f you RIGHT" Jevokaon Nob tr ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Io. i 1 goes on NEBRASKA t-m o o 40 wm iomi JBxslletlsv on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to Rntfs to the Pacific Coaat are uV'8 to Southeastern resorts become W. E. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr. Wakkley, G P A, Omaha, Neb 1004 Farnam street, .HUaiOTy. - MaimimiriiH 1eaMA 41 1 Pearl St Sioux City