Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 15, 1910, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Subscription Price. $1.00 Fer Year.
A weekly ncwcrmper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permisiion has been granted for tlie
transmission of this paper through the
maiia as tecond-clas matter.
Telephone No. 43.
TION. The rppuhllPBim of Dnkotn county, Nobr.,
are hprpbjr rnlli'il to nifet In convention nt
the court house In I'nkota City, on Sntur
dny. July 2t, IMIti, nt 1 o'clork p in, for the
purpose of scU'Ctlim five (leh'iiate to attend
ttie ropulllrnn tiite convention In Lincoln.
Niir. mi lull- t. lulu, nt li o'clock, noon ,
nnd nlno for the pnrpoie rf RelectliiK the
county central committee for the wnsulntt
The county convention n h n 1 1 Iw mnile up
of delegate from the vnrlout precinct, to
be gelecled nt precinct ciucise. on the !
In of one ileleimte. for encli ten vote or
tnnjor f ruction thereof cnt nt the IwiHelee
tlon for Hon. .lohn H. Bnrne. republlcnn
nominee for supreme liulae. nnn encli pre
clnct olmll. In addition, be entitled to one
dclesnte nt lame. Kiilcl apportionment en
title the several precinct to the following
representation in the county convention:
Precinct. Del. Precinct. Del.
Hublmrd I (Vivlnvtnn 11
Kmeron 7 I 8t. John's 4
Omndi H Hum ml t
Jinkotn 161 Pigeon Creek
Total No. delegate "0
It 1 hereby reconimended that the
nevernl precinct caucuses lie held through
out the county on Monday, July It, 1V1U, nt
4 o'clock, pin.
Hald convention shall have power nnd
authority to transact any other business
which may properly come liefore It.
J.J. Kimkhh, Chairman.
Democratic Mass Convention
The voters of Dakota county are hereby
notified that there Will be held nt Dakota.
Neb. July sM. at o'clock P in, a democratic
mass convention for the purpose of choos
ing delegates to the democratic state con
vention at Hrand island. Neb, July it. IMIll,
at i p in. Dakota county Is entiled to a rep
resentation of five delegate In snld conven
tion. ' Thomas Ashford.
Chairman Democratic Co. Cen. Com.
Paul Pl7.ey, .Secretary.
Old River Pilot Passes Away
"Uncle Davey" Campbell, the last
of the old river pilots living in this vi
cinity, died at his humble homo in
South Sioux City last Saturday, July
9th, after an illness lasting nearly a
year, daring which time he wa almost
helpless. He was io his 85th year.
Mrs Minnie Allan, an aged negress,
had taken the most devoted care of
Lira in the long, weary months of his
sickness. Dnring all the time she had
battled not alone with the ravages of
the disease, but against poverty and
hardship. Since his eoming to Sioux
City, "Uncle Davey" had been practic
ally forgotten by his children, who as
children of a former marriage objeoted
to his asRociaton with the colored wo
man and who had given little help.
William E Campbell, a aon, visited
here last winter and lei t a little money.
With this and the lit Liu which she had
been able to earn Mrs Allan kept the
wolf from the door.
David Campbell was one of the best
known of the old river men who thrived
in the early 60s aud 70s. His little
cottage has for years been the rendez
vous for the old timers and those who
gathered to hear the tales which the
old man never tired of repeating, and
which, iu their gripping interest of the
. old days when the Indian ruled the
land, never failed to hold the attention
of every listener.
As near as can be learned, "Uncle
Davy" came to Sioui City iu 1805,
taking up the vocation of captain on
one of the early steamboats. The last
boot on which he was actively engaged
was the old William Towle, which is
now being dismantled. On this boat
as captain three years ago he was en
gaged in making the trips to the sand
pits and return, eighteen miles np the
river. He is survived by four sons
and two daugters by his ilrst wife
Willium Campbell of Georgetown, Pa ;
Tom Campbell, who is living in West
Virginia; Noah and James Campbell,
whose residences are nnknown; Mrs
Elizabeth Jackson of Chester, W V
and Mrs Hattie Wright of Georgetown.
"Uncle Davy" was born in Beaver
county, Pa, near the Ohio river, March
2G, 182G, and at the oge of 11 years
took a position as cabin boy on the
steamer, Wellsville, plying between
Pittsburg, Pa, and Sunflsh, O, and
though his position was the lowest and
he received the least pay, his enjoy
ment probably was the greatest of all
the ofliuers and crew of the steamboat
of which he was so small a prt At
the age of 16 he became a full fledged
deck-baud, and at 21 was promoted to
' watchman on the Hondnries, after
whioh his advancement was rapid,
serving as second mate, then first
mate, and from that to pilot, in whioh
capacity he served on many steam
boats and navigated practically all the
river of the Mississippi valley from
New Orleans to the head of navigation
on the Missouri and Yellowstone, and
also the lower tributaries of the Mis
During the rebellion he served as
pilot on different boats of the union
navy in the Mississippi river until 18G5,
when on the steamer Oeneral Grant
lie made his first trip past Sioux City
on hi way from St Louis to Fort Ben
ton. After the railroads were built to
Sioux City he ran from here to Fort
Benton for reveral years, and was pilot
with Capt Grant Marsh on the "Far
West" during the summer of 1876, in
the employment of the government.
After the Custer massacre the
wonuded soldiers of Maj Iteno'a com
mand were brought on board the" Far
West" and Capt Marsh and Capt
Campbell taking regular shifts at the
wheel mado a record breaking run
from the Big Horn river down to Fort
Xiinooln, opposite Bismark.
The Flshlne Season la On In
cm Wisconsin Lakes
At many of the lakes and streams in
Northern Wisconsin along the Omaha
Iload, big catches of Bass, Trout, Pike,
Muscallonge and Crappies are being
reported. The weather and water con
ditions are just right, and now is the
, time to pack yonr fishing tackle and
write or wire for accommodations at
one or other of the fishing resorts while
the season is at its best. The lakes
near Turtle Lake, Cumberland, Shell
Lake, Hayward, Cable, Solon Spiings,
Clietek, Birchwood, IUdisson, ltice
Lake and New Auburn are all well
stocked with the gamiest varieties of
fresh water fish; the hotel accommoda
tions are good and the prioea reasona
ble. Before planning your trip, write
for our outing folder "Oaming, Fishing
and Hunting in Northern Wisconsin."
It will be mailed free oa request.
T W Teasdale, General Passenger
Agent, Omaha ttoad, St Paul, Minn.
Bay a good farm on the Dakota
county bottom. I Lava it. Eimers.
Items of Interest
Atvi t r CvUinivae
Illnom field Monitor: Judge RE
Etbds of Dakota City, Nebr, was in
the city yesterday on tflicial business.
Salix items in Sloan, Io, Star: Fritz
Anderson and son, Fred, of Jaokson,
Neb, were shaking hands with friends
here Monday.
Newcastle Times: Miss Katie Bus
sel returned last Thursday evening
from a visit near Dakota City. She
reports a splendid time.
Wayne Democrat: Mr and Mrs
Henry Ley and Mrs 0 A Ohase and
Goldie went to Crystal lake yesterday
afternoon, C A going down this morn
. Fender Times: Prof and Mrs Rich
came down from South .Dakota last
week and wect over to the vicinity of
Winner and visited with the former's
Hornick items in Sloan, Io, Star : A
crowd of the young folks in and around
Holly Springs celebrated the Fourth
in Sioux City at Riverside park and
Crystal lake.
Lyons Mirror: Mrs Chas Adair of
Sioux City visited the family of her
sister, Mrs Peterson this week ... .Our
nephew, M Warner Bauer, and a f el
low student are canvassing this part of
the county for some excellent cutlery
Emerson Enterprise: 8 H Smith and
family were over from Winnebago vis
iting friends the 4th .... We received
letter from George Wallway the first
of the week stating that he had located
at Clinton, Minn, where he has been
appointed assistant cashier of the First
National Bank. He speaks well of
the country and crops.
Ponoa Leader Miss Lula Karat of
South Sioux City was a guest of Miss
Marie Ragosch from Monday until
Wednesday ... .Dr G A Young and
family, Miss Lillian Hammel expect
to leave next week for Crystal lake
for a week's outing.... Mr Charley
Fisher and family and Mr Blessing
and family from Dakota county drove
up Sunday and spent the afternoon at
the S P Mikesell home.
Sioux City Jousnal, 11th: 0 A Cur
ry, a farmer on Walker's island, yes
terday afternoon made the interesting
discovery that there was on his farm a
petrified cedar tree in a perfect state
of preservation. Mr Curry was dig
ging a well and had gone four and a
half feet when Lis spade struck the
ohalcedonio mass, which he at first
thought was a rock. On digging to a
depth of eighteen feet he discovered
that the rock was nothing more; nor
less than a petrified tree, with roots
and trunk in their original form.
Where Walker's Island now lies it is
believed that the Missouri river once
flowed and that the tree was either a
snag which was floating down the
stream or a tree growing beside the
liver bank. Mr Curry has not decided
what he will do with his find. The
farm is the property of F W Lohr.
Pender Republic : Mr and Mrs L L
Ream and Miss Lou ilirsch visited at
Walthill and Homer over Sunday and
Monday. . . .Miss Leula Tyrell went to
LakotU) county Wednesday to arrange
for a school which she will teach there
the coming year , . . . Miss Leona Smith
went to Goodwin Wednesday to visit
her sister, Mrs Chas Pounds, Mr and
Mrs Chas Smith went up yesterday
morning for a visit at toe Pounds
home.. . .Mr and Mrs EW Tarrant,
Miss Eva Condron, Miss Olive Hardy
and the Republio editor and wife went
to Crystal Lake the latter part of last
week to remain over the Fourth. Mr
and Mrs Frank Greeuough joined the
crowd Tuesday morning. This brain
stormer and "better half" returned the
middle of the week. The balance of
the company will return tonight
Crytal lake is beooming a very popu
lar resort ana it is certainly a very
pleasant place to take an outing.
Winnebago Chieftain : Jesse Thack-
er and wife came last Saturday to
spond the 4th at the Art Derw.it home.
... .Mrs Lester Miller returned from
Uomer Wednesday wuere she spent
the 4th with her parents.... Harold
Buckland was back from Uolstein, Io,
over eunday and spent the 4tu in
Homer and this place. ...Frank Hess
of Sergeant Bluff, Io, was here over
Sunday and July 4th, visiting his
oonsin, Merrill Brassfield. .. .Arthur
Bliv.m of Emerson was a visitor for a
week over the Fourth at the home of
his father, N E Bliven . . . .John Church
was down from Homer yesterday, ar
ranging with John Ashford to take
charge of the tatter's harness shop.
II G Niebuhr is again able to be
about town and take up duties at the
postoflloe, after a long period of con
tinemeut to his home with pneumouia
. . . .Ray Mansfield and wife and little
son, spent the 4th iu Linooln with Mr
Mansfield s mother aud sister. Mrs
Mansfield remaiued for a few days'
visit this week.... We are reliably in
formed that next week a flour and feed
store will be opened up here, iu the
Mason building, by o A Combs aud
S P Doran. This may possibly result
in a feed mill being put in later. M
Combs is now a Homer resident, but
may move to this place. .. .Deputy
Marshall John F Sides of Dakota City
was down luesday serving subpoena
notices on John Deeting, Ira
Keefer, Louis Goodsell aud John
Priest, for the Utterback bootlegging
case. Priest is the Indian to whom
the liquor was sold by Utterback, at
Uomer.... Merrill Brasneld has quit
his position with the Mansfield filer
oaniile company. He will assist D
Lavelle iu the ice cream parlor in Tom
Lavelle's absence at Clarke which will
be about two weeks. Mr Brassfield
will in a few weeks go np to South Da
kota to prove np on his claim.... Mrs
Margaret Ashford, Mrs W U Ryan,
and Mrs Duggan, the latter of Sioux
City, were down from Homer Wednes
day afternoon, the guests at the home
of John Ashford and wife. Clement,
the son of Mrs Dugian, come with
thrra, and remained this week for a
visit with John, Jr, and Charles. ...W
Buckland has quit Lncle Hams
service at the agency and has moved
to Homer, where he and the family
will reside. We understand he is to
take up the dray business in Homer.
Mr itnckland is no stranger in Uomer,
as he made that place his home for a
number of years before he took the po
sition at the Agency... .The B A Uri
denbaugh family, the Luther Ilelkes
family, and Miss Lulu Ilirsch, all of
Homer and vicinity, and alias mar
garet Twamley and a Mr Baker of
Larchwood, Iowa, drove down from
Homer on the afternoon of July 4th.
Miss Lettie Ileikes who came with
them, remained at the Linkswiler
home for a visit, this week, returning
to ber home on the morning passenger
today (Friday.)
Mrs Thorn was somewhat under the
weather last week.
Joe Leedom is back from the county
hnb, having resigned as deputy sheriff.
We are all glad to have Joe with
Two new Acme Queen Binders for
sale at your own price. D C Htffernan
Several new condidates have gone
into the Yeoman order.
Judge Heffernan was an over night
visitor at Jackson Tuesday.
Marv Thornton returned to her
home in the city last week after a few
days visit with relatives and friends.
A fine line of matting in several
nice nice patterns, at Carl Anderson s
The Methodists will cive an ice
cream social Ju' wJn the Woodmen
hall. A cordialwrwfflion extended
to all.
Regular services as usual, Sunday
school at 10. and church at 11. Rev
Romick, pastor.
The Ladies Aid will meet at Mrs
Freeman Rockwells, July 21, every
body invited, come and have a good
social visit.
Services will be held in the Luther
an church on Sunday. Sunday school
at 10 o'clock, preaching services at 11
o'clock. Evening services at 7:45.
Everybody is cordially invited to at
tend the divine services,
Everything in straw hats at Carl
Smith brothers were some of the
passengers from here to the city Sat
urday, returning Monday.
Mrs Wilsey was in the city last
jacKsoa won ont in tue ball game
played here last Sunday with Emer
son by a 4 to X soore, for a purse of a
$100. A very large crowd saw the
George Hayes took home a car of
cattle Wednesday, which he purchas
ed in the city.
Joseph Christensen has been on the
sick list the past week.
Furnishing goods for men and
women, at Carl Anderson's.
The plastering on the G Jensen
dwelling will soon be finished.
Mr and Mrs Petersen and family of
Sioux City visited at the L Mogensen,
home last Saturday.
A L Andersen and Sam Art drove to
the city Monday.
Mrs A Schroeder has been quite sick
the past week but we are pleased to
note that she is on the mend at thi
Miss Eble while on a visit herewith
her brother George, was taken serious
ly ill Tuesday. Dr Leahy was sum
moned and at this writng she is resting
If you want to save some money on
groceries, Carl Anderson can do it for
August Andersen and wife were
Emerson visitors Wednesday.
Mrs James Howard visited in New
castle this wsek.
Mrs Harty and daughter, Pearl,
were among the Sioux Citians One day
last week.
Mrs John Green was a city shopper
Frank Ufllng and family and Patsy
Duggan aud wife were city passengers
last Saturday.
A Danish picnio will be held at the
C Erickson home next Sunday.
Work shoes for harvest wear, the
kind that uever hurt the feet, at Carl
Mrs Warren Whittaker came down
from Winside for a visit with her lolks
Tom Long shipped a car of hogs
Our now station agent arrived Mon
day. Mr Poole, the foimer man here,
left for Wayne.
Chan Varvis and wife were in South
Dakota over Sunday, visiting a cousin
of the latter.
Mrs B Franoisoo and children left
for Hartington Wednesday. They
will return Saturday.
Dishes of all kinds for harvest use,
at Carl Anderson's,
Bert Franoisoo and family were In
Omaha several days the past week.
J od Hagen and little daughter,
Mary, were city shoppers Saturday.
Little Teddie Franoisoo was num
bered among the sick this week.
Mr Ogburn, Fred 8humack and Geo
Hayes were south bound paseengers
last Thursday.
The little son of John Leuzio ou the
4th while firing off fire crackers, in
some way got a stack of hay set on
fire. The stack contained several
tons, which made it quite a loss as hay
will not be so plenty this year and
prices of course will be high accor
dingly. JACKSON.
Genevieve Brady went to Sioux
City Wednesday to spend a few days
with relatives and friends.
Mrs Frank Davey of Ponca, was a
guest of Mrs J M Barry Tuesday.
John Sieversoa autoed over from
Sioux City Monday.
Lnoy Jones departed for Kingsley,
Iowa, Wednesday to visit her sister,
Mrs Margaret Boy lea. Her little niece,
Beatrice, and nephew, Thilip Boyles,
who were visiting here returned home
with her.
Margaret Howard of Hubbard, is
pending the week with the Misses
Rita and Beatrice Jones.
Lydie Teller went to Waterbury
Saturday evening to spend a few
weeks with her sister, Mrs Jas Boyle,
Eugene Eennelly and Frank Davey
r, of Sioux City, are spending a few
weeks vacation at Minneapolis and the
Helen Pelletier of Sioux City, who
was a guest in the Ed T Kearney home
the past week, departed for her home
Tuesday morning. She was accompa
nied home by M iss Helen Kearney,
Air Coyle of liincoln. Nebr, was an
over Sunday gnest in the M Zulauf
Walter Zulauf departed Monday for
uecatur, Aebr, where be will spent.
the week with relatives.
James Finnell and wife, Mrs Marga
ret Duggan, Mrs J M Brannan, and
Misses Alice apd Josephine Kennrllv,
of Sioux City, have rented a cottage
at Crystal lake and will spend a week
Jack Kavanaugh was visiting rela
tives in Allen, Nebr, several days last
Henry Francisco returned from Roy
al, Nebr, Wednesday, where he had
been the past week looking after his
The high wind last Friday night
broke the cable pole of the telephone
putting all the telephones out of com
mission. No service is being given
this week.
C J O'Connor took a haying crew to
bis ranch in Cherry county, Tuesday
Myron Bates, Alvie Whaley and three
Phil Renz went to Omaha and pur
chased a driving horse.
Dr Geo Stidworthy came down from
South Dakota Monday, to visit his
brother, Dr D B Stidworthy.
Mrs Bolster and daughter Helen
visited several days this week with
relatives in Sioux City.
Chas nolsworth and wife were Sioux
City shoppers Tuesday.
Gus Goodsell aud wife are now dom
iciled in Dakota City.
Helen Bolster retnrned to Des
Moines, Io, Tuesday.
-Fred Kipper and Miss Freda Sfad
ding, of Newcastle, Nebr, drove u
there last Sunday. Fred will be gone
about three weeki.
The village board on'Saturday even
ing appoint. d Charles F Bates village
marshal and street oommissioner.
Ardeth, the little daughter of Alfred
name got the end of a finger cut com
pletely off in the cogs of a washin
machine Monday, Mrs Harris tied it
on and brought her down to Dr Stid
worthy who sewed it on and she
getting along nicely,
Mrs August Wilkins and Miss Elsie,
left Monday evening over the Burling
ton for Long Pine, for a several weeks
visit with Ed Wilkins and family, who
ha-re a large ranch near there.
Rosco Goodsell, of Spencer, Nebr,
brother of L J Goodsell the veternary,
is in pretty bad shape with inflammato
ry rheumatism and is alse troubled
with his heart. Lewis has just return
ed from there, where he spent several
Charlotte Kelley and Helen O'Con
nor, Tim's daughter, returned on last
Friday evening train from a visit with
relatives in Sioux City.
W J Cleveland, nephew of Benone
McKiuley and Mrs Bert Kinnear, and
a graduate of the Ames, Io, agricultur
al college, in veternary, has hung out
his shingle in the Dr Burke drug store
room aud will practice his profession.
He is a most thorough horse and stock
Lena Wilkins returned from her
Sioux City visit with friends Sunday
Supt W E Voss and Clerk of the
District Court, Wilkins, oame down to
see their Pa's and Ma's Saturday aud
Sunday, returning to Dakota City iu
the evening,
Leo J Schuett, ex-member of the
village council of Homer, was iu
Homer last Friday and let the contract
for an eight foot cement walk in front
of the Sohuett & Co property.
Mrs T D Curtis and Marion return
ed from their five weeks visit last Fri
day evening.
Little Hazel Lake, daughter, of
Orvil Lake, has been sick with some
disease of the ear.
Among the Sioux City shoppers last
Friday, was Coon Thorn and wife,
Chas Scott aud wife, Mrs M Mason,
Mrs Fred Brasfleld and Mrs Tom Alia
way. Mart Mansfield came up from Win
nebago Tuesday on the freight and
thence to Sioux City on the passenger.
Marjory MoKinley had the misfor
tune to run the tines of a pitchfork in
her foot Tuesday.
Grandma Goodsell of Dakota City,
who has been an over 4th visitor with
ber daughter, Mrs Orvil Lake and
other relatives, left for home Sunday
evening, accompanied by her daughter,
Mr Gus Goodsell and baby, where they
will make their houie.,
Two fishing parties were out last
week from Homer, viz : Robt Luse
brink, Fred Kipper, aud George Rock
well, at the Smith lake, and Chas M
Borowsky, Walt Smith, Will Buck
land, Dr 1) B Stidworthy, Geo Johns,
Judd O'Dell, Chris Hansen, Chris
Rasmusseu, Marions Pedersen, and
Louie Rasmusseu, at the Jackson lake.
Walt Smith the harness man was a
business caller in Sioux City Monday,
Chas Bates, the new marshal, has
moved with his family into the Cham
berlain house in the south part of
Eph Rockwell has rented Lis hotel
to some oue from Walthill, and will
oooupy the Jud O'Dell house.
Rhue Altemus and family were
Homer visitors Wednesday.
Mrs Sam Blanohard and baby arriv
ed Thursday for a visit at the home of
her father and other relatives.
Miss Sarah Nicklen wi'l teach in
District No a the coming winter.
The Woodmen of the World will
give a picnio in Homer, July 30, 1910.
rienty of amusements will be furnish
ed to entertain the crowd that will
surely be here. Everybody oome, all
are invited. Remember everything is
free. They want all to come and en-
oy the day with them, in the Ream
ark, just east of Homer .
Mrs J N Miller returned home last
Sunday evening from Lake View, Io,
fter a two weeks visit with friends
and relatives, her sister Mary return
ing with her.
Chris and Louie Rasmussen and
family spent Sunday at Peter Soren
Mrs A Bancroft is on the sick list
this week.
L L Churchill and family visited
last Sunday at the N L Crippen home.
Several of the Fiddler Creek people
took in the circus at Sioux City Satur
Louie and Eertel Nelsen visited at
Max Nelsen's last week.
Mrs Goorge Jensen is on the sick
list this week.
Edward Jensen and wife spent Sun
day with Nela Anderson and family.
Edward Maurice and family fcun
dayed at the Albert Schraederhomo
ThorwaldReiseis doing the painting
stunt at the Hale school house. It
will surely be a great improvement.
Chris Miller Sundoyed with the
Larsen Brothers.
Mrs Chris Rasmussen and Mrs Tigo
Jensan visited with Mrs Peter Jensen
last Thursday.
Geo Jensen's new house is now being
plastered, Phil Reise a doing the
work. "
Garret Mason and family spent
Sunday at the Robert Leusebrink
Robert Leusebrink, Fred Kipper
and Louie Rasmussen joined a happy
fishing crowd at Homer Thursday
going to Jackson lake. They retnrned
Saturday reporting a very fine time
and lots of fish.
Chris Eriksen has began building a
new dwelling house this week.
Rev S L Keller rill preach his intro
ductory sermon at Salem Lutheran
church on Hunday, July litu, at 11
o'clock am. At 10 a m will be the re
organization of the Salem Sunday
school, and the election of officers.
Salem has organized a ball team
with George Heikes as manager.
Roy Armonr has the chamruon snake
story to tell, and if you don't believe
it he will produce the snake a big 4
foot pet bull snake that has made its
headquarters iu their orchard for sev
eral years.
A big family reunion was held at
the Sam Bridenbaugh home Sunday,
over thirty relatives being present. A
U Bliven and wife of California were
among the number.
The late rain did a world of good.
John Flannery had a valuable horse
killed by lightning Thursday morning.
From the Kecord
John bebee of Randolph was visiting
his friend Attorney w. V. Meuteville.
miss Alice llagermnn ot Uomer is a
guest nt the Tollinger home this week.
Francis Green in the north part ol
town is building a substantial addition
to his residence.
Mrs M B Slocum left Saturbay morn
tngfor Fort Dodge where she spent the
4-til visttinir. mends.
E. E. Leedom has purchased five lots
of J. H. HurUe. They join his hume in
the north part oi town.
Harry Snyder manager of the tele
puone system at Ponca, wns a guest at
the Jacob Klarman home the 4-th.
Mrs R. I). Middleton and family and
Dan Dougherty and family moved into
the Middleton house on Palmer street
this week.
Roy Mitchell and family of Ireton were
over Sunday and Monday visitors at the
home ot bis parents, Mr and Mrs . II
Fred Gordon has his gasoline engine
anil a crew of men at work in Edwards
and Hradlord s Lumber yard sawing
cord wood this week.
G. Hackathorn, who has been looking
after business interests in Uklahoinal.it v
for several months returned this week to
celebrate the 4-th with his family.
Roy Mc Intyre, who has been work
ing at Jackson left Sunday for Dallas
South Dakota where be has employ
ment and where he may take up a claim
H. F. Cooper and wife are now occu
pyini the Tollirfsr cottage in Railroad
Addition. Mr Cooper is recovering
Iroin the burns he received in the depot
fire last week.
Frank Gordon left Saturday for Bis
mark, North Dakota where he will be
in work in the government river ser
vice. He expects his wife and family to
follow him in a short time.
The new Omaha depot it is said will be
built of concrete with a slate roof, have a
brick platform aud be of modern arcbi
tecture. It will have two waiting rooms
and be large and commodious.
Word comes from Omaha of the death
of Frank Uurneu, a large packing house
contractor. Mr liurncss did consider
able work in Sioux City and is well
known on this side the river.
John Frederick has moved the building
he purchased last week from the Lamp
sou estate to the lot west of Plynn's Bar
and is fixing it up for his blacksmith
The new shop built for Davis & Son by
H. O. Dorn is now occupied and work
is being done. While all the necessary
tools have not been put id yet. Messers
Davis iV Son hope to be in A No 1 shap
by next week.
Rev I L Phillips moved Saturday into
his new house in railway addition
The new house is not quite completed
but the intciior was fiuiblied to allow ot
living in the house. Mr Phillip's bun
gnlo is oue ot the nicest residences on the
south side.
Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock nt
the Whitfield Methodist l'.irsonage in
Sioux City, Rev. O K Maynard pcrfor
ming the ceremouv, Lmsley Clinken
beard son of Mr and Mrs E. F.
Clinkenbeard and Miss Hessie Harden,
daughter of J. W, Harden were
I am here to stay,
I'm glad to say,
With Rawleigh's noops the Best,
Satisfaction or No Sale.
Phone 18, 8 H Moore,
"The Rawleigh Man."
For Sale 200 acres of hay, one mils
south of Cobnrn Junction.
J M Davey, Ponca, Hebr.
Summary of Collections, Disbursements and Balances for
the Six Months Ending June 30, 1910, of D. G. Evans,
Treasurer of Dakota County, Nebr.
To cash on hand $43084 01
To 1S90 tax collected 1 03
To 1891 tax collected 1 07
To 1892 tax collected 11 46
To 1S93 tax collected 48 48
To 1S94 tax collected 13 52
To 1895 tax collected 14 00
To 1S9G tax collected 17 SO
To 1897 tax collected 14 97
TolSOS tax collected 13 31
To 1S99 tax collected 10 77
To 1900 tax collected 10 96
To 1901 tax collected.... 10 75
To 1902 tax collected 16 OS
To 1903 tax collected 29 GO
To 1904 tax collected 31 40
To 1905 tax collected 45 39
To 1900 tax collected 72 05
To 1907 tax collected , 1GS 25
To 1908 tax collected 414 23
To 1909 tax collected 4S049 48
To school land interest collected 242 70
To school land lease collected
To June apportionment received from state Treas. 1942 37
To school district 28, Dixon county 28 14
To miscellaneous collections county general 81 GO
To fines and licenses G03 G0
To interest on county deposits 145 74
To redemptions GG0 47
To fees 112 50
$90030 G7
By state treasurer's receipts $ 8170 90
By county general warrants redeemed 6900 18
By county bridge warrants redeemed 4610 96
By county road warrants redeemed. . . '. 497 05
By railroad bond fund 6G26 67
By school district No. 11 judgment 255 00
By school bonds 322 50
By school orders paid local tax 22706 58
By ditch , 250 00
By district road warrants : 30G1 47
By city treasurer's receipts, Jackson 280 00
By eity treasurer's receipts, Emerson 135 00
By city treasurers receipts, Homer 203 06
By cjty treasurer's receipts, South Sioux City... . 1561 00
By redemption 657 26
By county treasurer's commission G30 00
S5GS67 63
State general fund 579 20
County road, No. 1 611 27
County road, No. 2 476 37
County road, No. 3 898 62
Covington judgment 127 01
Covington annex ;-16 27
Jackson Sidewalk '. 2 21
Scavenger fund 51 94
Ditch fund 864 36
Railroad bond sinking fund 174 60
Railroad bond interest 9S2 43
County general fund 10463 43
County bridge fund 1706 74
Dakota City sidewalk 267 36
Soldiers' relief fund.. 225 70
Advertising fund 54 00
School bond fund 1S75 80
School district fund 10703 32
Fines and license fund 2 00
Inheritance tax fund 1441 00
Fee book 112 50
Road district fund 5949 25
South Sioux City sidewalk 58 S9
Interest on county deposits 145 74
Village of Jackson 24 9S
Village of Hubbard 61 91
Village of Emerson 96 24
Village of Dakota City 201 42
Village of South Sioux City 1257 33
Redemption fundr 45 39
Interest 321 68
Commission deducted 630 00
Total Cash on Hand .39169 04
The above report was duly verified by the board of county
j Island 3f Beach 3? Hotel j
J. S. SANDERS, Proprietor.
postoffice address: Sioux, nebr.
Now Open, for
Hotel accommodations to suit the summer seeker
for rest and recreation. Airy, Cool and clean
rooms make this hotel an ideal place to spend
your summer vacation. Good view; fine fishing.
Finest Bathing Beach on The Lake
Bath house modern, with cool dressing rooms,
clean suits and prompt and satisfactory service.
Island Beach Hotel is the place to go, whether
you spend an hour or put up for the summer.
Follow the Island Road or Take a Launch at Crystal Lake Park
Weak Throat Weak Lungs
Cold after cold1; cough after cough! Troubled with this
taking-cold habit? Better break it up. We have great
confidence in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for this work. No
medicine like it for weak throats and weak lungs. Ask
your doctor for his opinion. He knows all about it.
His approval is valuable. Follow his advice at all times.
No alcohol in this cough medicine. . C. A ytr Co., Lowell, Mass.
Alwayskcepa flood laxative in thehoutc. Takcadoscwhen yourcoUi first comeon. What
U the bst laxative for thU? Ayer't P11U.
140 S6
Summer Season
Ak your doctor hit opinion. Let him decide