Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 15, 1910, Image 3

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Dairy Expert Iowa State Dairy Association
What the Dairy Cow Has Been Doing
Perhaps there Is no better explana
tion of why one breed of cows Is better
for milk production than the other,
thun to look Into the history of them
ss breeds. In doing this we find how
they were produced and why. We
llnd, for Instance, that the beef animal
has been bred In her native country by
breeders who were past masters In the
art of breeding. Kor hundreds of
years they have fievoted their efforts
along the lino of producing an animal
which would convert the very greatest
possible amount of food consumed, Into
beef and fat to deposit over the back
and lolu and rump, over the ribs and
down deep In the twist. They have
etrlven to breed such an animal be
causo there has been a demand for
Just such an animal, and this demand
has sprung from the consumer of beef
u.) through tho retail clerk In the meat
'mrser. inrouen inn lonner nnn on to
the packer, and from him through his
buyers to the commission men and on
down through the feeders of steers to
the breeders of beef cattle. In the
neat market the demand from the
after h'j has produced and put beef cat
tle Into the dairy with the guarantee
that the calves" w hich he-produces will
be worth more two years hence
when he goes to sell them, even
though his cows do not produce half as
much milk and butter-fat.
Now, on the other hand. If we look
through the origin and tho develop
ment of the dairy breeds of cattle, we
find that for hundreds of years there
have been men with ability Just as
great as that used by the developers
of beef cattle who have been working
and tussling with the laws of breeding
for years, striving to produce an ani
mal that would convert every possible
bit of Its food Into milk and butter
fat. They have cared little for tho
beef that might be found on the ani
mal's body, but what they have striven
to do was to develop an animal that
after consuming and digesting a large
amount of feed would assimilate it
Into blood which would carry It, In
stead of to the top of the back, and
ribs, around through a well placed and
large udder and there convert It Into
s 1 si ' : .. : -: .' . T
y ' ... f & f .. :.. : ' e . : ...
Cow Bred for Economical Milk and Butter Production.
trade has been for cuts of beef that milk and butter-fat. Like the breed-
are taken from over the back and the
loin and the other parts mentioned, be
cause the beef found In these regions
Is more suitable to the taste, richer
in its flavor, more tender, better
grained and, in fact, more to be de
sired than Is the meat which Is found
in the neck, brisket, plates and in
those portions considered the cheaper
part of the animal. Because of the de
mand, the better parts of the animal
have demanded a higher price and,
consequently, the animal which Is
most greatly developed in these high
priced cuts is the more valuable ani
mal, and because of the fact that like
begets like or a likeness thereof, it has
been necessary to breed animals the
likeness of vhlch would be well devel
oped In these qualities. This is the de
mand that has caused the breeder of
beet cattle to produce an animal that
would convert every possible portion
of its feed into beef and fat and lay it
-over the top of the back, the ribs, etc.
During this process of breeding up, he
lias paid very little attention to milk
production, probably due to the fact
that It is a most difficult thing to pro
luce an animal which has the power
ers of beef cattle their results have
been wonderful and they have to a
large degree accomplished their end;
but In so doing they have developed
an animal radically different In form
and conformation from that which the
producer of beef cattle has developed.
Instead of being rectangular and
square In form and covered with beef
from one end to the other, they have
produced an animal that Is wedge
shaped, open Jointed and angular in
form. .Now, they have not produced
this animal of this shape because they
thought that a long neck, bony ribs,
an open Jolntedncss and spareness In
flesh, prominent hip bones and lean
ness in appearance all over, were an
indication of beauty, but in their great
interest in the question of developing
an animal that would convert every
portion cf its food into milk and butter-fat,
they have given up this result
and they have found that it is impos
sible to produce an animal that will
take a given amount of food and con
vert it into two different products at
the same time. Consequently, they
have found that if each animal pro
duces every available portion of food
i i.
VS. s ,i "i 4 - t
' 1.
i A
V f
A Cow Bred for Economical Beef Production.
of converting a given amount at feed
Into two things at the same time. The
aim of the breeder of beef cattle has
been to produce beef and he has done
so at the expense of tho milk-giving
functions of the animal in his charge.
The Beef Breeders' Accomplishments.
The wonderful results that have
been accomplished by these breeders
of beef cattle are not to be belittled, be
cause they have produced a wonderful
work. They have produced an animal
tbr.t is capable of making two pounds
of valuable beef where one pound or
'bs was to be found In the animals of
th' past. They have made wonderful
Improvement in beef production and
tn-iay we find In the beef breeds, steers
that, although they are not capable of
making any more gain out of a bushel
ot corn than is a Je rsey or n llolstelu
Ftn r, still they have the ability of con
verting their food into high-priced beef
i ;.:!. cr ttian into cheap Vxllow, as Is the
c. wiili the majority of the dairy
bri d steers. Hut it would be the height
of folly to say to the feeder of beef
r;."!.! that he should use upon bis
fauns dairy cows because, betides sup
'.r.? a calf that would be worth one
lia t nwich as the href calf, he could
I ;.;l ici' twice as much milk and but-t:-Tat
as though he kept a oeef cow.
Hi would be very sadly surprised when
'il time came to market hs steers if
!. lo-.nd that he had made no profit
IrMii tbem, und this surprise would
probably bo Just as great and Just as
l.i rt a disappointment as the dlsap
m I-: xcut wblcb the dairyman finds
Into milk and butter-fat there Is noth
ing left for the production of beef to
cover up the bones of the body, and
the result Is the above described con
formation. And so we have breeds of cattle lor
tho specific j urpose of being utilized
as machines lor the conversion of raw
materials produced upon the farm Inro
beef; and, on the other hand, we have
anltnalii developed for tho specific pur
pose of makii g for us a machine with
the ability to convert raw materials
or the grains raised .ipon our farms,
Into in 1 Ik and butter-fat; and when
ever one of tbese breeds oversteps Its
bounds and erters '.he field of the oth
er, then, from the standpoint of an ef
ficient anil profitable machine, they
are at a loss because the other ma
chine can do that work much more ef
ficiently and profitably.
The Dual Purpose Cow,
However, as Indicated In tho begin
ning, there U protmnly a place for
the dual purpose cow, uy which term
we mean that cow that is capable of
producing some milk and butter-fat
and some kind of a calf every year.
There are many who are to be found
In every business who cannot accom
plish to the same degree the results
of others, and likewise there are many
breeders and feeders who, were they
to have the very best beef cattle tLat
could be raised, would not appreciate
them to the extent that they would
take the very best care of them, and
no tnat In the rml tho results would
be far from flattering, nnd it Is with
out doubt equally profitable for theso
men to have prt animal much Inferior
to tho very best. And tho likelihood
Is that they can make almost as much
profit out of n common animal as they
can out of an animal developed to
the very highest degree possible, and
the name Is true relative to the cow
that has to be milked upon the farm.
There are ninny who would milk cows,
that have not studied tho fundamental
principles of handling, caring for and
feeding tho dairy cow and it would be
a terrible hard: flip to tho cow were
she compelled to withstand the care,
feed nnd management that she would
receive at the hands o? theso feeders,
because, as has been stated before,
r.he Is more or less of an artificial be
ing, and In order to do her best work
she must be subjected to the very
best met hods of management, and for
this purpose likely the so-termed dual
purpose cow Is to bo recommended.
She has been of wonderful service
in that she ha." been used as ft stepping
stone from beef production to the pro
duction of milk nnd butter-fat. If we
look to the history of every country,
we will find that the different stages
of development are, first, grain farm
ing, next grain nnd stock farming,
next stock fnrmlng, and finally stock
farming anil dairying The man who
has educated himself as a feeder of
beef cattle nlwnys finds that to feed
for the production of milk 19 a much
different business. He must have dif
ferent kinds of animals, keep them un
der different kinds of shelter and feed
them foods of different kjnds nnd in
different proportions, and on the whole
care for them entirely differently; and
were this man to step immediately
from the feeding of beef cattle into tho
fed I tig and caring for the very hlgh
pst character of dairy cattle, he would
not be ple.-rsed wth the results as n
feeder of tnts second class of animals.
Consequently, when he finds that there
are greater profits ;hat are more cer
tain to be found In milk production,
the first step which he takes Is to
begin milking the cows that have
heretofore done nothing but produce
the calves that ho has later sent to
market; and as he feeds for a period
of time these cows that produce for
him regularly hardly enough milk and
butter-fat to pay for their keep, he be
gins to wonder if there are not other
methods of feeding these snme cows
that will better their production, and in
conseauence, he learns from time to
time and from year to year of the bet
ter nethods or the ways of producing
froiu these sumo cows more milk and
butter- fat and doing it more econom
ically and profitably.
During this period that the change
has been coming about, he has learned
to properly care for tho cow and now
the time is ripe for him to go into
the dairy business and to use tho real
dairy cow. It Is somewhat like the
custom of the small boy who must
ride the woden hobby horse first, later
tho Shetland pony and finally he Is
capable of riding and managing suc
cessfully a real saddle borso. There
is no doubt but that of all the horses
the saddle horse Is tho best, but it
would be the height of folly to give
him to the boy at the period when
h Rhould be riding a wooden hobby
horse, or even at the time when he
should be riding a Shetland pony,
when the nroner time comes he will
be very successful in riding a blooded
saddle horse, and it would be the ut
most folly for him to be trying to gei
some place on a wooden hobby horse
at this time.
Rut in Its place, the hobby horse
has been extremely valuable In that
it has taught the first fundamental
principles of riding, and so it is wiin
the different degrees ot efficient milk
producing cows. Inasmi-ch as it is
to a great extent folly lor n man who
Is trying to produce nilk nnd butter
fat with the greatest degree of profit
to be using common, unprofitable cows,
it would be almost as pr?at a folly
for the man who has never given the
matter any consideration and has prac
tically no ideas regarding the manage
ment of dairy cows to ba usln-? high
class, expensive, pure bred dairy ani
mals because in nil likelihood they
have been so intensely developed that
many of them would become ruined
and practically worthless In the course
of a very short tinio under noor man
agement and wouk dceenTate from
year to year, and instepd of tha herd
becoming better as time passed on. It
would in reMUy become poorer and
bis results would be lar from gratify
Peculiar Eccentricities That Can Only
Be Set Down to the Eccentric
ities of Genius.
Mark Twain's habit of writing tn
bed in the latter years of his life has
called attention to tome of tin1 pe
culiarities of composition among ear
lier authors.
.Milton never could write his poems
un'ess his head was thrown as far
back us possible and his eyes looked
upward. .Matnrin sukk a waier oe-
tween his eyebrows when he was
working, not only to show his serv
ants and household that he was en
gaged In composition but ulso to help
him concentrate his lactiltles.
Clover was best able to compose a
ballad while he was walking in the
garden of a friend and destroying her
llower beds with his calm. Although
Mezeray worked only in daytime, he
had to have candlelight in the room
while he wioie his histories. Rous
seau found that bis thoughts came
most freely when lie wandered In the
woods and collected botanical speci
mens. Descartes lay perfectly stil and mo
tionless while engaged In thought. Am
pere could work on bis problems only
while standing up, and thus he antici
pated the de.-ik of those modern wri
ters who stand at their work. Am
pere was In the habit or writing down
his thoughts in enormous letters.
Haydn never set to work on his
scores without drawirg on the ring
given to him by Fredn "irk II., and Pae
slello was In the hibit of covering
himself with bedclothes before ha
thought he was capable of his best
f "V
An electric machine has been ociide
to wnsh and purify the air in any
Taper may be made a good electrlo
conductor by Impregnating; it With
Japan has now more than 200 tele
phone exchanges, more than twice tha
number It had two years ago.
More than 20,000 20-candlepower in
candescent lamp filaments can bo
made from a slnglo pound of tantalum.
A new electric desk lamp hag tho
filament stretched out In a long line
to distribute tho light over a gTcater
rea than usual.
The handle of ft new electric torch
is magnetized so that it will adhere
to metal surfaces, leaving its user's
hands free for work.
Tho largest wireless station In Eu
r ,ie, that on the Adriatic sea at Pola,
Austria-Hungary, includes a 300-foot
tower built on a foundation of glass.
Two California men have patented
an electric flatlron with an automatic
cut-off, so that the current Is used
only when the Iron is iu actual opera
tion. Somewhat in lino with the electric
ally lighted scarf pin Is one devised
by a French Jeweler In which Images
of animals are made to move by mo
tors supplied with power from a
pocket battery.
In an nddress recently made by Prof.
John V. Whitehead of Johns Hopkins
university It was pointed out that out
or 220,000 miles of railroad In this
country only 1,000 miles have as yet
been electrified.
To permit u motorist to explore
dark corners of his car with a light
ind yet leave his hands free there hns
been invented an incandescent lamp
nnd reflector to fasten to the forehead
and take current from the car's bat
teries through a cord.
An electric light plalit In Nebraska
is manufacturing Ice as a by-product.
The exhaust steam of tho plant, which
would otherwise go to waste, is uti
lized In tho ammonia absorption pro
cess of Ice manufacture, and also for
difitllling water from which the Ice is
Successfully Operated Without Ground
Connection at Either End Ap
paratus on Bicycle.
The sending of wireless messages
through Fpaco without a ground at
either station has been demonstrated
by two inventors of Ilrooklyn, N. Y
Messrs. I. Wolf and II. Mohler, whor
they took part In the Memorial day
parade with their complete sending
and receiving stations mounted on
bicycles, says Popular Mechanics. Ono
of the inventors took the position at
the end of tho procession, whllo the
tXtfm Sending Stioi
J TiNvriM
other was leading, making a distance
of about 1V4 miles between them. No
ground wire was used and the rubber
tires prevented any connection through
tho frame and wheels.
Tho sending apparatus of the station
on t'..o bicycle consisted of a two-Inch
Induction coll, a zinc spark gap, a
home-made rubber plate multlplo-serioB
condenser, which was used for trans
mission of the electrical waves, nnd a
largo wireless key that operated the
coll. Tho receiving Instruments con
sisted of a pair of 3.000 ohm doublo
head telephone receivers, a silicon de
tector and a noiilndtictlve potentio
meter. The entire outfit. Including the
battery, was mounted on a board 10
by 22 inches, which was fastened to
tho handle bar of the bicycle aa
shown In the photographs.
The aerial consisted of a three-wire
system mounted on a seven-foot pole,
which was attached to tho seat of the
bicycle. Each of the three wirps ure
ten feet long and Insulated at the top
nnd bottom.
Tho transmitting and receiving In
struments were connected with very
heavy rubber-insulated wiro. The op-
Found Advisable to Illuminate Iowa
Powder Mazagine by Arc Lamp
Through Window.
Is it practical to do Indoor lighting
with outdoor lamps? Tho suggestion
Rounds almost like a paradox and yet
is not that what we universally do in
the daytime when we get our indoor
Illumination from tho outdoor sun?
Were we not spoiled by the advances
made in artificial lighting by means of
lamps placed in all sorts of Indoor lo
cations, tho Idea of leaving the lamps
out ot doors might not aeem so pre
posterous, says Popular Electricity. ,
It Is unusual, to be sure, and yet
there are occasions where this is not
only practical but advisable. One of
these was found some years ago in
connection with a powder magazine lo
cated on tho outskirts of an Iowa
town, where the only available current
was that of a direct current arc cir
cuit. An incandescent circuit might safe
ly have been carried right Into the
structure, and an alternating current
1 1
silicon P' I
oc rrcToc-'iy "y
i poTtmioMtTr
erator would guide the bicycle with
one hand and work the key with tho
other. The Interesting part ot this out
fit was the aerial used for sending tho
electrical discharges. The wires were
divided Into two parts; one part con
sisted of two wires connected to the
positive terminal of the induction coll,
whllo' the other, or single wire, was
connected to the negative. In , both
diagrams A represents the top of the
aerial and B the bottom.
May Take Place of Platinum In Ap
paratus for Melting Brass and
Many Other Metals.
Adversity and Virtue.
Adversity tries men, but virtu
consequently they would degenerate struggles after fame, regardless ot the
and deteriorate from year to year, 1 adverse height. Stilus Itallcua.
Throws Light Through Window.
might have been transformed to a
suitably low voltage for this purpose,
but to bring the high voltage arc cir
cuit into the powder magazine seemed
risky. So the lamps were hung out of
doors close to thick glass windows,
but Instead of the usual glass globe
each was fitted with a reflector which
threw the light Inside.
Sllundtim, tho new material for in
dustrial and domestic apparatus made
In the electric furnace of F. Polling, a
German engineer, Is now being sup
plied commercially by a special factory
in Switzerland. It Is a form of silicon
carbide produced by saturating carbon
with silicon, -vhlch Is a vapor nt about
1,600 degrees C, and the product dif
fers from carborundum, tho amorphous
or crystalline silicon carbide, It being
a very hard and resistant mass retain
ing the shape originally given the car
bon. That la, the carbon, as bricks,
rods or utensils, may be coated with or
entirely converted Into stlundum by
heating In silicon vapor. Iiclow 1,600
degrees C, bilundiim does not melt
or oxidize, and It Is expected to find a
large field as a cheap, resisting and
durable substance for tho heating rods
or grids of electric kitchen ranges. As
It can bo given a high temperature
without risk of overheating, tho ranges
may have the glowing heat of a coal
fire. As sllundum is not affected by
acids or chemicals, It may take the
place of platinum for many uses, espe
cially In apparatus for melting brass,
aluminum, lead and other luetals, and
for laboratory ovens requiring high
temperature. It is attacked by very
hot molten metals, from which It may
be protected by a thin coating of
Telephone Winds Clock.
Making the telephone set and wind
the clock Is a novel idea lately pat
ented by W. W. Dean. The limb of
ihe telephone line that, when out or
use, is connected to ground at the
central office, Is In the new system
connected to the subscriber's book
lever, and reaches ground through a
lower contact and the coll that winds
and sets the clock. The ground to
ground circuit has no result. When
the clock is to be set and wound a
master dock at the proper iiiHtant
doses a circuit, momentarily switch
ing current from a battery at the
central office to ground through the
winding and Hettlng coll. The clock
Is then acted on by the coil.
Wireless Telephony.
In connection with his new syi.tem
of wireless telephony, Prof. Q. Main
rana tises a liquid microphone. Tli .
consists of a small tube attached to
the diaphragm of the microphone and
through which a stream of water
flows between a pair of platinum elec
trodes. The water U slightly acidu
lated so as to complete the circuit be
tween the electrodes. However, when
the microphone Is vibrated by the
voice the st renal of liquid fluctuates,
varying the electrical resistance In
accordance with the bound of tho
Electric Smelting.
The success of electric smelting is
indicated by its rapid adoption. A
tlermun authority counts up lit elec
tric furnuces that are at work making
steel, nnd his list Is Incomplete, some
important omissions having been
pointed out. Of those enumerated 77
are arc furnaces, two generate beat
by arc and resistance combined, and
25 are Induction furnaces. There are
ulso some pig Iron smelting furnaces,
Norway und Sweden have two or
three. Of the steel furnaces seven
are at work In Knglund and a number
in America, but the great majority
are In France and Germany. Most of
the furnaces are of small capacity
one to five tons. They are employed
chiefly on high-class steels, for spe
cial purposes, but a fair proportion are
working on ordinary steelH, such as
structural ttteel, castings and railway
lies, rails, etc.
Wireless for Airships.
Now that aerial navigation Is com
ing to be considered seriously, new
problems are arising, such as the
question of navigation on starless
nights or over fog-bound land, when
the aeronaut will bo unable to find his
bearings. It has been proposed by a
Cerniaii inventor, that a network of
wlrelexs stations be established over
the land, each automatically sending
out a predetermined signal at regular
Intervals, which would be received by
the air craft, and eiuiblo the aeronaut
to determine his course. The airships
would not be required to carry trans
mitting apparatus, as a small reccir
lrC apparutus would suffice to enable
them to avail then. selves of this pro
posed system, and the weight of tho
receiving device could easily be kept
I down to a few po'tuO.-
There Is Right
Place for
Every Man
ME It SON said: "The crowning fortnne of a man is to be born
I with a biaa to somo pursuit which finds him in employment
I nnd bnnninesa "
The btipitiess which wc love is the one to which we go
with delight. No man can struggle victoriously against hia
own character, and the man who tries to do anything else than
(hat for which nature intended him w ill bo worse than nothinir.
"tjJT I Many of the world's most successful men have failed in several
II H ltll rsilt i t 4 liofnro lliev flnnllv fl iacnvniWl Imnf it tbnif rrnnina
' .......... . ... V u v, lib .
Goldsmith failed as a phvaician. but became immortal in
"The Deserted Village." Cromwell was a farmer at forty, and Grant a
tanner nt thirly-eigltt, although the latter had fitted himself for his great
life work by military education at West Point.
No man will ever do his best until he fills his proper niche. Many an
ambitious parent forces a boy to become either a doctor, a lawj-er or a
preacher, and thus defeated, disappointed and dispirited, the boy who
inijjit have become a successful farmer, a good blacksmith or a merchant
There are many fathers who think it their divino right to dictate tho
boy's calling in life. Handel, the great composer, was set aside for tho
, law, and his father, a physician, did all he could to destroy the boy's fond- '
'ness for music.
The parents of Bach meanly denied the boy a candle so that he had
to copy his music by moonlight. !
Galileo, discoverer of the pendulum, inventor of both the mieroseopa
and the telescope, was set apart by his parents for a physician, ut h
would hide his physiology and on the quiet work out the most difflcul
problems in mathematics.
Lorraine, the painter, was apprenticed by his parents to a pastry, cook",
while Arkwright's parents apprenticed him to a barber.
John Jacob Astor's father intended to make a butcher of his son
which determination caused the boy to run away from his home in Ger
many and brought him to America.
There can be no greater mistake on thti part of tho parent than to
seek to bend the boy's design where his genius does not incline. Tho
world does not demand that any man shall be a famous lawyer, a skilful
historian, an eloquent orator, or a merchant prince,
but that with a noble purpose, a high endeavor and a
useful end in view you shall make yourself master
in your line.
There is a place for crcrybody. and when a man
is on the right trnok he will know it by the way things,
run. I f you have been boring away in the same holei
for years without striking oil, either yotir auger is tooj
short or you arc in tho wrong hole. When a man has;
found his true calling he will not find nature putting;
any barriers in his path. In the right place you will
bo resourceful and happy, you will expand and grow,
and be at least comparatively successful.
of Insanity
Eminent alienists agree that clinics re-,
veal nothing of the causes of insanity. I
Dr. W. Jr. Ooplin, director of thei
bureau of health and charities, Philadel
phia, says: "Insanity in most cases is un
accompanied by an perceptible change in
the brain structure. The brain of the pa
tient, when examined under a microscope,,
shows absolutely nothing which differs in'
any way from the appearance of the brain'
of a perfectly Bound person."
Dr. A. W. Campbell, another authority,
6ays: "Insanity neither affects nor disar
ranges the brain structurally."
Dr. William II. Thompson, physician to the Roosevelt hospital, New
York, has alluded to the unexpected discovery that insanity is not a dis
ease of the brain, because no anatomical investigation, microscopical ori
otherwise, can show tho least differenco between either brain cell or fiber
of a person dying insane and the healthy brain of one killed in an accident.
The underlying cause that the symptoms indicate is ignored and this,
principally because it leads to the unpopular subject, namely demoniacal!
or spirit obsession. '
Fly Our
Is there on law or any feature, of our
sanitary laws that will compel landlords
to provide screens for the doors and win-1
dows of houses and flats to protect their;
tenants from the worst enemy we have
the common house fly?
The, egg of the fly is laid in filth,
hatched in filth, and tho parasite feeds
upon filth until it is able to fly and enter
our homes and deposit its germs.
It is scientifically proved that the com
mon house fly is tho cause of more fatal
disease than any other thing we contend:
The fly by its nature is a filthy thing. Tha fly is born in filth,
feeds upon filth and takes naturally to filth. Then he enters our homes'
and promenades upon our meats, our fruits, our bread; he falls into coffee,
ho gets into our milk, he gets into our sugar bowl. He leaves the bacteria
of a dozen or more diseases on and in the food we eat
To prove this, catch a lialf-dozen flies and put them under a micro
scope. There you may see the bacilli. To prove them dangerous bacilli,!
take them to some medical laboratory and you will find the truth of my
statement. ,
Try This When Your Hair l Dusty.
When the hair la dusty and dull,
and you want to clean It quickly, Juwt
Kpriuklo through It a little dry sham
poo powder made by mixing four
oiinrta of orris root with four ounces
of therox.
Then brush the hair thoroughly and
not only will It be clean, but It will
have u rloh and glossy ltiwter thut can
bo given in no other way. So littlo
time la required for this dry shampoo
that It can be done roiltubly when
ever the balr Is dressed.
Therox Is excellent for tho scalp
find gives tho hair new life and visor.
The regular use of HiIh mixture
'Heightens tho nutural color, whllo
washing the hair with water too often
causes it to lose color and buconio dull
nnd brittle.
Mexican National Drink,
The aloe, or rather agave, la the
baan of the Mexican national drink.
The Rower ftalk lu hollowrd out, and
the bwuet, vagary Juice caught la cups.
If only slightly fermented It forms a
most delicate and refruuhlug drink.
8tray Stories.
Dislike Term "JaDS."
In a letter to the London Morning
Post John Hyde, a member of the
Hoyal Societies club, pleads that the
Jupuueso be not called Japs. He says
that the mikado's littlo people "very
much dislike the application to them
of tho epithet, and It la only their ex-t
trenie politeness that preveuts theia
from openly resenting It." He adds:,
During four years' residence In Japan
I have not on so much as a single oc
casion heard Jupanese addressed, or
even referred to, as Japs by any Eng
llhh or American resident of that coun-
try, nnd until my recent return to
England I hail supposed that the use
of the objectionable term was confined,
to a certain class of people In thei
United States and Borne of the less Jn4
tlueutlttl of American newspapers."
English Joke.
What Is tho difference between sea
sickness and putting a bankrupt'
property under the hammer? Whea
you put the bankrupt's property under
the hammer It Is a sale ot effect;'
but sen-slckntKs is tho effect of a
sail. London Tit lilts.