V 1 Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief-Permanent Cora CARTER'S LITTLE UVtK FILLS leil. Pweljr rrg able ad surely k,4 m! III liref. y 1 Stop after .X r I dinner X 4 I dirt cor indi- fehoa improve the compUroon bri we eyee. aautu rut, Sou 11 L)M, Small GENUINE must bear signature t WESTERH CANADA IWha Pref. Shaw, the Wall-Known Arrt. euitune. say About iti I wouM enoner rait ceHle In Wfwtern Canada man in me corn belt of til UiUW1 Btftlpa, f (MM, In choaixtr and c If mat httr for the purpose. Your market will 1m- r rt v fHitrr than your urmra will produce th rarpli1. Mnnt ran y gnmn no to the Oth par allel H6 nilln north of thn Int'mmtionnl bound !'), Vonr vacant lond will hf tnknn at rute txyond pronftnt conrp tloiuV V hnve enoilvq pMpl In th united home to tnko upthi land." Hear It &SF.r,i"in nnn a g; tupuuu iur.cr.cans IW PI r "y -""TnnumnKetrnMr Home 1,1, J 1,1 w Mtwn t'Bimiln tlila year. Crop ff wlu-nt, onh anil barter, tn nriilltlon to lil h the cattle exports nna an limnpnao Item. Cuttle ruininii, duirvinii. niiiod farming aod Rt-iiln growing In the Irovlno of Mniilloba. DOakilt Chowan anil AIImtih. Frw rinmeftt-nrl und pro otiii lion Mraf, as wHl an lamia held by railwujf and land com rmnioe, will provtdo lioincn for niHIIon. Adaptable an, ilt althfui ell ITinto, ap Ion did fH-liooln aud cimruh), am, a-md rnllvvnya. For fttlrra' rntow. Hotter! jtlve) Htfrntnro "Lat Hwit W." how to rearh thf country and other par ticnlttr, writo to Hap't of ImmU unit ion. Ottawa. Cttnorta. or to tha fnM owl npt C- nail lan (iov't AfMit: I T. llnlmre, 15 JarkBon St.. Hi Haul. Minn., ami J. M. MacLarhlan. B lift. Watertowu, buutii Dakota, (Lee auurwea Ueareat you.) Pleaae nay where you aaw thin aiWertlaetnent. THE BIGGEST. She What la' the biggest fish Btory you ever heard ? He Jonah and the whale. But He Wasn't. Sonator Depew, In his Washington residence on his Beventy-slxth birth day, told a reporter that his health was perfect. "You do, Indeed, sir," said the re porter, heartily, "look the picture of health." "Yes," said the senator, "I shouldn't have said I was well if my appearance didn't bear me out. A eelf-contradic-tory statement is merely ludicrous. You have heard about the census taker? "A cesus taker rang the bell of a Hillyer place residence the other day and an elderly gentleman opened the tor. " 'I'd like to see the head of the house,' said the census taker. " 'S-sh! Not so loud!' whispered the elderly gentleman. 'Now, what 13 It? I'm the head of the house?' " Wrong Angle. "There's a bright side to every thing." "A bright side! nah!" "Well, there Is." "Do you mean to tell me, doctor, that there is a bright side to my hav ing had my leg amputated?" "Indeed, there is; and If you could put yourself in my place you could really see it." Faster. Teacher Children, nature is supe rior to man in everything. For in stance, there Is nothing that travels ' so fast as the unseen wind. Willie Huh! You ought to hear what my pa says about a sight draft! A woman can stand a lot of suffer ing If she doesn't Ij-'.ve to keep quiet. A "Corner" In Comfort For those who know the pleasure and satisfaction thpro ic in a crlacc rf ICED POSTUM Make it as usual, dark and rich boil it thoroughly to bring out the distinctive flavour and food value. - Cool with cracked ice, and add sugar and lemon; also a little cream if desired. Postum is really a fdod-drink with the nutritive elements of the field grains. Ice it, and you have a pleasant, safe, cooling drink for summer days an agreeable surprise for those who have never tried it. "There's a Reason" lor POSTUM Postum Cereal Co., Limited, Uattle Creek, Mich. mm i m rat m Plant lettuca any time. Look; well after heifer calvea. The best land for strawberries Is a landy loam. A cattle feeder should be encour aged by every corn seller. The farmer can produce clean milk, but It means added expense. The harrow la an excellent tool for cultivating potatoes the first time. It Is deemed an Inlurr to let the sheep carry 1U fleece Into the hot sea son. Scaly legs on hens are caused by a small parasite Insect working under neath the skin. The colt should early be taught the use of the halter, and made to know that his master la his friend. All hog raisers know that corn will go twice as far In feeding hogs In summer If the hogs are kept on good pasture. Unless one Is eardentne on a lartre scale It Is cheaper to buy cabbage plants for the early crop than to grow them. The weight of the total number of eggs laid In this country annually amounts to 870,368 tons, so someone has figured It out Do not let the manure accumulate in the cow stall so that the animal must ue with her bind quarters higher than ner front quarters. Never buy a brood sow with short legs and short, chunky body. She must have big feeding capacity In rder to produce plenty of milk. In manuring land, spread It on thin ly. It Is much better to put eight loads of manure on each of two acres than to put the whole 16 upon one acre. As a rule, the average farmer al lows his hogs to get along on slim rations In summer, at a time when they could make most profitable growth. - Nothing Is more injurious to the poults than tainted or infected meat of any kind, as it will disturb their bowels tn a very few hours and cause great trouble. Weeding out the poorest cows Is the best way to improve the record of any dairy In the amount of milk and butter produced in proportion to the number of cows kept So many fruit trees were ordered this spring for planting In British Col ombia that the nursery supply of stock suited for that region was not nearly treat enough to meet the demands. Sunshine Is a great purifier and nat ural disinfectant and the poultry houses should be so arranged that there will be an abundance of sun shine In the buildings on fair days. Katum'a greatest nurifvlne aenta re sunshine and air. Soils need thor mi ah anratlnn that are freauentlv fer tilised with animal manures; then they will not so soon become non-pro-tuctive. In buying a bull for use In a milking herd, look far beyond the animal him self and see what kind of milkers his Sam and granddams were and what kind of milkers his male ancestors were able to get Sow fodder corn thickly, either with k grain drill or corn -planter, at the rate of 80 to CO pounds per acre, culti vate one way, cut with a corn binder, ihock In the field, allow to stand until ted or hauled to the barn. Every hen that does not pay for her keep by laying eggs should be sold at once. There are thousands of hens In the poultry yards that are losing money for their owners. Find out whether you have such hens, and, if so, get rid of them. In setting out cuttings. It willows, currants, Virginia creepers or any oth er stock of this sort, put the cuttings well down into the soli. One or two buds above ground is quite all that Is needed. A cutting a foot long may be put down ten Inches Into the soil and two above. Sod land should not be used for strawberries until it has had at least one year's cultivation under some crop such as corn or potatoes, and then manure heavily and treat it right Some of the experiment stations rec ommend that such land be furrowed late in the fall to destroy most of the Insects over winter. The Ideal sheep pasture is blue grass ind white clover. It makes the driest :losest sod, and dry land is best for iheep. There is no sod that will pro luce more pasture and no sod that will make a better winter pasture than Blue grass sod protected free from pas turing through the autumn season. A winter pasture for breeding ewes, where they may run out during clear, mild weather Is almost a necessity, la the matter of exercise. Keep records of atl kinds. Cabbag has several Insect enemtea. Variety In the ration Is necessary Cor laying hens. The appltcatloa of lime to cabbage toll Is highly commended. Dont forget the dally water supply for the hens at this season. The sucking lambs always do bet tep after the mother Is shorn. The lambs shoudd nibble at grain and hay before they are two weeks old. It Is sometimes said that a good breeder always has his Ideal animal In his mind. A mule Is no more prone to kick than a horse unless he Is taught to do so by bad treatment Cabbage and all other plants of the cabbage family require a very fertile and cool, moist soli for good growth. Too often the poultry house is a filthy, unsanitary place, full of stag nant air and crowded far beyond 1U capacity. It Is a significant fact that corn this year at this season is going down, Instead of up, as Is the usual custom In spring. What we want to do In working a horse for the first time Is to teach it to do things which it has never done before. When the butter Is well drained It Is ready to salt and this is done In the churn when the butter is in granular form. Begin to cultivate musk melons as soon as the plants can be seen and continue cultivation till after the fruit begins to set Never use a milking tube If It can be possibly avoided as there Is much danger of Infecting the entire quarter by the use of the tube. Cowpeas Is a crop that has been growing In popularity In recent years, and from present appearances, will soon rank as a general farm crop. It pays to pasture pigs, but If the pigs root up the pasture It will pay to ring them. Pasture sod is too valuable to be destroyed when It can easily be avoided. It Is true that a farmer can, by a careful selection and examination, materially change the constituents of his corn, thus growing a corn that Is of higher feeding value for his farm animals. Don't forget that the temperature of the cream at churning should be 66 to 68 degrees Fabr. in summer and 60 to 62 degrees in winter. The best churning results will be had at these respective temperatures. A good hen is expected to lay in a year about five times her weight in egga. This means a reproductive process on an average, at least every third day during the year, or perhaps, in rare instances, every other day. When doing the tree planting, do not forget to put a few trees in a cor ner of the pasture fields, it there is such a thing as a fenced pasture on the farm. Protect these for a few years, and they will protect the stock for many more. The Minnesota experiment station says barley has the advantage over flax for cleaning the land of weeds, be sides being often fed on the farm at a profit over the market price. At pres ent prices, however, flax Is In the lead, and good flax land will undoubtedly return a good profit After the younir turkeys are sixteen to twenty days old begin to feed light ly on cracked corn, wneat, etc., ana occasionally baked cornmeal or John- nycake, which Is simply cornmeal mixed with either sweet sklmmllk or water and a very little salt, and thor oughly baked. This Is moistened slightly before feeding. Drainage prevents loss of crops and labor from stagnant water; permits air to circulate more freely through the soil, carrying with It fertilising Dronertles. making a warmer soil that can be cultivated early, for dry soil works easier than wet roots go down deeper in It and get a greater supply of plant food, and more moisture In a dry season prevents baking and crack ing. Seedling plants of all kinds should be ready to transplant as soon as the character leaf begins to form, which Is about three weeks from time of planting seed. One hundred plants to each flat Is the usual quantity for box plants for commercial use, but It choice plants are wanted they should again be planted to 60 In a box. thus glvlDg them more room to spread and develop In proportion to their size. what bt commonly called water sprouts are rank growing shoots that come out from the main branches of the trees, and usually, where severe pruning has been done and nature tries to replace the missing branches. However sometimes such sprouts will fnmn where there Is no easily noticed reason for them. To keep them cut off Is no damage whatever lo tne iree, provided branches enough are left to fill out the head of tne tree property, item lav soft-shelled eggs because they lack the necessary elements that make up the mineral parts of tne sneiL A laying hen requires 12.2 per cent of mineral matter to make an egg. and having only about 8.8 per cent In her body, which must be maintained, If she Is fed upon corn alone, she must have eventually weak bones, and lay soft-shelled eggs. Some hens, how' ever, are predisposed to laying soft shelled eggs. It Is doe to a weakness In properly taking care of the supply of mineral matter. For the Chat on Interesting Topics of Many Kinds, by a Recognized Authority Novel Announcement Dinner. There was a time but long since gone when a girl generally consid ered June and October as the choice wedding month. They used to be called "bride's months," but now Cupid Is certainly working overtime for If letters are any Indication there are to be many July and August brides. Weather does not seem to be taken into consideration, time nor season Interferes with the busy little god of love. An Innovation in announcements Is always welcome and I am glad to tell of tbla one. Instead of a luncheon eight girls were asked to dinner, all unsuspecting the denouement. On go ing Into the dining-room, though, the "Jig" was up, as one girl very Inele gantly but forcefully expressed It, for over the table hung a wedding bell. The table had been made from round to long for this occasion and down the aisle formed by wee artificial trees In porcelain Jars such ns are found In the favor department came a complete wedding party even to the rlower girls, ring bearer, etc. Tlie men of the party were In uniforms of cavalry men of the "U. S." army and there were silk flags festooned upon the wall. The minister was In black with surplice and stole, and even a tiny gilt cross showed, while his open book bore the date of the approaching nup tials In writing as perfect as copper plate. The color scheme was yellow, as befitted a cavalryman's bride. Every one was delighted. The doll's costumes were carried out entirely In crepe paper, except the bride's veil of tulle. After dinner the bell rang and "the man of the hour" appeared with a bunch of men who were to be In the bridal party. Mother Goose Party, Masquerade and fancy dress parties are always delightful but of all the pleasant gatherings which I have at tended, the Mother Goose party takes the lead. Invitations to the effect that "Mother Goose" will be pleased to welcome her goslings at the resi dence of whoever gives the entertain ment on such an evening, are sent out fully two weeks In advance. The re quest to come In costume representing some one of the characters found In "Mother Goose" can be written on a small card and Inclosed In the envel ope with the Invitations. These In vitations can be made very pretty If one can paint, by having little water color or pen and ink sketches on them such as little "Jack Horner" or the "Three Blind Mice" pursued by the "Farmer's Wife," with her "Carving Knife." You may ba sure after these notes have been sent out that there will be a ripple of excitement among the young people and Mother . .Goose melodies will be at a premium those with colored illustrations In particu lar. Great Ingenuity can be exer ciacd In getting up the costumes. At last the eventful night arrives and let us station ourselves In the hall and watch the guests as they come in. Most of the girls came without es corts for all were determined to keep their Identity a secret from brothers and sweethearts. "Mother Goose," the hostess, stands In the front parlor and la soon welcoming a motley Parasol IS ALL manner of designs and all kinds and sizes the summer parasol has aived. Many of them have already appeared on the streets and certainly with hats of upturned brim one needs them to keep from squint ing and scowling atrociously In the bright sunlight. They are pretty enough this year for one to want to show them at the earliest possible moment The practical ones for gen eral wear are naturally of the plain one-tone effects. Like the lingerie and A Dainty Wedding Gift. In these modern days, when lunch eon, tea and sometimes breakfast are served on the bare table, whose shi ning surface Is protected from the pos sible; scratching of the plates and oth er dishes by mats or doilies, nothing could be more acceptable to a bride- to-be than a set of crocheted mats. The dollie shown today has the advan tage of being quite simple of manu facture, and is decidedly dainty and beautiful. By increasing or diminishing the number of rows one may make this design sufficiently large for a center piece, or small enough for a tumbler dollie. By making six dollies of the size given and Joining them with a sim ple crochet stitch, a decidedly beau tiful and elaborate centerpiece is the result Wrap Made From India Shawl. A good-looking wrap mado from a fine old India shawl Is seldom seen. One dislikes to cut so valuable an heir loom, and It Is difficult to drape with out cutting. One woman has solved Hostess throng. "Old King Cole" was closely followed by "The Fiddlers Three." "Little Kod Riding Hood" was cbarnn Ing In her scarlet cape and carried a little basket filled with candy Instead of the eggs and butter. The "Queen of Hearts" was radiant In a gorgeous costume. "Rain, Rain Stay Away" was represented by a pretty blond, who curried an Immense red umbrel la. "Little Hoy Blue" dashed Into the room, blowing his horn, carrying an Immense sheep of cotton. Two girls exactly the same height came as twin Bo Peeps" carrying glided crooks and fans with the picture of a sheep on one side with "I'm Little Bo Peep," etc., on tho other. "Daffy Down Dilly" was one of the best characters represented. "Jack and Jill" went hand in hand to get the "pail of water." "Jnck Horner" sat In the proverbial corner and pulled out "plums" from a gisantlc "plo." "Humpty Dumpty" did not look any tho worse for the "great fall." "Mary, Mary Quite Contrary" proved herself most agreeablo and "Taffy, the Welshman." was one of the most popular chnracters In spite of his pro pensity for stealing. When all the guests had arrived Mother Goose, with old King Cole, opened the grand march and the music riayed merrily. A piano will do for the dancing, but the addition of a violin la a great Improvement. Much merriment was occasioned when the masks were removed, which had bet ter bo done before tho refreshments are served. While the young people are home for the summer vacation, some one may give a party, like the one described and I am sure, it will be successful of course. The making Is not essential, but adds -a little spice to the enjoyment. The refreshments need not be elaborate, but . a large bowl of lemonade should be conve niently placed where It will be easy of access to alL Both box and plaited skirts are seen, but they are rarely without a strap or bias to enliven the monotony. The chiffon motor bonnet Is finding a new use. The traveler dons It on the train on removing her own hat Many dresses of serge or cloth are made with round gathered blouses and are worn with a patent leather belt A new thing In trimming Is tai lored costumes of wool, taffeta or voile embroidered in beads or dull coloring. While ru'oBt of the coat Bleeves are long, one sees elbow sleeves and no sleeves at all, the sleeves of the blouse supplying sufficiency. The vogue of black and white ex tends to chic little trotting frocks of black and white printed foulard, chif fon, etc., trimmed in black silk with coats of black silk. Real Irish lace in the narrow Inser tions and narrowest edges will remain a favorite In the realm of lingerie neckwear, but It Is often softened by combining It with Valenciennes, and Valenciennes and Cluny are much used without the Irish. Designs lace hats the fluffy ones have no place on the downtown streets. Parasols must repeat some note In the dress and harmonize with the character of it There are all kinds of oddities in handles, hats and chanteclers and flowers and handles of woven raffia are among the newest and prettiest The raffia parasol In the cut and that with Paisley design are among the latest fads, and the raffia bag Is a novelty which has many good points to recommend It this problem so that a useful and sty lish evening cloak resulted. A yoko was made from dull mahogany-toned chiffon velvet that brought out the soft tints in the shawl. This formed a point at the back reuching to shoul der blados, and In front it narrowed to the waist line on each side. The shawl was draped to this yoke so that It fell in graceful folds. The fulness was 6hlrred slightly In lengthwise gathers Just below the yoke at the back, the gathers concealed by two large bronze gold ornaments on each side of bias fold of velvet. The front of yoke was fastened with hooks and eyes and was crossed by simulated frogs of copper-colored braid, with bronze gold ornaments on each end. Aprons to Serve Tea. There Is a rumor that aprons are to come again into fashion for the home girls who serves tea in her mother's pretty drawing room, or dispenses the Informal hospitality of the chafing-dish supper, and this old-world fashion, with its coquettish affection of do mesticity, U well worth the considera tion of the week end cottager. i j FROM THE MOUTHS OF BABES Johnny Probably Told the Truth, but at a Dreadfully Inopportune Time. A teacher In one of the lower grade schools was entertaining two visitors to the classroom. Several days pre viously the teacher had furnished amusement and at tho same time In creased the children's store of knowl edge by a series of questions of the following nature: "What do we sit on that rhymes with hair?" Some child would answer: "Chair." Today the visitors would bo pleased to observe how readily the pupils could answer. "What do I wear on my head that rhymes with cat?" asked the Instruct ress. Up went the hand of a boy with red hair. "Well, Johnny," said she, "you may tell us." i Johnny arose and appeared fright ened. "It's a rat," ho blurted. And then the tableau. A Hibernian Verdict" A New Yorker Is the happy employ er of an aged Irishman, who grows eloquent over the woes of the Em erald Isle. Said the boss: "Pat the king of England Is dead." The old man was silent for a mo ment Then he took oil his hat. "Well," he said slowly, "as a man he was a fine bit of a boy. As Eng lishmen go, he was as good as yes can make them. As a king, there was nobody on earth as could beat him. But still, I'll keep me eye on George." Try This, This Summer. The very next time you're hot tired or thirsty, step up to a soda fountain and get a glass of Coca-Cola. It will cool you off, relieve your bodily and mental fatigue and quench your thirst delightfully. At soda founUins or carbonated In bottles 6c everywhere. Delicious, refreshing and wholesome. Send to the Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta, Oa., for their free booklet "The Truth About Coca-Cola." Tells what Coca Cola Is and why It Is so delicious, re freshing and thlrst-quenchlng. And end 2c stamp tor the Coca-Cola Base ball Record Book tor 1910 contains the famous poem "Casey At The Bat" records, schedules for both leagues and other valuable baseball Informa tion compiled by authorities. Authority on 8oup. A little boy, promoted to company dinner at the family table, enjoyed his oyster cream hugely until he came to an unrecognized object at tha bob- torn of the plate. "What Is it? Oh, Just an oyster, dear," responded the child's mother, sharply appealed to. "Why did Dora put It in?" "Oh, to make the soup good." "She can leave It out next time," the tiny epicure decided. "The soup's good enough without." Exchange, i Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOKIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and Bee that it Bears the Signature In Use For Over tfO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Why Bother About It? "Do you think a man who will neg lect his business to go to baseball games Is of sound mind?" "Oh, come, let's be optimistic. I can't believe everybody's crazy." Love, when true, faithful and well fixed, Is eminently the sanctifying element of human life; without it the mind cannot reach Its fullest height John Ruskln. Mb. VT Imlow'a Soothing Ryrnp. Por children toathlnir, anftwna tha gaina, rfluaooaln. SaiiiinanunfcUaya pain. uuraa wind oulio. 26a a botua, Don't throw kisses, my boy; deliver them in person. Remedies are Needed i Were we perfect, which we are not, medlolnea would sot often be needed. But since our systems have be come weakened, Impaired and broken down through indiscretions which have gone on front the early ages, through countless generations, remedies art needed to , aid Nature in correcting our Inherited and otherwise acquired weaknesses. To reach the seat of stomach weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medioal Discov rY, glyceric OOmOOUnd. extracted (mm native nHin. snai roots-sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to all users. For tveak Momacb, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Pain in the Stomach after eating. 1 Jleartburn, Bad Breath, Belchiof 0 food, Chronio Diarrhea and other Intestinal uicmcuu, wo uisoovcry" is a The genuine has on ouisiae wrapper mgnaturo Yon Cdfj't afford tO atAflimft aartM a Jt - w wav we was eaei sal eumiliute aYUS saUB ISWHrsUVV", bolio, , medioloe o known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. ur. rieree s rieasant Pellets resulato bowels. &uar-coatd, tiny graaulaa, It 13 not a surrey with a rattlinrr air-cooled power plant. It 13 a reg ular Automobile, made in Jackson. Moderately high wheels, a-inch solid rubber tires. Detachable rear tonneau seat. A really handsome as well as strong car. It is not a racing car, but it climbs the biir tills, handles the muddy roads and jwith top (storm front always in cluded) it is a perfect winter car. PIONEER IMPLEMENT CO. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA Send this ad. to us and we will Bend you a circular with full in jormation. Oh, Mr. WrigMI Wilbur Wright was talking to Dayton reporter about the Dally Mall'g $50,000 aerial race from London to Manchester. "It was shocking, though." said the repoTler, "that Graham White, an An glo-Saxon flying man, let himself be beaten by a Frenchman." Mr. Wright smiled. "Shocking?" he said. "It was mora than that It was a-Paulhan ." Tr. P1frr'a nirftMtnt PrllM. euro aontttpattmt Onnitlr-atlun la thn cni of many d1a-. tor tba oauM ao4 yoa cor mm alaaaaa. Kaay total A man Is never so easily deceived as when he Is trying to deceive othera I- Lb r2 Try Gillette Shaving NO STROITING NO HONING KNOWN THS WORLD OVIR DII PS-FISTULA R I I lka Em "aav in rectal diseases c What REI All RECTAL DISEASES cure without a surgical operation and OUARANt TEED to laat a LIFETIME. No. chloroform, ethar or other irrneral anaeatbetlra naed, EXAMINATION FKEE. Writ for FREE B00I DR. E. R. TARRY 224 Boo Building Omaha, Neb. STOCKERS & FEEDERS Choice qnalltrl red and roan a, white facea or augne bought on oniara. Tna of Thouaautis to aelect from. Batlafactlon Gnu antactl. Corraapondeoca ItiTltad. Come and aa (or yonraelf. National Live Stock Com. Co. At' either KaaeasCity.Mo St. Joseph, Me S.Oaaha,Keh l A1C.V t?I V V-fl 1 CD rTm. IratUA kilt til 4 Heat,aUa, awn ttl,sWvekaala Uetl aMI Mute r tmsU,flBl phi r A ew, i ItMIWIiJVN thlmf. Oarftaie4) ff MM lKPtt fMM Annul sonat ItoaUlb Aaw imkini I art m HAIR BALSAM CTmiimw titi fcmacn th haft, Premot Itusriant frwth. Never Fall to Bettor Ory Hall In ft VnnthfNil Vln. Cun M!p ditaw half faiiiu-v FREE INFORMATION " " ratuento VftUey, C about lrr!fftt4 fair mat In th Mauat vl vaa. 1UCA4 WllUaWh Kim soil, feix nd fteTftu cutting- of I fair. Ft ret elau poultry and dairy oountry. All the fruit ur larma if. I. um.a av i au. a 1 s wtmw m Sa awe tmwum sK.a leUe( THE PAX TON Hopf?.! 20?I!i.ro ' ,)u "I "'nrle, TScenta up double. CAFK PRICKS REASONABLE THE GREAT DAIN HAY TOOLS ARE THE BEST. ASK YOUR DEALER OR JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY, OMAHA, NEB. AUTOMOBILE TIRES Rcpal-a and BupDlIrs ol 7hKt minlli. CENTRAL TIRI A RUBBER CO. Die Ilihuer. Pra.Mnni Doth Fhonea. im l arnain St.. Omaha Solesbercer & Snn fin. Wholesale Millinery Ths Bail In ths W.it OMAHA. NEB. D ATEf ITO .w"enE.rolBam,W! rAlfcillo iMis W. N. U., 8IOUX CITY, NO. 28-1010, time - proven and most cmoicat remedy. nAarmm aia a Mi.ttaftlfrii IVhee V.!. mIu. and Inviiorata aaomah. Unr and easy to take as candy. AXLE GREASE is tho turning-point to economy in wear and tear of warnns. Trv a box. Every dealer, everywhere STANDARD OIL CO. ( Incorporated) P fl Pf P" end Send postal for Free Package fax tine. Better and more economical than liquid antiseptics FOB ALL TOILET USES. Give one a sweet breath clean, white. germ-ire ietn antiaeptically clean mouth and throat purifies the breath iter smokina ilianala all perspiration and body odors much ap- rraciaiea oj dainty women. A quit remedy for sore eyas and catarrh. A little Pax Una powder dis solved in a glen of hot wata makes a delightful aotueptie so lution, poueuinf extraordinary cloanting, germicidal and deal ing power, and absolutely harm- h-r'i - try. sample, aue. a large bos at drumO or bv maiL THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston, Maaa. l,ul.i Thompson's Eji Wattr 1! W -3$ t