Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 10, 1910, Image 7

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reople Tell K.urb Other A boat Goo4
Blxtern fun oro few people In the
world Knew of surh a preiuirrttlnn as a
Towilrr fur the Fsxt. To-ilnv niter the
Itenulne nwrlt uf Allan's J'not-Kuse has
Wern toM yt-.ir after year liy nut prstl
fleil pornon to Hiifilhor, tlirrp nre mlllt'wi
who wihiIiI an HiKin ko without a ili'ntl
frlre n without A Urn a Font-Kane It In
a rleanly. whole sonic. IiphIIiik. antiseptic
piwile: to l sluiKi n ttilo the shoes, which
nis uiven rest iinl comfoit to tired anl
arhlni; fn-t in h:. pnrts of the world. It
rule while you walk. Over ;tO.00fl fextl
monlftt of mien of pinnrtlnK;. swollen,
p-rsplrliiK fed. It prevents friction ami
wear of Ihn storkltics nnd will nave In
your stocking hill ten times Its cost each
year. Imitation pay the denier a larger
profit, otherwise you would never l of
fered a Fi'hstitute when yoi n f K for
Allen's Immi-Kiiho, the oriKitml powder for
the feet. Imitation ate not advertised
because they are not permanent. Forexery
prenulne artic le there are niiiny Imitations.
The Imitator has no reputation to sustain
the advertiser hB. It stands to reason
that the advertised article Is the best, oth
erwise the puhlle would not buy It and
the advt'i'th'liiK could not be continued,
When you ask for an article advertised In
this ptiper, see that you net It. Ilefuse
Mhe Didn't nre.
Mrs. Sttiyvt-annt Fish, at a luncheon
In New York, said with good-humored
mockery of the suffragettes:
"If they keep on, thetr outlook, real
ly, will become as naively selfish as
Mrs. Dash's. Mr. Dash, as hla young
wife posed before the mirror in a dec
ollete gown from the dearest shop la
the Hue de la Paix, regarded the pret
ty little lady indulgently, and said
with a sigh:
"'You do look nice in that frock,
dear, but it font me a heap of money.
" 'Y'oii dear old boy,' she ri led, 'what
do I care for money when it's a ques
tion of pleasing you?'"
for nil sorts of ciitn. hruitr. tairim Hint stmlns.
Tnken intiTimlly it cure ulitrrht-it uDd uyauMery.
Avoid sub'.ti lutt'S. 2.',r. x,c and
Klmirra at Funerals.
The custom of having flowers at fu
nerals is very ancient. The Greeks,
centuries before the Christian era,
crowned the dead body with flowers
and also placed flowers on the tomb,
The Romans decked the funeral couch
with leaves and flowers and spread
flowers, wreaths and fillets on th(
tomb of friends. Most of our funeral
customs are derived from the Romans
such as dressing In black, walking 01
riding in procession, raising a mound
over the graves, etc.", and among th
rest is that of using flowers at fu
What Prof. Shaw, th Wall-Known AgjrU
culturist, Saya About Itt
I wonM noonor rain cnttle In Wpntern i
Canada than in the corn twit or
the UnlU'U HtaUts, wu
fMMln ehoaper Hnu climttte
jJH letter for the pnrpowe.
I Your market will im-
mJ I prove fiiMer thnn your
I" I frtrraftm will produce the
9 I ... 1 i IVr.... .un IvA
grown up to thwft'th par
nllcl mil north of
the International bound
nrv). Vonr vacant land
will hA tiikin at ft rU
beyond retMnt concep
tion. V We have enough
wopie In the unitea
ttatca alone who want
home to take op una J and.' Atari
70,000 Americans
will piitfrnndmHkethctr homea
iu WVfltiTn iaimtln this yt-ur.
11)01) produced another In nre
crop nf wheat, ontu and bftrh'T.
In addition to which tho cuttle
export wna an Imineiise Item,
little raining, duirrii'tf. mlied
farming and arnln orowiuB In the
pro vino? oOiiinftobu, ftaakat
chpwati and AllwrtA.
t'nw homestead and prftmp
tlon nrean, as well aa lands held
ly railway and land companr, will
provide home for minion.
Itnato, apleiiflm wlioola eud
churches, and jfootl rallwayn.
lor aettli rs rntea. wripiivw
llterstnro "JjArt Beat Went," how
to reach the fountry and other par
ticular, write to Hup't of lmml
arution, Ottawa, Canada, or to the
I following Canadian Uov't Affentw: K. T. Holm,
S16 Jit kMinM., Ht, raui, miul. nuj. ml. mmvLMK nimii.
Box I Hi. Waturtuwn, buuth iMkulA. (iu auurtwa
ueareHt you.)
Fleaao aay where you aaw this advertisement.
lni fl UIUCC Hharrec. Par 11.00. Mlnlnrnretv
UULU irlntC dT. Will advance quit kly. KampltMi
of urn k Kht. AddroHB BM'UaTAltT, XUl taraad, Urar
IrscU sua bill sll
flle, klt.-llllur
tiauanWl, con vtni
ent, rlittiip. Lsati U
ituoi. Mfclof met
nl. Cnnwt iplll o!
tip ovvr, wUl net II
or Injur tnytlikiif.
(Iniraiitccd Httctita
OrBllOaUrt or n
prfid lir W rtnXt.
IfcO PKlt
Libby' s Cooked
Corned Beef
There's a marked distinction
between Libby'i Cooked Corned
Bef and even the best that's
sold in bulk.
Evenly and mildly cured and
scientifically cooked In Libby's
Great Wbite Kitchen, all the nat
ural flavor of the fresh, prime
beef is retained. It is pure,
wholesome, delicious, and it is
ready to serve at meal time.
Saves work and worry in
Other Libby" "Healthful"
Meal-Time-Hints, all ready to
serve, are :
Peerless Dried Beef
Vienna Sausage, Veal Loaf
Evaporated Milk
Baked Beans, Chow Chow
Mixed Pickles
" Purity goes hand in hand
with the Libby Brand."
Insist on Libby's at your
Lilty, McNeiU
& Libby
Mr. RosBetti'g daughter, Mine. An-
Rell, has been writiii.i? a book on Hyron
and Shelley and their frlen.jri In Italy.
We are told that it Is based In part
on materials hitherto unpubllKhed.
Mrs. T. P. O'Connor, the American
wife of tTie Irish M. P. and editor of
M. A. P.," Is about to brliiR out a
volume of reminiscences which she
calls "I Myself." It Is said to be full
of descriptions and anecdotes of celeb
At the latest meeting of the Society
of Authors, IxiihIoii, Maurice Hewlett
drew attention to the fact that Tho3.
Hardy, recently elected, was but the
third president the society has had In
Its entire career. Mr. Hardy's pre
decessors were Tennyson and George
How female government works
among the ants Is shown In I)r. rienry
C. McCook's new volume, "Ant Com
munities." The worker ant Is a female
In which reproduction has been subor
dinated, and the social life and gov
ernment of ants, one of the most re
markable examples In natural science
devolves wholly upon her. Dr. MeCook
continues: "Their Internal affairs call
for no police. Among these millions
of citizens there Is not one criminal.
one degenerate. I do not recall in
all my observation a single example
of an ant whose actual offending called
for civil punishment."
The Dardon Papers, which cover the
period of the Imprisonment of Mary
Queen of Scots, from May, 1572, to th
date of her execution, have just been
publish for private circulation. "Wo
have long given up all hope, says
the Saturday Review, of London, "of
ever having the dark places In Mary's
career completely cleared to the light.
Documents have long since proved
quite useless. Those who believe Mary
to be Innocent of Bothwell's murder
or of direct complicity In the Hablng
ton conspiracy to murder Elizabeth
have made up their minds that damn
ing evidence is forgery if written, or
falsehood wrung by torture if attest
ed. No one of those who have not
seen these papers in the original will
be .moved a jot now that they miy
read them In print. Partisans who
wish to be educated in the subject
matter of their case cannot, however,
afford to neglect them."
"Muslcology" Is the title of a new
book by Maurice S. Logan. Muslcology
means the science of music, as dlstln
guished from music as an art, as It is
usually taught. The object of thi3
book Is to furnish a practical and com
prehensive text book on the thory aud
philosophy of music, for schools and
general use. For school use It Is in
tended to be included in the science
course, rather than In the music
course. The science of music deserves
to rank with the other sciences, the
author thinks. Mr. Logan holds that
to regard .music simply as an art is
Inadequate; every child should be
taught the fundamental principle of
music; as a matter of education, de
veloping the mind, muslcology has as
much right as any other ology. Tho
author discusses common terms and
signs used in music, rhythm, expres
sion, keys, reading music, modes and
scales, the structure of .music, acous
tics, principal sources of musical
sound; and he adds a valuable dic
tionary of terms and definitions. To
students of music the book may be
perfectly intelligible; but to the mere
lover of beautiful music it is alarm
ingly technical
(tales of Harmon y Prevail In Kven
the lluiubleat llonien.
By far the greatest charm of Japan
and her people lies not only In the
fact that the artists know the secret
of the most wonderful carvings, cast
ings, wood and metal work, silken
brocades and tapestries, exquisite cloi
sonnes and porcelains, things for the
fortunate few, but also In the further
and more important fact that the
daily life of the poor Is surrounded,
permeated, interfused by taste and re
finement. Even the workmen in their
gardens and homes are daily using
tasteful domestic implements which
are the outgrowth of the thought and
needs of the people.
The designs and proportions of the
humblest houses, exteriors and in
teriors, are settled for all time by cer
tain rules of harmony; the dress of
the peasant is not left to possible hid
eous individual caprice, but follows
established canons of color, cut and
usage; the garden, however small, th
fence or paling that walls it in, the
roof over the well, over the gate, the
great lantern that hangs by the door,
the bucket in which the water is
fetched and the bamboo dipper from
which it Is poured, the bronze brazier
for coals, the tea service all these
and a thousand more details of daily
life are arranged according to u pat
tern which may be very old. but
which, as a result, adds Immeasurably
to the satisfaction of life.
And yet Japanese craftsmen, while
holding hard by tradition, have not
failed to add to their work the subtle
touch of personality. In the motifs
uf their delicately impressionistic and
symbolical designs is constantly seen
their reverence for the early masters,
and as constantly is perclved the in
dividual variation which prevents each
piece of work from having a duplicate.
M. L. Wakeman Curtis in Crafts
Two Itllfka.
"That duck was fine," said the en
thusiastic patron. "1 can't imagine
anything more acceptable than a nice
little canvasback."
"Uuloss," said the proprietor of t
restaurant, "It's a nice big greenback.
-Philadelphia Record.
The smaller the town, the more lay
era there are in company cake. In a
big city like New York, they are satis-
fled with only two.
Very fw of us are so repentant that
wo will promise to be good without
putting an "If" to It.
The bet Ptonmch
and Liver Fills known
nd a positive and
spjedy cure for Con
stipation, Indigestion,
Jaundice, Biliousness,
Bour Stomach, Head
aeba, and all ailments
arising from a disor
dered stomach or slug
gish liver. They con
tain In concentrated
form all the virtues and values of Mun-C,9(i ftm, ronnnenicnt will often cause
yon's Paw-Paw Tonic and are ',henl to ,,,,, nnJ ,,ne Instead of put
from the Juice of tho Paw-raw fruit. ' . ' .. ... .... .
I unhesitatingly recommend th-se pilli"" on lesh. And the wild spirit In
... ii..- .v.. ,-.. i.n. ,v,rtir them will often cause them to prefer
evor cornpnln,,;d. Send u, a postal or
letter requesting a free package oland If not watched they may wander
Munyon's Celebrated Paw-Paw Laxa- away.
tlve Pills, and we wlU mall same rreo
of charge. MUNYON'S HOMOEO
and Jefferson Rts.. Philadelphia. Pa.
The Color of Water.
The color of the seas, lakes, rivers
and streams In general are very often
colored. For instance, the water of
the Mediterranean sea Is not colorless.
but green-blue; also there Is a brilliant
red river in South America. The St.
Lawrence, in Canada, Is pale green,
aud the Ottawa golden brown; where"! offset the poisonous oil that
these two rivers meet quite frequently causPS tne trouble. The plant Itself
whole broad patches remain unmixed. ' checked by repealed cutting
Here is a gold patch and there aDacK- I ne young growen is easuy Km-
... ... ... Brlth n euro r f lini-niinnn nn.1 u-tnl1
green one. otherwise man tnis, water" -
reflects the colors of Its surroundings,
and a so-called "emerald pool," In the In a lecture before the Kngineering
White mountains, is green because the Society at Birmingham, Sir Oliver
birches on Its borders In early summer Lodge discussed the question of pro
are brilliant green. The Blue Grotto, tectlon from lightning. He stated that
In Capri, Italy, shows a remarkably
rich color, near to green-blue, because best method of dissipating the onorri
all the light received in that grottoous energy of the Hash ; 'jut that it
comes through the water at Its
trance, and the Mediterranean lstoo quickly. A thin Iron wire is con
green-blue. The water of the geysers
In the Yellowstone Park are also col -
red by natural mineral dyes.
When a young woman hears a
greeablo thing about a man of her ac-u
quaintance sue usually passes it alonsls
1U1 tt lime mu.e buu iu iu
SIM, L-I,lnv. Hv0 nnrnl.rnVnhlo
Iiais of distress. Too frequent or
scantv urinary nas
L.J sages, b a c k a c h e.they are Beveral weeks old. A chick
tM headache and dizzy
spells tell ot elisor-wet
iieiea Kiunejs.
lnes n,v ,,rov fatl.trouole meftns ,oss-
Beein using Doan's
yU Kidney Pills. They be said that hens will always do l et-H-l
cure sick kidneys. ter and lay more eggs if thiir fft
Mtb. H. R. Peebles,
a v " y
in the small of my8rounJ n! be provided with n good
back that 1 thought I would die.
Headaches and dizzy spells clung to
me and the kidney action was irregu
Jar. My feet and ankles were so
l swollen I could not wear my shoes.
The doctor told me I had Brlght's dls-
ease, but his medicine failed to help
:ne. Doan's Kidney Pills quickly re-
lieved me and ere long I was cured."
Remember the name Doan's.
1 V.. n11 ,1 .... 1 .... Cft nnnta n
box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. y.
Flower iiioout in Durkneaa.
After uo years of experimenting
with nearly every spring flower of thlaan(j the other 60 per cent In the ear.
section of the country, Dr. Marion Mac-In handling corn as commonly prac
I -nzie of the department of biology attlced much of the 40 per cent Is lost.
Temple University lias established theWhPri rorn j8 cut for n0 before lower
fact that every kind will blossom aE,eaves are dry tht,re Jg no XVaste.
quickly and as beautifully in the dark-About twlce thp ammint 0f dry matter
ness as in the light, says tne tnna -
delphia North American.
The experiments were conducted in
the greenhouses of the botanical gar,n the mow contalns u))0llt 4 3 ,)0unt5
den at the University of Pennsylvania Qf dry matter whu a Cllbc foot of
anu exienaeu over iwo ye..
flowering plants were studied compar-
atively uirder conditions of high and
low temperature, in the darkness and
in the sunlight.
Among the varieties that flowered In
the darkness were the violet, all va-
rieties of the maple and pcr)lar trees,
the wild azalea, sassafras, the jack - in -
the-pulpit and the skunk cabbage. The
observation that darkness does not re -
tard the blossoming was so generally
true that Dr. Mackenzie thinks It Jus
tillable to state as a result of her ex
periniental work that all flowers of our
climate will bloom under these re -
markably unnatural conditions.
It was a matter of some surprise
Dr. Mackenzie that the skunk cabbage,
thought by even the most admiring
naturalists to be a worthless perennlalthe stringing of telephone wires, the
plant, burst forth Into a rich bloom
when brought indoors. The flowers,
too, noted the experimenter, are morc0f trolley lines have served as great
gorgeous than those of many plantcorroctlve tendencies. The farmer and
that the housewives of to-day are har the farmer's wife and children have
boring ln their homes.
- They are no longer set apart and Iso-
TEED CHILDREN latP(1 and fei(.iti(B have brought them
,. , within arm's length. There are fewer
On Properly Seleeted Food It Para , ,
llK Dividend.. tenants. There are more farmers
If parents will give Just a little In-ln, V , T 1,',;ltu,nl( C0!UZ
tellent thought to the feeding ofThere wl be " ,,1a"'e"t 8 ,n U,,e
their children the difference In thenn t0 folIow.-Phlladelphla Record,
health of the little folks will pay, Tue Farmer nnd tle lueuhator.
many times over, for the small trou- one point, and an Important one, in
D'e- favor of the incubator is the fact that
A mother writes saying: "Our chll-the incubator can be put to work turn
drc n are all so much better and ing out chicks and consequently the
stronger than they ever were before farmer can have all the March or
we made a change in the character of April chicks he desires, says Poultry
tne rood. We have quit using pota-
toes three times a day with coffee
und so much meat.
"Now we give the little folka some
fruit, either fresh, stewed, or canned,
some Grape-Nuts with cream, occa
slonally some soft boiled eggs, andHimpie mlson that it la Impossible, to
some Postum for breakfast and sup-get a 8uffll.()nt number of broody hens
per. men for dinner they have BomeBO eariy in the season
meat anu vegetables.
it woum be hard to realize inewjn begin laying early ln the full,
cnunge in tne cniniren, tney nave Whue the hens are in moult aud when
grown so sturdy and strong, and weegg8 are high ln price, and if given
attribute this change to the food ele-,)rol,er tare wm ht.,. lt uu all winter.
menis mat, i understand, exisi in
urape-.uts and rosium.
"A short time ago my baby waseggg Bt 40 t0 r,0 ct.nt8 ,)er doz,.n are
teeming and had a great aeai or Biom
acu una oowei irouuie. noinn g aeein
ed to agree -with him until I tried
urape-.Nuis softened ana mixea wun
rich milk and ho improved rapidly dozeng wbo ve had the best of sue
nd got sturdy und well." tha .,, and now ,.nVf, a
Read "The Koad to Wellville."
found In pkgs. "Tbere'a a Reason.
pugs. i nere enu.
Ever reed the above letter?
new one appear, from time to time.
They are genuine, true, and full of
human interest
F-llriilnic Tnrkr Ncvil F.srrrlur,
Fattening turkeys need lots of ex-r-
trees to their regular roostlns place,
Potaon Ivr.
Poisonous plants nre almost as much
of a nuisance as the Insect pests, und
: ought to be attacked through a kind
of legislation. Poison Ivy increases
very fast along old stone walls and
fences, and becomes a nuisance any-
where near gardens or orchards. I-or
the inflammation that follows poison
of this plant a professor In the Har-
vara Medical bcnom recommends np-
nymg aiconoi, soup nnu wuier. which
Protection from Muhtnlns.
the problem consisted in finding ihe
en-was not wise to get rid of 'lie energy
sidered the best lightning conductor
from an electrical point of view, but
it Is almost impossible to protect, a
building from lightning unless U Is
dlsa-completely enveloped in a metal cage
Is by no means true that a building
Rafo whpn pr0vlded with a con
AMn o,.hln ..r. f ), ( ,ll..0f ,.
of the building
The Ioultrr lloo.e l lor.
wgaruiess oi me maimer in nuu-ii-
ing, keep the young chicks dry till
has bare feet, which soon iret cold on
gr0Und or floors. Wt fret will
eg-80on re9nt ,n ,)owpl trouble, and bowel
In speaking of dry feet, it may also
are always dry. For this reason the
alnut St.,floor cf (lle hen h01ls(, ei10U(i b- raised
.-.above the level of the surrounding
Part" "oor a board floor, or one oi
concrete. Also, on all cold and siormy
days in spring the hens should be
bad-COnfined in the housewlth plenty of
dry Btraw t0 stan(i on aml RCvau h in.
A(?rk.uUural Elitoml8t.
stnik. saved in silo.
nv nianini, rnTn m the silo the stalk
.as well as the grain Is preserved for
feeding purposes, nnd the whole corn
pituu iM-'cuiiietj avaimuii?. auuui iv jir i
rerJt 0f the feeding value of the corn
nmnt ja in the stalk, leaves and husks
can be 8t0red ln tbe form 0f siiaKC
as . the form of f0,ijer. It has been
Hptorminnri thnr (.llhi.. fnor hnv
Bl,aKe contains about 8.9 pounds of
. ,,,. fnnr , E11I1..0
' ,. . .
Bpace ,n a rfl0W.AgrIcuUura,
' ' .
Leavin the i rm.
The prosperous farmers ln the east-
em states not only have been derelict
in letting their children drift whither
they would in getting away from the
farm life; they have done worse; they
have followed the children Into the
towns. Their farms have been turned
over to tenants who, aa a rule, have
not sought to keep up the productlve-
ness of the soil. Shiftless cultivation
tchas been followed by sterility. Of
iate years the better prices of farm
products, the improvement of roads,
free delivery of malls and tho intro-
ductlon of automobiles and building
practically been made suburbanites.
Tribune. The cockerel from these;
hutches will be ready for the market
at a tme when they will bring the
uest prices, which is not possible, in
any considerable number at least, ln
- the case of hen-hatched chicks, for the
The pullets from these early hatc hes
Karly pullets properly cared for make
thft b(Ht of winter lavera und with
- certttlniy a very good proposition
- Tne 1(11(.c.Bgfui onerutlon of anv
good incubator Is not so difficult aa
mBnv farnipr. ap..m ,Q think We know
ne ,ot flf eU t0 Bhow fof ,her
.nrV t. ,.Uur1a unv,nv ,, to
k th roekereU havlnir eoue to
A market long ago as broiler and roast-
g at , r,w,B
Tbere B0 wlBtake ,n
tbe aa-
sertlon that the Incubator will br
needed on the farm next spring more
than ever before, since the market
price of eggs will without doubt be
higher than ever was known, and It
will be simply good business policy to
keep the hens turning out 20 to 110
cent eggs Instead of hatching nnd
brooding chicks.
t'nnillmrnt for llen.
The reason that so many people are
not enthusiastic over tle poultry busi
ness Is that they do not get eggs to
winter when prices are high. Hens,
as a rule, refuse to lay out of season,
and when the weather is cold and
snowy. But a suburbanite in St. Louis
county. Mo., has at last found the se
cret. In winter and cold weather hr
feeds his hens cayenne pepper and
horse-radish, which he says makes the
liens lay furiouslv.
This man, Mr. Henry Ahlers, take.
his eggs to the town of Clayton, when
he goes to work every morning, and
the regularity with which he has been
bringing them in during the cold
weather caused hlin to be closely ques
tioned. His reply Is: "I lust feed
them a little cayenne pepper and
horse-radish once in awhile. 1 have
a large horse-radish patch close to my
poultry yard and have found that even
the dried horse-radish leaves are good
for the chickens.
Mr. Ahlers states that he has sev
enty hens, and that he gathers r?
many as twenty -live dozens of eggs
each week. He does not state what
general feed and care he gives his
flock of hens for producing such a
yield of eggs In cold weather. Jour
rial of Agriculture.
Adnlterntlon Cnanea Loan.
Farmers' Bulletin 382, United State?
Department of Agriculture, on the
adulteration of forage plant seeds, con
tains the following conclusions:
Serious and intentional adulteration
of important forage plant seeds Is fre
quently practiced. Seed Is sometimes
It Is possible for purchasera to de
tect most kinds of adulterations ol
misbrand of farm seeds.
In detecting adulteration lt Is nec
essary to know what kinds of seeds art
subject to adulteration, the means em
ployed ln adulteration and the distin
guishing character of both the crop
and the adulterant seeds.
A cheap magnifier suffices In dis
tinguishing crop seeds from othet
kinds of seeds used In adulterants.
A simple germinating test disclose?
the use of dead seed.
A little effort on the part of the
purchaser of seeds directed to the de
tection of adulteration or misbranding
will prevent many instances of cro.
It is advisable to make tests foi
adulteration at home; otherwise the
suspected seed may be sent to the seed
laboratory at Washington or to the
co-ojieratlve laboratories ln Missouri,
Nebraska or Oregon. A report on thr
matter of adulteration will be made
promptly and without charge.
FUhr Batter.
What causes the fishy flavor in but
ter? That is something no one has
been able to find out until the govern
ment dairy foods undertook the task.
Uut even the government cannot find
out nil the causes, for there are more
than one. However, the main cause
seems to be some particular substance
produced by the oxidation of ono ol
the combinations of the acid develop
ment in the rleiiing of the cream. In
other words, lt Is caused by a slow,
chemical change to which acid is es
sential and which Is flavored by the
presence of small amounts ot oxygen.
It has been a generally accepted
theory among buttermakers that sour
cream made the best butter. This idea
is reversed by the investigation?
which bring forth the conclusion that
butter made from sweet cream doe
not contain the elements that go tc
make flshy flavor.
In all the experimental butter made
In the last three years there has been
no trace of flshy flavor In that made
from pasteurized sweet cream, churn
cd without the addition of a starter
In butter made from pasteurized cream
with starter added, but without any
subsequent ripening, there has been
no lishy flavor, with one or two doubt
ful exceptions. On the other band,
many lots of experimental butter made
from well ripened cream developed
marked flshiness.
It Is evident therefore that there Is
a direct relation between the acidity
of cream and the development of flshy
flavor In the butter. However, as the
work progressed it became apparent
that the acidity, although having a de
termlnlng influence on flshy flavor,
wan not the sole cause.
With this factor controlled, lt wat
Impossible to make butter with any
certainty that lt would become flshy
Frequently butter made from creurc
with a high acidity showed no trace
of this flavor.
It was found that overworking the
butter increased the tendency to flshl
ness, and this flavor could be pro
duced with reasonable certainty b
overworking high-acid butter. All but
ter contains considerable quantities Oi
air, and this is increased by the work
ing, thus producing conditions more
favorable to oxidation.
Fishy flavor may be prevented with
certainty, says Mrs. Rogers, the gov
ernmcnt expert, by making buttei
from pasteurized cream, wlthoul
ripening. The addition of a starter tc
pasteurized sweet cream, without sub
sequent ripening Improves the flavoi
of the fresh butter without adding
enough acid to cause fluhlnesg. Pa
teurizatlon of sour cream will not pre
vent the development of fishy flavor.
Do not bang the bits against the
horse's teeth. Be patient and he will
open his mouth.
'When two horses become accustom
ed to working together, don't cuaDgc
plerllat Sort Mr.
A friend from Denmark who in
tHTc hs knows tells me that ths late
King and Queen of Denmark put down
their undoubted and even extraordl
nsjy youthfulners of appearance and
Character to the f.u t that they nover
had anybody nout tlnir court who
was over 40 yens of n?o. Any gen
tleman or tody over that ace was up
rerannuated The Cent lewoman.
The tlr.'nt orth Tonntrr.
Those !tnli:inq who minto the first c
noe of birch 1 ;i rk long nua. were our
(treatest henef.u tors. Tho children of
these Indiiins know the c:i!ioe, and they
know how to une It, rind If you go ti
Temagnml. Ontario, this summer they
will puddle your rnnoe In their own mi,
peril way. Ktudents w-ho camp In sum.,
mer along the TcmiiK.iml hikes nre ahlrt
to do two years' work In one. Finest of
fishing nnd hunting. Kasy of access hy
the Urank Trunk itallwny System. Pi
fnrmatlon and beautiful ilescrlptlvA
publication sent free on application tn
W. H. Cookson, 917 .Merchants I.onn St
Trust Building, Chicago.
t'nlnrkr Ar-ld.-ut.
"Doctor, you broke my tooth than,
didn't you?"
"Worse, than that, madam; ! broke
my belt forceps."
Committee on ll-ne In F.nrope
tax Corn la ot to Illume.
London. Mav 14. Dr. Sambon. a
momlipr nf the Field rcuiimlltee which
has been investigating the disease
pellagra, teJegn'UJns from Rome that
the committee has definitely nroved
that maize or Indian corn is not the
cause of pellagra.
The committee finds that the para
sitic conveyor of the disease Is the
"slmullutu rcpans," a species of biting
'Maklnic ' ixiil llrfore the lluah.
"Gettln' things in shape for yer sum
mer boarders. Si?"
"Naw, we're gcttin' 'em out o' Bhape
ao's they'll look picturesque, like the
booklet says." St. I-ouls Star.
Seventeen Yenra the Slnndard.
Prescribed and recommended for
Women's Ailments. A scientifically
prepared remedy of proven worth.
The result from their uso Is quick and
permanent. For sale at all Drug
Every man expects to go to heaven,
and bo will bo awfully disappointed it
he happens to meet any ot his formol
neighbors there.
Constipation causes many serlout.
diseases. It is thoroughly cured by
Doctor Pierce's IMeasant Pellets. One
a laxative, three for cathartic.
A mother thinks lt queer that her
daughter should care for the thinsa
she never oared for herself.
The Cihk Kuke: Wonderful Tile
Hemedy sent free to sufferers by ad
dressing Rea Company, Dept. D5, Min
neapolis, Minn.
And nothing pleases a Klrl more than
her ability to keep u young man guess
ing. Thla Will Intrrrvt Motnera.
Mother Oray'ii Sweet Powders for Chil
dren, uned by Mother dray, a nurse it.
ChllUren'ii Home, Now York, cur ConM'
tuition, FeverlnhnwB, Teething Ulnorder.
Htomach TronhlcH anil Destroy NVornm ;
30,000 testimonials of cures. All clrviK
Blstn, 2Ee. Sample FKEK. Address AIUim
8. Olmsted. Le Itoy. N. Y.
You may nut uct able to eat your cake
and have it, too, but you can drink
your drinks and have "em bad.
Sixteen Yenra of Skin Disease.
"For sixteen long years I have beti,
suffering with a bad case of skin dls
ease. While a child there broke out a
red sore on the legs just ln back of
my knees. It waxed from bad to
worse, and at last I saw I had a bad
skin disease. I tried many widely
known doctors in different cities but to
no satisfactory result. The plague
bothered me more ln warm weather
than In winter and being on my leg
joints it .made It impossible for me to
walk, and I was forced to stay Indoors
In the warmest weather. My hopes of
recovery were by this time spent.
Sleepless nights and restless days
made life an unbearable burden. At
last I was advUed to try the Cuticura
Remedies Cuticura 6oap, Ointment
and PUIb and I did not need more
than a trial to convince me that I was
on the road of success this time. I
bought two seta of tho Cuticura Rem
edies and after these were gone I was
a different man entirely. I am now
the happiest man that there is at least
one true cure for skin diseases. Leon
ard A. Hawtof, 11 Nostrand Ave.,
Brooklyn, N. Y., July 30 and Aug. 8,
It is said that money talks, hut In
politics it seems to he a silent part
ner. For lted, Itrhlna Eyelids,
Falling; Fyelaxhes and All Ryes
That Need Ore Try Murine Eye Salve.
Aseptic Tubes Trial 8lze 5c.
Ank Your UriifcKiHt or Write
Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago.
When people wish a newly married
couple happiness they don't really ex
pec:! it to tome.
Women's Secrets
Thero ii one man In the United State who ntf f)erhpt tfxrt
more women' secrets than any other man or woman in the
country. These secret are not secrets of fuilt or shame, but
tbe secret ot (tillering, and they have
K. V. fierce in the hope and expectation of advice and help.
That few of these women have been disappointed in their ex
pectatious it proved by the fact that ninety-eight per cent, of
all women treated by Dr. fierce bave been absolutely anj
altogether cured. Such a record would be remarkable if tho
case treated were numbered by hundred only, Uut when
that record applies to the treatment of more than haif-a- mil
lion women, in practice of over 40 year, it is phenomenal.
ad entitles Dr. Tierce to the gratitude accorded him by women, a the first ot
specialist in the treatment of women' disease.
livery sick woman may consult Dr. Fierce by letter, absolutely without
charge. All replies are mailed, sealed in perfectly plain envelopea, without
any printing or advertising whatever, upon thero. Write without fear aa with
out fee, to World's Dispensary Medical Association. Dr. R. V. fierce, f rest..
Buffalo, N. Y.
3VTaw.ls;eMs V"fcXs. WOXOOU Sts-OUSi
SloU. Women TWTsXl
WasCured by LydiaEPlnkj
ham's Vegetable Compound
Elwoorl, Ind. "Tour remedies hat
cured mo and I have only taken st
bott les of Lydia E. imnhfinrs vegeta
ble uompounn. t.
was alck tore
months and could
not walk. I nuti
fercd all the time.
The doctors said I
could not get wel
wiinout an ojwro
tion, for I couli
hardly stand th
pains in my aidea,
especially my righi
one, and down my
riant letr. I betram
, (- , 111
M7J M-:f?!
to feel better when I had taken only
one bottle of Compound, but kept oft
as I was afraid to step too soon." Mrs.
Saimf. Mcixkx, 2728 X. 13. St., EU
wood, Ind.
Why will women take chances with,
an operation or drag but a Bickly,
half-hearted existence, missing three
fourths of the joy of living, when they
can find health iu Lydia E. rinkham'a
Vegetable Compound?
For thirty years it has been th
standard remedy for fernalo ills, and
has cured thousands of women who
have been troubled with such ail
ments as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregulari
ties, periodic pains, backache, indiges
tion, and nervous prostration.
If you linve thf slightest tlonbt
that Lydia E. Plnkbam's Vege
table Compound will help yon,
writoto Jin. Pinkham at Lynn
Mass., for advice. Yonr letter
will be absolutely confidential,
and tbe advice froo.
Keeping cheer
ful is an easy matter, with
the bowels open. Millions
carry candy Cascarett. At
the first sign of bowel clog
ging, they take one tablet. They
end the trouble in an hour. Thua
many dull days are avoided.
Vet-pocket bo. 10 eenti at druf-ttorai.
People now m a million boe monthly . SSt
rlLLO lies tri-r.
mm4 r I stall Cmr.
95, 4, 3.50, 93, 2.S0 & 2
Millions oi mmn wsar
W. U Douflu hoc b.
uum thy are the low
at prices, quality con-
: I .1 a K
in n , wu , in in. wwHh
Made upon honor.of the
bt leathers, by the
most skilled wore. men,
in all the latest fashions.
W. U Doualas (8.00
and (4.00 shoos equal
Cuatora Bench Work
costing (6.00 te (8.00.
Doyi'SAoss, $3,12.60 A t2
W. L. Dooulss tnsrsntm thrlr Tslns ky !mpin
Mi name snl prU on lbs bottom. Ixmk for is.
1'nb N sttihatlliite. fail Colvr t vfX.
Assv your tleolrr fr W. K PolislMahoi. If not
for inli'lnyuttr town writ tor MAlH'ritprCftlnloK.ibow..
Ins liow to order hf nistl. Shoes ortlrml direct frons
factory usliteltd fres. W.L.louUi, tirocswu, Msssj
The Army of
U urowtntr awwinr Lt
wsimiMs tin! net
only re neW J
tsssv. Mil.
then inT
ees, MrwsUa, ck BstsUctM, SalW P.
tsuara. SMAU DOSE, raxu rues
CenOine'sstsi ttssr Signelura
Stockers ni Feeders
Choice qusllty; reds and roans, Wbitofacrs or
Anvus, bought on orders. Tcnsol thousands
to select from. Satisfaction ffuaranteed Cor
respondence invited. Come and see lor yourseif I
At filkor KANSAS CITY, MO.
fKt.TTV. H.LthV IIAlll. hvud 10 tsnt to
IMintaf and advartlains . Two laris Mmulaa l-'Kliffl.
Willi a uooLIrt alul lrntiiltln to mnk HIO HaLAHlI
Utt r:M -UAUIItlt (OUI'ANT
Crolos-as llud.uii XEW TOBK
C boosralres. Hlstfci
rsisrsooss. Best rati
S. C. N. U. . No. 24. 1010.
been conOded to L)r.
is the turnip e-Doint to economy
- w
la wear and tear of wagons. Try
boa. Every dealer, everywher
1 1 notmrprmtmd)
m s.