Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 13, 1910, Image 3

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am iilad to write my endorse
tnent ot the great remedy, Peruna. I
do to most heartily. "Julia Marlowe.
Any remedy that benellts digestion
trengthena tho nerves.
The nerve center require nntrltlon.
If the digestion is Impaired, the nerve
centers become anemic, and nervous
debility is the result.
onstratc the value of I'eruna in all ca
tarrhal troubles we will send you a sam
ple bottle absolutely free by mail.
The merit and success of I'eruna is
Bo well known to the public that our
readers are advised to send for sample
bottle: Address the Peruna Company,
Columbus, Ohio. Don't forget to men
tion you read this generous offer in
If in need of advice write our Medical
Department, stating your case fully.
Our physician in charge will send you
advice free, together with literature con
taining common sense rules for health,
which you cannot afford to be without.
Coiiieileil It.
"Colonel, don't you think, as the re
ult of your observation during many
years of public life, that the holding
of a government position tends to take
away a man's Independence and make
him merely a maehine?" asked the In
quisitive acquaintance.
"Undoubtedly," said the Internal
revenue collector. "There was a time,
for Instance, when. If you had asked
me such a question as that, I should
have kicked you out of my offlce, but
I have become used to such things now
and don't mind them at all."
flmnmcr complaint, bowel trouhle, crumps hare no
terrors In the houwhold where this dependable
medicine Is kept on hand. 20c, a&o and 6Uo Im-IUcs-
Navy blue marquisette trimmed in
white foulard, thickly dotted with navy
blue it wai a little dress that made one
marvel at its simplicity and style. In
one word it was "satisfying.
Why He Led.
The angel was making up the list.
"I never asked my fellow man if it
was hot enough for him," remarked
Abou Ben Adhem.
And lo, his name came In under th
wire first. New York Sun.
Another Reason.
Max Jones Is the most wide awake
man I know.
Dax You surprise me. I never
heard of his being especially enterpris
ing. Max Oh, It isn't enterprise that
makes him so; it's insomnia. Tit-Bits.
The sweet, "toastie"
flavour of
Crisp, fluffy bits of per
fectly ripe white corn
cooked, rolled and then
toasted to an appetizing
Served with cream and
sometimes fruit, this
dainty food pleases the
whole family.
Give the home-folks a
"The Memory Lingers"
Package 10c eas 15c
Battle Creek, Mich.
Mor than $.'iO,ooo,ioi worth of scat
la mude and sjI1 in the I'nlted State!
every year.
An ofllclal istiinate places the num
ber of dairy tows in the I'nlted Stutei
nt 21,000,000.
Some varieties of rice ripen In two
months after planting, while otleri
require up to six months In cultiva
tion. Canada hits twenty wireless stations,
and new wireless service Is being es
tablished between Prince Rupert and
Kn.uland Imported from Argentina
In l'.Hi" marly Ji'l.O'io.ooO worth ol
fresh beef and $1 1 ,472.34. worth ol
fresh mutton.
The New York public service com
mission will make un extensive lnves
tlgation of concrete as n deudener ol
noise on elevated railroad structures
The highest viaduct In the world re
eently was opened In France. It standi
144 feet above a river, took eight
years to build find cost about $S00,
In the hu.t flucal year experts of the
department of agriculture inspected
before slaughter riti,.r 44,1T5 animals at
876 establishments In iMO cl'ies and
Bacteriologists are now using an
electrically heated Incubator to hatcfc
germs, as te temperature can be con
trolled for an indefinite period without
New York City h:is been Increasing
Its birth rate for the last ten yeurs
For the twelve month's just passed It
has been twenty-eight to the thousand
One of the great' Intellects of l"ng
land has stated that not above Ilftj
thousand people In all Britain can
read and understand the ordinary
Louden newspaper.
After an exhaustive research an
English architect has decided that tht
leaning tower of Pisa was built at th
angle It stands to-day as a feat ol
structural bravado.
Experiments in abrasion conducted
at a French mint have proved thai
aluminum coins will be less rapidly
worn by use than coins made of gold
silver or even bronze.
Stuyvesant Fish, Jr., began in the
Illinois Central shops In Chicago at a
salary of $23 a month. Later lit
worked as station agent at ?l0 a
month In his eagerness to learn tht
work from the bottom up.
The Wesleyan conference of Eng
land recently passed by a large major
ity a motion to admit women as lay
delegates. This resolution must be
approved by the synod before it can
become a rule of the denomination.
In 1907 there were about 30,000 bar
rels of sesame oil shipped to Constat!
tinople, but the cotton seed oil has
supplanted this to a great extent, and
this season there has been used hce
hardly 1,000 barrels of sesame oil.
The women of Chicago are urging
an Increase In the number of milk in
spectors for that city. They say that
It Is Impossible for the eight Inspect
ors now on duty to make sure that
even a small part of its supply is in
wholesome condition.
To check New Jersey's destructive
forest fires, the state has ordered the
railroads traversing Its nine forests to
clear the ground for fifty feet on each
Bide of the tracks and plow up and
gravel ten-foot strips to prevent the
growth of brush again.
The Alps show such an extraordi
nary attraction for Hertzian wave cur
rents that Swiss military aerograph
Ists have been able to intercept wire
less messages from points 2,000 miles
away, while the interchange of nies
Bages within Switzerland is unsatisfac
tory. At twenty, Tintoretto was one of the
most prolific and popular painters in
Italy; Schelllng had grappled with
the philosophy of Kant; Galileo had
discovered the use of the pendulum;
Lafayette was a major-general, and
Garrison voiced emancipation lor the
A new electrical alarm clock uses
dry batteries to ring a bell, supply a
small Incandescent light with current
and start a Are in uu alcohol lamp
with a platinum wire, all by complet
ing a circuit when the hour hand
touches a third hand set at a desig
nated time.
Muking, selling or exporting of red
ginseng in or from Korea is now for
bidden under fines of from $50 to $500
and confiscation of equipment to all
parties except the Korean government
or firms specially authorized by it. It
Is highly valued in the orient for me
dicinal use.
Queen Ena of Spain (Victoria Ena)
is one of the few ladles of the penin
sula who can lay claim to horseman
ship. Spanish ladies are, as a rule,
too Indolent to ride. , But Alfonso Is
a daring horseman, and It must please
him to have his ycung wife galloping
by his side.
A new Japanese steamship service
has been put on biA-een ports of Ja
pan, via Hong-Kong and Valparaiso,
Chili, by the Togo Kisin Kaisha Com.
pany of Yokohama. The three steam
ers are subsidized by the Japanese gov
ernment. Other ports of the west
coast of South America will also be
The calabar bean is highly poison
ous and in foreign countries is used
for medicinal purposes. Its effect Is
opposite that of Ix lliidotina and is used
for contraction of the eye, in tetunu
neuralgia and rheumatic diseases. It
Is such a powerful depressant to nerv
ous action that purgcons can only use
it In small amounts.
The chairman of the Imperial To
bacco Company of Canada was asked,
ut Montreal, if the report was cor
ed that they had bought the dntarlo
jucco crop. His unswer was that to
bacco j-.rowu In Canada to:day was su
perlor to the American grown leaf
from the same type of seed, for the
reason that the soil in the I'nlted
States had been used for a number of
years and the Canadian soil is practic
ally virgin soil for tobacco growing
mi r pones, and therefore produced
better quality. The proof of this It
that the consumption Is constantly Lay
creaiiiug. Consular Reports.
Trial Bottlo Freo Dy Mall
If yea ftiflrr from Rrilr-rH-T. Fits, Failing 8lrkriM,
Spasms, or hive rhlUtrpo that fin to, ruy Ni-w Ins
cory will trllpTa them, mid all too are s.k1 to
do U lo tend fur a Fir Trial f J UoltJe of Dr. aiaj s
Epllatptlolde Oures
It has rnrfl thnnsand wtir-re eTar-thlr); else
fulled. Guarantied bjr Mm M.iIIkI U'"rl T
Vndi-r Turn fund and UrmAci, June auth, (xv
Oimrarny hn l71. ri.-.fi write fur Hiwcinl Freo
i Boui ai.il viva ARK and cuniijlete aililms
OH W. H. MAY. 548 Pearl St'stl. Hq'i York.
t cles Sillily.
Mr. Fond Father reproved his llttla
son for having only 75 per cent in
arithmetic. "Mathematics, my boy,"
he said, "is a very useful study, and
you must try to do better."
"I thought that was only useful for
sailors," said the boy.
"Why for sailors?"
"Well, people on land have adding
machines, don't they?" New York
On the Safe Side.
"The Bible says, "Take no thought
for the future.'"
"That's all riht In theory, but I Al
ways buy a return ticket when I go t
the races." Houston Post.
Her Sen I ! Itched Intolerably.
"Just about two years ngo, some
form of humor appeared on .my scalp.
The beginning was a slight Itching but
it grew steadily worse until, when I
combed my hair, the scalp became
raw and the ends of the comb-teeth
would be wet with blood. Most of thu
timo there was an Intolerable itching,
in a painful, burning way, very much
as a bad, raw burn, If deep, will itch
and smart when first beginning to
heal. Combing my hair was positive
torture. My hair was long and tan
gled terribly because of the blood and
scabs. This continued growing worse
and over half my hair fell out. I was
In despair, really afraid of becoming
totally bald.
"Sometimes the pain was so great
that, when partially awake, I would
scratch the worst places so that my
finger-tips would be bloody. I could
not sleep well and, after being asleep
a short time, that awful stinging pain
woujd commence and then I would
wake up nearly wild with the torture.
A neighbor said it must be salt rheum.
Having used Cuticura Soap merely as
a toilet soap before, I now decided to
order a set of the Cuticura Remedies
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills.
I used them according to directions
for perhaps sli weeks, then left off,
as the disease seemed to be -eradicated,
but toward spring, eighteen
months ago, there was a slight re
turn of '.he scalp humor. I com
menced the Cuticura treatment at
once, so had very little trouble. On
my scalp I used about one-half a cake
of Cuticura Soap and half a box of
Cuticura Ointmen't In all. The first
time I took six or1 seven bottles of Cu
ticura Pills and the last time three
bottles neither an expensive or tedi
ous treatment. Since then I have had
no scalp trouble of any kind. Stand
ing up, with my hair unbound. It
comes to my knees and had It not been
for Cuticura I should doubtless be
wholly bald.
"This is a voluntary, unsolicited tes
timonial and I take pleasure in writ
ing it, hoping say experience may help
someone else. Miss Lillian Brown,
R. F. D. 1, Liberty, Me.. Oct, 29, 1909."
I.ost Foe lualde I'atlent.
Many a surgeon has had to repeat
an operation to recover bits of sponge
or other medical equipment left in the
victim on the operating table. But
the story is going the rounds here.
says a Paris correspondent of the bt.
Louis Republic, that a brilliant r'rencn
surgeon has distinguished himself by
leaving his fee in the sufferers abdo
men when he stitched it up.
The natient was a merchant, who
Baw to all the arrangements himself,
up to the commencement of the opera
tion for appendicitis. The last' thing
he did before going under the anes
thetic was to pay the surgeon the fee
with a check for $1,000. The great
man tossed ft aside on a pile of ab
sorbent wool that was presently In
Later, when the last stitches were
being put In after the operation, he
looked for the fee and could not find it.
He opened the patient again and found
the boodle, according to the story that
Is diverting medical circles.
Women are supposed to be the slaves
of fashion, but It's a mistake. Men
are the real slaves. Inasmuch as they
have to pay the freiKht
For ned, Itching- Eyelids,
railing Eyelashes' and Ail Rye
That Need Care Try Murine Eye Salve,
Aseptic Tubes Trial Size 25c.
Ack Your UnidKist or Write
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Louklng llacknard.
On the night following the Yale
Princeton game last fall, a young man
who had slipped and fallen was as
sisted to his feet by a passer-by.
"Just a little shelebration of vie
Cry," the young man explained as he
waved a bedraggled bit of orange and
black ribbon.
"But Princeton lost," the other told
The young man looked painfully
surprised for an Instant.
"How do you know?" he asked.
"Why, it was on the bulletin board
an hour ago," the other said. "Yale
won to-day's game.
"I wash referrln'," said the young
man with great dignity, "to th game
of 1903." LltinlPTtt'H.
av r . r h v
Most shepherds believe that the
blood that roim to maintain a . long
fat tall should go Into the body of the
If In any milking a part of the kniilk
Is bloody or stringy or unnatural In
appearance, the whole mess should be
The growing pig requires protein
and not much corn. It Is nil right to
Rive n little corn but too much U
The practical remedy for little pli;
that are liable to be troubled with
thumps is to provide pluitv of exer
cise and large range.
If you cultivate your on hard, see
thr.t the ground is kepi finely mulched,
ia order to conserve the moisture
which the fives should have.
Pigs will live nnd grow on rape
without a supplement of train, but n
small addition of the latter is profit
able. Dry sows will, however, do well
on rape alone.
Many good farmers will keep every
thing on the place in ship shape all
the year except the orchard. These
men are ulways complaining that It
doesn't pay to raise fruit.
Be sure fruit trees are set where
they will have sufficient drainage.
Many a tree la blamed by lu owner
for being a bad variety, when the
fault is in the drainage.
Dairy cows must be treated In ac
cordance with their Importance, as n
factor of success, and the milk and
cream must be handled properly from
cow to churn and from churn to mar
Farmers near Marshall, Mo., com
plain that wolves have been very
troublesome during the last winter.
They killed twenty-eight pifcs recently
for one farmer and others have suf
fered losses of lambs, pigs and poultry
Kxtlmntinw Wall Pui-r.
In estimating the amount of wall
paper needed during the spring house
cleaning, it may be well to know that
the ordinary roll of wall paper Is S
yards long and 18 inches wide. A
double roll is 16 yards long. Cartridge
paper is usually 30 inches wide. Bor
ders are usually 18 yards long and
either 9 or 18 Inches wide.
CoinMnutloii 1-oimI for Iluua.
For supplying a large amount of
early pasture for hogs 1 find that oats.
peas nnd rape make a very excellent
combination crop. This is, more strict
ly speaking, a forage crop, and under
ordinary conditions will grow to pas
turing maturity within eight weeks
after sowng. I shall this season sow
several acres of this combination crop
during the early part of May for sum
mer pasture. If best results are de
sired In producing this combination
crop considerable attention should be
paid to selecting fertile soil possess
ing a ready amount of available plant
food, a3 this crop, in order to pro
duce good forage, must grow rapidly.
Agricultural Epitoiuist.
Ducks are profitable as layers for
three years, and Ihe drakes are lit to
use as breeders for eight. They fatten
readily and bring good prices. Their
feathers are quite valuable and net a
substantial revenue.
Yards 24x100 feet will accommodate
a pen of thirty layers, thus minimizing
space. Tho houses need not be costly
or especially built lor warmth, but
should be dry. Eggs are usually fer
tile and can be hatched In incubators.
Being such wonderfully prolific and
persistent ' layers, you can contract
your output to hotels, cafes, etc., and
take advantage of the special prices
with the assurance of being able to
fill the demand and rake off some
splendid profits.
Ail vice to lloya.
A New Jersey Judge, speaking to
ihe Orange high school boys as pros
pective lawyers, gave them some good
advice. "You boys who are growing
up to be lawyers," said the Judge, "al
ways remember that the most success
ful lawyer Is the one who, when a
rlient conies to him fighting mad. In
vestigates thoroughly every detail of
Ihe case and then brings both sides to
p, satisfactory agreement. That's tho
highest service a lawyer can perfoiv.n,
for he not only represents the people
he Is defending, but he Is uplifting th
whole legal system of the country."
There may be lawyers who will con
sider advice to lawyers to keep out
Df court as unprofessional. Boston
ally Advertiser.
I. lee and hell In it Menu.
When hens are set they should be
carefully dusted with insect powder or
otherwise treated and placed on abso
lutely vermin free nests, preferably In
some other house or In a separate
room where other fowls cannot, come
In contact with them. Placing tobaci j
sterna In the bottom of the nest or
with the nesting materials will he!;
to keep lice away, yet It is not an In
fallible remedy.
The setting hen may be dusted at In
tervals through the Incubation period,
yet she should never be greased or
treated with any liquid preparations
that will injure the eggs. Keeping a
box of dry dust or ashes, with which
Is mixed a small pioportlon of pow
dered sulphur, where the hens can
get at It dally, will very greatly aid
them in keeping clean.
Klrctrlcllr from Wlail.
The machinery of a modern wind
mill Is Just as far advanced over the
rude machinery of the windmill of
fifty years ago as U the works of a
fine watch over the works of a dollai
alarm clock. One tpe of wind tur
bine, for Instance, consists of a wheel
about 16 feet In diameter mounted
upon ft steel tower ."() feet In height.
The entire wind wheel Is of gal
vanized steel, and all Its moving parti
run on ball bearing. Its tranpinlsslon
gear works in an oil bath nnd. ac
cording to l'opular Mechanics, the best
methods known to engineering havi'
been adopted In order to eliminate fric
tion and enable the wheel to make the
best of light winds.
The result Is that even In n wind
having a velocity of no higher than
six miles an hour th" turbine gener
ates electricity. Suc h an electric gen
erator and switchboard and a llfty
five cell storage battery as Its elee
trlcnl apparatus. The wheel is always
In running position, ready to make use
of every puff that comes, nnd It stead
lly makes and stores current except
in limes of absolutely still weather.
'M Mi-it.
Cold storage, properly employed, fur
nislies u means of consent vt Ion and
the prevention of waste that should
inure to the general benefit. In prac
tice It has been made to serve ns a
means of maintaining higher prices In
the season of pl.-nty and of intolerable
prices In the season of lesser supply
When prices are naturally declining
they are checked, to he nfterwardi
punished to unnatural limits as oppor
tunity Is created by squeezing tho mar
ket through a combination of cold-storage
Ths Is perhaps the most flag.Tint
occasion of the insiruslon ot the mid
dleman between producer and consum
er wrilh the object of despoiling both
The worst part of the matter grows
out of the difficulty encountered In de
vising any scheme of remedy which
shall preserve the benefit of cold stor
age while defeating Its evil workings.
'The most feasible suggestion is to
regulate the time of storage 80 as to
prevent deterioration, and to enforce
due publicity In order that the pur
chaser may know what he is getting.
Phlladelpha Record.
firontiiH l.emiiiiea.
There Is a gas culled nitrogen whlcl
is present in the atmosphere In Im
mense quantities, and which is neces
sary to the growth and thrift of vege
tation. It Is found in some form in
many different substances, and when
sold as a fertil.er commands a very
high price. It is doubtful if nitrogen
can be bought with profit in the form
of fertilizer for use In enriching farm
lands except under special conditions.
For greenhouse purposes or for '.he
truck gardens, wherj Intensive farming
is practiced, it may prove profitable,
but the ordinary farmer can not af
ford it. He can, however, secure an
ubundance of nitrogen and add materi
ally to humus In his boll by growing
some one of the leguminous plantH and
occasionally plowing under a crop
Perhaps cowpens are the best for ths
double purpose, though any kind of
clover is equally valuable. One hesi
tates to plow up a good field of alfulfn
for the sake of the nitrogen and the
humus that would be added to the soil,
while he might not hesitate to plow
up a crop of cow peas or soy beans.
Kansas Farmer.
Ilmv lu I Coin iiM-reinl l-'ertlllat-ra
If fertilizers are used, the following
general rule should govern: On rich
lauds use mainly fertilizers that will
stimulate the fruit and not the stalk
growth. On lighter lands use more'' of
the elements to force growth, combined
with others which will mature the
High grade 14 per cent acid phos
phate may be considered a basis for
increasing fruit and hastening matur
ity of crops. Even on the richest land
It has been demonstrated that a small
percentage of nitrogen added to the
ucld phosphate gives better results.
Air-slaked lime is of value for use on
stiff or gummy soils to loosen them
up, permit the air to enter und pre
vent a sour condition of such soils
when too wet.
On this or Impoverished soils equal
quantities of cotton-seed meal und
acid phosphate can be used to advan
tage. In case the foregoing can not be
obtained, standard-grade commercial
fertilizer may be used. These should
contan In the mixture 8 to 10 per
cent of available phosphoric acid, 2 to
3 per cent of nitrogen and l'j to 2
per cent of potash, or on some lands
a high grade acid phosphate, 14 per
cent may be used.
Where lands are greatly worn by
years of cropping, more fertilizer
should be used to the acre, and It
should contain about equul parts ot
cotton seed meal and high grade acid
phosphate. The beneficial effect of
commercial fertilizers depends largely
upon the presence of humus in the soil,
hence the Importance of using stable
manure and plowing under green
crops. In applying the foregoing in
structions the farmer must use con
siderable judgment 'and modify bis
practice where necessary to lit local
The fertilizer should be distributed
several days before pluming, as there
Is danger of Injuring the seed If
brought in Imuiedlutu contact with
strong fertilizer. A very careful mix
ing or the fertilizer with the soil Is
necessary for the same reuson. On
all except very .ich, waxy lauds It
will pay to use commercial fertilizers
somewhat liberally.
Where as much as 400 pounds of fer
tilizer Is used for corn, we recom
mend two applicatons, one In the fur
row before planting, and un applica
tion of from 150 to 200 pounds of
cotton seed meal in the furrow when
the corn Is about one foot high.
Where lluio is used scatter it broad
cast when the land is plowed, using
about four barrels of alr-sluked lime
per acre, or apply in tho row ubout
two barrels per acre a short time be
fore planting, mixing H thoroughly
with the 8011-
1, fv.
I 11
The best Stomach
and Liver Pills known
nnd a positive snd
speedy cure for Con
stipation, Indigestion.
Jaundice, Biliousness,
Pour Stnmnch, Head
ache, nnd nil siln.entn
nrlslng from b disor
dered stomach or slug
gish liver. They con
tain in concentrated
4 rtf
form all the virtues nn.t values of Mun
yon's Paw-Paw Tonic nnd nre mad
from the Juli-e of the Paw-Paw fruit.
I unhesitithiKly recommend these pills
as being the best laxative and cathartic
ever compounded. Kend us a postal or
letter requesting a free package ot
Munyon's Celebrated Paw-Puw laxa
tive Pills, and we will mail same free
of charge. Ml'NYON'S HOMOEO
and Jefferson Sts.. Philadelphia, Pa.
'Ir., I.nrry Snmmrrflelil.
The Broadway friends of Larry Sum
merlleld, the wireless w ire tapper, were
greatly pleased yesterday to lenrn thnt
their old associate had been selected
as organist in the clinpel at Sing Sing
prison. As there nre several sets of ser
vices each Sunday, the new Job will
enable Larry to be" away from his cell
the greater nrt of the day.
Of nil days the most dreaded by the
Sing Sing prisoners Is Sunday. They
have no work to do then nnd must re
main In the cells except when attend
ing chapel services. There nre two
chapels Protestant nnd Catholic. The
prisoners usually attend both, so ns
to get nwny from the close confinement
on Sunday.
As organist, Summerfleld will not
only escape the cell confinement on Sun
day, but will nlso have a few "evenings
out," ns there nra services several times
a week In the evening. According to
the friends of Summerfleld, the wire
tapper was brought up ntnld religious
surroundings nnd there was an organ
lu his home. It Is snld that he has
beeu after the Job of organist for some
time. New York Sun.
How much better a thins; tastes
when the doctor forbids the eating of
. Many women who suffer with back
ache, bearing-down pain, headache
and nervousness do not know that
these ailments are
usually due to
trouble with the
kidneys. Doan's
Kidney Pills re
move the cause.
Mrs. M. McFad
den, Iowa City,
Iowa, says: "I
would have died
had it not been for
D o a n's Kidney
Pills. For years 1
Buffered from ter
rible backaches. I
gradually grew ?,-orse until '1 had to
take to my bed, where I lay uncon
Bdous. I began using Doan's Kidney
Pills after the doctors had failed to
help me and was completely cured."
Hemember the name Doan's. For
sale by all dealers. 60 cents a box.
Foster-.MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Consult with him that Is wise and
of sound Judgment, and seek to be In
structed by one better than thyself,
rather than to follow thine own Inven
tions. Thomas a Keropla.
A hard name to pronounce, called lo
cally "Mlnnleog." This Is a picturesque
summer resort on one of the largest
Islands of the Georgian Bay, only
hours run by the Grand Trunk Railway
System from the City of Toronto, Can
ada, and beautifully situated among the
HO. 000 islands of thnt territory. Splen
did hotel accommodation, Rood Ashing,
lino boating and no hay fever. Bass,
trout, pickerel and pike abound. For
illustrated descriptive matter and all
Information, write to W. 8. Cookson,
017 Merchants Loan A Trust Building,
A girl blushes the first time a young
man kisses her because it embarrasses
her to think that he might not have
done It
For Anjr Dlaraae or Injnrr to
the eye, line PETTIT'S EYE SALVE,
absolutely hurmleag, acts quickly. All
druggists or Howard Bros, BuiTulo,
N. Y.
As It Seemed to Her,
"Mrs. Wllfong, how many lodges does
your husband belong to?"
"He's a member of four lodges and
two councils."
"What Is the difference between a
lodge and a council ?"
"Well, when he goes to a lodge meet
ing he generally stays 'uter."
Not Sisters
IL ... .. s'kjJ
Now and again you see two women pass
ing down the street who look like sisters.
You are astonished to learn that they are
mother and daughter, and you realize that
a woman at forty or forty-five ought to be
at her fineat and fuireat. Why iin't it so?
The general health ol woman is so in
timatcly associated with the local health
of the essentially feminine organs that
there can be no red cheeks and round)
form where there is female weakness.
Women who bave suffered from
this trouble bave found prompt
relief and cure in tho use of Dr.
Ficree's Favorite Inscription. It fir tiior and vitality ta taW
organs of womanhood. It clears the complexion, brightasas tkatv
yes and reddens the cheeks. '
No alcohol, or hubit-forminf drugs is contained in "Favorite Preeeripdoav,"
Any sick woman may consult Lr. Pierce by letter, free. Every aeiter is).
field as sacredly confidential, and answered in a plain envelope. Addreee i .
World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo. N.Y..
8e)nd In your solution at
onofl, taUn teuil with yoi4f to
lutlon th Dtiuiua ot two or
nior&taaUilllttn in your vli'tuitv
who hava no iiU-mi. 1 kin of
fqrloif thia Pun-itaMitng limit!
1 a up if ouijr aa part payment
on Ilia nurrhaiia of th Pun-till
Piano, In onlt r to a,cura tht
nanitta and addrnaaaa of fatul
lias who hava no plauoa, to f
ean fttt tham Intaraotad In tny
met hud ol Kaotory to - llnrii
Koltiittf of lb blU (rad a fur-
1 will sand too the bond,
fraa trial or-ler blank, cute
log ue and lull psrtlealara.
Baad In your solatiua. oa
this or a pra saeal ot
aiai, as oaa le
can piano.
-s- -
L S. PlRCffl, ftctory-to-ta tm lUi,
IHrtloaarlea x to Da.
"Talk about keeping up with lh
times," said the professor, "ths
makers of dlrtlrr.aries hnve ts bs o
to the very mtntite. 1 don't believe ml
day passes without some new wrrj.
being Introduced Into our Innguagsw
For most of them the originators of
slang delightfully original fellowv
aren't they? and the men f sclenc
are responsible. 1 wn running over
the other day a list of new words as
sembled for the latest dictionary, n
I declare I wns amazed at ths number
that were, In truth, new to m. Did
you know, for example, that ths p
mftto Is the name given to tb cr0
between the tomato and ths potatov
thnt a grasshopper destroyer Is ealledf
a hopperdozer, and that ths scientific
term for hookworm Is uncinariasis T
Speaking of slang. I notice that plac
hns been found in the dictionary for
rubberneck, stunt, tank up and fan
of course," the professor added aomev
what hurriedly, "I mean a baseball
fan. And there ars hundreds and
hundreds more."
When young a girl wonder tf sha
will ever meet a man she would mar
ry; after ahe gets older, shs wondersv
It she will ever meet ona shs wamldnt.
marry. '
Stmlce Into Ywr WHn
AlWtt root-E.vft, th -rtks4frt4J
fiwwrirr fr tb ft It
IMilifut, wnltfin, mfcrtti,wiiuM W '
and .nMnt1jr tkes th mm li
CannMsUul b'.ntofM. th gTl
rc cnwtnrt 4lwmvwy f tmm,
tittm or mi ti"- tWI mmrnf. It la
ostrtaUB ear lot feflrrwintf mIsx nw 1
In it, ralioaa u Ufn, 4-mta rV
W 4 hmvm ofir . tXtaM4iwiuav T II V
1TTO-0 4Y. tto vwywhs.r,
! mot crept mm mmJiI,
nt bf mall for Ma-asp.
FREE I"b?maL
nnssinca. t...rUh mi.k- iktuiaa. aUia k
J B " l)niini,limr9whrft.
Kltt. i
I kl. La
v9. m. r.
The Army of
Is Crowing Small ar Ev
Curs laaatiys
tiaa. Mil- A
eaa, laalfaatiaa, Sick UaaaWtta, SaSUvSUaV
Genuine m Snaiui
85, $4, S3.50, $3 & 82.5Q-
Worklnomin'M C S S f fH? tWa Saaaa
42-OOXhow OnU UOa tSMt a $
AV. I Iouslas
ftlioca are worn
hy more men than
any other make,
xv. i.. ion;iua mn.oo
nil aVi.OOaltuoaaqnal,
in atyle, Ht and wrar.
othr innkM euaunjf
SMt.OO to SM.OO.
W.UInii;laa ttS.BO,
tVMXt.avS.ao mid aW.OO
aniMw ara the lowmt
nrtae. oualltv nonalfl- i
red.lDLha world. f-
fait Color Cutltti. tiO. "
Th. KpnulNK hT W. I. rMmirlwnBiMaaSi
Btaimd on tha bottom. Tuk. Km KHkaiUwln.
Aaa lmiiril.iilir for W.L.ixmvliiahoa. II dai
are mil for Ml In your town write Inr Mall Oraaa 0a
aloir, airing fall direction, how loonier braaa afca-
onlere.1 fill-not (ruin factory delivered to at fn atl
auaiKta praoam. w.biMUUUUi,
q Don't give
babies physic. Whea
baby needs a laxative, let
mother take acandy Casern t.
These innocent, vegetable tabLts
act through the mother's milk. A
million mothers now know tbst
nothing can take their place. ara.
Veat-poekat box, 10 cents at drar-saasaa,
Psopl nownas s million boxes moatMsi
Klosent Petticoat Heady to Wear with
out the BltKlitest alteration. Par fact iU,
II. 60 to 5 00. Write for catalog. A rant
wanted. Quantrell Uarment Co ilSS tea
Ave., New York.
We have the beat Belling trunk oat'.
Grape l-'rult land tn Florida. Kaai Coaai -neur
Palm lieach. Absolute and foaraa.
teed drulnage and protection frana avoa
flow. New cornmlKHlon plan. Malt aaorO)
money than ever before. Prefer ageaa
who have handled Florida land. Wrlte
today for literature.
The Jupiter land Co., P. J. VraxiMtavl.
Gen. Mkt., Mercantile Library BldaW
Cincinnutl, Ohio.
W.ti an R.rataaaaa.Waaa
Iniwn. D C. atuokafraa. Hiaw
raiaianiaa. Saas awaaaa
S. 0. N. U.
No. 20. 1910.
Given for a Solution to IHs 3
J -i! E
M S2. 10 1 tstm in. GtlOXO, ES
.1 aft 1'
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