First publication IH!-ln Bsvks NOTICE OF TAX DEED. 'XocntniTlnn Shun, In whoop nnmf 1 1 M Bppi'nnon rwonl.nncl nil rint lntorst vu in mm, Dirx'K m. i mkotn ( lit y, Nebr. 1 ltd Anil lJ h f vmi tflll nU.. .. purciinsiMi m prlvntp mil.- from the trens urer of inkntn county, NVbrnskn, for the taxes dun nnl delinquent thereon, fur t ho '" i-wii i"i, mm, WW, imiN, i.k, !(, imi, liV. l;w irnrt ivm, thn following renl estt In Duknin county, Nplir., to-wtt: I,ot 8, In Mocks, DHkotndlty, Nebr. Thnt unlit lot in wwil In no nrtmn whatever In the, years Isnl, INdf, to linn, Inclusive, and thnt all lots were tHxed for the years li, in to 1111. IticliiHlvp, and thnt snlil W. 1,. Ross win npiny for a deed for said lot under until tax snleand rertlflvatn on or tiefore the l:ith uuj oi may, nun. W. t,. ROSS, Ownor of until dertttlcate Dated thla 2flth day of April, l'.UU. Undertaker County Coroner 15. F. Sawyer Jackson, Nebraska For 8etl We are planning to move to the coast this summer and offer our proi ertjr in Dakota City. a six room house sod three lots for sale, also so mo household furniture consisting of 1 bedroom suite. 2 iron beds and mattresses, 1 child's folding bed and mattress. 1 spring cot. 1 double lounge 1 office chair. 8 common chairs. 3 common tables. 1 dining room table. 1 marble top stand. 1 organ. 1 bureau. 1 bookcase. . 1 cupboard with glass doors. 1 sewing machine. 1 rocking chair. 1 washing machine. 1 toilet set, 2 wash boilers . 1 cook store. 3 heating stoves. 20 yards of good rag carpet. Several dozen fruit jars. W 0 Eckbart. For Sale A large list of Cheyenne, Morrill, Box Butte, Kimball, Scotts Bluff and Banner county Nebr, lands. Ranches, re'inquishments railroad contracts, school sections all sizes and prices from $6.00 per acre and up for deeded lands. Having a personal knowledge of these lands I will go and show them to those who wish to invest. S A Combs, Homer, Nebr. Buy a good farm on the Dakota county bottom. I have it. Eimera. S Patronize Home Industry buy your msats of $ Wm, LOREBIZ, 1 Proprietor of City Kleat Kfeurket Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand & Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent for Seymours White Laundry. Basket goes on B i luesdays ana comes DacK Saturdays 5 I DAKOTA CITY NEBRASKA Local Items Friday, May 6, 1910 1 011 will find a good line of sweat pads for horses, whips, machine bolts, and a very good line of hardware, tin warn and graniteware at right prices, at Bchnever Bros. Lost A full season's time, hard work and money by planting poor seed. Be wise, and get the best in the seed line. We have it. A full line of Clover, Alfalfa, Timothy, Kape, , Cane and Grasses All good seed at a fair price; no poor seed at any price. Tell us your Needs. Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co. Hubbard Nebraska This Vi-'va. Coucord Harness No. 76 no collars $31 Our No. 179, l-in. Concord, with flat backs, a better job S3o Sturges Bros. Pearl St ioux City HARN ! SATURDAY SPECIALS. ! i S.A. Stinson I Dakota City. Nebraska SectwrdeoTf May 7th One-half gallon Maple Syrup, for 50c Three 1-pound Cans of Baked Beans 25c Mead's Flaked Rye, per package 0c Three Cans of Tomatoes, for 25c Saturday, May 14th One Pail of Syrup 35c Rice, per pound 5 c 25c package of Oats 20c Men's Dress Shirts 35c Four Bottles Catsup.. 25c A 'JOc Package of Candy ISc Bargains at Van's every day. Miss Belle Liebing depsrted Satur day for her home at llelmer, Ind. 8 A Combs was no from Homer Monday on business at the court heuse, Moss Zimmerman was over from Sioux City Sunday looking over the fire ruins, A card from John B Dewitt leaves them at their new home in Anaheim, California. Don't eat old stale bread when you can get good fresh bread every morn ing at an s. George Kaase was down from Emer son and visited at the parental home over Sunday. The Foye gasolene car went into commission last Friday and is again making regular trips. Win Oraham of Hubbard precinct, was transacting business witu ttie county treasurer Saturday. Chas Hollman and Geo T Westiott were over from Sioux City Saturday looking after business matters. Do you keep an eye on Van's black board, if not you had better as he al ways has a bargain listed there. Eev Warren on Saturday united in marriage Warren D Cottrell and Mary Jacobi, both of Iowa Fark, Iowa. George H Burton and Mrs E a ttie Sheppherd, both of Sioux City, were married by ltev Warren on Monday. Louis Doxtad and Agnes Rhode, both of Emerson were married on Wednesday by County Judge Htffer- nan . Blanch Bliven, daughter of Theo dore Bliven and wife, has been quite sick the past few weeks with pneu monia. A baby boy was born to Chris Mor trude and wife, of Sioux City, Satur day. Mrs Mortrude was formerly Miss Ida Karst. Feter Iverson and Agnes Roan, both of Sergeant Bluff, Iowa, were united in marriage on Thursday of last week by Judge Heffernan. Howard Rockwell came home from Grand Inland Saturday, where he is attending business college, and will spend a week or two at home. Miss Neva Best, who graduates fro a the Feru State Normal this year, has been elected to the principalship of the schools at Blue Springs, Neb. George Pranger returned home Sat urday from a trip to Minneapolis, where he went to attend a meeting of the O 1; T, of which he is local chairman. Dr DeWult and family were over from Sioux City Sunday, guests at the Mrs Eva Orr home. Doo was pretty busy all day showing off his new anto to his friends. Frank Broyhill went to Walthill last Friday tr deliver an automobile to W E E8tell for C J O'Connor of Homer, and also to give the owner a few point ers on how to run it. Frank Gribble was down from Good win, S D, last Thursday in attendance at a Hereford sale in 81011 x City. He visited over night with his sister, Mrs Ge'i" Harnett, in this place. Quite a crowd of young folks attend ed the ice creim social Riven by the girls basket ball team Saturday even ing. After paying for the things they lost in toe fire that consumed the res taurant building there was not much left for the ball team . Dr D C Stinson, who for the past six weeks li us been malting tne tern tory of Kansas for the National Offioa Supply Co, of .ion Uity, 111, waacau- d home by telegram from Garnet, Kansas, announcing the loss of his itore by fire Sunday morning. He ar rived here Tuesday evening. Jehn F Sides nnd M O Ayres came home from Omaha Sunday morning Tliev heard the first news of the fire about the time they left Omaha which was that nearly the whole town had burned and they kept the wires hot un til they got to Bancroft whare they got a telegram giving the straight of it J E Eastern received word Tuesday morniug that his uncle, R B Harris, had ptssed awn; at his home near Alda, Nebr. The deceased man vi S an old time resident of Hall county. He was i" h;'s 78t'i year, and had been iu failing health, for several months past Mr Edston left Tuesday even ing for Alda, to b in attendance at the luneral obsequies. Yes, Dakota City went "dry." At, the inee'ing of the village board T.ifH-j day evening the application of C Mr Nies for a paloon Jiceui-e was turned down by a vote of three to one. Mr Nies at first asked that the license he reduced from $1500 to $1200. This the board refused to do, claiming that he had applied under the ordinance regulating the fee at $1500. A vote vas finally taken ou the application to see whether or not a license would be granted, and the application was rejected. Wm Orr received word from Otis, Colo, stating that his sister, Mrs Jos Clements, had been quite seriously in jured by being thrown from a buggy Sunday evening. She had her shoul der badly bruised and three ribs brok en Mr Clements also sustained some bad bruises. Their horse was fright ened by an automobile which passed them on the road and caused the acci dent, but never stopped to see how badly they were injured. They were found after several hours by neighbor who removed them to their home. Rev J L Phillips of South Sioux City, census enumerator for this dis trict, inform us that he has practical ly finished the work of taking the cen sus here, but will hold his books open until May 15th, the time for closing up the work, and anyone whom b may have missed while making the rounds will confer a favor by dropping him a line, or leaving their name at the postoftice where it will he forward- to bim, and he will come and take their census. The desire is to have the census as near accurate as possi ble, and the 00-0 Deration of every citi zen ia earnestly requested. Sbe F G Stanard for heating, plumb ing ana nguting. Nine candidates were taken into the W. O. W, lodge Tuesday evening. For Sale Seed Corn that will prow Mrs u V Htmson, Dakota City, Neb. A now baby girl was born to Galen Hathaway and wife Tuesday morning. Patrick Jonpp. one of tbe substan tial farmers of Hubbard precinct, Iran sacted business here Thursday. 11 you naven t got time to do your own shopping call np No. 1, and he will deliver the goods promptly. Walt Gilstrap and Lula Matnev. of Winnebago, were joined in marriage uy Judge llefferuan on Monday. Found a pooketbook containing money. Owner can have the same by paying for this notice and proving property. Harvey James Love and Rha Yelle. both of Sioux City, were united in marriage Tuesday at South Sionx City Dy ltev J 1j I'nillips. It pays to trade at Vans, and be sides he will give you, free of charge, handsome chromo in the course of time. Go and see him. Found Two small pieces of jewel ry, on sidewalk leadiuar to the Bur lington dopot. Owner can have the same by paying for this notice. Fred Bartels tells us that those lambs he is advertisising in the Herald are going like hot cakeB. He has a few hundred more for sale, but they will soon be gone. All kinds of ooal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fii-ldb & Slaughter Co. ThioE Bliven, Manager, Dakota City, Neb. L Ross, the attendant for Uarry Brown's stallion, Lion de Kestergat, is now keeping the horse at Jake Ilager's barn since the fire destroyed the old livery barn where be made his head quarters while in town. Go to Fred Bartels, Hubbanl, Neb, to buy your young lambs to feed, for he wants to sell his old sheep for mutton sheep, ne is selling the lambs at a low prioe of 00c; a head. This is cheaper than they can ever be bought for again. The T & W's, a soubriquet for the Dakota Citj -South Sioux 3ity baseball team of the city league of Sioux City, handed one to the Stock Yards huuoh at Crystal lake ball park last Hunday by a score of 5 to 4. The battory for the T & W's was Forsling and Stinson, lor the Stock lards, Smith and Hough. Forsling got 14 strikeouts and Smith got li to his credit. 5? A I. Dining Room Specials 1 Sideboards, Buffets, China Extension. Tsvbles, Dining XTRA Closets, Chsvirs. I A I 83c $1.50 Value Dining Chairs, made of hardwood, golden finish, cane or imitation leather seat, April Special $3.50 Leather Scat Dining Chairs, made of solid white oak, quarter sawed, box scat construction, genuine leather seat, well braced, $100 April Special... I.Uy $10 00 Mattress, made of cotton felt, laid in layers, covered in $C QC heavy ticking, April Special Oiv0 $3.00 Carpet Sweepers, guaranteed. Special $1 40 52S.50 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 Mail Orders Filled at Once. Special $22.50 Send for Citalojiue AD ERSUiJ FURNITURE GO. G00-00S Fourth Street, l -lt, ts s m s&Wt .9 Sioux City Iowa 4 'V stf i'S - Si'iV, 1', ,Si. Sl'.-.'J&L : V- S- -K. w ii w v ... , ,,, SUNDAY MORNING BLAZE Dr. Stinson's Store andOldLiv ery Barn Consumed. Another disastrous fire ooourred in tbi place Saturday night, destroying tbe Dr D C Htinsou, store and the old J Easton livery barn. The fire was discovered shortly after midnight by Del Sanford, who immediately alarm ed the Bell telephone operator when an alarm wai turned in and nearly all who had phones responded to the call. When the tire was first discover ed it was located in the rear of the livery barn, but in a very tew moments it had spread over the futiie buiblfng. in a short time it was seen that the D C Stinson store was doomed, and an effort was made to remove the goods but before anything much could be removed that building, too was a mass of seething flimes. Everything was so dry tht it burned like linder and in a few hours both buildings were a mere pile of The c&un of the fire has not been determined. Some express the opin ion that it was of incendiary origin, which seems hardly possible, as it would be hard to find anyone depraved enough to willfully tUrt fire that would endanger the whole town. Others think that it may have been sturted by careless hoy a or men who have been frtqueuting the place to sleep off a jxg or to play cards and smoke cigarettes. The loss will amount to several thousand dollars, which is mostlv on the Stiusou store and stock which was only partly covered by iusurauce, a policy of $1,200 nn the buildiuqr and stock being carried by Mr Stinson. The new chemical engine purchased by the village board was given a trial and was doing good work, until the fire got too hot for those who were handling it and iu attempting to run it b tck wxrds one wheel came off aud before it could bedrngged out of leuch of t'je fire the intense heat burned the paint off and destroyed fifty feet of hose which was attached to the engine, It was a lucky thiug for the town that there. was no wind to speak of at the time of the tire, or other buildings would have gone up in smoke. As it was it kept the fire fighters busy on the roofs serous the street and on the Altemus house directly west wetting the roofs and protecting them from the burning embers that fell from tne cloud of smoke that rose from the burning buildings and floated off to tne northwest. The store bnilding was erected in 1871, by Geo T Westcott, who opera ted a general merchandise store there for several years. The barn was erect ed before that time, and being built of extra heavy lumber was still in a fairly good condition. When Is Lake Not a Lake Special dispatch in World-Herald: Lincoln, Neb, April 27 Dan Ueilus, game warden, has been a hunter and and fisherman long enough so that he tuinks lie knows a lake wben lie sees one and that he can also identify a river. lie returned from Dakota county today rather iu doubt. liud U Dell and Henry Ko lit sou were arrested for using a sein in Jack son lake. While tuey denied the charge it appears that thoy were ready to plead guilty. However, County Judse llefferuan held that Jackson lake was a part of the Minsouri rivei when the river was ovetflowiug and that the seiuinK bail been done wbtre the Nebraska law did not apply Jackson lake, it appears, is Jackson lake only when the river is low and there is a clear division of laud be tween the two. Deputy Oame Warden D J Connelly resigned his job alter bearing tnis ae cision and Oeilus came home disgust ed. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Dakota City, Neb, April 30, 1910 Board of ooanty commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Nelson Feauto, chairman, Ed Morgan, Thos Long, and W L Ross, clrk. The following bonds were nnnroved by the board: R O Hllctnnn, rrwul ovem-or district No 111. lli'iiry iliM', 1 ' 17. 1 11 Hortlvr. ' . 8 A Heikes is appointed road over seer in and for road district Mo 2. In the matter of the application of Franz Lehmann for a Liquor License' the board finds that ou'the 8th day of April 1910, Franz Lehmann filed his application with the county clerk of Dakota county, Nebraska, that said indication is signed by more thau half of the resident freeholders of Em erson Precinct in said county,, that of the filing of said application and the time of bearing thereof was given by publication as required by law and a bond had been given in tbe sum of $5000.00; lie it Kesulved therefore, by the board of county commissioners of Dakota county, .Nebraska, that said bond be approved, that the application and petition of ssid Franz Lehmann be granted as prajed for, and that a license for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors ou Lots 4 and 5, block 1, in the villagtt of Nacora, Ne braska, bo issued to the said fr'racz Lehmann from the 1st day of May, 1910, to the 30th day of April 1011, on paymeut by him to the county treasur er of Dakota county, the Bum of $500. 00 revenue. The road overseer is ordered to open the road iu the swamp known as the Maloney road. The Board made order for the county survejor to nurvey the road known as thn Thornton road. The following claims were allowed on the county general fund: ...... J M Ixelorn, lirliiKliiK John O'Neill from HiililHird . t 4 im Dakotn CHty riiiirnincy. nulsn SJii ) Mis J V Ijeeriom. hiMinllim prisoner. Will Van Harden, puptirliuiiKlnK tU puur f ii nil 1126 H FJS VEt APT CIS We shine there. Time now, for the policies against Hail cvrvd Tornado We have only the best companies. Our rates are al ways the very lowest. We give careful personal atten tion to all business, and see that losses are promptly settled RIGHT. Let us figure on your next policy and save vou monev. "The Bank that ALWAYS treats' you RIGHT" 1 Bank of Dakota County j & Viiit J .ckion Nbr Estimates, , , , .... Furnished Repair Work Promptly Attended to F. G. STANARD Hesvtlng, Plumbing tvnd LlgHting Haven't you ever heard of the Ideal Lighting System? 1 i If not let us teil you about it. A card will se cure, a demonstration and descriptive matter. Phone No. 55 North Stda f Braidwhy IS.t. 14th na ItSh Btm. Dakota City, Neb l I (i nil Midi A Nchnileu. Printline lirtt'Pln o'Oliandfr ciiso Hurt Kiik'hi'ii. Hiippllt'K W A M fjiT, piipurliaiiuliiK at the court Iioiim( SS 47 K lopp fc Hnrtlt'tt (Jo, Hiipplles lis Ml .1 oil il II Kcain, board of health II '' Ht-th P HiiriieH. Niitne o James Klynn, same Ml () 1) Hinllfy. name 7fi Nebraska Telephone do 1 10 llaiilinoiKl i Hli'plioiiH mipplli'it ID It) 11 ti llniiHiiy, mum lee, uoiinvlii vi Dakota county 10 00 J M l.eeiloin, salary and mi a id fees... IIS ml J 1' Kockwcll, tU OB John il Hiichert. lioarrtliiH paupers INI The following claims were allowed on the road district fund: Carl Hlrxch. road work, d 1st No IS. ... Hi no M J HyneH, HHine, M Mim Ham Thorn, same, u -M m Henry Kniidmni, same - 4 stu ( (Jeorue M ( ;eoi KeiiHou, name, il II) 2f Katie HetTerilllll, indue, 20 6 10 Kred Keennann, allowed on ditch f'nd AO 00 Board adjourned to meet May 21, 1910. W. L. IIOSS. Clerk. tlomemakers Club to Hold Meeting The see md public meeting of the Dakota County Ilomemakers Club will be held in Dakota City at 2 p m Fri day May 13th at the Couit House Hall. The plan of work is similar to the L-'arLiers Iuhtitutes eicept the discus sions pert tiu to subjects of interest to women ; thn home, housekeeping, do mestic science, etc. All are coruiully invited to attend, take part iu the dis cussions, and joiu the Club, Come and enjoy -a social afternoon. Al thougli a woman's orgauiz ttmn, men are also welcome to attend thn meet ings, The iouowiug piogram wiu be giv-n ? AdrircHHof Welcome I'roHldent. , KeadliiK of MliuitBS Secretary. Koll(iill, KeNpoiiHcit a havorlte Quotation. Keailiim or ooiiBiiiuiion Mecreiiuy. I iiHtrillileiilal M ulc Hlaiicliii llelkc. Aid to Hiic,ce8ful Poultry KalHinu Mm K II tirlbhle. IUvtlHalon by (Jluli, led by M r CMiiin Hryant. PaDer. The Neccmdty of Co-oiienitloll lie tween ParentH and Teacher Mlu Mary V Unlnn. Vocal Nolo Mm liny Side. When and How to do the Honm KewlUK MIhk Mary (lovcny, Hloux 1'lty. IUxcum- hIoii by club, led by MnJ V Ietiincr. Select Headline M im Klmer Hlcnnlnu. Hint on Uaru of the Mick Mm MHry Mc Healli, IteeltatlonMr J P Mlt -hell, Sioux City Paper, The Art of HoiiiuiiiHklnu Mrs W HOHM. Two HaladH nnd How to Make Them Mrs (ieo Hiirneit. Overland Journey Throimh Yellowstone Park Mm A u Hide. Vocal Solo Mm W II Mmon. Life sketch of Mark Twain Mlu Ida Ho- dcnlicudcr. f'urreiit K vents Mm (' H Maxwell. Select Headline M rx S A Milium. Hecltatlon. "i'rowded Out" Mrs A J Kram Instrumental Music Heat rice Hlesslnir. Mary N. Ivriiiiiper, PreHideiit Josephine Sllnsou. Secretary Seed corn for Sale Crop of 1008. $1.00 per bushel taken at the crib. A. M. Nixon, Homer, Neb How's This? We offrr One llundrrd Dullra Reward for n cue of Catarrh that cauuut he cured ly tlu jturrh f :urt. V. 1. fllF.NKY CO., ToMo, O, We, the undersigned, havt known F. J. rbi-nry for the lut 16 vnn. and lulli'va him rwrlt-rtly noli orabte In all buauiras tranMi tUina and financially able to carry out any oullyaiiuns niade by tils arm. tt.UMKfl klMHlH A MABVIN. Wholmale UruKllsta, Toledo. O. wir r.tarrk rim hi tuimi luierually. artlnf dlr-tir una the hiuad and mucous eurtaa of tne iviura. fwtlnwMiiala amt tree, frloe J osow par buitw. Hold by all UnuttfWI. 'lake HaU'l tamUy fuie tut SOOJtlnsUOtk. Spread so Well Is the universal expression of our customers who come back for more Minnesota Paints Very few other paints will spread as well under the brush and cover ns much surface to the gallon as Minnesota Points Figure three-hundred" square feet two coats, to the gallon and you'll probably have . some paint left over. There are many other good points in its favor. Call and ask us about them. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Dakota. City, Nb. A Broad Ckicc To tllO Pacific Coast: From Tune 1st only $G0 round trio. direct route, and, on special dates May, Tune and July, only $15 additional via Shasta Route. To tbO East: Ask nearest agent about the various special rates to be in effect, commencing May, to principal eastern cities. IflJlOWStone Park: AH kinds of tourist rates to this won derland, including diverse tours through scenic Colorado, Yellow stone and Gardiner entrances; also to Cody (eastern entrance), in connection with Holm's personally conducted camoinsr tonri through the Park, July 29, Aug. 19 and Sept. 9. Apply early. Mount;iia Tours: To Denver, Estes Park, Salt Lake, Hot Springs, S. D., Sheridan and Ranchester, Wyo., (for the Bit Horn region), and Thermopolis, Wyo., the coming wonderful san itarium eighteen million gallons of hot water daily at 150. Call or write describing your proposed trip and let us advise you fully. W. K. Snethcn, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr. L. W. Wakelet, Q P A, Omaha, Neb 1001 Fsruam street. Hp 2 -... (Abstracts of Title A f 10,000 Surety Bond I Guarantees the aoouraoj of ever Abstract I make Mr Successor to Dakota County Abstract Co; Bonded Abstracter J. J. EIMER3 Wll"WamefaaaSaaaaae1s , , m mm lwnTnw( ejyjipjnrj. isjpSjMefflTaW W H ,m a-fc I