fU For All Spring Blood Disease ' and Ailments Possesses medicinal merit Peculiar to Itself and has an unequalcd record of cures. Take it this spring, in usual liquid form or tablets known as Sarsatabs. liESTESiH CANADA Senator Doliiver, of Iowa, ay. i rpi trfnm of oniVrnnts from the United States t senator lnllivor Torontly rnl-i WfCif i t1."' toW'eMtrrn Ctintula, lnn-l nnn.mrii.thf heart of l,m'Ur.h fH'nkina pro pie; thi will account fnr the frmnvnl of an many low f i.rmers to CnnivlfW Our twnplo urn plen"c4 wilh its tovprnmont nnd thn otcolli nfe olmint. trntlon of law, and they nrw comlnai to joa In tons of thoowindu, and tlu-y aro atill copitnu. ' farmers viL . rv ,. nnndn lift t8me 'ilurtn lt09. lrlil rro returns nlone irlngycnr iullil tot Now lh ' tin cou n tr y upwards of e 170,000,000.00 Grain trowlnir. rotted f rrm lnr, cuttlt mlNltiff uml dmrvliia nro nil prof Itublo. 1- r-' lloint. stc-uls of ItiO acrfe aro to ! Inul In the very bt ill.trlrt, ItiO oc-ro pre-niptlnim nt iM.oo Tcr ncre wltlilri t-crtnlit areas. K-Ihi1 nnd Hiim-ln-a In PTtrf ctllriiiont. climate uncsrelled. IHlll 1 tiff ril'lll-Ht.W (MMl, WlltfTUUti building- iimtrlnl ilriitlfnl. l"r purtu-ulursnMohM-atinn. low ar-lMf-rn rullwny rut..- nnd Urwrlp tivo illnHtruli-d liumplilut. "J,n.t )lotfc Wit," ana otlit-r informa tion, write to Hup't of Iniraifira. tlon. Ottawa. 0ana1a. or to the folloxrlnt Canalln Gov't Agent": K. T. 1(l men. 116 Ja' kiMmst.. Ht. I 'iul. Minn, ami J. M. Marl apIi Ian. Hoi lll. Watartown, boutU Daauta. (In auiirou neareat you.) rieaaa amy whore yon aaw this advertisement. 7 ChaufTeurs, Drivers and Repair men Earn Big Money $20 to $50 per Week llstheuaual pay for trained men. Some earn as much mora on the aide selling our Auto Sup pling and Specialties. Do you want a chance? I Write) us now for outline of our complete C'.or jrespondenca Course In Automobile Kiitfineerinir, : Repairing and Driving. We can teach you by mail all about the care, running- and repairing of automobiles. You can lit yourself at home to take a position aa chauffeur, driver or repair 'man. And you can MAKE MONEY WHILE LEAP.KINQ by putting In your spare time selling our supplies on liberal commission, building up a perma nent trade. Write ua today now if you want to learn all alwut the automobile. To men who will become our agents we sell this famous $50 course for half price only $10 down, bal ance in small monthly payments. Write today, ATLAS AUTO SUPPLY CO. 837 43rd Street CHICACO, ILL. . L. DOUGLAS $3.00,$3.50,$4.00&$5.00 Union O BJ t C O &' Shoen Had OnialCiC $2.00 A f 2.60 VT. L. Douglas shoos are worn by more moil than auy other make, BECAUSE 1 W.T..Touelas 3.00 and 3.50 alioea are the lowest price, qaallty consldored. In the world. W.lI)oiiirlas M4.00 and S.OU shoes equal, In style, fit aui wear, other makes cost Ins; SO.OO to K.OO. fast Coltr Eueltts. Tba frenulna have W. L. Douglas name and prli-e Stanraea on the bottom. Take 'w auballtnle. Ask your dealer for W.L. Donjtlan Ahoi'i. lr they are not fnr tala In your town write for Mailorder CataloK, giving full directions bow to order by until. Hhots ortlered dlrftot from factory delivered to the wearer all charges prepaid, w. i- uougias. lirorkton, J4 Walk ten miles daily and you won't need laxatives. Bui indoor people all need candy Casearets. They exercise the bowels in a gentle, natural way not like harsh cathartics. Have them always with you take one when you need it. Veat-pocket box, 10 cants at drug-sfaraa. rpls aow as a million boiea monthly. 857 PATENTS:' tits R.rnlemaa.Wash- ;ua. U.C lktokefrae. lliKb references. Heat rasuua Aids Nature 1 XttrYf& cmmwfe The (rest success ol Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Dis covery in curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, weak lungs, and obstinate and lingering coughs, is based on the recognition of the fundamental truth that "Golden Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body-building, tissue-repairing, muscle-making materials, in con densed and concentrated form. With this help Nature supplies the necessary strength to the stomach to digest food, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering obstinate coughs. Tho "Discovery" re-establishes the digestive and nutritive organs in sound health, purifies and enriches the blood, and nouribhes the nerves ia aaon establishes sound tiorous health. II yoof :. 'r tfterm something "out at good,' it Is probac better FOR HIM It pay a better. Hut you are thinking of the cure not the profit, o there' a uothlni "Jumt as Hood" for you. Say ao. D. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, In Plain English; or, Med icine simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised up-to-date Edition, paper-bound, eent for 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing amlj. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. $175 PIANO Pa!KDAS!!iG BOND ONLY ONE SOLUTION ALLOWED FROM THE SAME FAMILY Bnd In roar Mntloji t ic, Ut send with youio luttuii the ijpio "f ivvo or mora famill lu yar w u:uUv who hft no pi ,!. 1 m of frlng iMi rurcbtciinu kutu to pyly only part purinotifc on In pure hu(( tito furvell Memo, Id or1rr to i-i ure th riavmsa and atidnt of fatal , wlo havt bo planoa, to I can fl them In In runted In my method of Faotorr t Horn fttiUliif of tk taiga grad far caJlplaao. I will' tend you th bond, trial order blank., cat Wf a and full partl'-a ara. fid .la your jlntu.D, oa lata ar a parato aaaal of aapar, at oaoa to I C M'Bmi Firfarv.ta.HnrM Phtf Mitt dFs r n n 3 Triviil- of I lie llorn. Suddenly there was a wild shrink. The paxsi'Mcor on 1 lie lower deck ennght n momentary Klimpse of a dark object falling swiftly from above. They rinhi'd to the side of flip bout and gnzed in horror nt a woman's hat bobbing up and dowu on the rapidly receding waves. It was all they could see. Where was the woman? I'p on the hurricane deck of the steam er, bnro headed, aud wringing her hands in despair. , It wns her only traveling hat, and had' cost her f 2.0S. . atcm. Frequent Tatron Where are your slot marhines? Operator 'Sh ! ' There's going to be a raid on 'em at 4 o'clock. Come around again at 4:30. PERFECT HEALTH AT 73. Stryker, O., Woman Telia How Well Kldneya Help. Mrs. Marie Peuquet, Lynn street, Stryker, Ohio, says: "Sharp pains in the back caused mc great suffering for years. The kidney se cretions showed a sed iment and too fre quent passages dis turbed me. Short use of Doan'a Kidney Pills made marked Improvement. Con t l- tinued use cured me. Although I am seventy-three years old, I am enjoying perfect health." Remember the name Doan's. For sale at all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. On the Loop. Stranger How about those elevated cars? Are they the pay-as-you-enter kind, too? Suburban No; they're the pray-aa- you-enter kind. Tbla Will Intereat Mother. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil dren, ufied by Mother fir-ay, a nurse in Children's Home, Xew York, cure Consti pation, Feverlshness, Teetlilne Disorders, Stomach Troubles and Destroy Worms ; 30,000 testimonials of cures. An druR- elsts, 25c. Sample FRtlR. Address Allen S. Olmsted, t e Roy, N. Y. A cod weighing twenty-seven and one-half pounds has been caught In the harbor at Folkestone, England. It's Pettlt'a Eye Solve, that gives instant relief to eyes, 'irri tated from dust, heat, sun or wind. AV druggists, or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. A new electrical device has been put on the v arket to thaw out frozen water pipes wit. 'out danger of bursting them or Igniting surrounding woodwork. I'On INDIGF.STIOX AM) HEART Dtirn there Is nothing so good ns A-B-C Tea. Large package 25c at all dealer's. The entire Bible has been translated Into tfnd printed in 105 languages, the New Testament In 102 more, and por tions of the scriptures In still 211 more tongues. Dr. Pierce'i Pellets, small, sugar coated, easy to take as candy, regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bow els. Do not gripe. Th shipbuilding output of the United Kingdom last year was 02fJ,CU9, as against 1,007,890 the previous year. WITKN TOU'RE AS IIOABSFasaerow. When fou're coughing and Rasping. Wlo-n youVe an o.d anhioned doop-scatri cold, take Allen's Lung Bal sam, bold by all druggists, 2jo, 6Uo aud UMi bottles. Russia's wheat crop of 783,000,000 bushels for 1909 was the largest ever produced by any country for a single year. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, allays pain, curesj wind colic. Zuc a bottle. He Hoped Not. "So you're a fugitive from Justice, are you?" "Thunder, no!" exclaimed the hunted man, turning red with indignation. "It'i a suburban constable that's aftei me!" Given for a Silica to Has M 411 W.J- 1.. CmiM fMWnit itrx'l 'iff WS$k 5ff JkSM 1 Ilrldae CrnfllnK. vt'here trees are found girdled In flie spring, the only method of saving them la by the practice of what la known as bridge-grafting. If young trees bo girdled In late spring Just as growth Is beginning, they may be puci e--r.fu!ly treated by binding about tho woundod parts a heavy covering of smooth, tenacious, soft clay. It is safer, however, to in sert a few long scions, ns shown In the accompanying picture. The sap circulation of the tree, cut oft by the wound made by the rodents, is re sumed through the scions, which he- come a part of the tree enlarging and growing together until, In after years, only a slight enlargement or "bulge" on the trunk of the tree thus treated will ho noticeable. In bridge-grafting the wounds should be made clean and smooth with a sharp knife and covered entirely with grafting wax. The scions should be cut a trifle longer than the span to be bridged, bo that, when they are inserted,' their curving form will tend to keep them firmly fixed in position. The two ends of the scions are cut to a thin wedge form. Incisions are made in the bark w;lth a narrow chisel those above the wound sloping up ward and those below sloping down ward., Insert the scions lirmly and wax h' avlly and securely all wounds made in the operation, especial care being exercised to press the wax firm ly and nertly about the points of un ion of scions with the body of the l.ree. The laeful Silo. The silo is a text which is always inspiring to the man who knows its value and it cannot be preached from too often, writes S. C. Miller. Wher ever it Is seen It denotes farming, It solves the problem of turning into the highest efficiency that portion of the corn crop which falls to reach the desired maturity as feed. The silo can be filled at less expense than the same amount of dry feed can be cared for and it makes better feed. This i3, after all, the main point to con sider. Dairymen have learned that when cows are kept in the Btable for five to seven months they cannot re turn as satisfactory protlts if they are confined to a ration of dry feed alone. Ensilage gives 6ucculence and is very much easier to masticate and digest thRn dry corn fodder. There is also a great saving of labor In feeding en silage, over feeding dry corn fodder. The initial expense keeps many a silo from decorating the landscape, but it is good practice to economize In other directions to provide for it. Once built and rightly built it will not have to be renewed for many years, so the cost is spread out so thinly that It cuts no great figure In the business of feeding. Curing; a Halter Ilreaker. Whenever I have a horse that breaks his halter by pulling at the manger I take a small rope, pass it around his tail and through loops on a girth at either side, then on through the rings at either side of the halter and fasten the two ends to the manger ring. When the horse pulls on the halter it produces such unexpected re sults that he soon stops this bad hab it. A Benson, in Farm and Home. t'oat of Feed. During an experiment In Cornell University a few years ago the aver age feed cost for eggs throughout the year was about 9 cents per dozen Other experimenters give the cost of eggs in winter at 15 cents per dozen and In summer 8 cents.. Under the present prices of feed eggs would cost about 12 cents per dozen, but it must be remembered that on the farm the hen picks up the most part of her llv lng from the waste material that is scattered over the farm, bo that the cost of a dozen eggs is a very small Item of cash outlay. The Asparagus Beetle. This is a troublesome pest and bard to fight. Clean cutting, especially la ridge culture, keeps them well under control in spring, but considerable harm Is done later on by slugs or larvae. Poultry are very fond of theBe beetles, and a few fowls will soon capture the matured insects If allowed in a garden bed. An extensive grower of asparagus in Massachusetts finds that most of the beetle eggs have been sucked dry and destroyed by a species of small fly, which has made its ap pearance for the first time in large numbers this year. Incubators aud Brooders. The only way to raise chickens In large numbers in a short space of time and have them at the right time to get the blggeat prices for them Is to use incubators and brooders. By the use of the hen for hatching and brood ing. enough chickens can not be raised in a season te make it pay. Many of niy customers tell me that they would rather take care of 100 chicks In a brooder than to care for one old ben ill t net t?r brocd. You can set as many eggs In a medium -sized Incubator as you ran put undr tea sitting hens. With the machines you havo absolute control at nil times. No lice to fight. No danger of ergs being broken or chilled during Incubation. fli:gs and chicks perfectly safe at all times. No work nt nil compared with the work that ten fussy old hens would cause you. Agricultural lOpItomlst. Renting; is Farm. The following Is from the Almannt and Encyclopedia for 1910, published by the International Harvester Com pany: "The greatest risk Is always on the landlord's side In the rental of prop el ty. He Is putting his property Into the rossfsslon and care of another, who may be a person of doubtful util ity. It Is well to observe these rules and cautions: Do not trust to a ver bal leapo let it bo in writing, signed and sealed. Its stipulations then be come commands and can be enforced. Let it be signed in duplicate, so that each pnrty may have an original. "Ho careful In selecting your tenant. There Is more In the man than there is In the bond. Insert Biirh covenants as to repairs, manner of use, and In restraint of waste ns the circum stances call for. As to particular stlp latlons examine leases drawn by thoss who have had long experience In rent ing farms, and adopt such as meet your case. There should be covenants against assigning and underletting. "If the tenant Is of doubtful respon sibility, make the rent payable In in stallments. A covenant that the crops shall remain In the lessor's till the lessee's contracts with him have been l'ulfiled Is valid against the lessee's creditors. In the ordinary rase of renting, farms on shares the courts will treat the crops as the Joint prop erty of lord and tenant, and thus pro tect the former's rights. Every lease should contain stipulations for forfeit ire and re-entry in case of non-payment or broach of any covenants. F res It Manure. Authorities say that fresh manurt loses In the process of decay from 20 to 70 per cent cf its original weight. Some tests conducted by the Cornell Experiment Station showed that two tons of horse manure exposed In n pilo for five months lost 57 per cent of its gross weight, CO per cent of Its nitrogen, 47 per cent of Its potash. Five tons of cow manure exposed for the same length of time In a compact pile lost, through teaching and diss! patlon of gases, 49 per cent In gross weight, 41 per cent of Its nitrogen, 19 per cent of its phosphoric acid and 8 per cent of its potash. A ton of average fresh horse ma nure from animals fed on ordinary balanced ration, contains about 10 pounds potash. Concrete Platform for f'lafern. Make a square box of 2xl0-lnch stuff, any size you want the platform. Six feet square is a nice size. Cut out tho pieces as shown In the cut so the frame will fit the crown of the cis tern. Clean off all the earth and old matter. Set the frame level and about two inches lower than the cistern curb. This will give fall sufficient to lead all water away from the pump. Make a mixture of ccaient and sand or gravel. Mix all together, dry, then add water to make a stiff mortar. Pack in the form and smooth off with a straight-edged board. Run a seam from each corner to the crown to prevent cracking. Denver Post. IlreedliiK Aitnlnat Tuberculosis. W. M. Hayes, assistant secretary of agriculture, declares that there is good reason to believe that domestic animals can be bred reslstent to tu berculosis and that In time we may have a breed of animals that are im mune from many diseases that are now fatal. Cabbage Worms. A recommended remedy for cabbage worms is to dust the worms witn wheat flour or middlings. Poultry ricklnsra. Watch closely and mark the hen that is h.ylng an egg each day. She Is the kind you want to perpetuate in the flock. Weed out the hens that lay the small-sized eggs. They are the un profitable ones and never will im prove the quality of the flock. There are some poultrymen who ad vocate pullets for breeders Instead of yearling hens. It is generally found that well-developed fowls make the most prolific breeders. If you have both pullets and old hens in your flock keep close watch and see which one is laying the most eggs. A little knowledge along this line may assist next season in select ing a flock of winter layers. Hlnta About the Farm. The feur dairy essentials are light ventilation, a proper floor and a com fortable tie. All cows that are weak, extremely thin and coughing must be removed from the herd. Planks laid over the cement where the cows stand will prevent Injury to tho animals. Let the sheep glean over the grain and cornfields If the land is free from burs and cockles. Palls, cans, strainers, coolers and every other utensil that cornea In con tact with the milk should be washed and sterilized. Farmers who have given cowpeas a fair trial have almost Invariably con tinued their use along wltk their other staple crops. Frequent plowing will gave a larger average crop with an equal amount of fertilizer, but it mosts more to pro duce and Is more work to harvest. With good grass lund it is consid ered that the plan of moderate top dressing with chemicals brings a larg er Income for the labor employed than any other sytem of management Ram 2 to ano Ter Week. That Is the usual pay for trained chauffeurs, drivers and auto repair men. Some earn as much more on the side selling auto supplies and spe cialties. For an outline of a complete correspondence course In automobile engineering, repairing and driving, such as will fit you to take a position rs chauffeur, driver nnd repair man. write the Atlas Auto Supply Co., 837 Forty-third street, Chicago. Kot at lilt Knvlnas, Uncle Zeke, whose Intluentlnl rela tive was showing him through the treasury detriment at Washington, was watching an expert engraver at work. "Well," be said, "every man to his trad". I don't suppose I could lettrn tc do that 'n a year." Ills Ilnnda t racked Open. "I a-m a man seventy years old. My hands were very sore and cracked open on the Insides for over a year with largo sores. They would crack open and bleed, Itch, bum and acho bo that I could not sleep and could do but little- work. They were so bad that I could not dress myself In tho morning. They would bleed and th-: blood dropped on tho floor. I cal!:.l on two doctors, but they did mo nj good. I could get nothing to do any good till I got the Cutlrura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment. About a yea: ago my daughter got a cake of Cutl cura Soap and one box of Cutlcura Ointment and In one week from the t!mo I began to use them my hands were all healed up and they have not been a mite sore since. I would not be without the Cutlcura Remedies. "They also cured a bad sore on the hand of one of my neighbor's children, and they think very highly of the Cutl cura Remedies. John W. Hasty, So. Efflrigham.N. H.,Mar.5 and Apr.11,'09." By the tirntlunl Iteduetlon Proceae. Raynor Have you got to tho point of doing without beef yet? Shyne Not quite, but we're training down to It. Week before last we lived on chuck steak. Lnst week we bought , nothing but beet hearts and kidneys. This week we are eating pickled tripe. Next week we'll be ready to tackle anything. Chlenro Tribune. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach" the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one nay to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutlonnl remedies. Deafness, la caused by an Inflamed condition of the mu enna lining of the Kustaculan Tube. When this tulie Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness Is the result, and unless the Intlammatlon can be taken out and this tithe restored to Its normal condi tion, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which la nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that cannot be cured by Jlall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free, F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O, Bold by Prugelsts, 7n. Tale liall's Family Pills for constipation. Slaklnir I'regrrss, Bonser Been to the automobile show, hnve you? Decided yet what kind you are going to buy? Butterf;on Not quite; but I'm get ting there by a process of elimination, I have examined elghty-aeven machines that I have decided not to buy, on ac count of trie nrle. GERMANY AND CANADIAN WHEAT. Looks to the Canadian West for Her Supply. A dispatch from Winnipeg, Mani toba, dated March 18, 1910, says that Germany is "anxious to secure a share of Canadian wheat to supply her im ports of that cereal." The recent ad justment of the trade relations with Germany has made it possible, to carry on a Canadian-German trade wUh much fewer restrictions than In the past, and considerable development of trade between the two countries is now certain. The great men of the United States are alive to the wheat situation In this country now, and there Is consequently the deepest in terest in every feature that will tejid to increase and conserve the wheat supply. With ita'present 65O;00O,O00 bushel production of wheat and all efforts to increase It almost unavail ing, and the rapidly growing consump tion of its increasing population, there Is certainly the greatest reason for the anxiety as to where the wheat Is to come from that will feed the na tion. The United States will be forced as Germany is to look to the wheat fields of Canada, One province alone rataed last year one-eighth as much as the entire production of the United States, and but a twelfth of the wheat area has yet been touched. The Amer icans who 'have gone to Canada, are to day reaping the benefit of the demand for Canadian wheat and they will con tinue to Join in the benefits thus reached for a great many years. Splen did yields are reported from the farms of that country, and from land that the Government gives away in 160 acre blocks, and from other lands that have been purchased at from $12 to $15 an acre. John Munter, near Eye brow, Saskatchewan, a former resi dent of Minnesota, says: ' "Last fall got over 30 bushels of wheat to the acre and had 30 acres of It; also 20 acres spring breaking on which I had flax of which I got almost 20 bushels per acre. Had 20 acres in oats and got 70 bushels per acre, and 500 bushels potatoes on one and three quarter acres, and can therefore safely ay that I had a fine crop and am well satisfied with my homestead." He Is considered but a small farmer, but he will be one of, the big farmers, some of these days. There are many others, hundreds of others, whose yields were beyond this, and whose average under crop was vastly greater. The story of the experience of Ameri can farmers In the Canadian West Is a long one. The time to go, would appear to be now, when splendid selec tions may be made, and where land can be purchased at prices that will be doubled in a couple of years. The most powerful and durable aaws In the world are of American manufac ture, vanadium being used In the ateet KM, weak, Wear-, Water r Ere. Believed By Murine F.ye Remedy. Try Murine For Your Kys Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 60c at Youi truggits. Write For Kys Hooks. Free. Murine Kye Itsuiedy Co., Chicago. PUTNAM tela stars is krititer sat taster celers Ikss ear najr iaaa4 wuaeas oaa aaa. ssas mm ALCOHOL, 3 PEH CKNtT ANcCclaWerrrpwKinnffirAs s I m i I a I in t he Foor r an 1 1 Rci! t rtn ling Uic Sioraachs andiitwds of Promotes Dicie-stionfk erful OpiiKu.Morpiiiiu! norMiueral IOTPAHCOTIC. aaaweaaaaaaaaassnt SSI t aBaBsaaBSkMaaawa JxSmnit e yl-KvSfcrf J:ttihMSxb , Mrm JEW- Apcrfrcl Remedy for CoTtsrTpi t ton , Sour SlomacIi.Dlaniioci Worms .Convulsions .rcvcriso. ncss audLossorSLEEP. Facsimile Sifjnaratt of iA 'a. NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Ift! 0 y P f Ht; AN UP-TO-DATE STOVE Do you realize there is no longer any reason why you should use a coal range? Oil is cheaper than coal; it is lighter and easier to handle, and gives an intensa heat. Provided you have the right stove, oil is mora economical, cleaner and less trouble. Have you seen th Mew Oil Gok-stoire The accompanying illustration gives you only a rough Idea ctf" Its appearance?. You really can't appreciate it until you either use it yourself, or talk to someone who has used it. It does everything that a coal range will do except beat the room. Tho New Perfection Oil Cos. f Ctnflrmary Hole: Betaf If 9 vou arat tbla atov at a II that the name -plats reads "New FcrfacUon.',- Standard iincorporatea) st7ffrraattrCTisTi! The Overland The King of Cars No other car has so large a sale none haj made such amazing records. Price, $1,000 upw- It requires four factories, employing 4,000 men turning out 140 Overlands dally to meet the flood-like demand for these cars. Yet two years ago a hundred rivals bad a larger sale. The reason lies largely in the car's titter simplicity. Its able designer cnado it almost trouble-proof, i Ho created an engine which, for en durance, is the marvel of engineering. Ho designed the pedal control. One goes forward or backward, slow or fast, by merely pushing pedals. The hands have nothing to do but steer. A child can master the car In ten minutes. A novice can drive it a thou sand miles without any thought of trouble. The Overland always keeps golnc;, and almost cares for Itself. All the usual complexities bave been elimi nated. That is why each car sells others, and our orders for this year's Over lands amount to $24,000,000. 1,004 ta $1.600. According to auje, srjrU aad Cures La Ciinpe among $1 s bottle: ta and 110 a gist, who will get It lor special agents wanted. Snohn Medical The Ilouso of Iteprew-titatlvea costs $S,. 000,000 a year aud ;l Seuita $ 1,400.000. FADELESS DYES Hfir " 1 ,aLli " saaSrstataHwalwsfrrftssssrsikwt tse - ssefc., aUe Is to. aH Mas utsaa. MOA'AOX VHVC CO.. g-is- f -i.T Ibis 3 mm For Infant Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears tho Signature of 1(1 Uso For Over Thirty Years Pi jay tm etNTsua seaMsv, ncw roam Ml. rrseesi Stove will do anything, irom neaostsj a -kettle of water to cooking a c 1 dinner, but it won't heat a roots, tt doesn't "smell," It doesn't smoke, la can't get out of order. Light it and Jt ia ready. Turn it down and h ia ansa. Only a woman who knows the troubtar f carrying coal and cooking in m bast kitchen can appreciate what it means bave clean, perfect stove that wl cook anything, boil, bake or roaat, aust yet won't heat the kitchen. How ta) a done' The flame is controlled la taa quoise-blue enamel chimneys, aast directed against the bottom of pot, kettle or oven, and only there. Tk flame operates exactly where it is aiaesii and nowhere else. With this atasrst your kitchen is cool. The nickel finish with the bright Mot) of the chimneys makes the stove ornsy. mental and attractive. Made with i. a and 3 burners; the 2 and sV-brarns stoves can be bad with or wtUtaa Cabinet. IT rr. Ar . I r ... . , IS ,1 Duonpttve Circular toll!. Bearutaaaaey af use Oil Company uwmawrV anaaBaasaasV Another fact is that no staar amt' gives nearly sa much for the Mews. This Is due to our enormous t9dw. and the fortunes Invested in eaar ajato matlc machinery. It would boAlmirt' a smaller maker to try to compete wttJe us. You can get a 25-horsepow Otw land, with a 102-inch wheel baa, tsar $1,000. You can get a 40-borswfW Overland, with a 112-lach wheal b, for $1,250. The prices Include lmj) and magneto. This car, which has captnrM tsv country, is the car you wUl want whan you know it. Two Free Booka Nothing is published abont aartassio biles so interesting as the facta abcrat: Overlands. They are told in two books which we want to send yon. Ura-ry motor car lover should have them. Cart out this coupon as a reminder ta wrtt for the books today. sn The Willys-Overland Co. Toledo, Ohio Licensed Under Said aw Please send ma the two power I M r" DISTEMPER tttttiXm Sure cure sad positive preventive, ao natter bow horses at any asra asst. Infected or "exposed." Liquid, -ivtn on tl.e toiiuue, aits on lb aaos aaua Glands; expels the poisonous gernis Irom the body. Cures Uletesia-a ia Duua and Sheen aad Cholera in Poultrv. Lament sellina live slock ra-sasnv. human belnrS and is a has Kidney rcmedr. Sua sat4 SUassasl weVwap Csweav dosan. Cut this out. Keep It. it hoar to raw yoo. r'rea Booklet, "DUteuipor, Causes Co. ISSsXlxL Gosheo. led.. O.&.A. Misliss Ikis Pspsr wksa wrillsf le 8. C. N. U. . No. 17