!cnd Us Your Name YE have a good money making proposition and want to tell you about it. Write to-day for par ticulars. Address NEW IDEA C30 Broadway PUBLISHING CO. NEW YORK, N. Y. Seed corn lor Sale Crop f.f 1908. $1.00 per bushel, taken at tbe crib. A. M. Nixon, llomer, Nob The News. Herald for News when it is Undertaker County Coroner v y Klrt publication 4-H-KH-Bwki APPLICATION FOR MQFOR LICENSE. Nniii.n 1. liprobr elVrn thpt the pi-tltlon of Frnnx lichnmnn for IIopiimk to HI mnlt, MplrltiioiiH anil vinous liquors on lots 4 anil ft In blix-k I, In the vlllmrp of Nacora, Dnkuta rounly, Nebranka, Is on llln In the otlli-o of tho county clrrk of Dakota county, Nolir., and all objection thereto tnimt lie llleil on or Ixfore Katurtlay, April , 1110, or the same will Ih grnnteil. Dated this ifnil tiny of April, 1PIO. Kkami I.kiimanw, Applicant. 11. F. Sawyer Jackson, Nebraska First publication Apr 8 8ws NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQVOB LICF.NSK. Notice Is hereby (riven that on thi'4th ilny ei Inrll llllO I III 1 It tl A 1 1 fTe 1 111111 11 ICtl W 1 1 ll the villnire clerk of Hubliaril, Neb., their implication nn.l petition for a license to sell ...uit unipit...,.iii nn, I vinous ilmiors, ami roniliiet a snloon In snld vllliwe. on lot S in block 12. under the laws of the state of Ne braska nnd ordinances 01 111111 VI liwo. ""J and all objections to the icrantln of said it Mii.mhl ii on (lie with the village clerk by the Stoth day of April. Wl''. DuKKan A llelTernan, D. O. HefTernan, Applicants VIIIuko Clerk. Local Items Friday, April 23, 1910 Yon will find a good line of sweat pads for horses, whips, machine bolts, and a very good line of hardware, tin warn a nil graniteware at right prior"., at Schriever Bros. APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE Notice Is hereby (riven that on April IS, 1IH0. ) W Nles tiled with the vIlliiKtt clerk of DnkotaClty. Dakota county. iMjurasan. his application and petition for a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, and conduct a saloon In snld vtllatre. durtiitr the IInciiI year lieitlnnliiK on tne nrst juesmiy in May. Win, under the laws of the state of Nebraska And the ordinances of snld vll hie, in a building located on parts of lots 14 and IB, In block 140. Any ana Bii onjec tlons to tho granting of said license should tie on tile with the vllliwe clerk of snld vil lain) on or before the :ith day of April, 1U10. (i. W". Niks, Applicant. Patti, Vizky, VUlnne Clerk. Dated this liltb day 01 April, mi". 1 Patronize Home Industry buy your rrvzats of Wmv LrOREPIZ, I Proprietor of , I City Iy2ea,t Market Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent for Seymours White Laundry. Basket goes on Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DA KOTA CITY N EBRASKA LOST A full season's time, hard work and money by planting poor seed. Be wise, and get the best in the seed line. We have it. A full line of Clover, Alfalfa, Timothy, Rape, Cane and Grasses All good seed at a fair price ; no poor seed at any price. Tell us your Needs. -. FHwarrk& Rradfnrrll nr. Co. laVI IIMI Vl J WW V I Wli Vl I w 1 X kaa w " Hubbard Nebraska 4 j WHAT IS WRONG I I I l I Special Hates Given to Teachers J ' ADDRESS Lippincott's Magazine, Philadelphia. Pa. witH oxr I Public Schools By Joseph M. Rogers I A series of article creating widespread comment from I the press and educators of America. Now running in f Get It Kead It ! I lOATIIDnAV CDCPIAIQl I i i S&turdtxy, April 23 rd 3 pounds Extra Choice Peaches 25c 6 Loaves of "Quality Bread" 25c 3 packages Corn Flakes 25c 7 boxes Matches 25c Sevturilay, April 30tH A 2-nmind Can of Peas, for 9o A 25c Can of Sliced Apricots, for. A 20c Can of Salmon, for. . A 20c Can of Egg Plums, for 7 Bars of Beat 'Em All Soap, for 20c 15c 13c 25c F A Wood is recovering nicely from his illness. Judge Evans transacted legal bust ness in Tender Thursday. Cliff Teterson and family moved to (Joburn tins week to reside. Mrs L W White returned to her home at Woodbine, Iowa. Tuesdav. Peter Garner has been appointed to take the enumeration in St John's pre cinct. A baby daughter was born to James Eeiley and wife of bonth Sioux City Saturday. Attorney Paul, who succeeded Fred S Berry at Emerson, was here on bus iuess Thursday. Mrs George Carter of Omaha, was an over Snnday visitor at the home of her father, M O Ayres. Do you keep an eye on Van's black board, if not you had better as he al ways has a bargain listed there. D L Allen of Sioux City, was a bus iness visitor here Tuesday. The Her ald acknowledges a pleasant call. Ihe whisky trust Has announced a decrease in the price of its product of oo per gallon, ivery little bit helps. J E Fleck, a former resident of this place, but now living in South Dako ta, is here on a visit at the J F Lee- dom home. Mrs S A Stinson spent tbe past week at Omaha visiting friends and looking after Ham, who is serving on the federal Jury . Fred Parker went to O'Neill, Nebr, Wednesday to sign a relinquishment to bis 640-acre homestead in Rock oounty, be having disposed ol It at a good figure. J J Eimers this week moved the two safes that he bought from the Atlee Bart estate when he purchased tbe Dakota Connty Abstract (Jo's business, to the W P Warner office which be occupies. v John B Dewitt and family, wboj-e. moved to Sioux City temporarily, a week ago Sunday, departed from there on Wednesday of last week for Anaheim, Cal, where a half-brotber of Mr Dewitt resides. Barney Qribble visited last week with his sons, John and George, at South Omaha. He brought home with him one of those "Sunday closing laws" canes, that holds about three good swallows of "schnaps." A J Parker of South Sioux City was here on business Wednesday. He had just returned from a trip to Canastota, 8 D, where his son Bert resides, and he says that the recent oold snap was much more severe in that locality than it was here. Mrs Helen Cunningham arrived here Sunday morning from Seattle, Washington, for a few weeks visit with her mother, Mrs Etta M Spencer. She stopped off at Denver, Colo, while enroute here and spent a few dajs with her sister Mary Spencer. Miss Bertha Bowe, while enroute from Lot Angeles, Cal, to her home in La Grange, Ind, stopped off here Mon day and spent a few hours at the. J H Gribble home, she being an old ac quaintance of Mrs Gribble and also of the Mre Ueyer family in Lios Angeles. The little building belonging to D C Stinson which stands just east of the coutt house, was discovered on fire Monday night, but ft few pails of wa ter saved it before much damage re suited. The fire is supposed to have been started bv some bum who was making it his sleeping place, Congressman Latta writes us from Washington, D C, that Mrs Isabelle Scollard, of Jackson, Neb, has been allowed her claim for a pension and that her name is now on the pension roll at the rjrte of $12 per month and $2 additional for each of her two minor children. The pension dates from June 18, 1908. W J McEathron, supervising drain age engineer from the U S department of agriculture at Washington, V V, was here this week and in company with Judge R E Evans and Dr C II Maxwell went over tbe pro posed route of the ditob to be built by the newly organized drainage dis trict. He spoko very favorably of the proposition. George Stone of Coleridge, brother-in-law. of Mrs George Pranger of this plaoe, last week joined tbe St Louis Brown's, with whom be has played for tbe past several seasons. Mr Stone plays left field, and held the cham pionship for batting in the American association for two years prior to last season. He commands as high a sala ry as a United States senator. Mr and Mrs J P Rockwell received word tbe first of the week that their nephew, "Jimmie" Biggs, had died at his noma in llichland Uenter, wis, on April 12, 1910, of tuberculosis. The young man was about oo years oiu, and was born in tins oounty. wuen a child of about 5 years he suffered a se vere attack of scarlet fever, which left him totally blind. He attended an institute for the blind and thereafter was able to support himself and his mother. Two automobile loads of detectives, .- m TV t. sj-v 1 Leaded oy uniei oi 1'oiice uict. iuou ards of Sioux City, were here Tuesday scouring tbe town in search of the ban dits who dynamited and robbed tbe bank at Randolph, Neb, a few weeks ago, the officers having traoed them to Sioux City and from there across the river into Dakota county. If tha bank robbers had been in town they ould have had plenty of time to get ander cover while the offioera were sailing around town. It is claimed Bargains at Van'a every day. Soe Ir G Stanard for heating, plumb lng and lighting. Judge R E Evans wort to Lin col Monday on legal business. Buy a good farm on the Dakota county bottom. I have it. Eimers Jas Barnett has started a sawmill i the Herman Roost giovo iu Brushy Bend 1 he village board met last evening and swore in their new member, Louis Larson. Mrs Elizabeth Fa gun, of South Sioux City has been granted a pension of $12 per month. Frank Brovbill took a bunch or joy riders" to Allen in bis automobile Wednesday evening. Mrs Lottie Hampton came down from Wakefield Thursday and spent a few days with relative. Mrs Georgia Jay came up from Law ronne, Kans, last week and is visiting at the Henry Wood borne. Bertha Hamilton is home from Lead, D, where she holds a position as teacher in the pubho schools. Mrs S J Fansset, of Canon Citv, Colo, spent tho past we ek here at tbe home of her son, T J Knoppor. If you haven t got time to do your own shopping call up fo. 1, and be will deliver tbe goods promptly. A brother of Henry Ley arrived here from Michigan Thursday and is visiting with Mr Ley at Crystal Lake Found a pooketbook containing money. Owner can have tbe same by paying for this notice and proving property. Mrs Homer Skeen returned to lor home at Cody, Neb, Monday after a week's visit at the home of her father, M O Ayres. Thomas Debien returned Monday from Rochester, Minn, where he went to consult the noted surgeons, tbe Mayo brothers. Paul Pizay and bis mother went to Randolph, Iowa, today to visit over Sunday at the home of Mrs Tsui Pizey's parents. L V Hall has moved to town from a farm southwest of this plaoe, and is occupying the Mrs Orr house east of the M E ohuroli . Edward Howard and Loraine How ard, age 27 and 29 respectively, were granted a license to wed Wednesday by Judge Heffercan. It pays to trade at Vans, and be sides he will give you, free of charge, a handsome chromo in tbe course of time. Go and see bim. R. M. VUey Ends Life. After suffering untold agony for tiro weeks with severe pains in Id's head, chest and stomach, and rocoir ing little encouragement from the at tending physician, B M Pizey, one of the old pioneer residents of this plaoe in a fit of temporary insanity took i quantity of Paris green Saturday af ter noon shortly alter 4 o'clock, from tbe effects of which be died Sunday morning at 4 o'clock. When discov ered soon after taking tbe poison he was 10 tbe act of trying to end his life with a knife and had nearly severed his windpipe, A physician was im mediately summoned and everything possible was done to alleviate bis suf fering, but without avail. The funeral services were held from the residence Tuesday morning, con ducted by Rev W R Warren, pastor of me m ju ounrcu. interment was in Logan Park cemetery, Sioux City. a sorrowing wiie and two sons, Paul Pizey, an attorney of this place. aod Alfred Pizey, an attorney of Sioux tUy, are left to mourn his untimely death. Deceased was born in England May 21, 1821. Came to Dakota county in tbe early COa and ha resided here continuously since. He owned some valuable property in Sioux '"ity which bo purchased whilo driving stnge in early days, ne was a quiot, unassum ing man, of pleasant disposition and was never known to wrong anyone. Hay for Sate Some good upland hay for sale in the stack. Enquire of Mies M A De- loughery, Jackson, Nebraska. CHURCH NEWS METHODIST. Servioes at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday as follows: Preaohing, 11am; Snnday school, 10 m! Class meeting 12 ru; Epworth League, 6:80 p m; Preaohing, 7 pm. For Sale I have a lot of young lambs for sale at 50- a bead. This is a cheap way to start a few sheep. Come and buy them and have pets for vour children, for I have hundreds of them. I also have a lot of sheep for sale. Fred Bartels, Hubbard, Neb. If Barrel of Salt, for ' $l.SO I aft I I I ! I The' Dakota County Ilomemakers clnb will bold their next meeting in Dakota City about the middle of May. A program is being prepared. A daughter arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm Powell last Saturday, the 16th, aud a son at tbe borne of Mr and Mrs Albsrt Johl on Thursday, the 21st. The democrats of North Nebraska will banquet at Emerson Nebr, on May 2nd. Governor Shallenberger, Mayor Dahlman and W H Thompson are on the program. , Mrs J W Spidell and children are visiting here at the Mra J G McKernan home. Mr Spidell has accepted a po sition at Auburn, Iowa, and will be joined by his family as soon as he can secure a house. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prioes. l 'ivlds & Sladohter Co. ThcoE Bliven, Manager, Dakota City, Neb. Go to Fred Bartels, Hubbard, Neb, to buy your young lambs to feed, for be wants to sell his old sheep for mutton sheep, ne is selling the lambs at a low prioe of 50i a head. This is cheaper than they can ever be bought for again. Lottie Orr came down from Win side Thursday anal on Friday left for Phillip, S D, for a couple of weeks' visit with her brother Frank. Her mother, Mrs R B Orr, is taking care of the telephone exchange at Winside during her absence. The base ball season will be opened at Crystal Lake park Sunday with a double header between teams from the Sioux City amatenr baseball league. Tbe Dakota City-South Sioux Citv team and the Shepardsons will fight for honors in the second game. Eaily Ohio seed potatoes for sale. Brought from Red River Valley last year. Also a nice lot of Rural New Yorkers. On Warner's farm 6 miles southwest of Dakota City, 4 miles northeast of Homer. 50 cents per bushel. II Zentmire, Dakota City, Nebr. S A Stinson, who has been serving on the federal grand jury at Omaba for the past few weeks, returned home Wednesday evening, the grand jury avicg finished its work for this term, Mrs Stinson who had been visiting at Omaha the past week, aoenmpanied him home. Tbev visited relatives at Lyons Tuesday night on their way home The village fathers received a new chemical fire apparatus Monday from tbe factory in Minneapolis. Tbe new machine holds about 40 gallons of water and is charged with a mixture that when released into the water forms a gas that will smother out a good sized fire, especially if on the in side of a building. The engine will be chargod and kept in readiness for the next fire. A couple of drunks were arrested Thursday morning and lodged in jail bv Marshal Feuston for fighing and naioinn tk. niuftivhonAa nn Mia irAnt.M Judge Heffercan gave them just flvel J&CKSOA, minutes to get ont of town. Ibese are probably the vaga Police Judge Sims of Sioux City gave an hour in which to get aorosa the combination bridge into Nebraska the day before They will probably see you again Mr Sims. S.A. Stinson I Dakola City. Nebraska that the five men who did tbe job at Randolph and sot away with about $10,000, Lave been making tbeir head Quarters at Covington and Sioux City and from the amount oi muiuiateu bills in circulation lately, we don doubt it. As yet the yegg men are till enioving their libertv. Tbe local officers were not taken into the confl dence of the deteotivea, who probably do not care to divide the 12,000 re ward offered for the capture of tbe robbers. SOUTH SIOUX CITY From the Kecord Mrs. S. E. Nelson, of Omaha, Is vis iting her brother If. U. Hannah this eek. Mrs. iselson and Mr. Hannah are twins. Robert PilRrlm, who recently re turned here from Minnesota, will start work in a short time on a new house in Railroad addition. Mrs. M. H. Armour and daughter, Miss Apnea, of Sioux City, were here Monday enroute for Lutein to vialt Mra. Armour's daughter. V. II. Meeker and daughters, Misses Agnes and Ilazel, are spending the week at West Held, la., where Mr. Meeker is looking after nursery busi ness. J. C. Oelster this week moved into the Evans' store building and will use It as a residence until he gets his new house, which hp expects to start bulld lnp soon, completed. ' John Voss. manager of the Union Tea company In Sioux City, has pur chased 12 lots in the western part of town and will commence the erection of a new home et once. The Edward West house, which was moved from Walker's Island to town, a distance of about two miles. Is now In place on Frederick street and the foundation Is being laid. special Agent Cook, of Lvoim. wajj here Monday looklngaftercensusenum erators. He was looking for a man to take up the work In St. John's pre cinct. Clarence Phillips will probably db namea. J. P. Meredith this week rented his property in Sioux City, the Iowa Coal company outfit, to J. H. Beaver, for merly of South Sioux City. Mr. Reaver will add a lumber yard to the coal business. Marshall Austin, who Is employed by the Consumers' Ice company, was quite badly hurt the first of the week by having a large piece of Ice fall upon him. His head, shoulder and leg were bruised. Electric car service to connect with the Traction comjvany cars at South Sioux City will make the accommoda tion of large crowds an easy problem this summer. The large electric car seats 80 people, and the two trailers as many more. A service of 15 minutes can be maintained between the Park and town. Amzi A. Adams, a well known and respected citizen of South Sioux City, died suddenly Tuesday evening- at St. Joseph's hospital In Sioux City. Mr. Adams hud been HI ever since winter when he was forced to quit work. He hud been gaining strength apparently and expected next Monday to again go to work. Ho was taken suddenly III Monday and removed to the hospltul, where he died Tuesday evening. The baseball season for the city league will open at the Crystal lake ball park In this city Sunday, April 24, at which time the South. Sioux City Dakota City teams will play the Sheap erd8ons. Guinea will be played every Sunday at Crystal lake. Riverside and Leeds by the six teams of tho city league. R R Time Table C B ft Q VfEftT 91 Local Freight' 7:15 am 17 " Passenger . .12:47pm 19 " " ... 7:30pm EAST 92 Looal Freight 2 :25 pm 16 Looal Passenger.. 6 :07pm 18 " " ...11:50 pm daily. daily except Sunday. No No K.ff Cochms FOR SALE- To look up your Seed Corn. Very Important this year. Send us sample of your corn about 100 grains and we will have it tested, free, and give you the Government Report on it. "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" i Bank of Dakota. County & iSubt"0" "ALWAYS hungry for MORE business" I I I I aft I Estimates.,.. ....Furnished Repair Work Promptly Attended to Heating, Plumbing tvnd LlgHtlrtg Haven't you ever heard of the Ideal Lighting System? If not let us tell you about it. A card will se cure a demonstration and descriptive matter. Phona No. 33 Dakota City, Neb. NortU Sid nt Hrdwvjr Ut. Ith nd It5h Sta. 59 lfca,rs on f Ike I3a,rlket 39 years since the Minnesota Linseed Oil & Paint Co. commenced the manufacture of Pure Prepared House Paints. The BEST then, and during a period of 39 years has given such universal satisfaction that today it is rec ognized as the Standard of Quality Everywhere. You can't afford to run any risk if it's MINNESOTA PAINT You KNOW its the BEST. A good stock always on hand at Edwards & Bradford L'mb'r Co. s V. 0. Lake, Resident Mgr. Dakota City, Neb Plan Ea.rly for . . PdCiflC Coast: From June 1st, low round trip excursion rates to the Pacific Coast, and on special dates April to July, still Lower Coast Excursion Rates. YflllOWStone Park: All indications point to a larger num ber of Park tourists during the summer of 1910 than ever before. The tour rates are very low, and include attractive diverse routes through Colorado and Salt Lake City. Tc tllO East: Special rates will be in effect to eastern cities and resorts. Definite announcements should be made within the next thirty days. liOCky Mountain Tours: Tourist rates during the summer to Denver, Estes Park and Coloiado resorts, Hot Springs, S D, Sheridan and Ranchester, Wyo, fos the Big Horn region, Cody (gateway for Holm's personally conducted camping parties through the park), Thermopolis, Wyo, the coming wonderful Hot Springs resort (railway completed July 1st). ' IIomeseekerS, Rates: First and third Tuesdays for investors rnd landseekers through the newly developing sections of the west. Get in touch with the j-, - - - -'Pi nearest ticket agent, or with me, and let us tell lihlnfiTiirilm yu vvhat ,ou want- 1004 Farnam streot. 1' mm J Eggs, per setting of 15 50c per hundred $3.00 Roosters $1.00 to $3.00 Hens $1.00 Chris Smith TVebraska For Sale A large list of Cheyenne, Morrill, Box Butte, Kimball,' Sootta Bluff and Banner county Nebr, lands. Banobea, relinquishments railroad oontraota, school sections all izesl and prices from $6.60 per acre and up I for deeded lands. Having a personal knowledge of these lands I will go and show them to I those who wish to invest. B A Combs, Homer, Nebr. ttMHj. BO YEARS vV EXPERIENCE v ' .4 Trade Mark "MM CopvKioMTa 4c. Anront litlni s ikatrh and dMcrlptlnn m? anient? uwariaiii onr opinion fra wnihr ma IllTaiitlnn la pruhalilf pamnmMa. Ciuiilnuiitra. tloiiamriotlraiiindsiiMal. HANDBOOK on Hauuita aaiil f raa. OldMt aaemtr curinir jwtanta. l'aienta takau tbrouiih Munn Co. ioal averUil nut tea, without cliama, lu tua Scientific flimricati. A hanrl.omelf llloatrat) waaklf. I.araaat fir rulnllnii til aur aolaiitlUo Joiirnul. " arma. J i nr; four months, tL MI b all jiawaiilarj MUNN & Co.8018 New York UrMi'J OIU.-. CI F BU Waabluglou, U. C I Abstracts of Title Bto I A $10,000 Suretv Bond toto COUUtj Abstract CO. Guarantees the accuracy 01 every w.w. Abstract I make J J CI NBRS JL! HJTUB'wHl' M pill Ml IWW.'V It. .. .J J .. I iTf-T ' Vt J' at A aarhajirtl l SIS ' tarkarjook. 1310 is ready to mall. It will bt tent to any person interested in fruit-growing on receipt of 7 cents to cover poatage. Tha Stark Year Book for 1910 repreaentt an entirely new idea ia nuraerymen't literature it ia a work of art at well as a catalogue of Stark Nursery products. Within iu covert are 32 full-page illustrations of fruits and flowers, representing 175 varieties, dons in four colors, and exactly reproducing nature. 84 pages are devotedto descriptions, prices, and records. Stark Delicious, the apple that has revolutionized orchard planting and established a new standard of apple values (selling at $10.00 per bushel box this year); Stark King David, another apple of wondrous quality and merit; Stark Kins; Philip, a hardy black grape of California grape quality, and dozens of the very best things in tha horticultural world are fully described, illustrated, and priced. . To any one planting one tree or many, of fruits or ornamental, this book is of inestimable value a horticultural text-book a guide to proper selection. Stark trees have stood the supreme test of actual planting for 85 years they are tha yard-stick by which all other nursery products era measured they are the first choice of this country's most successful orchardista. The success of the orchard it dependent on the kind and quality of tree planted. 6tark varieties are the best of the Ut.Our recstdj of 85 yean of successful telling it a positive guarantee of tree quality.; ' Btfori yam itcidt f buy, sai t ! fir tk Start ! w Ytar Book 4 it today itftr tht diiim i$ txkatutid. j Stark BroNurseries and I Orchards .Cpj .j.. . Louisiana, Missouri . . .t. h i