Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 01, 1910, Image 5

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Mft4 fet bwIM Wew Rtiafiafw. A trial 1
mak0 TOU Our ftsnrniannnt nmtiimor.
Prize Collection "i,,'ii!TrrMi,r.!.l'
I II tl fln.at i Taralp. f ipldTuLd : Oaira, I f ran,
lias; i pn-(i-.w.ri- Tnridi'i tn all.
VW to-day t Mention this Paper.
: loMmr potto ftM ptcbinf M rwtin thin 1ntl
LgniMrun or fsi ymirMlil, narnnT wttn mr tif
i ! wi wwii km ia9 varttni or rn, riMiM. mo.
Tbe Ilerald for News when it is
FIRS etc.
Established 1H87 TO
TVs.1 direct with the largest and oldest house
in the West. Highest pricea and immediate
cash returns. Write fur price list, tags and
full Information, a
Partridge pnrUnQ
and TJuff wOCIUIvS
Eggs, per setting of 15 50c
" per hundred $3.00
Roosters $1.00 to $3.00
Hens $1.00
Chris Smith
Jackson, Nebraska
County Coroner
13. F. Sawyer
Jackson, Nebraska
Patronize Home Industry buy your m?ats of .
Proprietor of
City Ma,t Market 1
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand ' jjj
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts 8
Agent for Seymoui's White Laundry. Basket goes on
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Local Ifems I
Friday, April i, 1910
Ton will find a good line of sweat
pads for horned, whips, machine bolts,
and a very good line of hardware, tin
ware and graniteware at right prices,
at Schriever Bros.
Before the Cold Spring Rains
Strike you is the time to repair that Leaky Roof, and
the Best way to do it, is to cover it with "E. & B.
Special Rubber Roofing" the Roofing that is Best
by Test, and guaranteed.
You Know How Busy you are
on, so Do It Now!
Samples and Prices', at
going to be later
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co,
with out -
Public Schools
By Joseph M. Rogers
A series of article creating widespread comment from
the press and educators of America. Now running in
Lrippincotfs M&igaizirke
uei it iu'uu 11
Special Rates Given to Teachers
Lippincott's Magazine, Philadelphia, Pa. j
Saturday, April 2nd
Canned Pears, per can
GOc Can of Sorghum, for
Dried Apricots, per pound
4 pounds of Raisins, for . . . .
Stinson's 23c Coffee, for
Stvlurdevy, April SMH
Seedless Raisins, per pound
'J cans of 20c Apricots, for
3 cans ICraut, Baked lieans or Hominy
Quaker Oats, per package ,
A 25c can of Red Raspberries or Cherries, for. .
4 Bottles of Catsup for
.. 5c
m 1
.A. Stinson
Dakota City. Nebraska
Bargains at Van's every day,
Win Cheney marketed a car of cattle
Tudsday .
See F U Stanard for heating, plumb
ing and lighting.
March fulfilled the old saying and
went out like a lion.
Fred Dnensing and wife visited rel
atives in Homer Sunday.
Bay a good farm on the Dakota
oounty bottom. I have it. Eimers.
Cliff Feterson and wife welcomed
a baby girl to their home last Friday.
See our spring fabrics and strips for
men's tailor made suits. S A Stinson.
A baby boy was born to A A Adams
and wife of South Bioux City last Fri
day. Mrs .Too McElphree of Sergeant
Bluff, was calling on old friends here
Louis Cooley is here from South
Sioui City helping Dan Eager with his
Beut Beam was over from Sioux
City Monday calling on old acquaint
ances of 40 years ago.
Do you keep an eye on Van's black
board, if not yon had better as ho al
ways has a bargain listed there.
Cbas Maxwell returned to Chioago
Monday, There he is attending medical
college, after a week's vacation at
It pays to trade at Vans, and bo-
sides he will pive you, tree of charge,
handsome ohromo in the course of
time. Oo and see him.
Marriage licenses were issued thin
week to W E Mat his and Nellie Gib
bons, and J E Fierce and Hazel Brown.
No addresses were given.
The hearing of Aug Gerlach, charg
ed with killing Jos Lee at Emerson on
January 13th, was continued from
Monday until Friday of this week.
Wm F Ebel, son of Henry Ebel of
Brushy Bend, and Nancy Wilson,
of South Sioux City, were joined in
marriage Thursday by Rev Warren.
For Sale 200 bushels of northern
grown Early Ohio seed potatoes. Seed
aa brought here last year, this being
the first crop . S A Mason .
Will Lamson was down from Crof-
ton and spent a few days last week at
Waltbill visiting his sifter. Mrs Geo
Sheldon, and his daughter, who is
making her home there.
The Dakota County Homemaker
club held its first publiu meeting at the
S A Stinson home Thursday afternoon.
An interesting program was given by
the members of tbe club.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
I'ifldb & Slaughter Co.
Thio E Bliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
A case was filed Wednesday against
Roy Leonard charging him with statu
tory, rapeon the person 01 vaiburga
Autzon. the sixteen year old daughter
of J F Aatzen and wife of St John a
ltoland Orr and wife returned home
B'ouday from Winside, where they had
li. eii to visit their daughter Lottie,
who is telephone operator there.' Mr
Orr broueut home three fine draft
luutbfs which he purchased while there
Mrs Robert Dygert, of Springfield
N Y. who has been here on a two
weeks' visit at the. home of her sister,
Mrs F G Stanard. left Sunday, ;n com
... m m t . 1
Danv witu Mrs otanara, tor ieuver
und other points in Colorado for a few
weeks visit with relatives.
Eaily Ohio seed potatoes for sale.
Brought from Red River Valley last
vear. Also a nice lot of Rural Ne
Yorkers. On Warner's faim 5 miles
southwest of Dakota City, 4 miles
northeast of Homer, oi) cents per
bushel. H Zentmire,
Dakota City, Nebr.
F E Gordon, of South bionx City,
was arrested and brought before Judge
Heffernan Wednesday, along with two
of the "soiled doves" which infest the
north end of that burg, charged with
the illegal sale of liquor to Dan Rice,
an Iudian. Tho arrests wero made on
warrants naming "John Doe," "Rich
ord Roe" and "John Defoe" as the
offeuders. but the county attorney and
the court claimed that the women
could not be held on a warrant bear-
he name of a man and they were re-
leaped, while Gordon gave an appear
ance bond of $200 an. I his ruse was
continued until the lltli. New war
rants wero issued for the two women
Thursday and they were brought here
by Sheriff Rockwell last evening.
Fire destroyed the resilience of John
B Uewi t last Saturday afternoon at
about 1 o'clock. When the fire was
first discovered it was burning on the
roof aiound the chimnev, and iu ail
probability caught fioiu a defective
flue. Mrs Dnivitt was at home when
the fire caught but was unable to gi t
water to it in time to head off the
ti lines, which soon enveloped the en
tire buihiiug. Little, if any, of the
couteuts of the building were saved.
Mr Dewitt was working ou the Burling
ton section less than a quarter of a
mile away, but reached the scene too
late to save hut thing. Tbe bonne was
insured for $200, and tbe contents
for tbe same amount.
Judge Robert T Dalev, for several
years a resident of South riioux City
ami Dakota City, (lied at his home in
Charleston. Ok'la, Marck 16. 1910,
after an illucss of several months with
a comi'lieated c ise of paralysis. Tbe
deceased was born in Rutlsud, Vt,
August 14, 1811 lie was married to
Gertrudn G Crittenden of Fitchville,
Ohio, in I8C18, to which union six
children were born, namely : Mattie E,
Edith G, Fred (1, R Hugh, Wayne E
and Una L, and all but Edith G sur
vive him. He moved with bin family
to Tt'kauiah, Neb, in 18G'J. and was
twice elected county judge of Burt
county. He afterwards moved to this
county where he resided for some years
before locating in Oklahoma. His
eldest daughter, Mattie, taught the
primary department in our schools for
several years.
April fool.
Genevieve Stanard was home from
Maoy, Neb, over Sunday.
A son was born at the T F Mc-
Glashan home last Friday,
Joe Lindstrom has accepted a posi
tion in a drug store at Cook, Neb.
See our spring fabrics and styles for
men's tailor made suits. S A Stinson .
The Homer kids defeated a kid nine
here Saturday afternoon by a score of
7 to 4.
Deak Foltz has moved into the Erio
Ansnes bouse, vacated by W E Sneth
en and family.
Stott Neiswanger came home frem
Spaulding, Neb, last week to spend
his Easter vacation.
If you haven't got time to do your
own shopping call up No. 1, and he
will deliver tbe goods promptly.
George T Kimes and Fearl E Hut
ton, both from Sioux Cisy, were mar
ried by Jedge Heffernan Thursday,
Mrs W C Eckhart came home from
tho hospital in Sioux City Saturday
and is rapidly regaining her health.
Clifford Juddof Sioux City, son-in-law
of M M Ream, was operated upon
for appendicitis the first of she week.
Mrs J 11 Harris this week moved
from Schmied's old residence to the
Henry Wood house south of Dr Maxwell's.
D G Evans, county treasurer, will
remove tiere from soutn riicux City
and occupy the Wm Biermaun resi
Galen Hatheway moved Wednesday
from tbe Barney Gribble house to the
Henry Wood bouse recently vacated
by Mrs Blacketer.
Burd Fowell leit Thursday for
Rochester, Minn, to enter tbe Mayo
Bros hospital and recoive treatment
for a growth on his face'.
M 13 Anthoni, a naturalization offi
cer from Denver, was here Tuesday
examining the records of Clerk of the
District Court Geo Wilkius.
Julius Quintal and son Elnirr went
to Newcactle the first of the week to
work on' tbe section, but were unable
to rent a house and returned here.
Joe M Leedom this week assumed
the duties of deputy sheriff, taking the
place of Wm Biermann, who has filled
that position to acceptably fur several
Maurice J Ansite and Mary Ansite,
of Sioux City, and Joseph Savidge and
Ruth Baradd of Walthil, patronized
Judge Ueffernan's court' Monday and
were joined in marriage.
Jesse Edge and Ethel Murphy, both
of Struble, Iowa, and James L My
ers and Carrie Coomes, both of Walt-
hill, were united in marriage Wednes
day by Judge Heffernan.
D H Eager began preparations this
week for moving his residence to t
new location in the old Martiu block
The river is getting uncomfortably
close to his present location.
Jack Delouhery and Charley Horn
were arrested Tuesday night and on
Wednesday were taken before Judge
Heffernan who fined them each $3 and
sentenced them to three days iu jail.
Chas O'Connor of- Nacora was ar
rested Wednesday on a complaint
sworn out by his sister, Mrs Mary
Sullivan, cbargiLg him with dipso
mania and iuebriaoy. The case ws
continued until April 15th.
Bernard Gribble, the little son of
J H Gribble and wife, fell into an
open cellarway Thursday and struck
the cement floor on his head and face,
breaking off Beveral teeth and other
wise badly bruising his face.
Chas Frohaska, who held down the
job of section boss ou the Burlington
for the past three months, left last
week with his family for Waukee, I,
to reside. J 3 Smith of Winnebago,
has taken his place on the section.
The entertainment, "Mr Bob." given
by tbe scholars of the Dakota City
high school last Friday evening in the
court house, was played to a full house
and was a credit to those who took
part and worked so faithfully to make
it a success.
The little square cottage on the
Barter place just east of the half-way
house between here and South Sioux,
burned down Thursday. Some men
were burning tbe fence row out and
tbe fire got away from them and set
fire to the house.
Monday morning tbe Burlinglon will
put on its new passeuger train, daily
except Sunday, between Sioux City and
Lincoln. The new train will leave
Lincoln at 7 :20 a m and arrive in
Sioux City at 72.20 p m. Leaving
Sioux City at 7 p m it will arrive at
Ashland at 10:10 p ni, connecting
there with through train No 9 for Lin
coin, Denver and the northwest
Wm Biermann finished loading his
household goods, etc, into a oar and
this evening will ship to Dallas, S D,
and take up his residence on his Tripp
county homf stead. The balance of
tbe family with I he exception of Elmer
and Mabel will leave Saturday for
their new home, while the former will
stav at the S A Stinson home and the
latter at the Fred Krnmwiede home
and fiuish the present term of school
here. We are all sorry to see the
Biermsun family give up their resi
deuce here.
Dakota City, Neb, Mar 2fi, 1910.
Board of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment. Present:
Nelson Feauto, chairman, Ld Morgan,
Thos Long, and W L Ross, clerk.
Clerk ordered to strike the taxes on
lot 1, soction 17-29-0, for the year 1891
to 1909 inclusive, for tbe reason this
land is laid out in town lots, compris
ing Crawford's addition to Covington,
2nd and 3rd filing.
Board made order for the county
treasurer to accept the taxes for thf
years 1905 to 1909, inclusive, on lot 1
in block 195, Dakota City, balance of
taxes to be stricken for the reason that
the said property is on tho river bank.
retition of Charity Hart for reduc
tion of taxes on lot 1 in block 190,
Dakota City, rejnoted.
Claim of J W Gray, taxes paid un
der protest, rejeoted.
The following bonds wero approved
by the board:
Wm Ionmer, roml ovemoer district NoS:
JoHOph lpoilom, deputy county sheriff.
Louis Horder Is appointed rond overseer
for rond district No S.
IMnlm of Tom Powell, tx.51 for pcrnonnl
taxes paid under protest, rejected.
Clerk Is ordered to write warrants for tho
following claims:
Catherine O'Connor, road dlst No l...f0 10
narncy wriniiie, a... Mi
W Kfctlitimnn, 8... 60 Ut
U'ersonal tnx to hp deducted)
John II Clayton, ' ' S... Ift U)
Krel Mnrtelx. u... Koto
J W Hrlilonlmugli, ' ,., mum
Frank Heeney, o... lrm
Tim Howard. ' ' !... Mt ill
Con lKdoimhery, ' ' IN. . . ltfi on
The following claims were allowed
on tno county general fund:
II I.Johnson Co, nidsn M ;to
Sophie Hlermnnn, Ixiardlim prisoners ft on
Pnvldson HrosCo, iinlne H 41)
JohnO Haehert. lMwrdtim pauper.... jfH ut
Hininoni rtievens vo. supplies.... HI
KloppA Hnrtlctt Co, supplies 128 10
I'erklns Hros Co. supplies s rtfi
ltakotn County HernUI. supplies 17 SK
Kd wards A Hnulford I.br Co, litdso... Ml tU
II J !,enhey, medical services HI (to
l'erklns Hios Co. supplies i!is
John lKwitt, dlKKlnx urave 4 tut
Pnkotn City 1 'hHi nmcy, mdse :rr 41
W li Koss, 1st quarter salary, assess-
iHmks, postnue, etc. jv:i 10
KuowltonA Mnr.nltiK, mdse is
Nebr Telephone Co, phone rent i aft
Thos Deliien, IsmrdlnK jury . a en
C H Maxwell, inedleul services 41 ut
Paul I'lzcy, Insanity case, Mrs N urU
buruer fl on
JJ McAllister, salary I7T i
Gcnrire Wllklns, court costs.... 117 IS
Win llleriimnn, salary 4 uu
Claims allowed on the county brldtre fundi
Kd wards Bradford I.hrCo, mdse.... Stl Hi
1h1ku Oorrutmled Iron Co, culverts.. 40 (10
The following claims were allowed
on the rond district runa: -
Win Irf-nmcr. rond woik, dlst So 6 2:1 ISO
Ucorge MldkllT. smno m
John Mcyulrk, same mil
licnnls Mitchell, roan worK.msi wo is 7
l'lillln Helix, land taken for rond. dis
trict No li 15 00
Walter Mackey. road work dlst no n. . 75
Tom llynes, same 1 110
Chris Ctirtslenseu, smne 1 Ut
l'JCnscy, same 4 no
M J Hyues, same i Ml
Daniel Purdy, nllowei on Homer vll- '
lane fund H Oil
- Board adjourned to meet April 2,
W. I,. rtOSS, Clerk.
To look up your Seed Corn. Very Important
this year. Send us sample of your corn about 100
grains and we will have it tested, free, and give you
the Government Report on it.
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
Bank, of Dalcota County & it?n
"ALWAYS hungry for MORE) business"
.... Furnished
Repair Work Promptly
Attended to
Ilecvilngf Plumbinrj and
Haven't you ever heard of the
Ideal Lighting System?
If not let us tell you about it. A card will se
cure a demonstration and descriptive matter.
Phons No. 55
North 8ld nf Brssdway
Hat. 14tK und ItSh Sts.
Dakota City, Neb
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank the many neigh
bors Hnd friends who were so extremely
kind to us with their help and sympa
thy, during the sickness, death and
burial of our dear son and brother
Amil. We appreciate it very much.
Estou Olsen aud Family.
For Sale
A large list of Cheyenne, Morrill,
Box Butte, Kimball, Sootts Bluff and
Banner county Nebr, lands.
Ranches, ro'inquisbments railroad
contracts, school sections all aizes
aud prices from $6.50 per acre and up
for deeded lands.
Having a personal, knowledge of
these lands I will go and show them to
those who wish to invest.
S A Combs, Homer, Nebr.
US.- C&L IB. IL'foV. (Do.
New Stock
Lright and Heavy
Work. Harjai CSS Collars.
Pads if alters, and
in Saddlery
Buy of -us and You'll pay less
Edwards & Bradford L'ml'r Co.
V. 0. Lake, BcBident Mgr.
Dakota City, Neb
First DUbllcatlon Mar X5 Swk
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Hakotn county,
State of Nebraska, Dakota county, ss.
To Maria Ultimo, Fred Hlunie, KII.alHth
Wllklns, (iiistav A. Isenburtr. Minnie I.use-
iiuk. Hattlu Mason. Kannle folly, and
Fred Kipper, and to nil persons interested
n the estate of lUilstrt Illume, deceased :
(In readlmi the uetltlou of Kied Illume.
administrator, praylnn n dual settlement
and allowance of his n(..count.lt)cd In this
court on the lUth day of March. IUIII, and for
mil settlement or account anil lor Ills iiih-
harKe as administrator of said estate,
t Is hereby ordered that you and nil per
sons Interested In snld matter may, and do.
appear at the county court to 1st held In
nml for said county, on tna zmn uny or
April, A. I), lino, at in o'clock a m, to show
cause. If any there be, why the praver of
the petitioner should not lie grouted, and
that notice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearlntc thereof lie Klven to all per
sons Interested in said matter by publish-
nir n cony or this order in i no naaoia
IJounty Herald, a weekly newspaper print
ed In said county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
jj. u . jtirriKKAn,
sfai.I t'onnty Judge.
Services at tbe Methodist Episoopal
church every Sunday as follows
Preaching, 11a m ; Sunday school, 10
am! Class meetiug 12 m; Epworth
League, 0:30 p m; l'reaching, 7 pm
"Old Faihioned Uonesty" will be
the theme at tbe Methodist church at
11 a m Huudav. At 7:30 p m "Drift
itiK," may be tbe theme. The male
ipiHiti-tt may sing ut this service.
Wanted Care-worn and lonely peo
pie to come to church, Suuday school
peoples meeting, u
e timely wise .
uliil I lie yum g
w isf , my Mini, b
The Wednesday Literary club will mee
with Mrs Kvanx April tt fit D::ip in at which
time the followlnu proKraiu will Isi tflven
Hull Call Quotations from xwcll
Amerh-uu Literature Study, paves 'ill
Vl'i Mrs llos
I'aper Sonio Notable Social Settlr
iiientsand Workers Mrs Kvnn
Heading- "Her tlreed" Mrs Mc Heath
Topic for tleneral lilscussloii "Loral
lift te rule li ts Needed"
lilscussloii opened by Mrs Orr
K. 7.. Kuiittlun, Sucrtury.
Low 2iLs&k.tc Tjrs
Spring and Summer 1910
P now Ck. 5.000-mtl lummsr tour of tKo ooa.it,
Sec the far west with its diversified sections broadening under
scientific cultivation; visit its incomparable cities with their en
vironmont of intensive land wealth. A Coast .Tour is a broad
education and the world's greatest rail journey.
Round trip, central Nebraska to California or Puget
Sound, via direct routes, June 2st to September 30th.
Round trip on special dates each month from April to
July, inclusive.
Higher one way through California, Portland and
One way, eastern and central Nebraska to San Franeisco,
Los Angeles, San Diego, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spo
kane, etc., March 1 to April 15.
Pioportional rates from your town. Consult nearest
ticket agent or write me freely asking for publications,
assistance, etc, stating definitely your general plans.
L. W. Wakklet, Q P A, Omaha, Neb
' 1004 Farnam street,
First publication a-is-io Bwks
Notice Is hereby Klven that the rental
non lease contract on school land Ue-
sciils'd Is'low and set opposite tho name of
dm holder thereof, Is (lellnriuent for n per
iod of t! months or inoru and If the amount
now due Is not paid within on days rrcmi inc.
date of this notice, said contract will Ihi (1-
lared forfeited by the Hoard of Kduc allou-
nl iJinilsaiiU Funds and the said forfeiture
ntered of record as provided by law.
Irf-aso It 6 In SWV4 Sec, TO, T. SH, It. 8,
I. H. Cattle Itnd do. Dakota County.
Dated March 14, lulu.
K. B. (lowi.rM,
'ommlssloiier Public Lands and Hullillnns.
First publication Mur 11 4ws
In the district court of tho state of Ncbrns
ka. In and for Hakotn county.
Iu the Mailer of the Ap
plication of Mtfllltcl
Waters, Administrator
with the Will Annexed
of the Kstnteof Patrick
O'Connor, deceased, for
license to sell real estate
Notice Is hereby Klven that In pursuance
of an order of the 11 on. liny T.O raves, Judtte
of the district court of Dakota county,
brnska. made on the Huh day of February,
A. li. IU 0. for the sale of the real esiiut
hereinafter descrllM'd. there will ls sold at
public aucllon and sale to the blithest bid
der for cah, at the front door of the llul-
bard State Hank. In the villain' of Ituhtmrd
In Dakota rouiil, Nebraska, on Saturday,
the 2nd day of April. IKin. at the Hour ot ten
o clock In the forenoon ol Hint day, tne roi
IowIiik descrlls'd real estate, slloaled In the
county of Dakota and slate of Nebraska
lo-lt: The noi'tlicaxi uuaricr or rectum
elKht (H). In township twenty-seven CjY)
north of rantcc seven it), east. S1114 sale
will remain ooen one hour.
Dated at iluhluinl, Nebraska, thU ;lrd dny
of March, A. D. lulu.
Administrator, with the will annexed, of
the Kstate of Patrick O'Connor. In t-cd
Freih, R.liiblt. Pur
Guaranteed lo Pltact
Kvt'ry (ianlrn.r and
Planter nliuuM it'll t
luacrlnr iihtIIh of Our
iirttiru (iruwn Seru.
wc will .mul poatpuld our
I tf. so n.T 1 ...."
I filanH k.ila . , , .to.
I l.l.rf ... INK
I pta. n.r lrr..k.M fakkan . . .It.
I llrl. Mark.' 1. 1,... . , . III.
AU. IS tari.iU.Ck.lM II..., Wl , . !'
3 at 00
Writ. iuS.rt Sn4 10 Mate to hlp fr r-iLf and
ttarhing and iw.ii, th b,. 'l.pw-l ColLcliui,." lo
.thar with, our M.w .n4 I.lrurtt. U.rd.n Uuld.. A
M4 lluaa) HU Hockfurd, Illtnols
Dakota Citti Nil
Bonded : Abstracter
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
(Abstracts of Title
A SlO.000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abstraot I make
Snocessor to
Dakota County Abstract Co.
Bonded Abstracter
I 4 II li
laredy to mail." It will be tent to any person Interested in
fruit-growing on receipt of 7 cents to cover postage. Tin
Stark Year Book for 1010 represents an entirely new idea in
nurserymen's literature it is a work of art as well ai a
catalogue of Stark Nursery products. Within its covers are 32 full-page illustrations of
fruits and flowers, representing 175 varieties, done in four colors, and exactly reproducing
bi pages are devoted to descriptions, prices, ana records.
Delicious, the apple that has revolutionized orchard planting and established a
nature, bi
i Stark
new standard of apple values (telling at $10.00 per bushel box this year); Stark King
David, another apple of wondrous quality and merit; Stark Kinjj Philip, a hardy black
grape of California grape quality, and dozens of the very best things in the horticultural
world arc fully described, illustrated, and priced.
To any one planting one tree or many, oi fruits or ornamental, this book is of
inestimable value a horticultural text-book a guide to proper selection.
Stark trees have stood the supreme test oi actual planting for 85 years they are the
yard-stick by which all other nursery products are measured they are the first choice of
this country s moat successful orchardists. The success of the orchard is dependent on
the kind and quality of tree planted. Stark varieties are the best of the best. Our record
of 85 years of successful selling is a positive guarantee oi tree quality.
Bifor you dtcidi f buy, $nd 7 craft for tkl Starh
Ytar Book d it today bifor thi tditi it txhamtid. 9
Stark Bro's Nurseries and Orchards Co,
Louisiana, Missouri .....