Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 25, 1910, Image 5

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    Tndaff CocKiixs
Local Items
Friday, March 25, 1910
Eggs, per setting of 15 50c
" per hundred $3.00
Roosters $1. Off to $3.00
Hens $1.00
Chris Smith
Jackson, Nebraska
County Coroner
15. F, Sawyer
Jackson, Nebraska
Yon will find a good line of sweat
pads for borne, whips, machine bolts,
and a very good lice of hardware, tin
warn and graniteware at right prices,
at Schriever Bros.
Bargains at Van's every day,
Judge R E Evans was at Fender on
business Tuesday.
Jas Fisher was Lore from Walthill
over Friday night.
Clyde Crego has gone to Minot, N
D, to spend the summer.
See onr spring fabrics and styles for
men's tailor made suits. 8 A Stinson .
If you haven't got time to do your
own shopping call up No. 1, and he
will deliver the goods promptly.
Ilelen Sides was brought home from
the hospital Tuesday, where she re
cently underwent an nperatien for ap
pendicitis. SII Moore lias received word from
the headquarters of theKawIeigh com
pany which credits him as No 1, in
their list of agents in the state for the
amount of business transacted for the
year ending March 1st. lie had f 7,
447 to his credit.
S A Btinson and wife went to Elk
Point, S D, Wednesday to attend a re
ception and banquet given by the M B
A lodgetof that place in honor of the
supreme president and secretary of the
order who were visitors of the local
lodge. Mr Stinson is the secretary of
the lodge in this place, which' in the
strongest lodge in the state for the size
of the town.
25 s
$ Patronize Home Industry buy your nv2ats of $
Proprietor of
DHy Meat Market
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
goes on
for Seymours White Laundry. Basket
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Before the Cold Spring Rains
Strike you is the time to repair that Leaky Roof, and
the Best way to do it, is to cover it with "E. & B.
Special Rubber Roofing" the Roofing that
by Test, and guaranteed.
You Know How Busy you are going to be later
on, so Do It Now!
' r .
Samples and Prices, at
Edwards Bradford Lbr. Co.
with ovit
Public ; Schools
By Joseph. M. Rogers
A series of article creating widespread comment from
the press and educators of America. Now running in
I LrippinLCott's Mgaasxnc I
iet It Kead It J
I Special Rates Given to Teachers
I Lippincott's Magazine, Philadelphia, Pa.
Bee F O Stanard for heating, plumb
ing and lighting.
Oeorge Ilaase of Emerson, spent
Sunday here at the parental home.
Bee our spring fabrics and styles for
men's tailor made suits. S A Btinson.
Mrs M M Beam was over from Sioux
Oity Sunday, visiting her mother, Mrs
W I Brojhill.
Fred Bartels, the big sheep feeder
from Flubbard, was a business visitor
here Monday.
S A Stinson has been chosen to
serve as a juror in the Federal court at
Omaha next month.
Do you keep an eye on Van's black
board, if not you had better as he al
ways has a bargain listed there.
Mrs Ayros, a teacher in the Winne
bago sohools was a guest of Mary
Easton last Friday night.
James L Kramner and wife of Oma
ha, were visitors at the home of A J
Kraniper and wife last Saturday.
Earl L Knowles and Anna E West-
eott, both of Sioux City, were married
by Kev Warren laBt Friday evening.
Samuel Oribble departed Tuesday
moruiug lor uis Lome at uoouwin, o
D, having spent a couple of weeks
with relatives hero.
It pays to trade at Vans, and be
sides he will give you, free of charge,
a handsome ohromo in the course of
time. Qo and see him.
The storeoptican entertainment giv
en by Ilev Paul Boodagh of Mcrning-
side at the HI E church Saturday even
ing, was fairly well attended.
For Sale 200 bushels of northern
grown Early Ohio seed potatoes. Seed
as brought here last year, this being
the first crop . 8 A Mason.
Chas Maxwell came home from Chi
cago last Saturday, where he is a stu
dent in the Rush Medical college, and
will spend his Easter vacation at home.
Con Deloughery, vho was brought
here from Jackson last week on a
oharge of inebriacj , was given a thirty
days' contiuuance, pending good be
havior. Elisha Wiseman this week moved
his buildings to a new location several
blocks north of where they stood, on
account of the river getting uncomfort
ably close.
Lillian G Orr was taken to the Sa
maritan hospital in Sioux City last
Saturday for an operation for appen
dicitis. She is recovering nicely from
the operation.
Roland Orr last week disposed of
the three draft horses which he recent
ly purchased while on a trip to see his
folks at Winside. lie cleared a neat
little sum on the deal.
The last number of the Dakota City
lecture course a humorous lecture bv
R L Kemple was held in the M E
church here Wednesday evening. The
lecture was highly entertaining and
deserved better patronage than was
accorded it .
Joseph Packard, the man who was
found dead near Coburn Junction on
the morning of the 13th, supposed to
have been killed by a passing freight
train, was buried in the cemetery at
this place last Saturday.
A young "male" carrier arrived at
the James Cooley home Monday morn
inar. which accounts for that broad
smile Jim wears when he thinks of the
help he will soon' have in handling
Uncle Sam's increasing business.
N Johu Burcum was up roni Homer
iust Friday and ordered bis Herald
cliuDKtd to Winnebago, where he and
' m wife are now stopping at the home
if David Lane, who recentlv lost his
ife and is left with a family of five
riuull cLildret.
The "Old Muddv" has been on the
.. ... At. 1
rampage tne past ten aays tue uuui
snriiiK break-up. It has been mguer
tuan for several years, and besides
makinor fierce inroads on the banks
east and south of town it lias over
flowed into the Jaokson lake, filling it
Dearly bank full, and also into Crystal
lake, but not enough to materially
damasre the latter body of water. It
is now subsiding.
Quite a little excitement was created
Sunday when some boys telephoned
the sheriff from the J T Knepper place
that from the appearance of things on
tl e river bank iust east of there a man
!icd been murdered and thrown in the
river. Sheriff Rockwell, Wm Bier
n ann and Marshal t uestou were soon
n the scene of the alleged tragedy
I ut fouud nothing to indicate that
man had been foullv dealt with. It
developed, however, that a dead cow
had been hauled to the river bank.
skinned and the carcass dumped over
the bank into the murky waters
The Northwestern depot in this
place had a close call by tire Monday
night. As Ben Hall was on his way
home about 7: 30 in the evening he
Who Killed Joseph Lee at Emerson
Surrenders to Officers.
August Oerlach, who shot and in
stantly killed Joe Lee at Emerson on
the evening of January 13th, in the
back room of the Jensen meat market.
is now confined in the county jail in
this place awaiting bis preliminary
hearing which has been set for Monday.
Oerlach disappeared from Emerson
the day following the shooting, alter
the coroner's jury had been discharged
without fixing the blame upon him.
He first went to Valentine, Neb, and
afterwards drifted back to Omaha,
near which place he worked on a farm
until a few days ago when he showed
up at Herman, Web, where be former
ly resided, and was iruuieilmtuly reo
ognized by the marshal who placed
him under arrest Tuesday and notiUed
ouerm j r nocaweu. me prisoner
was brought to this place Wednesday
moruiug by the marshal at Herman,
being met nt Emerson by Sheriff
Rockwell, and will have to answer to
the charge of murder.
County Attorney J J McAllister will
prosecute the case lor the si a to, while
Judge H E Evaus has beeu retained by
the defense.
Hmll OUen (lives Dp Young Life.
I'. mil Olson, the 12 year-old son of
Mr and Mrs Esten Olson, died Thurs
day afternoon about 4 o'clock, at their
home here. He had been ailing for
some time with an affection of his
blood, but his condition was riot con
sidered dangerous until the last few
days. He had been confined to his
bod since Sunday, and grew rapidly
worse until the final summons came.
Little Emil was the pride of his home
and also one of the brightest boys in
his classes at school, where his pleas
ant manners and kindly disposition
won for him the respect of teaohers
and associates. The funeral services
will be held Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock, ar.d will be conducted by Rev
L'citz, Lutheran pastor of ronca. In
terment will be in the Dakota City
The first ptiblio meeting of the Da
kota County Honiemakers' club will be
held in Dakota City at 2 p m Thurs
day aftoanoon, Mar 31, at the home of
Mrs o A Stinson. The plan of work
of the club is similar to the Farmers
Institutes except the discussions per
tain to subjects of particular interest
to women : the hone, housekeeping,
domestic scieumi, etc. All are cordial
ly invited to attend, take part in the
discussions and join the club. The
following program will be given :
Addroas of Welcome IV..lilint
Ki-iuIIiik of Constitution NepriMisry
He II nll..HMipiiimH, u lluiiioroiin Ar.--loU
IiiKtrniiK'iilHl M utile Mrs. John Miller
Brrml-MiikliiK Mm. S. A. MMiiaon
1 UlnvilHHlon by tlio VUlh.
Kccltfttlon Mis lcln HixlonlienuVr
Poultry Knl sin if Mri. J. K. Wlnelireniirr
Voenl Holo Mrs. Mel A. Si-liiiiltwl
Syst fin In Hou!t'-fli,iiiiiil(..Mr tli'o. Iluti'ii
I!m'UMoii by tin' Chili.
Hi-lcct Rowllim Mm. Clins. llrynnt
A rim-n mr r.vury inuiK niul KverytnliiK
In Ha I'Uu-v M ri. den. M lllur
Current, Kvt'iits....Mts!i Kll.iilx'l h S. limine
Vocnl Holo Mm. Will, M Knoll
l'npcr, Hygiene In the Home"
lr. Nlnn K. Hinttli. of Homer
The Iioinestlo Hclence Con run nt Lin
coln MIh Kllnlx'tli IiCnmcr
Ornninentiil Hlirula Hulled lo thin !,.
enllty Mrs. L). ). KUitjon
Select Ki'iwllntr Mm.Uco. I,. Hoik I m, Jr
Overland Journey Through Yellowstone
I'nrk Mrs. Adit !u Sides
Hecltiitlon Dcr Inculiiitor und Urecth-
i'ii" Mrs. A.J. Krmupor
Illsti'Uinentiil Music. .. Mrs. Khner HlesshiK
Mrs. A.J. Hrnmpcr, rnesldent.
Mrs. N. A. Stinson, Secretary.
For Sale
A large list of Cheyenne, Morrill,
Box Butte, Kimball, Sootta Bluff and
Banner county Nebr, lands.
Ranches, relinquishments railroad
contracts, Bonool sections all sizes
and prices from $6.50 per acre and up
for deeded lands.
Having a personal knowledge of
these lands I will go and show them to
those who wish to invest.
S A Combs, Homer, Nebr.
T $
77 M&:
To look up your Seed Corn. Very Important
this year. Send us sample of your corn about 100
grains and we will have it tested, free, and give ou
the Government Report on it.
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
Bank, of Dakota County & ubr.-"
"ALWAYS hungry lor MORE business"
Estimates. . . .
Repair Work Promptly
Attended to
Hcsvtlng, Plumblnd end LIrfktinii I
Haven't you ever heard of the
Ideal Lighting System?
If not let us tell you about it. A card will se
cure a demonstration and descriptive matter.
Phona No. 55
North Sldl if Brkdwy
Hat. 14th and It5h St.
Dakota City, Neb
Ssxturdcxy, March 26th
20c can of Salmon 15c Butter, per To 25c I
20c can ofjApricots 15c 10c pkge of Soda 7c 1
Slinson's 25 cent can of Baking Powder, per lb 20c
Hand picked Navy Beans, per lb 5c
Saturday, April 2nd
Canned Tears, per can lOc
00c Can of Sorghum, for SOc
Dried Apricots, per pound IGc
4 pounds of Raisins, for 2 Sc
Stinsons 25c Coff-.-e, for 20c
tin son
Dakota City. Nebraska
iscovered the depot platform on rite
t ihe northwest corner of the building,
le gave the alarm and the news was
phoned down town from W L Ross'
residence. Ia a few minutes a crowd
bad collected and the fire was extin-
uished before anj gnat amount of
amuge was done. As this is the see
ud or third time this same depot has
caught fire, presumably from sparks
from pasHing trains, it iflixbt be well
or the railroad company to put 111 a
wtll of some sort at the deiwt, us the
o n people are getting weary of car-
rung water from rtuiuences in mat lo
cality to put out tires originating from
sparks from engines.
She! iff J P Rockwell and Deputy
Wm liiermau returned Sunday uoou
from Eldorado, Ark, where they hail
gone in respouHe to a teilegratu fiom
the marshal at that place sUUiik thai
he hud Ditutt Stole, the mau wanttl
for forgery here, unJir arrest. Ii
moved to be a ''wild goose" cIjhhh, u
lie party in custody was liot Dudh
iille, although the description Uu.mI
the man to some extent. iSil.lc i t 1 1 . -;
man who forged checks on t tie Juckwiii
hunk recently, and for hoiu a rutvuiii
f 50 is offered. Ho Inn! it'Utivn
luiug ut ElUorado, Ark, and it wotil.i
ve been no more thuti 11 iturul for
ii m to turn up there. W he" tbm oth
er mau, who was working for Sil It:'
11-lulives as plasterer, whh urresUd I ) v
i e marshal the. Slides of o;iure pro
sled, claiming tliut he was inno
cebt, but it did not satisfv the author
iti s there, who kept him iu diotody
until the arrival of the Dakota count
otVcers who soon convinced tut-m w ith
pi otogrsphs that he was not the uid
v anted,
Editor Taylor of the HomervFree
PresB, whs a plennunt caller Monday
Buy a good farm on the Dakota
county bottom. I have it. Eimers
Mrs Margaret Adams di'spotted of
her re:tnnraut here and Iihs moved tu
South Sioux City.
Easter program at the Methodist
church uext buudar nt 7:30 p iu. At
11am the theme will be "Immortal-
An adjourned tevm of district court
has been set for May 31st by Judge
Lyman W White is here from Wood
bine, Iowa, looking after his Cryytal
lake property .
Chas lurto left Monday for Wes-
sington, S D, for a several months
visit with relatives.
Ed Easton returned home Saturday
from a couple of weeks' visit with rel
atives ut Grand Isluud.
U 8 Marshal Waruer was here from
Omaha Wednesday and Thursday at
tending to business matters.
Rev W C Eckhart performed the
marriage ceremony for C C Campbell
and Marie Holtgec, both of Omaha,
Tuesday evening.
,W E Snetheti this Week moved his
family from the Eric Attsnes house to
the residence he recently purcLused
frpm Geo Sbeibley.
An Easter service will be held bt
the Sunday school of the Dukot t Cit
Lutheran churoh uext Sunday evening
at 7.00 o'clock. All are welcome.
Mrs W C Eckhurt, who recently un
derwent an operation for tumor at the
Samaritan hospital iu Sioux City, if
recovering nicely and is expected home
The I O O F lodge of this place will
celebrate the founding of the order in
America on April 20th. Refreshments
will be served by the Rebekah branch
of the order.
Fire destroyed the barn on the R E
Evaus place near the Northwestern
depot, occupied by lieu Hull, shortly
after noon Thursday. The fire is sup
posed to have beeu started by a Bur
lington engine.
Tho Burlington toad will soon put
on another passenger truin rnnuing
opposite the present service. The new
train will artive iu iSiouz City from
Liocoii at 12:20, and leuvo aguiu for
Lincoln at 7 p m.
Henry Fuller and Mary Kern, and
J T Murphy aud Mrs 11 Turly, all of
Sioux City, were joined iu marriage
on the 15th lDdt bv JuagH lltflernuu.
Eil ward Keut and Mrs Mttiy Nllia,
blso of Sioux City, were mariiud b)
the county juJge on the 12th
The village election has been culled
for April 5th. The following have
been appointed to serve ou the electiou
boaid: Clerks Fred Schriever and
W O Eckhart; judges James Nclsen,
Scott Duucan aud Chas II Ream. As
yet there is no ticket in the field.
The sixth annual convention of the
Dakota county Sunday school associ
ation will be held iu the M E church
at Homer, April l'Jtli aud 2(ith, 1910
Each Sunday school is entitled to one
delegate for every 10 members, hv
erybodv cordially welcome to attuud.
Watch for program.
Firm publication Mar Sft 8k
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Dakota county,
.State of NebraHkn. Iukotn county, an.
To Miirln Hiiinitt, Frccl illume Kllznlwth
WIlkliiH, (JtiHlav A. Imi'iiIiuik, Mlnnlo Lime
liilnk. Huttlo Miihou. Kiinnlu t'olly, mid
Fred Klnner. mid to nil Demons Inturcstod
In tlieeHtiite of KolxTt Hluiiix, iloceiiHt'd :
tin reading Mm petition of Fred Kliiine,
iidniintKtriitor. praylntr u limit oettleiiient
and iillownnce of IiIh m-count Illicit In tlilH
court on the Huh day of March, lulu, mid for
lliiul HcUlciiii'iH of account mid for IiIn dlx
churiip. at itdinlnislrntor of mild CNtntc.
It In hereby trdeil that you mid nil per
sons interested in xnld mutter may, und do,
appear at th county court to l held In
ami tor mild county, on thu !fdth day of
A tii ll. A. li. 11IIO. at in o'clock it in. to tthow
ciiiikc, If any there Iks why the prayer of
the petitioner should not be Kranted, and
that notice of the pendency of uld petition
and tho heiirluir thereof lie. Riven to all per
son Interested in Mild mailer ny puiilisii
InK n copy of this order In Tho Imkoln
t'liimty Hoi ahl. ft weekly newspaper print
ed In said county, for threw successive weeks
prior to said day of nearliiK.
l. I). inrntHNAN.
faffAT.1 ( 'oiiiity .Imlire.
First publication -is-lo U ks
Notice is hereby Riven that tho rental
upon lease contract on school land lc
scrlls'd below and set opposite the iiamo of
Hut holder thereof. 1 delinquent for u per
iod of tt mouths or moi'tt mid If the amount
now due is not paid within HO days from the
date of this not Ice, said contract will be do.
hired forfeited by thu Hoard of F.ducnllon-
al I.unilH anil Funds and the said forfeiture
entered of record ns provided by law.
Lease Lot 6 In HWN Hon, 111, T. Zll, 11. M,
S. 11. t'ut I In Land (.). Dakota Uounty.
Hated March 14, lull).
K. 11. OOWI.KS.
Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings.
Ksuiblllied B17
notior or ap-
First publication Mar U 4wi
In tlie district court of tho stato of Nebnis
ka, in mid for imkotn county.
In tho Matter of the Ap
plication of Michael
Waters, Administrator
with the Will Annexed
of the Kstateof I'utrlck
O'Connor, deceased, for
license to sell real estate
Notice Is hereby (tlvon that In pursuance
of an order of the, llon.Ouy T.lJraves, Juduo
of the district court of Dakota county, Ne.
hraska, made on the Zlth day oi reoruary,
A. I). lulu, for tint sale of the real estate
hereinafter desciilied, there will lie sold nl
public unction und salo to the hlKhest bid
der for cash, nt the front door of the Hul-
bard Htatii Ha:ik, In thu vllliiKe or Muliliard,
Iu Hukota county, Noliiiiska, on Hatiirday,
the Und day of April, iliin. at thu hour of ten
o'clock Iu the forenoon of that day, tho fol
low Inn deserllsd real estate, situated In the
county of Imkotn mid stale of Nebraska,
to-wlt: The northeast quarter oi keciion
elRht (H), In township twenty-seven U7).
north of raiiKi) seven 17;, east, naia sale
w ill remain open one hour.
Hated at lliiiihard, ivel rusku, inisnra uuy
of Murch, A. I), lulu.
Administrator, wltti the will annexed, of
the Kstateof I'utrlck O'Connor, lieceased.
First Publication Murch 4 w
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account.
In the county court of luikota county, Nebraska.
Kate of Nebraska, Dakota County ss.
To Wllhelmlnu II iiKifenls'ruer, WllltrrW.
HiiKKenlM'iKer, Viola K. II iiKKeiiberier,
Otth C. Iluitiriiols'iner, Arthur J. Jiinrwou-
Isnuer, Samuel K. lluKiceiilMirKer, Killa I'..
IIiiiti'iilH'ruer. lrf-nu Ii. llilui(eiils riter, mid
nil persons Interested Iu the eslutu of Otlu
II UKKellls-rner, decellM ll :
tin readmit the petition of Wllhcluiliin
HuKitcnlN'iKcr pniyliiK a II mil settlement
mid allowance 01 her accoiini mi ll ill mis
court on the vsih day of February, IWIn, and
for herdlschuiKe ns iidmlnlslrulrlx of salil
It Is herehy ordered that you, mid an
persons Inlerested III said iniitler, may, mid
do, appear at the county court to ls held In
mill for siinl county, on the SMh day of
.March. A. Ii. l'.iln. ut Ino'clock a. III., to show
cause, if any there ls, why the prayer of
the petitioner should not I mi urmilcd, mid
that notice of the pendency of said petition
uuil t hat the hearlnu thereof ls itlven to nil
persons Interested In snld mailer by pul
lishliiK a copy of this oriler In the HiiLolu
County Herald, a weekly newspaper print
ed In said county, for lour successive weeks
prior tusuld day of Ihmii Iiih.
f BAI. I'niinty .linbre
9 SI, FAuL, ivtllini
IW1 direct with the Urgsst and oldeit bouse
Id lh Wast. Hili"t prices ud luiiuedisl
cib Kturus. Wnw fur yrica list, lag ud
full Information. '
i'A kJI Ti A.'
1.-. u
Mada to bulie Kcw Hutlnrw. A trial wm
make yuu our twruikutiiit cunLuuiur.
11 the fliin.it ( Taralp, f jilflid.a : OmIom, 6 Ult Varitt
Cil AlUMtt 1 TO fUAMu
Write to-day? Mention this Paper.
to oorr pmUk mnA ptukiug nd cet this Tfelnnble
collection oc mam pluuia firsuisr nn hj u
InirM(tlk littuulH'ul IHrcd And IMiint ltvokt
IB. L 1B KJbV. (Do
New Stock
LriHt and Messivy
Work. Harness, Collars,
Pdds, Halters, azvd
Evcryi Kirii
in Saddlery
Buy of xis and You'll pay Icsa
Edwards & Bradford Mr Co.
V. 0. Lake, Resident Mgr.
Dakota City, Neb
Spring and Summer 1910
h.n now tv 5,000-mlI aummsr toxir of tKa oo&.ai.
See the far west with its diversified sections broadening under
scientific cultivation; visit its incomparable cities with'their en
vironmant of intensive land wealth. A Coast Tour is a broad
education and the world's greatest rail journey.
Round trip, central Nebraska to California or Puget
Sound, via direct routes, June 2st to September 30th.
Round trip on special dates each month from April to
July, inclusive.
Higher one way through California, Portland and
One way, eastern and central Nebraska to San Franeisco,
Los Angeles, San Diego, Portland, Tacoina, Seattle, Spo
kane, etc., March 1 to April 15.
Proportional rates from your town. Consult nearest
ticket agent or write me freely 'asking for publications,
assistance, etc, utitiug delinitely your general plans.
' L. W. Wakklet, O P A, Omaha, Neb
1004 Farnam street,
Dakota Citv. Nt. 1 ftfyy gfg 603 Metropolitan Blk.
Bonded : Abstracter ( Sioux City. Iowa I
I Abstracts of Title
A tlO.000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abstract I make
Successor to
i)akota County Abstract Co.
Bonded Abstracter
f yr 1910
11 it reaay 10 man. if win dc lent 10 any person mieresiea tn
fruit-growing on receipt of cent, to cover postage. 1 he
Stark Year liook (or 1'JIO represent an entirely new idea in
nurserymen's literature It is a work of art a well as a
catalogue of Stark Nursery products. Within its covers are 32 full-page illustrations of
fruits and flowers, representing 175 varieties, done in tour colors, and exactly reproducing
nature. 84 pn;cs are devoted to descriptions, prices, and records.
Stark Delicious, the apple that has revolutionized orchard planting and established a
new standard of apple values (selling at $10.00 per bushel box this year); Stark King
David, another apple of wondrous quality and merit; Stark Kinp; Philip, hardy black
grape of California grape quality, and dozens of the very best things in the horticultural
world are fully described, illustrated, and priced.
To any one planting one tree or many, of fruit or ornamental, this book is of
inestimable value a horticultural text-book a guide to proper selection.
Stark tree have stood the supreme test of actual planting for 85 years they are the
yard-stick by which all other nursery products are measured they are the first choice of
this country most successful orcharJists. The success of the orchard is dependent on
the kind and quality of tree planted. Stark varieties are the best of the best. Our record
of bS year of successful telling is s positive guarantee of tree quality.
Btfort you dtciii to buy, ttnd 7 etnlt for tkt Stark
Yiar lioekd it today htfor tht iJitian it ixkausttj. q
Stark Bro's Nurseries and Orchards Co,
Louisiana, Missouri