Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 25, 1910, Image 5

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    Dakota County Herald
Subscription Price. $1.00 Tet Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permiflflion bas been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
mfciis m second-claos matter.
Telephone No. 43.
The Nebraska Experiment Station
has just issned Bullotin No 113, on
Oats." The bnlletin may be had free
of cost by residents of Nebraska on ap
plication to the Agricultural Eiperi
inent Station, Lincoln, Nebr.
Census Taking In the Country.
Thn work of the census enumerator
In the country cllntricts will be KOme
h.it difficult, but when It Is finished
government ofllcluls wMJ be ermblcd to
srnln an Idea of what an enormous In
dustry agriculture In the United Rtutcs
Js. The Information linked by the enum-
rator should be freely given by farm
ers for if will not be used as a basis
for taxation, nor communicated to any
assessor. It will be under all circum
stances treated confidential.
The farmer will be asked to give
facts about every kind of crop pro
duced and every kind of animal on the
farm. Farmers who wish to give ac
curate figures would do well to be pre
paring them now and have them ready
for the census taken on the 15th of
April. Where a farmer does not know
the exact figures relating to his farm,
jts crops and animals, careful estimates
will be made. The census taker will
report the owner and the tenant of
land, how the land Is rented, for cash
r on shares, whether the owner oper
ates his own furm or hires a manager.
Where a man's wife owns the land or
he Is an heir to an unsettled estate or
a. Kuardlan of a minor, he will be re
ported as owner.
A report will be required of the
enumerator on the domestic animals,
the animals slaughtered, the dairy
products, grains and seeds, mixed
crops, corn, the amount of the farm In
pasture, the fruit produced, the gar
den output, and many other Interesting
items ui I mcicsi
from our Exchanges
Iloskins items in WsjLe Democrat :
B E Crouch visited at Gobarn Judo
tion Sunday.
Allen News: MrsR Evans, of Dako
ta City, visited with the O E S lodge
Tuesday evening and assisted in con
ferring that degree on 0 Hendriokaon.
Albaton items io Sloan, Iowa, Star:
Roy Olsou was at Hubbard, Neb, one
day last week....Ohas Olson was a
business caller at llubbard, Neb, the
first of the week.
South Greek items is Ponca Journal;
Otto Luth was a passenger to Jackson
Wednesday ....Michael aud Emmet
Dillon of Jackson were transacting
business in South Creek Tuesday.
Ponca Journal : W F Mikesell, who
has been sick at the home of his wife's
people in Mormngjide, is reported as
being about recovered and is expected
. borne the latter part of this week.
Vakefleld Republican : Mrs J Ilei
kes bas been quite siok with pneumo
nia.... Ward Berto who has been vis
itina here about three weeks left for
bis homo at StElwvrda last Tuurs
Osmond Republican: Joe Leedom
came up from the city on Friday and
remained home until Tuesday, when
be returned to his work at Morning'
side college. lie speaks well of the
Lyons Mirror: Frank l'uiUips was
down from Dakota City this week ,
Dr D 0 Stinson was down from Dako
ta City this week.... John Nixon is
down from Homer the guest of Mr and
JUrs W O Waite.
Tender Republio: John Ash ford
was over from Homer Monday on bu
ainess... .0 It Baughn and W T Did-
- dock of Walthill, Carol Farley of Ban
croft, and G O Anderson of West
Point, and R E Evans of Dakota City,
were here last Saturday to hear the
arguments in the Sloan-Keefe suit.
force also renewed their oaths of fealty
to the flog and Department of Justice.
Word was sent out along the line for
Deputy Marshals John Sides, of Dako
ta Oi'y, Claude G Hensel, at Lincoln,
Logan SnmmoDS, at Kearney, and A
W Wright, at Cbadron to go before
the proper authorities and be sworn in
for another four years.
Walthill Times: JB Rossiter, of
Walthill, court reporter for Judge
Graves, has decidedly made good in
bis official capacity. We note with
much pleasure that th newspapers in
several of the county seats where Mr
Rossiter has attended court, are highly
oommending him for the manner in
which he performs bis duties ... . Amos
Lamson received a communication
last week concerning a claim his grand
father had against the government for
damages on account of depredations
e iramitted by the Omaha Indians over
fifty years ago. The claim was prose
cuted and proved 25 years ago. The
owner of the claim has been dead
fifteen years. The letter received last
week announces that it is now desired
to settle this old claim. The letter
was received by Amos because bis
name is the same as his grandfather's.
The children of Amos Lamson, Sr,
who would be entitled to the money
paid on the claim, are delighted to
learn that a settlement is announced
as pending. George Lamson, one of
the children, says he no longer doubts
but that some of his grandchildren are
liable to get the money.
Winnebago Chieftain: Geo Olson,
of Homer, was a caller in Winnebago
on Monday ... .Claud Thacker, of
Homer, was a Winnebago caller on
Saturday.... M 8 Mansfield was a
passenger to Sioux City on Saturday
evening. .. .Dan Purdy and nephew,
Mr Owen, were down from Homer on
Monday.... 8 Boyd was a Homer vis
itor Tuesday evening and Wednesday
forenoon .... Miss Gertrude Ohmit via
ited with Miss Nadine Shepardson in
Homer over Sunday.... Mr and Mrs
O E Ohmit visited friends in South
Sioux City from Saturday till Monday.
,,..1D Curtis was down from Homer
on Monday looking up a cae against
Dave St Gyr, whichwas settled out of
court... .Miss Mabel and Helen Nie
buhr entertained a number of young
people at their home on FrlJay even
ing in honor ot Miss Anna DeBoise
and Miss Marion Byers, both of Sloan,
Iowa. The .evening was - spent tfj
games, and a delicious lunch was serv
ed at 11 o'clock. .. .On Friday, Febru
ary 11, 1910, in Sioux Oity, Iowa, oc
curred the marriage of Miss ttachel
Releaf Weloh, of Sergeaat Bluff, Io,
and J W Whittecar. of this place.
The bride was a school teacher in
Sergeant's Bluff and the groom has
been working for Louis Herman of
this place. We wih this couple muob
joy and a long aud happy life.
Hartington News: The Ep worth
League surprised Rev G E Von Hagen
at bis home in this city Monday even
ing, tbeoooasion being his 47th birth
day. The amusements of the evening
were appropriate to Valentine s Day
He was presented with a pair ot cuff
links as a souvenir ot the occasion.
Sioux City Journal. 23rd Although
John G Newman, of Jackson, Neb.,
discovered that bis daughter, Mies
Vanda Newman, had eloped with a
neighbor, Herman Smith, too late for
the father, to telephone to Sioux City
and have the police stop the marriage
ceremony, he etui is on the war-path,
and late yesterday afternoon beseeoued
sheriff Rockwell, of Dakota county,
to arrest the couple. Mr Rockwell
awRested bat the father might cool
down and taiulc differently of the epi
sode later, but he says bis latest
knowledge of the condition of things is
that the irate pirent bas been unable
to bury the hatchet. The words,
stop the mamase ceremony, came
singing over tb telephone wires to the
Sioux City police station from the in
dionant parent early yesterday morn
ing, and when tie news was sent back
that his daughter s name was no longer
Newman, the police here believed the
anxious tathei had dropped the matter.
It developed later that he wanted
Sheriff Rockwell, wiv.h whom be is
ell acquainted, to do the arresting
Early yesterday morning Deputy
County Clerk Frank. J Tripp was
called from his warm retreat by the
baseburner, where he had seated him
self to spend 1 in day off. by a hurry
up call over the telephone from a
oouple who wanted i. marriage license
immediately. He naid he would be
down about 0 o'clock. A teleubone
message from Jitchson came for Mr
Tripp, but when he inswered the phone
he could get no satisfactory reply and
found out about the elopement too
late to prevent the marriage. Rev J
F Kerliu was called and the ceremony
was performed in the court house.
Thif bride and groom did not announce
their future oouise cf action, but it is
expected they will return to Jackson
and make their home on a farm. Mr
Smith is the son of John Rmith, a
farmer living near Jaokson. and is 28
yeais of age. His bride is the daugh
ter of a farmer. S 'tie is 17 years ot age
Information from Jackson is to the
effect that the young people have been
keeping company for several years
their sons, in Spaulding, Nebr, last
The Methodists bold regular servi
ces every Sabbath, Sunday school ot
10 :30, preaching at 11. Rev Romich.
AH kinds of fish, for the Lenten
season, at Uarl Andersons
The dwelling on the farm occupied
by Emil Andersen is just about ready
for the plasterers.
Anna Andersen came home Satur
day to remain over Sunday. She left
for Jackson Monday.
Mr and Mrs G Miller of South Da
kota, visited at the Persinger home.
Mrs Miller is Mr Persinger's mother.
Rev Father English was among the
bioux Citians one day last week.
W Dodge Sundayed with Pa and
Bring your harness repairing to us
and we will guarantee satisfaction
Garl Fredricksen.
Tom Long was out in the country
Sunday rustling up the farmers to
bring in their hogs. Tom Long knows
bow to hustle.
Joseph Christensen was on the sick
list the fore part of the week.
We are pleased to note that Mrs A
L Andersen is slowly convalescing.
Dr Maxwell was a business visitor
in Hubbard and vicinity last week.
Tom neffernan went to the city last
Saturday to see bis wife and son
Mrs Heffernan is expected home soon.
See our new line of men's hats, in
all style and prices. Carl Anderson,
H Nelsen drove to Dakota Oity last
Nearly every member of the Sam
Thorn family has bad a tussle with the
grip the last week.
C Dodge was a passenger to Sioux
City Tuesday evening,
Farmers are beginning to get
through picking corn. Robert Mundy
has still got fifteen acres out. Within
a week they will all be done.
To those who are owing me on book
acoount, I would urgently request
that yoi call and settle, ss I need the
money. Joe M Leedom.
Mike Timlin is chief cook at the
restaurant these days. Never mind,
mike will give you a good square
Carl Fredricksen was laid up with a
bad cold and his son, Johnny, is doing
the harness making stunt this week.
Mrs Wilsey leaves next Monday for
South Dakota where she will visit rel
atives for the next four weeks. '
Bert Francisco and son, Raymond
were city passengers Tuesday morning
We now have the moat complete line
of shoes in "all grades and styles, and
can fit you in just what you want and
at prices that will be satisfactory.
Carl Anderson.
Andrew Andersen went to feioux
City Tuesday afternoon, returning the
next morning. i
Grandma Duggan who has been ill
tor some time is slowly improving.
Emma Frederickaen is helping in
the Uefternan home.
Cliff PrleBt and Katie Hale are the
latest newly wedded couple that we
know of.
Everything in the line of harness at
the new shop of Carl Fredericksou &
P Larsen and mother were Sioux
City shoppers last week.
John Johnson and Nels Hansen were
visitors one day last week at the H
Hansen home.
John Jessen and wife were Sunday
guests at the 1' Sorensen borne.
A number from here are in attend'
anoe at district court this week.
We are still in the implement bust
ness and will continue to remain there,
with a still larger stock than ever be
fore. Our line consists of the Superior
graiu drill, that will work everywhere
or anywhere, and that need no reooni
mend as they are O K the world over
we handle the famous Moune line of
machinery, Rock Island discs, New
Superior fanning mills. Come and
take a look at our line before buying, a
it was never so complete. We guarao
tee our prioe against any dealer in the
same line of goods. As we nave cou
vioced others, a trial will convince
you. ltenze Ureen.
here to the house recently vacated by
the A C Carroll family. Mr Connelly
expects to deal in real estate etc, .the
coming summer.
Tod Terpenning, of Wagner, 8 D.
arrived Tuesday for a visit with bis
B F Mo Fadden and W D Boylee
and families have moved here from
Gordon, Nebr, and will I arm the Con
Deloughery farm this year.
Mrs Mary Montague, a pioneer of
Dakota county, who was seriously ill
at the home of her son, James Mon
tague, at Norfolk, Nebr, is reported
much improved with chances of recov
ery very good.
John Flider an old and highly re
spected citizen of this place died at
ot Vincents hospital last Saturday
where he had gone ten days before
for treatment for Mayooar jites, age
73 years. Mr Flider wan born in
Germany. He leaves eight children
they are, Joseph, John, Charley, Wit
Iiam, Edward and Henry, and Mr
Louis Krumwicde of Dakota City, and
Mrs U Ogburn of Hubbard. The re
mains were taken to Dakota City,
Wednesday, where funeral services
were held. Interment was also there
beside his wife who preceded him sev
eral years before. Rev Oensiokan of
Ponca, conducted the funeral eerviocs.
Mrs S A Heikes is expected home
this week from Fond du Lao. Wis.
where she went to care for her daugh
ter Blanche, who recently underwent
an operation for appendicitis.
Fred Krumwiede is getting ready to
move to the Fred Duensing farm
which he has leased for a term of five
A box-social will be held this Friday
evening at the Parker school house,
and also one at the Salem Lutheran
Services will be held at the German
Lutheran church next Sunday.
L Ross returned Sunday from a bus
iness trip to Rock Rapids, Iowa, where
be went to look after a job with
horseman at tht place.
John G Gribble has been seriously ill
the past few weeks. He is suffering
with an abscess in his head.
A surprise party was given Monday
night at the 8 A Bridenbaugh home
in honor of Marjorie's 14th birthday
Every one who came thoroughly en
joyed the hospitality of the Briden
baugn family in their elegant new
X red ucnmidt and family will soon
depart for their new home at Under
wood, 8 D, and Erio Beerman and
wife will go to housekeeping on the
Roost farm vacated by them, which
was recently purohased by Fred Beer
J W Hazlegrove this weeK finished
moving his household goods, etc, to
his new heme in South Sioux City
This estimable family will be greatly
missed socially and otherwise, by thei
many friends here.
G A Keller has traded his farm
southwest of town for a place near
Correotionville, Iowa.
A card party was given at the home
f Fred Wilkins last Saturday evening.
About 30 friends were present and en
joyed a very nioe time.
Mr Bancroft living on the Swingle
farm, is very sick this week.
Millor Bros are going to cut down
nd snw into lumber their big cotton-
wood grove this spring. There will
be about 45.000 feet of lumber.
Louis Rasmusseu lost three calves
some time ago, by a straw stack caving
n on them.
Joe Maurice, who went to work for
Alex Nixon, was taken very sick with
the measles, but is better at this writ-
uuu x riesi oi ironon, JNebr, was
isiting in this vicinity last week.
Airs Unas Li Uodge was a passenger
to bioux (Jity last week.
Augusta Larsen is on the sick list
this week.
srti-.r-r.nntinr-air.r- 8
wurirtCdrU riLT I t c
Sioux City Journal, 21st: Joseph
Btarkey. a ranoumnn on the Winneba'
co reservation, was in bioux uity yes'
terday. Mr Starkey says the Indians
on the reeervation are preparing to do
great deal of farming the coming
aeason. He says the Winnebago In'
dians are beooming more industrious
wear by year, and that many of them
are prosperous, and rich in cattle and
Horniok items in Sloan, Iowa, Star:
alias Anna Bartlett, of South Sioux
City Neb, was the guest of her sister,
Mrs E G Sberrard, Friday evening
nd Saturday.... Mrs EC Sherrard
loyally entertaioed a party of friends
at a Valentine Tea Wednesday after
noon. Red and white hearts were
used profusely in the decorating, Ijnes
of them beiug strung about the room.
The place cards were dainty little red
liearts with a conundrum on each.
An elaborate luncheon was served.
The winner of the guessing contest
carried off ft pretty valentine.
Omaha Bee, 17th: William P War
ner, United States marshal for the Ne
braska federal district, qualified Wed
nesday before Judge W II Munger as
ibis own suooessor and took the oath of
office for another four years without a
quiver Deputies J B Nickerson and
Oeorgo W McCallum of the local
Mr and Mrs Carl Andersen visited
relatives in Goodwin Wednesday.
Frank Heeney bad a oar of cattle
on the market Tuurnday morning.
A fine line of dress goods, wash
goods and muslins, at Carl Anderson.
Fred Bartles took a car of sheep to
Omaha Thursday evening.
Bert Francisco was a passenger to
Emerson Saturday.
Mrs Wilsey was one of the Sioux
City shopper from here Saturday.
Bring us your produce and get the
highest market price. Carl Anderson
Peter Sorensen took his little boy
to i ue city oaturaay to nave uis eye
Mrs tiert irancisoo was a passenger
to the city last Friday.
Atlee. Alfred, Ilertba and Marthi
Smith visited Sunday at the Nels An
dersen home.
Fanoy dress shirts, work shirts, and
overalls, an Carl Anderson's.
The Chris R Smith sale turned out
pretty good, everything bringing its
full value.
Minnie Baamuasen came home from
the city Saturday returning Monday.
Born, to Mr and Mrs Dyer last week
a daughter.
Mesdamei Heeney and Harty visited
Getting to the Front
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
We asked our customers for two hundred thou
sand doilars deposits, and quickly got it.
January 1st we asked for "a quarter million,
and only lack $18,000 of that now.
Report of the Condition ot
The Bank of Dakota County.
'The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
of Jackson, NelMBNka, Charter No. flfil. In
corporated In the State of Nebraska, at the
ciosu or business fenruary 12, lino.
IiOnn and discounts t 157.S48 fie '
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured Ml 96
llanklnK house furniture and Hu
tu res 8.H00 on
Current expenses and taxes paid.. 110 42
Due from nut I, state and
private banks 7rt.() 2
Silver, nickels and vents 7,rtNl
Total 215.472 H6
Capital stock paid in lO.not) 00
Nurplti fund x.uu uu
Undivided profits 7 4
Individual deposits sub
ject to check I U7,lfk 45
Demand certificates of
deposit 6,377 43
Time certificates of de
posit lHfl,l9 68 g:)-,712 4
Total 1246.472 VB
Statk of in k br ask a, I
County of Dakota. "
I. Ed T. Kearney, enshter or tlie above
named hank, do hereby swear that the
aliove statement Is acorrect and true copy of
the report mmlu to the state banking board.
attkht: KtiT. Keaknry.
f M. Kkarnf.y, Director. Cashier.
R. K. Kkah.nky. Director.
KuhscrlU'd and sworn to before me this
isthdayof February, 1910.
(seal) Notary Public.
My commission expires March 4, 19i;i.
A Good Statement of a Good Bank
Notice the Increase in Deposits:
February 12, 1909 $173,081.11
February 12, 1910 ...$232,712 46
More tban one-third larger.
Bank of Dakota County
J&ekson j
Ntbr. II
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the acouracy of every
Abstract I make
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstracter
Before the Cold Spring Rains
Strike you is the time to repair that Leaky Roof, and,
the Best way to do it, is to cover it with "E. & B.
Special Rubber Roofing" the Roofing that is Best
by Test, and
You Know How Busy
so Do It Now!
you are going to be later
II of the Bank of Dakota City, of
Dakota City, Neb., charter No. 991, (in
corporated) in the state of Nebraska, at
the close of business ivb. VI, 1910.
Samples and Prices, at
6,m no
S0.2O4 41
John T Daley delivered 2000 bushel
of corn to the Maunders Westraud el
evator Wednesday.
Sam Brannaman is moving this
weok to the l nomas ijong tarm near
llubbard, Nebr, Frank Harris and
family will move to the farm vacated
by Mr Brannaman.
E Eennelly and Ben Cullen spent
Washington's birthday with friends in
Sioux Oity.
Mrs F Smith and baby and Mrs
Abst, of Randopb, Nebr, spent from
Haturday until Tuesday at the J W
It y an home. They were formerly
schoolmates of Miss Ryan at the visita
tion in Dubuque, Iowa.
Frank Flogan departed Sunday for
Howard, S D where be expects to re
main the eomlng summer.
llosooe unepper or umiui was an
over Sunday guest in the J J McBride
Frank Kennelly and family have
moved from Waterbury to the Clark
house on Bluff street. They expeot to
farm one of John J Ryan's farms as
soon as a house is built on it.
Harry and Alice Demaray returned
Sunday from LeMara, Iowa, where
they had gone several days before to
attend the wedding of their cousin.
John Bierk went to Randolph, Nebr,
to visit his daughter, Mrs i rank Nel
Mrs ol J IJUlon enjoyed au over
Sunday visit from her brother, llarry
McKenna, of South Dakota. lie was
enroute to Denver.
Mat Zulauf, who spent the winter in
Ray, Ariz, is expected home about the
middle of March, his health being
much improved.
The county oommiseioners were here
Monday looking over the route of the
proposed ditch. They were accompa
nied by Dan Hartnett. of Hubbard.
John Hiokey is moving this week to
the Culkin house west ot the bank.
D J Connelly living near Hubbard,
having sold some of his farm and rent
ed the balance, will move his family
The M W A presented Rasmus Fred
ericksen a fine Woodman watch charm
Wednesday evening, he being th
banker of Camp.
Mrs Audry Allaway visited with her
mother, Mrs Nannie Altemus, from
Tuesday until Saturday.
Mrs S F Barnes and daughter Lulu
were passengers north Friday, visiting
Mrs Yern Lake at Dakota City Friday
evening. Xuey went te Bioux City
Saturday morning before returning
Mrs G M Best and sou Donald and
Qeo MoUeatb visited their mother Mrs
Marv MclSeath, in Dakota Citv, last
Saturday and Sunday.
Jas Harris and sobs sold over $1,100
worth of cattle to Tim O'Connor Tues
Leonard Harris and Gilbert Hughes
are serving as jurors in the district
court at Dakota City this week
H O Rasotnesen shipped a ear load
of cattle Moudfay.
While on their way from Council
Bluffs to their home at Naoora, Fred
Wall way and family stopped over and
vitited at the Jud Oilell and Carl
Larson homes from Saturday until
Tuesday .
Miss Lewis gave a recital at the E J
Smith home Monday evening in honor
of Miss Lulu Barnes before her de
parture for Omaha.
Mrs Chas Claypool of Sioux City
came dowu Monday to visit net uncle,
Wm Clapp. Tom Clapp came down
several days ago.
Chas Holsworth was on the Omaha
market Monday the zist witu i car
loads of tine fat cattle which brought
him $6 C5.
Will Mason and family visited rel a
tives in Homer between trains Sunday.
Will Wallway, Ed Maurice and Eu
gene and Charley Gurnaey, of Emer
son preoinot, maraeiea grain nere on
H A Monroe, who has been manager
for the E & B Lumber oompany at this
place for the past ten years, will take
a position as auditor for the same com
pany next month. .
Mrs Bud MoKinley went to Walt
hill Wednesday of last week to visit
her sitter, Mrs Spalding, and other
relatives, returning Tuesday.
Rose Smith visited at the Mart
Mansfield home iu Winnebago from
Saturday to Sunday.
Those of the eighth grade who went
to Dakota City to take teachers exam
ination from Homer were Maloolm
Smith, Donald Best, Clarence Rasdall,
Mary Nelson, Aimie Pitts, MattieMo
Kiulev, Walter Ryrnill. Frances Saw
yer, Mary Renz and Marion Curtis.
Last Friday, Feb 18th being Bessie
Holsworth's 8th birthday fourteen of
her little friends were invited to a
house party. They returned to their
homes Saturday evening, tired and
happy wishing Bessie many happy
A stranger giving the name of W
Watson passed a forged check for $10
at the Bartow restaurant Tuesday,
making a 70-oent purchase and re
ceiving S'J 3(1 in cnanne.
bore the name of OO rruni and was
drawn on the Security State bank. A
warrant was issued by Justice Curtis
for the man s arrest, but so far the
oflloers have failed to find him.
Loan and discounts 158,416 fll
BankliiK uourtu furniture ana nx-
t ll res
Curront oxpenm'H nnd taxes paid..
Dun front nut i, slate ana
private banks lr4,ois w
Currency 4,(m) Ot)
(lolil coin I.V40 t
Silver, nickels and cents. 8M 78
Total I 220,:il4 41
Capital stock paid In t SO.nno on
Hui'Dlu luna z.ii ui
Undivided profits 1,120 28
Individual deposits sub
ject to check f 75,1127 W
Demand certlllcutes ot
deposit 2,3)3 00
Time certificates of de
posit 119,363 30 lfff.liU 18
Total 220,314 41
State or Nkhrahka, I .
(Jounty of Dakota. i
I. M.O. Avres. nresldent
of the above named bank, do hereby swear
inai me axve statement is a correct and
true copy of the report mado to the Htato
iiiuiKiiiK jiiiaru. M.O. Athkk,
Attest: .President.
llarry ii. Adair, Director.
(ieo. J. Uoucher, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
21st day of February, 1U10.
J. J. Rimers,
(seal) Notary Public.
My commission expires January 27, lull.
Edwards& Bradford Lbr.Co.
Patronize Home Industry buy your meats of 1
Proprietor of a
(DIty Meat Merlket
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
goes on
Report of the Condition of
The Hubbard State Bank
of Hubbard, Nebr., charter No. 743, Incorpo
rated ill the state of Nebraska, at the eluse
of business r eoruary 1J, iwiu.
Ixians and discounts 62. 741 47
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 232 116 I
HanklnK bouse, furniture and fix
tures... i,4fin no
Current expenses and taxes paid.. I,r7 t
I 'ash Items 1 70
Due from national, state ana pri
vate banks 81,738 23
Currency 2,tv5 00
k)ld coin Hlfi 00
Silver, nickels and cents. 301 21 8,831 SI
for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Total 102,MI 4
Capital stock paid In f 10,000 00
Surplus fund fiU) 00
Undivided prollts 2,804 77
Individual deposits sub
ject to check I 41,171 42
Demand certificates of
deposit 875 73
Time certlflcatesof de
posit 47,023 64 SB.773TO
Total $102, 1
mate 01 isenraxKa, ( .
County of Dakota. I " I, Michael Waters.
cashier of the above named Ixmk, do hereby
swear that the alxive statement Is acorrect
and true copy of the report made to the
state lumkiiiK boaru. michakl waters.
Attest r. J. Heeney, Director.
D. K. Waters. Director.
HulwcrllM'd and sworn to before uie this
lxm day of February, lvio.
B. B. Grirhlk.
(seal) Notary Public.
My commission expires March 4. lull.
First publication FeblS 4wks
To the unknown heirs of Charles Tldd. de.
ceased; Charles Tldd, Mark Tldd, John
Tldd, Martin Tldd, The f idelity Lutn and
Trust Company of bioux City, Iowa, The
Fidelity Securities Company, KlUttlieth
Thurlwr, K. Frank Antrim, Mary Tldd
craiier una Amanda Tldd cummins:
You and each of you will take notice that
Surah .). Ouinsey, plaintiff, 011 the 14th day
of February, A. D , IUI11. filed In the District
Court of Dakota county, Nebraska, ber De
tltlon iiKalnst the alwve named defendants
the object and prayer of which are to quiet
her title to the northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter 01 section fourteen (14)
township twenty-seven (27) north, of rantce
seven (71 east, ot the dth P.M. In Dakota
county, rnunrusfu, ana remove the cloud
cast thereon by reason of defective
proceeding In the settlement of the estate
of said Charles Tldd, deceased, and of the
hhIh itf tils reitltv under hrIiI rtmpMiullnu..
also to quiet the plaintiff's title io suld real
estate and remove the cloud t hereon, caused
by a certain moriKaKe given to one U. r
Antrim, wno is me same person as
the defendant. II, f rank Antrim
on the Hrd day of Novemlier, lssfi
and recorded in mortitaKe book ii" at paue
US of the records of said county; also to
quiet planum s tine 10 said real estate and
remove the cloud thereto caused by two
11101 tuaues to r luenty i,oun and Trust Com
pany of Stoux City, Iowa, made on the With
day of December, Ihnw, one for flGo.00 and one
for fll.tft, said moriKUKes OeliiK recorded In
the records of said county In morlifuKe book
I,, one at pane 627 and one at pane 62W
also to remove cloud to plaintiff s title to
said real estate caused by a certain inort
khk to the defendant KlUahcth Thurbcr
made on the 2tlh day of Decemlwr, 1HW, for
the purpose of sccurliiK the payment of fwm.
said morttfuKc oeinK reenmeu in me rec
ords of said county In ttmrlKHue hook "U"
at pane U) ; aud to quiet the title aimlnst the
claim! of the defendants, Charles Tldd,
Mark Tldd. Martin Tldd. Mary Tldd CruU-r.
Amanda Tldd Cummins, John Tldd, the
sntd Fidelity I-oun Trust Company and
the said Fidelity Securities company; and
to inlet anil confirm the plaintiff's title
Hiratnsl the claims of each and all of said de
fendaiits. Plaintiff also pray for ucneral
equitable relief.
Wealth, in Land
The Big Horn Basin, the Yellowstone Valley and the large
Dry Farming valleys in Wyoming along the the Bnrlington,
offer exceptional opportunities for farmers, merchants, me
chanics and professional men to locate near and in the new
towns now. springing up along the
Burlington's Main Line to the Northwest
All of these rich farming valleys are surrounded by valuable
pasture lands containing timber for the settlers and in most
cases, coal and valuable building stone.
Government Irrigited Homesteads. Homesteads under the
Carey Act. Deeded lands and 220-acre free Homesteads under
the Mondell law. Go with me on one one of our personally
conducted Land Seekers' excursions ffrst and third Tuesdays
of each month. Cheap Rates on These Dates.
Don't Pay Rent, but send for our free folders with maps telling
all about these lands. State which proposition you are most
interested in. Write today.
D. Clem Deayer, Gen Agt
Land Beckers Information Bureau,
Room 6, "Q" Building, Omaha, Nebr.
5E6e EleraldL jbsvcI
Farmers Tribune
"""" " mwni him imi 1
Vim and each of you are required to
swer said petition 011 or before the 2Mth day
of March. A. D.. ivi".
Dated February mm, iwiu.
(Sarah O Ournsey,
It Is hereby ordered and directed that the
Tha chnck ! above notice lot published for four weeks in
m 1 , i . 1 ... . .- -- ' -"" -
county. Nebraska, and when so published,
l hereby approved aud declared Io be a
sufficient notice of the pendency of this ac
tion lothe heirs of Charles Tldd, deceased,
and to each and all the defendants In this
action. T- Graves.
Judge of the District Court.
' W t-t-rW
Winter HDays
Will soon be here. Be prepared with a nice warm J
Lap Kobe. We have a good assortment in
various designs of pleasing colors ranging in price
as follows: $2.80 - $4.20 - $5.30, all of
Good Heavy Tlush, fast colors, and very durable. 4
Come early and get the best selections.
we will eell all last year's patterns of Plush
and Wool Lap Eobes at one-fourth offtho price
Sttxrco Bros.
411 P.rl Street
Sioux City, Iowa.