Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 18, 1910, Image 7

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    h RIALS vftf NfcKDF.M
rtHtf HAVE DC;r. liwLR5t - ; .
IVOR M r-Njl- tV p
w. rm mm.
13. .1
Mnnyon'a Pnw raw puis Conx the
liver into activity by gentle methods.
They do not scour, srlpe or weaken. They
are a tonlo to the stomach, liver and
nerves; Invigorate Instead of weaken.
They enrich tits blood and enable the
tomach te get all the nourishment from
food that is rut Into It. Tliee pills con
tain no calomel ; they are soothing, heal
Inn and stimulating. For sale by all drug
grists In 10c and :'5o sizes. If you need
medical advice, write Munyon's Doctors.
They will advise to tho bent of their abil
ity absolutely free of Charge. MtOV
VON'S, B3d anil Jefferson Sis., l'hll
Bdelphta. Va.
Munyon s Cold Remedy cures a cold In
One dsy. Prlco. 25c. Munynn's Rheuma
tism Remedy relieves in .a few hours and
cures In a few days. Prioe 25c
Sticky Sweating
after taking salts or cathartio
waters did you ever notice that
weary all gone feeling the palms
of your hands sweat and rotten
taste in your mouth Cathartics
only move bv sweating your bowels
Do a lot of hurt Try a CASCA
RET and see how much ensier the
Jpb Is done how much better
you feoL 90s
CA9CARHT3 ioc a box for s week's
treatment, nil dnirinn. Birgeat seller
In the world. Million boxes a monih
The Army of
I Crowing Smaller Every D7.
paapcmuLla ixy a
mly tjrrW
tfsai (of
fasss, taiitntiea. Sick HsaaWln, SaBow Sua,
Gcno in 6 mm test Signature
What Prof. Shaw. th Wall-Known Affrf-
cwlturitt. Says About Iti
MI would sooner raise oattl In Western
Canada tbaa la tho corn belt or
the United btate.
K Is cheaper and climate
I Vour market wilt im-
ittt)r for the Dnrucwe.
Frove rsMUr tcan yonr
ami era will protlaoeth
mipplie. Wheat can b
grown tip to tho 60th pu
nllel (mu mllna north of
the International bound
ary!. our vacant land
will be taken at rate
beyond present concep
tion., We have enough
people in the United
j Y - mat it tuone wno want
'ij homes to take Mp Una land." Haarly
I4 wlllf'iitraDdinakeilmtrliomea
j In Wi'stora Caiiatit. tlila your
crop of wheat, nt and bnritr(
In aVHtloit to wlilrb the cattle
exports win an linuiriiae Item
Cattle raisiitic, duirylns, mixed
fnrmiu? and sraln smwing In the
rvUicea of Klanlioba, SoakaU
chmvti.ii and AUM-rta.
I 'rtH liouicatad and pro-mp
n by mil way and land compantea, will
l i proviao nomoi ror minimis.
"il Adiiutablo anil, lieult liful clf-
,; 'i r .51 mat, nplHnd
T "tS chiirchea, and
.i ' Aja'-Oal For (Mttlera,'
vooi railwnya
Ltwt rlohi 'ett, how
ri t hh. ri imu r I ni. ( m
1 to rHch the country and other par
'"v Nl ticnliira, write to fiup't of Imnil
1 i Ph Bawl aration. Ottawa. Cauiida. or to the
following Cnuu'llrtn (iov't Agenta; li. T. Holmea,
tit ackaon Ht.. Ht, Taul, Utem.. and J. U. MacLaohlaa.
Box US, Watertowu, Boutn lMkota. (Lae addreaa
aaaraat you.)
Please aay where yon eaw thla adrerttaement.
Best for Children
Vii nyt mum izn (ojm.s
Grvei Instant relief when little throats
are irritated and sore. Contains
no opiates and is as plea? ant to lalte
as it is eflective.
All DruvsUta. 2f rants.
A GEM amontr ftowprniB-trcr'n: A thrm for poeta.
rKlr .i.iv. ilui-ni uM.-i.im'" n. 11k. rl
'wild crb olor. a cli H . r rTSX
' 6urlfullT UltitratKl Nun-ry l.al.ih-ir aalfc.a-
a QUARTER OF A CEKTI'RY In Pw.u cityl In in
bnnor w iimkv n imn.l nff. r 10 i. 1 1 1 -m rt. a- 1
bMUliful pli. ntw : Ti. i Mfl II..Mrli..r r-i.1.'. ..11.; Tip n .
tWO T'llXI yll'M. n llilll I'.l'l S T " 1 1 ! " 1
CataJiir ti lls till iiln.jt 11. o?"l !k.. 11. . f.i in..-
tnrr fur t"v v,,.t ,inii,l-:, Dim T. . H.M;' '
NORTHFR'1 . M.m..'.. . .,1.. r
lrmTiniii!-. ?m . .til-. ul !ii ..
La Lost. l'rl. i-j. I l.-.lil. XV11:.. I..
r ii.ulilj
! .1 .lo
CA tiro E MI 1 I'f ii.'tif:.! 11I! Miur lm
in the fast ;n.ii:j.- tnn nf i ,1 Mm.i,.
lelShts. on II. c I'.'V nf Mi. -. v M;h
and of huiihD in", fin;' Jin 1 fin' ft i, ri '.v
SL'5 each. Till" i.'i.U'.i'i'i-. I. I'D n ! v i.'i
1eel. Kusy 'n i !'! . ' li ..
V. riieli c.i . f ' -.sl.l... c.m I'f
r V 1 tr
li t III II
1 .11 . r. 1 i4
lli.lh. ....
a.4 1 i.i
REA CO.. dipt. B5, M-H-rUn, n::is.
ftlOHO yar and nj sir-'n --ufi l. n i.-1. :r -.nr
9lssUVJ Vt'tTlimry ' ( if, .r . . ) . u
ajrwsi: tk it'll 1 1 n lui'.-it i .a I" I . i m t tin '. . v
Jlrtnaot.t'red f'.rmu-a---t - s . .. f - - at !i it,, r , ,j
411 . amurcilua f narntiOi d . nr' u ln,t f re. -to
4swis.ar7 CrrHBaaVM Hi. r -'. U-. r(,t,a
An hrunctata rti
Throat, Lmct.lu
Savrmful liwidunl
cf tfi
Aai'i i i'ic Tro 'Id.
dfco. ,dif (1.4 Iinhu ai
Fnci, 2$ ct.it. tit) rfti jkrvJ per Vox.
'SaanpU madta on r-i.i.
JOHN I. PPOV N A I1W-i,,Miii.
geMMiisfsiir i tuTt 1 iw -iiien,:r naW
, Mps
L. t.I If... 1
& ft U'fcK I
1. rr in
H'arnlna Niitrs (tilling the WtpVrd
la llrprnlenrr.
A brolrn rr()n
Ih f. n unpat.l
Kvrn a fof'l
may pus for a
man of sonsp.
A bald headfJ
man nt the prayer
imrting Is worth
two at the thea
If you Ift a fiilsehood lie It will Boon
. Wouldn't it l- delightful If one-half
the coiniillnierils paid us wt-ro true?
We never Vnow what our frlrnds
will do for ua until we pet Into trouble.
It Is rvtr enmmon to remember oth
er peoples' faults und forget our own.
The shorter the utepjrom one sin to
another, the t,oontr one wears out his
Originality Is n fragment of another
man's thought linked with a bit of
one's own.
What foolishness to live to pile up
dollars if the devil is to be the only
gainer by it.
Many a man's head has been turned
by somebody else coming into church
a little late.
Not everyone who goes to church is
a Christian, nor everyone who stays at
home a sinner.
AurcIs know h:w much we want the
Lord to come, by what we are doing to
help mriko ie devil go.
(lod provided for the worst that
could happen to man beforo Ho
breathed into him the breath of life.
A man's vices lead him into the
broad way, and after that he takes
the lead and drags the vires after him.
The man who would be worthy of
honest praise must practice constantly
the virtues which inspire honest men
to praise their fellow men.
The "drys" think that if the saloon
is not taken out of politics, politics
will die. Tho "wets" fear that if the
saloon Is taken out of politics, both
wiU die.
One may part with his health In the
acquiring of millions then health Is
not worth as much as money, but aft
er that health is worth more, for his
millions cannot buy It back.
The American traveler, as a rule, ia
well informed as to all that concerns
a stranger far from his own country;
but he sometimes finds It difficult to
understand why any other language
than that of his native land should be
used. Two Americans traveling In
Germany wanted to send a telegram,
and went to the office. The operator
could not sepak a word of English,
the Americans were ignorant of Ger
man, and after a conversation in
which each party politely explained
matters to the further mystification of
the other, one of the Americans turn
ed to his companion and said:
"Well, Jim, take one of those blahUa
and write out the message. Then he'll
understand it well enough."
This "Jim" did, but the operator
pushed back the paper with an ami
able smile, but a convincing shake of
his head.
The travelers looked at each other,
puzzled, but "Jim" had an Idea.
"I tell you what I'll do. I'll spell it
out to him. The lunkhead can't help
but understand if the words are all
spelled to him, letter by letter."
Fortunately the message was short,
and the clerk listened politely, but
without a sign of comprehension. He
evidently considered it another pecu
liar development of a strange lan
guage. Seeing no signs of understanding,
the men went in search of a friend
who could write their message for
them, and explained to him that the
telegraph operator was evidently a
stupid person.
"I don't blame him for not under
standing English," said one, "but what
I do blame him for is becaues he can't
tell what a word is "fter you've spell
ed it for him. That's what I call more
than Ignorant!"
.Nothing- XVun the Matter,
"A newsboy I knew," said a yacht
4ian, "took to the sea. He became,
cabin boy on a tramp collier. He waa
a good boy, but
"Once, when our white squadron
was at Newport, this collier steamed
In her slow way shoreward with her
ensign upside down, the signal of dis
tress distress of the direst. Instantly
a pretty sight was to be seen. Kverjr
warship in the fleet lowered a life
boat, and all of those beautiful, snowy
boats, manned by jackles In spotietia
white duck, raced for the grimy old
collier at breakneck speed a pretty
sight indeed. Tho captain of the col
lier stood on the bridge. He waved
his hat, and the crews pulled all the
faster. As they drew close they heard
the man's cries.
" t'nme on! 1'ull! Get down to it!
ho reared, dancing about wildly.
"'What's the matter, captain?' the
first officer to reach the collier asked
breat hleshly.
"'Why, nothing's the .matter,' the
captain answered in a surprised voice.
" 'Then why's your ensign upsida
"Tho captain looked aloft, theu
"'It's that boy Hank again,' said ha.
'And luro I thought it was a regat
ta.' "
A l.oim l elt Want.
An Ameilran once went to Wiudsoi
castle and innisted upon seeing Queen
Victoria. He was told tha; t was
quite Impossible, as an audience with
the queen cjuld he had only by ap
I'olnmuut. Bt ill he persisted, and then
they told him flat-footed that before
fciehig tin; queen he must state the
object of his visit. He said he wanted
to shew her a new piece of furniture,
i throne bed a perfect throne by day
and a perfect bed by night
Trial Dottl. Fro Br Mall
If yos iuflrr fmm Ep'P?. Ftm, Falling S-kn,
COTtjiy rll rrllare tham. a'.il s'l ton rt akl to
do U (o irad for s Free Trial 14 Uo'uls of l)t. Maj
Cpllssptloldo Our
It bs enrd thonnil hrs wrtritns slaa
failed. Gnarantwd by MftT Mriilial l.almratu T
Vm)r Pnra Food and Prua Art, June Oi, li
Ouaisnty No 171. Pl-ae w-rite for HiM-riai Free
Bottle stid rm AGs and eomvlrt adilrcta
OR. W. H. MAT, 643 Pearl Street. Ne'Toik.
for Insurance and Investments. Sever
al fine money-makfli"; proposals for
bright men and women ou Gilt Edged
matters. Address
Standard Finance Company
103 Park Avenue,
New York City
Fight V'niler a Louder and Holl
Stones lions on Their Eneiulc.
Aesop's ape, It will be remembered,
wept on passing through a human
graveyard, overcome with sorrow for
Its dead ancestors, and that all ononkeys
are willing enough to be more like us
than they are they show by their
An old authority tells that the,
easiest way to capture apes is for the
hunter to pretend to shave himself,
then to wash his face, fill the basin
with a sort of bird lime and leave It
for the npes to blind themselves, the
London Times says. If the Chlnesa
story is to be believed, the imitative
craze Is even more fatal in another
way, for If you shoot one monkey ol
a band with a poisoned arrow, lti
neighbor, Jealous of so unusual a dec
oration, will snatch the arrows from
It and stab Itself, only to have it torn
away by a third, until in succession
the whole troop have committed sul
In their wild life baboons, as well
as the langurs and many othei
monkeys, undoubtedly submit to th
authority of recognized leaders. Then
la co-operation between them to the ex
tent that when fighting in company on
will go to the help of another wblcfc
Is hard pressed.
IU rocky ground they roll down
stones upon their enemies and whec
siaklng a raid, as on an orchard whtel
they believe to be guarded, the at
tack Is conducted on an organized plan
sentries being posted and scoutt
thrown out, which gradually feel .theli
way. forward to make sure that tht
coast Is clear, while the nialn body re
mains In concealment behind until told
that the road Is open.
From the fact that the sentries staj
posted throughout the raid, getting
for themselves no share of the plunder
It has been assumed tha4 there must
be some sort of division of the pro
ceeds afterward. Man, again, has beer
differentiated from all other creaturei
as being a tool using animal, but mort
than one kind of monkey takes a stoni
In Its hand and with it breaks the nuts
which are too hard to be cracked wltb
the teeth. -
Constipation causes and aggravates
many serious diseases. It is thor
oughly cured by Dr. 1'ierce's Pleasant
Pellets. The favorite family laxative.
Tlii- Vulnerable Point.
Mrs. Holt could be depended upon t
almost any time to say the wrong thing
with the best Intentions In tne world.
"Nobody minds what poor dear Fanny
Holt says," her friends told each other
when repeating her remarks. "We
know she means all right."
"Isn't It queer how differently things
affect people?" one of Mrs. Holt's
neighbors said to her the day after a
"beach picnic." "We both got tired to
death, you and I, but you say you'te
had Just a little bit of indigestion,
while I have this fearful blind head
ache." "Well, that's perfectly natural," said
Mrs. Holt, cheerily. "Of course when
people are tired out, it goes straight
to the weakest part of them; mine la
ny stomach, and everybody knows
yours Is voit
'11.1". ar!"
Alralilii i:iliii-tte.
(With the advent of flying machines
we note that several of our dearest
friend3 are much disturbed by a lack
of knowledge of the little proprieties
that govern that fine sport. For those
persons we offer the following few
suggestions which will be added to as
the code Is completed:)
I If you drop your lady be sure of
your bearings. No gentleman will
drop a lady Into Tittsburg.
II Remember that the motto of the
Epworth League is "Look up" and
DON'T SPIT. Epworth Leaguers are,
as a rule, very finicky people.
III In falling. If you should pass
an acquaintance aeroplaning with a
strange lady It Is good form to raise
your hat.
IV Never fall through a roof. Peo
ple's chambers are seldom fit to re
ceive company without advance notice
of their coming.
V Keep to tho right.
I'rollll't OI-llitliee.
"Harold," peremptorily spoke the
strrn father, "you lire upending a jrood
deal of money on Imozu and tobacco."
"Yes. air."
"And yo i look disreputable."
"Yes. sir."
"Ktop it ut once! Put the lid on
Hastily thanking li I in. the younir man
went out, bought a J.'i hut, anil l inl It
charged to the stern father. Cliieafo
Man Trjlna to Ahnllah the Kev
Slaverr Is KiUimlard.
For many long, terrible years tht
t'nited Ptates has been sweltering n
ler the yoke of the tyranny of servants.
With waiters, psrlor car porters, cooks,
tnnlds nd even barbera in tlulr pres
ent uuran.-ed condition, whnt man has
cot felt the mailed hand of the mighty?
Waiters have withered us, porters have
petrified us, barbers have bullied us,
maids have mystified us and cooks
have cooked us until nil the fight has
been taken out of us. And until now
we have been looking for another Lin
coln In vain.
Hope, however, lias tome at last. A
hungry patient of a Chicago restau
rant became Impatient the other day
at the slowness of the waiter. Ah,
how many of us have felt that Impa
tience and remained supine, the Wash
ington Post says. But this Chicago
man was made in heroic mold. He
did not beckon timidly to the waiter
and feebly remonstrate. He did not
send for the head waiter, who would
have given him an Icy reproof. He
did not send for the proprietor and go
through the usual argument.
None of that for this man. He was
a hero, n pioneer, a Harriet Ueecher
SLcwc. only hi way tin- way of doei'.J
rather than words. He simply pro
reeded to "clean out" the place, throw
ing dishes at tho waller, knocking
cliHlrs to right nod left, kicking the
bend waiter In the shins, and giving
tho proprietor a 'cuiT till the neck for
And In the police court the next day
the magistrate, with the llht of n
zealot in his eyes, regarded the pris
oner as the leader of a great nnd
wondrous movement out of darkness.
He leaned over the batch, listening
sympathetically to his stoiy. He nodded
in appreciation, punctuating the dra
matic recital with ecstatic "aha" and
"ohs." And nt the end he drew him
self up in his chuir on tho bench and
sonorously decreed: "It Is not neces
sary to wait longer than a reasonable
time for an order to be filled."
To 6uch men as this magistrate and
the Chicago diner the world owes
a tremendous debt. To such a man as
Senntor Stone, of Missouri, who actu
ally cowed a Pullman porter, the world
should take off Its green plush hat nnd
nlng "The Star-Spangled Banner."
They are the leaders In a great na
tional movement toward the abolition
of the new slavery. Who will say now
that the twentieth century may not
breed a man with courage to outface
a cook?
A Qoalnt Endorsement,
J. Plerpont Morgan, at a recent dlo
cesan convention In New York,
amused a group of clergymen with a
story of a minister.
"Ho was as ignorant, this good man,
of financial matters," said Mr. Morgan,
"as the average financier Is Ignorant
of matters ecclesiastical. He once re
ceived a check the first he had ever
got In his life and took It to a bank
for payment.
" 'But you must endorse the check,'
said the paying teller, returning It
through his little window.
" 'Endorse It?" said the old minister,
in a puzzled tone.
" 'Yes', of course. It must, be en
dorsed on the back.'
" 'I see,' said the minister. And
turning the check over, he wrote
across the back of it:
" 'I heartily endorse this check.' "
How He I. Iked It.
Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, at a dinner
In New York, discussed the upbring
ing of children, a subject on which, as
her writings show, she Is an author
ity. "The modern fashion of letting no
one kiss the baby is," said Mrs. Bel
mont, "excellent. For, aside from the
health of the thing, the baby doesn't
like to be kissed, and neither does the
adult, unless a close relation, like to
kkiss it. I once watched a great artist
as, at an enthusiastic young mother's
request, he stiffly kissed her six-months-old
" Well, how did you like It?' I asked
him afterwards.
"The artist answered with a grim
ace: "'It was exactly like kissing a
poached egg.' "
Warning Holtjr.
In many ways England la quite at
real a democracy as the United States.
A story about the young prince Ed
ward, told in the Atlanta Constitution,
Illustrates well this point. He was
Bent to school at Osborne. He had Just
arrived, and was wandering about the
grounds, when he was accosted by an
other email boy, who had already been
a term at Osborne.
"Hello!" said the other boy who was
the son of a captain In the navy. "You
are a new boy. What's your name?"
"Edward," the little prince replied.
"Edward what, stupid?" said the
other boy. "You must have another
"Edward of Wales," said the prince.
"Oh, so you're that chap," was his
comment, as he walncd away. "I hope
you won't put on too much side."
Tlie Jiulumeut.
As long as art eriduies and we
have Longfellow's word for it that It
has lasting qualities the critic will
scoff and the artlxt writhe under his
sneers, and bitterly resent them.
"But," cried B., whose marines did
not always excite favorable comment,
"you crltlca pronounce your Judgments
with finality, and yet I know and you
know that you never held a biush In
your hand, and that you couldn't )alnt
a decent picture to save your life!"
"True, my dear fellow," replied his
tormentor, tranquilly. "Nor did I
ever lay an egg, but I do hopo I know
a bad one when I taste It."
l.opved It oir.
Towne Has he sent you a check for
your services? Iirowue Yes, hut it
Isn't for the amount I expected al
though I sent him a hill. Towne
Your writing's bad. Maybe be didn't
decipher the tunount. Drownc I 'in
afraid he did de-clpber It. I wrote
1100 very plainly, and be seut 10.
PbUadaLobla Press.
ft as rroTed Grent Snreess
eaada Snr It's the lleat
They F.ver t.renr.
The Wonderbrrry or Snr.V.trry. the
tnarvelous garden fruit orl;;lnu'.cd by
Luther Burhank, and lntrcilu d by
John Lewis Chllds, the well known
seedsman of Floral Park, N. Y., ha?
proved a great success all over the
country. Thousands of people say it
la the best thing they ever grew.
Mr. John Burroughs, the well known
author, Naturalist and bosom friend of
Theodoro Hoosevelt, saya it is the
most delicious pie berry he ever tasted,
and a marvelous cropper.
A Director of the New York Agri
cultural Experiment Station says I!
fruits abundantly even In pure sand.
In the short season of Northwestern
Canada it is a godsend, and fruits Ioiik
after frost has killed most garden
D. S. Hill, Wichita, Kan., says thirtv
people grew it there last season with
perfect satisfaction.
K. S. Enochs, Hammond, La., says
It yicld3 $2. 10 worth of fruit per ncn
with hltn. Mrs. J. II. Powers, 472."
Kenwood avenue, Chicago, rained
enough berries on a space 4x10 feet
to supply herself and friends.
J. P. Swallow, Kenton. Ohio, says Its
equal for all purposes does not exist.
Rev. H. B. Sheldon, Pacific Grove,
Cal., says he likes the berries served
In any and every way.
W. T. Davis. Enon, Va., says It Is
true to description in every way, and
fruits in three months from seed.
Judge Morrow, of U. S. Circuit
Court, say the Wouderbcrry is sim
ply delicious raw or cooked.
Mr. Chllds exhibited one plant five
months old bearing 10,373 berries
which measured about eight quarts.
Mrs. Hattie Vincent. Hayden, New
Mexico, says It stands long, hard
droughts of that climate and fruits
abundantly all summer.
It la certainly the most satisfactory
garden fruit and the greatest Novelty
ever Introduced.
A Walinab Avrnoc Opinion.
"Speaking: of Rood things, I"d like to
show you something in the London
r.unch that "
"You cah't show me nothln'. Jack
Johnson's got a punch that has all
them furrlners gnsplu' fur breath!"
Chicago Tribune. ,
How's This? .
We offer Ons Hundred Dollsrs rtewa.nl foi
any cae of t'ntorrli tlutt cannot be cured bs
UuU's Cntsrrli I'ure.
F. J. CI I K.N KT & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the tinilorslcneil, have known . J
Cheney for tun last 1.1 years, end bellovs
hltn perfectly Iionorn hie In nil UiisIiipub trun
srtlona. anil financially alile to carry ou.
any obligations made by his Arm.
Walmno, Kin'njin & Marvin,
, Wholesale DniBS'sts, Toledo, O.
Mall a Catarrh Cure In Inken Internally,
otlnff directly upon the Mood snd nniooui
surface" of the nyateni. Testimonials sent
free. Price, 76c. per bottle. Bold by all
Xuke UaU's Family nils for constipation.
Unfortunate New Yorkers.
In New York we have become so
hardened to eating the strange prod
ucts of the cold storage vaults that
the fresh foods of our childhood
would probably Beean unpalatable. To
the diner accustomed to tho pale,
tasteless chicken of our hotels and
restaurants, a real full-blooded broiler,
slain within the current year, would
taste "strong" and obnoxiously as
sertive. Similarly, a really fresh egu,
neither Iced nor partlcally hatched,
might seem to our sophisticated pal
ates to possess too many of the at
tributes' of the Ingenue. New York
Evening Sun.
Has Found Doiu'i Klduey Pills
Mrs. Emeline Green, nurse, Osage,
Iowa, saya: "I have nursed many
cases of terrible kid
ney disorders and
have found Doan's
Kidney Pills the best
remedy for such
troubles. In confine
ment when It Is so
necessary to have the
kidneys in good con
dition, Doan's Kidney
Pills are In a class
alone. Thcyare aplen
backache, dizziness,
did also for
bloating, retention and other kidney
and bladder troubles."
Remember the name Doan's. For
ale by all dealers. CO cents a box
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
European Inventors are successfully
endeavoring; to produce moving- plo
tures which can be seen clearly with
out darkening the hall.
Hunwki''in r
W, J 't ' a. 'Maf' la.-- If
3U E5BERRY-Tho Improved Wondorborry
LJIIIER BLBBANK'S GREATEST CREATION. A Luscious IWy l.p.u.arf n Thre. Mo.,.. Fro- SmL
&EED 20 CTS.
This Is poaltlvely the CREATEST new Frull snd the best NOVELTY of snodern times. These sr. facta whirl,
"L wy 1 h ProoU sre ovorwheloilng la suoiUf ..id cooclJalVe to ch-SaLr? C'roJn V', vS T-Ci2a"
frnlt bluf-bl&ck Ilka an enormous rich blueberry In looks and tsats.
mir.uHr.l fr eatuia- raw, c,ked, caiuiad ur preirTed In sujr furni.
ia tfrettt RiarOen Irulifts equally valuaLila In hot, dry, cold or wet ell
i la. .aaei.t pUnt In the world to grow, succeeding- any where sud
lumsr . t-at ninaaes of rich fruit all summer and fall. The greatest
i m to lua fmuily garden eer known. Lravea and tranches ars alto
U..-U for iri fin and are superb. Kierybo.Jr ran snd will grow It.
l.uilij-1' llurtmnk, of ( alirorola, the world famuua plant wlxard, or
i iium1 the Wond-rberry and turned It oer to ins to lutroducs. lie
i a of II I This abeolutely new berry plnut Is of great lutareat sud
. as It bears the unat ilelli lous, whulraome and healthful berries
l i "I moat profusion and alwaya nomas true from sesd."
llaO MY CATALOOUJ, paes t snd 8, for full description,
r .ura, uaeu, rto. ( Alao ( iilnri-.l fmiii.! iVIth scores of testluiuuiikla
' ""'l-knowo sul reiiumhla people all eer ths eouuuy. Al.o
- . i turn vvouueroerry.
Address JOHN LEWIS CK.LOS, Floral Park, FJ. Y.
Ills offer will not sppaar sgala. Write tor iunberrv av. an4 Catalogwe al sacs. Do MX aeglact ear slsasasV
& This
Wllllnar to hmr Good-Dy.
"I pay ns I go," declared tha
mouthed person.
"No doubt yon do," answered th
quiet man. "but I'd rather see the
style of your departure than the color
of your motiev."
When llnltltera Heroine eeeaanry
And your Mine t in. h. shnke Into your
shnes Allen'. I '"lit i:ii-o, the nntb'llc
powder for the teet. Cures tired, BrMnK
fert nnd taken the atlntr out of Corns Hint
Hunlotis. Always ue it for Breaking In
New shoes nnd for Untiring parties. Suld
everywhere ;Tir. Sample mailed KltKK.
Address, Allen S. OlniMed. Le Hoy, N. Y.
111 Knon I. titer.
Stranger 1 am told you have a "pur
chasing agent" In this city. Wha
dors he do?
Native Mister, we're payln' ttu
Mtirrlnm commission $50,000 to tint
Mrs. Window's Ponthlne: Syrup fr
children tei'thlnir, softeni the Kiinm, re
.Iihi's Inlt iiiiiniU Ion, all iyi ouin, cures
wind colic. Die a buttle.
In Venezuela there Is a grewt de
mand for perfumery, even turning the
men, while face powder Is a necessity
for the women on account of the cli
mate. 821,000 estab. harness bua-lnsss for sale
or Irndo for clear land. N. V. Harness
A Saddlery Co., 314 Pearl, Sioux City, Ia.
tlaola I he Vrtfetarlnn. (
Well, when no more your purse can
The uplift In the price of bef.
There's more nutritious food at hand;
Kat beans and rice, nnd find relief.
ni.ES riHr.n ix to 14 nws.
TAZO OINTMKNT la siiaranteed to cure any
cai) of Itchinir. Itlind, lileedins or Protruding
1'ili-s in 6 to 14 dara or niuney refunded. 50c.
Another llelualon Shattered.
The messenger boy was hurrying.
"Dere goes do chatnpeen prize fight
er." he explained. "I want ta git ft
good look at 'Im.1
rxrosrFE t coin
Still wet fa the ftrat alepto I'lieiim.iina. Ta Perrr
iMiia' f'.ilnAI1T and the danuvr la aeruit. t!n
i)ua'ea fur coldi. aura tliruai.qiiiiiaT.X-c.l'Iic and Ma.
The gross Imports of ginseng Into
China In 1907 amounted to- 319,400
pounds, valued at a little over $1,000.
000. Woman's Power
Woman's most glorious endowment is the power
to awaken and hold the pure and honest love of a
vrorthy man. When the loses it and still loves on,
ao One in the wide world can know the heart agony
he endures. The woman who sutlers from weak
ness end derangement of her special womanly or
anism soon loses the power to sway the heart of
man. Her general health suffers and she loses
ber tfood looks, her attractiveness, her smiahilitv
euid her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. R.V. Tierce, of Buffalo, N.Y.. with
the assistance of his staff of able physicians, hat prescribed for and cured maay
thousands of women. He has devised a successful remedy for woman's ail
nents. It ia known as Dr. Tierce's Favorite Trescription. It It a positive)
apectfio Tor the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, ra.a.
lates, strengthens end heals. Medicino dealers sell it. No honest dealer win ,
advi.e you to accept a substitute ia order to make a little larer profit. '
Dr. Plen' Pluat Pel la, ngulmf mad itnngthta Stommch. Llyr m4 Bo-sJ.
There are no other shoes at popular prices
that in any wav
on lasts mat insure the utmost comfort,
give your feet that trim and stylish look.
shoes combine atyle and wearlne
easily makes them the most popular,
lames line snoes obtainable, at a cost
ary shoes. Your dealer will supply you ; if not, write to us.
To b sure ueu pel tht LEADING I.ArtY.
look or th Maun Trade Mark
'RK5 f, w'"1 "ni ,he n,m ef
"umi uuy enoia, w win
f.satuui piiiurtj 01 murine. wniUtflon.li J
W Also malt Hnnorhllt RfiAM fX mn
nit01? Cornfort S"1". Yerma Cushion bhoeu. Sprctal
fe5JvF. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co.
ZZbs Milwaukee, Wis.
Cures the sick and acts
ton true. Sale tor brood
$1. a bottle: S snd $10 the doeen. Bold br all drug-gists ana
houses, or sent, express paid, t7 the manufacturers.
fc 4v 13 X MONTHS FRCM Sttei
cunduaive In character.
' UNBKftRV Is an ImproTed form of the TTiinltil mi asdsl.
I Introduced eaclualrely Uat year aud which urored s aUaaUarX
i12'i"Zu,lo, "r'Kliialtyps.andlalonehaTsgsaalaeassjsW
sED20oprpkt.H pkts.forSOoi 7forSI.OO. '
Willi sry packet of aeed I send a booklet gltlng 100 Reolpaw fa
tialng the fruit, raw, cooked, canned, prsaerred, Jellied, aplced. plosJaX
ln' rPt wins, greens, eta. It Is superior for any of thaaa aaaa.
m wwut ui ur i. - ia
"17 l,uuo in
ai lion in
UM uw, mm-
fX) Illustrations and
o.i yi-nra and have half
i .i-n'i rieaatia'action guarauteed to areryons. Do uot fall ta a tha
tin. j-ut roeltles 1 am offering this year ef waleh Ike tUSa
l a fcUV B ' .
Vegetable Compound
Do Forest, Wis.
"After an opera
tion four years bro
I had pains, down
ward In both aides,
backache, and a
weakness. Tho doc
tor wanted me to
have another opera
tion. I tookLydia K.
Pinkham'a Vegeta
ble Compound anoT
I am entirely cured
of my troubles."
Mrs. Arot'STK Yisperjuxn, De For
est, Wisconsin.
Another Operation Avoided.
Js'cw Orleans, Ia. "For years I suf
fered from severe female troubles.
Finally 1 was confined to my bed and
the doctor said an operation was neces
sary. I pave Lydia E. llnkharu'a Veg
etable Compound a trial first, ami
was saved from an operation." Mrs.
Lily J'tivnovx, 1111 KerlerecSt, fr
Orleans, La.
Thirty years of unparalleled success
confirms the power of Lydia E. I'lnkv
ham's Vegetable Compound to cur
female diseases. The great volume of
unsolicited testimony constantly pour
ing In proves conclusively that Lydi
E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound ia
a remarkable remedy for those dis
tressing feminine ilia from which so
many women suffer.
If you want special nxlvlcenbont
your onse write to Sirs. 1'inhtiruu.
at Lynn, Mass. Her ndvlce 1st
froc, and always Lclpf uL
8. O. N. U.
- - No. 8 101.
.... A i? .
comcare with thete Hat
good-fitting shoc3. They are mad
Dualities to a decree that
dressy and serviceable
no creater than ordin.
on tht toltt.
drnler who Joss
send you trae.poat-
mrM.eVa. ui
cataruhal reveal
sa a prcrentlTS for others. Liquid ft
mares snd all others. Best kldne resaedri bee
CO., Chemlala, GOSHEN, INDIAl
Grown last year br iSs.sse omom.
- nitire vain iiirua with ...r, AM,-kUk . -
rw srs a
M Y UR g AT CATALOQUf ol v.jli.ini nI7ll,t
n rttltS AND OFFERS.
i ih fH li ann nccraa ircuti . . t
vwiw m ruua r naa to an woo apply, las Bj
oolored plates. I ba' been in the basis
a million customers all orer the ounirav