-A Cough Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a regular cough medicine! a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. Good for easy coughs, hard coughs, desper ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, take it. If not, don't take it. Never go contrary to his advice. A. W publUb our fomnlu y from our mliolns W ur yo to OOnault your doctor yers Fred Wood went to Rosedale, Kans, Thursday to spend Chrintmaa. Edgar Ayrea returned Lome last Thmaday evening from a month' trip to the Facifio coast. A good aimed crowd turned ont to the dance in Vie Ayros-Krumwiede hall last Friday evening. George McBeath was a Sunday nigut visitor here while enroute to Sioux City to see Santa. Miss Emma Frederick is expected here today from Dallas, S D, to spend the holidays with relatives. "Doo" McKernan, carrier on route 2, gave himself a Cnrintma present, in the form of a bran new rural mail wagon. I forbid any hunting or traveling through my fields, on account of the danger of stock getting hurt. Fred Jacobsen. 0 D Smiley is erecting house near the Omaha depot in South Sioux City, where hn will make his residence and operate a cafe. Frof W T. Best, a former teacher m our schools, but now teaching at Chad ron, this state, visited friends here a few days this week. Every subscriber who pays his sub scription to The Herald in advanoe can have the Farmors Tribune of Sioux City free for one year. "Live and let live" is my motto. Why not call on Sio 1 through jour phone' and give him an'order, he will deliver it free of charge. Fouud, in the office of the clerk of district court, a fountain pen. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Maude Pressor, who has been stop ping at the John II Gribble home for the past month, returned to her home ou Walkers island Saturday. Uo you realize that dollars What is the use of eoing out in the paid for rent are dollars that do oold anJ Btorm wuen yu can caU nP t i.i No. 1 for anything in his line, and he hui tunic uaiKf .. ,,. . - I Will UCUVUr lit bJ JUU M iUJf bi j lliey re gone, and unless you Tuesday was the shortest day of the Strike out for yourself and your year, it being nine and one-half hours Kvirc mr.tr rtfn rrrAnrr rtavt- irnor I ,u -Bug.., " wim BU Iongo W J . , .w r kV J - Ilero is a Money- The dose of Ayer's Pills is small, only one at bedtime. As a rule, laxative dosea are betterthan cathartic doses. For con stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, siek-x headaches, they cannot be excelled. Ask your doctor about this. bT the J. O. Ayr Co., LowU. MM. JListcn Mr. Renter Harvest is about over. You have paid a large share ' of your entire crop to your land lord. lias it paid? Are you satis- fied with the remainder. Saving Proposition Go with me into the Big Horn Basin. Buy a small irrigated farm on easy payments; payments as easy as paying rent in your present locality, and in ten years you'll have a farm oi your with an average tern perature of 16 degrees above zro. fm Lorenz, wife and two children, Harry and Elsie, Oust Stebner and wife, and Fred Stebner went to Law- ton, Iowa, Saturday to visit relatives until Monday. Mrs Anna M Evans went to Winside, Nebr, Monday where she held a school of inntroction for the Order of the Eastern Star that evening, returning home Tuesday. Mrs Stella Wilson came over from Moville, Iowa, Monday to spend Xmas 0WI1 in a growing country where week with relatives. Her husband, crop-failures are unknown, and good prices prevail. Write me for details today. am employed by the Burhng on and my services will cost you nothing. D. Clem Deaver, Gen Agt iJindKoekers' Tnfor imuloii Kurpiiu, Hoc i a 4, y BIUk. Omaha, Nebr. riii i m i 8 a-X-Hv f fTrfrjf Guaranteed to Pleaso v&i , i'Ct;, ' - ? riami'rliouiilten tlio I . v'T. iSJ iiitrlr nwrltnof Our j' 'K'1iv''',,j Northern Grown Scni. SPECIAL OFFER FOR 10 CENTS we will Mod poiUail nr FAMOUS COLLECTION I ro nir tun. 1 ..(. Prlnn-n. Hwll.k . . .KM 1 p.,. Vll.l.ro.in. IVIfrj . . . IIX I pit. Frtf Arr.,w.li.l C.hh-w . . . 16 1 pk. t'till.rtun Mark Iltii.t- l1 Alt. 12 VftrietU- t'btit ri..r 8di . 'a l 0l Writ, today! fnd 10 cetiU to !i!p py vo.Ura .nd wklDS -" riv. th. .txive "Faiuou. t:ollcU.u," W l.ther with our Nw nd In.tr'ifliv. 4.rrin luirf.. GKKAT NUKIUCKN RKKU '0. 904 lloie St. Krx-kford, Illinola Local Items Friday, Dec. 24, 1909 We have as good a stock of hard ware and tinware as there ever was in Dakota Oitv. and vou will find our prices right. Schriever Bros. A little Waby daughter came to the lmmnof Harrv H Foltz and wife on Wednesday. The finest Christmas and New Years .arris vou ever saw Where? At Van's corner, of course. Will Mitchell of Wall, S D. a for nier resident of this place, was a guest of friends here a few days this week. For sale a six room bonne and three lrta onn location, cond outside lm provements. Enquire at this office Helen Orr came home Wednesday frnm Sioux Falls. S D. where sUe is attending All Saints school, to spend the holiday vacation. Wood for sale, on Walkers, island, opposite Feldman's boat yard cotton vood tops, partly dry, by the arm, wagon or car load. Geo Barnett If von are in need of anything for the holidays, Van will bo pleased to order it for you, if he doesn't happen to have it in stock, with no expense or trouble to you. J M Woedeock, who has been hold inr down a ClO-acre claim in Uock county the rast summer, returned Satnrdav to South Sioux City to spend a few days. He says Iiock county is alright. R II Moore received a handsome 100- piece dinner set as a Chaistmas present from the W T Rawleigh Co, for whom he is working as local salesman. The 1 Biscuit are more than mere soda crackers. They are a distinct, x individual food article made from special materials, by special methods, in specially constructed bakeries. They are sealed in a special way which gives them crispness, cleanliness and freshness which " crackers" from the paper bag always lack. They are the Na tion's accepted soda O n NATIOrlAL, BISCUIT COMPANY in all the more appreciated from the fact that it goes to show that the company values his services more than common. Mrs Frank Sawyer, of Ilubbard pre cinct, passed awgj last Saturday, after mi illness of several years duration, resulting from a complication of dis eases. She bad been a resident of Da kota county for nearly thirty years, coming here from Pennsylvania with ber parents, Mr and Mrs Miohael J Smith. Deceased was a kind, chris tian woman, and will be sadly missed by her devoted husband and children. The funeral services were held Tues Aar from the Lutheran church in Homer, interment being ia the Taylor cemetery Clide Willson, will come today and ac company her home. Barney Gribble returned homo Mon day from Oniah where he attended the big corn snow last ween, tie says the exposition ivas a big success, and the attendance large. When you come up town, don't for get to stop at the corner of Broadway and Fifteenth streets aDd see what there is in store for you. Van will be there with a broad smile. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasuuable prices. I'iixds & Slauohtkb Co. Thjto E Bliven, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. A can of bakiug powder and a hand some gold tramad picture for 50 cents at Van de Zedde's. This may be your laBt chance to get one of those elegant paintings absolutely free. One would make an excellent Am us gilt. The new "Radex" lens for constant wear is superior for comfort und clear ness of vision. I- screens out the vio let or chemical rayB of light, thus pre venting irritation and intlamation. Satisfaction guaranteed. W O liick hart. Licensed Optometrist. D M Neiswauger's children all came home the past week to spend the holi days. Nana -is attending school at Morningeide, btott is attending a sohool for boys at Spaulding, Nebr, Kathleen is staying with her aunt, Mrs Tim Carrnbine, at Kansas City, and Barbara with her aunt, Mrs C J O'Connor, at Homer. Our schools closed Monday noon for a two weeks holiday vacation. It was intended to have only a weeks vaca tion, but owing to the frigid weather and the inability to keep all tne looms comfortable, the board decided to Uis miss school this woek and in the mean ti die endeavor to provide better heating facilities. Prof Josiassen will spend his vacation at Omaha, Nebr; Miss Rich, assistant principal, at Wis tier; Msss McCorkindule, at Wake field, and Miss Murphy, at Homer. W I Nolan, th humorist, appeared as the second attraction on the lecture course as per schedule, on last Friday ftveninK at the M E church. This man met the exnectatious of his hearers in every detail and his sound phylosophy combined witu ms loimiiaoie imper sonations and stories caused each one in the audienoe to experience a sense of satisfaction that be or she had not allowed the bitterly cold weather to discourage their attendance. It is much to be deplored that a more loyal auiiDort is not being afforded the lec ture course and unless a more liberal attendance is experienced it is fair to assume the committee will lose heavily the 11 recent course and that the future will see no more lecture coursos arranged for Dakota City An unfortunate disaster happened to W E Lenox, who last week shipped his household goods to Allen, Nebr, where bo and bis family expect to re side. The car containing their house hold goods, cow, horse, and pigs, was loaded here Tuesday of lust week, but owinc to the snow blockade on the O'Neill line, it did uot roach Allen un til Saturday. During the time the car was on the road Mr Lenox got periais sion from the railroad company to put au oil stove in the cur, as it contained perishable goods, such as potatoes, etc, After the car had been sidetracked at Allen ami part of the stock removed it caucht tire in some manner and all the household goods were cousumed, along with the potatoes and the pigs the horse and cow having lieeu un loaded from the car. lhis is quite a loss to Mr Lenox, who will be left without his household goods in the dead of winter. When the news of his misfortune reached here asubscrin tion paper was started by S II Moore and about (70.00 was raised and sent to him to help tide the family over their unfortunate situation Buy a good farm on the Dakota county bottom. I have it. Eimers. Mrs Emerett McKernan returned last week from a visit at Hawarden, Iowa. Frank Orr left Tuesday for Phillip, S D, where he is holding down a claim. Oeorce Wilkins leaves tonight for Manning, Iowa, to spend Cnristmas with friends. Chan S Avery of Orlando, Neb, was a visitor at the M O Ayres home a few davs this week. Arthur Forbes went to Omaha last Tuesday to take ia the last few days of the corn show. Mrs M M Ream of Sioux City, visit ed over Tuesday night with her moth er, Mrs Broyhill. Judge J l" Boyd of TSeligh, and At torney C A Kingsbury of I'onca, were here on legal business Thursday. Chas Maxwell arrived home from Chicago Thursday, where he is at tending medical college, for the holidays. A marriage license was irsuou oy Judge Stinson Weduesday to Roy L Dixon and Bessie A Skidmore, both of Homer. . Fouud A brown seal muff. Owner can have same by calliug at The Her- rld oflue, proving property and paying for this notice. T J Knepper and family moved here from Walker's Island last Iriday, to crive the children the benefit of our schools. Thev are occupying the Mrs Mtttz property. CALLED HOME Death has claimed another pioneer of JJokota county in the demise of Mark Fair, who passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs Kate Wat- rous, in Portland, Ore, last buuday morning, where be had been making his homo since last spring, lie had been iu his usual good health up to the time of his death, when Suuday morniug ho was found dead in bed, having expired sometime duiiug the night. Hu was in his 88th year, and had shown remarkable vitality tor a man of his advanced age. Deceased came to Dakota county with his family in 186f, and resided on the home farm now owned and oc cupied by 3 A Heikes until about fifteen years ago, when he gave up farming and built a comfortable residence iu town. His wife preceded him to that other world in March, IHU.J, since which time he has made his home with his children. Mr Fair was a man well liked by all who had dealings with him, being honest and upright in all bis transact ions, and wbs a kind and indulgent husband and father. Seven children survive him two sons, Porter, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Harvey, of Omaha.and five daughters, Mrs Hate Watrous, of Portland, Ore; Mrs Julia Breisler, of Wayne; Mrs Helen Han sen, of Wakefield; Mrs IJ B Gribble and Miss Gertrude l air, of Hubbard The remains are being brougLt here bv Mrs Watrous, and will arrive this (Friday) morning at 10 a m. lh funeral will be held at the Liutheran church immediately following the ar rival of the train bearing the corpse Rev Geo Bray of Ponca, will conduct the funeral services. Interment will be made in the Taylor cemetery. For Sale A large list of Cheyenne, Morrill Ilox Butte. Kimball. Sootts Bluff and Banner county Nebr. lauds. .. . .. : . . . ;i 1 Handles, rtt'inquisunienis rauroaii n.riTitraets. school sections all izes and prices from $0.50 per acre and up for deeded lands. Having a personal knowledge of these lands I will go and show them to tkofte who wish to invest. H A Combs, Homer, INebr. A Hint to Rural Route Patrons. The following letter was received by Postmaster John H Ream, accompa nied by a request to havo it published. December 10, 1909 The Postmaster, Sir: From a recent count made by rural carriers in one of the counties in '.the State of New York of coius depos ited by patrons in their boxes for the purchase of stamp supplies, it was found that each carrier in the county was collecting an average of 115 one- cent coins each week. This average pplied to all the routes in operatiou throughout the country would give the enormous total of about 3Ul,UUU,UUU one-ceut coius. As moBtoi these coins are deposited loose iu boxes, it is desirable that you nd the rural carriers, in a tactful and polite way, put forth your best efforts to induce patrons to provide themselves with stamp supplies in advance of their eeds, and to ciiuip their boxes with suitable coin-holding receptacles. It should be explained to patrons that the picking of loose coins from boxes uot only results in need less hardship and suffering' to carriers in winter weather, delays the delivery and the ' collection of the mails, but frequently results in actual money loss to the carriers, for if, in collecting coins from the boxes, they drop them into the snow or on the ground without recovery, they are re quired to replace the amount out of their funds. Respectfully, ' P V DeGraw Fourth Assistant Postmaster General. CHURCH NEWS MCTHODI3T. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday as follows: Preaching, 11am; Sunday school, 10 am! Class meeting 12 ni ; Lpworth League, 6:80 p ni; Preaching, 7 pm. On the 2nd of January Dr Tyndall will occupy the pulpit and administer the sacrament at 11 am. I'i'he business session will be held ou Saturday the 1st at 10 m in the church. W R Warren and wife are spending Christmas visiting Mrs Warren's par ents, who reside iu Belgrade. The Methodist pulpit will be fillod on the 20th by the Rev Paul Boodagh, who is a student at Morningside, and whose native land is Persia. Public Sale! Having made all arrangements to move to Oregon, I will sell at public sale at my farm 4 miles southwest of Jackson, and 4 miles northwest of Ilubbard, Neb, all ray personal prop erty, on Friday, Jan. 7, 1910. 10 head of horses and mules I blaok team, mare and gelding, 12 years old,, wt about 2G0O lbs. 1 sort el horse, u years old, wt about 1300 lbs. 1 gray horse, 9 years old, wt about 1350 lbs. 1 yearling mare colt. 1 nicking colt. 1 light driving team, 4 and 5 years old, weight about 2000 lbs. ' 1 span of good mules, 9 years old, wt about 2200 lbs. 10 houd of cattle 4 miluh cows, three of them will soon be fresh ; 1 with calf by her side. 4 yearling steers. 2 steer calves. 5 head of fine shoats. Farm Machinery 2 lumber wagons; 1 two seated buggy ; 1 top buggy, near ly new ; 2 single seated buggies ; 1 Rock Island coru planter, nearly new, with 120 rods of chock wire. 1 Rock Inland disc. 1 1G inch Moline riding plo a . 10 (i inch walking plow. 1 14-inch walking plow. 2 corn cultivators. 1 three section harrow. 1 two horse hay rake. 4 se's double work harness, 1 single harness, 1 nearly new saddle. All my household goods, iucludicg 1 hard coal burner, 1 cooking range, 1 cream separator. About G dozon chickens. Sale begins at 12 o'clock shurp. Free lunch at noon. Ticnjis All sums under $10, cash; on sums over $10 one year's time will be given at 10yu interest on approved seaurity. No property removed from premises uutil settlement for same is made with clerk. HERMAN NELSl'N, Owner. Christmas Teans TucK To the man who'saves his ("money. It brings JOY - GLADNESS - COMFORT - PEACE . to him and to his. Why Not Start Saving Your Money Here, in the good, safe I3ank tke Oldest In the County? Saving means Happiness. Start now and be Happy "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you Bank, of Dakota. County RIGHT" J ekaon Ntbr. Ed T. PROGRAM The Wednesday Iilterary club will meet with Mrs Mary McRrutli 1 tecomlier 211th, at which time the follow I nit program will lm Riven: ltoll fall. OlirlMttnim IncltleiiU Kevluw, Your Favorite Hook Mrs Kvitiin Solo M m Mhhoii I'ltpcr, Home Notuhlo American W omen mill Tln lr Work MUs Jlurkctt Hi'ittllitK. r'roi Hook I of Hen llur Minx KiiKcien Music, ClirlhtnuiH Ki'li c tlollH TIs the Hi-nsoii for klmlllni, the fire of lioHtiltnllty In I lie liMI The Kunlul Hiiinc of charity In the liciirt." irvlim. K. . KiiKi-len, 8ccr-tury. Subscription Bargains ZZrc lie rev Id and New Idea Magazine $1 30 Hionx City Dailv and Bunday Journal & 00 without hunday 4 20 to rural route patrons. ...... . 3 50 Kmsas City Weekly B tar ... . 1 lf Iowa Homestead 1 40 Lafollette's MaoHziue, weekly. 1 CO Poultry Gazette (Lincoln) 1 JO Loctnrrt Courso Datc8 It O Bowman.... Friday, Jan 21, 1910 The Modern Musicians Saturday, Feb 5, 1910 R L Kemple..WedneHday, Mar 23, 1910 The News. IS. IB. Efo'r. C, X-mas Sale of Fancy Rugs Sale Closes Tuesday, IJecember 2Sth All Sizes in Hartford, Wilton, Axmlnster, Smyrna, Palisade, and Colonial Velvets. From the Wholesale House direct to You, with but one small percentage of profit added. Make your selection now while the stock is complete. We'll lay them awaY for you until Christmas. Still Selling 5 Gal. Gcod Kerosene Oil for 45c. . Good House Brooms, for only 27 cents. Edwards & Bradford LWr Co. V. 0. Lake, Ecsident Mgr. Dakota City, Neb Kearney, Cleik. Sim T. Huler, Auotioueer. Patronize Home Industry buy your meats of $ iS I ITorald for News when it ia , Undertaker County Coroner 1$ 1J. F. Sawyer Tackson, Nebraska Subscribe for Tub Uebai-D $1 per year. Proprietor of City Meat Marlkct Fresh and Salt Mtats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket goes on Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY NEBRASKA K !K-tO (K4 PAUL PIZEY, Dakota Ci'Mi Nit. Bonded : Abstracter Lawyers ALFRED PIZEY, 603 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Iowa (Abstracts of Title A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the accuracy of every Abstract I make I Successor to Dakota County Abstract Co; Bonded Abstracter J. J. EIMERC