i ome Useful and Attractive Christmas Gifts Seen a.t Ovxr Store i Men's Combination Tie and Scarf Pin Sets I.UU Men's Combination Tic and nn Hose Sets jl.UU Men's Combination Suspender j Sets '3C Men's Gloves, in Kid, Pearl Gray, Reindeer Buck and Saranac tf1 cn ff1 1C n nn Driving Gloves.... LOU jl.O Z.UU Men's Shoes, button and lace, in Gun Metal and Patent Leather. . . $4.UU Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats all sizes Men's fancy and plain Silk Hand- cr kerchiefs. 3UC Men's Military Brushes, in Leath- rn er Case Jpl.oU Our line of Men's and Boys' Duck, Cor duroy and Sheep Lined Coats is complete. 4 famous La Grecque $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 Ladies Dutch Lace j m nn collars 75c and $1.00 Ladies' Back Combs and Bar- r r-n ettes very latest in Jet ZOC OUC Handkerchiefs. IOC 15C 25C 35C 50C Ladies Silk Scarfs 7 So Ladies' Elastic Belts with Jet Clasps , OUC Sofa Pillows, in several very attractive patterns. D1S HES We have a complete line of FANCY DISHES Chocolate Sets Berry Sets Cracker Jars Tea Pot, Creamer, Pie Plates Sugar, Spoon Holder Bread and butter Cups and Saucers Plates Etc., Etc. Children's Silver Sets. . ..$1 and $2.25 Also an assortment of Silver Spoons. 1 I I I I I I I I I iS. i A. STINSON Dakota City, Nebraska Dakota County Herald jriLe Official Paper of the County JOSH H. &C4M, PCBLI8EZB. Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Year. A weekly newspaper published at Dakota City, Nebraska. Permission has been granted for the transmission of this paper through the mails as second-clans matter. Telephone No. 43. SENATOR BURKETT From The Blair rilot. Decomlxir 8, 1000. Shall Senator Burkett be returned to hia seat in the uoner branch of Con- stress 7 Next year the voters of Nebraska will answer this question and for the first time they and not the legislature will sar whom the senator shall be, for the Oregon plan of making popular ohoioe will then be invoked, under the new law. j Mr Bnrkett will at that time have finished a service of twelve years in 'Washington, six years ia the lower house and six years in the Senate. During this time the people of this state have an opportunity to take hi measure. It is not forgotten that in 1904 6, when a senator was to be oho sen the republicans of Nebraska turned with practioal unanimity to Mr Bur kett. He was then completing his third term in the House. I a that body he had gained a position of prominence and power, lie had advanced to mem bership of the Committee on Appropri ations. He had demonstrated a genius for hard and systematic work, lie was a digger and driver and this nropensi tv counted greatly in hi favor aa a mull' useful member. The people of this elate saw this. They saw in him the elements they thoucht would be even more useful in the upper house. To make sura of his seleotion they inaugurated a new method of selecting the nominee for senator. They declared in favor of convention nomination, so that the choioe might be brought as nearly as possible to the people. At the cauous es and in count? conventions the issue wai maJe with th. result, that M Burkett was nominated in the state convention on tho tlrst ballot by four-fifths maioritv in this and in the convention of the following year when political pawea were deolaieJ against lor the first time in a republican plat form aod when railroad domination was ended by the defeat of their pre ferred eandi Jatea for nidge of the su pre ma court, Mr Burkett played atrontr and oontiounus part. He was one of the first "progressives" in Ne brauka and has been identified with toe movement since it began. Whil he hasn't always pleased all who call themselves "progressives" he has won the approval of the leader of the move Wisoon- progressivo prO' greasing. In tho senate Sir lsurkott baa as faithfully and intelligently represented his constituency as he did in the House He has been responsive to the needs and wishes of the people, though tak insr no narrow or restricted view of national interests. No constituent has appealed to him in vain. Ho has been active in promoting better posta' facilities. He has never overlooked the claims or the deserts of the old soldier and no senator has been more efficient or prompt than he in serving his constituent in pension mattors. On public linds and inigation, in re vision of the turriff as well as all other interest peouliar to the welfare of a western state, he has taken practical ground. His work in the extra session of Con gress to compel the redemption of platform pledges was arduous and effective. Oe was one of the force of insurgents in the senate who succeed ed in bringing that body to a stricter compliance with party obligations, He htood for tarriff revision downward, and what he and bis associates failed to eet incorporated into law was in art obtained by the President in con ference on the bill, after whiou (senator Bnrkett voted for its passage. lie stands shoulder to shoulder with the President in favor of the demands of the west and of the manses with respect to tariff lepiilntiou During his ten years in Washington there has been no breath of suspicion concerning a single act of Mr Burkett, and thero never will be. He is abso lutoly clean in his publio and xriyato life. He is morally what the most ex acting could wish him to be. He measures up in his standard of man hood to what an enlightened. Uoa fearing citizenship of a great state mfcV expect of its representatives in hiirh Dittoes. Notwithstanding nis long service ho is still young, energet io and ambitious. He is growing every day and is more capable of rendering better servioe in the future tuan ue has civen in the past. Influence comes with knowledge ana exnenenoo. ruis is especially true iu the United States senate, where senior itv civet erestieo. There are many rood reasons why Mr JJurkett suouw be retained in his presont position, and the Judications are that a majority of the people of Nebraska are so winded. Taylor in Idaho, in which he said he was still plowing for the spring crops Bertha items in Oakland Iodepend nt: Christ Koblmeirr and his brother Henry, of Wakelield. left Monday last for Missouri, to be at the bedside of their father, who is ill at thitwritincr. CORRESPONDENCE $ HUBBARD. M C Green was a business caller at the county neat Saturday. Dan Hattoett was down to Dakota City Saturday attending a meeting cf the supervisors of the drainage dis trict. An elegant stock of candies, nnts, eto, for the holidays at Carl Anderson's. Barney Stofiile was a guest at the home of his sister, Mrs Phil Iteiss, a few days last week. Fr English and Carl Anderson were passengers to the city Tuesday. The rural carriers are Having a hard time making their round trips these stormy days. A rng from our Holiday Assortment ... . i I. ; will mate a useiui, as wen as ueauir fal Christmas present. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Lyman Sholes, division freight agent for the Omaha road, was here Wednesday on business connected with the Farmers' Elevator company, in reference to giving the company a site for their new elevator. W W Renniger and wife, Bert Fran cisco and wife, August Andresen and wife and Henry Johnson were among the passengers to Sioux City Wednes day to see Santa Claus. Chas Dodge and Max Nelsen were conuty seat visitors Tuesday. F W Swingle was a visitor here Wednesday. Annie Andersen has been spending the past week at the Pli Dyer home iu Moruingside. What would make a more accepta ble Xmas present than a tine pair of shoes? See Carl Anderson's assort ment. He has everything in shoes. Mr Vough arrived lost week to take possession of the saloon business. John Hogan is talking somewhat of moving to Emerson. Mrs Frank Sawyer was taken very ill Monday, but it is hoped that it will not prove serious. The wrestling bouts held Saturday resulted in favor of Andrew Anderson. Mrs Carl Frederickson has been somewhat under the weather of late. Just received, a shipment of rugs containing a good range of designs and sizes. Get one before they are all gone. Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. The Mrs Maloney sale proved a very ..1 . 1. : - . . tJUML'Jl Awful Christmas is here Rapidity! again and we must buy Presents Choose your Present and be satisfied, from the following list: OAK and MAHOGANY ROCKERS. CHAIRS. MORRIS CHAIRS. LEATHER ROCKERS. ROMAN SEATS. FOOT STOOLS. MAGAZINE RACKS. PLATE RACKS. HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINETS. MUSIC CABINETS . LADIES' DESKS. CENTER TABLES. BOOK CASES. CARPET SWEEPERS RUGS. PICTURES. PARLOR SUITES. BRASS BEDS. It will pay you to visit our city and make your purchases from US.. Freight prepaid G06-G08 Fourth Street. SIoxix City, Iowa. Hartington News : Mrs G E Yon Hagen went to Crofton Saturday to take tlio place of her husband in the pulpit at the Methodist church. Rev Von Hagen was busy in this city ad dressing the various meetings of the union revival services. Pender Times: Miss Mabel Niebuhr is over from Winnebago.... While in Sioux City the first of the week Depu ty County Clerk, Miss Loj Hirsch be came the owner of a beaver cap which she placed in the window of the district court room to dry and somebody stole it mat's all. Ponoa Leader: C F Kirk was at Vista on business Saturday afternoon .Gene Cornell, from Cobnrn, visit ed in Ponca with friends this week. Anna Sheibley was transacting busi ness at Dakota City this afternoon. Itev Bray, lialph Bray and Vera Co k were passengers to South Sioux (Jity Saturday, for over bunday. EXCHANGE ITEMS. norniclc stems in the Sloan, Io, Star: E C Bherrard and wife viwited Sunday and Monday in the horn of the latter' parents in South Sioux City, Neb. Lyons Mirror: Mrs M M Warner re eeived a letter from her father, Wni Winnebago Ohief tain : Geo Ashford was down from Homer Tuesday.... W E Buckland was a Sioux City visitor on Wednesday. .. .Just as we go to press ire learn that S Linkswiler died this morning at Salix, Io....M J Her man and wife were visitors on Tuesday at the home of their son, Louis Her man.... Miss Alabel JNiebuur was a passenger on Wednesday to Pender for a few days' visit wity, friends... .lien rv Niebuhr was a busiuess caller in Lyons on Monday, going from there to Pender returning to Winnebago Tues day. Emerson Enterprise: RB Hatoher is enjoying a visit from his mother of Mexico, Mo.... It A Campbell receiv ed word from his wife at lUairstown, Pa, that their sou Johnny has been suffering from an attick of diphtheria but is much better at present .... i be funeral of the baby of Mi and Mrs Auiel DoSimpIe occured on We lnes day. Deo 8. at the honse. Only lor a few short days was this llower of God's held permitted to brighten tin non e Death came on Monday evening. The sympathy of the whole commuuity go out to these bereaved pareuts in tin. their hour of sorrow, lue remains were laid to rest in the Emerson ceme terv. Servioes conducted by W O Romick pastor M E church. Ready for Christmas Will 52. IBeck Co. CAm Sioux City Jwlr, awttd Diamond MroH.nta. A NOTI I ER Gift-Giving Season is upon us. What to buy and where to buy are all important questions. We want to tell our friend in Dakota County that we are Better Prepared than ever to give them what tl;ey want. " We Certainly Are Headquarters for Watches, for Diamonds ( for Jewelry, for Silverware, for Cut GlaSS for ClockSt in fact for everthing to be found in an Up-To-Date Jewelry Store. To the Forehanded we would suggest that selections may now be made and Reserved till X-mas. Our New Catalogue is now ready and will be mailed upon application. CA Old Rsliablsa Mondamin Hotel Corner Sioux City, Iowa successful one, everything bringing its full value. Mrs Bert Francisco visited relatives Emersom Tuesday. Peter Lauritsen shipped a car of fat cattle Monday morning.' Mrs John Green and Airs Hoye spent spent Monday afternoon at the Mike Farrel home. Mary Timlin was in the city Satur day. A lamp would make an appropnate Xmas gift for some iriend. Carl An derson has lots of them. D C Qcffernan was a business caller in the city Tuesday.. Mr and Mrs J Jessen and daughter were Sioux City shoppers Tuesday. Post Umce inspector Thompson was here Friday lookiug after matters per taining to the omce. Mrs L J Wilsey, Robert Dnggan and Joe Hartnett was at the Hub Sat urday taking tlreir examination for R b D service. Mrs Wilsey and Joe Hartnett went on to the city. Johnnie roderioksen will go to Blair after the holidays to attend su) ool. Dolls for Christmas, a large selec tion, at Carl Anderson's. Mr and Mrs Wilsey Sundayed at the Bert Francisco home. The new dwelliog house on the John Duggan plaoe has been plastered anil will soon be ready for occupanoy. Mrs Tom Helfernau went to Sioux City last week, she will remain for au extended visit Mrs Huggonberger was a Sioux City shopper last week. Mrs Peter Sorensen and daughter were in the city last week to see Santa Claus. Andrew Pedersen's had their sale Thursday. They will soon be starting for their future home in Oregon. Sue our display of china, glassware, eto, all appropriate for Christmas gifts, and cheap too. Carl Anderson. Herman Nelsen expects to leave right after New Years for Oregon. Another duueo is promised at the L. J Wilsey home. The doings is said to come off next Saturday uigt)t. Delia Timlin expects to spend the holidays with her mother in Hubbard. A Christmas program is being pre pared by the schuol. Christmas is almost here, and if you have uot made all your selections yei you should drop in to Carl Anderson's ntore, where you can find anything you want in the line of useful for Xmas gifts. The Lutheran church society will have Christmas exercises. Andrew Andersen says no more prize fighting for him its worse than uuca bunting . HOMER. Tuesday evening while Rasmus Nel son was driving through town with a coin shelter the front axle broke and the shelter had to stand in the middle of the street all night, Mrs Julius Pitts his moved into one of the cottages lately bnilt from a part of the old school house. Chas Jordan has moved into his own house on Front street, lately vacated by tho Pitts family. The Spalding family have gone to Waltbill. Wellington Smith was a Sioux City visitor Tuesday. Nels Smith, John Braunt, George Davis and Mrs O'Chander, were Sioux City passengers Thursday of last week. Mr Queen and daughter, Golda. were visitors at the John MoKinley borne Friday. Mr Queen came to see tho new grand daughter. Mrs Chas llolsworth and children, and the Misses Grace and Mary Lake were Sioux City putsengers Friday night, returning Bunday. Off Harris has just completed a large stock shed. Nadine Shepardson went to Winne bago Saturday to visit Gertie Ohmit, returning Sunday . Miss Margaret Smith was presented with a fine row upright piano as a Chitnias present from her father, Walter Smith. Chas Davis and Ed Munger were Sioux City passengers Bunday n'ght. The melting snow Suuday leaked through the roof of Ashford Bros store and played mischief in. the men's cloth ing department. The store was closed part of Monday while they were ar ranging for a damage sale. Geo Wilkius was a visitor at home between trains Sunday. Sheriff Rockwell was a Homer busi- caller Friday. Hazel Penry, who has been quite ill since she came home from the hospital. is better and will get along all right now, it is thought. A nurse from Sioux City arrived Saturday to care for Norval Churoh, who has been confined to his bed for three weeks with typhoid fever, lung fever having developed also. He is tome better at this writing. The Priest from Winnebago being called to Homer Friday, he drove, and when about a mile from Homer the horses and front wheels went on and the priest and driver were dumped out iu the snow and the reverend gen tleman had to walk to town, while the driver borrowed a bolt and repaired his buggy. Mrs Mary McBeath came down from Dakota City Sunday to visit her chil dren . Jessie Norris, of Lincoln, daughter of Dowel Norris, who was an old resi dent of this county, arrived Monday evening to visit her Uncle Ed and fam ily. She returned to her home Tues day Born, to John MoKinley and wife Deo 9th, a daughter. A J Shore enjoyed a visit last week from bis daughter and husband, Mr and Mrs J W Twyford. Mrs Audrey Allaway went to Sioux City Wednesday, returning Thurs day. The roads are becoming somewhat smoother and the farmers are rushing in grain and hogs to the elevators and stock yards. Nell Combs is expected home from Lincoln next Wednesday. Chas Ley is running a butcher shop in the place recently vaoated by Wiil French. When You See a Man' Smile these cold days it means that he is happy because his home is well heated, with a Garland Base Burner We have a few be happy, too. left. Better get one now and Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co. Hubbard Nebraska NACORA. Clem Simmons was a passenger to Hubbard between trains Friday after noon. Mr and Mrs Frank Heeney and little daughter, Gladys, of Emerson, spent Sunday with Jim lieeney and lamilv. Miss Mary Simmons, of Uerrick, S D. who has been visiting at the bim- mons home for the past two weeks, left for her home Monday morning. J O 8ullivan, Will Davis, Joe Hee ney, Will Tramper and F Peters, all attended the sale at Mrs Maloney's near Hubbard Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Schwartz and Elvina, were Sioux City passengers Wednes day C Varvis and wife were Emerson visitors Tuesday. Winter SDa,ys( $ Will soon be here. Be prepared with a nice warm '. LllJ) Kobe. We have a good assortment in various designs of pleasing colors ranging in price as follows: $2,80 - $4.20- $5.30, all of Good Heavy Plush, fast colors, and very durable. ; Come early and get the best selections. : We will pell all last year's patterns of Plnsli ; and Wool Lap Koberf at one-fourth off tho price : Sttxrges Bros. Sli.8. ' Ml s Sismmes"iinrie AM iKe, Tinme In California. Old Mexico and J Southern and Cvibsn Resorts. Cold, biting winds, snow, sleet and zero weather are unknown You can purchase winter tourist tickets, with long limit, at low cost, and escape all the discomforts of a northern winter. Better write or talk to me about trains and fares. W. E. Snethen. Ticket gt, Dakota City, Neb L. W. Wakkley, G P A, Omaha, Neb P. S. There will also be some special round trip rates to Denver, January 8, 9, and 10. i fnnHMaaHMmMM A I I Christmas Gift BBassaBasaHOBiBaBHBsaBBSBHi asaHMHaaaaasna For the Whole Family FATHER- This year, present your wife with a Life Insurance Policy. You will feel better and happier as long as you live, because you will know then, that whatever happens to you, your wife and children will be provided for as long as they live. Why not sit right down now, write me a letter asking me to tell you more about a plan by which you can thus provide for YOUR family. Let me tell you about a policy in that will not cost you as much as you spend every year for your tobacco. Write me today for full particulars. By doing so you place yourself under no obligations whatsoever. So do it now. The Midwest Life OF LINCOLN, NEB. C. L. WILLIAMS NORFOLK, NEB.