Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 10, 1909, Image 7

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    tlrplk ! lleaaaeas.
Tt'e a auanlrlotia woman who will pro
through hor hual-and'a pocket at night
I tee If hn mailed the letter she gnve
aim that niortilitr;. -Dtl Moines Reg
ister uinl l.e;ur.
Constipation cai-srs and seriously
aggravates many diseases. It Is thor
oughly cured by Dr. Pierces Pellets.
Tiny sugar-coated granules.
The sui jily of lanilioo In Japan Is
gradually decreusinK, the proves hav
ing been attacked tiy a disease which
causes them to di-eny.
Mrs. Wlii'low's Soothing; Syrup for
children tpathln, aultens the k'i. re
lucta Inltaiiiinittton, nllays pain, cures
kind colic. 25c a bottle.
Two Ureal Leafier.
Disraeli wit was too much for Glad
tone. The great Liberal hnd but one
adjective for bis Tory opponent, and
that was "devilish." Never during the
years of their opposing leadership had
the two any social relations. Each
made lipht of the other's literary ef
forts. Some cue asked Lord Hcacons
field to define the difference between
misfortune and a calamity, and un
hesitatingly it came. "If Mr. Gladstone
should fall into the Thames, It would
ba a misfortune. If any one should
pull him out. It would be a calamity."
The best of all the Gladstone-Dlsrncll
stories tells how once at a London din
ner party the ladies at the table were
e.sked which they would marry if they
kad to marry one or the other, the
great Liberal or the great Tory. All
dei lared promptly In favor of Beacons-
field save one, who hastened to explain
that she had rather wed Gladstone that
he might elope with Disraeli and so
break her husband's heart. This hap
pening was of course retold to Disraeli,
and so pleased was he over It that he
suspended a cabinet debate on the
chances of a continental war In order
to relate it. Warwick James Trice In
How fupa Kiirourasvrd. '
"What did papa say, OeorKC?" IIo
said it was too hot to talk nonsense
"But did be know that you wanted to
marrv me?" "I I think he did." "And
didn't he encourage you to proceed?
"Yes, he held the door open for nie."
Cleveland I'lain Dealer.
Bays aoutits Vhont-ProductiiK Power l
XliO rroutr-.t tipo& oP thU country
VKhnt ol Jmuit-s for lt
K'pii) nnd iirrlui'iiic
i H .ciort Inr tnpiD. Tlio
tifia t our piominonw
(is O Trli;it exi'orthiK
conu'n nro mtn, t'nn-
u.'fi i ; to hr tllO aMTbut
y7fym & ST ft'AJIl vheatcountry."
J l 9:, flit of vho siiuntum by
..' '. A t'-n-lVKTilllWIlT ll.-C.lft-l
Ei:s:!tcJs off Wheat
.vorhnrrofitodin I0O0. Avpnpr
ni tno t.'irto i;roirm. ti' Ali'i't:i.
uiiwurii iot IuIk'Im i z nrro.
imiiM'Ktoi-Ms of H0 neroi,
niiil iit' lolnitiu" prtwimittoiiH ill"
j.l'.EjjO I'LUl lu t'.Kl cholft't CliritrlLt.H.
t!l I firhooW roivctli-tit, c Uniai'
I i'l tpxrclifut, soil tli wry ho-U
t t !! I' i'.VvitY cluxo nt Jiand. tiulid-
PJl t -1 tl,r r iiir, furl euy u
'"1 I V ' ' r'iiutiiat.lo III ll l't
J X' vrii..l'"'r 4 iiMly iJitM urotlj mixt-d
riTA a V '' r.riiiltii; ti miu-L-v. Wriba us u
v-Vv'O'i1''''1 'ut' t r s.HtJ inort, pnttlr
i t-a xy- "' Vnw n:iv,iv vutrt. -,-ri;tive iiliw
tfr K- vint n.f-! -Lt-sL W. ''iwitt fno
W-rf V, Hr- t it'lct-iLiK.ttniiothorinfomia-V-a'w
H itiiiii- tAi Kiitt f 1 nimi'Tiition.
iHUw.i, Canada, or to ttie
follof1ns Cfimnli.--n U-fv't A'.:oi.t-:: T. llolmtii.
3li Jucktion hi., st. ri;l. Minu.. :inl J. M. Mticljif !i!an,
liox li't, Wii'ltU-aii, bouUi luuioUu (L'tw adtlrix-ii
uou-aut you.)
11cA.se iaiy where raw ibis advertifiorucnt
IWSloax City ut
Eosltlvelr cured fry
these Iilttle l'liia.
They tUso relic" D18-
treta Irora Dyspepsia, Iiv
u:2i;sUon nnd Too Hearty
Eating. A portect rem
oCj tor DUzlnua), Nauaea,
Drowsiness, Pid Taste
in the Mouth, Coaled
Toniruo, Pain la the Slds,
regulate tie Eowola. Purely Vegeuble.
Giinuina Must Bear
Fac-Simils Signaturf
r.:rusE substitutes.
A convenient nj tflectiv HmcJy or Otxhx nd
HoaMcnua. lnyiWtlei:i Uroncl.iaianoLtuigl 'tsubld
and to S:r.;n and SptaVcn lor clr.rlr. the voice.
Entirely irec train ort!ce or any hariiul Ingredient.
Price, 25 ccnte, SO ccnte and $1.00 pet box.
Sample matld on rrqx.est.
1 )h&ks
Li pts.
Pair Old People.
After renchlns the npe of forty the
human system gradually declines. This
accumulated poisons In the blood cause
rheumatic pains In the Joints, muscles
nnd back. These waruin-j Bhould be
promptly relieved and serious illness
avoided by uidng the fculowlng pre
scri;ition which shows wonderful re
sults even after the first few Uo-iea and
It will eventually restore physical
"One ounce compound syrup of
Parsaparllla; ono ounce Torls com
pound; half pint of h i k'i grade whiskey.
This to be mixed p.i.d used In table-
spoonful doses be fete each nr.-al and
at bedtime." The bottle to be wen
shaken each time." Any druggist hai
these Ingredients or he will get them
from his wholesale houro.
A woman 19 more sympathetic with
the Illness of any body else on earth
than with the Illness or her cook or
her dressmnl-i'r.
Btat o Ohio, City or Tolldo, 1
l.t'CAa COt'NTT. t
FrnrtJt J. t'henev nmties oath ttint he l
cnlor pnrtnrr of the firm of 1'. J. Chore &
Co.. dniiiR lm.lncs In tlie City of Toli'Uo.
fount v and Suite ofoicjild, end thitt RnlJ
Orm will pnv tbe sum of ON"!', IH'XI 'ItKlj
I'OI.I.AItS fur ench nd every ense of Cn
tnnrh t"nt cannot l.e rtirrd hr the n ot
IIi li ft Catirrli Cure. I'KANK J. CHENEY.
Sworn t licfnre mo odi sultarrltied In mv
prp-j.-nce, tills UtU day of December, A, I).
t,Si:At) A. W. GLkASOn,
Hnll'n Catarrh Cure la taken Inti't-nnllf
and net a dli'-ctly on the Hood and morons
MitfiuiM of the system. Send for testimo
nials free.
1 .T. CHI-NICY A CO., Toledo, O.
Fold lv rM I'nivuh -It. r,c.
TuUo Hall's l'amily l'HU for constipation.
A Curlitun Trail.
All ports of devices have been used
to mark a line of march. A unique
method of "Mazing the trail" Is stil1
to be seen in Africa, ond a recent pub
lication m ints a picture of one of these
memorials of the dervish raid. Arthur
J. Hayes mentions the subject In his
"Source of the lilue Nile."
In 1SS9, after a fierce battle with tho
Abyssinians, tbe dervishes pursued
their foes an far as the lake dialrtct.
The Mahdl's men had small knowledge
of pcosraphy and little of topograph!
cal intelligence, So the advance party,
iu order "t mark the route for those
who cntne after, and also to guide the
force on their return Journey, twisted
the saplings along the way into living
The war ended, but tho t!ed-up trees
grew and flourished, but unc.outhly
twisted ar.d distorted, and ore now
the only reminders of that uprising of
the dcrvip' es.
)i Haruaiu Uu uteri Sim lie?
"I v.cv.t oiu shopping the othor after
noon," ;:iitl a well known pastor of
New York city, "and, having in mind
the hymn 'lirlhten Your Way With a
Smilr,' I locked about to see If there
were any ?nii!cs on the faros in the big
Separfmcnt store.
. "In ail that hurrying and pushing
and worrying real, genuine, hearty
smiles were not to ho found. I saw
one smile, hut it looked like a plant
that had hem v.Intcred In a cellar. It
was bleached and wan." New York
ci lilxirn.
"I beg your pardon, sir, but I'm
going to ask you if your daughter
would mind not playing on the piano
for the next two weeks?"
"May I ask, sir, the reason for this
extraordinary request?"
"Well, you sec, my son wishes to
get a fc-ood start with '.ho flute." Life.
The llsirltiic'ra of Man' Who Uo
Xot Know Hie liitlnrya Jk re Weak.
Jacob C. Uuhr, IS F.roadway, I.eba
non, Ohio, says: "Kor three niontlia 1
was helpless in bed
with muscular
rheuTuatiinn a n c
had to be fed. M
feet swelled, in
legs were rigid
liladc spots llittei'
before my eyes an
I was sore all over
Doetord didn't lul;
ine and I couldn'i
raise hand or foot
To jlea3e my wilt
1 le?an vising Doan'd Kidney rills;
and in two weeks I was lniurovin.-r
Then by leaps and bounds I got beitc
until well ami lack at work. ATloi
suf'.i iiici'tnl a';ony this seemed won
Kenicm'jcr the name Uoan's. Koln
by all dealers. r.O tents a box. Fo.or
Miiburu Co., HulTalo, N. V.
lloiH'lONt, Cllnc.
Many a man Is su larking In the es
sentials of success tl.:it he Isn't even a
successful liar. N-w York .Times.
A I. Kilt- Coitl.
lie caug'at a little cold
That was all
So the neighbors ssdly said.
As they gathered round his bed
When they heard that he was dead
He caught a little cold
That was all. (Puck.)
Neglect of a cough or cold often
leads to serious trouble. To break up
i cold In twenty-four hours and cure
any cough that Is curable mix two
ounces of Glycerine, a half-ounce o'
Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and
eight ounces of pure Whisky. Take a
teaspoonful every four hours. You can
buy these at any good drug store and
easily mix them in a large bottle.
There is a F.reat deal of crookedness
!n the wnrl.l, hut not half as much as
is claimed. ,
w v
v. ;! er4r4
The RAYO LAMP is a high-craJa lamp, told at a low price.
1 here ait latfpa tliat cost more, Lut thrreit no Ix-ttrr lamp at any
price. The Burner, lh.0 W ick, tlie) Ctiimney-HoMer all ara
viul ll.L':l ia a li.n-,p; th- parti ol the RAYO LAMP are
perfectly cor-.itrucled and there ia nothing known in the art of
lamp -malum thai could arid to the value ol the RAYO aa
a light-living device. Suitable ior any room in any bouae.
flrf dalr rvrrwheret. If nut at yoare.-walta
is,t deacripUra circular u tbu nexvel agaucr ot I be
UKCKNT news item re-
. I corded the Tct that two
I $.'0 gold pieces struck
mint at Philadelphia in
1877 had been sold to
William II. Woodin, a
'oln collector who llve3 In New York,
lor $t0,(0u ench. the highest price ever
paid for an American coin. If any
reader dierisiKd a vague hope of
making large profits by gathering to
gether his surplus $:0 gold pieces and
selling them for J10.000 each it was
qulcl'ly Fluttered by the second para
graph of the article, which stated that
though $.".0 gold pieces were struck
from octagonal private dies during the
early mining days of California, tho
two $."0 gold pieces of 1877 now iu
Mr. V.'oodin's possession are. so far
as is known, the only ones of tills de
nomination ever coined by the govern
ment. Since nil dies Tor American coins
are destroyed at the close of each
year, they stand on the same plane
as the ancient coins with regard to
lime. The supply cannot bo Increased,
even though the demand be great, aft
er the year Is numbered with the dead
centuries, though its successor be but .
one day old. Yesterday or yesterweelt I
is as irrevocably past and forever gone j
as the years of tho Koman Km p Ire or j
the Creek Republic. I
The science of numismatics em- i
braces the study of the coins or all ,
the nations of the earth who have at i
any period Impressed upon pieces of
metal gold, silver, bronze, brass, ;
copper, iron, tin any device Indicat
ing that such pieces of metal were is
sued by authority for public use as
money. Kven in the primeval days,
exchange of goods must have been
known. The need for a medium of
exchange would early be recognized.
Various commodities have at different
times been selected by different peo
ples as a measure of value. Tin was
used in ancient Syracuse nnd liritain;
Iron, in Sparta; cattle. In Rome and
Germany; nails, In Scotland; silk, in
China; tobacco, in tho colony of Vir
ginia; sugar, in the West Indies; soap,
lu Mexico; bullet and wampum. In
Massachusetts; codfish in Newfound
land. Hut the moneys of the civilized
nations have for the greater part been
made of gold, silver, copper and
bron zo.
In the long series of known coins,
extending back to the seventh cen
tury U. C, savants have an invalua-
able confirmation and illustration of
the history of the past. The earliest
Greek coins bear sacred subjects only,
on one side the portrait of the god, on
the other objects emblematic or sym
bolic of the Deity. The highest di
vine authority was invoked as testi
mony of the true value of the coin,
which was perhaps struck off within
the sacred precincts of a temple. From
these coins is reconstructed the my
thology of tho classical world.
After the death of Alexander the
Great his portrait as a deity appeared
on coin of the realm, and from his
period on a complete gallery of tha
portraits of the sovereigns of the an
cient world as well as evidences of tho
history and political revolutions of ln-
An attractive little holder for the
teapot handle Is both necessary and
decorative and may be embroidered In
colors to harmonize with the china
and the decoration of the tea table.
Cut two squares of linen and one of
flannel four and one-half Inches.
Transfer the design on the linen and
work in French embroidery, which is
compose'd chiefly of satin stitch. The
dots and figures on the wings, and also
the head and body should be done In
satin stitch; the outline in button hole
stitch. Then cut out the shape of th'f
butterfly. Trace the outline of the
butterfly on the piece of linen whie'h
is to form the lining, and buttonhole
the edge. Then cut it out. Cut u
piece of flannel the same shape, but a
little smaller, and lay it between the
two pieces of linen. Haste around tbe
edgo to hold the threo layers in place,
then tack the edges lightly toirether
in tliw buttonholu stitch. It may tie
easily taken apart for laundering, and
will Iron better than It would If w.itv
ed ull together.
A i.immI Adilrr-xK uf More Imporlani-e
'I ban Siiuurei Mi-uW.
lu the writing room uf a Iondou
club a few days as;' an Lngllshmaii
waii writing a letter while au Ameri
can friend waited Tor him. Presently
the Englishman folded his letter, put
It in au euvelope and proceeded to
address it.
"I'd know you were an English
man If I'd only aea you addressing
an envelope," aald the American, ac
cording to a New York Sun'a Loudon
numerable stctes nnd territories are
found in these Imperishable records.
None of (he older coins are dated, the
practice of Inscribing (ho date begin
ning in the fifteenth century. The
aces tif coins beforo that period are
determined by their lesrends, r.s an
swering to tho patio of corroborative
history and the art era to which they
In Knglnnd. coining has been car
ried on at the Tower of London mini
In every reign since the Norman con
quest, except thoo of Richard I. and
Kdward II. Clipping was early prac
ticed i:i id carried to such an extent
that in the reign of Richard III. all
jiKmey was called in and new money
coined from fresh stamps. After that
only the stamp of the London Tower
mint was r.ieognized. Henry VIII.
wr.s the .first sovereign to systematic
ally (lebns-e the Kngllsh coinage. His
daughlcr Kll.-aVth did her best to
keep It at its l::re value. During her
feign tlie loner mint was com mis
sioned to i"ceive all debased money,
melt it .Mid ruoin It Into money of
tlie proper weight. The fumes from
the melting coins caused sickness
among tlie workmen. Medical men of
the, lime prescribed for tills illness n
potion t-i be elrnnk from a elead man's
skull, sir. rl en official warrant procured
the reepi'sitc cups from London bridge',
where tno heads of traitois were dis
played. Afte-r Independence had been won In
America Robert Morris, financier of
tbe revolution, whs instructed by Con
cress to prepare n report on the for
eign coins then in circulation, lie ac
companied his report with a plan for
American coinnge, nnd he may he con
sidi'ivd the first to introduce the sub
ject of n nafTonal mint In tills coun
try. The first building erected in the
United Slates for public use? under the
authority of the federal government
was a structure for the United Slates
mint in Philadelphia, .then the capital
city. The mint In Philadelphia has
nlwnys been regarded ns the principal
or parent institution, and coins issued
from tills mint are unmarked, while
those coming from the branch or asso
ciate mints are marked by certain cap
ital letters. Indicating the city where
they were struck. Tiiese marks aro
known as mint marks.
In the Philadelphia mint, which has
a lnrge and good collection of coins,
are many olel papers which throw In
teresting sidelights on the past. Pur
Ing the years 1797, 1798. 179!), 1802
nnd 1803 the operations of the mint
were suspended on account of tho
prevalence of yellow fever. In the
mint collection, written on handmade,
unruled foolscap paper, Is an Indemni
ty lond signed by the workmen as a
pledge that they would return to work.
It Is dated August, 1799.
In 1874 Congress passed a bill pro
viding for the minting of coins for
foreign countries. Two years later the
Philadelphia mint filled an order for
$100,000 worth of minor coins for
Venezuela. Since then the United
Stales, competing with other big na
tions, has manufactured money for
many of the Latin American repub
lics, which find It cheaper to have
their money made for them than to
equip and operate a mint.
correspondent. "Englishmen alwaya
seem to put all they possibly can Into
nn address."
Well, the address of an Englishman
is a very important thing, almost aa
important as his pedigree. A good
address, especially in London, is more
highly regarded than square mealH,
the latter often being sae'rlflced for
the former. This great truth has been
recognizee! by a woman who wrote to
an Australian newspaper:
"There are only certain parts of
London In which one can live and be
recognized. It is dlvielcd Into ills
trlcts, the most important of which
bears the address London, W.'
"The next district In importance is
S. W. (southwest). This includes
Chelsea, where the artists congregate,
and South Kensington, where upper
inlildle-clasH fashionable folks live.
"N. W. (northwest) Includes Ham
stead, St. John's Wood, llelsize Park
(ono of tlie prettiest and healthiest
parts ef London I, w here wealthy city
men reside, and the many large resi
dences I here can boast beautiful gar
dens and lawns, sui'h as are unob
tainable In any other part of Lon
don. "The next district, und one of the
most closely populated. Is W. C. (west
central). It is a world of boarding
houses, and, being the most conven
ient part of Londem for railway sta
tions, places ol' amusement and sight
se'iing generally, it Is peopled with
the most eosmopolllan set to be found
anywhere in the world.
"One er the pnz.leH of tills address
Is that if you write W. C. after It the
recipient will probably not bother to
call, but If ou write In such and
such a place and aild 'Russell Square'
that makes it all right. Russell
Square' is ree-ognized, but west cen
tral Is not.
"On meeting new pe-ople the first
tiling they Invariably ask is your ad
dress. If you are- we-ailng u nice frock
und say you live W. they Immediate
ly ask you to dinner, but If you say
west central the! uice frock carries
no weight. They simply say, 'How
very odd,' and talk about the weather."
Never worry about troubles to-day
that you can put off till to-morrow.
Nearly every citizen of a town b
UToa that hn "made It."
Since the Ingredients Entering rerunn
Are Known, Its Power as a Catarrh
Remedy and Tonic is
tlvo Ingredients entering tho most
popular household remedy in tho
world have beon made known to
tho public. Thia moans a newcra
In the advertising of popular fam
ily medicines Peruna leads.
Pcruna contain among othor
things, golden seal, powerful In its
effect upon tho mucous mem
branes. Cedron seed, a rare
medicine and unsurpassed tonic.
Cubcbs, valuable in nasal catarrh)
and affections of the kidneys and
bladder. Stono root, valuable for
the nerves, mucous membranes
as well as in dropsy and Indi.
.Nvlx.ilr I'rotrnllnic.
"Was this decision ft ease of
'square deal'?" asked ono belligerent
"No," answered the other. "It was
a case of don't dare squeal." Milwau
kee Sentinel.
iv h pay ii-tar i-ou tow limits.
Furs nre nlo very hluh. We orll traps
cheiip. Ship to nnil Imy f tin ul.l tellnlilo
N. XV. Utile Ai I'm- e'o. M Inm it polls, Minn.
IlniMtifi.it nt llitil Hon lis.
"Don't you re.iH.f that you ,are
financially hantlii-itpped by bad roads?"
"Of course wi- realize It." answered
Farmer t'orntuvsel. "No nutomoblllst
dares travel f:ist . Mouth to give us an
excuse for colle-ctln' a line. Washing
ton Ktar.
hate voir t en e.n. ok roi.riT
If tm timo ut imi-i All.-rt'w l.miic Hal-tun unit wtitrh
CauMii. Sumili'. ikil'. I'lli'i-Hv,-. A I) Uualtira. t'upu
r prlefft Mn 6Uo nntl rl.llvl IkiIIIi-m.
Ilronilriiliiir i ni-rt of Travel.
"Aunt 'Mandy. now that you've
made that long anticipated visit to
China, tell me what you think of tha
Chinese as a race."
"Well, child, they certainly do know
how to cook rlrn " r;-'i'iirn Tribune.
Settlers Welcome anil
Dolour Well.
The Portland Oregon ian, of Port
land, Oregon, published a cartoon on
tho Immigration of U. S. people to
Canada, In its Issue of October C, 190'J.
The picture was accompanied by the
following article:
"Losing American Citizens. The rx
odus of American farmers to Canad i
continues to be a phenomenon ot ttu
first importance. More of them are
crossing the border this fall than ever
before, and they are floe king thithe"
from all parts of the country. Former
ly It was the Middle West alone whlcii
thus lost tho heart of Its clti.eushlp
Now all sections of the Union suffei
alike. The regret which xve cannot
help feeling over the migration o
many thousands of excellent citizen..
has an economic aide which causes
some concern. The 70,000 farmers
who -will go to Canada to live this
fall will take with them sonic $70,
000,000 in cash and effects. This is bj
no means n negligible sum, and make
a very appreciable drain on our re
sources. IJ n t, of course, the most bc
rlous loss Is the men themselves nnd
their families, who have forsaken the
laud of the free and the home of the
brave to dwell under the rule of a
"Why do they go? Naturally the
cheap and fertile land of Western Can
ada attracts them. Each emigrant goes
with a reasonable expectation ot bet
tering his fortune. Indeed, In a few
years he may grow rich through the
abundant crops he can raise and the
Increase of land values. Rut perhaps
that is not the sole reason for the as
tonishing migration. There Is a com
mon notion abroad that Iu Canada life
and property are appreciably safer
than they are here. Murders are not
so frequent, nnd are more speedily and
surely punished. Mobs and tlie so
called 'unwritten law' are virtually un
known In Canada, Again, the law is
a vastly more ascertainable entity
there. Canada' does not permit Its
Judges to veto acts of a legislative
body. When a statute has been enact
ed it is known to be tbe law of the
land until It Is repealed. This natu
rally Imparts to Canadian civilization
a security and stability which we have
not yet attained.
"We must remember, In the same
connection, that the Canadian protect
ive tariff Is far less exorbitant than
ours, and much less boldly arranged
for the benefit of special favorites.
Hence there Is an Impression, very
widely diffused, that tiio Canadians are
not so wickedly robbed by tho trusts
as we are In this country. Reasons
like these sufficiently account for the
exodus of a body of citizens, whom we
can ill afford to lose, but they do not
much assuage our re'gret that they
cannot be retained In the United
Speaking of this, a Canadian Gov
ernment representative says that the
Americans who cross the border are
most welcome. The splendid areas of
virgin soli, a large quantity of which
la given away as free homesteads, lies
close to existing railways nnd to those
under construction. The railway lines
that are assisting in this development
are the Canadian Paclile, the Canadian
Northern and the Grand Trunk Pa
cific. The latter Is built entirely on
Canadian soil, and lias opened up a
wonderful stretch of land. Along this
line during the year about closed
thousands of American settlers have
made their homes. They have built
the towns, and immediately be-gan as
factors In the building up of the great
Canadian West.
Agents of the Government arej lo
cated In various cities throughout tho
United States who will be pleased to
give any information that may be tie
sired to further the interest of the
8. 0. N. U. - No. 601009.
Cats atn aaaaa kHaaaar aaa laalar cal ara laaa an
a in ml wtaatal aW,ta atari. trUs Ut tssa
Iliahf flor II el IntriiM Itrbltts
llnnnr praichril Till lllood Itaa
-Kotind a t'tiro la ulrnra.
"Our aen, two years olel, was n(71le-t-eel
with n r.tsh. After lie r.ti(Teri'd with
the trouble several weeks I temk him
to tlie doctor, but It got worse. The?
rnsh ran together and mnele large blis
ters.' The little fellow didn't wnnt to
lo anything but scratch anel we had to
wrap his tin mis tip to kee-p him from
tearing the flesh open till the blew!
woulel run. The Itching was Intense.
The skin on his back became hnrd nnel
reuich like the bnrk of a tree. He
stiff erod intensely for about thre-e
months. It ut I found a remedy - In
Cutlcura Soap and Cnticura Ointment,
t he result was almost magical. That
was more than two years ngo, and
there has not been the slightest symn
tom of It since he was cured. J. W.
Lnue k. Yukon, Okla., Aug. 2$ and Sept
17. lixi.8."
Potter Prug Cliem. Corp., Sole
Props, of Cutle-iirn Remedies, lteston.
A Oneatton ot Quietude.
"Where's your father?" asked the
summer boarder.
"(lone fishln'," answered the hoy
with one suspender, "lie hns some of
tho queerest luck you ever beard of."
"Why didn't you go with him?"
"Dad wouldn't let me. When he
goes fish In' he doesn't want anybody
to disturb him while he's thlnkln' up
the things he's goln' to tell when he
gets home." Washington Star.
Thla Will lutereat Mother.
MntliiT Oray'R Swort I'Dwders for Clil!
elrtn. tisoil ly Motlicr eiray, a nurxe l
ChlMrrn'fe Heme, Ne'W York, cure e,Vntl
pillion. l'Vvori."line!-s. Teething IHxfireJerr
Stomach TrotiM-' and lii-struv XX"nrm
30.000 truth-Hint".! of onioi. All tlnm
Klst. 2."c. Sample FltKK. Address Alto:
6. Olnmtei, Lc l;ov. N. Y.
ftlppeil liy n l.cie I'toat.
"Pulsatilla, I've heen coming to Bee
you for several yearn, tint I think lt'a
hlnh time for me to er "
"Quit and give some other young
mnn a chance, Mr. Hloeum? Thanka;
ao do I. Don't atumblo over tho rutt In
the hall ns you go. Mr. Slocum." Chi
cago Tribunes.
Rlieiiiii.itiMtn nml Neuralgia never ceviM
et along with Uamlins X'i7.:ird Oil.
Wizard Oil always drive's tlirm awny
from the premise's in short onler.
Charity, is a clonk sometimes used to
cover an amateur conceit.
T.'XroSf'KK Tl OI,t
ami wpt In tin- lust cl.'run I'nrtinionLi. TiV IVrrf
I'lVlH' riitNKllMT Ull't 'hi' IIIUIU.T IM H.Y I' l'l,w . I n
equaled lur colds, sore tlinvit. quinsy . lii.e nml Uk'
There AVna at llenann.
"Willie, I am glad to see you chew
ing your victuals so thoroughly
the frugal elderly relative) with
he was dining.
"Yes, grnn'ma," nrswered Willie;
I'm mitkln' Vm no ft r for ns I kin.
Women's Secrets
There it one man In the United Statea
more women a aecreta than any other man or woman in tlie
country. These secrets are not secrets of tfuiit or shame, but
the secrets of sufTcrinft, and they have been confided to Dr.
U. V. l'icrce in the hope and expectation of advice and help.
That few of these women have been disappointed in their ex
pectations is proved by the fnct that iiine-ty-cight per cent, of
c'.l women treated by Dr. fierce have been absolutely and
altogether cured. Such record would be remarkable if tho
cases treated were numbered by hundreds only. But when
that reoord applies to the treatment of more than half-a mil
. lion women, in practice of over 40 Tears, it is phenomenal.
and entitles Dr. l'icrce to the gratitude accorded him by women, aa tbe first Oaf
specialists in the treatment of women's oiscases.
livery sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, absolutely withe,
chargo. All replies are mailed, sealed in perfectly plain envelopes; without
cay printing or advert it, ing whatever, upon them. Write without fear aa withe
cut fee, tei World's DUpcnsary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. fierce, PreaC,
IJuiTalo, N. V.
3VSCaa.ls.oa T7GrvlK. women Strons,
JSiols. "w omen
Vffi info p x o a ffi f-3rj
i ?:t r,J.lH '--'-
The Largest Manufacturer or
Men'B Fine shoes in the World
Wear W. L. Doualaa comfortable,
osy-walklna ahoea. They ore
made upon honor,
rs, by the most
In nil the latest
every style and
in nil wnm ui mv.
" , If I could take you Into my large
fnftAfiAa at II rrw. Ittnn. Mam., aind
ll umi, pnralnllu MI I nnllm
t tea anoes are
then undurstana why they hold
their shape, fit better, wear longer
and ara of greater value than any
other make.
I X-? r'' '''':; j
naina nml tbe retail
the bottom,
mokeless Oil Heater
The automatically-locking
feature of the Perfection Oil
Automatic Smokeless Device
' . ; v.:
, Erery Dealer Evcrywher.
to ua it caret Agency ot tns
re ?ra txi rjB 'Ft,.
OS Bft
alaar in. Baa I lc aackaaa aalaaa I
aeMa) la iS.aaU aa4 am Uana.
of tho California Syrup Co. and tha
srientifio attainments of its chemists have
renelereei possible the production of Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna, in ail of it
excellence, by obtaining the pure medio
inal principle of plants known to act moat
beneficially and combining them moil
skillfully, in tho right proportions, witls
its whtilesomo and refreshing Syrup of
California Figs. ,
As there is only one genuine Syrup of
Figs ami F.lixir of Senna and as the gen
uine is manufactured by an original
method known to tho California Fig Syrup
Co. only, it is always necessary to buy tba
genuine to get its beneficial effects.
A knowledge of the above facts enable
one to decline imitations or to return tbeoa
if, upon viewing the package, the full nam
of the California Fig Syrup Co. ia not fouoaf
printed on the front thereof.
MfirrT. Goldman's
Gray Hair Rtorr
rtorr- orkn-lmw oof In
ml It), he rt t Ii'iil niauinr
4 tn from 7 tn )l . n
tirttlt ilitf"Pfint from tr
i thin.r. Him. Jts pftrct U
Tr4a Mftf WtsrI
Krmnnrnt. v- not
wmnh oft nnr lok una At
om!. 11m no wH(mnt it'n neither ftiirky mM
grt'iwr lt' mm inr ami clr tti witter.
iMiit'f I'SttTiim'nt on whnt thnnnnftfi of mhrft
hnru fotini. "ttfe Knit Mtipf net orv. 8mf! nnd comb
Jtautlutoh free. IV mare tn ninlnn orifclirml Cnlnr
of your hir. JUAHf T, tiiJUMAX,i-1 QUmn
Hi tQ.t t ihI, Minn. S
Dr. MctNTOSH eelehrafe
Natural Llcrine Supporter
fflvM ImmtHllat retlrf. AoM by All hm
Irml triMiriiiiint rir mt ler.lej
uruggiaiia id t nueti rtiMitaj a nil imumI
lanting. price im ad pertleulexs c
un piiit,aaiitn
II Waiant HI., rilltADrLPIIIA.Fa.,
H'ntil i. turrra ot tnuacn andVl-l
I,' tnftliy-- nf tha eionillna
raraixu aoiatoaa" Buiivoitar.
W pnv MtBf mm4
f nr r. kb ia i Hoea riie
aaa llitttts Can.
Baby Smiles
When He Takes
So plraunt tKml ke fifcea ir nd CAntmlnt oo ovi
trt. 'i Kcre U BotKmi bka il for BroncWi,
je Mi;itTm and all troublea at tit Ihtoal ana
'! A Naadaid Krmatiy toe half a rntury.
IL. AH Drucrrlate, 2 Cn1n
who hflJ perfiflpa uearj
of the best leath
skilled workmen.
fashions. 8hos In
shape to ault men I
mam, you wouia
that w. I Douglas
tirioe ia aanmpoa
No Babatltute.
Smokeless Device Is
Heater This
an excluslr
. I mi s7- fti i
doesn't allow the wick to rise to a
point where It CAN smoke, yet
permits a strong flame that sheds a
steady, glowing heat without a whiif
of smoke.
No other heater In the world com
pares with the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Devlcey
Turn the wick high or low no smoke,,
no smell, burns for 9 hours with on
filling. Instantly removed for cleaning.
Solid brass font ho!tls 4 quarts of oil
tuluacnt to give out u flowing heat for 9'
hours solid brass wick carriers damper
top cool handle; oil indicator.
Heater beatiti fully finished in nickel oar
Japan in a variety of atyles.
If Not At Yours. Write for JetcriDtiia Circular
m ct,1 r Trx or
aiiiiMia iiannaij,