Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 10, 1909, Image 5

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Ask your doctor about these
11 throat coughs. He will tell
J you how deceptive they arc.
A tickling in the throat often
means serious trouble ahead.
Better explain your case care
fully to your doctor, and ask
him about your taking Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral.
Wt publish our forma 1m
We banish lftohol
from our mdlolns
W urea yon to
ODffult your
VTfco makes the best liver pills? The
J. C. Aver Company, of Lowell, Mass.
They have been making Aycr't Pills for
over sixty years. If you have the slight
est doubt about using these pills, ask
your doctor. Do as he says, always.
v b the J. O. Ayr Co., Lowell, M.
Mr. Renter
Harvest is about over.
You have paid a large share
nf Vnnr fnt5r rrnn fr lonrl.
Has it paid? Are you satis
fied with the remainder.
Do you realize that dollars
paid for rent are dollars that do
not come back?
. They're gone, and unless you
strike out for yourself and your
boys, more are going next year.
Hero is a Money
Saving Proposition
Go with me into the Big
Horn Basin.
Buy a small irrigated farm
on easy payments ; payments as
easy as paying rent in your
present locality, and in ten years
you'll have a farm of your
0WI1 in a growing country where
crop-failures are unknown, and
good prices prevail.
Write me for details today.
,1 am employed by the Burling
ton and my services will cost
you nothing.
Clem Dkaver,
Gen Agt
T.nnclseekers' Infor
mation HuroHii,
1touni4, U BldK.
Omaha, Nebr.
V?- X.-v ,
Fresh, Itellible, Pure
Guaranteed to Please
Every Gardener and
Planter should tent the
unerlor merits of Our
Northern Grown Sed.
we will send postpaid onr
1 pfcft. 6A Day Toaata .... lw
1 fkf. Prlne.it H.dlia a '"
1 pig. H.IMtrowlbR C.l.ry '
1 ska-. Early Arraw.a.ad ('abfcava . l.a
1 pir- rull.rUa Hark. I,tta.. , .
U 11 Yarlalla. I'halat I lawar gaaila . "
Writ todajt Sana 10 mil o hlp rT rja an
parking and raeaiva tha aUva "Famooa Collection, to
aatber with nor Now and Instructive Harden liuide.
904 Jtoite St. Kockford. Illinois
Mrs Elsie Towell Las gona to Wayne
to reside.
Ed Eauton was on tho sick list tha
first of the week.
C L Culler and wife of Wayno, were
visitors here Thursday.
D M Ntiswanger made a trip to
Bloorofield the Ural of the week.
Deputy U 8 Marahal Sides made a
business trip to Hloomfield Monday.
Found German ailver brooch with
initial "A" engraved on front. Call at
Herald office.
Mrs Harriot A Ayres returned last
Friday from a month's vieit with rela
tives in Omaha.
Deak Foltz had his arm thrown out
at the shoulder Tuesday, while un
loading goods at Van's.
Mrs Jaa Foltz was up frem the farm
on the reservation Monday, attending
to some business matters.
Clyde Crego is back from a trip to
Independence, Iowa.Twhere he went to
look up a location for a barber shop.
For sale a six room house and three
lots, good location, good outside im
provements. Enquire at this office.
Mrs Ilattie Knowlton-Edwards, of
South Sioux City, was a guest at the
Judge Btinson home Wednesday night.
Poetoflice Inspector L A Thompsou,
of Omaha, was here Thursday check
ing over the accounts of the postofOce.
An examination for rural carrier for
route 2 out of Hubbard, will be held
by Postmaster John Q Beam Saturday
I forbid any hunting or traveling
through my fields, on acoouct of the
danger of stock getting hurt. Fred
J M Ryder, formerly of this county,
has erected a neat home at North Riv
erside, Sioux City, and will take up
his residence there.
Every subscriber who pays his sub
scription to The Herald in advanoe
can have the Farmers Tribune of Sioux
City free for one year. v
"Live and let live" is my motto.
Why not call on No 1 through jour
phone and give him an order, he will
deliver it free of charge.
George Cole, who has been working
on one of the Burlington sections here,
left Wednesiay for Yutan, Neb, where
he will work temporarily.
What is the use of going out in the
cold and storm when you can call up
No. 1 for anything in his line, ana be
will deliver it to yon promptly.
When you come up town, don't for
get to stop at the corner of Broadway
and Fifteenth streets and see what
there is in store for you. Van will be
there with a broad smile.
All kinds of ooal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fiilds & Slaughter uo.
ThioE Bliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
W E Lenox, who recently purchased
the Rawleigu medicine bnsiness at
Allen, Neb, expected to move there
this week, but owing to the severe
weather has delayed moving until the
weather moderates.
In alighting from a street car in
South Sioux City on Monday night
Frank French Blippod and fell on the
icy crossing, breaking his left leg just
above the ankle. He was taken to a
Sioux City hospital for treatment.
A can of bakiug powder and a hand
some gold framed picture for 00 cents
at Van de Zedde's. This may be
vour last chance to get one of those
elegant paintings absolutely free. One
would make an excellent Auias k"'-
ipO introduce fine materials, clean
methods, scientific equipment
into the making of soda crackers
was one triumph-
To actually bake into them a subtle
goodness, a real individuality, never
before known, was another triumph
But to effectually protect them so
that the fullest benefit of these fine
materials, this careful, cleanly baking,
this unique goodness comes to you
unaltered, was the crowning triumph
that gave the world
Local Items
Friday, Dec. io, 1909
We have as good a stock of hard
ware and tinware as there ever was in
nWa Oitv. and vou will nnd onr
prices right. Schriever Bros.
Wm P Warner Likely to be Re-appointed
U S Marshal
Sunday's Omaha Bee in speaking of
the prospects of Wm P Warner being
re-appointed by President Taft to the
position of United States marshal for
the district of Nebraska, has the fol
lowing to say:
President Taft can make two very
acceptable Christmas gifts to Omaha
residents, if he will, llie appoint
ment of United States district attorney
and United States marshal for this
district are due almost any day now.
The candidates for the office ol Uni
ted States district attorney are Charles
A Gobs, tho present incumbent, and
Frank S Howell of the firm of Jeffries
& Howell. Mr Gobs has the prestige
of a quito successful administration of
the ollice to rely on, as well as some
Mr Howell has
enthusiastic friends
1 . t.s 1 ...,.,
Bnrclars entered the hardware store some very strong uacaiug uuu y.cu.
of Isenbero & Betcke and the arng on me iwo tm
ij:.,v ll,a nt V.merson his behalf is being brought to bear by
Blurts ui ijiciciuvi " 1 - 1 . . . .
. 1 !!.. 1.1.: lnntt' nilnnrt l II ffrPAC IMDV 111 II UL'U 11U I UlblUUCia Ul
i 1 .1,0 fWmiY.T1,ir. nnd $25 the republican party of Nebruska
worth from the latter. Local talent lu me case 01 m.rnii.i ,vuru iuC.D
antaA is apparently no opposition 10 uis ru uy-
l oUDrCv.v.u. 1 t , 1 tlm- ri7n
Hear W I Nolan , tho next number V?- VJ" "IZ 1
1. I. 41. A.n-,nw ctF I m 1
CUUrCU U 'DUIU6 r ; ritl ri in Ana fimfl
1 T M Xnlnn'fl ItllTYlOr Ifi Olefin 8110 I 611U "
A. I U"a " . . I r i a-M n a. 4 o an 4 ncmAt
1 111. 1 1- Tli i I UUO 1U11U11I1J UOKGW
B r.tUT.: V"TUind candidacy for re-appointment is that it
something good to tuinn 01.
Mrs George Pranger has been quite
ill the past week.
Albert Schumacher, of Sioux City
was calling ou friends here Tuesday
Fred H Stanard lust week finished J
np the plumbing on the new residence
of S A Hridenbaugh.
U S Marshal Warner was here from
Omaha Tuesday Buttling up. some bus
iness matters in the county court.
The members of the board of super
visors of draiuatfe district No. 2 held a
business meeting here last Saturday.
D H Huger is expected home from
Canada toduy. He has been in the
employ of a lumber company there the
past hummer.
If you aro in need of anything for
' tha lioHdavs. Van will be pleased to
order it for you, if he doesn't happen
to have it in stock, with no expense
or trouble to you.
Nntien of the administratrix sale of
ti.a rwrsnnal raopertv of the late
Miuhatd J Malouey appears in this
isBim of Tho Herald. There is a large
list of stoek and farm machinery offer
ed at this sale.
Kide Reum was found guilty of as
sault and buttery in Ju.lge Stiuson's
court Thursday, on u compluiut made
1,V Th-odore Bliven, muniiger of tho
FieMs & Slaughter elevator. Ho was
given u f 1() und conts. The
fuse wti appealed.
report s in circulation hero tin's
week that U U Kl. who 1. ft line
Hl-out a mouth ug3 by river for New!
Orlenns with his two gasolene boats.
Lad f tll -n overboard and diowne:! in
in the Mw-issippi river 200 miles be
low Ht Louis. The report bus not
been veiitied yet.
It is to be hoped that the Dakota
1.. .... lrvri:.rjf nllhlio BS Well 08
those who seek amusement tlone HJ
makeit a point to hear WI Nolan at
the M E ehnrch, on Friday eveuiug
Uorember 17th . To make real humor
requtr. M irt.dlisrence b.sid.s an appre
cia.i in of tlie ridiculous si le of things.
In th- two requirements Nolau is ex
treiin ly blustied.
TI,a new "Eadex" lens for constant
n-Biir is suoevior for comfort and clear
r..,. nf vision. Ii screens out the vio-
lAt or chemical rays of light, thus pre
trnnrinrr irritation and intlamation.
Hati-afnntinn c? ii (Iran teed. W C Eck
hart. Licensed Optometrist.
Annnnncement was received here
the past week of the marriage of Mar
tin Griffey at Denver, Colo, on No
tromlipr 21st. to Miss Anna E Adams,
of that place, Rev D C Winship, a
fnrmpr M E pastor of Ibis place, now
residing in Denver, performing iiifi
wrnmnnr. Tho t?room was a former
rHi,lnnt of this place with his paronts,
n W ttriffev and wife, and otter rue
,iQatJi rf bis father moved with his
mother to Denver.
WANTED Success Magazine
wants an eneigetio ana respouniuie
man or woman in Dakota City to col
tnr renewals and solicit for new
uiiscrintions during full or spare lime
F.rnerienoo unnecessary. Any one can
urart amone friends and aoouaintutioes
and build tip a paying ana permanent
business without capital. Complete
mit.fi t and instructions free. Address
"Vnn" Success Maeazine, room iUJ,
Success Magazine Buildiug, New York
City. N Y.
T.nlii Melntvre. who was nrrestod on
.Uiiit of 11 O Dorn. president of
the South Sioux City Law and Order
league, lust week, was given a ueunuB
Tuesday before Jungo v u ohiibou uu
the charge of conducting a bonne of
prostitution and selling liquor illegal
ly Practically no defense was made
by "Lulu," and tho evidence intro
duced was so cc neliiMVO that t.he was
found guiltv und lined 41 CO or fixty
d:ivs in jail. Attorney Wilbur O m ii
nf'sionx CUv. appeared as attorney
for "Lulu" and filed an uppeal of tlm
,.,.o ,, flu. iliMtriet court, tho appual
bond being fixed at f S'.IO.
responsible and imergetio ian or
woman in Dakota City a'ul vicinity to
attend to its Htibhc:iption interests.
Experienco unnecessary. There li
liberal Ruaranteed compensation. A
profitable pernvioi i;t InisineRa without
capital ran ! ilixh -1 among
fr ends and aoqiMiutiiiei'M V!e!e
spare time. Tliis is th b.-ai inn
start. Complete omtit an t lfi-'
tions fre. Write now. M.-Cl-n
Magazine, 4G East 23rd Stre.-t. :
York City.
nracticallv removes him from the field
- . . !.. il..
as a candidate lor congress m me
Third Nebraska district.
The marshalship and the atttorney-
ship pay $4000 a year eacu. iney
have become very important positions
by reason of the big cases mat nave
come before the federal court in Oma
ha of late and others likely to come.
Both Gobs and Warner aro filling
vacancies caused by tl e demanded re
signations of their predecessors. Pres
ident Roosevelt called for the resigna
tions of Irvintr F Baxter, district
attorney, and T L Mathews, marshal,
at the time of the commitment to cus
tody of Bartlett Kichards, W G Corn
stock and their partners. The then
district attorney and marshal were
held to have exceeded their authority
and to have abused the power of their
ollice when they permitted the prison
ers to go with their attorney to Uine at
he Omaha club instead of taking
them to the Douglas county jail.
Grandma Antrim is on the sick list
Jap Lake visited in Homer Wednes
day. Born to Lester Miller and wife a
Tilden Harris and wife were Homer
visitors Sunday.
Luther Heikes was a visitor in this
burg Wednesday.
John Rockwell and family of Omaha,
are visiting Pa and Ma ltookwell this
The six months' old child of Mr and
Mrs OlBon died Wednesday of bron
chial trouble.
The teachers have cone to their re
spective homes to await the wurming
of the schooL honse.
Miss Lena Rockwell and Mr Ray
mond McDonald were Saturday and
Sunday visitors at the David Water
man home.
Geo Getmyor, a. young fellow about
17 while ridincr a horse for the oattle
was thrown off by tho horse stepping
in a hole dug by the dogs and suffered
the fracture of au arm.
Auditor Johnson of the E & B Co,
has just completed the invoicing of the
Schuette lumber yard which the E &
B Co purchased, lie is now engaged in
invoicing the company's stock.
Miss Hazel Penry came home from
the Hospital where she was operated
upon for appendicitis about three
weeks ago and is stayiug with her
grandparents, A Richards and wife
She is getting along nicely.
The children in some of tLe rooms
in our new school house suffered with
the cold last week as the new furnace
utterly refused to do its duty; it would
persist in sending up cold air instead
of hot. Consequently this week we
have no school and will not for four
weeks at least, till the contemplated
steam plant is in.
Leo Sohuette left Wednesday for
LaMars, Io, with his uncle, J F Knorr
We ore sorry to sen ljeogojhe was
clerk of tho M W A camp and we have
heaid it said he was one of the best
the camp ever had . Ho was also a
member.of the town board. The Can. p
presouted him with a beautiful watch
charm, an emblem of M W A's and
Knights of Columbus oombined .
6, white.
Notice in hereby (riven that on or be
fore January 1. 1K10, sealed bids
will be received at the county clerk's of
fice. Imkota I'lty, Neb., for furnishing
books, blanks anil stationery aa follow:
Records, 8 quires, plain etrfh.
Record, 8 uulres, printed heads, each.
Kecurdn, 8 quires, printed pane, eiicli.
Cleneral Indexes, 6 quire, ruled, print
ed head.
Numerical Indexes, 8 quire, ruled,
printed heads, each.
All books to be made of best linen
ledger paper, full KiimhIu binding, lo open
Mat. and to correspond with hooka now
In use.
X.ettrheada and Envelope.
Letterheads, printed, empire bond or
epial, per M.
envelopes, prinieu, maniiu, bizb io. i.
ner. M - . ... ., ,o
r;nveiupeH, rinieu, mnniiii, nr.e io. i,
per M.
Knvelopes, No. 1 size,
printed, per M.
Sanfords, Stafford's or
per quart.
tspencena n, uiucinum
pens, per uross.
t-Htier s or I'lxon oem
Senate Scratch 1'nilH, per dozen.
Iennl blanks, full sheet, per 100.
I,enal blanks, half sheet, per m.
l.enal blanks, quarter sheet, per 1(10
I.cmt blanks, eihtim sheet, per 100.
Separate sealed bids will ulso he re
ceived for:
County printing.
Publishing the delinquent tax list,
rrlnllnit bar docket und election bal
Kcnting tho poor rnrm and KeopinK mo
county paupers.
coumy pny.sicmn.
The board reserve the rlnht to reject
any and Ml bids. Accepted bidder to lv
bona xor iauniuiAi:i ioi iiuunn m -.,n-
tract. .
Dakota City, Men., jsovemncr .u. isuj.
V. I.. ItliSS,
County Clerk.
Arnold's Ink,
is. per gross.
i ;
I Si A Stinson l
25e sack of Rice 20c
41bs Seedless Raisins.. 22c
10 yds No. 1 Ribbon.. IOC
Dec. lltK )
Seven 4c bxs Sardines.. 25c
Coal Oil per gal.,... 9c
All Laces up to 7c yd. ...3c
Off on all Turtle Neck Sweaters
FREE, to Bovs and Uirls, Flexible
Flyer, "The sled that steers." 111.
best sled in the world. You ean easily
secure one within a few days by doing
a. little vdeasant work. Some have in
a few hours. Be the first in your
town. Write todav. stating your age.
A postal card will do. W I Davis,
155 East 2tth St, New York City.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11am; Sunday sohool, 10
ami Class meeting 12 m; Epworth
League, 6 '.30 p m; Preaching, 7 pm.
Tho Ladies Aid society of tho Dako
ta City Methodist church will hold a
bazaar and serve supper iu the City
hotel. Mr Thomas Debien, proprietor.
he bazarr wll bo held on I'naay,
Deo lOtb, and be opened at 2 oelnek,
supper will be served at 5 o clock at
5c a plate, 'lucre will ue a supply
f both useful and ornamental articles,
appropriate for Christmas guts on
ale. iou aro cordially luvueu.
. Cold weather now, let's wam up
ust a bit more, near tue heart and
. . , T . I ,
come out to cuurcn. ii you nave uui
ilreadv been out. Try coming. Doit
juht ouce and see how it will aet on
you; we venture to say mat it win uoi
harm you tor time nor eternity. v,oine.
Wo hud a good inspiring league service
Sunday evening. Be out next Sunday,
mavba somebody will sing a mho, at
any rale, rate your soul high and you
will not make a mistake. -iins not
your opportunity.
Lectors Conrso Dates
W I Kolen Friday, Dec 17, 1000
U O Bowman.... Friday, Jan 21, l'JIO
The Modern Musicians
Saturday, Feb 5, 1910
: T. L Kemple,.W7ednosday, Mar 23, 1910
Mr K E Evans visited the grammar
room Tuesday morning.
Several absences roported in gram
mar room ou account of stormy weath'
The high Behool room will give their
first literury progain Friday December
10. wo would appreciate visits from
some of the parents.
Alta, Lloyd and Floyd Lenox have
quit school, their parents having
moved to Allen, Neb.
Those neither absent or tirdy for
month of November were Irene Lake,
Johu Suuford, Lluvd Mooro und Har
old Antrim,
Ilu.el Kuepperis absent on account
of nckuess.
Edith Hall and (iladyi Hall have
entered the blight eyes claims.
John Sanford has typhoid fever.
For Sale '
A largo list of Cheyenne, Morrill,
Box Butte, Kimball, Scotts Bluff uud
Banner county Nebr, lands.
Banches, rtj'in.piiHhiuent9 railroad
contracts, wchool sections all sizes
and prices from $ti.50 per acre and up
for deeded lands.
Having a personal knowledge of
these lands I ill go and ehow thim to
those who wish to invest.
B A Combs, Homer, Nebr.
BLCkoLc 5 utLUa auLtttui WW
Mitdo tJ build New lliinliie" A V J
rut. will nut KM you A iHTiiiuia-nt -" jg. t
mmi refunded.
souvenir fmiccii'jii mu. .-.pri.tai
if" I'.-ll I'lTITrT.' "r.il (ip llj-ti.th, iathr litl
.ItMh, Mprlo Hno.fKke. IH. Hp..t.h IrU, .UI... HfMklU.
I'.tiui.uitu. tno'iri.1-'r.c. lil iwtt Ai..m .i, Ifi..4tL.
. ... N..uimUa. ItrU Titl.n, fre TittiP, VaiiM!
K lkae Tulip, ! '. frwwh, Smm 4 IUnh liyct.IU,
I.-i-ViVl. TO P1.EAB1'.
Wrhe ta-dnv M-ailnn thli Prrr
' ' iali'-Nii1 aVcuM I'M
HM..i,d .tM..a u l. ..I ..I.I. nllwMia
....ir.,1 ml Bull .t. flMi Ho.,.. Tall. aU ilw.1 tu b.n i
. 1. Hull, ul IManM.
til. CommaiaoratloB of a mniIbhii, aiK..tn! ia.ln i
f lei 1 , 1 .ill .... .I'a ll,..l'..ll.oili. I
of ib. H. TbUMultialM.l.aurili...fi.r.
.. in n ii 04 SUOKBEI BI.
tiVi . . i., Mi n
Dakota City. Nebraska
1 1 mft m , 0-lnjf - itfa 'm '' i1
CKrisfmas Ieans TucK
To the man who saves his money.
to him and to his.
Why Not Start Saving Your Money Here, in the good,
safe Bank tke Oldest In the County? Saving means
Happiness. Start now and be Happy
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you
Hank: of Dakota County &
yt . ,iN.,,,si.r u
County Coroner
v v
v ift. V!.''' !- . ' J
B. F. Sawyei
Tackson, Nebraska
IS. t. M. ErbV. (Da.
X-mas Sale of Fancy Rugs
Sale Closes Tuesday, December 28th
All Sizes in Hartford, Wilton, Axminster,
Smyrna, Palisade, and Colonial Velvets.
From the Wholesale House direct to You, with but one
small percentage of profit added. Make your selection now
while the stock is complete. We'll lay them awaY for vou
until Christmas.
Still Selling 5 Gal. Gcod Kerosene Oil for 45e.
Good House Brooms, for only 27 cents.
Edwards Mtalfori L'ltfr Co.
V. 0. Luke, Resident Mjrr.
, Dakota City. Neb
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Snrcty Bond
(luaranteeH the accuracy of every
Abstract I make
Succebsor to
Dakol:i County Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstracter