VlTlLIZEB RESTORES TOST TOWERS. A wnk rsn I like a clock run down. MtTNYON 8 VITALIZE It will wiud blm up and make 111 in go. If yuu are nervons. If you are Irritable, If you luck confluence In your self. If you do not feel your full nituily vigor, begin on tlila remedy at once. There re 75 VITAl.IZF Il tablet In one. bottle; every tablet la full of vital power. Don't Spend another dollar on quark doctors or spurious remedies, or nil your system with harmful drugs. Begin on -Ml'NYONrt V1TAL17.ICK at onre, and yon wll lieclu to feel the vitalising effect of tbla remedy after tba flrat dose, l'rlre, $1, pnt-nnj. .KUnyon, Klrd and Jefferson. 1'lilln. ! Regard Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment as unrivaled for Preserv ing, Purifying and Beau tifying the Skin, Scalp, Hair and Hands, for Sana We, Antiseptic Cleansing and for the Nursery. ' Bold throughout the. world. Depots: Tendon, IT, Cbsrterhmiwi So i Tarls, 8, Rua de Is l'alx; Austra lia, R. Towns A Co , Sydney, India, H. K. 1'suL Calcutta; China, Hon! Kona linn Co.: Japan, ttaruys, Ltd. Tohln; ItuiMH, Ferreln, Mneruw; Bo. Afrt-s. Lennnn, Ltd., tape Town, etc: I' 8.A Totter I)nl A diem, t'nrp , Sole I'rwp"-. Ronton. ee-Posi Free. Cuticura Hnoklct ou tlie fekln SICK .HEADACH Positively cured bf these Jiittle Pills. They also relle Dla trcsa from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty Eating; A perfect rem edy for Dizziness. Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad, Taste In the Mouth, Coated Tonsrue, Pain in the Side, TOKFID IJVTR. They regulate the Dowels. Purely V-getabeo. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE- Genuins Musi Bear Fac-Simila Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. TOILET ANTISEPTIC . NOTHING LIKE IT FOR Flip TaTCTlJ P""8 CTC1 dentifrice I lit I tt I II in cleansing, wliiteninp end amoving tartar from tha teeth, buidss dritrryu! all germs oi decay and disease which ordiaw Math preparations cannot do. Tlip RfflllTI.1 Paxtira tued aj a mou'i. IMC ftlUVJItl wash Jisinlec's the mouA and throat, punnet the breath, aad kills the germ thicb collect in the moutb. cautina; sore thiost, ul teeth, bad breath, grippt, as J avr-V irtr-m Tlltr PVrr) when inSeaied. tiii. acb ll lit tl t nd bum, wry ba isatutly nuatred and strengthened by Pnxln.0. gfkJITjmmi Pextiae will dettroy tha genu iA I Arihn that cause c.urrh, Wl lb. in.. tmmahoa and stop tha ditcLarjrs. medy for uterine catmrrb. I Putin, is a harmless yet po'verful Serniictde.disiaf edlant and d.odo;iier. Llsed in bathing it deitroys odors aad saves the body antiseptically dean. J OS) LC AT DStUO STORtS.SOC. U OR POSTPAID B)V MAIL. LARGE SAMPLE FREE! TH PAXTON TOILET OO.. BOSTON. MAS IT allllcled wllh tltPKEYEWlTE!! Bare Eyes, tu Trie, 92 . -T.r, ICARTFRSl Ir"" I flVER j 1P1LI.S. ft- . Awewy '1 CARTERS OlTTte m s.w.a.nisi.SfJ.1 ! wisasy.ii nuwaiassM 1 . .rVv.:-.:c- surastaxipu WHITtj Oplailaaa ( Olkara. I Brr yet knew any maa so bad but tome bara thought blm honest and afforded blm lora; nor any one so food but some bare thought him rile and hated him. Few are so thoroughly wicked as not to ba estimable to some; and few are so Just as not to seem un equal; Ignorance, envy and partiality enter much Into the opinions wo form of others. Nor can a man. In him self, always appear alike to all. In some, nature has made a disparity; In some, report has blinded Judgment, and In others accident Is the cause of dis posing us to love or hate. Owen Fell thacn. WORTH KNOWING. Simple) Itemed r That Anyone Cmn Prepare at Home. Most people are more or less subject to coughs and colds. A simple remedy that will break up a cold quickly-and cure any cough that Is curable Is made by mixing two ounces of Glycerine, a half-ounce of Virgin Oil of Tine com pound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. You can get these In any good drug store and easily mix them In n large bottle. The mixture Is highly recommended by the Leach Chemical Co. of Cincinnati, who prepare the genuine Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure for dispensing. Crip llaa Twenty-one ."Names. Ttlshop Thornton, who is anxious to find an alternative to the "smooth, suave riame" of Influenza, should con sult "La Grippe,"' by Pr. G. Andre, a work published last October. There he will find a list of twenty-one names bestowed by the French on that un pleasant malady Rlnce Its first appear ance In A. D. 475. The most appro priate and popular name appears to be "la grippe," which was given because of the sudden and violent way In which patlent3 are seized. Another popular name In the eighteenth century was "petit courrier," because It reached everybody. Most of the French names, however, are quite as suave as our own, but some of the terms employed by other nations are sufficiently harsh to suit the greatest sufferers, the most effective In Dr. Andre's list being the Swedish "snufsjuka" and the Dutch 'zlnklngghoorts." London Chronicle. Itablea Laid to Strange Cause. Ia Baluchistan even the wolves go mad. In his book, "The Frontiers of Baluchistan," G. P. Tate writes: "Tho shepherds give a strange reason for the epidemic of rabies. According to them it was caused by the wild beasts eating dead larks. In some years, they said, the larks develop extraordi nary vitality and pour forth such a flood of songs as, they rise on the wing that they become suffocated and fall to the ground dead. A wild animal which eats one of those dead birds in fallibly develops rabies. This is h widespread superstition and seems not unfaaiillar to the natives of India whe were with me." WISHED DEATH MIGHT COME To Relieve the Awful Snfferlntf of Advanced Kidney Dlseaae. William Gibson, Greenup, Ky., says; ''Three months I was in bed, and would have died, I be lieve, but for Doan's Kidney Pills. My doc tor said the case was hopeless. My back felt as it it were be ing seared with a red hot Iron. The kidney secretions were pain ful, Irregular and full of sediment. There were puffy spots beneath my eyes and my head pained terribly. I was miser able in every way and often wished death might relieve Die. When I be gan taking Doan's Kidney Pills my condition was so serious that they had little effect, but I persisted, getting gradually better, and It was not a great while betore I was cured. The effect has been lasting." Keniember the name Doan's. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster Milburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y. How's This? TTe offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hull's t'ntarrb t'uro. K J. CIIKMCY & CO., Toledo, O. we, the undersigned, have known f J Cheney for the Jast IS years, and believe Dim perfectly honorable In all business tran actions, and Unanclally able to carry ou. any obligations made by his firm. Wai.ihnu, Kin'xan & Martin, Wholesale ltrinrglsts, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, actlnjr alrectly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials aent free. Trice, 75c. per bottle. Bold by all Drnirelsts. Take HaH'e Family nils for constipation. About tha only thing a bachelor and the father of a family regard from the lame point of view la a baaeball game. BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting-. There la a constitutional oause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summer! , Box 4, Notre Dame, Ind., will send tree to any mother her successful home treat ment, with full Instructions. S?nd no money, but write her to-day If jour chil dren trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. Tliis treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night. Erts the lien. VValcu 'Em. Hank Stubba Hens layln' much now, Bige? Blge Miller Skurce nny. Hank Stublis What's the trouble? Blge Miller Don't hev time fur lodgln' them peaky uutymobllea. Boa ton Herald. The RAYO LAMP is a high-grade lamp, sold at a low price. Inere ar lamps that cost mote, but there is no better lair p at any pries. The Burner, the Wwk, the Chimney. HoM r r II are vital things in a lamp; the puts ol the RAYC LAMP are perfectly constructed and there is nothing known in the art oi lamp-nuking thai could idd lo the value o( the RAYO as Lfht-fnving device. Suitable (or any room in any house. i.r wrsrywoera. II no. II lpU. eliculu tu tha asarsst Afsncy ol lb. STANDARD OIL Usee yam) COMPANY GOOD SHORT STORIES A magazine contributor, being bard pressed by hla creditors, recently wrote to his editor: "Please send check at once, aa my gaa bill Is due." The candid editor replied In this brief fashion: "So is mine. God belp us all." At an Interminably long perform ance of "Monte Crlsto," with Charles Foohter In the character of the hero, the curtain rose for the last act at a quarter of one In the morning. Foch tor was dlx)vered Bitting in a contemplative attitude. He neither moved nor Biwke. Just then a clear, sad voice In the gallery exclaimed: "I hope we are not keeping you up, sir." The father of Judge W. H. Wadhatns had a chicken-coop and a dog and a stable hand. It began to look to Mr. Wadhams us though aonie one had dis covered the combination. So he kept the coop and the stable hand, but he got a new dog. Next day the bent old negro who groomed the Wadhams horses) came to him. "You las' you nffevtlon foh me, boss?" he asked. "No, Sciplo." said Mr. Wadhams. "I like you as well as ever." "Then," asked Solplo, peevishly, "w'yn't you tie Old Uover In de chicken-coop, 'atid of dat new dorg?" The Vermont farm had been worn out, so the New Knglander and his wife took up a homestead in Oklaho ma. The soli was kindly, and their native thrift was great, so they pros Iered. At last, however, age came heavily uion the wife, and, knowing that her time was not long, site called her husband to her side. "Reuben," she said, "I want you to send me back to Vermont when I'm assed away." Reubpn pulled his whiskers reflective ly. "That would cost a lot, Mary could buy that windmill for what that would cost," he said. "But I couldn't lie still in a grave this far away from all tho old folks," she protested. "Well, now, I'll tell you," ho compromised. "Suppose we just try ye here, and if you don't lie still, why, I'll ship ye back to old New Hampshy." While Governor Wilson, of Ken tucky waa housebound last winter, owing to a strained tendon in his leg, he was attended by "Jim," who had been general factotum to many gov ernors, and who was a source of much fun among the State House attaches. The lame leg caused the governor to move his office temporarily to the man sion, where he received many delega tions. On one occasion Mrs. Wilson had waited luncheon for thirty min utes, and she told Ills Excellency that he must come down and eat with her. 'My dear," said Mr. Wilson, "just as soon as I see that delegation, of men downstairs, I'll be with you."' Mrs. Wilson was determined, and said: "Jim, you go down and tell them to wait." "Jim," frowned the governor, as that worthy started off to obey the mistress of the mansion "Jim, you know who Is governor, don't you?" "Yaa, sun," grunted Jim, with seem ing innocence, "yas, sun, I'll go down md tell the gemmen to wait, euh." ' QUE EH JOBS FOR TAILORS. Suit to Mulch Wife's Hair Ilund Palnled Hiding Troimera. Some of my customers have extraor dinary notions regarding clothing, and now and again I am called upon to make a suit from material which is never found within a tailor's shop, said a fashionable tailor In tho we3t end to a writer, the other day, accord ing to an article in Tlt-Blts. Only last week an elderly gentleman required me to make a suit out of a blanket which he had had dyed a purple brown. A prominent K. C. always wears a brown suit and during the last three years he has to my knowledge never ordered a suit of any other color. He dons trousers and coat of a brown hue because that is the color of his wife's hair. Whenever he requires a new suit he Invariably sends me a small tuft of hair from his wife's head, with a request for a pattern as near 4o the shade as possible. A stock broker wears great and un dercoats with movable sleeves. Tho sleeves are fastened to the shoulder by an Ingenious arrangement of his own invention and the fit of the gar ments is not Interfered with in any way. This gentleman's trousers are somewhat unique, owing to the fact that no buttons appear on them. The fronts are fastened with a particular kind of clasp resembling that found on gloves, while safety pins attach the tops to the inside lining of the waist coat, making suspenders unnecessary. One of the best known actors always wears coats that are braided. Hla dinner Jackets are bound with gay colored ribbon and the waistcoats he wears with them are hand-painted with forget-me-nots. The painting is done by a first-rate artist, who charges me 7 guineas for each waistcoat I plnr-e In his hands to decorate on be half of my customer. The waistcoats, I might say, are made of a fine white leather. A judge who always conies to me when he Is In need of new wearing apparel designs his own suits. This gentleman Is very eccentric with re gard to hla pocket Hups and he Is con stantly changing their size and shape. Not long ngo he commissioned me to make for him a riding suit. Tho seat and inner leg parts of the knickers were to bo of leather und painted to Imitate the cloth a checkof which the milt was otherwise coniosed. When I had completed the suit the leather portions were so well painted that the Judge himself at first thought I had disobeyed his order and had the knhkers entirely made of cloth. A well-known BportamHU wears In the hunting field a waistcoat manufac tured from the hair of bis wife and Ave daughters. I bad to call In the services of a wlgmaker In construct ing this garment. Tbla remind me that an axtlvt liv ing In Paris has a coat woven of b man Lair. The collar and cuffs ol this novel garment are of black hair, while the body and sleeves are ol brown. The late Samuel Pope, K. C, a man of particularly heavy build, was al ways measured for hU clothes Hitting down. He found that when he was measured In the customary way h looked ridiculous In his clothes when seated. On account of his enormou lroKrt!ons Mr. Pope was permlttvl tc address the iurt Heated and so that he should look all rltfht In his clothes when In that position he was always measured for them In tho way de scribed. One of my customers wears a suit ol clothes which In color resembled the coat of his dog a tawny poodlo. More over, hla overcoat l of the same color and on the Inside breast jKxiket of this garment there la woven In Bilk an admirable portrait of the dog. It appears that this animal saved its master's life by awakening him In the dead of night when his house caught fire somo years ago. In memory of the deed my customer carries the dog's portrait nliotit with him and weara clothes that match the color of the dog's coat. PROTEST OF THE SPARROW. In llrariitlnK I lie lloliln'a Intrusion He Had Manx Assistants. All English sparrow Bat yonder on a telephone jole. Pretty soon a robin lighted there and sat down on a cross' beam near the sparrow, the Ohio State Journal says. The latter didn't seem to like It and made faces at the robin called him mean names and told him to get out "It wasn't his telephone pole, nohow." This insolence was toe much for the robin, who made a Jat at the Bparrow, but the latter hopped down on the wire nnd "sas-sed back." Pretty soon It became noised abroad that one of the tribe had been Imposed on by an Impudent old robin, and In a minute or two the sparrows began to gather about tho top of that tele phone pole to support the cause ol their fellow bird. We couldn't hear what was said, but we are right sure those sparrows gave that robin some hot pieces of their little minds, fot now and then the robin made a lunge at one, which, however, was quick enough to get out of the way before the lunge gpt home. There seemed to be alraut thirty sparrows around that forlorn robin They didn't attack blm physically They seemed to trust to public senti ment to make that robin tired and ashamed of blmself for thus trying to pre-empt a telephone polo which had already been occupied. They at last succeeded. The robin left, apparently reaching the conclusion that might does not make rlglit. Then one by one the sparrows flew away. They didn't care for the pole. They only didn't want to be Imposed upon because they are little. Iiitllun (lu'iii' l.onicevtty. There has Just died at the home ol her grandnlece, Mrs. William Vlanen, of New Westminster (herself 76 years of age), tho last of the royal lino of the Chehalis Indians, In times long pnst a strong nation occupying the country contiguous to Harrison Lake, a Montreal Herald's Victoria, B. C, correspondent says. Queen Jeanle was reputedly 132 years old at the time of her death and until quite recently In full possession of nil her fa'culties. She was a young woman 31 years of age and the mother of live when Simon Fraser made his historical expedition in the course of which he discovered the great river to which he gave his name, and Queen Jeanic told with pride of giving the strange white man hospitable entertainment. In recogni tion of which the Scottish explorer presented her with several pretty trin kets, which have ever since been pre served as family heirlooms. Queen Jeanle had for years been liv ing in a lowly hut on the Indian reser vation at the west end of New West minster city, forgotten by the busy world and almost forgotten by the scattered remnants of the nation over which In Its unity she once ruled. For the last year or more she baa been speechless and utterly helpless, wait ing for the summons to the happy huating grounds. Her grandnlece, her self 70, fifty-five years ago married one of the province's earliest pioneers, William Vlanan, better known as "Dutch Bill," the first white fisherman on the Fraser river. Ills death occur red about three years ago. No such case of Indian longevity as that of Queen Jeanle has been known in thia part of the world. The Gospel Oak. In the village of Polstead, Suffolk, England, stands a famous oak whleto the rector has proved to be 2,000 yeara old. The tree has a girth of thirty six feet and has been known always as the gospel oak, since under it the first Christian missionaries preached to the heathen Saxons thirteen cen turies ago. This event is commem orated each year by a special service held under the tree. An Kiiiliirriii-n of I lie lies. "Wby Is It that a man of Bllgglns undoubted mental capacity Is not snore euocessful?" "The difficulty Is that he has so many different kinds of wisdom heap ed together that he can't put his hands ou tha exact article ho needs In an emergency." Washington Star. Ilenrllt of a t'olli-ne Kdueallmi. "This U your son's third year at college, isn't it?" "Y, and he is doing really splen did work." "Mental or athletic?" "Why, he poses for all these picture of perfectly dressed young men In the clothing manufacturers' circular." Cleveland Plain Deiler. Naturally. "Who was Noah's wife, pa?" "Joan of Arc, my boy. Now ruu away." LlpiJncltt's. About the first thing a hired girl does la to look Into all the closots to seo If she cut discover the family eke ttoa. To Eftijoy the full confidence of the Well-informed of the World and the Commendation of the most eminent physicians it was essen tial that tho component parts of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be known to and approved by them; there fore, tho California Fig Syrup Co. pub lishes a full statement with every package. The perfect purity and uniformity of pro duct, which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character, arc assured by tho Company's original method of man ufacture known to tho Company only. The fig of California are used in tho production of Syrup of Tigs and Elixir of Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but the medicinal principles are obtained from plants known to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine manufactured by tho Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for solo by all leading druggist. Virtues of Orssfs Sandwich. "It only I had known sooner about that little trick of the orange sand wich for giving castor oil to children, how many awful struggles both tha baby and I would have been saved." said a mother who had been told by the doctor to give her baby this un palatable medicine. The orange sandwich la simply a mall quantity of orango juice put Into a spoon with the needed amount of Oil added and over that enough orange Juice to cover the oil. This Is an ex cellent method for taking either cas tor or olive oil. It has been recom mended several times, but Is such a really valuable discovery for mothers that It Is repeated for the benefit of the few who have not tried It and who till lrok forward to a scene every time such a dose must be given. Ilcclpe for Catarrh. The only logical treatment for ca tarrh Is through the blood. A pre scrlption, which has recently proved wonderfully effective In hospital work Is the following. It Is easily mixed "One ounce compound eyrup of Sarsnparllla; one ounce Toils com pound; half pint first-class whiskey." These to be mixed by shaking well In a bottle, and used In tablespoon doses before each meal and at bed time." The ingredients can be gotten from any well stocked druggist, or he will get them from his wholesale house. Somo great artist should paint a picture of Man with his conscience down and throttling It. "How true to life!" every woman would Bay, looking at it, THANKSGIVING DAT. Canada's Day of Thanks a Month IOarller than In the United Slates. For some reason, better known to the Canadians themselves than to the people on this sldo of the line, our Canadian cousins celebrated their Thanksgiving a mouth or more ear Her than we do. It may be that the Canadian turkey had become Impa tient, and sounded a note of warning or It may be that the "frost on the punkln" declared itself. But what ever the reason, their Thanksgiving day Is past. It may have been that tlu reasons for giving thanks so much ear lier than we do were pushing them selves so hard and so fast that th Canadians were ashamed to postpon. the event. They have had reasons and good ones, too, for giving thanks Their great broad areas of prairie land have yielded In abundance and here, by the way, It Is not uninteresting tc the friends of the million of American.-, who have made their home in Canada during the past few years to know thai they have participated most generous ly In the "cutting of the melon." Prob ably the western portion of Canada, comprising the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, have the greatest reason of any of the province:; to express in tho most enthusiast!'' manner their gratitude. The results In the line of production give ampU reason for devout thanksgiving to Providence. This year has surpassed all others In so far as the total In creaso In the country's wealth Is con cerned. There is no question thai Providence was especially generous. The weather conditions were perfect, and during the ripening and harvest ing period, there was nothing to In terfere. And now It was well it was so, for with a demand for labor tha' could not be supplied, there was thf greatest danger, but with suitable weather the garnering of the grain has been successfully accomplished. There have been low general averages, but these are accounted for by the fact that farmers were Indifferent, relying altogether upon what a good soil would do. There will be no more low averages, though, for this year has shown what good, careful farming will do. It will produce 130 million bush els of wheat from seven million acres, and It will produce a splendid lot of oats, yielding anywhere from BO to 100 bushels per acre. This on land that has cost but from $10 to $15 per acre many farmers have realized sufficient from this year's crop to pay the entire cost of their farms. The Toronto Globe says: "The whole population of the West rejoices In the bounty of Providence, and Bends out a message of gratitude and appreciation of the favors which have btJn bestowed on the country. The cheerfulness which has abound ed with Industry during the past six months has not obliterated the concep tion of the source fro.ni which tho blessing have flown, and the good feel ing Is combined with a spirit of thank fulness for the privilege of living in so fruitful a land. The misfortunes of the past are practically forgotten, because there is great cause to contem plate with satisfaction the comforts of the present. Thanksgiving should be a season of unusual enthusiasm." S. 0. N. U. - No. 481909. PUTNAM Celt srs eeeas SrlasM asa laslsrcslsn lasa asy afaaf if. ss Itc sstssis sslsrs si flsars. faey say serosal uaeaa dsta eseit true let fees e4.S Is 7.sMeU aas MU Casass. Meat Ponertsl areallahf. Tha world's moat powerful search light Is now part of the equipment of th Connecticut of the United States navy. The great mirror Is five feet In dlnmeter and was made for the govern ment In Germany. The searchlight will throw such a powerful beam of light that It will be able to detect a submarine or torpedo boat at a dis tance of ten miles. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu late and Invigorate stomach, liver and lowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take. Do not gripe. A t llnser. "Bllgglns used to say he admired a clinging woman. Did he marry one?" "Yes. She hangs on to every cent of his salary!" Exchaneo. FOR DFrr-RKATri) COLT) and eonshs. Allan's I. tins ItalKam vur when sll other reineitipft (sll. This old ri'llithln niedw-inw hud lnin htld fur vrsrsV fears. m, buo, II Ul bottles. All dusters. The white man hue hla burden, hut what would you call that of the cotored man In Ohio who line a wife, nineteen c'lilldren and eleven dogs to support on IS a week? Mrs. Wlnslow'a Hoothlnir Hvrun for children teethlnR, softens the khiiis, re- uuers inuamniHUon, allays puln, cures sins coiio. tuo a ooiti. Romance of the Future. "Do you see that cloud? It was be hind one Just like that I flrat kissed you." Town and Country, PFItKT "AVIS' rAIIKIf.t.KR ehonld he tsken without dels? when or pheet and tlelr- ling thru.! warn you that mn annoying cohl Uiraalesa. at ail Urugtlels la Stt, soo aud feu buttles. Artistic Vociferation. 'Ton will miss your son John when he goes back to school." "Yes," answered Farmer Corntossel. "I don't know how I'm going to get along lie has got all the critters on the place so ued to bis college yell that I don't a'pose anyons else kin drive 'em." Wnshlngton Star. About the worst combination In man Is stupidity and stubbornness. Dlitemnef In all Its forma, among all ages of horses and dogs, cured and others In the same stable provented from having me aisease w ith Spohn s Distemper Cure. Every bottle guaranteed. Over 600,000 bottles sold laat year. $.60 and $1.00. Good druKglsts, or Bend to man ufacturers. Agents wanted. Write for free book. Spohn Med. Co., Spec Con tagious Diseases, Uoahen, Ind. When a young man la handed his college diploma he knows everything there Is to know except how to earn llvlnar. Silence! The instinct of modesty natural to every woman it often a great hindrance to the cure of womanly diseaaea. Women shrink from the personal questions of the local physician which seem indelicate. The thought of examination ia ab horrent to them, and so they endure in silence a condition of disease which surely progresses from bad to worse. It hat been Dr. Pierce' a prlrlle&e to care m treat many women who bar found m retui tor modeety In him otter of FREE eonaultn tlon by letter. Tilt correspondence ia beltf ma aacredly confidential, Rddraaa Dr. B. V. Pierce, Buttalo, X. T. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription restores end regulates the womanly funotions, abolishes pain and builds up and puts the finishing touch of health on every weak woman who gives it fair trial. It Makes Weak Women Strong. Sick Women Well. You can't afford to accept ttcrtt nostrum as substitute for this non-alcoholio medicine or known composition. When Cold When cold winds blow, biting frost Is in the air and back-draughts down the chimney deaden the fires, then the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Devloe) shows Its sure heating power by steadily supplying just the heat that Is needed for comfort. The Perfection Oil Heater is unaffected by weather conditions. It never fails. No smoke no smell just a genial, satisfying beat. The new Automatic Smokeless Device prevents the wick being turned too high. Removed in an instant. Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing aeuaV for 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool handle oil Indicates, Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. Eery Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yours, Write for Deacrlptlra C Iran! Sa to the Nearest Agency of tha STANDARD OIL COMPANY (lacorjioratad) lyt tVjO, dIo E - ' aaaTva .asaajsaasrB ' TasuXanTasssaSBaaM THI LAROCST MANUfAOTURCR OF Mcn'sj Pim SHose in thi would Wear W, L. Douglas oomfonnble, aiywalklni shoes. They are mad upon honer, ef tha beat leath ers, by the mostsklllasl workman, In all the lataat fashions. Shoea In every style, and shape to suit men in all walks of Ufa. If I could take you Into my large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W. L.Dous las shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer and are of greater value than any Other make. CAUTION, See that W. U Douglas came and tha retail prioe is stamped ou the bottom. Take No Substitute. a. Usis FADELESS DYE WANTS ETT PUBLISHED For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills Minneapolis, Minn. "I was a frreat' nfferer from female troubloa which caused a weakness and broken downj condition of tb syatem. I read so much of whatLydiai 13. l'inkham'a VtT etable Compound had dons for otbst suffering women t felt sure it vrouldl help me, and I must say it did help me wonde.fully. Mf rqlnii A 1 1 IsafiV v.am T 1 ll l ' I '! 1 1 Q l 4 A - s a-ajXJ. M few stronger, and wit bin three month was a perfectly well woman. 1 "I want this letter made public tri show the benefit women may derive! from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Jonx O. MoldaxJ 2115 Second St, .North, Jluincapolia Thousands of unsolicited and genu ine testimonials liko the aboye prove the efficiency of Lyclla F.. 11nkhanv Vepetable Compound, which is mad exclusively from roots and herbs. i Women who suffer from those dlfU tressinp; ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia 11 iTnkhama Vepetable Compound to restore their health. If yon wnnt special nd?ico ivrito to Mrs. Pinkbam, at Lynn, Mussw shewilltTcatyotirlctternsstrlctljr confidential. For -O years shal lias been helping sick women In this way, free of chare. Don't hesitate write at once. Pspor-lhngcrs & Painters Yna ran vrftatly tnerf yonr bunlne with mo (fa Invwtmsjtit filing AlfreHi Fonts. Prli S nlltupr, YYo vnnt on iii wnraov 1 v.cinitt, ami to th tl rut wiirtitt arpltfot Will l Ut l!, h im'im.'l ei"fHs, five lnrr Mmpli liooka nhnwin ft flO,f)Mi.nO U nllLuipor fptwefet t'tir -utonira to pnlM-t Irtun. Wa offtr I iiral profl U) to our rtirMMitatit)t. A nawnr fimrklj tiiai fern su ft th arsniv in tons vfeinitv fir WIU AlfrtM5ltto., m-wa Vabah Aru. PILES PA.Y IF CUBE Q V ti ! "s .e HI . ktti causa rust sae Fl.t.la rm. B5, MINNEAPOLIS. RE A CO.. DEPT. Winds Blow ,4 ! tmi, i i r la cM estst Wear Ikss ssy staer ire. taoafa fiOji KUtt UJtlCCU, Qmh,r, iixaJ fp rm ffaa rrsf rfn rers m r"