Dakota County Herald Official Paper of the County JOH B. htkU, PUBLISEXB. Subscription Price. $1.00 Ter Year. A weekly newspaper published at uakota uity, Nebraska. Ferminsion haa been granted for the transmission of this papertbrough the maiia as second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. Tbe democrats of Dakota countj owe Mell Schmeiii a whole lot of good will for the assistance be rendered them in the late campaign. render Tiraes. Don't worry, Mark, aboqt what the democrats "owe" bim. lie got bis 25o per inch for several thousand inches of "political advertisements" from the democrats, and if the candidates did not pay it (and it doesn't show on their expense accounts) some one else did. Probably "Big Mabel." John C Ilogan, by bis attorneys Fanl Pizey of this place and J V Pear son, of Ponca, filed a petition in Judge Btinson's conrt Monday contesting the election of WL Ross as connty clerk. Mr Ilogan was six votes behind in the raoe for connty clerk at tbe recent election and hopes in some unaccount able manner to change the resnlt by a recount of the votes. II is petition sets up lot of allegation based on guess work, and about the only resnlt obtain ed will be expense to the county . JIW9IHG! IW lM0li)MOMGi0M items ui imeie&i I from our Exchanges Waltbiil Times: The Dr and Mrs Beam were Sioux City visitors one day the first of the week. Wynot Tribune: Col Z M Baird ' was down from Hartington Tuesday to handle the publio sale for Frank Marx. Pender Times: L M Walden brother of J B'a, was tho latter' guest the first of the woek . He livea near Los An geles. Calif. Pender Republics : W E Voss, connty uperintendent-eleot of Dakota county, was in render tbe first of tbe week calling on friends. Ponca Journal : Mra Frank ScoUard. who baa been visiting her parents, Mr an J Airs J 15 Uollison of this city, re' turned to ber borne in -Jackson last Saturday. bioux City Journal, 23rd: Died In South Sioux City, Neb, Saturday, No vember20, 190, Mrs Gunil Oleson, aged 78 years, at the home of her daughter, Mrs Jack Mason, of dropsy. Tbe funeral was held yesterday after noon at 2 o'clock. Interment was in Floyd cemetery. ' Hartington News: At the first quar terly conference of the local Methodist Episcopal church held here last Mon day morning, the officers of the church showed tbeir apprieciation of the effi cient services of Kev O E Yon Hagen by voting him an increase of 1200 in alary. The church now paya a salary anllloiently large to be classed among me nrst grade appointments of the en tire conference. Lyons Mirror: ' DP Shumwav. of Wakefield got into a little reminisoent mood with the Mirror editor while here this week and spoke of the rapid ity of the fight of time. He said it was mora than 20 yearn since we ship- ped bridge timbers, shed timbers, posts ana wood to bis Wakefield lura ber yard from our old Pilgrim Hill farm east of Homer. He was a single man then; now be has grown up chil dren. On one of our trips we got caught in one of the worst blizzards ever known in tho northwest. .. .Eu gene, the seoond eldest son of Mr and Mrs Henry Kohlmeier, aged 10 years and 26 days, died at bis borne in Wakefield, Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock from the effect of an operation for appendicitis the previous Sunday, The funeral was held ntlpm Thurs day, Rev Borneman pleaching the ser mon, and the body brought to Lyons for interment in the German Lutheran cemeterj southeast of town. There were short services at his grandpar ent's borne, Mr and Mrs John Hiesche, after wbioh the body was conveyed to 100 - HEREFORDS -100 at Auction Wednesday, December 1, 1909 svt S2oix City Sioxix City, Sale will Commence Promptly at 1 :30 o'clock p m. 35 head of 3-year-old Bred Heifers 35 head of 2-year-old Bred Heifers 30 head The cattle included in this sale are from the sires and dams of the prize-winning load of cattle exhibited at the Interstate fair this year, and which sold for $8.50 per hundred, the highest price'ever paid for beef cattle on the Sioux City market. We invite every lover of high-class cattle to put forth every effort to attend this sale as it will be a golden opportunity to buy high grade breeding stock at public auction. No postponement of sale TERMS: One years time will able notes bearing 8 Hi G. S. Codd, Clerk, W. J. Lawrence, Merrill. the German Lutheran church where Bev J P Kuohneu delivered a very tou ohing ssrmon. Eugene was a bright, healthy boy and bis untimely death was a blow to bis relatives and friends. Winnebago Chieftain: William Holsworth was a business caller in Winnebago on Monday Mrs C C Frum returned to ber borne in Iowa on Wednesday. W E Smith, of Homer, was a Winnebago caller on Thursday. .. .Will French, of Homer, was a Winnebago caller on Wednesday.... Thomas Ashford, of Homer, was a business caller in Win nebago on Wednesday.... O J O'Con nor, of Homer, was a business caller on Wednesday iu Winnebago. .. .Joe Davis was in Homer Saturday evening and Sunday, returning to Winnebago Sunday noon.... Mrs TT Harris is staying at the homo of her mother for a ooupla of weeks to rest up after ber reoent illness. . . .Mrs Dan Harris came home on Monday, after a short visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs Wm O'dell of Homer.... W E Buckland went to Homer on Wednesday evening tox attend the Woodman lodge and spread, returning on a late freight yesterday morning. Emerson Enterprise: Mrs James Thornton of Hubbard is visiting ber daughter, Mrs W B Evans. ...L 11 McLaughlin has sold his fine farm to J H Donderson, consideration $15000. or about $132 per acre, Mr Bonderson to take possession on March 1. Mr McLaughlin has not decided yet just what be will do. A Ira Davis engi neered the deal....Isenburg and ISetcke have just finished their contract on the new hone of Ben Bonderson. The bouse is now complete with hot wa ter beating plant connected with every room and a fine plumbing system. Sir Bondersou has without a doubt one of the finest homes in Dakota county.. Rudolph Schopke returned last Tues day from bis three months visit in Ger many. He enjoyed the visit immensly and found conditions in that country better than lie bad expected. The working people there have a much easier time than they have had in former years. His trip across the ocean going waa very pleasant but re turning the ship waa about three days late and out of eleven days on tbe water the weather was so bad that passengers could be on the deck only two days. Omaha Bee, 21st: United States Marshal W P Warner, Deputies Logan Summons, John Sides, Claude Hensel, Sheriff E F Brailey, Detective De vereese, Piakerton Detective Asher Rossetter, and Speoial Agent W T Canada, of the Union Paoifio have re turned from Leavenworth, where they landed tho Overland Limited mail hunuits in the federal penitentiary. The convicted men were not very talk ative on the road down from Omaha, except to say tbut bod they been able to secure other witnesses who bad promised to be on band to help them in tbeir alibis they would have been acquitted . D W Woods, who has been tbe humorist of the party, seemed to realize that bis future was hopeless and bad lost much of his good humor and really took the matter more seri ously than the others. They bad but little to say, and talked but little of the crime of which they had been con' vioted. Even Fred Torgenson, who bad np to this time been tue most stoi cal one oi tue live, said when crooning tbe Missouri river at EaBt Leavenworth "I wouldn't want to see anybody hurt uui x wisu mis wuoie train would go through this bridge and that I would be at the bottom of the wreck." Ar riving at tbe prison about 4:30 in th afternoon, Che five mn were forniall turned over to the prison authorities There was but little ceremony in the proceedings. The men wero ordered to get in line to have their picture taken. Grigware, dazed and broken by the situation, was a little slow and was pushed into the line by by a burly prison guard with the sharp admonition: Uetiu line there. Ion have got to do as you are told hero, Ihe prisoners wero thon photographed in the clothes in which they came to tbe prison, aud were afterwards search ea ana given moir prison suits on wbioh was stamped the prison number, by which they will be ever known here after, and were again photographed Woods and Matthews remarked to tho officers while going to Leavenworth that they intended to be good prisoners aud earn every credit tbey could. Subscribe for the Herald, only $1 Stock. Yards Iowa of Yearling Heifers be given on approved bank, interest from date Prop. wfs,d Aucts., Col. A. A. Lyle and Asst CORRESPONDENCE f HUBBARD. A L Anderson was a city passenger Tuesday. Art Anderson Sundayed at the Ren- inger home. Delia Timlin was a Sionx City pas senger Friday. For coata, fur lined coats, and coats for winter wear, at Carl Anderson's. The Muses Jeppsen and Erickson attended church here Sunday. There will be Methodist Sunday school next Sunday at 2:30, followed by preaching services. Iter Romish, pastor. A raflle was held at the Louis Feder- son home Saturday night. Mrs L J Wilsoy was on the sick list Tuesday. Martha Smith returned to her home Sunday. Frank Lesebnrg and wife are re- joyemg over the arrival of a son at their home last Thursday. Jos Nelson was down from the bub one day last weok. Rev Larson, of Sioux Citv. preached in the Lutheran church last Sunday . The services were well attended. Mr Larson is a very forceful speaker. The "goose raffling bee" . Riven at Dan Hartuett borne last week, was a great success. There will be a meeting of the pro- .motors of the Farmers Elevator compa ny Saturday night, to complete plans and make arrangements for tho letting of the contract for a new elevator building. , Mike Farrell and wife were among the shoppers in the city Wedneeday. Burt Dyer and family Sundayed at the L Mogensen home. The E & B Lbr company will begin invoicing Monday. Mrs Jos Ilogan and Miss Deloughery were city shoppers Saturday. An entertainment will be given in the Lutheran church here Friday evening Deoember 3rd, entitled "The Sign of the Cross," by T Marion Craw ford, who comes to us highly recom mended. Everybody invited. Grandma Timlin is suffering with a severe cold. John Mitchell left for his borne Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving wun nis pa ana ma, John Jessen and wife spent Sunday at the Feter Soransen home. Mrs A Larson, who has been threat ened with appendicitis, is slightly on me menu. We understand that John Hosran has given up his job as barkeeper in the fredenokson saloon and is talking ri ..ii w- ... nouiu isgKota land. We have a fine line of both cotton and wool blankets to feeiect from. Carl Anderson. J N Miller and wife entertained a few families at dinner Sunday. F H Forest of Dakota City was here rrt i i . . V Auenu.il nigni, ana a contract was siga4 tip whereby Hubbard will have Ireo telephone connection with Homer, iii iu (wu anu jaoBson. trfcnglisn and Mike Timlin went out Weduesday to try their luck bunt ing ducks. Mary Timlin and Mary O'Connor drove over to Jackson Tuesday even ing io take in tue entertainment Our stook of winter underwear can't be beat anywhere, and we ban lit you in just what you need. Carl Ander son. ' Nellie Ileeney, of Nacora, spent sev erui days Here last week. Alice Demaray spent Thanksgiving at nome. Helen Rockwell has recovered frera her recent illness, which is good news. The plasterers are busy at work on the Joe llagan houee. Mr Ilansen of Emerson, came down with Rev Romish and attended church servicps. Mary Johnson visited over Sunday ac iter uonie. We have a splendid assortment of caps, mittens and gloves to select from. Carl Anderson, The boys are having good luck trap piug minks and muskrats . The ladies of the taxidermist club are good prices for all mink skins. paying A sloiglung party from here went to atteud the lecture at Jackson Tuesday evening. I r Lnglish was a passenger to the city Wednesday. James Ilendrickson and Mrs Julia Jeanette Martina Clausen, both of this precinct,were married by Judge D C Otinaon Weduesday. Bert Francisco and wife were passen gers to tue oity Wednesday. Mary Timlin was numbered anion e tne sioK tue nrst oi tue week. Delia Timlin left last Saturday to take up her school duties in the Two- big district, after a few weeks vaca tion. We have a fine line of Christmas candies, nuts and cigars. See us for what you want in these lines. Carl Anderson. Atlee Smith snont Thanksgiving wnu me uome folks. r , , ... nnsimas is not lar away, and you can find lots of useful articles that will make acceptable Christmas presents ior your mends and dear ones in our plendid lind of nueensware. shoes. dress goods, furnishings, eto. Call in and look them over. Carl Anderson. JACK80N. Tbe schools closed Wednesday for rrt " xuaukRgiving vacation, to reopen on uinnuay. IA T Kearney ate ThunksimiDir aincr witu ur ma Mrs A J Carroll In Uioux Uity. James Sutherland Biiont TLankstriv. ing with Lis folks at Ponca. Daniel Dillon siient uundar xeith Dean Uarroll in bioux Uity. lioo llall and wile visited over Bun. day in Dixon, Nob, -vitU Mrs Hall's parents, W (Jillon and wifu. Mr Zook, Jt D earner on routa 2 from ronca, had business hero Satur day. Mrs M J Mclltillen and little danch- ter Leona, of Waterbury, were viuitiug friends here Saturday. Mr McMnllen who recently traded his residence prop erty at Waterbnry for 80 acies of land near Rweene, 8 D. They formerly resided here. Gus Murray went to Laurel Monday to work for a bridge contractor on the Burlington railroad. Died the Infant son of Mr and Mrs Dennis Floenan, November 18, 1909, near Vista, Nebr. Interment waa in the St John's cemetery. Misses Mary Timlin. Marie Kello- ber and Rose Ileeney, of Hubbard, attended the dance here last Friday evening and were over night guoBts of Mary V Quinn. T V Brannan and Dr Jenkinson, of Sioux City, were in town Saturday, Died November 19, 09, the one week old baby boy of Mr and Mrs George Mongar. John D Waters arrived home from Early, Io, Thursday to spend Thanks giving with bis parents, D F Waters and wife. Ilelen O'Neill, who is teaching in LeMarn, Iowa, spent the Thanksgiv ing vacation with her folks here. I rank Ilogan, who Las been np at Howard, S D, the past three months, arrived here Monday evening to spend Thanksgiving with the home folks. M Lyons and wife, of Norfolk, re turned to their home Monday, after a week'svisit with friends near Vista. and also with their daughter Hazel, who is student at the academy. J A Hall arrived home from Sev- mour, Mo, 8unday, Quite a feir attended the raflle at Sam Brannaman's Saturday evening. J 1' Twohie. wife and dauehter Mary, spent a few days last week with relatives at Vista. Mrs T B Jones departed Saturday for a few weeks' visit in the home of ber daughter, Mrs P J Boyle at Kings ley, Iowa. Leo Hall and wife have cone to housekeeping in the J A Hall bouse east of town. Maggie Murray, accomnanie.l bv her friend Mary Hoaran. puma dnwn from Waterbury Thursday' and spent inonksgiving with her mother, Mrs Mary Murray. Died, November 22. lflno t h Vinoent hospital, Sioux City, Bertha fil ltiohter, age 18 years, dauehter of J P Richter and wife of this nlaoe. of peritonitis. The funeral warlield on Wedneeday morning from St Boniface Uermon Latholio church, Sioux City. Interment was in Mt Calvary cemetery. An enjoyable musical nrotrram in honor of St Cecelia was given the first of the week at St Catherine's academy by the students. Among those who gavo instrumental solos were: Ruth Bussoy, Margaret Howard, Catharine Casey, Beatrice Jones, Mabel McGee, Mary Buokley, and Barbara Stander. Select reading by Gertrude Beacom, and several duets rendered by the pu pils. Cld Times Reviewed From the files of the Journal of No vember 27, 1889: "A raiload man whose name could not be learned wis Knocked down and robbed of $75 in Uovington on Monday night." Report of the Condition of The Hubbard State Bank of Hubbard, Nehr., charter No. 7t. lncorpo- .....i i. ... viiu "uiio i.i i.m rn.KiL. nr. l uifi n.. KEUOOKCKS ..(Hum nnu msoouniH j 62.111 46 OvvrdriiftH, Hceured mid unscenr...! liiinklrin liotiNu, lurnlturu ami II. x- SiW US SAM 00 m 77 OunVnt I'xpcn-K's and tax( s pi.kl . '. iuv ir mi imwoimi, suite uud pri vate tanks Cti.-okH nud Uoiiis ot oi. 27,Mfl 66 cIiuiiku . Mm m CHirrom y 3,4,(4 m Hold coin h'm no Hiiver, niekWs and cunts. 5 nx B Tm m Total 1 go LI ABII.ITIKS Capital Ntix-k paid In 10,000 00 l'mllvldi'd profits""..!".!..!!!".'!. I iMi 'ijl Individual deposits sub- Ji'i-t to check I 35.1SW 87 Demand certHlcatos of denoslt trr on Time ceitlllcatus of de- P,!iU 50,580 61 W.tWlil7 htate of NchriiKka. I . ""ii. ns.WW 00 County of Imkota. 1 I. Michael Waters, cashier of th aliove named bank, do hereby swear that the nlKive statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the statu buiiUhiK lioard. Mihiaki. Watkkk. Aiiest k. J. Ileeney, IHrector. , l. K. Waters, IHrector. HllnHCI'llM-d mill uu'iipii tn ly.r.ip., .I..- 20tli day of November, WOM. , B. B. Hkibhi.r. tsenlt Notary Public. My commission expires March 4, lull. REPORT of tlm OF TUE CONDmoN Bank of Dakota Citv. of Dakota City, Neb., charter No. J'J4. (in corporated) iu the state of Nebraoka, at uie ciose of buainess JNov. 16, 1909 HRHOUKCES roans and Mscounts ua.sjs i8 llankliiK house furniture and llx tu res . m Mitit ,vi i ut expenses anil taxes paid.. 4,714 77 ...... lmL BIUIU UIIU private hanks tr.i iai m Purreiicy 4.WO ou Hold coin Oliver, nickels and cents. iXltf 2H 67,400 18 Totul 1 102,1711 08 LIABILITIES) Capital stock paht In 30, Niirnliix fiiml one 00 I'n.iividiHi proiits. Individual ilciMinlts sub- I.imo no 7.4UM sis leCt tO fllPi'lf 74 4 IK ttil Demand ccrllllcattis of (ll'OOHlt 9 I'll Ril Tiiiiocurtilicatcs of Uo- Posit 119.8U3 6 HW.770 AO Total Htate ok Nkhkahka. I 233,17V OH County of liukota, ( , . I. M.O.Ayros, president inT uiHiYu iiniueci oaiiic. tio Hereby uwenr t rue copy of tho report made, to tlio State nun nif uuiru .1 Lit unit im u nurr.w. u...t .1IIII&II1M JHMiril. 11 . I 1 AVUVU Atlesl; l'renlili.nt iiiuijr ji.mitur, I'irecior. !. J. Itiiticlier, IHrector. ii....... ir . 1 . . 1 im . - rMioKcriis'ii and sworn to ixrora mo ti.i. iu mi 01 iuvrinocr, iwv. J. J. KmrKs SR al 1 Notary Public. .u j 'iiiiiiiiiui rxpirpg January 27, mi TO THE LAND OWNERS OF DRAINAOE DIS TRICT Kl'.MHER TWO (2) OF DAKOTA COUMTY, KISDRA8KA. You and em-II of y ml are linr. liv nrnti..,i mat pursuant to law and bv vimm ..f .1,.. wiueroiiue I MHirict t'ourt or l'Mkdla coun ty, Nebraska, Hindu on tint Ktrd il II V .if (K'toln'r, A. 1). llu. declarlnit Iiriitinimi niu. Irlct Nuinlier Two (il of liakola lluiini. Nebraska, a nubile enrixiriit Inn i.r il... of Nebraska, tuul by vlrtiiu of Hie Ktatutea nf the hlale of Ni,iriii.ka I. (iiuia.. U'iili,, clerk of the said court, do hereby call a lueet Iiik of the owners of rial estatw In said Uraln line 111 lie t to lie held in the court rooni In the court house In I'ukotiil'lty. Inkotacoun ty, Neliraska. 011 t ho y7lh day of Novcinlicr, A. I). llK, al III o'clock a. 111.. for the of electing a Imard of live upervUor of mild Din! mine lllslilct NuinU'r Two (S), of I'MKiiin coiiuiy, iNcora.sika. caen ami everv acre of land shall represent one nhare and each owner shall Is- entitled to one vote fur ci ry hjtu of laud owned by liliu lit said UlstllCt. In witness whereof I havfi liereunto set iny baud and iittlxed my olllclal seal ou (hit U I day of Nom iiiUt, A, Ii. (iKOKHN W 1 1. HNS, in.irlr tt I Im lllwl rli-t. 4 loin- tt seal Liukolu Couuly, Nebraska, Quality are the two factors which distinguish our goods: Best BEDROOM SUITS Dresser, Bed, Commode, made of hardwood, finely finished.. . .$19,50 DININGROOM CHAIRS hardwood, strongly braced, a fine chair. Special Price 79c DININGROOM TABLE solid oak, round style, with one large pillar. Special price..$8.98 BASE BURNERS, GARLAND None Better. Prices $55, $50, $4-5 BASE BURNERS, MERIT HOME, Guaranteed. Price $35 and $29 n I T' nrM1rnn a.. ... vxrv iinn 1 Xyivo, wonarcn EXTRA SFECIAL-$35.00 Special 004-612 Fourth Report of the Condition ot The Bank of Dakota County, "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" of Jackson, Nebraska, Charter No. 051, In corporated In the Htate of Nebraska, at the close of business November ltt, lvov, RESOURCES I.onns and discounts H2,7fti 07 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 511 71 Hanking house furniture and fix tures S.nno 00 Current expenses and taxes paid.. 1,5W 10 Due from nul l, state and Jlprtvate, banks M.flir, 79 Cash on hand lo,5.Vi 17 Total i7r5,0tf85 LIABILITIKS Capita) stock paid In lo.ono on Surplus fund 00 Undivided prollts 2,455 11 Individual deposits sub ject to check t 88.138 78 Iemand certificates of deposit 245 00 Time certificates of de posit 1!M,73 02 201,144 7H Total litl6,6W)8 Btatk or Nkbrahka. County of Dakota. I 88 I, Kd T. Kearney, cashier of the above named bank, do hereby swear that the alsive statement is acorrect and true copy of tho report made to the state liunking txiard. attrst: KdT. Kkah.nkv, C M. Kkaknet, Director. Cashier. K. K. Kkaknk v, IHrector. Hubscrllied and sworn to before me this luth day of November, ln. Lke C Kearnkt, (HKAI.) Notary I'ublic. My commission expires "larch 4, Will. Notice this Good Statement of a. Good Bank. Different, too, than most. It shows More Than Enough Mon ey on hand and in bank to Pay Every Dollar of Depos its Due, iice ieeung to nave your money in. such a Bank? Well, how good does the Banker feel, then? The notes, mostly farmer's notes, worth more than face value (much accrued interest), And 'tis ever "The Bank that ALWAYS Treats You RIGHT." BANK OF DAKOTA COUNTY JACKSON, NEB. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION wi tne rarmers Elevator Comnanv f Hubbard, Nebraska. We. Thos. Lontr. John It tels, tJarl Anderson, M. (ireen, Iouls Knud. m.ii, nun niini rum, 00 Hereby associate vuiaeivcti i()iiiur ior inn purpose of form iiik a corporation unuer tim Ijiwn of the slum m iseiMiisnn, reianuK to corporations ln-af ter described: loiiueii ior Lite liuiisuclioii or hi. uuu. Article I. The name of this cornornlloti .imii n. Fanners Elevator Cloinpany of liubbard Nebraska. Article II. The prim-Inn place of buslnesn r.r tl.t. boration shall tie at the Vlihnti or ii.,i,,u,..i in the county of lakotu uud htate of Ne- orasaa. Article III. The object and purpose for which thin corporation Is formed shall ! to buy and sell if rain, live Htock, coal and other com modities as may hereafter lie decided upon by Hald corporation: also the mir,.ii... ... erection and maintenance of bucIi liuil JIiiks Bud structures as may lie deemed neces sary, and the purchase of the real estate necessary for the conducting of the liusl iivss of said corporation. Article IV. The amount of capital authorized by the corporation shall lie Twenty Thousand IoU jars iiai.ijtMn, w lilcli shall lie divided Into wnnisiuiu snares, cacti at the par value of Ten Hollars, and non-assessable. Three Thousand Hollars of said capital shall 1st fully paid up and certlllcates of stock 1s- sun increio, oeiore huh corporation shall bcitln business; but no onn member shall at any one time own more than ten sucli Bimi en. Article V. i ne 11 in nest amount of Indebtedness to Which tills corporation shall at hhv tinm subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of iiiu iJiiiu up capital stocit, Article VI. T his corporation shall lu.irin lmyin... n the 1:1th day of November, low, and shall terminate on the 1:1th ilv or N..u...iw,. 1V2V, unless sooner discontinued by at least me it-Kiii nuiuoer 01 me corporation, The business of said cornoratlon sl,n in, Article vii. conducted by a board of seven directors, to ui' t-u i leu uy Vuo siocm. uoiuers at tlio an nual liieetlnif. Article VI If. The offlcers of the corporation shall lie 'resident, Vice-1'resldent, Necretary ai a Treasurer, who shall be elected bv h rv u.1,1 hoard of directors from their ow n number mmediately after the annual meetiiur .f mo BTOi-mioiiiui s 01 tne corporation Article IX. Kach stockholder present at anv meeting of tills corporation shall lie entitled to one vote at such meetliitf. nud It shall require 1101 less tuaii uiteeu iiieiuiiers 01 tins corpo ration to lie present at any mcetliiK to con tinue a quorum ior me iransai'tlou of uslness, but a less luinilsT may adjourn ny nieetliitf from time to time. Article .. The manner of hold I nit the niec tlmr of tiM-kholders for the election of directors ud the method of condiictlnK the luisliiess f the corporation shall be provided for 111 ihe by-laws adopted ny mis corporation at the annual nieetluK, or at any special mcet- iiik called lor mat purpose. Article XI. These articles of incorporation may be chamted or ainenued at any annual or spe cial iiieetinK by a majority of the votes of all the nieuiU-rs present. Ill witness whereof, we have hereunto set our bauds this l it li day of November, IfdU. TllOS. I.ONU, Cahi. AnhkbsoN, M. (iHKKN, John HowAHD, ISAM Knox, Irit is Kmupskn, KKU BAHTKLS. "ESMWgMmiirrni'JJIIli n will III Ifflnni nll'UlL,, .J.IilJllnwJB ii.bi " ''I JJ I iff ,11 i in u ltl13 ana faultless, Powerful heaters. Prices $ Royal Wilton Rug, 9x12, Beautiful Designs b Street. Sioux I Are You Going to buy a new heater this fall ? If think it over and you will decide what you want first. in the Garland, Prize Oak and Illluoy Heaters We can supply your wants Edwardsfe Bradford Lbr. Co. Hubbard Events National Farm Land Congress At Chicago, Nov. 1G to 20. United States" Land and Irrigation Exposition At Chicago, Nov. 20 to Dec. 4. International Live Stock Exposition At Chicago, Nov. 27 to Dec. 10. For all of these events there will be Special Excursion Rates From all Stations on the Worth - Western Xritve Tickets November 15-20-29 For complete information as to rates, return limits, etc., call on G. II. P RANGER, agent, Dakota City, Neb. LYMAN SHOLES Bistrlt I'assenBOr Agent, Omaha, Nub. EARLY WINTER To Chicago: The National j Oj.iT , ... ed States Land and Irrigation national Live Stock Exposition.- re 1 ' 1. iiuuuuiui CAlJUUlTioil of farm products ever held in this country. Students of modern m! hdS fnd of improved grades of live stock should unniu, iaius upen 10 ine public. Tickets sold Novemhpr IKtli Cth and th, final limit December 13th. iSfV,TA0maha: tional Com Exposition, December Cth to r! f .u"CW exPcsltlon in character and scope. The future ben eats of this exposition means increased wealth to every farm Winter Tourist Rates : Daily from November 1st, to South ern and Cuban resorts. See the new South and enjoy its win ter climate the hospitality of its people and the luxury of its hotels lo the Pacific Coast: The iuoi uint, 4..:-. . -i , e ... " luuiisl rates to California with return via Puget Sound. Homeseekers Excursions: First nnrl Tin,v t..,.j.. southandwest during November W. E. PAUL PIZEY, I' Lawers Dakota Citvi Nib. Bonded : Abstracter Fll es ivu irctai ofssration. H WRITI WRITS POR J300K ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS . . ,. n Pric e Quality, Lowest Price. to $5.50 $23.85 City, Iowtx. so, take time to that quality is It is the first consideration Nebraska are on sale 30, December 1. 5 and 6. T. W. TEASDALE tlcnoral PassenBer Agent, St. l'aul, Minn. EXCURSION RATES Fa rtn T nnrl i"Wi- 1 it. , vuiiritsa uiiu unit- Exoosition. nl n. t. h. ZZrl- lOftl OCl-l. Oriil- OAil -r-. and December. '''HiKMBBKBIBKBIBUflBaKamBnmaBn Snethen, Ticket Agt, Dakota City, L. W. Wakelet, CPA, Omaha, Neb Neb ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Iowa FISTULA Pay When CURED tu s diseases curea without a surgicals No Chloroform, Ether or other ten- era! aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED lOUSIILifL-llMrJ. C kxiu iMiTiAu nuiidinr. Omaha, Nebraska r I