Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 26, 1909, Image 1

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MOTTO All The flaws When It Is News.
State Historical Sx.cty
siti atiox iv xic.n.a is
;kovixg woiiSK daily.
('apt. Shipley I)(vliir4 Insurgents Arc
MuinUtiuinjr Blwkudo Off Crvytown
-irRt' hihI Cuiinon Shot by Order
of President Zcliiya.
Groce and Cannon, the two Amerl
cans executed by order of President
Zelayn, of Nicaragua, last week, held
commissions In the insurgent army,
according to private advices received
in Washington Thursday night from
Blueflelds, where the revolutionist gov
ernment Is located. This dispatch
stated that the Btate department of
the United States had been notified
to this effect.
The state department has been anx
ious to clear up the point whether the
two men held commissions or were
merely acting In their Individual ca
pacities, for In the former event they
would have been entitled to treatment
as prisoners of war.
Groce and Cannon were volunteers in
the revolutionary army. This infor
mation came Thursday to Salvator
ChriHllllo, the representative of the
revolutionists in Washington. The ca
blegram follows:
"Qroce, ex-superlntendent of the
Lalus and Los Angeles Mining com
pany, and Cannon, a most esteemed
person, were serving as volunteers with
the rank of colonels in the revolution
ary army, and consequently did not
deserve the penalty of death, among
other powerful persons, because they
were not military personages In the
actual service of Zelaya. A similar
crime of Zelaya has never been wit
nessed in the history of Central
The revolution in Nicaragua Is
spreading, in the opinion of Capt.
Shipley, commander of the United
States cruiser Des Moines, which is
oft the east coast of Nicaragua. The
revolutionary forces are reported to
be maintaining an effective- blockade
and are patroling off Greyton with two
gunboats. Assurance was given that
American and foreign interests are be
Ing protected.
Conjrrcswioiial Committee Coming
Home from Inspection Tour.
The American congressional appro
priation committee, which has been
inspecting the Panama canal, arrived
at Havana Thursday morning from
Members of the committee said they
were pleased with the progress of the
canal and believed the channel would
be open for trafllc In advance of the
estimated date. Senator Coe I. Craw
ford, of South Dakota, said all the
members of the committee were im
pressed with the splendid work of Col.
Oncthals, chairman of the canal com
mission and chief engineer of the
work. They were convinced, he Bald,
of the desirability of the passage of thf
bill designed to reduce the number ol
canal commissioners and simplify the
administration, which would give Col.
Goethals a freer hand. It Is also prob
able that the committee will recom
mend a reduction of from $8,000 to
$10,000 In the estimate of the canal
Gasoline Explosion on a Boat Can set
Five persons were drowned In Mus-
kegon lake in Michigan Thursday af-
ternoon when the pleasure launch Ol
ga, carrying a party of nine young
people, capsized as a result of a panic
following a gasoline- explosion. Foui
of those who lost their lives were
members of one family.
The party started out to attend a
wedding on the north side of the lake
and decided to take a short cruise
before going to the fostivities. They
circled the lake and wero within 150
feet of the north landing when the
gasoline exploded. The girls became
panic stricken and all rushed to the
stern of the boat, capsizing it.
Throne Approve Sessions.
The sessions of the recently con
stituted provincial assemblies In China,
on being brought to a close Thursday,
received the approval of the throne
based upon government reports of the
progress made in opening of the two
years' constitutional program. An Im
perial edict urged all government -of
ficials to co-operate with the throne
at the present critical moment for the
purpose of realizing the success of the
constitutional plan.
Sioux City Live Stock Marker.
Wednesday's quotations on the Sioux
City live stock market follow: Top
beeves, $5.85. Top hogs, $8.00.
Stock Exchange In San Juan.
The stock exchange and produce ex
change, the first institution of its kind
In Porto Rico, was Inaugurated at San
Juan Thursday. Gov. Colton made an
address to the members.
Heavy loss of life is feared as the
result of an explosion Thursday in a
coal mine at Onoura, Kukunka prov
luce, Jupun. Fifteen men are known
to have perished, while 228 miners ar
entombed In the workings.
ItCMtHirrs Hurt No Blore Uvlng In
Cherry Mine.
Hope .that there might still be alive
some of the 189 men known to bo, en
tombed In the fft. Paul coal mine was
practically abandoned Tuesday.
An exploration Into what Is known
as the second vein, where it was
thought probably many miners had
barricaded themselves and had man
aged to exist on outs and corn provld- .
ed for the mules, showed that great
portions of the tunnels had collapsed.
It is believed many men were burled
under the debris, and If the obstruc
tion is not soon cleared away at least
100 bodies may never be dug up. Fire
Is still raging In this tunnel and the
back portions where the Imprisoned
miners could have found a retreat
were said to be full of fatal black
damp. "What little hope we had was given
up when we penetrated to what Is
called the overcast," said W. W. Tay
lor, genTral manager of the mine.
"In that place pure air would have
been found If It could have been
found anywhere, and the miners aware
of It would have retreated there. When
we got into that place we found It
empty both of bodies or live men. We
listened in vain to detect a signal or
any other sign of life."
Meanwhile Cherry continues to be a
village of mourning. The death Tues
day of one of the survivors brought to
the surface last Saturday reduced the
total number of those saved out of 380
lost in the disaster to nineteen. Al
most all of the forty-two bodies taken
out Monday were Identified.
Down In the mine the rescuers met
with great obstacles. In one instance
fire broke out In a tunned, temporarily
cutting off the escape of twenty-seven
men who had ventered twenty-five feet
from the hoisting shaft. The smell of
smoke gave the warning and the res
cuers were reached and brought to
safety by another rescuing party.
Following a telegram sent out to
Gov. Deneen by the executive board
of the miners' organization, asking
that someone be designated by the
state to take charge of the mine, Mine
Inspector Hector McAllister was
placed In charge. It was said that de
spite the fire and the discouraging
news of tunnels having fallen In the
rescue work would be pushed night
and day.
ridings of Safety of Boat Reach 'New
The steam yacht Nourmahal, with
Col. John Jacob Astor on board, ar
rived at San Juan, Jorto Rico, from
Mayaguez, on Sunday, November 14,
and was still there on the evening of
November 17. All were well on board
and the Nourmahal was planning to
leave soon for Ponce and from there
to some Cuban port before her depart
ure north.
The tiding of the NouAnahal's safe
ty were taken to New York by the In
sular line steamer Harry Luckenbach,
which arrived Tuesday afternoon from
Porto RIcon ports.
The news brought by the Lucken
bach makes it positive that no harm
came to the yacht in the storm earlier
In the month.
The Nourmahal has by this time
probably proceeded to Ponce, where
she would have been reported had ca
ble communication been re-established
to that point.
Juror In Night Rider Trial Fined $,10
and Jailed.
The state of Tennessee scored Tues
day in .the trial of Garrett Johnson
and Arthur Clear, the alleged leaders
of the Reelfoot lake night riders, ac
cused of the murder of Capt. Quentin
Rankin, when Juror Charges Jackson,
charged by the state with having
openly expressed sympathy for the
night riders, was fined $50 Trial Judge
Jones and sentenced to ten days in jail
for .contempt. Witn?sses supported
the charge. Attorney General D. J.
Caldwell announced that ho would
prefer similar charges against two
more Jurors. A sharp altercation arose
between Sherlg Ensterwod and Judge
Jones when the court, on motion of
the state, instructed the sheriff to re
move the Jurors from the Jail, where
they had been residing during the pro
gress of the trial. The sheriff yielded.
Not a Juror was secured at the ses
sion of court Tuesday.
Better Law Enforcement.
As an aftermath of the recent lynch
Ings at Cairo, 111., a committee of fif
ty business men was named Tuesday to
bring about a better enforcement of
the laws. Efforts will be put forth to
check the evils which caused the
Flvo Brokers Indicted.
The county grand jury at Cleveland,
O., Tuesday Indicted five brokers, ac
cusing each of conducting a bucket
shop. ThoBe Indicted are W. J. Worth,
J. F. Meany, C. V. Tuttle, R. Ii. Hart
wlck and E. E. Newman.
Reports that the United States Steel
corporation Is negotiating for the pur
chase of the Pittsburg Coal company
was denied Monday by Chairman E. 11.
Gary, of the steel corporation.
German Admiral Dead.
'Admiral Itaron Gustav von Senden
filbran, who was for 18 years the chief
of Emperor William's private naval
cabinet, died Tuesday of an abscess on
the brain, aged 62 years.
Wurncr Will Retire.
VeRpaslan Warner, United States
pension commissioner, has tendered
his resignation to President Taft so
that he can devote his time to his son,
who is 111
Hoot Sunk anil Its Crew lla A Nar
row Encne.
A wind storm approaching tornado
proportions swept up tho Ohio river
Monday afternoon, 4oing widespread
damage In Cincinnati end its suburbs.
The wind reached a velocity of 4 0
miles an hour and during the height
of the storm a tow boat, tho O. W.
Dally, of Marietta, was watnped and
sunk in tho river und members of the
crew had narrow cueupes from drown
In the downtown district windows
were crashed In. signs were torn loose
and carried through the air and tele
graph and telephone wires were brok
en, while In the residence districts the
chimneys of numerous houses were
toppled over.
Several persons sustained severe In
juries, but there were no fatalities.
At Hamilton, O., a tornudo damaged
property to the amount of $50,000,
while barns and outbuildings In rural
parts of tho country were blown down
and other damago done.
In Hamilton the roofs were blown
off a number of business houses and
factories. '
Wind and rain also caused heavy
damage between Bonneville and New-
burg, Ind. The wind hnd a velocity
of from forty to fifty miles an hour
and tore down buildings and uprooted
Ten large barns were demolished
and several horses were killed. Sev
eral farm houses were badly damaged.
Rain and sleet driven by a wind
which at times registered a velocity
of 48 miles an hour marked the storm
which raged all ly Monday on Lake
Michigan and throughout the region
of the great lakes. Only a few vessels
braved the gigantic waves which thun
dered outside the breakwater.
"Sleeper Trunk" Frauds Involve Im
mense IOHNC8.
Institution of criminal prosecutions
against perpetrators of "sleeper trunk"
customs frauds, with ramifications in
all parts of tho country; the pressing
of existing Indictments to avoid lapse
under the statute of limitations, and
customs investigations generally were
discussed at a conference at the treas
ury department In Washington, D. C,
Monday. Secretary of the Treasury
McVeagh, Attorney General Wicker-
sham, Collector Loeb, cf the port of
New York, and United States District
Attorney Henry A. Wise, of New York
Incidentally Secretary MacVeagh
announced that the $2,000,000 odd
which the American Sugar Refining
company had paid over to the govern
ment on account of evasion of duties
was regarded by the government as a
complete settlement for all its under
weighing frauds, but that amount In
no wise figured as to any other mat
ters and that the. government pur-
poses to recover much more money
as the result of the frauds the so
called trust had committed.
Fifteen Houses Arc Demolished In the
Town of Dexter.
A cyclone struck Dexter, Mo., short
ly before noon Monday and demolish
ed fifteen houses and wrecked the
Stoddard county fair buildings, in
cluding the amphitheater. Two wom
en and children wore Injured.
The storm originated north of town
and cut a path 300 feet wide and about
a quarter of a mile long. AH buildings
which it hit wero demolished, most of
them being reduced to kindling wood.
The estimated loss is $70,000. Several
buildings were damaged In Essex, a
small town east of Dexter. Trainmen
on tho Iron Mountain report a heuvy
wind caused havoc near Dudley, and
that they were compelled to .stop tho
train twice to remove fences and small
trees from the track.
ISaron George: Do Reuter Dead.
Baron George Do Reuter, of London,
younger son of the late Baron De Reu
ter, who founded Iteuter's Telegram
company, and a brother of tho present
Baron De Reuter, managing director,
died Monday. The widow Is Maud,
daughter of John Potter, of Philadel
phia. Volcanoes Very Active.
A dispatch froh Teneriff says a tenth
crater has opened and the five volca
noes are throwing out great quantities
of lava. The explos-lons, however, have
ceased and the population, which has
been in terror for several days, In
slightly calmer.
Sliver Bowl for Warship.
Admiral Sir Edward H. Seymour
of London Monday presented the flag
ship Indexible with a silver bowl for
Its ward room to commemorate the
battleship's mission in carrying the
admiral's Hag to the Hudson-Fulton
celebration at New York.
Heavy Quake at Calliias, Cal.
The heaviest earthquake recorded
In Calanls, Cal., since the shock of
April 18, 1906, was felt at an early
hour Monday. Buildings rocked and
cracked for fifteen seconds and people
rushed Into the street for safety.
Traveling Man Ends Life.
J. 8. Parrlsh, traveling salesman for
a woolen mills firm, of Baltimore, Md.,
and of Jefferson City, Mo., commit
ted suicide In a hotel at Winchester,
Ky., Monday. The cause Is not known.
lire IjOw of $05,000.
Fire at Warrcntown. Va., Monday
night destroyed four blocks of build
ings, causing a loss of $65,000. Only
by tho use of dynamite was the town
saved front complete destruction.
Nctv8 of the Week
' in Concise Form
Fml EiiKfl Wins First llaec In Claw
The corn show held nt Cedar Bluffs
Saturday was a success so far us n good
display of corn could make It. The
Interest was very great, but the mls
forune of speakers In missing their
train was a great disappointment to
tho exhibitors. .
Val Keyser, superintendent of
farmers' institutes, and Prof. Chnso
were the Judges and the prizes were
awarded as follows:
Class 1 Fred Engel, first; J. S. Wil
cox second; J. M. Wlnslow, third.
Class 2, White; F. U. Romans, sec
ond; Robert Engel, third: W. R. Ack
er, fourth; N. P. Paulson, fifth; Roy
Weldenhaft, sixth; J. M. Wlnslow. sev
enth. Class 2 Yellow Robert Engel,
first; II. J. Bchrens, second; John
Sohl, third; Andrew Sohl, fourth;
Frank Schneider, fifth; E. Olson, sixth.
The display was exceptionally fine
and was an object lesson, showing the
reason that the land around here sells
for $150 to $200 per acre.
Woman of 14 Sues Man of 81 for
Breach of Promise.
Judge Redlck, of Omaha, held dis
trict court at Blair last week and sev
eral Jury trials were on the docket, of
which one of the most Interesting was
the breach of promise suit brought by
Mrs. Hannah J. Loosing, aged 74 years,
against Henry Monko, aged 81 year,
both old, wealthy and respected resi
dents of that county. Mrs.Looslng Is
the owner of 840 acres of tho best land
In the county and Mr. Monke is about
as well fixed in worldly goods. ' Over
a year ago the suit was first filed and
damages asked in the sum of $20,000,
which was compromised without com
ing to trial, Mrs. Loosing receiving $2)
000. She now claims that Mr. Monke
again promises marriage and the suit
was brought in court, the jury bringing
in a verdict In favor of Mr. Monke.
Mr. Monke claimed that he had only
visited the plaintiff twice during the
year and conversed with her only about
twenty minutes. Both parties have
large families of grown and married
children,, ,
I -
Investors In Employes Protective As
soclutlon Holding Suck.
The Employes' Protective associa
tion of Nebraska, launched something
over a month ago at Omaha by II. J.
Patterson, as president, Is believed to
be no longer in existence.
President Patterson has disappeared
and members of the association who
paid $2 each to be provided not only
with positions, but also against sick
ness and accident, are anxious to know
where he is.
The police have a little claim against
Mr. Patterson for an overcoat secured
from the Guarantee Clothing com
pany, and several young and older
men who paid good money for winter
Jobs failed to get them.
At the offices of the Employes' Pro.
tectlve association on tho third floor
of the Paxton block nothing as to Mr.
Patterson's whereabouts could be
learned. His desk Is locked, although
the police effected entranco a few days
ago while in search of t,ho president.
PlAtlsinouth Mun Given Judgment for
$5,000 for -Malicious Prosecution.
The Herald-Coates damage case at
Plattsmouth was given to the Jury at
6 o'clock Saturday evening. Henry
Herald sued W. W. Coates for $50,000
damages and received a Judgment for
$5,000 for slander and $7,500 for mall
clous prosecution. Judge II. D. Travis
set aside the Judgment for $7,600
which was the cause of this trial. At
11 o'clock Saturday night the Jury
brought in a verdict for the plaintiff
of $5,000. It is understood that this
case will be appealed to the supreme
court as tho other one was.
New DcNit Completed.
The last of tho fixtures for tho new
Union Pacific depot at Columbus ar
rived Friday, and that evening and
Saturday the moving into the new
building was completed. This depot Is
said to be the finest and best one on
the Union Pacific between Omaha and
Mcnnonlto Conference, at Henderson.
The annual conference of the Men
nonlte Brethren of tho United States
began at Henderson Sunday in the
local church of th. denomination.
Nearly 400 delegates, largely from Ne
braska, Kansas and Oklahoma, but
with representatives from all over tho
United States, are present.
Osmond Man Injured.
Henry Tupper, of Osmond, who op
erates a corn husking machine, south
west of town, had his right hand
caught in the snapper rolls of the ma
chine, resulting In a bad laceration.
lire Starts from Furnace.
An early morning fire totally de
stroyed Otto l'ohl's wholesale and re
tail drug store at Fremont, causing tho
loss of $25. noo. Fire started from a
furnace in the buii-incnt.
Body or Unknown Man Found In
Field Near lanerson.
J. llennlpf.son whllo hunting rah-
bits found the body of n dead man in
a cornfield near Emerson.' The au
thorities were notified at once. Coro
ner Grnhnm, of Allen, arrived and
searched the man's clothes.
A purse containing a small sum ol
money and a pass book on the First
National bank of Emerson were found.
The pnss book showed he had $75 on
deposit and that his name was Ed
Hanlln. Tho bank officials failed to
place him and he Is unknown In Em
Tho coroner announced that he
would hold an inquest. The dead man
was found In a natural position, with
his coat under his hoad and had evi
dently lain there for some time.
..Burlington Fireman Killed iuhI En
(rlneer SorloiiKly Hurt.
The explosion of Burlington engine
No. 2046, pulling a forty-car extra
freight west In the Lincoln yards,
caused the death of Fireman C. .A.
Meecham Thursday and the serious In-
Jury of Engineer George Plorce and
BraKeman Upton. Tho Injured engl
neer may die.
The train was beginning to pick up
Its speed at the extreme western lim
it of the yards when the explosion oc
curred. The boiler was thrown ahead
of the engine drivers and truck and
the Impact of the exploded boile
broke the rails ahead of the engine.
The tender remained standing on the
track and none of the cars were
P. Bandits Sentenced to Prison b
Judge Munger.
Judge T. C. Munger in the United
States district court at Omaha Thurs
day overruled the motion for a re
hearing on the part of the five men
co'ivlcted of holding up the Union Pa
clflo Overland limited train May 21
last and robbing the mall car, and
sentenced each of thereto lite impris.
onment In the federal .prison at Fort
Leavenworth. The men are William
Mathews. D. V. WoudSv-Ffed Tor
genson, Frank Grlgware and Lawrence
J. Golden. Notice was given of an
appeal to the circuit court of appeals,
Tho prisoners will be taken to Fort
Boy Killed by Accident.
The 2-year-old son of James Fetor
Bon, eleven miles southwes. of Hast
ings, was Instantly killed by the acci
dental dlschargo of a shotgun. The
boy's grandfather left tho gun in the
kitchen of tho farm house upon his
return from a hunting expedition, and
It was picked up by a farm hand, who
began talking to James Teterson about
Its mechanism. .While he was thus
talking the man accidentally pulled
tho trigger and the gun was dls
charged, tearing the top of the boy's
head entirely away.
Drifts Twenty Feet Deep.
The heavy fall of snow In the last
few days blocked up all wagon roads
leading into Broken Bowfl and caused
much Inconvenience to those living at
a distance. In some plaes tho snow
drifts were from ten to twenty feet
deep, whllo shovels and scoops had to
be used . before a passageway could
be effected.
Robert Ford Guilty.
After being out nearly all night th
Jury in the case of the state against
Robert Ford, a negro, charged with
thchlghway robbery of a mason named
McGowan, of York, on the night o;
September 30, returned a verdict of
guilty of grand larceny, for which the
pcnolty Is from one to ten years.
Body Found Near School.
A man who is believed to be Georgt
Austin, residence unknown, was found
dead lying near the fence behind the
Dundee school building by Marshal
James Freldeiock, of Dun lee. The
man who had been dead for several
days as his body was covered with
sleot and snow.
Damages in Lllx-d Cane.
The libel case wherein County At
torney Thompson was suing P. W.
Shea, of Orleans, for $20,000 damages
was brought to a close in district court
when the Jury returned a verdict for
Mr. Thomas, allowing him $3,000, and
tho costs to bo paid by Mr. Shea.
Soldier RememlxTS State.
Col. Dave Bowden, commander of
the soldiers' home at Mllford, has en
riched the cash fund of the home by
a deposit of $405, which was given to
him by A. A. Sharkey, a member of
the home, who died last week.
Jury Finds Smith Guilty.
Jesse Smith was convicted of mur
der In the second degree by a Jury in
Omaha. Ho wus tried for tho murdoi
of James Rawlins, a negro,
Body Is Found.
The body of William Blackwood
has been found. It lay In a mass of
tangled brush over a precipitous cliff,
200 yards northwest of his furm,
Calhoun. Evidently ho had simply
fallen over the bluff.
Another hitch has occurred In the
proposed profit-sharing agreement be
tween the city and the traction com
pany, nnd Mayor Love has asked a
committee from the Commercial club
to pass on tho articles prepared and
see If the city Is to come out at the
little end of tho horn. The city offi
cials are so suspicious of the traction
company doing things to tho city that
when someono started the report there
was a Joker in tho proposed agree
ment it was generally believed, and at
once the mayor asked the Commercial
club committee to pass on It In the
meantime there Is a lot of sentiment
for a vote of the people on the agree
ment, as It proposes to bind the city
for a period of fifteen years, so It Is
very probable no agreement will be
reached unless the matter Is loft to the
voters. Many prominent men. Includ
ing County Attorney Tyrrell, object
to the agreement because the city now
has authority to regulate the company
as well as levy an occupation tax t
suit Itself. He also objects to the clt
becoming a partner In a street railway
Thomas W. Smith, warden of th
state penitentiary, has the finest drov
of red hogs in Nebraska at the state
institution, so he says. The state drove
number something over 400 of which
108 have been horn within the last
three weeks and Mr. Smith says he
does not intend to lose & pig. In add!
tlon to the hogs at the penitentiary
Mr. Smith this summer farmed some
500 acres and he now has stowed away
some 900 buBhels of potatoes, his crop
he said, being almost a failure; S50
bushels of turnips, 200 bushels of car
rots and 14,000 head of cabbage. Hit
corn ran about 25 bushel; to the acre
on the state land and 12 bushels on the
Branson land which Is leased to th
Frank E. Helvey, census supervisee
of the First district, has been notified
that headquarters for that district will
be opened on the fourth floor of the
government building in Lincoln, In the
room known as tho grand Jury room,
TheNofftce1 will be opened some time
before January 1 and all those who de
sire to communicate with Mr. Helvey,
the census enumerator, should address
him at the headquarters In Lincoln,
instead of at his home In Nebraska
City, where he has lived for the last
half century, more or less.
..... . ..,, :
Lincoln's police force Is Just now re
ceiving the compliments of .the entlr
city, owing to Its wonderfuPlmprove
ment under the management of James
Malone, acting chief. For many years
Mr. Malone has been the city detective,
and upon the retirement of Chief
Rlckard he was elected acting chief
to serve until the board got around
to elect a successor to Rlckard. But
tho force has shown such Improvement
that It Is very probable Mr. Malone
will bo asked to continue permanent
ly In his new position.
Tho city of Lincoln intends to b
prepared with a new charter for the
consideration of the next legislature
and to that end tho mayor has already
appointed a committee to draft the
Instrument. The committee is to get
busy at onco. When it has completed
its work,-then the peoplo will have am
ple time to discuss the measure and
reject or accept it before the legis
lature convenes and thus avoid the
fight which occurred before the late
The Indictment of any persons by t
grand Jury called in Nebraska at thlf
time or at any time since the first reg.
ular term of the district court follow
ing the adjournment of tho late legis
lature may be serlouuly questioned In
the courts.- This Btate of affairs Is
due to the action of the late legis
lature In amending the law providing
for calling grand juries and very like
ly there can be no more grand Juries
called legally In Nebraska under tht
present law.
The sugar beet Industry turned out
a rather expensive experiment. Mr.
Smith sold his crop for $31.90 more
than the seed cost. Ho put in about
fourteen acres and raised two carloads,
or about a ton and one-half to the
acre. And this does not take Into ac
count the escape of five convicts and
the money spent in apprehending
them. They were put to work In the
beet fields and it was too tough for
them so they ran away.
Engineer Myer.of the soldiers' hom
at Mllford, was at tho stato house
talking about securing a fireman for
the winter months. Another engineer
has applied for the job and agrees to
work for $70 a month with the excep
tion of four winter months, when he
wants $80. Myers receives $70 the year
around. Members of the board are
Inclined to believe that it will require
an extra man during the winter
The talk of moving the state uni
versity out into the country from Lin
coln in order to secure more ground
has already had its effect on the value
of real estate, at least in the vicinity
of the state farm, where It Is supposed
naturafly the school would go. It was
announced that a quarter section near
the state farm could be bought now
for the mere pittance' of $1,000 as
The weekly review of Chicago trade
by R. O. Dun & Do. says: Trade de
velopments sustain optimistic vlewi
as to the future, and further testi
mony to the progress; tuade Is fur
nished by the hank reports, which re
flect gratifying expansion In both de
posits and discounts. Credits gener
ally are strengthened by the Improv
ed condition of ' collections through
out the western territory, although
the trading defaults yet show more .
than normal. Seasonable weather
stimulated wider demand for necessa
ries and the leading branches of dis
tribution exhibit Increasing activity
in current shipments and forward
bookings. Retail trade here and at
the Interior equals the best expecta
tions. Heavy absorption Is noted of
Inter clothing, blankets, worsteds,
footwear and food supplies, most
stocks undergoing gratifying reduc
tions. Supplementary orders are nu
merous In wholesale dry goods and
other staples, many requiring Immedi
ate forwarding and indicating thai
consumption exceeds -that for which)
provision was previously made by
many country dealers. Another ruj
In costs of cotton fabrics has also In
duced urgeat buying against future ,
Prices of food products and other
needs average unusually high and causa
enforced economies, but increased!
population and purchasing power aa
sure prospects for very encouraging
results In Christmas trade.
i Bank clearings, 1277,816,907, exceed
those of the corresponding week la
1908 by 4.2 per cent and compart) with)
$196,856,633 In 1907.
I Failures reported In the Chicago dls-,
trtct number . twenty-seven, against
thirty-three last week, eighteen la
1908 and thirty-six In 1907. Those,
With liabilities over $5,000 number six,
against eleven last week, five In 1909
nd fourteen In 1907.
With the arrival of cold weather this;
week, retail trade hitherto Inclin
ed to lag, has taken on the appear
ance of activity, and distributive trade
reports are more uniformly encourag
lng than for some time past. In some
sections, particularly the Northwest,
the - tenrporary-ffect of-JjeavjLSHQw
Interrupting transportation to some;
extent has been to dull eomo lines ol
-wholesale trade, but the general ef!
feet of the winter visitant baa been
helpful. t
Business failures in the United
States for the week ending Nov. 18
were 232, against 221 last week, 273
in the like week of 1908, 263 in 1907,
212 In 1906 and 224 In 1905.
I Business failures In Canada for the.
;iweek number 26, which compares with
29 last week and 33 in the correspond
ing week of 1908. Bradstreet's.
Chicago Cattle, common to prime,
$4.00 to $9.25; hogs, prime heavy, $4.50
to $8.25; sheep, fair to choice, $4.50
to $4.75; wheat. No. 2, $1.19 to $1.20;
corn. No. 2, Sic to 63c; oats, standard,
37c to 39c; rye. No. 2, 73c to 74c; nay,
timothy, $8.00 to $15.00; prairie, $8.00
to $13.50; butter, choice creamery, 27o
to 30c; eggs, fresh, 25c to 28c; pota
toes, per bushel, 30c to 50c. ''
Indianapolis Cattle, shipping. $3.09
to $8.00; hogs, good to choice heavy,
$3.50 to $8.15; sheep, good to choice,
$2.15 to $4.50; wheat, No. 2, $1.15 t
$1.17; corn, No. 2 white, 57c to 59c;
oats, No. 2 white, 39c to 41c.
St. Louis Cattle, $4.00 to $3.00;
hogs, $4.00 to $8.25; sheep, $3.00 ts
$4.75; wheat, No. 2, $1.22 to $1.25;
corn. No. 2, 59c to 61c; oats, No. ,
88o to 39c; rye, No. 2, 72c to 73c.
j Detroit Cattle. $4.00 to $5.50; hogs,
$4.00 to $7.65; sheep, $2.50 to $4.00;
wheat, No. 2. $1.20 to $1.21; corn. No.
2 yellow, 60c to 62c; oats, standard,
40c to 42c; rye, No. 1, 75c to 76c.
f Milwaukee Wheat, No. 2 northern,
$1.06 to $100; corn. No. 3, 58c to C0c;
oats, standard, 40c to 42o; rye, No. 1,
73c to 75c; barley, standard, 65c to
67c; pork, mess, $23.75.
Buffalo Cattle, choice shipping
steers, $4.00 to $7.00; hogs, fair to
choice, $4.00 to $8.40; sheep, common
to good mixed, $4.00 to $.Vf0; lumba,
fair to choice. $4.00 to $7.90.
Toledo Wheat, No. 2 mixed, $1.2t)
to $1.22; corn, No. 2 mixed, Ct.c to
67c; oats, No. 2 mixed, 40c to 42c;
rye. No. 2, 74c to 7Cc; clover seed,
Cincinnati Cattle, $4.00 to $0.50;
hogs, $4.00 to $8.10; sheep, $3.00 to
$4.50; wheat, No. 2. $1.24 to $1.26:
corn, No. 2 mixed, 69c ' to 60c; oats,
No. 2 mixed, 41c to 42c; rye, No. 2,
lie to 7c. -
New York Cattle, $4.00 to $8.80;
hogs, $4.00 to $8.25; sheep, $3.00 to
$4.25; wheat. No. 2 red, $1.13 to $1.25;
corn, No. 2, 70c to 72c; oats, natural,
white, 43o to 46c; butter, creamery,
27c to 31c; egga. western, 30c ta