Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 01, 1909, Image 7

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"Johnnie, I think I hmr a thlrf la
the dark closet bonoath the tali."
"I don't doubt It; I have known It
fras thr-re for some time."
"Telephone for the police!"
"What's the wee? Tou cnn't arrest
a gal meter." Houston Tost.
How's Ihls?
W offpr One Hundrrd Dollars Reward for
By ca of Catarrh that caanot be cured r
Uall'e Catarrb Cure.
K. J. OIKNKY A CO., Toledo, O.
" . the umlarlratd, have known P. J.
Chener for the. last 1J years, and bellera
tlm perfectly bonorabla la all buitlneM trans
otlona. ar.d financially able to carry out
ny obligation made by bla Arm.
WaI.DINCI, Kin kan Makvix,
Wholesale Pruiglst", Toledo, O.
Ilall't (atnrrh Cure la taken Internally,
acting- directly upon the Mood and muroua
urface of the Hyntem. T'allmonlHlft ant
free. Price, 73c. per bottle. Sold by all
Taka Uall'a Family Pills for constipation.
I'histy I suppose jou think that if yon
bad the regulating of the universe you
could make some improvements on tht
present job. don't you?
Kuphs I don't know about that, but I
think I could suft-gest one change. I
hould like to have things so arranged
that when a man is having a Rood time
the days would seem to pass slowly in
stead of quickly. , I'm about to take a
A Ttare fiood Thlnic.
"Am uitlnff Alton's Foot-Ease, and ran
truly aay I would not have been without It
ac long, had I known the relief It would
give my achlna- fuel. I think It a rare Rood
thin for anyone having- sore or tired fe-t.
Mrs. Matilda Holtweit, Providence. H.
I." Sold by all DruKKifcta, 25c. Ask to-tluy.
Record Nebraska Wolf Heat.
The residents of the north edge of
Adams county and the sonth edge of
Hall county participated In a wolf
hunt recently in which twenty-three
wolvea were captured out of twenty
frve rounded up. nays the Hastings
(Neb.) Tribune. It la claimed that
this la a record breaker for the state.
Wolf hunts are all the go, but as a
rule Br'er Wolf nbows a clean pair of
heels and gels uwny. In a round-up in
Farmers township an unfortunate was
caught napping; the others aliped
through the line. A hundred or more
men and boys organized a hunt on the
liver bottom directly east of twi. One
wolf was killed, one at least and pos
sibly more escaped by hiding in the
Their hair Is the color of the dead
grass, and a wolf will lie flat and not
be seen by a hunter only a rod or so
away, and when the line passes ht
make for his life.
A hunt announced for Sunnier town
ship came off lately, when one woltr
was killed and four got away. The
hunts afford conaldern-ble sport, even
though they get few wolves. Usually at
the end of a round-up there will be a lot
of Jack rabbits and cottontails in the
ring, and when the shotguns are turn
ed loose It Is a reminder of a skirmish
line In action.
Spanking does not cure children of bed
wetting. There is a constitutional cause
for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box
4, Notre Dame, Ind., will send free to
any mother her successful home treat
ment, with full instructions, Send no
money, but write bar to-day If your chil
dren trouble you in this way. Don't blame
ta child, the chances are it can't help It.
'ibis treatment also cures adults and aged
people troubled with urino difficulties by
day or night.
Recollections of a Boar Life.
"Tour face is familiar," said the pas
eager with the goggles. "Haven't I rua
againat you somewhere before?"
"No, sir," answered tlie passenger with
the hunted look in his eyes. "You've tried
a dozen times or more to run over me, but
I have always been able to dodge in time."
Constipation causes and aggravates
many serious diseases. It is thor
oughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets. The favorite family laxative.
: Two Klaila; Uolh Tired.
An agent of the Interior Department
tells many stories illustrating odd
phases of the Indian's character.
'There was a farmer in the West,'
says this agent, "who was In a difllculty
to secure help on his farm. Indians
were numerous In the neighborhood, b it
they were i r workmen. Always tir
ed, they would put down the hoe or the
rake as soon us the muster's back was
turned, and, selecting u cool spot, they
would lie dowu in the shade and sleep
the day away.
"But one morning a very tall, robust
Indian came, unking the farmer for
"'No,' said the white man; 'you will
get tired. You Indians are always tir
ed,' I "This Injun not like other Injuna.
Never get tired.'
"The upshot was that the Indian was
engaged and put to work in a cornfield.
The farmer went nway. When he re
turned, an hour or two later, the Indian
was asleep tinder a tree.
"'Here, wake ui:' exclaimed the in
dignant farmer. "You told nte that you
never got tired '.'
"Uh!' grunted the red num. yawn
ing. This liij iu never set tired. But
If he not lie ilnwn often, he would get
tired Just like other Injuns." Harp
er's Weekly.
Dr. MclNTOSH celebrated
Natural Uterine Sunnnrier
liuml!ais relief. Huld Uf all ur-
Sleal lu.tr. iiiiunt 1Mleni anil trailing
ni.Cl.t lu 1 I'ltHl Mm,, and Canada
(-'ti Orl- lilt JD.J ILrt'.'lllarB I....!.
aaDursi-tnrrri of Inuan iidV'V
i mari or tli. i.eoulu
ltuil Mcluujati" 8up..rlr.
It afflicted will
psesmit hist mm
mvm mm mm
The Canadian government, by legislation, has obviated
to a great extent strikes that would Interfere with public
utilities. Including mines. Is described In McClure's Maga-
:A cine by Charles W.
' - . b.
FRKaiiiKNT KtioT. Eliot shows that, on the fifty-five applications, strikes
were avoided or ended In twenty-five coal mines, four metalliferous mines,
fifteen railroads, three street railways, two bodies of longshoremen, one
body of teamsters, one body of sailors and In two industries that were not
public utilities. In only two cases were strikes not averted or ended. The
six cases In which boards were not created were settled promptly through
the Influence of the act.
Some of these disputes Involved large numbers of workmen, notably
two cases of the Dominion Coal Company, with 3,000 men affected In one
case and 7,000 men In another; and several railroad cases In some of which
7,000 to 8,000 men were directly affected. That Canadian work!ngmn have
acquired confidence In the operation of the act Dr. Eliot soncludes from the
fact that they have been the applicants for the creation of boards In forty
six cases.
- Not the least beneficial result of the act, Dr. Eliot considers. Is that
"although perfect liberty to strike or lock out ultimately is reserved under
the Canadian act, several weeks must elapse from the time the dispute be
gan before work can be stopped," Thus, "there Is time for passion to cool,
and for the costs of war to be counted by both parties. The interests of
the public may also get some sort of effective expression during this Inter
val; and when the report of the board Is thoroughly published. In accord
ance with the provisions of the act, public opinion, being well Informed,
usually expresses Itself with clearness and force."
On a journey by which he alms to
show that civilization has not made
mankind heartless, Baron Fon Der Os-ten-Saken,
St. Petersburg, Russia, who
says he Is a nephew of the Russian
minister of war, Is making his way
around the world. Ha started penni
less. Sitting in a cafe in St. Peters
burg he argued with another Russian
njimpd Pnitnvapf Q rnornliQTif men rA.
! Ing the effects of civilization on hos
j pltable Instincts. The result of the
debate was that the baron started
(rav St. Petersburg without a cent to
make his way around the world, test
ing the kindness of persons he met
by applying for employment. The
time limit given him is seven years.
He Is to travel by any means availa
ble, but Is not to receive alms. He
must perform some service for every
thing he receives.
Since starting he has been through
Russia, Siberia, Japan, and China.
After crossing the United States and
reaching New York he will continue
to Mexico, Panama, Central America,
South America and Australia. The
baron has met many of the titled per
sons of Japan and China. He was ar
rested ten times as an Impostor while
traveling through Russia, but proof
that his credentials are genuine
brought his release. He was also ar
rested in Korsythe, Mont., us a tramp.
The traveler is 23 years old. He
can speak seven languages. He was a
soldier under Mlcheneff during the
Japanese-Russian war: He Is a gradu
ate of a military school at St. Peters
burg, it is hla Intention to write a
book of travel after he has completed
his trip. A prize of $25.0(10, which he
says he will give to charity. Is to be
awarded him if he ends his journey
n the allotted time.
I'-.iiu'.InIi aa Nbo la SioLr.
Tlio teacher of "conversational
French" In a certain Kastern college
wa-s a lively mademoiselle "just over."
One blight afternoon sl.j stopped
two girl.-, very excitedly. She warned
to buy uu "cponge pour la bain," but
did not know what to ask for.
Hath sHinKe. Tell ihe salesman
von want a hiir bath mmnra t i..ha
! home w ith you," said t'je girls in
j chorus, and they accvnianind hvr to
the lllage drug store.
A young clerk steped forward.
Mademoiselle advanced bravely.
"Please." she said, smilingly, "will
you kindly take me home and give me
a big sponge bath?" 3ucces Magazine.
r ! A I
Eliot, president emeritus of Harvard
University, The act for the maintenance of Industrial
peace lr Canada went Into effect March 22, 1907. Uy
the operation of the act 96 per cent, of strikes were
avoided or ended. These pertained to disputes concern
ing mines, railroads, street railways, longshoremen, team
sters and sailors.
Fifty-five applications have arisen under the act and
have resulted In the creation of forty-nine boards. Dr.
Eye Salve A very good salve foi
granulated eyelids is made as follows:
Yellow oxide of mercury, one grain;
rose salve or unsalted butter, one-half
ounce. Apply to the eyelids night and
Insomnia. If a person cannot fall
asleep, try a sponge bath made thus:
Into eight ounces of alcohol put two
of ammonia and two of camphor.
Shake thoroughly, and when well
mixed add four ounces of sea salt and
enough hot water to fill a quart bot
tie. To apply it pour a little of the
liquid in a shallow dish and moisten
the whole body a little at a time by
dipping a small sponge In It. Rub It
only a very little, then finish with a
vigorous rubbing with a coarse crash
Pellagra. This new disease prom j
lues more surprises In the medical
world and more reasons for lnvestiga-:
tlon than anything that has broken
loose In a half century. The asylums
have long been filled with patients suf
fering from this disease and supposed
ly Insane. Iii some cases the disease
has been caused by cheap food. Pel
lagra has probably existed In the
United States for many years, although
the fact has not been definitely estab
lished. Our physicians as yet know
little of It, but they are finding it in
plenty in many of the states. It Is
supposed to arise from eating moldy
corn, which nffects the brain.
Ureat Variety (irmvlng lu Ihe Stale
Durable Wood.
Florida has perhaps more usefti.
trees growing within her borders than
any other State in the Union a great
er variety. But there is a general de
sire to introduce more, as the soap
berry, the tallow tree and the euca
An addition to the discussion of the
latter, a tree which is very valuable
because it has the unusual quality of
growing with great rapidity, yet fur
nishing a hard and durable wood, is
furnished by a letter to the editor of
the Florida Fruit and Produce News
by E. E. Thompson of Avon Park. Mr.
Thompson says in part: "Eucalyptus
trees were first planted here about
1804, and were injured by the great
freeze, but sprouted and grew like
orange trees. A few eucalyptus trees
planted later have made such wonder
ful growth as to cause people to look
up, take notice and rubberneck to see
the lofty tops. The growth In ten
years Is six feet around the body.
"The seasoned wood Is hard as hick
ory and posts show no decay In the
ground. The lfinbs, twlg.s, leaves and
teed cases make the very best fuel.
Our people are convinced of the great
value of eucalyptus and are planting
them up and down the avenues and li
the cemetery and will soon plant the
In forest form."
In California some species of euca
lyptus show greatest development in
low places where rain water stands
and In swamps, river bottoms, etc.,
though they will endure drought, ac
cording to a bulletin of the University
of California. The durability of tin
wood, according to other authorities,
is due to an oil with which it Is Im
pregnated and which is extracted for
commercial put poses. Florida Times
Wt-ll Nuinril.
"What's that you call your mule?"
"I call W I in Corporation," answer '
the ol.l conied man.
"How did you come to give him such
a name ?"
'T'lim studyin' cle anim:tl an' readln'
de p::p:'i-s. Dat mule gits mo' blame
an' abuse dan anything else In de town
ship, an' goes ahead bavin' bis own
way jett de same." Washington Star.
The photographer never takes peo
pie for what they are worth, but for
what he can get out of them, j
Vrau Widow" Not Slaa.
"She is a grass widow," said thi
professor, sodding in the direction 4
lady with yellow hair.
"A 'grass' widow T Oh, professor, I
didn't think yen would use slang."
" 'Grass' widow Is not slang." said
the professor stoutly. It Is, on th
contrary, a -very ancient and correct
expression. It comes from the French
'grace.' It was originally writtea
grace' widow. Its meaning Is 'widow
by courtesy.'
"There is nothing slangy or disre
spectful In the term 'griice' widow.' A
widow may call herself that with pro
prlcty and wirh propriety any one may
cull her that." 'hleiigo Chronicle.
A Tralral Tale of Safferln.a from
Sick Kidneys.
Mrs. I C. Frldley, 1034 N. Main
St., Delphos, Ohio, says: "Five or
six years ago I began
to suffer with kidney
trouble and grew
steadily worse until
my health was all bro
ken down. For weeks
I was In bed and
could not turn over
?rSf-A' thout being heir
' 'v " My back was stiff i
im in ful, 1 was tl
and languid, and when 1 was able to
get around I could not do my work.
The first box of Doan's Kidney IMIls
helped me so much that I kept on
using thorn until rid of every symp
tom of kidney trouble. During the
past three years I have enjoyed excel
lent health."
Hemember the name Doan's. .Sold
by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster
Milburn Co., Duffulo. N. Y.
Salrsnuin Hat. sir? Yes; what kind
do you wisli to look at?
Customer Well, my wife wenrs a Mer
ry Widow affair. If you have something
that is the exact opjxisite of it, young
man, that's what I want.
Salesman Then you want a plug hat,
of course, with a black band around It.
That is the nearest we can come to
Disconsolate Widower hat. Chicago
Maklna; Allowance for Htm.
"You used to know Tom, my nephew,
didn't you?"
"O, yes, I knew him well. Tom's
good soul. I always liked him."
"He's one of the successful operators la
Wall street now."
"In spite of that I still rkiak Tom's a
good soul." Ohiongo Tribune.
Tailored suits for early fall show longer
coats and pleated skirts. The one sketched
here is a single-breasted, fancy serge in
dark blue, with self-covered bu tons-
OuKht lu Klow,
The animal trainer, having been tak
en suddenly III, bis wife reported for
duty in his stead.
"Have you ever had any experience
In this line?" asked the owner of the
circus and menagerie, with some doubt.
"Not Just exactly In this line," she
said, "but niy husband manages the
beasts all right, doesn't he?"
"Ho certainly does."
"Well, you ought to see how easy I
can manage him." Chicago Record
Thomas Edison has perfected a stor
age battery which he says will last
Indefinitely and revolutionize the pres
ent propelling power.
Prof. Munyon says It Is only a ques
tion of time until a remedy is discov
ered that will supply the waste of the
human body, so that one may live on
almost Indefinitely, barring accidents.
This seems almost too good to be true,
but nothing seems to be impossible In
these days when we consider the fly
ing machine and the wireless tele
graph. Prof. Munyon has certainly revolu
tionized the practice of medicine. Ha
does not believe in building hospitals
for consumptives. He says that con
sumption can always be traced to a
cold. Cure a cold and you prevent
consumption. His Cold and Cough
Remedy will break up almost any form
of a cold In a few hours and positive
ly prevent Rronchltls and Pneumonia.
To convince the medical world and
people in general of the truth of his
claims he has distributed millions of
vials of the Cold Cure, absolutely free,
from the leading newspaper offices
throughout the country, and the cures
that have been reported from Its use
have been most astonishing. These lit
tle au,ar pellets contain no opium,
morphine, cocaine or any harmful
drug. TUoy seem to relieve the jjend,
throat and lungs almost iriirrtscjjateVy;
In order that no one may be da
prived of this rf-lnedy he has placei
It with all the druggists throughout
'he United States for the small sum of
2."i cents, or sent (wstpaid on receipt
of price, and with each bottle he
gives this guarantee: "If Munyon's
Cold and Cough Cure does not do all
that Is claimed for It, I will refund
your money."
There are four advantages In taking
Munyon's Remedies. First, they ara
absolutely harmless. Second, they are
pleasant to tuke. Third, they relieve
almost Immediately. Fourth, they cost
nothing unless they give satisfaction.
Munyon's Guide to Health sent free
on requeHt. Munyon Remedy C
Philadelphia, Pa.
femphta Inelllnllon Mefnaee Adnata,
aloa lo a Polble Portia.
Following the announcement In Fr
flay afternoon's News-Sclmltar that
Mrs. Martha Conser has the honor of
being the first one to matriculate In
the law department of the University
of Memphis, it develops that Mrs. Coin
ser must surrender this honor on ao
count of the horrid old rules of the
Institution, which provide that no
women shall be permitted to enroll
In this department, say university of
ficials, according to the Memphis
Through a misunderstanding, caused
by the fact that there are a number
of departments in the university open
to both sexes. Mrs. Conser waa per
mitted to enroll and her matricula
tion fee was collected. Now all this
must be undone and the amount paid
Is to be returned to the applicant, the
officials say.
"It Is not the policy of the univer
sity to encourage the study or prac
tice of law by women," said an offi
cial of the Institution to the News
Sclniitar. "What chance would mere
men have with a pretty woman making,
an argument to a susceptible Juryt
Why, there Is r.-M one man In ten who
would have the nerve to decide a case
against her."
John D. Martin, dean of the law de
partment, said: "The presence) of a
woman In a law class, in my opinion,
necessarily restricts the progress of
the work. For Instance, there are
many times when some of the poInU
of Jurisprudence must be Illustrated
by a story and with the fair sex pres
ent extreme care would have to b
exercised In selecting the story. I re
sail an instance wln the proiasaor of
a law class was getting along fine un
til a pretty girl student looked up and
smiled at him, and then tho bump
was all off."
The ;nd Seed.
The good seed serves the physical
itamina, develops the mental power,
quickens the conscience and awakens
and feeds the sense of spiritual things
In men. Rev. Albert E. Legg, Epis
copalian, Providence.
Hume and Kanillr
A baby carriage Is more honorable
at the door than an automobile. Life
means more to the young man who
has a home and a family to work for
and to live for.-Rev. T. J. McDonald,
Roman Catholic, Utlca. N. Y.
Slorabllnw Into Heaven.
Some people stumble and fall and
get up again and stumble and fall and
get up again. It Is better for them
to keep stumbling ,on and finally
stumble into heaven than not to get
there at all. Rev. E. Vai ghan, Meth
odist, Santa Monica, Cal.
Ileaa) iiond,
Without presenting an ascetic Ideal,
tt Is true that a life which finds no
mora than that which appeals to the
creature element in all th range from
lust to ambition, is not more than
beasthood. Rev. P. A. Simpkln, Con
gregatlonallst, Salt Lake City.
To-day fashion reigns and in her
train she drags a motley crowd. Fash
ion Is no mere empty name. It Is a
living force, far-reaching in Its con
sequences, spreading from the high
est to the lowest In the social scale.
Rev. John Deans, Congregatlonalist,
ItlKht I.I Vina-.
Merely living is not the aim of hu
man life, but living so as to contribute
to the highest well being of humanity.
We are not brought into this world
to exhaust our energies on getting
enough to eat, but for a higher and
nobler end. Rev. J. 11 Mallows, Con
gregatlonalist, Los Angeles, Cal.
Unlvrrally I'rraiilent na Our Col
lee" (irailuntet Are Illiterate.
- That tho American people are inuis
lerlng their .mother tongue and one
of the great opportunities for reform
at the prnsent time is to teach them
I to reverence unci prize the English
: language, and also to speak and write
It decently, was the opinion expressed
i by President Faunce, of Brown Unl
i Tersity, at Chautauqua, N. Y. He did
: not spare the American colleges In hla
general arraignment und declared that
they are turning out an alarming
proportion of graduates who are act
ually Illiterate.
"I should like," he said, "to seo the
colleges of the country Join In an ef
fort to Induce tho American people
to write and speak the English tongue
decently. The colleges are not doing
It now. It Is a fact that the college
of this country are sending out llllt
erates. Many of our college seniors
cannot write a decent business letter,
Large numbers of them cannot express
themselves In writing ko as to le un
derstood. We Americans should link
our minds and hearts and hands In
an effort to preserve this mother
tongue which Is our definite Intellect
ual heritage. We should prize English
speech and English literature and pass
on this heritage of the past to the chil
dren of the future."
President Faunce said that he had
been surprised anil shocked recently
when he mentioned the name of Prof.
Huxley to a group of Drown student!
and no one knew whom he meant.-
Chicago Inter Ocean.
tletauuVr nl Itoma.
Alexander was looking gloomily
out of his palace windows, and sigh
ing Imcause there ere no more
worlds to conquer.
"Don't tie an Idiot moping around
the house this way. Xandv," said Mrs.
Alexander, pausing in her work of
darning her husband's tunic. "If you
are hO dead set cn new worlds to con
quer, why don't you hire a schooner
the way Columbus, did anil go out
aiiJ disc-over a few?"--New York
Here Is a rule Unit will not fall
once In a hundred timed: He polite
to a boy. aM he'll he jiollte to J0O.
A riaaacler
Jndge How many time bave yea
ben arrested before?
Trlsoner Five, sir.
Jnge Then I shall feel it tnf duty
to Impose the maximum fine
Prisoner Hut. your honor. Isn't It
only fair to give n reduced rate to reg
ular customers? Judge-.
Paint Kaolla.
It Is a common occurrence nowadays
lo hear a man remark with disgust:
"It Is impossible to have good painting
done these days; either the paint is
not good or there are no good paint
ers." This, ho'vever, Is not true. There
Is good paint, and there are good paint
ers. Dut the question Is, bringing
them together.
One cannot expert a satisfactory
painting Job without pure whlto lead.
There Is a way to make sure you are
getting pure white lead without test
ing It. See that the kc s benrs Nation
al Lead Company's famous Dutch Hoy
Painter trademark, which Is a positive
guarantee of purity. However, any
one can test white lead. National
Iad Company, 1!02 Trinity Itldg.,
New York City, will send you a lead
tester and painters outfit, consisting
of book of color schemes, specifications,
etc., upon request.
landrrlaa- lhr Klprnal City.
"When you were in Rome, of course,
you did as the Komitni do."
"Er yes ; I had to. I ran out of
money, and bad to And some way to ex
tract it from the rich Americans that were
visiting the citv." fib-ngn Tribune,
In all Ita forms, among all ages of
horses, as well as dogs, cured and all
others In same stable prevented from
having the disease with Spohn't Vi
temper Cure. Every bottle guaran
teed. Over 000,000 bottles sold last
year. 50 cents and $100 a bottle. All
druggists, or send to manufacturers,
Spotlit Medical Co., Goshen, Ind.
Pnrolr n Mntti-r of liolce.
"Io I have to pay Ihls bill for gas that
I never UsimI?"
1 "Not unless yon chooo. There is no
compulsion about it. We merely abut off
your iras if you don't pay it." Chicago
Eraema on Hand, Ami, l.rara and
Face 1 1 Was SumethlnK Terrible
Complete Care hjr C'ntlcara.
"About fifteen or eighteen years ago
cr,cma developed on top of my hand
It burned and Itched so much that I
was compelled to show It to a doctor,
Ho pronounced It ringworm. After
trying his different remedies the dis
ease increased and wont up my arms
and to my legs and finally on my face.
The burning was something terrible. I
went to another doctor, who had the
reputation of being tho best In town.
He told me It wns eczema. Ills medi
cine checked the advance of the dis
ease, but no further. I finally con
cluded to try the Cutlcura Remedies
and found relief In the first trial. I
continued until I was free from the d'.s
ense and I have not been troubled since.
C. Iturkhart, 230 W. Market St., Olmm-
bersburg, Pn., Sept. 19. WW."
Potter Drug & Chein. Corp., Solo
Props, of Ctiticuru Remod les, Uoston.
Purely Ilelallve.
"My ileur friend, don't you know there's
Bo such thing as matter?"
"If I weighed only ninety-five pounds,
s you do, I might easily believe that ; but
I weigh 245, aad I'm harder to convince."
WHY suffer with eye troubles, quick re
lief by using PET-TIT'S EYE SALVE,
25c. All druggists or Howard Bros..
Buffalo, N. Y.
Tho first English work on ana-lin waa
"The Book of St. Albeen's,' published
a sue ntteentu century.
JTi"' Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for
irriiiuiH, noiierm ine kuiiim, re-
; "'"""""Hi'on. Hiiuys puln, cures
mum cuuu. 4do a Dome.
lie Active Prlarlple.
"Smoking may not hurt some people,"
aaici Mrs. Lapsling; "but it Isnt good for
a 'nervous man like my husband. You
know it's the Nlcodemus in tobacco that
makes it so injurious."
i, raruinir rwka your atnion, n(1 ,., , lDto
rS.ril'S''1. AMeu . f.un B.I will rtaVk I,
. '---;. ,wMitiianiiiiu,
Artesian wells are multiplying la Va
lencia, tpin. where rood water I. ....
scarce, and where a bountiful supply is
omainanie ar a depth of 120 te 130 feet.
why errrFn mow a rot
ban a (aw drop, of l'rrr Un' PalutllKr UkM
troniptlr In "ma hot water or n.llk will araTaul Itl
ate. uc ud Wo Botllea, at all daalara.
Halt the Contrary.
"Oentlemen," said the campaign spell
binder, as he began bin speech, "in the
words of our illustrious chief at Washing,
ton, who said : '.Speak ' "
"Ixuder!" yelled a score ef voices In
the bock part of the hall.
"Not at all, gentlemen," aaJd tie orator,
visibly irritated. "He said, as every well
informed person knows: 'Speak softly,
even while carrying the bfg stick. If I
am interrupted ag-ain" here he waved tho
chairman's gavel aloft "I shall use the
big stick unsparingly I"
Having thus asserted himself, and si
lenced the rude persons wh had leva
guilty of Hie unseemly Interruption, he
resumed his speech. Chicago Tribune.
Fortune Telling
Does not take into consideration the one
an'a happineia womanly health.
The woman who neglects her health ia nefleotintf the
very foundation of all good fortune. 1'or without health
love loaea its luatre and fold is but droet.
Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally be
regained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Thlt Prescription bmm, lor orer HO yean,
been curing delloato, weak, pmln-wracked
women, by the hundred of thousand
mnd thlm too tn the privacy of their hontea
without their havittd to submit to Indeli
cate Questioning and offensively rcpnd.
aant examination.
Sick women ere invited to ooniult Dr. Pierce by letter frit,
All correspondence held as sacredly oonBdenliul. Addre.. World'a Dispensary
Medical Asaociation, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dm. Plasm's GaiAT Family Docroa Booa, The People's Common Sense
Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers in
flam tnglub hoals of delicate questions whioh every woman, single or married,
ought f o know aibout. Sent frtt, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt of
21 one-ccnl stamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps.
Cured by Lydla EaPinkbani's
Vegetable Compound
Paw T&vr. Mich." T sufferer! terrl
I niyirom remaienis,
including inflam
mation And conges,
tion, for several
years. My doctor
Raid there was nd
hone for run but art
operation. I lie can
taking- Lydia J8;
I Ink ham's Vegetal
bio Compound, ane)
I can now sav I arcl
a well woman."
Emma Draper.
Another Operation Avoided.
Chicapro, 111. "! want women to
know what that wonderful medicine,
Lydia E. llnkham's Vegetable Com
pound, has done for me. Two of the
best doctors in Chicago said I would
die if I did not have an operation, ana
I never thought of seeing a well day
again. I had a small tumor and female
troubles so that I suffered day and
night. A friend recommended Lydia
E. llnkham's Vegetable Compound,
and it. miida ma a n-oll n-nmnn Xf..
Alvena Hpeklino, 11 Langdon St.
Chicago, 111.
Lvdla K. PinVb
round, made from roots and herbs.
uno v . uo mo llJUBb BUCCrBSIUI
remedy for curing the worst forms of
female ills, including displacements.
Inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu
larities, penooic pains, Dackache, bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion, and nervous nrostratlnn. Tt mat a
but a trifle to trv it and the result
has been worth millions to many
tulle ring women.
Positively cured hj
these little mis.
They also wile"" Dis
tress trora Dyspepsia. Id
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A pertoct rem
edy tor Dizziness, Nausea,
Drowsiness, Bad Taste
in the Mouth, Coated
Tongue, Pain tn the Side,
Toupid JJVKR. They
regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuino Must Bear
Fac-Similo Signaturt
This Trade-mark
Eliminates Ail
in the purchase of
paint materials.
It is an absolute
guarantee uf pur
ity and quality.
For your own
protection, see
that it i on the side of
every keg of white lead
you buy.
HO 2 Trimtf Imiaia., a. (
J a V V frail aaa Track ram al llllll.ra. rioriaa.
1n dollar cash mint t.n dollars monthly, without
Interr-U rnant'futloa at onra. Tula guarantasaL Trana.
Kr1tlon. t.lcrrapli, t.l-iihnna. arhool- f.hurohaa.atr.
ml for booklet. J.-h II. Uuan, JaxL.oavlll. t la
VHtf. itaU (-RODS Mia
aaa Flitala C an.
bs, minneapous, ami.
Most old
people must give
the bowels gentle, con
stant help. One candy Cascaret
each day docs that. Harsh
physic, taken regularly, makes the
bowels callous. Cascarets do not!
Nearly all old people now use this
natural, gentle help.
Veal-pocket boa, 10 ceota-at draf-storea. Hi
Bacb tablet of tka genuine li marked C C C
U a safe as it u effective. Guar
anteed to contain no opiate. It is
very palatable too children Lite it.
All Drugs lt. Sf Cuts
S. 0. N. U.
No. 401909.
essential to worn
I;-'" vV-v-Vl
I. rrA
WBiiajaaisi in nnsBjaaJ