When You Take Cold . One way is to pay no attention to it; at least not until it de velops into pneumonia, or . a ft Droncnitis, or pleurisy. An other way is to ask your doc tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec oral. If he says, " The best .1 t I J. .1 -1. - , lur cuius, mcu uic u, Dj as he says, anyway. W. publuh our formula. 9 W b.nl.h alcohol from our mtdlolitw Wo urn yon to con.ult your doctor yers Then the bowels are constipated, poi sonous substances are absorbed Into the blood instead of beingdaily removed from the body as nature intended. Knowing this dancer, doctorsalwavi inquire about fie condition of the bowels. Ayer's Pills. Md by tho 1. C. Ay tr Co., Low.ll, Uu. Local Items Friday, Oct. i, 1909 Wo have as good a stock of bard warn and tinware as there ever was in Dakota City, and you will find our prices right. Schrierer Bros. A daughter waaborn to N G Hansen and wife on Monday. Bay a good farm on the Dakota county bottom. I have it. Einiers. Robert Evan, son of Judge and Mrs It E Evans, is seriously ill, threatened with typhoid fever. If yon wiitli any of that fine glass ware at Van's, see him before it is all taken. He is selling it below cost. 0 E Bliven and family etmi in Sun day from their claim near Burge, Neb, and will spend a few months with rel atives here. The Northeast Nebraska Teachers association will meet in Emerson Oo tober 0, 1009. Several Dakota county teachers appear on the program. The Rev W R Warren, the new pas ter of the Methodist Episcopal church will be on hand to preaoh his first ser mon to Dakota City people on Sunday, Oct 3rd . Q E Yon Ilngen, who has been serv ing the local M E chnrcb here for near ly two yearn was asked to pull np and go to Uartiugton, and he expects to lie nn hand at Ins new appointment next Sunday, so he tells us. Fred Dnensing has closed the deal for the Julius Geiso property in the west part of town and will soon take up his residence there as a retired farmer. We welcome Mr and Mrs ! Duensiug as residents of Dakota City. Fred Schmidt returned Wednesday from his trip to Sonth Dakota in quest of land He purchased a homestead relinquishment to n quarter section near Underwood, S D. He brought home some tine samples of grain grown in that locality. A reoeption was given at the James Nelson home Mouday evening, the guests of honor being Rev and Mrs W S Obeihol'zer. It being the eve of their departure for their new home at Barstow, Texas, their friends asse n bled to bid them Godspeed on their journey. They were presented with a purse of money as a token of remem brance from tiieir friends and neigh bora. The well wishes of the entire community will accompany them to their new home. They took their de parture Tuesday afternoon. Would you pay $1 for a pair of shoes and expect to get $5 worth of wear? NOl You would expect to pay $5 for that pair of shoes. If we could sell insur ance good insurance for less money, we would. A DOLLAR'S WORTH FOR A DOLLAR THE MIDWEST LIFE Of Lincoln, Nebr. C. L. Williams, Norfolk, Xtbr. 8 ! SAJ U R DAY I Sa.iurday( 3 Bars Castile Soap 5c Jeliy Glasses 2c each Oil 10c per gal I I I I Scvtturdevy 1 Can 15c Corn 10c 1 Can loc Apricots 10c lib Peachey Hug Tob ... 45c A J Dakota City, Nebraska j Jndge Stinson was a visitor at Lyons Sunday. A baby girl was born to N O Hanson and wife on Monday. Rasmus Fredrickson was up from Homer on business Monday, Mrs D H Hager went to Wakefield Tuesday to viit relatives a few days. Wm Ronton loft Wednesday for Raymond, 8 D, to visit Lis children at that place. The E Si B Lumber Co has put in a new Fairbanks steel frame scales at their yards. For 8ale A nearly new Marsh mo torevele, at a bargain. O F Broyhill, Dakct City, Nebr. L E Ayrea and wife left Monday for Lies Monines, Iowa, where they win again take up their residence. Van is selling ont Lis glassware be low cost, at 5c a dish. Go in and see for your self and be convinced. Chas Adair and family drove over from Sioux City Sunday and speLt the day at the Mrs Wo Adair home. Mrs WR Ream and daughter Mabel, of Walthill, visited relatives here Mon day while enroute home from Tender. Dave Butcher returned Tuesday from a trip to Glenburn, N D, where be went to look after his land inter ests. House for 8ale 1125 cash, if taken at once. Enquire at the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co, Dakota City, Nebr. Chas Maxwell, son of Dr and Mrs Maxwell left Tuesday for Chicago to resume his studies at the Rush Med ical college, Elizabeth Haase returned Monday from South Auburn, Neb, where she attended a state meeting of the W 11 & F M society. Mrs Martha Snyder has moved into the house vacated by Mell A Schmied. Will Powell and family havo moved into the house vacated by Mrs Snyder. Z W Tobey and family came down from their home at Watertown, S D, last week and visited a few days with Mrs Tobey's parents, J F Leedom and wife. Mrs Geo Carter was up from Omsha and visited over Sunday with her father, M O Ayres. She was accompanied home by her sister, Mrs Homer Bkeen, and little girl. Bob Caulk, of Allen, was here sever al days the past week showing a Dew automobile, of which he had just re ceived a car load, and was incidently looking for buyers. Joe Jackson came in from Meadow Grove, Neb, Thursday, and in com pany with Barney Gribble left today for Goodwin, 8 L), to visit 8am Grib ble, who is on the sick list. Don Forbes came in from his farm near Bsllagh, Nebr, last Wednesday and visited relatives and friend until yesterday. We were glad t h-jar that Don is prospering in his new location Mrs Helen E Weeks visited friends here last Thursday and Friday while enroute to her home at Rosebud, S D, from h visit with her son at Cedar Rapids. Iowa. All kinds ut coal, toed and hay for sale at roasuuable prices. Iiwlds & Slaughter Co. ThboE Bliven, Manager Dakota City, Neb. "Well Mary, where did you get that nice ilisl), aiDt it a beauty ?" "I got it at Van do Zedde'a with a package of coffee, fr only 30o". "I'll Phone John and have him bring me a pack age wheu he comes home." John S Robertson, who his been ii' at the home of his brother in South Omaha tor a couple of weeks, has so fur recovered that ha was able to re turn home Weduesdav evening. His daughter Blunche, who was with him during his illness, acoompamed him home. Rev G E Von Hagen, who has filled the M E pulpit in this place and at (J race, church for the past two years. Iihs been transferred to Hartington, Nebr, and on Thursday departed with hi family for his new field of labor. The best wishes of the community go with them. Wilfred E Voss, republican nominee for county superintendent, was in from the farm in Omadi preoinct Monday, attending to some matters in the dis trict court. From what little canvass ing he has done so for he is assured of a hearty support fcr the office of neper intendent of schools at this fall's elec tion. There is no question as to his ability to fill the importaut posi .ion. The "residence" of Mabel Moore, bet ter known as "Big Mabel," in South Sioux City, was riiled Thursday night of last week and four women and a dozen men were gathered in by Sheriff Rockwell and his deputies. The pris oners were taken before J J Eircers, jiistice of the peace, who assessed the women each with a rluo of $12 25, and the men $7 25, which iocl aded costs, for frequenting a house of prostitution. Mabel Moore, the proprietress, was taken before Judge Stinson the fob day on a charge of running a honse of prostitution, and was placed under $500 bonds to appear for trial next Mouday. S PECI A L S j I Oct. 2rvd Matches, per box 4c Mason pint jars.. ..3c each Men's wool Socks, perpr, 5c I I 1 Can Asparagus 25c 1 Can Salmon 10c 1) Pounds Sugar 50e i Alfred Chaillie was down from his Hubbard precinct farm last Friday. Anton Wilke and William Wilke, of Emerson were business visitors here Monday. Albert Schumacher and wife, of Lincoln were over Sunday guests at the Schmied home. Will Kinkead and wife arrived here Thursday trom Cherry county for a visit with relatives. Chas Hall was over from Jefferson, S D, last week and closed up the deal for the M M Ream property . Mr and Mrs E A Dow of Meadow Grove, Nebr, visited at the Van de Zedde home a few days this week. George E Cspple and Vivian V Vyse, both of Denver Colorado, were united in marriage Friday by Judge Htinsou. Hello Central ! Please give me Nol. Is this Mr Van de Zedde? Please send Harold down with a package of that 30o coffee and one of those nice dishes. Alright, thank yon. Your opinion about what you see is determined partly by how you see . Very few people have normal vision. Only perfectly fitted glasses will give loth relief and normal sight. W C Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist. M E Conference Appointments At the N E Nebr conference held at eligh last week the follow ing appoint ments were mane in the Norfolk cha riot: D K Tyudall, district superin tendent; Allen, F M Druhner; Ban- roft circuit, William Cornell; Heemer, E Carroll; Bebten, supplied by J G ialloway; Xloomlield, II II St Louis; Carroll, R F Shacklock : Central cir- uit, supplied by J J Kemper; Coler- Ige, E T Antrim; Creston, V 11 Moorre; Dakota City. W K Warren; eeatur. J II Smith; Dixon, supplied v u m. renneir, uartiugcou, it i. Von Hagen; Homer circuit, H A Chap- 11 ; Lunrel, HP Langley; Lyons, J MLeidv; Madison, J E Uoulgate; Newcastle circuit, supplied by S A Draes; Norfolk, C W Ray; Norfolk irouit, supplied by O M laylor; Pen- er, to be supplied; 1 llger. It i Good- II; Ponca, A W Riminger; Randolph, P Jost; South Sioux Citv, J L Phili ps; ntanton, J l( l'ouciier; waneneid, to be supplied ; Wausa, A. E Fowb-r; Wayne. JW Kirkpatrick ; W inside. Amos Fetzer; Wynot, supplied by J Z Helm; Wisner, L V Stouuib. Rev J G Schick has been transferred roni Blair to McCabe church, Omaha. Rev G F Meade is stationed at Lynch aud Meadow Grove, in the Neligh district. For Sale A large list of Cheyenne, Morrill, Box Butte, Kimball, Scotts Bluff and Banner oouuty Nebr, lands. Ranches, relinquishments railroad contracts, school sections all sizes and prices from $0.50 per acre and up for deeded lands. Having a personal knowledge of these lands I will go and show them to those who wish to invest. S A Combs, nomer, Nebr. SCHOOL NOTES Hal Brideubangh was absent Monday on account of tickness. As the 11th grade has taken np solid geometry Miss Robertson is leaching the etu grade grammar. Last week Gerald Hall was promot ed from the lut to the 2nd grade. Attendance has improved very ranch since the fair. Elda Bridenbaugh Las returned after several days absence. New Books have been received for the high s.hool. Subscribe for The HeitALD fl per year. Oneeda DISTRICT COURT DOINGS. Judge Guy T Graves convened the fall term of district court bora on Moaday. Fred Noonan and Tracy McGill, the two lads held for burglarizing the de pot at Homer and the Evans & John son stole at Sioux, plead guilty aud : 4 .1 : I Hallio Simpson, who was charged with assaalticg his wife with intent to do great bodilv harm, plead guilty to assault and battery and was sentenced to 00 days in jail, every third day on a diet of bread and water. His sentence was suhi endi d during cood behavior. L Tn iha nnna nf flfartin lfnlmvicr Vfl Dakota county, llolmvig Was given a judgment for $1311. 11, for surveying the Jackson ditch. In the case of the Midland Mfg Co against Carl Anderson for $2'10, for a bill of jewelry, a verdict wus rendered for the defendant. Sam Breuamann was given a judg ment against U J McDonald in the sum of fHO, damages to his corn by defendants cattle . Helen Montgomery was granted a decree of diyorce from Hugh Mont gomery ; coats taxed to plaiutiff. lu the case of Linderink va Sawyer, a judgment was rendered for the plain tiff in the sum of $190.72. The caso of Adams vs Moeller & Chaillie is ou trial at this writing. Subscription Bargains "Che Hcrsvld svnd New Idea Magazine fl 30 Sionx City Dailv and Sunday Journal 5 without Sunday 4 to rural route patrons. ....... 3 Kansas City Weekly Star ... . 1 Iowa Homestead 1 NOTICE KOR HI US Si nli'il lililn fur cunt ract to eleitn Swnliip IMU'li, from In union wltli Klk Ovi'k, lit mint lieitxt eorner ef the nort IimchI iitnirti r of the northwext iiuiirtiT if mitIIiiii 12, lown Hl.lp 2S, riiriii"' 7, Imkota I'oiiuty, Nrhrns ku. ton point Nil roils Hoiilhtiitsl of Its t-n-tntnro to Tnylor'H illli'li ut the muithwi'st eorm-r of the northwest qunrtcr of the northwest iiini'ti i' of si-i'tlon Z7. township VH, mux' x, it (llsliini-c of live mill's, of till tlrlii'ls, hrusti. Htiuirs, loirs, (nij trees In Nlri'tini or shies nf hunks, oliKlrui'tliiK Mow of wuter In siild illti'h ; of till urowhiK trees, lirush, willows leiinltiMT over Into slrenni, mil llulile to Impede the water In lis pass nxe or hold or Kill her foreltin mutter ho as to olist rni't free How of waters of -nlil dltfh ; ofall old lirlilifeH or hrldxe tlmlsTS fallen Into nld illteh within Hnlil limit, or any nnd fill other matter tendlnu to prevent free and full now of water In said dlteli, will Im. reeelved hy the Hoard of County Commissioners of hakota county. N'cltra- ku. said hlds to tie llled with Iherlerk of the itiard ou or tiefore noon of the ,rth day of OrlolsT, A. I . I null. I'ontiiu t to lowest and host bidder, who must Hive liond to do work lis per eotitriu't Hoard reserves rlxht to reject all lilds. Dated this 1st h day of Sept. A. i. I1MI. W. I.. KOHS, Oounty Olerk, Iinkota County, Nelir "HAVE WE A HAVY?" Ambrose Bierce says we think we have and gives our bump of patriotism an awful whack. To console us, E. Alexander Powell takes us to "The Land of Lovely Ladies," and shows us the most beautiful women in the world. It's a mighty interesting article. You'll find every page of the OCTOBER EVERYBODY'S , w ell worth reading. Lookituvcr. For Halo at Sthniied's News stand THERE are foods all purposes For the brain-energy business men need; the muscle-energy workmen need; the nerve-energy housewives need ; the all round energy school chil dren need. A soda cracker in ap pearance more than a soda cracker in goodness, freshness, crispness. Moisture proof packages. Undertaker County Coroner 15. F. Sawyer Jackson, Nebraska 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE , i in Trade Mark Designs .Copyright Ac. Anrnna ..lin a nketrh .rid diMiorlntlnn mi quickly uscttrinm our opmtun free whtiMtr an Invention Id prohnblf pftlentHMc Communing tlonimrlotlf runrliliirillal. HANDBOOK on I'ntnuu out free. lil'WC numttvy for MM'uriiiH pnlmiti. I'titmita taken throuith Munn A C'u. rcalTS tnrnal notice, without, cliaree, tu tlie Scientific American. A hundfnmplf ..1ntmt! woktf. I.nnrtMt rlr. ruliitkmi f Hiif prientttlrt Inurnal. Tcrnm, 3 four monitift, mu bum iy an newnAior. I..,.., t i.m.. r V Sr- Wanhlrnitim. 1). C R R Time Table C, St. P., M.ft O. Trains leave Dakota City at the fol lowing tixuo : HOBTB BOUND. BOOTH BOUND. 55 pm Omaha 7:58 am 10:0.1 am Omaha 6.13 pm 3 :38 pm Norfolk 8 :23 am 0:28 am Norfolk 6:18 pm 38 am Newcastle 10:18 am 2:05 pm "' 6:55 pm SUNDAY TRAINS. 12:13 pm Omaha 2:30 am 3:38 Norfolk 8:23 am 0:28 ...Norfolk 5:13 c b & Q WEST No. 85 Local Freight 7:16am 17 Passenger, Omaha and Lincoln 12 :47 pm E ART No. 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm 16 Looal Paaaenger. ,6;ti7 pm daily. daily except Bunday. Sioux City, Crystal Lake & Homer LEAVE LK.AVK 3A KOTAa lit BlOUXCtVT 7 15am 0 80am 11 15am 1 15pm 3 15pm 5 30 pm 7 15pm tS 85am 8 80am 10 30am 'i am i 15pm 4 30pm (j 15pm Saturday and Sunday nights '11 only !)R. C. H. MAXWELL, Physician and Snrgeon. Calls promptly attended DAKOTA CITI, ME1IBA8EA v2 tiubacribe for the Ilerald, only II for but NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ISxsrrLpcr as always in GOOD OLD DAKOTA COUNTY means P It O S P E It I T Y for one and all for all follow the farmer This Come here for best in Ranking Insurance Loans. "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" Bank of Dakota PAUL PIZEY, " Dakota Citi Nil j Bonded : Abstracter L Lawyers ES 8t B IL'foV Co. Success Hand Vacuum Cleans, sweeps, dusts, all in one operation. Removes every particle of dust and dirt from floor coverings and carpets Not only surface dirt but from within, from be neath, from the very fibre of the goods itself. Call at our store and see the machine in operation ; tahe one home and use it. It will surely please you. Edwards k Bradford L'mb'r Co. I V. 0. Lake, Resident Mgr. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October October October October October I IV (7 ..I. A -1 A II .1 n If j uuiuiuay, ucioucr u, viiituron s uati p i3 (Drop County & Nbr. ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Iowa Dakota City, Neb Fireworks Electrical Parado Military Parade Coronation Ball Children's Ball e 6, 7, O, 9, if