Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 24, 1909, Image 5

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    !iVof a drop
of Alcohol
Doctors prescribe very little, if
any, clcohol these days. They
prcicr strong tonics and altera
tivi'5. This is all in keen?n
f" ft
wen modern medtcal science.
I: v.vj.Liins why Ayer's Sar-F-ap
arilla is now made entirely
fi : from alcohol. Ask your
d..v:r. Follow his advice.
Vo publish our formulas
We bftnlnh alcohol
from our medUoluta
We urt yon to
ooniu it your
i 'crc is daily action of the bow
lemons products are absorbed,
: hvailiche, biliousness, nausea,
.u. We wish
doc:, r :.ijut correcti n it Vntirrnnclinatinn
by t : - I.txctive doses of Ayer's Pills.
" ' J. C. Aj.r Co., Lowsll. !.
Local Items
Friday, Sept. 24, 1909
We hare as good a stock of hard
ware arid tiaware as there ever was in
iagota Uity, and you will find our
prices right. Schriover Bros.
Fred Wallwey was down from
erson Snnday, enroute to Homer.
Mary Maxwell left Wednesday for
Washington. D C, to re-enter tchool.
Buy a good farm on tho Dakota
ounty bottbm. I have it. Eimers.
Mrs May Sjmrliog visited at Homer
several days the past week with Mrs
Gertrude Best.
Miss Laura Gallagher, of Homer,
was a Friday and Saturday guest at
the V O Lake home.
If yon wislT any of that fine glass
ware at Van's, see him before it is all
taken. He is selling it below cost.
Mrs Homer Skeen and children
eame in from Cody, Nebr, Tuesday to
upend a few days at the M O Ayres
Jay Robertson returned home Mon
day from South Omaha, where he had
been to see his father who is quite ill
at the home of a brother. He left him
much in? proved.
Chas L Culler and wife of Wayne,
were in town Monday on a short visit
at the Mrs Martha Adair home. They
were enroute home from Mapleton,
Iowa, where they hud spent a few
days with Mrs Culler's sister, Mrs
Sarah Dueschl.
The Decatur opera house, owned by
John W Olbrey, a former ressdent of Sunday at 2 :30 p m.
this county, was dintroveu by tire tlie
morning of the 12th inst Lightniug
struok tho building during a thunder
shower, and with no fire protection the
building was soon a mass of ruins.
The building and fixtures were insured
for $3000, which ODly about half cov
ers the loss to Mr Olbrey.
In the list of petit jurors drawn for
the term of federal court which con
venes in Omaha September 27th, ap
pears the names of Rasmus Frederick
sou, of Homer, Lee C Kearney, of
Jacksou, Bert Wood, of this place, and
W A Snyder, of Thurston, but former
ly of this county. These jurors will
have a chance to puss jndgment on the
train robbers who held up aud robbed
a mail car on the Union Pacific lust
spring. In the list of grand jurors
drawn appears the name of Frank F
Haase of EmerHon, and as alternate,
John D Wtdker, of Homer.
Did you ever stop to think
will buy only
no more no less of any
That's good business
the only kind that wins in
the long run.
Our policies are at as low
a cost as insurance can be
sold, to be perfectly safe
to all.
Of Lincoln, Nebr.
Norfolk, Neb.
Mrs Eli-ie Fowell and children went
to Winnebago Sunday to remain for a
Henry Wood has gone to'his boyhood
home at Franklin, N T, for a visit with
old-time friends.
For Hale A nearly new Marsh mo
torcycle, at a bargain. G F Broyhill,
Dakota City, Nebr.
Frank Uribble came down from
Goodwin, 8 D, Wednesday to visit a
few days and take in the fair.
Van is selling ont Lis glassware be
low cost, at 5c a dish. Go in and see
for your self and be convinced.
Deputy U 8 Marshal Sides went to
Norfolk Sunday evening to attend a
session of federal court held there.
Wm Oehlerking of South Sioux City
drew claim No 44G0 in the Tripp
county, 8 D, drawing which is now in
Robert E French, of Kearney, Nebr,
grand custodian for the A F & A M of
Nebruska, was a guest at the R E
Evans home Friday night.
Mrs N Flint of Little Sioux, and
Mrs Lewis Flint of Moorhead, Iowa,
mother and sister-in-law of Mrs Curg
Ay res, arrived here Monday on a visit.
Ernest W Kruek of Sioux City, and
Hulda M Heynn of Doon, Iowa, were
made happy Tuesday when Judge
Stirison pronounced them husband and
Hello Centrul 1 Please give me Nol.
Is this Mr Van de Zedde? Please
send Harold down with a package of
that 30o coffee and one of those nice
dishes. Alright, thank you.
On acoount of no preaching services
Sunday at the M E church the Ep
woith league will have charge of the
entire evening service. Come aud en
joy yourself with the young folks.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
t iwLDB & Slaughter Co.
ThcoEBliven, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
"Well Mary, where did you get that
nice disb, aint it a beauty?" "I got it
at Van de Zedde's with a package of
coffee, for only 30c". "I'll Phone
John aud have him bring me a pack
age when he comes home."
Rev G E Von Hagen left Tuesday
morning for the seat of the North Ne
braska conference of the M E church
which is at Neligh this year. He is on
the program to conduct daily street
meetings during the conference ses
sion. Judge Stinson performed two mar
riage ceremonies last Saturday, one
for Curtis L A Stepheuson and Pearl
R Hermes, both of Council Bluffs, Io,
and the other for Chas M Knapp and
Nellie Rosenbaum, both of Sioux City.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11 a m ; Sunday sohool, 10
ami Class meeting 12 m; Epworth
League, 6:30 p m; Preaching, 7 :30 p
m. Preach in Grace church every
You are cordially
was a Sundav visitor at the D C Stin
son home Mr Lillie is a brother of
George Lillie of Maxbass, N D, a son-in-law
of Jmlge Stinson. Mr Lillie
had two horses entered in the races at
the Interstate fair. Helen B took
tliiid money in the 2:15 puce Tuesday,
aud Athlar took first money in the 2 :22
pice Wednesday.
The M E Sunday school will observe
rally day next Sunday. Our aim is to
have, every pupil and teacher in their
plaees.every parent in school and every
church member a member of tho sab
bath school. A special program ib
beiner nreparod for the occasion and
vou will mi-n a treat if you fail to be
present. A rally day souvenir to every
ouo present next Sunday morniDg.
Following is a list, of the petit jurors
selected for the term of district court
which convenes here on September
27th: Charles E Jordan. William
Ooertz, II R Altemus, C J Goodfellow,
Michael Heffemau. Roy Armour, F B
(!nlhrtson. Alfred Demaray. C B
Guernsey. R A Campbell, E A Tunni
cliff. Alfred Hevmour, William O'Dell,
f'lmrlm Mmuinir. R A Voss, William
Run ire. John D Thacker, Karl Ander
son. Omwr Staium, W I Davis. Charles
Waddell, Williitu U Orr, Carl Liarson,
and Jesse Graves.
The financial report of the M E
church as read by Rev Von Uagen
Sunday morning showed the church to
tin in a most excellent condition. The
total amount raised for all purposes dur
in rr the year was $1,763 in rouud nuni
lwrs. Of this amount S4JJ.UU was ior
benevolent imrnoses. All the depart
merits of the church are in a very let
tering condition and the prospect for a
suleudid Tear next year are exceeding'
lv wroniimuK. Kev Von liageu report
ed also the following amount of labor
liestowed: miles traveled with horse
and bueev. 438: psstoral visits made,
718; funerals conducted, 4; children
hantized. 4: weddings, 5; sermons
118:iraver incetin8 conducted 31
roppived in church lellowship, 2 : dis
missed by letter 11: present member
ship, 91; cradle roll department, W.
home department, 22
r0 introduce fine materials, clean
methods, scientific equipment
into the making of soda crackers
was one triumph
To actually bake into them a subtle
goodness, a real individuality, never
before known, was another triumph
But to effectually protect them so
that the fullest benefit of these fine
materials, this careful, cleanly baking,
this unique goodness comes to you
unaltered, was the crowning triumph
that gave the world
to any and all these services .
Lillie of Grand Forks, N D,
Ssxiut-dcvy, Sept. 25tlv
lib Mc Tea '12c lib of cmr celebrated '2c Coffee, -'He
lib Can of Salmon, l'Jc 1 do fancy Calfornia Lemons,
3 Cans Sweet Wrinkled I'eas
Saturday, Oct. 2nd
:i I Jars Castile Soap 5 c
Jc-liv Classes 2c "-'h
Oil.'. IOC per kmI
Matches, per box 4c
Mason pint jars.. . .3c t;cn
Men's wool Socks, perpr, 5c
S.A. Stinson
I Dakota City. Nebraska
Ernest Trigg has purchased the Mrs
Geyer house and is now occupying the
Mrs Blacketer and daughters Clara
and Ida, were down to Homer Sunday
visiting friends.
L W Hathewav, of Vivian, S D, vis
ited his brother, Galen, iu this pluce a
few days this week.
Mrs Geo McBeath and children, of
Homer, visited a few days with rela
tives here this week.
Clifford Judd and wifo of Hionx
City, wero guests at the M M Ream
home Saturday night.
Bruce Smith and Caroline Johnson,
both of Sioux City, were married
Judge Stinson last Friday.
Prof Carl Sohriever delivered a line
new Milton piano at the Fred Weguer
home in Brushy Bend lneuoay.
Wm Biermann returned home on
Wednesday from Dallas, S J, wheie
he filed en a Tripp county claim.
House for Sale $125 cash, if taken
at once. Enquire at the hilwarda iV
Bradford Lumber Co, Dakota City,
Yon can buy a $5.00 p lir of nu n's
extra vici kid shoes during the week
ending Sept 25th, for $4.00, ut S A
Lawrence Jay with tho limim Iron
Co, of Omaha, stopped off he e last
Friday to visit hia mother, Mrs Geor
gia Jay.
MTs Eva nook, sibter of Mis Hatiie
Miison of South Sioux City, arrive !
here from Cody, Nth, luesday for a
visit with relatives.
Chas Harcourt and wife and Pauline
Uirschbuck left Thursday for their
home at Cincinnati, alter a visit ut the
Geo Hirschbach home.
Kathleen Neiswanger, daughter of
1) M Neiswanger, left Wednesday with
her aunt, Mrs Tim Carrabiue, for Kan
sas City, where she will muke her
John Fairweather and wife of Cher
okee, Iowa, spent u few days here this
wVek at the home of their .lacghter,
Mrs C E Doolittlo, whilo attending
the fuir.
L E Ayres aud wifo returned Tues
day evening from Denver, Col, where
they went about six weeks ago. Mr
Avres is afl ieted with asthma, ami he
found relief in the mouutaiu air
Your opinion alnuit what you see is
determined partly by how you see.
Very few people have normal vision
Only perfectly fitted glasses will give
both relief and normal sight, w
Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist.
Albert B Ri'di of De Smet, S D, and
MissGeorgia Niebuhr of this luce w.ire
joined in marriage September Hit li at
tho briile's homo by Kev W !s Olier-
holtzer, They will reside at Do Hmet,
S D, where the groom is a teacher iu
the public sehools.
A IC'ins'is paper offers this as some-
thii.g tu flme out. A liaiil't r going
home to dinner saw a $10 lull on the
curbstone. Ho picked it up. n tod tin
number, and went horn- to dii.ner
hili) at home his wifo remarked that
Hie butcher had sent a bill miioiintiiig
to $10, Tho only money he h id
the hill he had h'lliid, which he gay. .
to her aud she paid lli l.uteiiir. The
butcher paid it to a larnu r for a culf
the farmer to the merchant w ho m tun.
p.ii I it to tho washwoman, and (die
owing tho bunker H, weni in me
bank and paid tho note. 1 lie liuikii
recognized the bill as "tho one lie had
found, aud which to that time had
pai l $50 worth of debt V nickel's
worth ('I peanuts will lie given u Hie
first pcixuu furnishing a correct aim i r
us to who, if anyone, was ahead in the
Subacribe for Thb Hebald fl per
The high school room bad a spelling
contest lust Friday.
Marjoriu Spencer and Georgia Nie
buhr were visitors at the hih school
This week the attendance has been
broken into finite badly on account of
the fair at Sioux City.
The 2nd piimnry room is very much
interested in the study of corn. They
are also iiuproviLg tho decorations iu
their room by tin mi of pictures.
Tho high school received part of the
books sent for.
The lt primary will be provided
new chairs in a short time so that bet-
woi kau bn done.
After this week the 8th grade gram
mar class will recite in the grammar
ron in.
Mamie M cCorliiiulale spent Satin
day and Solid iy at home.
For is.il i
A large list of Cheyeune, Morrill,
Box Butte. Kiinhnll, Sc-ntt., Bluff and
Banner county Nebr, lands.
Ranches, re' jiniiiishnietits railroad
contracts. Heboid sections all sizes
and prices from $0.50 per acre and up
for deeded lauds.
Having a personal knowledge of
these lands I will go and show them to
thoe who wish tn invest.
S A Combs, fldturr, Nebr.
County Coroner
Cte Ilcrsvld svncl
New Idea Maga.i io $1 30
Siont City Daily and Suuday
Journal ." 5 0(1
without Sunday 4 20
to rural roiilo patrons 3 50
Kansas City Weekly Star ... . 1 15
Iowa Homestead 1 40
Sealed Mils for i'oiiI raet to clean Hwaiup
lilu-li, from lis iinlnti Willi Klk Creek, ill
Houtlieast corner of Hie northwest quarter
of the north wel i Hurler of section IS, town
ship m, iiiukc 7, I'akola county. Nebras
ka, to a polnisii roils southeast of Its en
trance tu Taylor's ditch at tlni southwest
corner of lliii northwest iiuiirter of the
northwest iiuiirter of section 27. township
?s, rautn s. a tlt-uancc of live inlles. of all
clrl.il-, hrllsh. snills, hiK. ileml trees III
slreain or sides of hanks, ohst.rucltnif Mow
of water In said ditch ; of all Kiuwlnu trees,
brush, willows leauliiK over Into stream,
ami liable to Impede the waler In Its pass-
nue or hold or Kalher foreign matter sons
In obstruct free Mow of waters of said ditch ;
ufallold brldtfcs or bridge tlmls rs fall
lino said dllcli within said limits, or iniy
and all oilier matter tendlim to prevent
I unil full Mow of water In said ditch
will h- received by the Hoard of County
I i '111111111--loners of liiiWnlu i-nunly. Nebras
ka, sa d bills to Is- tiled with tliei derk of tin
b ia d on or before noon ot the Mil nay
i udolsr. A . 1 1. I Kill.
i iniii riu l to lowest and Is st bidder, w ho
must nlve bund to iln work as per contract
Ito.ir I reserves rlKUl to rejeci all bids.
Kale. I till ISili day ot Sept. A. Ii. bi n.
W. I.. Hi IS-;,
County Clerk, I'akola County, Ni hi
"The Blast and the Jungle,"
Judge Lindscy's autobiogra
phy is one of the biocst
things ever published by any
It starts in the October
No believer in dean govern
ment and riht living can afford
to miss it.
And don't let O. Henry's
storv net bv Vo. It's J'e of
seven crackerjaeks in the
For S.i.e at Iiuiied s Ni us stand
Tsxlcc Notice!
15. F. Sawyer
Jackson, Nebraska
uu ytARS
u ;'- s , .
;orv('.tiHT dr..
il,-.r-ii.i Inn n-
. ''' r .
. -s b . s.
R R Time Table
C, St. P., M. A O.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
lo-viug timo:
ntn Omaha 7:58 am
10:li;i am Omaha 6.13 m
...Norfolk 8:21) i
of the Good
of tv Good Bivnk
this week our largest statement.
Twenty-four years young less than fifty dollars total
losses, and "ALWAYS hungry for MORE business."
Sound good?
Plenty of money for cattle loans this fall,
and interest low
"The Hank that ALWAYS treats you
Bank of Dakota. County
Dakota Citvi Nik. JaW ZTS
Bonded : Abstracter
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City: Iowa
::!8 lm . . .
.'28 am...
:'M am. . .
:05 ni . . .
2:13 jim . .
. Norfolk ..
, . .5:18 jim
..10:18 am
. 6 :55 pm
. . ..Omaha 2 :')() am
. . . .Norfolk 8 :'2U am
Norfolk 0:13
C B & Q
N'k. 8,i Local I' reight 7:15 am
17 " PanHenger, Omaha
and Lincoln' 12:47 pm
S'o 8i Loeul Freight' 2 :25 pro
111 Local ruHHonger. .:i'7 jm
daily. duilv exoejit Knnday.
Sioux City, Crystal Lake & Homer
7 1 5.1111 ti i'tft'1 m
j :iti..m 8 ;i0um
11 lr.aiu It' IlOiini
1 l.'iuii 1 '2 am
'A l.'iiiii '2 15(iin
5 .'((ijim 1 liOina
7 1 ."iptii 1 rjjini
.Saturday and Hm day nifilita '11
E G3l M. lfbV Co
Success Hstivcl Va.cixtim
Cleans, sweeps, dusts, all in one operation. Removes
every particle of dust and dirt from floor coverings and
carpets Not only surface dirt but from within, from be
neath, from the very fibre of the goods itself. Call at our
store and sec the machine in operation; tahe one home and
use it. It will surely please you.
Edwards & Bradford L'mb'r Co.
V. 0. Lake, Resident Mgr.
Dakota City, Neb
r ir.-
i -.1- l.;, 7r i , . j " v r ..-.). .... .. . x ITT. .. 'j
'.'hysiciiui and Surgeon.
Calls jiroiniitly attended
tiubucribe for tho ilorald, only II.
Tuesday, OoCober
Vodrscsday, October
Thursday, October
r-Viday, Cctch-r
Electrics Parado
Military Vzrzd
i . i :
) L ." .' i ... -A'.'..'3,..-..iti-,;W
1 V''
I year.