Dakota County Herald Official Paper of the County JOSII B. MAM, PCBLIBEZB. Huhxcription Price. $1.00 Ter Year. A weekly newspaper published at Dakota City, Nebraska. Permission has been granted for the transmission of this paper through the maiig as aecond-clas matter. Telephone No. 43. REPUBLICAN TICKET. 8TATB. For Justices of the Supreme Court: .IOHN n. HAUNKS. .lACOn FAWCKTT. SAMl-HI, II. SEDGWICK. For Koeents of the State 1'nlvorr.ity : CHARLES S. ALLEN. W. CI. VIHTMOHi4. For RpK'iit of the State Unlverttlty: (To Fill Vacancy) FKANK L. 1IALLEK. COUNTY. For County Clerk: V. L. ROSS. For County Treasurer: W. J. MANNING. For Countv Sheriff: ,T. P. ROCKWELL. For County .Iudfe: n. C. STINSON. For Clerk District Court: fiEORGE WILKINS. For Countv Superintendent: WILFRED E. VOS8. For County Coroner: B. F. SAWYER. For County Commissioner, 2d District: TIIOS. LONG. For County Commissioner, .Id District: (To Fill Vacancy) .1. II. nONDERSON. Tho republican ticket nill b found at tho hoad of the editorial jihru of the HerHld. Ym won't ko wrong if you rote it straiKht, from top to bottom. from our Exchanges Wjnot Tribnne: The new home of H A MoCormick is all induced tind will be ready for the plasterers the fore part of next week. South Creek items In Ponca Journal : Joe Gill came up from Jackson lust TLnrsdity to purchnHe some land here. ... .Johu Hcullurd shelled corn in Da kota county last week. Winnebago Chieftain: Mrs Harry Clnmljcrluiu whs n passenger to Dako ta City last evening. .. .M F Liiugh.in f D ikota City was a Winucbago bum- bosn culler on Tuesday. Ponca Leader; F D Fales has rent ed the Frank Robertson property and expects to move his family here. .. . Mr Cornell of Cobnrn who spent a few days at the Berry home returned homo Monday uf temoou . Thuri ton items iu Pender Republic: Attorney E J Smith was down from Homer Monday ... .Lieutenant Peary of North Pole fame and our own Lew Peary a'e two different personnges, but nm of the smaller ones here were un der the impression that it was our Lew. Our Lew didn't find the pole but we will bet a good prohibition-socialist cigar that he can climb it. Allen News- Henry Armour, broth er of V J, came up from tho city Fri day evening to take charge of the drug store in tho place of Mr Crady who re tained to the city for medical treat ment. Mr Armour is a rcgiNti-red pharmacist ... .F D Fults of Leeds, Iowa, was here last week visiting old friends and acquaintances. Mr Fules was principal of the Allen school some 15 years ago, was county judge 4 years and has been in tho grocery business at Leeds the past 3 or 4 years. Sionx City Daily News, 18th: Mr and Mrs BO Potter, of Kansas City, Mo, announce the marriage of their daughter, Nellie Margaret, to William Nesl Porter, of Philadelphia, Pa, Sat urday, Sept 18, 19UU. The oeiemouy wan performed in the Westmiuxtto Congregational church at 3 o'clock. Mrs A J Mo Laughlin and daughter, Mary Ellen, of this city, wero among the guests. Miss Potter ia a former Sioux City girl, having lived here until three years ago, when she removed with her parents to Khubub City, Lyons Mirror: Mra 8 S Brown and daughter, Eva, are home from Colora do. She brought home a sample of fine wheat raised up in the mountains 16 miles from Denver on her brother's farm. Hoe it iu the Mirror window. ....Miss Pearl Murphy, assUtant principal of our aohoola Hundayeit with her parents at Homer, Timothy Mur phy and wife. Her father set i led there just 40 years ago this month, while hur mother came to Nebraska 63 years ago on the 10th of last My with lier pnr.-n.ts, Mr and Mra Patrick O'Neill. 8'ilix items lu Sloan, Iowa, Stir: H D Cone, of Dakota City, Neb, has been spending a few d tya at his home here ....11 C Nesbet received the following item from friends iu Colorado: A quiet wedding occurred at Akron, Col, last Tuesday at the M E parsonage when Chas dure, of Otis, and Miss Johnson, or Homer, Aeij, were united in mar riage by Rev Johu. Owing to wicVne.B in the family ol.ly the father of the groom ami one or two wituer-se were reseut. The groom wore convention 1 black, while the bride was tastefully dressed iu a dark blue traveling suit. They will ut once go to housekt e h on the horn! Uoud of the groom jiibt t-ast of Otis. Eunruon Enter prise : A 1' V rau was in town Monday on business ... , R A Campbell while out looking af ter his bees uoith of town the other day was obliged to stay in the country all mut t on acconut of tlio the ruu.. ....J P Divev baa accep'ed a posi tiou with the Carlstroin Marble Works in Bioux City, in which bia father has purchased controlling iuteresta, as traveling salesman. D J McDo i aid, of bioux City, baa taken chsrgt Of tLe drug elore here. .. .August Za- trow run down from Yankton, H i), for a few iIhts Tir-it and accompanied by Frank Simmons went to Herrit k, H l, to visit Matt AsseumROticr and was well pleasel with the country. They report that Matt has a flue ciop and ia prospering. Pender Itepnblio : Chas rounds and wife returned borne to Iiubhard Mon day after a visit with relatives here. .... Miss Hilda Nelson returned to her home at Month Sioux City last Friday after vihiting at the Mra Anderson homo for some lime. ...Mrs LD ltolph and tistor went to Houth Sioux City Wednesday to viit with the for mer's daughter, Mrs J L Phillips, and family ... .Mra L L Ileum wetit to Sioux City Wednesday afternoon to see the little daughter of J)r and Mrs W It Ileum of W h 1 1 i i i 1 1 who has recently un dergone an operation at ht Joseph's hospital . . . .(! o Hurtwig of Nininlnt, Neb, vif-ited with his patents, Mr nnl Mrs C H Uartnig, in 1'etider over Sim day. The Republic editor knew ( orgeat Wakefield a few yearn ago when he was in the tailor shop with hi father. He in now manager of a lumber yard for the Eilwmdn & Brad ford people at Nemaha. We were glad to see him looking stronger and flenh ier than when at Wake field. Ponca Journal : Attorney Fred S Berry of Dakota Comity was in I'onca today locking fat and sarsy .... llov F OeniMclien of Neligh, Neb, has been appointed to succeed IV'V M Koolon as pastor of the Genu fin Lutheran chureh. Mr Koolen will soon move to Lincoln, where Le Ims been appointed Miperiii tebdclit of the Tabitha Home. This home includes ti e hospital, Orphan's Home and Hom for the Aged.... A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of C II Fierce in Wiilerburv at nine o'clock, Thursday morning Sep tember '.), 1009. Tho only d uighler, Miss Nellie, whs united in m.itri ige to Mr Edwin E Sherman . Tho ceremo ny was f erformed bv llev L'lngley in presence (f tho members of th'1 family. After the wedding breakfast Hut bride and groom drove to their future home that Mr Sherman had already prepar ed on his farm on the Daily Miss Tierces is well known to the people of Wuterbury and vicinity, having lived in this part of Dixon c-nnty practically all of herlife. Iu the store, as operator of the telephone exchange, in the various departments of the work iu the church, in fact in ways innumerable in which she bus servmt the people, she has done well and all j in in wishing her the success she so richly deserves. Mr Sherman is recognized as one of ster ling worth who has won friends wher ever he has lived. By his industry and integrity he now ranks among the prosperous farmers of Dixon eouuty. Though not well kuoivn to tho people of Wtttrrhurv they iirn most favoraldv impressed and extend oongratula! i.iiis and wish for him abundant huppim-M I ; ; "ft ' - " -""V 'jfji D. 0. STINSON, R "publican nominee for re-election to the office of county judge of Dakota county, Neb, whicn honorable, station he has ho creditably tilled tho p:tst two years. I.IlKKl-SKllhlllUMl l- . V HUBBARD. 0'ir cement sidewalks are being luid very slowly. Will Dodge was among the city pusHongers laat I nday. Pat Oreen has reuted the Joe Hagan farm. Cornhusking mittous and gloves, at Carl Auderaou's. John Oreen and wife speut Sunday ut tho M Oreen homo south of town. Tho new dwelling which is beiug erected by M Oieon is nearly finished and will soou he ready for occupancy. George Ehel has just completed a big corn crib on tho Bleukiron farm rutheust of town. Carl Anderson und wife were both on the sick list last week. 11 C Hansen and family and L E Priest were passengers to the city last Friday. Gertie Fair was quite ill last week with a cold, but is considerable better at thu writing. We can use all your produce cream, butter, eggs, etc, aril will pay the market price. Curl Anderson.. L E Priest went to Hartingtou lust week to attend tho fair, returning Thursday, A dunce was given Ht tho Deroinu h une lust Kriduy evening. P Pedeison, Huns iirenn and Ras mus l'eiluiseli. of Nalll, lew a, UK; vis iting at the I! R Smit'i home. Ham Brannauian, of .lael.non, his rented tiuiT 11 Long f,trui near Beit 1' rancj-eo's. Hans Nelson v. ill put up a new set of loiihlingM on his l iiru south of town, (leorgo Kbel will tlo the Work,. See our stock of ll uinels if you want something iiicound tasty. A dig vuri- ty of styles t select from. Curl Au- ilelHoU . L uiis Rot!g and Andrew Hansen and j family Muuduycd ut tue ruler Ander son home. Among those who went to the fair Tuesday were, L Hogg, A Hnuaou and family, Peter aud Ed Jensen, B Glib- hie and family, John Howard, wife and aon, Vincent, Boy WiUey and wife, MrsE Anderson, Josephine Leedom, Carl Anderson, Mrs Garret and son, Byron, Raymond Cullen, Anna and Andrew Anderson, Emma Fredrickson, Jack Beacom, Johanna Mundy. Lara Mortenaon. Alfred and Martha Hmitb. visited at the P Sorenson home last week . Station agent Whittecar ia making regular trips to Jackson now. See DC Heffeman'a advertisement of the famous "Independent" manure spreader in this issue of The Herald. Notice that steel beater, it will wear a life time for anv man. This machine will spread dollars on your land. Louis Poderseu and wife were Sun day visitors at tho Herman Nelson home A Larson, wife and daughter are p x- ..- ' . . " . ... . '-. ,:- , : . . I X - r' ' i ' ' - i - V' W. J. MANNING, Republican nominee for re-election as treasurer of Dakota county. Mr Man ning record as treasurer is above re proach. He is not only an obliging official, but also one who devotes his best efforts for the interests of the countv iu every matter that comes bo- fore him . pecteu home from their trip to Den mark next week. P Persinger has resigned his posi tion us rural mail currier. Our stock of heavy shoes for fall and winter is here and wo can fit every member of the family. Carl Auder son. Ry WiUev sold his best borso lust week for $175 Hans Nelson shipped a car of hog: to the city Wednesday and uccompu tried the shipment to take iu the tag fair. Mrs B J Cobleigh took in the f. ir it few divs this week and also visited friends at Dakota City. We have n nice line of sweaters for m.n and boys in all grades und styles Carl Anderson. .Minnie and Axel Kasranssen wero visitors to tho fair the first of the week. Little Julia Smith, who has been iiute sick for Home time pant, is re ported as doing uioety now. Winter underwear in all grades and prices at Carl Anderson's. It is a lit tin early yet, but. it is better to bo too early than too lale iu preparing for for cold weather . A farewell surprise party waH ten dered Mra Mundy and daughter Johanna, last Friday evei ing. They will soon loave for Germany, their lulure borne. HOMER. Marion Curtis was ou the sick list Wednesday. Hurry MeKinley and Geo Larson returned from the southern part of the state Monday. Vera1 Miller departed Sunday for Lung Pine to visit her Darents, Diok Miller and wife. Tom Ashford made a business trip to the western part of the state th Hist of the week. Airs John Ileum and children were guests of Homer relatives Sunday. Clvde Smith came iu from the sand hills last week und visited Homer relu lives several days. Walter Smith oanio home from Em erson Saturday, where he kept sho while his brother, Glen visited the folks iu Rock county. Louis Smith and wife buudavod at the Phil Rents home. Hazel Lake was a Dakota City vis itor from Friday till Sunday. Nelson Smith and wife and John Harris and wife, went to the fair Tues day. Urval Liako was a lair visitor on Tuesduy. Miss Gertie Buckland was a Homer visitor over Sunday. T D Curtis was a passonger to Sioux City Saturday, returning Mou day, Mr II A Monroe and littlo daugh tern were the guests of Mrs Auua Shiill,froni Friday till Sunday. Peach MeKinley visited at the Wui Ctupp home last week. J.nues AtUwuy is buil ling a house on his farm. R.tsmus Nelson wil oo enpy it. .'its Audrev Allawav went to hneix iiy Tuesday. Minor Cm lis returned frcui Oinster Held, Tuesday. M rs Mary McBeath was down from Dakota City Sunday. Neva, Best went to Peru, Nebr, Sun dry, to resume bur studies iu the kttte normal school. Mrs Will Muhou arid children came down Sunday from South Sioux City, Slnuiff Rockwell was iu Homer Wednesday. Mrs Lewis Smith went to Minnesota this week to visit relatives. Joe Maney went to South Dakota Saturday to visit his parents. Mia, nole, George Harris accompanied him. It is rumored that Joe Well I guess we won't tell it, till we know it is so. JACKSON. John T Daley went to Omaha Wed nesday morning. James Eby, of Laurel, Nebr, was viiiting friends in town Monday. Mrs Hans Knudsen, who was Jerions- ly ill the past week, i improved. Helen Kearney was a guest of friends in Sioux City the past week. Bonny Barry returned to Lake For est college, near Chicago, Tuesday evening. Frank Lilly and wife of Belvidere, S D, visited relatives here the last of the week. William Kennelly refnrned Tuesday from an-over Sunday visit with friends in Hartington., Mary Sullivan came up from Omaha Friday evening and remained over Sunday with her parents. The Interstate Fair is attracting the usual number from here this week. They pronounce it the best yet, E T Kenoslly, the R F D currier, is again on duty after a two weeks va cation with friends in Minnesota , James L Barry left Tuesday for Maoon, Mo, to attend the military school at Lees, the coming year. J W Finnell and wife went to Sioux City Tuesday to spend the week with relatives and take in the Interstate fair. John Guiles is building a fine corn crib to store bis bnmper crop of corn this fall. William Garner is doing the work. Goorgo Teller and John Ryan deliv- red 2200 bushe'fl of corn to the Saun ders Westrand Elevator Co here the fir st of tho week. Mrs Thomas Sullivan, and daughter, MrsJP McEwen, and little son, of Sioux City, name up Saturday evening to spend a month at their home here. John Sullivan and Frank O'Neill de parted Wednesday lor Lincoln, the former to resume his studies at the university and the latter to enter this year. Edward T Kearney returned Mon day from a two week s visit with his mother at Pinckney, Mich He also at tended the national bankers convention at Chicago Mrs Jumes Ilartnett and son, Car mel, of Sioux City, were over Sunday guests in the T J Ilartnett home. Mr and Mrs Hartnett are about to move to Omaha to live. The annual conference of the priests of the diocese was held at the parochi al residence of Rev P F McCarthv Wednesday . A number of priests were in attendance. Born, to Mr and Mrs M M Uickey, of Tempe, Ariz, Sept 17, '09, a daugh ter. They formerly lived here until this summer, when they moved to Tempo for Mr Hiokey's health. Undertaker B F Sawyer, was called to Newcastle, Nebr last Friduy to take charge of the remains of Alex Garner, who died nt his home there that morn ing Mr Garner lived in this county until this spring when he moved to Newcastle. The remains were shipped to Elkhoin, Nebr his old home, for interment. SALEM Chas Blessing is building an addi tion to his barn. George lleikes Fremont Sunday. was a passenger to Frank Learner and wife visited rela tives in Homer Sunday, Mrs Altmus and daughter, Mae, were Homer visitors Sunday. Irving Fisher installed a fine new piano in his home Wednesday. Jacob Learner has been harvesting his apple crop the past two wHks. Louis Geister is at the St Joseph's hospital Hufferiug with an attack of pneumonia . Claire Lapsley left Sunday for Mor gan Hill, Cul, the home of her parents, R L Lapsley and wife. Fred Schmidt has gone up into So Dakota to look up a locution if he can find land that will suit him. John Krueger, oue of the enterpris ing farmers of Brushy Bend who be lieves in keeping up with the times, bus purchased a now manure spender. John W Ilazlegrove and Fred Cor nell were up to Dallas, H D, the past week where the latter filed on a home stead, having drawn a number iu th Tripp county lottery. Under the auspices of the ladies of S a fern a "barn sociable" ill be given at the Geo Butea home on Wednesday evening, October 1st. Chicken pin and coffee will be served. Ic cream and cuke extra. Everyone invited. Miss Ann Reed, an aged lady who has been cared for at the poor farm for the psst few months, passed away last Friduy morning at 3 o'clock. Her death was due to old age, she being in her 82nd year. The funeral was held Friday afternoon, interment being in the Dakota City cemetery. Mrs Alice Sides and son Jacob, who have, been touring the west and Paoitlo coast this summer, are at present in Los Angeles. A few of the points of interest which have been visited so far are Spokane, Portland, Sun Francisco, Hun Jose, Scuttle und other places. Several days were spent at the latter place seeing the sights at the exposi tion. Tho trip to Frisco from Port land was made by steamer. Jacob writes that thoie will he no more trav eling on sea for him, for he had to miss too iuu'iv meals, the way it, was. A pleasant visit was had with D (' Dibble and wifo at I'ulo Alto. They me enj 'ving themselves immensely w hi" ever tin y go. NACOBA. Tlieies.i Audersou was a Sioux City passenger Fii lav. Mrs Lena Simmons was a passenger to Emerson last Friday. i John Zastrow was a passonger to , Sioux City Wednesday. T lice ii ey and wife were Sioux City pasHcngers last Thursday. J W lleeney and sister Nellie wero EmeiBou vihtois Weduesdsy. j Quito a number from here attended ' the fair at Sioux City this week. j A Schwartz, wifo and daughter, Al-; vi ia, were Sioux City shoppers last Thursday, Maurice O'Connor was a Sionx City passenger last Saturday . Mrs R R Larson spent a few data last week with friends at Wakefield. John Liewer of Emerson was a gue't at James Heeney's last Sunday between trains. Mrs Fred Walway and sister. Lena Larson, f,pent Saturday and Sunday with frieuds at Homer, Fred Bickel was taken to St Joseph's hospital Monday for treatment, he 's suffering from rheumatism. John Zastrow and A Schwartz accompanied turn to Moux City. Quite a number of the ladies called at the home of Mrs A Schwartz last Monday in honor of her birthday. An elegant three course lunch was served, af;er which all the ladies went home wishing Mrs Schwartz many happy re turns of the day FIDDLER CREEK Miss Mollv Sawyer, of Sioux City, wus an over Sunday visitor at the F A Sawyer home. Joe Maurica was home from Carrol again Saturday and shook hands with his grandmother and uncle from Wis consin. Little Craig Priest is suffering with a tumor in his ear. Mr Priest took him to a specialist in Sioux City Sat urday. He is better at this writing. Grandpa Rockwell came home Sat urday from Illinois, and his Fiddler r'rotf.b frtundfl urn rrlurl In ana ltim liufk again. Chris Simmon son of Lakeviev, Io, is making a visit ut the J N Miller home, He says the crops look far better up here, than there. Fiddler Creek has been a busy cor ner this week. Four steamers have been threshing in this neighborhood, right close together. Everybody on Fiddler Creek tcok in the fuir Thursday. SOUTH SIOUX CITY From the KecorU Will Ochlcrking is in Dakota this week looking up u claim. Mr and Mrs F D Falcs were over from Leeds Wednesday. A cement wain was tins ween put m fraud of the Mullins nnd Doru buildings on Main street. Mr nnd Mrs W S Foyc of Waveilv Iowa, have been visiting friends here the past two weeks. Miss Hessie Miller left Tuesday tor Mount Saint Joseph college ut Dubuque Iowa where she will nttend school tins year. Friends of Isaac Fouts, who has been confined to his home with a severe nt tack ol paralysis, will be glad to learn that he is improving in health. Clarence Phillips left Monday for Lincoln where he will enter the State University as a student of civil engineer ing. Rev I L, Phillips (lccomupauicd liis son and saw that he was well started iu his yeur's work. A u additiortSs heing built to the Tol linger house on Frederick street occupied by Mr mid Mrs Charles estcott. It a two story two room addition built in conformity to the main pa t of the house arid will make it a comfortable home. J II llogan sent a sample ot sugar cane to the Stae HxpcrimeHt station at Lincoln this week. The heads of hi9 cane are covered with "smut" nnd Mr llogan fears that if ted to his horses and cattle, it might prove disasterous to thein- Kev I A Kamsev, who was nt one time pastor ol the Methodist ehureh here, nnd who is now nt labor, lown, has bet- called to Helena, Montana, where no will be pastor of the First M i chine at a fine salarv. Fiiends here will be glad to learn of his success. The 10 o'clock car on the Traction line cc mtng from the city struck n team ot horses coming down of the Combination bridee. The team was loose and wan dcriiit; nhout without a driver. No dam aire was done the horses but the Ironi wheel of the wagon was smashed t kindeling wood. The pnssengers we somewhat shaken up Hut no one was hurt. The executive committee of the Dnko ta County Sunday School Association held a meeting at the Picsln tcrian church Thursday afternoon and talked over plans tor the coming years work Those present were:- L Ivryger, presi dent: ! W mehrenner, stiperintcnt Ao nit Training; Burt Kroeseu, Superinten dent lenclier 1 raining; or this place Miss Elizabeth S Ilanse, secretary-trens urer nnd Kev Vonllagen. superintendent of temperance, of Dakota City. The cement crew working under W Wells composed of Geo. Warner, John Hancker and Floyd Kuigmadea ghnstl tind while digging for walks on 16th street. A box containing the skeletons of two children, evidently twins, wns uncovered. The skeletons measured over three feet and it is presumed the the two children were about five or six vears old. Much conjecture is being inade as to how they came to be there As they evidently had been buried for many years it is prohnble tnat it would take a pioneer emigrant to give liht to the mystery. Report of the Condition of Tho Bank of Dakota County, "The Bank thai ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" of Jackson, Nebr., charter No. fiol, (incorporated) in tho stato of Nebraska, at tho close of business Aug. 31, lSJUS). KKSOlIKCKS Loans find dlseount $ l.V-'.Ws.i 7" Overdraft, stecureil und iine'ureil 7i 10 llHiiklnu Iioum' luniiiiireiinu iiA- Curreni expense and tines pnlii .. line from nul l, state uikI private luniks Currency t "s-il 1,1 ,i..i In l.Sml im M.r.m mi i.b-j i a 4S.S17 11 Sliver. iiu-Wels and eenls ill.'i H7 s,7Ji S7 Total I.I A 111 I.I I IKS Capital sIih-U paid In Sui-pln land P ih Ideil prollts IikIiv iihml di po-ils miI- jeel to elieek I 1'i lii.in.l i i l lllli-llli s of 111 -oMt . l5,i7il i :l lo.mHi no L',1111 1 M i V'i'.'s in in ','.1 S'l 1", in.- ei i lllli-iiti-s or ile- po-ll. I'lltllt PII.V.'S V. t '.'I.',. !'7'l ST All' OK N K III! Art K A, I s County of I'likolil. ,i T kearney. inliiei of the nUnr niiin.il Imitk. do lii-ri l.y i-wnir Unit tin; it Ism- Mini-men I Isucin ri-et lliul I rue copy of t III' report line le 111 nil Mine . mum. m ni,t. ri kh i : I M . k A K N K I'. 1 1 1 . K K A II N I . Iiirivtor. Castiicr. u I.: I. I ittNKt. I'iri-eioi siniix. m-Hm-iI ami sworn in is ioic ine inih -.Mill iluy of September. l'.Hl. (skai.) Noliiry I'lllilie. My commission expires Mnivli 1, lnl.'l. A lldoil SUlemi'iit of a llnuJ Bank The Newu. lleruld for News whin it ii Are You Going to buy a new heater this fall? If so, take time to think it over and you will decide that quality is what you want first. It is the first consideration in the Garland, Prize Oak and Illinoy Heaters We can supply your wants Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co. Hubbard 'j Patronize Home Industry Wm LrORISBIZ, Proprietor of CDIiy Meat Marlket Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket goes on Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays OA KOTA CITY N EBRASKA i 320 Acre FVec Homestead Wyoming, Colorado and Montana: The Mondell Homestead law makes provisions for 320 acre instead of the usual 1G0 acre tracts. The requirements of the law are practically the same regarding residence, improvements and cultivation. 1 hese lands are going fast ; if you want a home stead close to the railroad, you should act now. Crops and Rain Fall Visitors remember the magnificent display of farm products from West on county, Wyo., grown on exactly the same kind of land that can now be taken in 320 acre homestead! The Mondell Act in cludes lands that receive from 16 to 21 inches of rain fall annual ly aud you only need to see the crops grown by the fanners al ready located there, to be convinced. These homesteads can be taken along the Burlington's new line now building in Wyoming.. I personally conduct excursions the first and third Tuesdays of each month to these lands, and am employed by the Burling ton to answer all inquiries, and to assist you in every possible way to locate along the Burlington Lines. Write for new folder and map of these lands. mm THE BEST 'No ChMl On i r - fV . v'. , 'wsj The sun of agricultural prosperity is gloriously shining, its rays are falling upon the farmer; there is no chill in the atmosphere of his industry. Buy an Independent manure spreader, don't allow your boys to shake manure with a fork when you can buy a tool that will spread it more effectively. Save the boys, the balance of the family will take care of themselves. Buy an Independent Manure Spreader and be happy. D. C. Heffernan, t M09 C Abstracts of Title A $10,000 Surety Bond 'i uarnntees the ace.M iiey of every Aiihtrset 1 iiiiike Will soon be hero. Be prepared with a nice warm Lap Kobe. We have a good assortment iu various designs of pleasing colors ranging in price as follows: $2.S() - $4.20- $5.30, all of Good Heavy Blush, fast colors, and very durable. Come early and get the best selections. We Ml last .Year's pattmis of l'luih and Wof-l Lap l;ohs at one-foui t!i elf i ho juic- Stixrca Bros. Pi 8S t to last WRITS FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS Dn. C R. TARRY, 224 Baa Nebraska buy your m ats of homesteads in certain localities, to the Omaha Corn Show will D. Clf.m Deavkii, General Agent. Land Sceliers Information Bureau. Omaha, Neb. ON EARTH T)1cs4n. r.ni." Ilubbcvrd Nebraska in o Jtsrjt SMUitm Successor to Dakota County Abstract (Jo. Bonded Abstracter J. J. CIMERS 411 Pearl Street Sioux (Jlty, iowex. - nSTULA-Pay When CURED All Keclal tnscases cured without a surgical operation. Iso Chloroform, tiher or other Gen eral ancasthetic used. CUKE GUARANTEED a LIFE-TIME, ("examination Preb. Bulldlnt, Omaha, Nabra.ka