Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 10, 1909, Image 9

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LlLS ffisinJ Mailed postpaid on re
"TttJiE ceipt of price
Tou can't hve a beautiful complex
Ion If your blood Is Impure or 11 you
uffr with Indigestion or any stomach
rr liver ailment
Munyon's Paw-Paw Fills regulate the
bowels, correct Indigestion, constlpa
tlon, biliousness, torpid livers, Jaun
dice, sallow and dull complexions. They
purify tho blood and clear the skin of
pimples, sores and most eruptions.
One pill Is a gentle laxative; tw
pills a thoroueh physic. They do not
gripe, they do not weaken. Price 25c.
E3rd and Jefferson Sts.. Phila.. Pa.
Sightless Explorer Gori Around the
World Without Attendant.
The recent refusal of a railway
booking clerk to Issue a ticket to a
blind man who was unaccompanied by
a aulde would have sounded rathef
ridiculous to James HoJman, the fa
mous "blind traveler."
Although absolutely sightless, thti
remarkable man visited, very early li
the last century, almost every plac
of note In the world, and throughout
his wanderings he was quite unat
tended. Yet he never met with any
serious mishap, saya Pearson's Week-
Ills energy and adaptability wen
marvelous. He scaled lofty moun
tains, forded broad and rapid stream!
and crossed In safety sandy deserts
that taxed to the utmost the power
of normally constituted individuals.
Naturally he met with many ad
ventures, some of which he Incorpo
rated in a most interesting volume,
now long out of print and very rare.
At one time ho wa3 traveling In th
v.'.lds of Eastern Siberia, driving hla
own eloign, which he picked out each
morning from a number of others
and harnessed himself. This was re.
ported to the Russian governor, wh
ordered him to be arrested and de
ported as a spy, believing his blind
ness to be assumed.
He was probably the only mail
European who has ever been con
ducted over an Orlantal seraglio, an
experience which befell him not one
only, but on three occasions. This
was done to gratify the curiosity pi
the dusky beauties of the harem, who
were glad to be able to see and con- '
verse with an educated white man, 1
.hjput losing caste by being seen in I
thAtr turn I
Many other blind travelers have
since made similar extended tours,
and one of them, Dr. Louis Shep
herd, has recently beaten all records
by going twice around the world, cov
ering, In the course of sightless wan
derings, over 100,000 mlle3. But then
of course traveling is not now the
difficult and dangerous business it
was In Holman's times.
' Blessing in Dispraise.
, "Sometimes our disappointments
come to be recognized as blessings,"
(aid the ready made philosopher.
I "That's a fact," answered the flip
want person. "It's always a sweet re
fllef to me to discover in the morning
at I forgot to wind the alarm clock."
Washington Star.
r-'.fl-;- .... , .,;.
'Rend the EaperlCSce oi a Minne
sota Woman and Take Heart.
If your back aches and you feel sick,
languid, weak and miserable dny after
day don't worry. Doan's Kidney
Pills have cured
thousands of women
in the same condi
tion. Mrs. A. Ileiman of
Stillwater, M I n n.,
says: "But for Doan's
Kidney Pills I would
not be living now.
They cured me in
1899 and I've been
well since. I used to
have such pain in
my back and once I fainted. The kid
ney secretions were much disordered
and I was so far goue that I was
thought to be at death's door. Since
Doan's Kidney Pills cured me I feel
as if I had been pulled back from the
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
English Pnuper'a Ingenuity.
How a pauper obtained wool to knit
socks and mittens, which he sold to
enable him to buy tobacco, was de
scribed to the West Ham magistrates
recently, the London Chronicle says.
The pauper was Thomas Ledgett, aged
49, an inmate of the Stratford branch
of the Poplar Union, and he was
charged with damaging a number of
blankets, the property of the guard
tans.' The master of the workhouse found
that the wool binding the edges ot
"blankets was being removed, and that
in five days no fewer than 343 blan
kets were so rtunintred. A search fail
ed to dis'over who was taking the
wool, but when l-edjett was removed
to the faim eolr.ny at Lalndon it came
to the knowledge of the master that
he bad leen teen knitting with pin'.c
wool. Friday the master went to
Lalndon. rn.l en searching the prison
er's bed be found a bag filled with
balls of pin1-: wo-.!, evidently stripped
from the 1,'. a: Vets, and three so.'Ua
knitted with pink wool. Ledgett, who
dented that he had stripped 345 blan
kets, was feme need to two months'
hard labor.
j Quads'
Kl relet Conking.
In tireless cooking there are certain
things to be remembered by the Inex
perienced cook. Oen is that if a dish
Is left indefinitely in the cooker it will
sour. Soups,, stews, vegetables and
such things must be removed after
twenty-four hours, and less in hot
weather. Another thing is that some
foods require a longer time on the Are
before being put In tho cooker than
others do. According to Harper's Ba
taar, cereals may take only ten min
utes, and touRh meat half an hour; it
is best to find out something about the
length of time the different things re
quire before beginning to use the cook
er. Generally speaking, all Indigestible
things take longer than the reBt; oat
meal, beef stew, corned beef and beans
need more time than steamed pud
dings, rice and chicken. A third thing
to remember is this: Everything that
takes a very long time to cook is im
proved and the process hastened if,
when the time is half up and the food
cooled, the pall Is removed and re
heated without opening it, and put
back again.
In all cooking also you must be
careful not to uncover the pall with
the food in It before putting it in the
box. It must be kept tightly covered
from the time it Is pot on the Are
or the steam will escape and the meat
or soup cool so that It cannot cook.
Put everything in as quickly as possi
ble, and cover at once.
Health and Beauty Hint.
Clam broth is good for a weak stom
ach. Cranberry poultice is recommended
for erysipelas.
Daily exercise with light dumb bells
eventually cures round shoulders.
Try taking cod liver oil In tomato
catsup if you want to make It pala
table. Mustard plasters made with the
white of an egg do not blister the
To cure a 6tlng of bee or wasp, mix
common earth with water and applj!
at once.
When a cut will not heal, saturate a
piece of absorbent cotton with coal
oil and bind on.
Nothing takes the oil from the skin
more quickly than a soap that does
not agree with it.
If you wish to scent the false pom
padour, lay it on the rose Jar or on
top of it and cover for several hours.
A sure relief from thirst when water
Is not to be obtained is derived from
holding a dry pebble or a button in
tho mouth,
Buttermilk is excellent for the com
plexion and may be used dally, wash
ing with it, letting It dry on, and then
rinsing in warm but not hot water.
Hay'm Snlt.
The boy's milt made after this model
Is certain to win his own approval. It
is masculine In effect. It allows him
to run and to race to his heart's con
tent and Is quite easy to put on and
to take off. At the same time that it
possesses all these advantages, it Is
becoming and attractive to the looker
on, and it can be made from u great
many different materials.
Sneexe and Sla-h.
A sneeze is exactly like a cough,
lave that the obstruction occurs in the
nostrils, owing to the deposit of some
Irritant or foreign matter, and that
the blast ot air is thrown out through
the nose Instead of through the throat
and mouth. Why do we slghT When
grieved or depressed the tendency is
te hold the breath. This means that
the body suffers for oxygen; and the
long, deep breath which we call a sigh
obtains for itself the necessary amount
Of oxygen. Popular Science Sittings.
racking; Hat.
In packing your hat for the summer
vacation see that the crown Is well
stuffed, so it will not become crushed.
It is not necessary to use tissue pa
per for this. Stockings, handkerchiefs
and other sift articles of clothing will
answer the purpose quite as wMl. If
the hat Ixvists of ribbon loops see that
these, too. are kept in shape with
crushed tissue paper. Pin the hut
carefully l.ito tho trunk, s it will
not slip around In transit.
t'uu valearen-e.
It Is a common error to suppose
that health and strength depend on
taking plenty of strong meat and
drink, living In warm rooms, clothing
snugly and avoiding cold air, and es
pecially cold winds, says Good Health.
: doner jie invauii i.s his mind
free from this and makes a start to
ward hardening his body and accus
toming himself to exercise the muscles
in a Ifcalthful fashion, tho better will
the possibilities be for his recovery.
The conditions which make for health
and happiness are: A moderate diet
of plain, wholesome food, a life of reg
ularity, and above all, healthful exer
cise la tb.e open air. A patient may
be very weak and even confined to
bed, but so long as there Is no fever or
existing Inflammatory conditions that
might be aggravated by activity, noth
ing need hinder him from making a
start In physical culture.
Frettlnu; Injures the Stomach.
"Do you know that your stomach
slumps actually slumps from two to
four inches In your body if you make
a practice of worrying and frettlug?"
said a woman lecturer. "First your
mouth droops till you can't lift the
corners of It. Your chin gets big
oh, you're anything but an impressive
picture then! But worse comes. Your
stomach slumps and colls up on itself,
and your diaphragm sort of falls on
your stomach and your stomach gets
Irritated and creates poisonous gases.
"Then your heart feels as if it were
giving out, and you say: 'Oh, I don't
know what's the matter; I can't climb
these stairs I must have heart dis
ease.' Heart! Legs are to climb stairs
with, and poor mlfgulded women think
they'ye go( o pull themselves up with
their hearts.
"Stop playing dirges inside your
selves. Tuck your abdomens back into
the right places; don't worry and
you'll be all right."
Say Something Good.
Pick out the folks you like the least,
and watch them for a while;
They never waste a kindly word, tlAVy
never waste a smile,
They criticise their fellowmen at every
chance they get;
They never found a human Just to suit
their fancy yet.
From them I guess you'd learn some
things, If they were pointed
Some things that every one of us
should know a lot about.
When someone "knocks" a brother,
pass around tho loving cup
Say something good about him, If you
have to make It up.
H. Fontaine Little.
To Make Curtains Hans Straight.
Curtains, especially those reaching
the sill only, are often difficult to
make fall into graceful folds. There
is often too much fullness in one place
and too little in another, despite the
many efforts to improve their condi
tion. This can be remedied by laying tho
curtain, when ready to be hung, along
the ironing board evenly. It should
then be doubled and very lightly
pressed with a cool Iron. Fold again
and press and continue folding until
It measures only about four Inches.
Place on the rod, and the curtain will
hang gracefully. The Iron should not
be so hot as to form deep creases.
For the Dunlni-u Ulrl.
A clean blotter on the desk.
A fresh ribbon on the machine.
Well kept finger nails.
A note book to jot down Important
Silenco when you feel like tattling.
Ixiyalty to your firm.
A cheery "Good morning."
A llttlo consideration for the feel
ings ot others.
Ptomaine I'otaouliiu'.
Tho first thing to do Is to cause vo
miting by drinking freely of warm
water :.nd putting the finger in the
throat or some emetic. Then take a
full Injection of some warm water Into
the bowels and drink freely of ollvo
oil. If there Is puln in the abdomen
or bowel!,, apply hot cloths, friinuently
Slio Viu the Tarty.
A iiKi'iou fit the most determined
character was encountered by a young
woman reporter on a country paper,
who was Kent out to Interview leading
citizens h to their politics. "May 1
see Mr.
'!" she asked of a Btern-
looking woman who opened the door
at one house. "No, you can't," an
swered the mrtron, decisively. "But I
want to know srhat party he belongs
to," pleaded the girl. The woman
drew up her tall figure. "Well, take
a good look at me," she said. "I'm
the party he belongs to." Vntversallst
The Brooklyn Suffrago Association
recently celebrated Its fortieth anni
versary. Italy gives dowries to poor girls. In
Sicily alone there are 634 societies for
this purpose, with an endowment of
If Japanese parents do not find mat
rimonial corapanlnos for their sons
and daughters, both parents and chil
dren are looked upon as disgraced.
The Rev. Dr. Anna Shaw declares
that this year's congress of Interna
tional Woman's Suffrago Alliance has
accomplished more than The Hague
Mrs. Helen Woods Miller left $20,000
to Brown University to be used In Us
department of comparative anaromy.
The rest of her estate Is to go to the
Woman's College, Baltimore.
Mary Chilton was not the first per
son to land from the Mayflower at
Plymouth, according to Investigations
by Samuel Arthur Dent, which have
been recorded In the proceedings of
the Bostonlan Society.
Mrs. Susan Frances Hemenway, who
was one of the chief heirs of Mr. Rose,
who founded the Rose Polytechnic at
Terre Haute, in her turn left about
$500,000 to the institution and an en
tire block in the heart of the city
for the use of the school.
fame of Crowded Teeth.
When a man had more teeth than
his Jaw could conveniently hold. It
used to be the theory of dentists f
explain tha.t he had inherited the
large teeth of one parent and the
small Jaw of the other. Recently
some good observers, notably Dr. Sim
Wallace and Dr. Harry Campbell of
England, stated that the trouble Is not
hereditary; that it had Its beginning
in each person's babyhood, and that
our teeth are poor and Irregular and
our Jawa contracted because we do
not exercise these parts sufficiently
during the weaning process. In sup
port of this statement, they point out
the fact that the first set of teeth Is
practically never Irregular, never
overlaps and is very seldom defec
tive. A Irlnar Hint.
Every washwoman knows the nuis
ance of hanging out a large family's
handkerchiefs, collars, finger bowl doll
ies and other small articles. To pin,
them to the Hue takes time mid pa
tience. One old colored woinun has
hit on a plan of drylns that saves her
many minutes. She bad her mistress
make her a long shallow bag of strong
white mosquito netting, with a draw
Hiring at the top und tapes sewed at
the corners and at Intervals of 3 or 4
lpehen between. When the small
articles wero ready for hanging on the
line they were laid carefully in the
bag, tho string drawn up so they
would not blow out and the bag pin
ned to the line by tho tapes, for tho
sun and ulr to filter through tho open
meshes of the net.
To .Mr. Sinn.
Always ask tho advice of the wom
an who loves you most lefore taking
an Important step and then do on
you think beHt.
In the Hunt ( la.a.
The woman with a hunted look U
usually hunting a mirror.
Vain Painted On.
Well painted is value added whether
the house be built for one thousand
dollars or Un thousand. Well painted
means higher selling value, and higher
occupying value for there's an addi
tional pleasure In living in the home
that Is well dressed.
National Lead Company have made
It possible for every building owner to
be absolutely sure of pure white lead
paint before applying. They do thin
by putting upon every package of (heir
white lead tholr Dutch Boy Painter
Trademark. That trademark Is a com
plete guarantee.
National Lead Company assist In
making the right vme of tho right paint
by sending free upon request to all who
ask for It, their "Houseowners' Paint
ing OutOt No. 49." This outfit includes
a book of color srhcnips for either ex
terior or Interior painting, a book of
specifications and an Instrument for
detect Ing adulteration In paint ma
terlnls. Address National Icad Com
pany, 1H02 Trinity Building. New York
City, and tho outfit will be promptly
sent to you.
The use of wind motors as genera
tors of electric power Is greatly on the
Increase In Denmark.
Or llolllnaj ftrnnae Skin All Tame
OtT One Sliln ( Knee and llend
Thought Hep nianaured (or Lite
1 nl I ulli'ura o Sear Left.
"My bahy was sluing beside the
fender and we were preparing the
breakfast when the frying pan full of
boiling grease was upset and it went
nil over one side of her face and head.
Some one wiped the scald with a tow
el, pulling the entire skin off. We took
her to a doctor. He tended her a weok
nnd gnve me some stuff to put on. But
it all festered and I -thought the baby
was disfigured for life. I used about
three boxes of Cntieuru Ointment and
it was wonderful bow It healed, lu
about live weeks It was better and
there wasn't a murk to tell where the
scald had been. Her skin Is Just like
velvet. Mrs. Hare, 1, Henry St., South
Shields, Durham, Kng., March 22, lix8."
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole
Props, of Cutleura Remedies, Boston.
In Purls tm-iv .ue mlrty-two miles
of underground railways, which carry
36,000 pussengers a day. Twenty-five
miles more road uro under considera
tion. CASTOR I A
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yen Have Alleys Bought
Bears the
EuglUh Ulllleult to l'rouonnee.
The difficulty of English for stran
gers does not lie in its orthography,
but in Its pronunciation. Abroad, peo
ple will constantly say that they can
read and write English readily while
unable to utter a word or to under
stand a word of the spoken language;
as, ot course, vice versa, a great many
English and Americans can read and
write French, long before they can
understand, or make themselves un
derstood; the other languages are
Just as difficult for them to pronounce
as EngllsK is for others. The only
dlffeienco fv that English stands alone
with its system or lack of system, of
pronunciation. When a Frenchman
knows how to write German, he Is at
the same time able to speak the lan
guage, if not beautifully, at least so
as to be understood; the same holds
for a German speaking French. Prof.
Albert Sclilnz, in the North American
Chooae Your Word.
A lady who was very plain-looking
called on a friend.
This friend's little girl came into
the room and her mother Introduced
"nut, mamma, Isn't she awfully
homely," said the "young hopeful."
"Why, Laura, you mustn't say such
things; It isn't polite."
"I meant it only as a Joke."
"But, dear, how much more of a
joke It would have been If you had
said 'how pretty she is.'" Success
Atk Your Dnittt For Allen't Foot-Eaio.
"I tried ALLK.V'S KOOT-BASB recrnt
ly, and have Juwt bought another supply
It tian cured my corns, and the hot, burn
ing and iti'hlng Hennatlon In my feet which
was ulmo.st unbearable, and I would not
be without It now. Mrs. W. J. Walker,
Camden, N. J." Bold by all Druggists, 20c.
I'rusKia Ik introducing Kuecial cart t
doj truvelem.
Worth It. Wrluht In Cold.
Ifa rKTTlT'S KYK SAI.VE, utrenfrth
ens eyes of the old, tonic for eye strain,
rak and watery eyes. All druggists or
Howard Itron., Ituffalo, N. Y.
Not more than .'!, M) Hliirs are visible
to the naked eye.
13 Till fcl'MMEK SEASON
rhlldr.. ovvrtDdulg. In ..ftni fruit with Mftmtrh nln.
n. . uou.UMu.nc.; uiutli.r. .Ruulil h.v. ou !iu l.lu
klll.r(l"rrji lU ). K&c.. sbo. u4 to., bettlw.
Ilia Forte.
One of the characteristics of H. H.
Rogers was his love of a Joke, even
at his own expense. The humor lost
nothing by that In Mr. Rogers' opin
ion. This was one of his favorite
He, William C. Whitney and sev
eral other friends were discussing the
succession to the presidency of Yale,
then vacant before the election of
Prof. Hadley, who then held the chair
of economics. Another professor,
longer at the university than Dr. Had
ley, was a caudldate, and bis chances
of winning the honor were under dis
cussion. "Well," said Mr. Rogers, "If I had
been as long around YaJo as Prof. So
and So, I'd be president."
"No, Henry," retorted Mr. Whitney,
"you would probably own the ground
and the buildings, but you would not
bo president."
Mr. Rogers always told that story
with a chuckle.
"You can print that some time," he
Mid to a Detroit Tree press man.
Celer aeees Wiakler sas laslarcslera Ikaa aey
asy f anacei wiiseai n, t nuj seen, wries isr aee
Making Americana.
Outside the big public school 147, en
Henry and Ootivorntuf street, the
other day, several thousand alien
mothers stormed the sates and scolded
the police and shrieked for their chil
dren. It was an hour of hysteria.
Inside the building the children
were marshaled to their classrooms,
where the habit of order asserted It
self. Sixty boys, constituting tho po
lice force of No. 147, took the situa
tion in hand, some of them guarding
the yard from Intrusion, while others
sallied through the gates to reassure
the hysterical women. Within ten
minutes the disorder was over." Event
ually such mothers as Insisted after
the others had gone away were taken
to various rooms to see their children
at work.
Nowhere else In the United States
Is an event possible Just like this at
No. 147. Tho shrieking mothers out
side the school, the quiet children in
the classrooms, the steady-voiced moni
tors at their appointed work of restor
ing peace and order these went in
their several ways to form the most
striking spectacle possible In these
days of a new American in the mak
ing. New York World.
The opening of tho Standing Rock I
and Cheyenne River Indian Reserva-1
tlons In South Dakota and North Da
kota In October will give thousands of
people 1G0 acres of fertile farming
lands for a small sum per acre.
Aberdeen. South Dakota, on the
Chicago, Mh.waitkvp. & Sr. Favi.
Railway, and Mobrldge and Lenimon,
South Dakota, on the Ciiicauo, Mil
wai kf.k & ProFT Sound Rau.way. are
points of registration. You can reen
ter any day from Oct. 4 to 23. The
drawing will take place at Aberdeen
on October 26.
This land opening will also give you
a splendid opportunity to see the coun
try via the new line to tho Pacific.
Descriptive folder free.
General Passenger Agent Chicago, Mil
waukee and St. Paul Railway, Chi
cago. Only per cent of Spain's 2O,Vf0O0
population are able to mid and write.
Mrs. Wlnnlov's Soothing Syrup for
children teething, soften the gum, re
duces IntlRiimmtlon, iillnys pain, cures
wklnd collie. 26c a bottle.
Knew When to Stop.
The Bhiewd lawyer knows when to
stop questioning, and none Is more,
shrewd than tho one who, conducting
a case of bribery, questioned a man
the other day, who Is rated high In
tho business world.
"Have you yourself ever refused a
bribe?" he asked.
"No, but "
"That Is all," said the lawyer.
At a latter time he was asked why
he had dismissed the witness bo soon.
"Because," he replied, "I knew by
the 'but' that he was going to tell me
no one had ever attempted to bribe
lie Mulil Outalite.
Tramp (otitsido the gate) Madam,
.uny I ask does your dog bite?
Mrs. Jaye (in the garden) Yes, he
does; and please don't come in. We
are very particular Rhout what we
feed him on! San Francisco Examiner.
No Man is Stronger
Than His Stomach
A ttronit nan is etrong oil over. No man can be
etrontf who ia tuBering from weak stomach wiih its
consequent indigestion, or from some other disease
of the stomach and its associated organs, which im
pairs digestion and nutrition, l-'orwliea the stomach
is weak or diseased there is a loss of tho nutrition
contained in food, which is the source of all phyUcal
strength. When a man " doesn't feel just right,"
when he doesn't sleep well, has en uncomfortable
feeling in the stomach after eating, is lunguid, nervous, irritable and despond
ent, he is losing the nutrition needed to make utrength.
Such a man mhould use Dr. Pierce' b Golden Medical
Discovery, it cures diseases ot the stomach and other
organs ot digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood.
Invigorates tho liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes
the nerves, and mo G7l9 HI-ALT II aXD STRENGTH TO
You can't afford to accept letrtt nostrum as substitute tor this non
alcoholic medicine op known composition, not even though the urgent dealer
may thereby make little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper.
I am a woman.
Ac n
x , j ey
treatment a complete trlaitand If ynu should wish to continue. It will coot you only about 1 cents a
werk, or less than 2 cents a day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation. Just send Kid
your name and address, tell me how you sutler II you wih. and I will send you the treatment,
lor you case, ent Irelylree, Innlain wrapper, by return mail. 1 will also send you, free Of cast, my:
book-"WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER" with esolanatory illustrations showinf why worn ejl
sutler, and how they can easily cure themeelvea at home. Rvery woman should have it, and leara)
la think for herself. Then when the doctor says "You must have an operation." yon cast
decide, lor yoursrlt. Thoasandsof women havecured themselves with my home remedy. It cures all
Oldoryeunf. To Mothers Of Daughters I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily
and effectually cures Ieucorrhoea. Ureen Sickness and I'aiulul or Irregular Menstruation in Yonnj
Ladles. I'lumpness and hnulth always results from its use.
Wherever you live, I can refer you toladirsol your own loi ality who know and will gladly tell any
sufferer that this Home treatment really Cures all women s disease, and make women weU.
stronir, plump and robust. Just Send me your address, and the tree ten days' treatment ia youra.
also the book. Write today, as you may not see this oiler attain. Address
MRS. M. SUMMERS. Box I. Noire Dame, Ind., I). S. JL
fofs tdi
V&V4t??H 7-97
PEKhi...,..i--l TH. O.V THAT
slker 4 vs. Ooc 10c ssckaat celers all libers. Tsty
eeeeiei as a w at s, meets sea sua veiers.
blc Compound Cured Ifer.
Willimantic, Conn. " For fire year
I RiilTeieil-iintold Mgony from female
troubles, ciiusinff backache, irrepularU
dizziness and nervous prostra
tion, it wai impossible for me to
, v. - a : f v..',.. ; ,
walk upstairs
without stopping
on tho way. I
tried three differ
ent doctors and
each told me some
thing different. I
received no benefit
from any of them,
but seemed to suf
fer more. The last
doctor said noth.
injr would restore
my health. I lesraii
v no. t , ...
1 VV,
taking Lydia E. rinkham's Vrgetabhj
Compound to see what it would do.
nu.l I nm restored to my natural
lieallh." Mrs. Etta Donovan, Box
2;ij, Willimantic, Conn.
Tim '.nccesn of Lydia E. riniham'a
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be
used with perfect confidence by womenj
who suiter from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irw
regularities, periodic pains, backachej
bearintr-down feeling, llatulency, Indi-p-estion,
dizziness, or nervous prostra-i
For thirty years Lydia E.rinkham'f
Vegetable Compound has been tho
standard remedy for female ills, and,
suffering women owe it to themselveB
to at least give this medicine a triaL
Proof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others, and why should io
not euro you?
This Trade-mark
Eliminates All
in the purchase of
paint niateriali.
It is an absolute
guarantee of pur
ity and quality.
V'ur your own
tirotection. see
tint it is on the lide of
evwry keg oi white lead
you buy.
1102 Trmitr BulMing. Tut
You Indoor
must give the bowels help.
Your choice must lie be
tween harsh physic and candy
Cascarcts. Harshness makes
the bowels callous, so you need
increasing: doses. Cascarets do
just as much, but in a gentle way.
Veit-pockrt box, 10 cents at dror-torl. SSI
Each Ublat of the genuine U marked C C C.
S. 0. N. U. - No. 371909.
I know woman a sufferlnvs.
I hatre Inunii thecure.
I will mail, freeot any charire, my home treat
ment with lull Instruction to anr suDanf free
woman's ailmentn. I want to tell all woewui akoul
this cure you, my readur, lor yourwll, your aauekteK
your mother, or your .inter. I want to teUrttho
to cure yountelvr at home without the keif ol B
d'ictnr. Menounnot undVrittaml womrn'e uBerlBta.
What we women know from experience, we kaoif
better than any doctor. I know that my heme treat,
ment la a Hale and sure cure for Leuoerrhoe ea
Whitish Discharges. Ulceration, Dlsalaeement
or falling of the Womb, Profuse, Scanty or Pain,
ful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Turners or
rowths: also pains In the head, baoK and
bowels, bearing down feelings, nervausnesSt
creeping tecllng up the spine, melanolialy, da
aire to cry, hot flashes, weariness, kidney and
bladder troubles, where caused by weakstesse
peculiar to our sex.
Iwanttoiend you a com plete t an days treat
ment entirely free to prove to you that you caacora
yonrm-lf at borne, easily, quickly and aurely. K
nirni iwr. that It will coat tou nsthlnl te aire tba
Sure cure anil positive preventive, no mailer how horses at arv age are
Infeited or "exposed." Liquid, (tivt-n on the tunu'iie, aits on llie liioud and
(..lands; expels the poisonous em, is lii.ni the lnuly. Cures Distemper ia
I)ok and Mieep and Cholera in 1'nuln v. Largest selling live stock remedy.
Cure I. a t.rijipe ninou- human henis und is a hi.e Kidtiev remedy. 6uc and
$1 a hotilc; anil flO a doen. Cut t: is out . Keep it. Miow to your drua
gist, win) will get it or you. Free booklet, "Distemper, Causes and Cures?
.Special afc-enis wanted.
Spohn Medical Co. aiJit.",.::.'. Goshen, lad., U.S.A.
e .
sels c.H water seller Ika ssv olker iy. Ttscss Ira
rtUJVUUb At K V U t,U Jutncy, i mm