Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 10, 1909, Image 7

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! 3
The d
ough of
Your doctor will tell you that
fresh air and good food are
thi real cures for consumption.
But often the cough is very
'rr i. Hence, we suggest that
..ou r.fk your doctor about
vou:- takinc Aver's Cherrv
fi P.:ctor..!. It controls the tick-
t, "-r.r,, quiets the counh.
Wo publish our formulas
We bniwh alcohol
from our medidinoa
We urge you to
consult your
O-; of Aycr's Pills t bedtime will cause
r ;i i ''.creased How of bile, and produce a
p.'nrii lr.Mtive effect the day following.
1' ::niih on each box. Show it to your
' " .". Hjv iil understand at a glance.
lx , r-is pill at bedtime.
- r tta J. C. Ayr Co..Low.ll, Mul m
Local Items
Friday, Sept. 10, 1909
22w have as good a stock of hard
ware and tinware as there ever was in
Dakota City, and you will find our
prices right. Schrieyer Bros.
Bay a good farm on the Dakota
tl 1 l?ounty bottom. I haTe it. Eimers.
Walter Cheney and sister, Mrs May
L Sporling, visited friends in Homer
Mrs (.'has Steffrin, of Linooln, debr
is here on a visit with her iriend, Mrs
Take advantage of the"special cash
prices quoted by the EJ& B Lumber
Co, in tliis ixsue.
J O Thompson and family visited
with his pareuta at Salix, Iowa, from
Friday until Monday.
If you wish any of that fine glass
ware at Van's, see him before it is all
taken. H9 is selling it below cost.
Leo McPherson returned home Sun
day from a months visit at Oasis,
Nebr, with his sister, Mrs O E Bliven.
1 Alfred Seymour will move from the
Evans farm to his residence in town,
on acoount of hia children attending
The hearing in the case against
Henry Krumwiede for selling liquor
without a license was continued until
next Wednesday.
Edward Oeorge and Leola Flathers
came over from Correctionville, Iowa,
Wednesday to have Judge Stinson tie
the nuptial knot for them.
liev W 8 Oberholtzer will sell his
household goods at public sale on
Thursday, September 23rd, at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon. Go and see the rare
bargains that will be offered.
Communion services in Salem Luth"
eran church next Sunday at 11 o'clock'
Sunday school will elect officers at the
regular nour. uommumon at lmnian-
uel church at 3 o'clock, Sunday school
at 9.45.
Josephine Nash, daughter of Albert
Nash and wife of Ttiurston, former
residents of Homer, was married in
Wilmington. Del, August 17th to Clar
ice R Woodbury . Both are Winne
bagoes and graduates of the Carlysle,
Fa, Indian school.
Chess N Leedom, of Cottonwood,
S D, was here a short time Friday
evening. Mr Lieedom Drougui aowa
a couple of cars of sheep to the Sionx
v.itv market Friday and drove over
here in an automobile to see his grand
parents, Mr aud Mrs J F Leedom, who
enjoyed their first auto ride with him
llallie Simpson, who 'assaulted his
wife with a razor nday evening at
the Consumers Ice companj s plant at
Crystal Uke, particulars of which will
be found in our exchange items, was
arraigned Monday before Judge Stin
son on a charge of assault with intent
to do great bodily harm, the complaint
being signed by his wife, lue pre
liminary hearing was set for today,
The land beloning to the Winkhaus
estate which was advertised for sale
in the Herald the past month by refer
ees in partition, was bid in Saturday
by Mrs Chas Voss, one of three heirs
The land comprised 324 acrea in a
bodv and brought $43 per acre, or $13,
932. Mr and Mrs Voss already owned
120 acres adjoining this land, which
with their acquisition will make them
one of the finest farms in tue county.
Our schools opened Monday with a
very good attendance, and from the
intorARt manifpst at the beginning we
nrediot a verv successful school year
The following corps of t3achors have
oharjfe of the work: Prof J 8 Josias
sen. principal:
Miss JB rancis won, an
-u.i. un .vntl. trades: Miss Mae
Mrwi,;n,l,.TA fourth and fifth grades
Miss Mildred Spencer, second and
third grades; Miss Loraine Murphy,
,fir8t primary
Who Takes
the Risk?
whan jou are goue?
You are dead. It's too lute
Provide against thut
taking a policy iu
old line
We sell it.
Midwest Life Ins. Co..
Of Liucolu, Nebr.
Norfolk, Neb.
Subscribe for the Herald, only II.
Edgar Ayrea was a passenger to
Omaha Wednesday.
Mrs Griff Jay and little son depari-
1 Sunday evening for their home in
Kansas City.
Frank l'.iley of Jackson, spent a por
tion of the past two weeks at the Mell
A Sohmied home.
Mary Easton went to Winnebago
Sunday, where she began a term of
school on Monday,
For Sale A nearly new Marsh mo
torcycle, at a bargain. G F Broyhill,
Dakota City, Nebr.
Van is selling out his glassware be
low cost, at 5c a dish. Go in and see
for your self and be convinced.
Fred Duensing has leased his farm
northeast of town to Fred Krumwiede,
and will move to town to reside.
Mrs A Smith, a noted vooalist, of
Sioux City was the guest of Mrs M F
Laughlin Wednesday of last week.
Mrs Georgia Jay and daughter,
Aileen, returned Wednesday from a
few days visit with friends at Winne
bago .
Mrs Etta M Spencer and daughter
Mariorie, arrived borne Wednesday
from a summer's visit at Seattle,
Luther Zimmerman was here a few
days the past week visiting relatives
and old friends. He now resides at
Evan Wav and wife, of near Water-
bury, returned borne Friday from a
several weeks' visit at their old home
In Ohio.
Wm Robertson and wife arrived
here Tuesday from eastern Iowa, on a
visit with ATr Robertsons brother,
John Robertson.
Ghas Ostmeyer and family have re
turned from a summer's tour of the
Pacific coast and have taken up their
residence in Sioux City.
Ed Larson returned Saturday from a
trip to Allen and Concord, where he
went to relieve the helpers in the E &
B yards in those places.
Hello Central! Please give me Nol.
Is this Mr Van de Zedde? Please
send Harold down with a package of
that 30o coffee and one of those, nice
dishes. Alright, thank you.
On Thursday afternoon. September
23, Rev Oberholtzer will have a sale
of household goods at the Lutheran
parsonage. Fine furniture will be
sold very cheap. Don't miss it.
Miss Mildred Forbes of Butte, Nebr
a school friend of Miss Helen Orr, left
in company with Miss Orr for Sioux
Falls, 8 D, Thurssday, where they
are students at All Saints school.
Regular preaching at Salem next
Sunday morning at 11:00 o clock.
Sundav school
at 10:00. 1'reactting
at Emmanuel church, Dakota City at
3:00 pm. Sunday school at 9:45 a m.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at rea&iuable prices.
1'ii-LDs & Slaughter Co.
Tiio E Bliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
Well Mary, where did you get that
nice disii.
aint it a beauty t L got it
at Van do Zedde's with a package of
coffee, for only 30o". "I'll Phone
joun an,i have him bring me a pacK-
aKe wuen ije COmes home."
A II Tllioon unrl wifn lfk last ThnrS-I
... .-.. - - - - .
,ay for Missouri where they will visit
Ur. Bliven's brother, Wm Bliven, who I
in a invalid, havincr suffered a para-I
lytic stroke some three years ago.
From there they go to tueir iiome at
Corning, Cal. I
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11am; Sunday scbool, 10
am: Uiass meeting n iu; .upwuitu
League, 6 .30 p m; Preaching, 7:30p
n. Preach in Urace cnurcii every
Sunday at 2 :30 p m. You are cordially
iuvjted to anv and all these services
Because I am moving away 1 win
offer my high grads Tryber piano at a
bargain. If you are thinking of buy
ing an instrument come and see it.
Also my horse, buggy and harness.
The last of this month I sball olier
household goods, at public sale, the
date o be announced later. Rev W S
The first laddiebuck caught putting
anything in the letter drop at tue
iinetnniAA that will damage man bi-
ready in the receptacle will be given a I
phanco to souare himself witu uncle
Sam. Some unwise gny has got a
notion in his head that he can i ut any-
tliintr lin nlnasps in the mail box, and
this is a fair warning to cut it out.
Wm Armour of Sioux City was call
ing on old friends here Saturday. He
had just returned from a pleasure trip
ta Salt Lake City, where be attended
the big G A R reunion; and atuien-
wood Springs. Col, where Dh visited nis
son, Lee Armour, and also at Denver.
Col, taking in all the points of interest.
He was aocompanied by his uauguter,
Mrs Jennie Selby.
The lost pocketbook advertised for
in laHt week's issue of the Herald was
returned to this offke Tuesday by W m
: B Evans, of Emerson preoiuct,
Emerson preoiuct, who
found it on Old Settlers day and
promptly returned it to this office as
requested, it lias ueen ineniiueu uj
the owner, Mrs J A jvoepper, wuo uu
doubt appreciates the honesty and
promptness of the finder.
Hazel Loraine DeWitt, the five
months old daughter of Mr and Mrs
John B DeWitt, died Tuesday morn
ing, after an illness of only a lew days
with cholera lnlantum. lue luuerai
services were held Wednesday after
noon at o eioca iruiu hid xjuiuciau
church, uiid weie conduoted by Rev
W S Oberholtzer. The little one was
loid to rest in the Dakota City ceme
i erv. The svinnaUiv of the commu
nity is extended to the bereaved fami
ly in their hour of sorrow.
Make your heme the loafing place
anl playground of your children and
ten chances to one the feet that have
tracked your floors with mud will not
leave their footprints along the paths
of vice and crime, and the sweet faces
of the boys who have been such joy to
you since childhood will not adorn the
rogue's gallery ; the little hand that
has so often been pressed to your lips
win notpusu iub euipii au.. u. K
. .
bier s table; tue enuouy iran vi Juur
dauahters tliat have so often entwined
your neck will not be employed to era
brace a street rowdy and the lips not
pressed to those befouled by obscene
language nor the nine that leads to
shame, Robert G Ingersoll.
Gretchen Bullock spent the week
with friends at Crofton, Nebr.
E C Doolittle is here from Everly, Io,
visiting his brother, Barber Doolittle.
Ernest Triggs aud family went to
Jefferson, S D, Tuesday to spend a
week at the Chas Hall home.
Your opinion about what you Hie is
. . . 1 11
determinea partly uy now
Verv few people have normal vision
Only perfectly fitted glasses will give
both relief and normal signi. o
Eckhort, Licensed Optometrist.
Tl, 1Tr,-j Rtnrlin in TUIlkinff BDf'Cial
..-'. j J -" a 1
iow Dri0e8 during the spring imnths.
Ouhinets 1. 50 up; also 24 small Pho-
fr,,, o-.r. 12 unhtala 60c. We lend in
iow prices. All work guaranteed.
jiozy btudio,
304 Douglas street, Sioux City, Io,
ve don't care a tinker's d n what
Ue bloated egotists have to say of us,
g0 iong ft8 we have the good will of the
PinnanrR and Old Settlers' of Dakota
county. Juat because wo eaved the
association ten or twelve dollars on a
little job of printing ribbons it has
raised a terrible howl in the E nemy's
camp. No harm don jiibt so he
doesn't call C8 peanut ueaa.
Have you peen oar latest production
iu photos? We are now making some
of the finest photos made anywhere
for the money and prices very low.
For groups, wedding or baby photos,
see us first, and save money.
Dk Lvxe Stcdio,
Next to 5 and 10c store, 40i 4tU, Sioux
City, Iowa.
Following is a list of the petit jurors
selected for the term of ditrict court
which convenes here on September
27th: Charles E Jordan, William
Ooertz. H R Altemus, C J Goodfellow,
Michael Heffernan. Roy Armour. F B
Culbertson, Alfred Demaray. C U
Onpmsev. R A Campbell. E A Tunni
cliff, Alfred Seymour, William O'Dell,
Charles Manning, R A Voss, William
Runge, John D Thacker, Krl Ander
son, Osoar Stamm, W I Davis. Charles
Waddell, William H Orr, Carl Larson,
and Jesse Graves.
For Sals
A large list of Cheyenne, Morrill,
Box Butte, Kimball, Scotts Bluff and
Banner county Nebr, lands.
Ranohes, re'inquishments railroad
contracts, school sections all sizes
and prices from $6.50 per acre and up
for deeded lands.
Having a personal knowledge of
these lands I will go and show them to
those who wish to invest.
8 A. Combs, Homer, Nebr.
Remaining in the- postoflice ut Dakota,
Neb, for the month ending Augii
31, 190'J.
Mr F.tnv Bradford MrsK 1 Krudford
John Hfdmir
MrMll I. K. lly i
(l. o Mi'iioiilnlt.
i iuy I'lii t ililtf.'
K M Kltcl.l. 2
MIhk M'l Hfi iu y
Ali'xi CnrllNTK
M tn 1,1111. ' l..- inoll
Kraiik I'lnKivy
M hi Siulli- Kosi'
K M Klti-hli-I,
Wl. U'liKi.
Joiin fl. Ream, Postiuaster.
The following letters remuin unnall
ed for in postoffiee at Jaekson, Nubr,
for the mouth of Augunt.
MUnCoiit MldklfT Mli Klnrii K Fr.f..'
Mrs All.-f l.cii K M M.'1'oinln
Mill Margin Adolpli Kyly
Knvoy l.l..le Merrltt
M J Flyun. I'oHtmuster.
Partitvs culling for the above please
say "udvertisnd."
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our heartfelt
thanks to those who so kiudly assihti'd
. . t i : .. 1 ..I
m in ma sicxness ana uurmi m u.ir
i.Hi. . .j ttlHO duricfl- the sickness iu
our fl4
milv last winter. Acts of kind
ness like these can never be forgotten.
Mr and Mrs John H UeWitt
and Family.
Subscribe for The LIebald $1 per
of the
1.1 iT .
from tho Record
Born, August 30th, to Mr and Mrs
John Blncketcr, a girl.
Miss Vivian Campbell of Emerson
visited with her friend, Mrs Burt Kroe
sen, Tuesday.
A chnnge took plnce nmong the busi
ness ciifks of South Sioux City this
week when H L Johnson & Co came into
existence succeeding the firm of Evans &
Miss Alice Hngnman, who the pnst
summer has been ussisting in the Bell
Telephone office, went to Homer Wed'
nesduy to visit relatives n few days be
fore taking up her school duties here
next week.
Chris Icep left Tuesdnv tor San Fran
cisco where he will join one of the big U
S Battleships us a seaman nnd serve his
country in that capucity tor the next
four yens. Mr. Jeep saw four yenrs'
service on the eastern coast and visited
n.nny North Atlantic and European
countries. On this cruise he expects to
see, China, Japan, India and the Thill
Wednesday morning at the Catholic
church, Fatlur Plante otliciatmg, oo
currcd the mnr:iaie of Miss Lauretta
Ba'rtlett to Mr Edwanl Shcrrard, of
Horuick, Iowa. Miss Bartlett is one o
South Sioux City's talented young ladies
has lived here all her eirlliood and has
gft.wn into the love and esteem of all
She will he a worthy helpmate tor the
man of her choice, who is we understand
one of the substantial young men of
Hornick. A reception was tendered the
newlytmnrricd couple at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr and Mrs H O Dorn
ChnrWnddell returned Tuesday from
a trip to Long Pine, Nebraska, where he
visited old friends. Mr Waddell brought
back some fine samples of corn and pota
toes raised in that vicinity, the corn
measuring 10 inches in length and being
well filled. Mr Wnddell brought the
corn from the field ol George Geyer. who
was his host during the visit and who ii
a former Ponca man. Mr Geyer expects
to reap about 40 bushels to the acre in
his corn field. From the farm of Henry
Smith, n former South Sioux Citv man
Mr Wnd'lrll brought a large potato. M
Smith has 300 acres in potatoes and ex
nec'is to harvest about 150 bushels to
the acre. Mr Wnddell was well itn
pressed with the country in that portion
of Nebraska.
The Dakota City Emmanual Luther
an church and Sunday school will ob
serve Heptembe 19th us Rally Day.
Every member present is our aim.
On Haturduy afternoon previous to
rally Sunday at 3:30 p in a cradle roll
reception will be Ueld. uabies, par
ents and friends are invited.
Rally Day (Sunday school at 9:45
am. tiradaation exorcises of gradu
ut b from beginners and primary de
partments at 3 I'M p m. Church serv-
icts at 8 p in.
A eordn.l invitation is extended to
all to attend ajy uud all of these serv
ices. (Joule uml rein make tuem u
blessing to yourself and to all.
Hhe IZersvld sxnd
New Idea Maga.iue $1
Hiom City Daily and Sunday
5 00
4 20
3 50
1 15
1 40
without Sunday
to rural soute patrons
Ksnsas City Weekly Star. .. .
Ion a Homestead....
has actually been changed
and cultivated by Uneeda
No longer are people
satisfied with crackers
taken from the grocer's
box or barrel exposed to
dust, moisture, handling.
They have learned that
the only crackers that are
crisp, tender, always fresh
and really good are those
protected by a moisture
proof package. These
are the kind they get
as if just from the oven
when they ask for
County Coroner
15. F. Sawyer
Tackson, Nebraska
. (TARS'
AnTonec .iii'I mol' h r.nit dpnninllon mi'
Ollicklr iiarprt.-iitf "ir 'lnnrl fruO WMM.H.T hi.
h.rw.li.m i .r ,hn!.lr rt . .. t f -I.J ,nm'.nl-
.,inlru;llf riiiiliiiontli.1. HAHIitf,", " I'uniiU
.:.!. fl.MJ. Iilit Iteollff f.i.- rtrt.Jt ii-u j.ttt nl N.
t':.luts nik.'ii tt.routfh Ali.iui .V I'u. rucelvff
nnd witict, wllh. mt chi.rao. In 11. o
Scientific Ji&etlcnm
hwirtximrlr lllmlrHlwl kl. ! rlflr.
-. I rtl I. .1. .f i.iit iM'mllln L nuiiil. 'I .nil. l
your: fmir Hi.iiithn, L Hulu by all Tinr.le.!lu.-
r V Ht.. V'lili.....i P. I'
R R Time Table
c, St. p., m. a o.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
lowing time :
5:55 pm Omaha 7:58 am
10:03am Omaha ......6.19pm
3:88 pm Norfolk 8:23 am
9:28 am Norfolk 5:13 pm
7 :38 am Newcastle 10 :18 am
2:05 pm " 5:55 pm
12 :13 pm Omaha 2 :30 am
3:38 ...Norfolk 8:23am
9:28 Norfolk 5:13
C B 4 Q
No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am
17 " Passenger, Omaha
and Lincoln 12:47 pm
No 8(5 Locol Freight 2:25 pm
K5 Looal Passenger. .0:1)7 pm
daily. daily except Sunday.
Sioux City, Crystal Lake & Homer
7 15m
9 30am
11 15um
1 l.'iprn
3 ljpm
5 30ptn
7 15 pm
0 :!.r)um
8 30am
10 30uiu
7 2 am
2 15pm
4 30pm
0 15im
Saturday end Huuday nights
District Court Dates.
The terms of court for the year 1001,
for the counties of the Eighth Judicial
district of Nebraska are as follows:
Cunilnu Ki ll 1, Ht iit l:i
lukoln Ki d lfi, Hi-lit ft
Miintun iirrh I, (li t 1H
( li'dur iirrli l.ri, Nov H
hi xc in bii'Ii in. Nov 'It
Thumton April VI. Oct 4
The first day of each term is set for
bearing applications for citizenship.
T"f ' 1. J" -
Money f
for all goods loans, especially for cattle feeding.
Call in and talk it over, or write
"The Bank that ALWAYS
Bank, of Dakota. County
Always hungry for
E m IB. EfoV Co.
Seasonable Goods
for Less Money
Special Cash Prices for Saturday, September 11th
Also Saturday, September 18th
Grain Scoops any size or pattern ...75c
Leather Halters light or heavy 75c
No. 1 Lamp Chimneys 3 for a Dime
No, we'll "Not Be Out" we're here with the GOODS.
Watch this space for future announcements.
Y. 0. Lake, Eeeident Mgr.
Dakota C.tv.N... j 121 V
Bonded : Abstracter '
Winter HDays $
Will soon be hero.
soon be Hero, lse
Ij1 Kobe. We have a good assortment in
various designs of pleasing colors ranging in price
as follows: $L80 - $4.20- $5.30, all of
Good Heavy Hush, fast colors, and very durable.
Come early and get the best selections.
Wo will eell all last year's patterns of Plusli
and Wool Lap Holes at one-fourth off tho price
Sttxrges Bros t
MORE business.
& Bradford Lmb t Go.
Dakota City, Neb
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
prepared with a nice warm
411 Patrl Strt
oux City, lowb.