Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 03, 1909, Image 7

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PRICE 25 Ct.
I Mailed postpaid en re
ccipt of price
Tou can't have beautiful complex
Ion If your blood la Impure or If you
puffer with Indigestion or any stomach
or liver ailment
Munyan'a Paw-Taw Pills regulate the
bowels, correct indigestion, constipa
tion, biliousness, torpid livers, jaun
dice, sallow and dull complexions. They
purify the blood and clear the skin of
pimples, sores and moat eruptions.
One pill la n, gentle laxative; two
pills a thorough physic. They do not
gripe, they do not weaken. Price 260.
B:ird and JcfToraon Sta., Phlla., Pa.
"A cms on i lie ii mu that invented
hatd njMirs !" he exclaimed.
Hul the curse mine heme to roost, aad
With the r"su!t that hi henil is as bald
now n iin eggplant. Chicago Tribune.
Io your feet ever feel tired, achy nuf
pure itt niirlit? Kub tliem with n littll
ll.n:i!;rc Wizard Oil. They'll he glad it
1 In- iiioriiinir. and no will you.
A!rrlale Dreed.
"Tl:o Aeronaut who is going to try
that lorn? flight will take h!s pet dog
"What kind of a dog Is It?"
"A skye terrier, of course." Baltl
ft ore American.
One Thin thnt Will Live ForeTer,
PKTljrs EYE SALVE, first box aold
in 1S07, over 1 1 HI year ago, sales increase
yearly. All druggists or Howard Bros.,
Buffalo. N. Y.
Slight Mlilake.
Ilarker I mot Sinythe a week after
he had faced (he parson and he de
clared that he had married his ideal.
Parker Well?
Ilarker A year later he confessed
his nistako said it was hi3 ordeal in
stead of his ideal he had married.
A feeling of fei-urttr codim with Jwt. bving thli
uvmoim rrmedy on hanil. It mm dapvnduble tar.f uant
fallutuolic.Ularrliu-, i-rarul. Ut.ltt(.ud Wc. bo mm.
Fair fSient I want you to sue thnt
woman for $."i,IXM) damages! Slie stole
my husband's affect inn !
Lawyer But. muduni, your husband is
well known in this community. I advise
fou to sue the woman for a smaller sum
any, $25.
Mrs. Wlnslo v's Soothing Syrup for
oiillilren teetlilnir. softens the gums, re
duces Innnminnttoii. alloys pain, cures
wkluU colllc. 2fc a bottle.
This costume could be carried out nicely
In cloih and equally as well in a silk, il
something for more dressy occasions is
wanted. In either rase, chiffon cloth
would be a good choice for the waist,
matching exactly the skirt material.
I.oir of Compensation.
Bobby (kicking) Arthur's doughnut
Is blgger'a mine.
Mother But Arthur's has a much
larger hole In it that yours has. Bob
by. St. Louis Fost-Dlspatch.
The lubnrrr Kills l-'ootl That Would
Wreck nn Oltter Man.
Men who are actively engaged at
hard work can sometimes eat food that
would wreck a man who is more close
ly confined.
ThU la illustrated in the follow ins
I was fur 12 years clerk iu a store
f h
working actively and drank coffee all
the time without much trouble until
after I entered the telegraph service.
"There I got very little exercise and
drinking strong coffee, my nerves grew
unsteady and my stomach got weak
and I was soon a very sick man. I
quit meat and tobacco and In fact I
topped eating everything which I
thought might affect me except cof
fee, but still my condition grew worse
and I was all hut a wreck.
"I finally quit coffee and commenced
to use Petuni a few years ago and I
am speaking the truth when I say, my
condition commenced to Improve Im
mediately and to-day I am well and
can eat anything I want without any
bad effects, all due from shifting from
coffee to Potitum.
"I told my wile to-day I believed I
could digest a brick if I had a cup of
Postuni to go with It.
"We make it according to direc
tions, boiling it full 20 minutes ami
use good rich cream and it Is cer
tainly delicious."
Iook In ;kgs. for a copy of the fa
mous little book, ' The Koad to Weli
villo." VII to
r nu
Thero's a Reason."
Fiver reaJ the above letter? A
new one appear from time to time.
They are genuine, true, and full of
.human interest.
173 -iU
lit Vt ' I
tlnn llrrli-ulf to Itemerfr.
Writing in protest npalnut the gen
eral reluctance to take on as new
members of a working stnff men of
more than middle nse, a correspondent
wanted to know yei-trrday why It
would not be Just :.i fair for the pub
lic to refuse Its patronage to busi
ness houses the heads of which are
more than f0 years old, on the ground
that their wares were likely to be in
ferior to (how produced under the
management of men in their prime,
the New York Times says. The ques
tion was Ingenious, but the analogy
owed Its plausibility to a false as
sumption or on several of them.
As a matter of fact, the goods nrnfjo
or sold by a long established firm are
apt of course, with any exceptions
to be superior to thoe guaranteed
by cne o' less experience nnd reputa
tion. This is the lesson of common
observation. Equally well known Is it
that men of advanced years, while
often highly competent in such posi
tions as those which they would nat
urally occupy In a house which they
had Ions; served, lack Ihe ready adapt
ability to changing circumstances and
custom which young men show, and
they are likely to be quite unfitted for
the subordinate places which alone can
be given them by a new employer.
Were the hiring of an old man a
mere matter of paying him for what
he can do and of discharging him
when he ceased to be useful or suffi
ciently useful to be profitable, he
would find little or no difficulty In get
ting employment. But what employers
dread and avoid Is the assumption of
responsibilities sure to come soon in
the case of the old or elderly man.
He cinnot be turned out to starve
when the fast approaching end of his
working days nrrives cannot, that is,
without more or less disturbance of
conscience and loss of respect, self
and other and the prospect of paylns
a pension of some sort or form to a
man most, of whose services have been
rendered to another employer is out of
harmony with economic instincts.
Of course, all responsibility Is not
avoided by the rrfusnl to employ
worthy men whose only fault is their
age, In:t It Is then a divided, vague
and unidentified responsibility, rest
Ins; on the community at large, and,
therefoio easy to hear much easier,
at till events, than is the responsibility
of him who has at once granted tho
old nail's application for work. So
the world is made. There is something
cruelly wrong about the situation, but
its remedy Is more than difficult.
lie At'.Juxleil Clve Pnllent
hiuiKf of I'oxltlon.
A boon to the bed-ridden and to
thousands of hospital patients
throughout the country is the inven
tion of a Kentucky man. This is a
bed which can be raised or lowered
at the head to any position comfort
Rble to the patient and having a rest
for the logs in addition. A pair ol
standards with a crossbar, looking
like a horizontal bar on rollers, holds J
the upper end of the bed suspended.
At one side of the standards is a
wheel and gear by which the head of
the bed may be raised or lowered to
chance the position of the person oc
cupying it. Running up from the foot
of the bed is a T-shaped bar to be
placed under the legs of the patient,
so tiiat when the bed Is tilted at a
steep angle he Is kept from sliding
downward, the bar beneath his lega
giving him the feeling of being in
a reclining chair. Any person who
has been forced lo lie abed for any
length of time, unable to change bid
position, will appreciate the rellal
inch a bed will afford.
Rwrrla Arc (ireat Hutijr Havers.
The young, unsiiolled human animal
has a liking for sugar just as it has
for sunlight, for fresh air, for play,
for paddling in the surf and plunging
in the stream, or for food when it Is
hungry and sleep when it Is tired;
and, subject of course to reasonable
limitations, as wholesome as any of
the others. This Is precisely what our
specialists In children's diseases, and
broad-minded family physicians have
been urging for decades past, anil It
would he safe to say that next to ths
banishment of starchy foods, gruels,
and paps from the nursery and the
substitution of pure, sweet milk, few
things have done more to increase the
vigor and happiness of modern chil
dren and to cut down our disgraceful
Infant mortality, than the free and
Intelligent use In the nursery of sweet
fruits, preserves, sugar, taffy and but
terscotch. - Woods Hutchinson in Suo
?enx Magazine.
II umeinn n hi In Heaten.
Little Kenneth and his mother wert
about to go for a drive.
"Who was Cod's fa' her?" askid tha
"He had no father." replied tha
"Then," j . -misted Kerneth. thought
fully, "who bitched up i !ie horse for
God's mot h r?' Sucre-,; Magazine,
t.olnic Out.
Mr. ii. There. I've uy rlpar go
out. l'o you know that It spoils a
cigar, no matter how good It Is, If you
allow it lo go out?
Mrs. B. Yes; a cigar Is a good deaj
Uka a Hi an iu that respect.
Old Favorites
What Was III tnit
What was his name? I do paw know
his name.
I only know he heard Ood's olce and
Brought all he laved across the sea.
To live and work f,or God ard me;
FYllt-d the ungracious oaJt
With borrld toll
Drugged froiii the soil
The thrice-Knurled roots nd stub
born rock;
With plenty tilled the haggwrd moun
tain side,
And when his work was dure, without
memorial died.
No blaring trumpet sounded out his
He lived, he died. I do nut know his
No form of bronze and no memorial
Show mo the place where B his mol
dering bones,
Only a cheerful city stands,
llullded by his hardened hands
Only ten thousand home,
Where every day
The cheerful play
Of love and hope and coi"; T comes;
These nre his monuments and theau
There In no form of brovie and no
memorial stone.
And I?
Is there some desert or son boundless
Where Thou, the great Owl of angels,
wilt send me?
Some ouk for mo to rend, S'tne so '
For me to break.
Borne handful of Thy corn to take.
And scatter far afield.
Till it In turn shall yield
Its hundredfold
Of grains of gold
To feed the huppy children it my Ood?
Show me the desert, Katfter. or the
Is It Thine enterprise? Crat God,
send me;
And though this body lie t!ire ocean
Kather, count me among til faithful
Edward Everett Hale.
Heller Farther On.
As we travel through the desert,
Storms beset us on the way.
But beyond the Hlver Jordan
Lies a field of endless day.
Farther on still go farther,
Count the milestones one by one;
Jesus will forsake you never;
It is better farther on.
Oh, my brother, are you weary
Of the roughness of the way?
Does your strength begin to fall you,
And your vigor to docay?
Jesus, Jesus will go with you;
He will lend yru to the throne;
He who dyed His garments for yo'i,
And the wine-press trod alone.
Farther on; oh, how much farther?
Count the milestones one by one;
Know no counting, only trusting,
It is better farther on.
Hark! a voice from Eden stealing,
Softly In un undertone.
Hark! I hear its gentle whisper:
"It is better farther on."
At my grave, oh, still be singing.
Though you weep for one that's gone,
Sing It as we once did sing It:
"It Is better farther on."
Ileerlver Iteporta Ul Deficit on 28th
and IMIIh Strerln Line.
Joseph B. Mayer, receiver of the
2Sth and 20th Streets Crosstown Rail
road Company, filed yesterday with
the Public Service Commission the re
port of the road for the quarter ended
March 31, the New York Tribune says.
The report shows a deficit for the
three months of $4,27T and an operat
ing ratio of 230.02 per cent. In other
words, It cost two and one-half as
much to operate as its earnings were.
The road was divorced from the
Metropolitan Street Railway Com
pany's system over a year ago and
placed in the hands of a separate re
ceiver. It has in operation three horse
cars, which are run at fifteen and
thirty minutes' headway alternately.
The road is 3.3 miles long, with sin
gle track and turnouts.
Gross earnings from operation for
the quarter were $3,174 and operating
expenses were $7,019. Income from
other sources was $108 and rentals
were $538. The balance sheet Is amus
ing, as the only item carried on the
assets side Is the quarter's deficit of
$4,275. The receiver says that he is
unable to present a "general balance
sheet." He adds that no other assets
exist. The figures as to the cost of
the road, he says, are not available.
As a sample of high traction finance
the story of the road Is Interesting.
It received its charter In 1886, but was
sold at foreclosure in 189S. It was
turned over to the Metropolitan with
a capital stock of $1,500,000 and a
bonded Indebtedness of a like amount.
This made Its capitalization $893,388
a mile, which would seem to be close
to the record for street car lines. In
view of these figures the inability of
the road to operate three cars without
large deficit is significant.
Kllber War,
Mr. Wllklns had been sitting quietly
on a nail keg. perusing a paper which
he had found on the counter. The
date of It he had not noticed. Finally
he looked up with a puuzzled expres
sion. "What's this wireless telegraph sig
nal, this V. O. D.' they're talking so
much iiiiout?" lie asked.
"I guess it's V,. Q. I).,' ain't it?"
suggested llolbrook, the grocer. "Any
way, It's a signal of dis-tress," he
added, nrmdlly.
I. nek ul !-.
c had de pnx.f diit dar's luck
kbit's foot," said Erastus
In a
"Wl.,i' ueie de
"I ilc-e '-Id d
In' so lnni; to a
lady fob to' bits.
mio I s been carry
superstitious white
Washington Star.
Investigation shows that girls have
worn shirtwaists upon every occasion
except to be burled la.
Paint IDai-abllltr.
The trst thought In painting shou'.d,
of course, be durability find durabil
ity means simply pure paint properly
applied. Pure paint Is pure white lead
and linseed oil (with or without tint
ing material).
Some years ago the paint-buyer
likely to get adulterated, or counter
feit white lead If he was not familiar
with brauds. To-day he may buy with
perfect safety if he only maUes sure
that the Dutch Boy trademark Is on
the packages of white lead that he
buys. This trademark was adopted
about three yenra njro hy National
Lead Company to distinguish the pure
white lead made by them Trom the
worthless adulterated and fake good..
It is a guarantee as valuable to the
house-owner as the education of a
paint expert could be.
Jtm'a Vernrlfr-
Hogs, as is well known, are remark
ably Bagaclous animals, quick to de
tect human peculiarities, especially
when they affect their own interests,
and especially their food supply. A
writer In the Kansas City Star tell'
e-f a discussion at a village grocery
store which brought In this interesting
fact. The veracity of old Jim Per
kins was under discussion.
Presently Uncle Bill Abbott ambled
"What do you think nbout It. Uncle
Bill?" they asked him. "Would you
call Jim a liar?"
"Well," answered Uncle Bi'l. slowly,
as he thoughtfully studied the celling,
"I don't know as I'd go as far as
to call him a liar exactly, but I do
know that when feeding time comes,
In order to get the hogs to come, ha
has to have somebody elso call 'em for
afTrrlnaa from Klilne-
Vr No Acute.
Mrs. Josephine Jeffery, 24th and
Washington Sts., Marlon. Ind. savs:
To look back upon what I have gone
through. It seems a
miracle that I live
and I feel that I owe
It to Doan's Kidney
Pills. My case devel
oped gradually. First,
backache, floating
spots before my eyes,
weakness and exhaus
tion, then a terrible
steady pain over the
TaT" .
kidneys and an extreme nervousness.
Doctors finally said there was no hope
for me, but I began using Doan's Kid
ney riMi and gradually recovered my
heal' j."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Luck at L,aat.
"I'se done had de proof dat dar's
luck in a rabbit's foot," said Erastus
"What were de proof?"
"I done sold de one I'a been cnrryln'
so long to a superstitious white lady
'oh fo" bits." Washington Star.
('milled Again.
Mrs. Denham Do you think that 1
(hall be a good looking old woman?
Denham I don't know why you
Ihould expect any such radical change.
New York Press.
Staffing Him. , ,
"You people are at peace with all
the world," remarked the foreigner.
What do you need of a standing army
and a big navy?"
"Principally," said the native, "to
keep Capt. Hobson quiet." Chicago
Paca and Neck Wrra Raw Terrll.le
Itching, Inflammation and Sore
no. All Treatment Failed
Cntlcura a Great Surer.
"Eczema began over the top of my
far. It crucked and then began to
spread. I had three different doctors
and tried several things, but they did
aie no good. At last one Bide of my face
and my neck were raw. The water ran
out of it so that I had to wear medi
cated cotton, and it was so Inflamed
nd sore that I had to put a piece ot
cloth ot my pillow to keep the water
rrom it. and it would staiu the cloth a
(ort of yellow. The eczema itched so
that it seemed as though I could tear
ruy face all to pieces. Theu I began
to use the Cutieura Soap and Oint
ment, and it was not more than three
months before It was all healed up.
Miss Ann Pearsoas, Northfield, Vt.,
Dec. 1!), 1907."
Potter Drug k Ckem. Corp., Solt
"rops. of Cutlcura Remedies, Boston.
A Jnal ftrbube.
"I am," he said, "deformed. Pads
hide it. Still, deformed I am, and I
want to know why writers always
make deformed persons villains? Taka
Quasimodo In Victor Hugo's 'Notra
Dame.' Why, Quasimodo was little
belter than a wild gorilla, swinging
from the great bell and hurling the
priest down from Ihe high tower. Taka
the hoviKemald's clubfoot father in
Ibsen's 'Ghosts.' There was a nasty
old man for you -a nasty, perverse.
evil-minded old rooster, eh? Take Dick
Crookback in the Immortal William's
play. Take Nosey tho Dwarf in
Banff's classic fairy tale. Take the
rillalns in all fairy tales, for that
latter. They are a one-eyed, lame,
jnchbacked, clubfooted lot.
"It makes ue deformed folks red hot,
fhla literary imputation of villainy. It
causes people to think we really are
v'llalns. Where's the child, after a
course of fairy tales, that can be per
suaded a hunchback's soul doesn't
match his body?" Cln 'matl En
luirer. (
It takiM u whole ii'ihIui ure lo rhatif
a mall's iinme, but one minister can
nhautfe a woman'.
A Mr. nnd ,,c.iu i:i Iowa named
their recently arrived daughter Lima.
The i oi l of Ru aric, At ... ntln.i, his
a grain elevator iflpr.ble of loading
or.e thousand loin an hour. Its cost
was $l,oie). 0U0.
Plans are on foot for holding' an
agricultural and crop exposition In
Mexl.o. ThU may assume the skSvpo
cf an a?rh i;lf.i: nl ccngrrKR fo be held
in Swntemtcr. 1010. as a part of. the
(eiebratlou or the Mexican centennial.
A certain lady prides herself vpon
always lcoking at the bright sli'.i of
thlnts. "My iWr," moaned her hus
br.nd one d;.y recently, as he tossed
icstlessly en his bed. "It's the doctor
I'm thlnkl-ig of. What a Mil hit will
be!" "Never mind. Jo.-eph." snd the
wife. "You know, there's the Insur
ance nicney." liellninn.
The duke irf Norfolk has n rent
rtdl of $1,350,000 a year. His Ijndon
tvta'e in Norfolk street, Surrey street
and Arundel street, Strand, was erect
ed on the site of his ancestor town
louse by npcculative builder! after
tho gicat fire of ififitf. The original
leases rxplird In elehty yearn, but
thoso liuUiCs ii.il! standing In
The cormilois nf the American Oeo
fTiaphhnl i-'oiicty l:ab accepted Mrs.
Colli; P. II antinsti'ti's nh'. of $2,")0,
000 rite for a new building at Broad
way and lu.".d street. New YcfU City,
ovei loo'iln-j the Hudwn River, Archer
M. ll',;ntingfon, the president of the
pot let y, has given 850,000 totvard the
building I'nnd, v'.iUh will bo Increas
ed by further subscriptions and the
proceeds of the mIc of the old build
ing, which should bo about $250,000.
In Frame the consumption of to
1 acco is gieatiy on ilie increase. In
ll'OS l hero were ccii-utncd 10,000,000
clears of foreign make and 577,000,000
of French manufacture. Thai total
rnioimt expend-' d in smoke Va given
at U'li. 010.000 francs ($25,200,000).
The Anli-Toi-acro Society ot France
Is having mnslderable trouble with
"hacklers." who quote the ease of a
Mtne. Snoy, who celebrated her 107th
birthday recently, nnd maintained
that t!ie Ferret of her longevity lay
in her pipe, which she had smoked
regularly from the time she was
twelve years old.
Geneva. Switzerland, which has Just
been celebrating In honor of John
Cnlvln. has the distinction of lend
ing IM name to the great Interna
tional so; lety of waiters known as the
"Geneva I'lilon." The headquarter
of the society are in Dresden, but
branches flourish In all the big hotel
cities of (lie civilized world. The aln
oT (lie Geneva 1'nlon Is to organlzi
all classes of waiters with a view V
making their lot as happy as po
slbln. It opens up to members spe
clal facilities for traveling, for learn
Ing languages, for ganlng a knowl
edge of their duties, nnd generallj
leeks after their Interests.
rrofes:;or Otto Nordenskjold, ht
has started on a trip to North Green
land, is famous as an arctic and ant
arctic explorer. He was born in Sma
land, Sweden, in 186!. lie Is a
nenhew of the famous Baron Nor
denskjold. who made the northeast
passage nround Europe and Asia In
1878-79. Professor Nordenskjold tried
to reach the south pole in 1901-03
and with his crew suffered extraordi
nary hardships. Subsequently he loc
tured in (he Tnited States on his ad
ventures. I'ntil a short time ago he
occupied the ehalr of geography at
iTnsnlu University, where he was edu
Lotteries, which Premier Clemen
ceau proposed to suppress in France,
bring a handsome revenue into tht
coffers of many European states. Italy,
which derives from this source doss
on $15,000,000 a year, is not likely
to follow the example set by France
although ninny Italians have exposed
the evils wrought by state gambling.
Spain makes nearly $7,000,000 a year
out of Its lotteries, and most other
Knropean countries, with the excep
tion of Great Britain, draw annual
revenues f-oin this source. Even Ger
man v does not. disdain I his form of
Income. The prolits or me rru.inia.i
state lotteries last year amounted to
nearly $LnOn,00O.
There could hardly ho a better ex
atnule or the sclent lllc spirit than the
recent application the methods of
biometrv to those excessive minute
Bnimals' the bacteria. C. 10. A. Wins-
low and Anne Rogers Winslow have,
according to l-rofcor F. P. Gorham,
marked the beginning of a new era In
bacteriological classification and no
menclature by their studies In this
direction. They have applied the
methods used by anthropologists and
students of variation and heredity lo
tho definition of the species of bac
teria. Tho results are. of course, tech
nical in their nature, nnd in them
selves only interesting to students of
the subject, but they have a broad
general Interest because they serve to
assure the public that advance on
strictly scientific, lines Is being mada
In the study of those almost Infinites
imal creatures that play bo Important
a part in human life and everything
that human life depends upon.
In an article strongly supporting
medical Inspection and treatment of
public school children tho Lancet says
that "pupils have become Uia propeity
of the nation, and the nation has ac
otilred a right to protect them from
the carelessntfH.s or ignorance of thoir
iiu rents." The Lancet adds: "The ex
perience of Germany seems to lean to
the Institution of "acliool clinics
the most economical and convenient
arrangement for securing the medical
attention that Is required In towns;
and It Is manifest that, smh (Unlet
could he easily established In every
large town, placed bo as lo be con
venlently accessible from groups of
schools, and officered by two or threa
or more of tho neighboring general
practitioners, with the aid, when nec
essary, of dentists and of ophthalmlo
or aural specialists, whobe visits
might be made as frequently as tha
needs of the locality required. But tha
services of ail concerned must be
j paid for."
Paw hopa Where the Jimmy Caa
lie llonght.
Kvery Utile while, said a l-rtdnn
detective, recently, the police arrest
a rnn with a set of burglar's tooa In
his possession, nnd one naturally won
den where I hey nil come from. It is
ey to buy a gun of any description,
and the most reputable person f-ould
not be alarmed to be seen purchasing
tha most wicked looking knife ever
made, but who would know whr to
get a Jimmy or a device for drilling
Into a safe or any of the many tools
used by the professional burglar In the
pursuit of his calling?
There probnbly are places In the
large cities where these things are
made and sold to tho user, but such
places are exceedingly scarce. It may
seem a little strange to learn that
rnost of the fools used In burglaries
are made by mechanics who are look
ed upon ns respectable men In the
community. When a burglar wants
any particular tool made he goes to
a mechanic who can do the Job. nnd
tnys him perhaps five times what It
le actually worth for making the tool
rxJ keeping quiet nbout it. Many de
fectives can recall cases of this kind
hat have come to light In Iondon.
One In particular occurred some
years ago, when an escaped convict
named Williams went to a blacksmith
tn the East End and got him to make
a lot of drills to ho used In safe crack
ig. Ho personally superintended the
tempering of the steel, hut when the
fib was nearly completed It leaked
rut, nnd Williams was arrested. In
f.Ms instance the blacksmith knew
wothing of the use to which the tools
ere to he put. Most of the tools used
rr burglars nre secured In the same
The only regular establishment ever
discovered where they were made was
i the East End. This was years ago,
rfid the place was soon pounced upon.
jjj-egal Information j
The New York Building Code, sec
tions 153-155, provides that, on the
refusal of an owner of an unsafe
building to make it safe or remove
It, a report of the building Bhall be
made to a court, which, If It finds
that the building Is unsafe, shall com
mand the commissioner of buildings to
take it down or make it safe, and that
the expense thereof shall constitute
a lien on the premises. Section 157
provides that if a building collapses
the city may remove the debris, to be
paid for out of the fund, under sec
tion 158. In the case of In re Jenkins,
llo New York Supplement, 385, such
provisions are construed by the New
York Supreme Court, and It Is held
that the city has no lieu on property
for expenses Incurred In removing de
bris of a collapsed building and the
bodies of people hurled beneath the
ruins, and is directly liable to the
contractor employed to do the work.
The Maine Supreme Court's refer
ence In a previous decision to a search
warrant as "a sharp and heavy police
weapon to be used most carefully lest
Jt wound the security or liberty of the
citizen." is fully Justified by the con
duct of the officers as related In Buck
ley vs. Beaiiiieu. 71 Atlantic Reporter,
70. Under the authority of a warrant
to search certain premises for Intoxi
cating liquors, and armed with axes,
pickaxes and crowbars, they entered
the house and made a search from
uttlc to cellar, and even dug Into the
floor of the cellar. On finding no
liquors, and strongly suspecting they
were Bomewhere concealed about the
house, they broke Into nnd tore out
a strip from the Interior walls of the
rooms below stairs entirely round each
room, and dropped the debris upon the
floors and carpets. All this was done
In the hope of finding, not the liquors,
but Home pipe or other clue leading
to tho liquors. The officers then de
parted, leaving the oerupanta to re
move the debris, and leaving the plain
tiff, the owner, to restore his house
and make It again habitable. Such
conduct was declared by the court to
be unlawful, and such a search en
tirely unreasonable and In excess of
the officers authority. It was no de
fense to an action for damages that
they acted In good faith, In the full
belief that the occupant was keeping
liquors In the house In violation of the
!nitle for (ha Policeman.
An amusing adventure happened on
one occasion to Dr. Clifford when he
was conducting a series of services In
nirmlngham. Arriving a few minutes
before the commencement, the doctor
was refused admission by the police
man at the door.
"I want to go In," said Dr. Clifford.
"Are you a seat holder?" asked the
"No, I am not?"
"Then yon can't go In."
"I think," remarked the famous pas
slve reslster, "that there will be room
for me In the pulpit."
"I am not so sure of It." retorted
the other.
"Hut I am Dr. Clifford; and I am
due to preach- In another minute and
a half."
"Oh, are you?" said tne Incredulous
policeman. "1 have let In two Dr.
Cliffords already." Woman's Life.
Thla Vale of Tear.
The news that science had at length
discovered the means of destroying the
germ of ihe last 111 which flesh wus
heir o called forth rapturous re
joicings throughout the world.
"Henceforth perfect health will
relgti universally!" people everywhere
exclaimed and gave themselves up to
Hut that waa not to be. In the very
next day's puper was the account of
noiiH-ljudy having Invented a micro
scope ho powerful aa to reveal a lot
more germs, which meant, of course,
that H would be no time at all until
everybody was sick again. Puck.
Tli" College of Hard Knocks haa a
larger alumni of tmcceuHful men than
any Institution we know of.
When a new man engages In Dual-
aij, bow polite he It!
I il A lira.
"It's carina." morallr-ed TTacte AM,
C parka, "that they call this saw ayeUs
of running the city the 'commiaaloa plan."
Aa I umlerataad the plan, nobody caa
manace to get a commixaioa on any
thing." Chicago Tribune.
Adrtalnar Simpler War
Mrs. Fergnson George, you neeJa't
look no tipiciotily at that cold meat
All it needs is a little rarniihin.
Mr. Ferguson Great Teter, Laura! I
a lernl process neceaaary In order to got
It off the table!
Tor Women-Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Noah, K J. " I was passinf through
the Change of Life ana Buffered from
headaches, nervous
prostration, and
"Lydla E. PlEfc.
barn's Vp fret able
Compound madome
well anu stronpr, so
that 1 can do all mr
housework, and at
tend to the store
and post-otllco, and
Iiccl mucbyoungor
than I really am.
"Lydia E. Plnk-
Laia's Vegetable Compound is the most
"uccessful remedy for all kinds of
female troubles, and I feel that I caa
never praise itenouRh," Mrs.Lizzlb
Holland, Noah, Ky.
TheChnngeof Lif o ia thetnostcrltlcal
period of a woman's existence, and
neglect of health at this time invites
disease nnd pain.
Womeneverywhereshould remember
that there Is no othor remedy known to
medicine that will sosuccessf ullyoarry
women through thi3 trying period as
Lydia E. Piukham's Vetretablo Com
pound, made from native roots and
For 80 years It hns been curing
women from tho worst forms of female
Ills-Inflammation, ulceration, dis
placements, fibroid tumors, irregulari
ties, periodic pains, backache, and
nervous prostration.
If you would like special advice
about your case write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pink bam, at
Lynn, Mast. Her advice ia free,
and always helpful.
This Trade-mark
Eliminates All
in the purcbaw of
paint materials.
It is an absolute
guarantee of pur
ity and quality.
For your own
protection, see
that it is on the side of
every keg ol white lead
you buy.
1902 TiMirf ImUllnf. foil
Poaltirely cored by
these Htue I'll ia.
Taey also relk Dla-
tresa from Dyspepsia. In
digestion and Too Hoar&
Eating. A perfect rem
edy tor OtzzuMoa, Nausea,
Drowslneas, Bad Taste
in tne Mouth, Coated
TmiRiia, Pain Id the Bide,
iTonriD pVttlt. They
regulate tbe Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Mutt Btar
Fac-Simila Signature
TUr TriTTIJ Paxtina OMaU aay Jaarilrioa
I Hti 1 LL I II clean.bf. wtitaajaf aa
removing tartar froaa the teeth, baaktas aVarryini
all serais of decay and diiaaaa wfckk atdiaary
tooth preparation! canaot do.
and throat, purifies ths breath, and kill tbe Iraa)
which coiled in the moiitfe. caiuiaa aera iLioat,
bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, aai im aVaVMa.
the eyes :ir,:tut
relieved and strengthened by Paattna.
fUmmation and slop ihe alitcLaiye. h a aaM
(medy lor uterine catarrh.
Pastine it a barmleai yet pe-verful
ieraiicide,ditmle3ant aad deedoaacr .
L'ted1 ia bathini it denroye odors anal
leavea the body anUseptically clean,
ronaaLc ATDR.uoaTonia.eoe.
OH fOBTf AID av MAIl..
If you but
knew what harsh
cathartics do, you'd
always use Cascarets.
Candy tablets, vegetable
and mild. Yet just as effectiTe
as salts and calomel. Take one
when you need it. Stop the
trouble promptly. Never watt
till night. aa
Vit pockt boa, 10cnt.-at draf-eteres.
Bacta table' ol tbe genuiu la marked C C C.
PILES M 'aTTcaSa n
j)4 Pirtal. Cm
BE CO, Dept. MlaaaeeeUa. Mlaaa
I T pleaae H yen aaar aha) adeeealsaaseae
aa this napee.
S. C. N. U.
No. 361009.
B ellllcled Bilk
r Eyes, j
....,,., ,
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