Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 03, 1909, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
. Official Paper of the County
Hubactiption Price. $1.00 Ter Year.
Two Honored Pioneers of Dakota County,
A weekly" newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska..
Permission ha been granted for the
transmission of this paper through tiie
mhiii as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
Tub HrtiAiu baa passed another
milestone and with this isnue enters
"upon it eighteenth year and the
fourth year of the present ownership.
We thank onr many patrons for their
( generous patronage, and we will con
tinue to gie you "all the news while
it is news" for a dollar a year.
A final effort is being made by the
democratic leaders(?) to fill the vacan
cies on the county ticket. What few
that stayed on the ticket say they did
it "just for a joke."
Very naturally and very properly
the Republican stato platform recited
the aehieTemeuts of the party. This
is a peculiarity of Republican plat
forms. They "point with pride" as
well as to "view with alarm." Demo
cratic platforms only view with alarm.
The uuequaled record of the Republi
can legislature of two years ago was
properly commended. Ou tho other
hand, tho false pretenses of tne Demo
cratic legislature of last winter were
strikingly exposed. No such saturna
lia of partisan legislation was ever
witueHSfd in Nebraska. It whs noth
ing short of a pie-eating contest.
When that legislature was noteugaged
in making places for tho very hungry
and very thirsty it was pursuing a zig
sug course in following the leadership
of the railway bosses and of the paid
attorney of the HoutU Omaha stock
yards who occupied a seat ir. the sen
ate. Fremont Tribune.
camped with O 8 Buxton who has
been spending most 01 uis spare lime
at the lake and has been lauding some
fine black bass. The party brought
homo sumo iluo fish.
Items of Interest
r t
Mr. and Mrs. Baker arc one of the oldest, if not the oldest, married couple now
living in Dakota county. At the meeting of the Pioneers and Old Settlers asso
ciation held here last week Mr. Baker was elected president. While Mrs Baker
may not be the oldest pioneer lady in the county she is one of the very best.
Newcastle items in Pouca Leader:
Herman Fackelman spent the after
noon Monday in Jackson.
Wvnot Tiibune: Martin Overling
aud wife are at Laurel where Mrs
Osterling's mother, Mrs Jaa Eby, ie
very sick and not expected to live
Decatur Herald: II V Ulbrey was
confined to his home the past week
with a sliaht attack of fever... .Clar
Phillips ia here this week from Honth
Sioux L'itv viaitiug his brother, Frank
and family.
Lyons Mirror: We (that is the Edi
tor ot the Mirror M M Warmer) was
6i yeara old Aug 20, 190'), and several
friends dropped in to remind us of the
occasiou a genuiue surprise to us
We received som- nice presents too.
which we highly prixe.
Feuder Republic: Miss L"u Hirach
visi'ed over Hunday with relatives at
Walthill....Riram E Priest aud Miss
Bophi E Ackles, both of Emerson,
were nni'ed in marriage by the Repub
lic eJitor on Wednesday of this week.
We knew the groom's family at Homer
some years ago when in that part of
the country. The bride we had not
met before but they made a go id ap
pearance and we wish for them every
ponaiule success and happinoes through
1'ouoa Leader: Jen Wilbur an
old iioneer of Dixon ouuty went to
Dakot Citv veaterdav to mingle with
the pioneers of that county today ut
the big picnic...' A Mikosell nud
family of Charlotte, Michigan, who
have been gueata att ae MikoHeU'h in
Ponca for the past two weeks, left fur
their home this afternoon. Mr Mike
aell weut ou the aiuje train to Dakota
City to be present at the pioneers p io
nic. ..Mr Hart drove a party of pic
nickers to Dakota City tins morning.
Among the party were M'S Hart aud
on and daughter, Misses EtUol ami
Fern Douthitt and Ellia Bray. Ellis
to j iu bia folks at Crystal lake. Mr
llart brought baok Rev liray who offi
ciated at the funeral of Mr Youug.
SiouxCity Journal, 31st: William
Lamson, formerly of Homer, Neb, wai
iu Sloul City yesterday . He has been
at Shoshone, Idaho, dealing iu sheep.
He haa aold hi interest and expect
to locate iu the middle west. Mr Lam
eon says the range is fine for sheep this
aeasou, and growrrs of wool and mut
ton should prosper..,. Omaha, Neb,
Aug 80 Frank. J Moriarity cashier of
tho Packera National bank of Bouth
Omaha, ia dead at 8t Joseph' hospital
here from ptomaine poisoning, xuppos
ed to have resulted from something
eaten at a recent banquet, lie was U8
year old. He eutered the Packers
National bank years ago aa a messen
ger. Mrs Ella Duggau, J F Duggau
and Cornelius Duggan will attend the
fimxrtl iu Omaha tomorrow. The de
ceased man waB a brother of Mrs
John C Duggau, of Goodwin. Neb, aud
t Rev D W Moriarity, of Ueuaon, Ne'o,
formerly of Jackson Neb lie wa a
romineui Kniurht of Columbus and
... wu known to members of the
order in Sioux City.
Winnebago Chieftain: Charles Mc-
Olashan, of Homer, was at tho f T
Harris liomeovir night on Inesday.
.Judge M Eveland and family
attended the pioido at Dakota City on
Thursday . . . Mrs John Olimit went to
Honth Bioux City on Friday evening,
where she will reside. .. .Lute Smith
and W IS Bnckland took in the old aet-
tiers picnio in Dakota City yesterday.
..Henry Niebuhr and son ijauronce
attended the Old Settlers picnic at
Dakota City Thursday ... .Floyd L
Leslie and Mrs nenry Ileitdiugton,
both of Bioux City, were in Wiunetiago
... . . ii! T.i:..
on Wednesday, loomug ior iniumi
curios. .. .Carl Bnrcuru haa assumed
the proprietorship of the City Cafe,
lately ran by Hon Lowry and tho
former and wile will run tue same.
Wo wish them sueoess.
home of her brother, last Friday, after
which site made a visiting tour in the
country before returning home.
Hring us your farm produce anil get
the highest price the market will af
ford. Carl Andr-rs.n.
Services at the English Lntheran
church next Suuduy at 3 p in . Sun
day school every Sunday at 2 p m.
Rev E V Nnsbaum.
C R Smith returned Saturday from
his trip to Oregon. Ho liked tho
country alright, but the laud which
spited him was a little too high iu
Remember we are headquarters lor
school supplies, such as tublets, pen
oils, etc. Carl Anderson.
They were married at Pender. From
there there they came for a short visit
with tho groom's pare lit, Mr and Mra
LE Piiist. They will mnl'i their
home iu Emeisou. We all extend
hearty eongratnia ions.
A Danish picnic was given at the
Larhon, Rros home' lust Sunday, there
was a very large crowd and all had a
fine time.
Hwl Blacfcrter and wife of Dakota
City, were over Sutday visitors at the
Chas L Dodge home.
..-r-ir-.r-r--iurM-ikirT- 5
Emoran Enterprise: Miss Helen
Knot will teach the l'eteis school this
year... .Mr aud Mr Oeorge Coughtry
spent Suuday with relative nbar Co
buro....Mr 3 E Cobb, Lawrence aud
Vaughn are ocoupyiug a cottage at
Crystal lake thi week . . . . J P Davey
ia aDendinff hi week vacation at Crys
tal lake and Sioux City. Mr Leahy
of Wavne i assisting in the store..
Mrs Goo Coughtry aud little daughter
are visiting witk Mr coughtry a par
ent, Mr and Mr Edwiu Audrew
nnrtnweat of town.... Mia Edith
Wobster, of the State University Jof
T.innntn ia visiting at the home of her
parent, Mr and Mr O B Webster.
Kl. irreatlv enioy the roasting earl
l.ro. ixtatoee ifrown here which
greatly exceed those raised iu the vi
tinity of Lincoln. .. .Ou A Iseuburg,
DrCE Brown. J A McDonald and C
L McEotaffer were fishing the first of
tit week t Je.ok.uoa lake. They
Another dance will be given ot the
Larson Bros home Thursday evening,
Mary Thornton returned to her
home in Sioux City the first of the
The M E services here Sunday were
largely attended Rev Phillips prom
ises a new church yet this fall .
A big stock of jackets and coats to
select from, at Carl Anderson's.
Chris Rasmuaaen ia putting up a fine
barn. Geo Eble is superintending the
Mrs Timlin moved over from Jack
son Tuesday, and will occupy the Shea
Our schools open next Monday, the
Quilts, blankets and bedding of all
kiuds, at Carl Anderson's.
Word was received here that Frank
CuUiu, a brother of Mrs Art Noadyke,
wa killed by the oar in Montana,
8aturdy. lie was a brakemau.
Mrs L J WiUey and daughter, Fran
ces, returned from Maplctou, Ioa,
last Fridav. Mr Wilsev helped her
father colebrate hu 77. h
while there.
Mrs Beacom was taken suddenly ill
laat week, but is now out of danger.
Mrs A L Audersou has fully recover
ed from the case of blood poisou on
her hand.
Outing fluuuels iu all gradea, stales
aud prices, at Carl Aiuler.ions.
Mary Hagau is visitiug ut the homo
of her uncle, Geo Haasu.
Tom Long came near losing a fine
horse Suuday from an overdoan of
oorn .
Dan Hartnett ia busy these days
putting up hi swamp hay.
School shoes for the children iu all
style and prices. Carl Anderson.
John Kent and Oriu Beacom were
passongeis to the city Wednesday.
Henry Cain departed Wednesday for
Seattle to spend a few week visiting
ro'ativoa aud seeing the exposition.
The Shay house ia being re-shingled
aud paiuted.
Louis Pederson aud
ThorurLars Mortensen,
Harry Rockwell, Joliu
and Art Nordyke were
the eity Friday.
Schroeder grain dump, 5-disc drill.
Morse hay rakes aud stackers, manure
spreaders the kind that can t be beat
or bested, Bain wagons idd. For
sale by D O Hefferuau.
Carl Anderaou and wife spent Sun
day at the Chris Moggeuaeu home.
Geo Johnson, Fr English. Mary, Ed,
Joe, Dauiel and Bernard Hartnett were
among those who attanded the circus
last Friday.
Andrew Anderson took out a whole
load of piouioers to Larson Bros, Suu
day .
Sam Thorn returned from his farm
in South Dakota Wednesday.
Carl Froderickson started Monday
for a two mouth's visit at bia old home
in Denmark. Ilia par,ut are fctill
living there, aud he thought ho would
like to see them once more.
Heiuz pure cider vinegar, guaran
teed absolutely pure, or your mouey
refunded. Carl Anderson.
Nearly everybody from here attend
ed the old settler picuio at Dakota
City last Thursday.
Ed Clinkenbeard went to the city
Mr Geo Timlin speut Saturday
night at the home of her parent south
et town,
A L Anderson was a visitor to the
city last Thursday, and also took in
the old settlers picnio ou his way
Johanna Muudy wa initiated into
the art of cooking for threihcrs at tho
Catharine Green who was a g'lest in
the E T Kearney home for several
days, returned to her home in Sioux
City Tuesday.
Helen Sullivan, of St Edward,
Nebr, ia spending the week with Mar
garet aud Mary Waters.
Chris Smith departed Monday for
his old home in Denmark to see his
agml mother. He expect to be gone
two monthn.
Ed Kearney and Thos Hartnett at
tended the funeral of Frank Mori-irty
at Omaha Tuesday. Mr Moriurty was
well and favorably known here having
visited here several times.
Leslie and Emmet Mann of Laurel
Nobr visited over Subday with rela
tives here. Very Rev P F McCarthy
is iu Omaha this week. ,
MiaaeaMary and Katie Qninn re
turned Saturday evening from Omaha.
They were accompanied hoiua by their
brother Joe who remained over Sun
day. Mrs Ella Malonev has gone to Chica
go to visit her sister, D J Splane.
Tom Curran, of Waterbury, had
business heralast Friday.
Mrs C A Barrett, of Sioux City, vis
ited over Sunday with tho home folks.
Ben Cullon spent Friday aud Satur
day with friends iu Coleridge, Nehr.
Htdeu Kearney eutertaiued about
t.veuty of her Sioux City friend u(
dinner Sat irday eveuirg. Tho even
ing was devoted to COO and the priz -h
for high aore went to Florence Lang
and Paul Niool. Thev returned home
birthday nt a lato hour by automobile. Johu
Kellev and Catharine Green retuuiued
over Sunday, guests iu the Keuruoy
Genevieva Brady returned Saturday
from her vacation at O'Neill, Nebr.
Mrs Albert Broisch and children re
turned Saturday from a two wteks
vif.it with her parents, W C Amick
and wife, of Newcualle.
Sam Brennamau is enjoying a visit
from his sisters Mrs Scott and Mrs B
F Aggson, and daughter, Bertha, of
Elwood, Nebr, this week.
Eugene Kennelly rural carrier is
taking his annual two weeks vacation'.
Bonnie Barry ia a guest of friends in
Sioux City this week.
Mrs U W McUale, of Foirbnry,
Nebr, arrived here Monday evening to
t.tke her children home who were
lending the summer vacation with
their grandparents, Mr aud Mrs
John J Ryan has purchased a Ford
Wni Sheehan had a load of hogs on
the marken Saturday.
Mrs R E Martin, of Elk City, Kau.
is a guest in the Mrs Belle Soollard
Ambrose Hall arrived home from
Seymour, Mo, Suuday to resume his
school work here for the cumiug yeai.
Helen O'Neill expect to leave Sat
urday for LeMars' Iowa, where she
has a positiou in the schools.
Misses Katie and Mary Heenau
spent Suuday iu Newcastle iu the
home of their uncle, M Heenau and
Word came here last Saturday of the
death of Gerald Culkin, formerly of this
place, near Billings, Mont. No pai
ticulara was received of his death fur
ther than ho vas a brakemau on a
train. He was 24 yeara old, born and
raised here aud was a graduate of the
Jacksou high school. Ouu sister Mir
vives him. Mr A J Nordyke. Hubbard,
Nebr. The remain are expected to ar
here Thursday. Iutormeut will be in
St John' cemetery.
family, Sam
Miss Hansen,
passengers to
from tho Kcord
( K. Wright left Sunday for Sent
tie and other western points.
W. V. Steuteville was a business vis
itor at Jackson from Saturday until
Kd T. Kearney, of Jackson, passed
through South Sioux City Tuesday on
his way to the city on business.
The Lutheran Sunday school held
their annual picnic at Crystal Iuke
Friday and enjoyed a tine time.
V. 3. Onkleaf la ntraln buck in his
store. The firm mime is Onkleuf &
Kon, L'.yron Onkleuf having an Interest
with hla father.
Mrs. F. I. Cummins and two children
of Sioux Fulla were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. L. S. Evans, this week. Mrs.
Cummins Is Mr. K vans' sister.
Mrs. E. f.. Wilbunand granddnugh
ter. Miss Fannie, were visitors at Ak
ron with Mrs. Wilbur's sister. Mrs.
SampBon Huker, returning Monday.
"Hazel King was a visitor at the Fid
dler creek settlement this week. Miss
ltessle Sharp accompanied her home
und will remain over the Old Settlers.
M. E. Hrlnk, of Emerson, has ac
cepted n position as driver for the Iowa
Oil Tank company und makes South
Sioux City twice weekly. He may move
his fumlly here.
The Hell Telephone company has
made a change In their districts and
they will be much bigger than hereto
fore and not adhere to state lines.
South Sioux City, as 'well as Dakota
county, and a part of Dixon and Thurs
ton counties, will now be under the di
rection of the Sioux City office, ln
stead of the Omaha office as formerly.
A real estate deal of considerable In
terest to South Sioux City people took
place this week when the old court
house was sold by Henry Woods, to W.
V. Stevens, of Sioux City. Mr. Stevens
Is a reu! estiite operator and trailed In
western land for the property. It is
supposed that he will hold it for specu
lation, although there has been some
talk of establishing a sunatartum.
Alfred Austin has fixed up his wagon
by installing seats and making a hack
out of It. This he has put Into service
between the car line and Crystal lake
and Is doing u fine business. Mr. Aus
tin begins to meet the cars at 2 o'clock
In the afternoon and keeps it uu until
It) o'clock at night. And the beauty
about Austin and his "buckskins" Is
that they are always on the Job.
I in above petition: Fred Beerman, I W
Fisher, E M Blessing, Frank Davey,
J W Haz-lirrove, P M Boals, Wm
Ebel, O W Bates, F P Culberson, B M
liosla, Henry Ebel, Henry Biermann,
Fred Wegner, Herman Ebel, Wm
Armbright, Michael Bnler, Charles II
Bryant. T B Jones, II H Stolze, W nl
Hileman, F F Schmidt, .1 W Gray, A
V Carroll, M Mitchell, D L Fairbank,
I G Trauerman, W W Armour, Peter
Berens, D C Heffernan, O Stanim,
John M Severson, J J Lapsley, John
Manning, FF Haste, H E Brown,
John Boler, Richard Rran, H W
O'Neill, M J Foroshoo, J P Rockwell,
M OAyres, James Barry.
Board orders the county treasurer to
accept the principal, less interest and
advertising up to and including 1'.U7
tax on all lots that have taxes previous
to the the year 1895, lots as follows in
rirst Railway addition to South Sioux
City: Lots 5 to 17 inclusive, block 1;
lots 8 to 8 inclusive, and 13 to 17 in
clusive, block 3; lots 1 to 22 inclusive,
block 4 ; lots 1 to 6 and 12,18,19,20,20.
27, and 28 in block 7 J lots 1 to 19, in
clusive, block 8; lota 7 to 11, inclusive,
14 to 18 inclusive, 20, 21 and 22, b.ock
9; lots 15,16,17 and 18, in block 14;
lots 11,12.13,19,20 and 21, block 15;
lots 8,9,10, 14,15,10 and 17, block 20;
lots 1,2.3,4,5,0,7,11,12,12,13,14.15,16,
17,18,19,20 aud 21, block 21; lots 1,2,3
5.7,8.12,13,14,15 and 16, block 22; lots
11 and 12 block 25; lots 10 to 15, in
elusive and 17 to 21, inclusive, block
20; lots 1,2,3, in block 27; lots 7 and
8, in block 28.
Comity clerk ordered to correct the
tax list of 1908 as corrected by the
board of (qnalization on the following
lands: w 1 net, section 13 23 7, nenw
13 28 7, ne 23 28 7.
Wm Luther is ordered by the board
to remove the old bridge and obstruc-
ious in Wli Creek, ou the Policy farm.
County clerk is ordered to advance
12.00 to Estella Wnrtzburger and or
dered to write warrant on the general
fund for re-embursement.
The following claims were allowed
on the county general fund
Kred Hehrlever 4 Co milse t 3 HO
Prklii HrostJo, supplies 1 70
(i J K tester, linise. . .
Klopp A Hartlett Co,
Official Proceedings of the Board
County Commissioners.
Dakota City, Neb, Aug 28, 1909.
Board of comity commissioners met
pursuant to ad j'lurnmoiit. 1'ieseiit
John Sierk, chairmau, Ed Morgan, J
H Bonderson.
The lollowiug county levies were
made ou a valuation of $2,571,035 00:
County general fund i' mills
County lu-tdge (und 4
County roiul fund 8 "
Kitllruitit Ismil fund 4 "
I'lillroad IkiikI Kinking Interest lend "
lMteli levy for cleaning ditch. .. . ), "
Special road illst. levy, dlst, No. 1.2 "
17 . ii
The following school district levies
were made.
ID f.O
supplies m
ii I) Wood, election Ixjurd CO
Kred Hehrlever, mime 4 HO
Alliert llelkes, suiue 4 en
Jny Kotiertson. same 4 10
) W Klslier, snme 4 no
win Uleiiimnn, same 4 eu
I, K Hungerford, same 4 CO
.1 W 'J'wohlir, snme 4 on
John H Krnniper, snine 4 tie
Frank J McDonald, same 4
N A Nelson, same H On
.Inline imggan, same 4 no
Kriink Way. snme Sen
Kred Voss. anie 4
Andrew Crowe, same 4 "
l'hllo McAfee, same 4
John - Collins, same 4 (
School district No 211, same B no
School district No 8, same 6 "U
T C Haird. snmo 7 to
Tim O'Connor, same 4
l,eo Scliuett, Mime 4 i
J W Uavis Jr. same 4 t
Win Winch, same 4 t
W H K.VHii. same f no
Geo Cook, same H IK1
Then I'etvrs, same. 4 00
Marlon Wlgle, same 4 00
Joe Krustkern, same 4 W
Kred Illume, same 4 no
(4eo llnase, same 0 CO
o V Stimuli, same 4 CO
O li Smiley, same 6 40
J H Hurke, same. ." 4 HO
.1 W He Forest, same 4 CO
J N Mul II lis. same 4 00
V H Castor, same 4 t
City Hall. South Sioux City 5 00
AC Carroll election board 7
Hans Knudsen, same 4 00
(1 K HelTernan. sinner. 4 00
Krank O'Neill, same 4 '0
John. I Kyan, same 4 ro
Wm Riley, same B '0
Henry l ain, snme 7 W
Woodman linll, Hubbard 6 00
Kred Sclirlever, snme 2 on
A C Carroll, same 2 00
Hurt Kroesen, same 2 00
K I) lloekwell, same 4 IX)
Kd (Ireene, same 4 IU)
John Ilrti ty. same 4 00
lloy Armour, same 4 00
Nebraska Telephone Co, rents 14 50
J H Kossltcr. bill of exceptions, rust
of t Icluinder vs County 28 50
I'erklns Bros Co, indse ' 2 Oil
Hell Hachcrt. carina- for Mrs Heed... 17 5o
John (. Hiiclicrt, iHiardinu paupers U5 On
J I' Kockwcll. trimmlnK trees In court
yard &' 5
John H Heam. supplies ami
Kdwards A Hradford I.hr Co, mdse.... Mo on
T H Curtis, election expense 2 7S
Kd winds Hradford l.lir Co, mdse 50 n"
Hurt Kroesen. claim V1: allowed 41 00
Kdwards t Hradford I.hr Co. Iimits r,
allowed ou county lirldtfe fund 110 55
lieu Hayes Jr. bridire work, allowed
on hridtie fund 2M 50
I.ulie yulnn. same !t:t 2ft
Scliuett A Co, lumber !ll xn
W W Holder, bridge work 15 no
K II IiOomls, same 25 00
Frank I.oomls, same 2S "0
K A II I.hrCo, lumlH'r 1151 50
Nebraska Culvert Co, culverts ; 2IS 00
Dodite Corruitateil 1 roll Co Its 00
(4eore Johns, brldne work IS 00
K A II I.hrCo. lumlsT 207 Wt
Beck Nelson, claim for tuxes paid
under protect, rejected .
Chas Ilolswoith, claim for taxes
paid under protest, rejected.
Jewell Bros, claim for taxes paid
under protest, rejected.
Claims allowed
Jo!in Tliacker, road work..
Art Ky mill, sunn
i' or l mrty-aeven i ears
Minnesota, Paints
have been made in Minneapolis by
the Minnesota Linseed Oil Taint Co.'
Best prepared paints has been their
life work. They do nothing else year
in and year out. They are experts
trained frombojhoodup, to make the
best paints, that can be mde. It's
small wonder that it has become the
standard by which others are judged.
A aood-dzad Minnmota Paint itock it now on our (haKca
waitins your order.
We carry a complete line of Minnesota Paints, Colors, Oils,
and Brushes.
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co.
Patronize Home Industry buy your m ats of
Proprietor of ,
(Dity Meat Market
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket goes on
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays s
o it4
I. ..
7 ...
II . .. .
11 ... .
in ...
... 4S
.... 8
.... t
. . . '.ii
.... Vi
.... i
. ... ia
.... 7
.... t
Mrs N L Orippen vinited at the
Lome of her sister, Mrs MoEutaffcr,
last Monday.
Mrs A Carlson and two children,
Lillie end Frances are viaiiing at the
Miller Bros home this week.
Louis Rasmussen sold Lis farm to
Marintis Peterson last week for $70
per sere.
Jens Audreaacn of Sioux City vUited
at the Larsou Bros home last Sunday.
It was true, the wedding hells did
ring for Hiram Frieat and Hophia Ack
led, of Emerson, Nobr, lubt Wcducsdar.
. no
Marmiret Quinil.t AA
Julia Hooney .... HJ
ft 00
. . . a ou
a o
.... a uo
Bond levies
fll 12
22 V I 1 8
lload petitioned for liy J F Brealin
was granted aa prayed for, and dam
ages allowed aa follows ou road dis
trict No 18:
Kmlolph Kohopki
Kriink i ' lionnrll
Jiet Hreslln
.1 l1 luiirtmn, itpDuitafr
Joe M iHtililK, Ktiine
Martin J ltiiuoni. HHine
MU'hiu-1 Heaooni, i-oininlshloner
jonn Jiooner uuoweu tne privih go
of puttiug iu an underground cattle
The following petition was granted
as prayed for nitu the exception that s
levy of one half (i) mill was made iu
stead ot one (1) mill, as prayed 'for in
He, tue uudersigned laud owners
and interested parties, do hereby peti
tiou your honorable body of county
commiHstonera to make a levy ot one
mill, for the purpose of keeping the
ditch (.known as the county swamp
ditch) clear of rubbiau and other tilth,
so that the water can have au outlet,
aud thereby save litigation, aud ex
peUMe to individuals, and also be a
benefit, to the public iuteroisU of the
The following were tho pctitioncra-
$nn on
l:if on
8 00
IN 0(1
f.7 00
:i oo
;l (hi
:n on
45 60
J V lierorcNt, name
K A Tun nee II IT, mime
Moore .V Hon, NHine...
Irii Wadilell, snme. . . .
.1 nines Horde r, Hlillie..
Vem NeNon, Hlline...
1. 11 liorder, mmie....
Art Rynilll. road wori, dlatrtet So ID. 47 Bl
Jolin Tlnteker, KUine, ' 111. Ill 'Jfi
John MeKlnney, snme, ' 11. 7 M)
Jim Foster, Millie, ' 11. 1 f
John Solid, snme, 11. a 00
lleriimn WeBter, nme, 11. 8 00
Henry llmiHeii. kiiiih, ' ' 4. 2 00
Win l,i'iiiiier, Hume, R. 82 fxi
(1 HoreiiHen, Klillie, II. II (HI
JoNfph JoIiiih, Hiiims Ft. 2 60
liell MeCormlek. xiuno ' 1. H III
liennlx Unlnii, Hiime, 11. 11 oo
Tom yuliin, sHine, 11. 2100
Kilwiirds A Hnulford Mir Co' fi. 14 no
K II l.i.,, nils. ' II. 2 iV
(' 11 OoiHlfellow, 4. 7 oo
Louis 1'i dersoii, 4. ;w .Ml
U A llis.-rote, ' HI. 2 00
John Maloney is allowed $25 on road
diatrict No '., for land taken in the
Daniel Hartnett road.
Board adjourned to Sept 11. 190'J.
W L UoBi, clerk.
of the Village
Board, of
By order
Hubbard, Meb
To the owners of lota in the Village
of Hubbard, Dakota county, Neb.
You are hereby notified to comply
with Ordinance No, 10, relative to the
coiihtruciiou of cement sidewalks in
said village.
Along south cud of lot 0, and south
aide of lot 7; along the cant end of
lota 7 and 8, block 13, B. B. dribble.
Along the west line of lots 3 and 4
in block 12, and lots 11 aud 12 iu
block t, V. Jones.
Along the weit line of lots 7 And 8
in block 12, It. It. Myers.
Along the west line of lots 9 and 10
in block 12, D. C. Heffernan.
Along the west line of lots 11, 12
and 13 iu block 12, Ed T. Kearney.
Aloug east line ot lot 1 in block 18,
Henry Kooney Estate.
The above order must be complied
with. The owners of said sidewalks
must construct aud build cement side
walk withiu the next thirty days.
D. O. II. ffernau,
Sec. Village Board, Hubbard, Neb.
HD Yo So
VACATION DAYS cannot be spent to better advantage
than at some beautiful lake in Northern Wisconsin en
joying the healthy attraction of outdoor life.
Many beautiful lakes are adjacent to the
stesrra limine
and summer cottages and hotels provide excellent ac
commodations at reasonable prices. Then again if a
camping party wishes, they may drive a few miles inland
and enjog practically a virgin field.
Trout, Pike, llass and Musknllongrc
will be found at almost any of the Northern Wisconsin
resorts. Hay Fever sufferers also find instant relief in
the pine laden air of these resorts or on the shores and
islands of Lake Superior.
For booklet ahowiug maps of the fishing localities, list of hotels and
prices or any assintauce you desiie in finding a desirable location,
Address, T. W. TEASDALE,
General Passenger Agent,
St. Paul, Minn.
Get Free Lands While
BIG HORN BASIN This rich land is fast settling up with
homesteaders taking up the choicest Government irrigated tracts.
The Big Horn Basin will soon be served by the Burlington's new
main line through central Wyoming; products will have direct
access to the best markets in the west. Land values are fast in
creasing, uet noid oi a iarm in tne isasin belore it is too late.
350 ACRE LANDS This is the size farm you can home
stead in east and northeast Wyoming, Colorado, etc. Some of
the finest lands in the west, with IS inches of moisture annually,
can be taken under the Mondell Act. These 320 acre home
stead tracts are a new thing in the distribution of government
lands, and deserve your attention.
I personally conduct excursions the first and third Tuesdays
of each month to these lands, and am employed by the Burlington
to answer all inquiries, and to assist you in every possible way
to locate along the Burlington lines. Write me.
D. Clem Driver, General Agent.
Land Seekers Information Bureau. Omaha, Neb.
Lincoln EPr.5ipmfte'A
AJonderful displays of
live StoclUAgriailture Machinery
Splendid Racing
Liberatis Band and
Grand Opera Singers.
Pain's Bailie in the Clouds
with Airship
AlhleticMeei- Carnival -BaseBal! i
VV Lr"1'-rlr""'0 trem;um Lnt.cr Entry blanks write .
4 tflK VV.K.HellGr. Secy mmxr