Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 13, 1909, Image 4

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    Dakota County HeraldlSiXM!
OfTicial Paper of the County
Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Year.
a weekly newspaper published at
ufttoia uity. Nebraska.
Permission has been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
mans m second-claws matter.
Telephone No. 43.
I hereby annonnce myself as a can
didate for the oflioe of sheriff, subjocl
to the wishes of tbe republican eleo
tors of Dakota county, at the primary
election to beheld AtiBnt 17, VM'J.
J P Rockwell.
I hprnliT announce myself as a can
didate for the office of county supeiin
teuilfiit of public instruction of Dakoti
co'intr, Nebr, subject fo the will of the
rep i I'lioiin voters at the primaries to
be held August 17th.
Wilfred E Voss.
'I hit undersigned respectfully an
nonuces himself aw a candidate for the
office of clerk of the district couit of
Dakotii comfy. Nebraska, sulj' ct to
tho will of the repoldican voters of
Dakota county, Nebr., at ti e primaries
t3 be held August 17, 1909.
Oeobok Wilkins.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the office of county clerk, subject to
the wishes of the republican electors
of Dakota county, Nebraska, at tb
primaries to be held AujruBt 17, 1909.
W. L. Boss.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for county commissioner from
the 2nd district, subject to the wishes
of the republicans of said district at
the primaries to be held August 17th,
Tuos D Loito, Hubbard, Nebr.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the oflioe of superintendent of pub
lic iastruction of Dakota county Nebr.
subject to the wishes of the democratic
eleoiors at the primary electiou to be
held August 17, 1909.
Mart V Quinn.
I horeby announce myself a candi
date for the office of oounty treasurer
of Dakota county, Neb, subject to the
will of the republican votes at the
primary election to be held August 17,
1909. W. J. Mawninq.
I hereby annonnce my candidacy for
the republican nomination for oounty
judge at the ooming primary election,
subject to the will of the republicans
of Dakota county. D O btinson.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the oflioe of county clerk,
subject to the wishes of the democratic
electors of Dakota county, Net-r, at the
primaries to be held Aug 17th, 1909.
The Farmers' and Drovers' Journal,
of Chicago, says that while the Inter
state Fair of Sioux City, is offering un
usual premium in all classes of live
stock, that it is certain the average
farmer in this large stock growing sec
tion of the country is attracted more
by the premiums offered for carload
lots of fat cattle and dressed beef cat
tle. The Journal is certain, that F L
Eaton, president of the Sioux "ity
Htook Yards Company, who is presi
dent of the Fair Association knows
how to get the stook raisers interested.
The premiums offered in this alass are
as follows: Carload of fat cattle, firht
. rremiuui, (300; second premium, $150;
third premium, fib; carload of feeders,
first premium, tl50; second premium,
$75; best dressed beef test on car load
lots, $100.
Items of Interest
frnm mir Fvrrnncsc
j ...... w . a,
Pender Times: Olinda Wachter has
returned to Crjsial Lake to visit with
the Adams-SmitU families.
Lyons Mirror: Mrs John L Nixon of
Homer was here this week to visit her
sister, Mrs M M Warner. Both of
them went to Ponca to aee an aunt
who lives np there.
Bloomfleld Monitor : Mrs II M Oray
anl Mrs E H Mason and children are
epeudicg a couple of weeks at Crystal
Lake and having a nice outing. Mr
and Mrs Kloke expect to go down
tuere the latter part of this week.
Wayne Democrat : Chas Kate, Perry
Theobal and Herbert Welch were
among the Sunday Visitors at Sioux
City and Crystal lake. ...Mr and Mrs
Herman Lundberg and Chas Lund and
Mrs Repine wire Sunday guests at the
Ley cottage, Crystal lake.
Newcastle Times: Carl Ferber of
Maskell is the Dew depot agent here.
George Smith will take the station
at Jackson again we understand, but
for the present he is at Wynot taking
charge of that office while Mr Piuuion
their agent la absent o be married.
Thurston items in Pender Republio:
Mis Augusta Mash arrived home from
Minnesota 7.'uosday evening fo.r ber
vacation .... Miss Pliga Nash has re
ceived an appointment to a position iu
the government service at Ponoa City,
O-tkla, as stenographer at iOU per
Scotland, S D, Journal: Hon Jos
Leaoh anl family of Ruuniug Water
ware boi Tuesday On their way to the
Paciflo oast. On their way Mr Leach
will stop off at Bismark to visit two of
Lis sous, and Mrs Leach will visit her
people at Missoula, Mont. Mr Leach
lias shif pod his goods to Billingbam,
Wanhin jton. but does not know until
he gett there at what place he will lo
cate, lie has one son in business at
Seattle and will probably stop there
for a li so. Mr Leach has resided iu
Bon Homme oounty for twenty-seven
years sod we regret that he has decid
ed to remove permanently from the
Winnebago Chieftain : Miss' Mabel
Links iller viaited friends in Homer
over amIsy....Mrs Louis Herman
rctaruel from Dakota City on lues-,
relatives Hun-
ins II el en Nie-
buhr went ta Tender Wednesday and
Thursday, by the way of Dakota City,
to get her brother. .. .Mrs George
Whaley and eon Marion, were down
from Iloraer on Tuesday, visiting the
former's brother, Chas lfatos. ... Mer
rill Brassfleld has typhoid fever and is
stsyiDg with Lis brother, Fred, in
Homer. Beth Duckland has tskea his
place at the M 8 Mansfield store.
Emerson Enterprise: Marion Wigle
(s erecting a fine big corn crib on his
farm . . . .Archie Conghtry was np from
Dakota City Wednesday visiting his
brothor Gorge....Mr and Mrs R B
ITatoher have been visiting with Mrs
flatchera mother, Mrs Henry Sindt.
Tli py expect to move from Crystal
Luke as Mr Hatcher has accepted . a
position on the Burlington road....
Mrs J A Ireland spent a few days the
past week with her son Charles at
Hurting ton. Mrs Chas Ireland re
turned with her spending a few days
with friends here and at the home of
her parents Mr and Mrs Chas Varvais.
. . ..Mark Enre:en dropped in on his
old friends here last Friday and te-
mnined till Thtirsdsy. Besides bunt-
tiug up all the old-timers he painted
the house and made other improve
ments on his property here. Mark
expects to visit about a week in Iowa
before returning to Kadoka, D.
Ponca Leader: 0 A Eingsbary was
at Dakota City on legal business last
Friday.... We received a communica
tion after we had gone to press Isst
week from Martinsburg stating that
Senator Latta had consented to ad
dress the Old Settlers' picnic at Mar
tinsburg on Angust 31. ... Hugh Bol
ton had a case ia the county conrt of
Dakota connty against Mr Heffernan,
over the payment to be allowed for
driving a well for Mr Heffernan.
The case was continued until Friday,
August 6th.... Miss Etta Bauer and
Mattie Wendte went to Dakota City
Monday afternoon and Miss Marie
Rcgosch Monday morning, to attend
taachers'institute there this week.
These young ladies teach in Dakota
county this year.... Will F Mikesell is
studying agriculture with the farmers
this week. Bill nse to do the real
stunt when he lived in Dakota county,
but of late years he has confined his
pursuits to raising celery, a few Mur
pheys and strawberries in Ponea.
Just in what line he will engage
next year we are not at liberty to
James Henrickson and Mrs Clausen
were passengers to tho city Friday.
Service at Trinity Lutheran church
next Sunday, Aug 15, ut 3 p ni. Sun
day school every Sunday at 2 p m.
Alice Heffernan left Monday even
ing for Kadoka, S D, to visit her sister,
Mrs Clyde Fltlds.
Cotton batting, blackets and every
thing for fall use, at Carl Anderson's
George Georgensen and wife went to
Newcastle Saturday to see Alex Gard
ner, who is very sick.
Congratulations are exteuded to
Carl Fredrickson and Mrs Msrie Beck,
who were married by Judge Stinson
last Thursday. .
Bert Cobleigh and wife speut Tues
day in Jackson.
Ed Long came home to spend a few
weeks vacation at Lis old home.
Wrisill have some fine dress shiits
for warm weather. Carl Anderson.
We are pleased to note that M rs Per-
singer is slowly convalescing.
Vigo Anderson has been quite sick
the past week.
Herman Nelson sold his farm to Mr
Knudson from near Waterbury for 165
per acre. Mr NeUon recently pur
chisod 35 acres of Oregon laud. It
seems that several from here have the
Oregon fever.
we nave a big stock of tinware ou
hand now, including those heavy milk
pails, Halt bushels, slop pails, and in
fact almost everything you could ask
for iu the tinware line. Carl Auuer
Emma Frederiokson came home last
week from Louis Knudson's, where she
has been staying for somo months.
Joe Eble has been on the elok list
this week.
Painters are at work beautifying the
dwelling of Joe Hagao.
Nols Anderson was doing business in
town Tuesdsy.
We have some of those yellow horse
covers that are going oheap. Call and
aee us. Schumacher & Leedom.
Andrew Anderson, while in bathing
Sunday, fell across a plank and injured
his side quite seriously, lie has been
oonflned to the bouse since, and it is
thought that a rib was brokea in the
Chris R Smith left for Oregon, Sat
urday to look up a pieoe of land. We
hope he will find one suitable, though
we think Nebraska is all right for any
If vou need a cream separator we
can sell you the U 8, the best separa
tor made for the prioe. Carl Audor
son. Ex-sheriff Hansen from near Homer,
was shopping here Tuesday.
Don't forget the picnic to be held by
the Danish Brotherhood next Sunday,
the 15th, at George Jenseu s.
A dance was held Saturday night st
Louis Pederson's. A jolly time was
Carl Frederiokson and wife and
Nrls Anderson and wife spent Sunday
at the Martin Hasmussen home.
We can use all tho butter, eggs and
produoe you can spare, and will pay
the highest market price. Carl An
derson .
Mary Timlin epect Wednesday night
with Mary O. Connor.
Atlee Smith came home from Jaok
son to si end a few weeks with his pa
and ma.
Art Anderson and Sam Thorn went
to tbe city Mouday.
We have a dandy stock nf lanterns,
iuoluding those Presto lanterns, that
we are Belling cheap, Carl Anderson.
Hans Anderson, of Homer, finished
np the carpenter work in the Carl Au-J
derson store last week. The painters
are now at work, aud when this is fin
ished Mr Anderson will have one of the
most up-to-date stores in the county.
Mrs B B Oribble and sister, Gertie
sir, went to tbe oity Tuesday. Miss
Fair irent on to Wyoming to take a
look at her claim, returning the latter
part of the week. 1
Dishes of every description, especial
ly the kind you want tor harvest tiniw,
at Carl Anderson's. Also a big assort
ment of glassware.
A few from here attended the
Knights of Columbus festivities in the
city last Thursday . They were Frank,
Margaret and Ella Heenev, Mary,
Margaret and Joe Hartnett, and John
Ed T Kearney spent from Saturday
nntil Monday with relatives at Hawsr
den, Io, and Jefferson, 8 D. Ilis
daughter Gertrude who was visiting
there the past two weeks returned
home with him.
Word was reoeived heie bv relatives,
of the birth of a daughter to J a tuns
Timlin and wife, of O'Neill, Nebr,
Aug 5 '09. They formerly lived here.
Helen Kearney was a guest of Marie
Duggan in Sioux City the first of the
E W Nordyke and wifd returned
Mouday evening from their western
tiip. While absent they visited Seat
tie, Yellowstone Park, Lns Angeles,
Denver and Culbertson, Nebr. They
report a fine trip.
Born, to Mr and Mrs Frank Kennel
ly, Aug 709, a son.
Will Hickey and John Heffernan at
tended the dance at Crystal lake
Tuesday evening.
Annie Leis, who was very tick the
past week, is much improved.
Mrs John MoTaggart, of Homer, is
visiting at the Alfred Demtiay home.
Bouny Barry returned last Saturday
evening from Sioux City, where she
was a guest in the Dr William Jepson
borne for several days.
Guy Weir has openf d a barber shop
in tbe bnilding west of the post oflioe.
John Commons, of Macy, -Nebr,
spent several days the past week with
Dean Carroll,
George L Sullivan returned home
Friday evening from Boulder, Col, to
spend the summer vacation with his
Katharine Quinn, one of our most
successful teachers, has been engaged
as assistant principal iu the Gretna,
Nebr, high school the coming ycat.
C K Heffernan was in Newcastle
Monday night.
Uncle Peter Myers, who is making
his home with B F Sawyer, celebrated
bis 90th birthday Tuesday. In honor
of the event B F served a chicken din
ner. Mr Myers is slill halo and hear
ty. Matt B Uogan, of Bartlctt, Iowa,
arrived here Tuesday to spend a few
weeks vacation with Lis folks.
Pauline Hall is spending the week
with frends at Goodwin, Nebr.
Monica and Edward Flynn departed
Tuesday for a two weeks visit with
relatives at Hiuiou, and Merrill, Iowa.
Pearl aud Effie Ryan were guests of
rioux City friends over Sunday night.
Mary and Catharine Quinn and little
nieco, Gertrude McIIale, departed Sun
day evening for Siusinawa, Wis, to
viNit their sister, Sister M Gertrude.
of St Clara's college.
In honor of their soo, James L Bar
ry's 17th birthday J M Barry and wife
invited a number of boy friends Tues
day evening to a poroh party at their
home. 1 he evening was pleasantly
speut in games, recitations, eto, and a
fine supper wee served. John Mahou-
ey of Chicago was an ont of town guest.
At a late bout the boys departed for
their homes wishing James mauy more
happy birthdays.
A Grand Harvest picnic will be held
here Monday August 16 '09. till day
long. Thj Waterbury band of 16
pieces will furnish music and give a
concert in the evening. Two ball
games -Homer secoud nine vs Jackson
second nice, at 2:30 pm. Homer vs
Jackson at 4 p ni. Sports of all knda
consisting of foot rsces, egg and spoon
race for ladies, tug of war, ball throw
ing contest for ladies, etc, cto The
ladies of St Patrick's church will serve
dinner, supper, and midnight supper,
for tbe dance at 25 cents each. Picnic
will be held on the church and school
grounds where there is ample -shade
and shrltet in case of rain. Come and
celobrate with us. Proceeds for a
worthy cause. ,
Clarenoe Goodsell of Omaha, came
down from Dakota City Dmrsduy of
last week to visit relatives. Irene
Lake accompanied him.
Mrs Marvin Armour and Lena Rock
well came down from Dakota City
Thnnday of last week.
Mrs Church aud little daughter,
Carrie, came home Thurmluy after a
few days visit at Sioux City, Inaercon
and Bloomfleld.
Minor Curtis oame home lust Friday
fiom a four year service in the navy.
Mrs Geo Ford and little daughter.
Mildred, were guests at tho Curtis
home Saturday and Sunday, returning
to Sioux C ty Sunday eveniug.
Editor John Ream, was a Homer
visitor Saturday.
Miss Nell Kinkead df parted Monday
lor her home in Atchison, Kan, David
and Mabel Clapp aocompanied her as
far as Omaha.
U A Monroe and Will Winoh went
np to Crystal lake to take in the ball
game Sunday.
' Mrs Gertie Best has purchased the
Goodsell house over in Ream, and will
move her family from Dakota City and
oocnpy her new home.
Rev Hawley and family were guests
at the Gilbert Hughes heme Sunday. ,
Mrs Sarah Mansfield fend daughter,
Georgia, will depart next Monday for
Lincoln, where Mrs ManBfield will
board students.
Jimmie Allaway was a northbound
passenger Tuesday.
Fred Kipper returned Sunday from
bis western trip, taking in the ex pom
tion at beat tie and attainting a mine
meeting in Denver on Lis way home.
Elgie Smith and Frank Ueardshear
returned from Denver Monday.
M Masou and I hil Bridenbaugh,
came homo from Denver Suudav,
Garrett Mason and Fred Kipper
drove to Sioux City Tuesday.
"II a ml" Rockwell has returned from
his viit east. Mrs Rockwell remained
for a longer visit.
Dick Skidmore is putting a concrete
floor iu his blacksmith shop.
Frank Combs waa down from South
Sioux City Sunday to visit "pa and
Mrs Will Broyhill ucnt to Dakota
City Buuday to visit her father, Perry
Lieamer, who is very ill.
F W Swinele aasa city passeucer
last Friday.
The f irmers out this wav are btisv
stacking gram this week.
Alice Harris is visiting at the I.
Crippen home this week.
Helen Rockwell returned home from
attending institute Sunday.
Grandpa Rockwell went to Teka-
introduce fine materials, clean
methods, scientific equipment
into the making of soda crackers
was one triumph
To actually bake into them a subtle
goodness, a real individuality, never
before known, was another triumph
But to effectually protect them so
that the fullest benefit of these fine
materials, this careful, cleanly baking,
this unique goodness comes to you
unaltered, was the crowning triumph
that gave the world
mah last week to visit relatives and
Hark I 'the wedding bells will soon
be ringing ou Fiddler Creek, by the
way it looks now.
Minnie Nelson and her mother, of
Turin, iown, wi re vinitors at the Miller
Bros hntna h few das bst week.
Fred Wilkius Hnd wife went to
Wayne last Tliura.lay to attend tbe I
grauiiating exficNe of the Wayne
normal, ti't-ir daughter Grace, being n
member of the griiiH-ttkg i Inns. They
returned home Hntindnv.
County Coroner
B. F. Saw., or
Jackson, Nebraska
Copyrights &e.
Anvon e.rtt'g a !srch and (Imwrlnllnn tin
tti'klf nart.im ntir npttiKMi fre wnjir au
.iivmttinn it r',hnti!jr pntntnh! ComniiMilr
lvig4trlctlfVHiliifUI. HANDtJlOlt on latent
9ii. f ra. Me. t HsfMiirr fo" nuniiaT pal mil .
Iiitnta tuiien thmutrh Maim Co rclv
rrvtri nollcei, wtfhuut clurud, ta tli
Scientific Amcricam
filial ton f iiht 'tent Hit 1"iirtitii. 'Ivrniii. i
fr: fnir niiMitba, Si. bom by all newiilt-
IMNXCn.3C'B'"a"'. New York
Western Lands for Sal
Fin. B.rraln.. In P.rkln. .nd D.lcoontie.
Allimooih. lav and. Hlark rirK .ii w
Ins W.tlem Loan a Trust Co.. Holdrtgt. Nebr.
Vliysician and Snrsreon.
Calls promptly attended
Cclettratrd lor atjrle, perfect fit, limplicity and
rehauililv nearly 40 yeara. bold in near I j
eery city .'d town in Ilia United Statea ano
Canada, or by mail direct. Mora aold than
any other nuke. Send lor lre catalogue.
More aabacrihera than any other fashion
gnagaaina million a month. Invaluable. Lat
est atylea, pattcrna. drvtsmakini;, millinery,
plain kviii.ihj imuirwuia. n.uumitn,
etiquette, sood atorici, etc. Only bO centa a
year (worth double), including a tree pattern,
bubacriba today, or aend lor iiample copy,
to Affenta. Postal brings premium catalogue
and new cath pnaa otlera. Addrcaa
TU McCUl CO, U4 Is Ml W. I7tk SC. MW TOtl
60 V EARS'
2 Bf V riSfSP
1 Patronize Home Industrv
Proprietor of-
City Meat Market
i Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
v Cash paid for Hides and Pelts '
Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket goes on
At T" i 1 i i r ,
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
0sot Cit Ni a. T atiVOVC
Bonded : Abstracter
ID) If
VACATION DAYS cannot be spent to better advantage
than at some beautiful lake in Northern Wisconsin en
joying the healthy attraction of outdoor life.
Many beautiful lakes are adjacent to the
BJ ort h-West er n ILinc
and summer eottages and hotels provide excellent ac
commodations at reasonable prices. Then 'again if a
camping party wishes, they may drive a few miles inland
and en jog practically a virgin field -
Trout. Pike, Buhs and Muskallonge
will be found at almost any of the Northern Wisconsin
resorts. Hay Fever sufferers also find instant relief in
the pine laden air of these resorts or on the shores and
islands of Lake Superior.
For booklet showing maps of tbe fishing localities, list of hotels aod
prices or any assitttauce you desi e iu findiog a desirable location,
AJdres8, T. W. TEASDALE,
General Passenger Agent,
St. Paul, Minn.
We have just received a
(C.Bur HLoa,cl of
A fMft U'liifOl tltfiV inhroot nn. T!nn Vnaninrr fi-l'n.wl.
. - ..uavu mi; III n lot VUl UCU IVtrjllUj. lllCHUCa
Don't foniet that we are still in the Harness Business, t
S tr;Jcs Bros. S!iiri.V.
-. i
hnv vnnr tn-Qtc nf IS!
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
- .---t s )