Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 06, 1909, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Official Paper of the County
Mubacription Trice. J1.00 Per Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permission ha been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
nttiis a second-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
I hereby announce myself aa a can
dictate fur the tflloe of sheriff, subject
to the wishes of the republican eleo
tora of Dakota oonnty, at the primary
election to beheld Annst 17, 1909.
J T Rociwkm..
1 hereby announce myanlf aa a can
didate for the office of oonnty miperin
tendent of publio instruction of Dakota
oonnty, Nebr, subject to the will of the
republican voter at tlio primaries to
be held August 17th.
Wilfred E Voaa.
The nndrsigned respectfully an
nounce himself as a candidate for the
nflloe of clerk of the district court of
Dakota couLty, Nebraska, subject to
the will of the republican voters of
Dakota county, Nebr., at the primaries
to be held August 17, 1909.
Gkoiior Wll.KINS.
1 hereby announce my candidacy for
the ollloo of couuty clerk, subject to
the wishes of the republican electors
of Dakota county, Nebraska, at the
primaries to bo held Anptist 17, 1909.
W. L. Ross.
1 hereby Hiinouuce myself as a can
didate for county commissioner from
the 2nd district, subject to the wishes
of the republicans of Nttid district at
the piimiirii'S to bo held August 17th,
Tins D Lonu, llubburd, Nebr.
1 hereby announce my candidacy
for tlio olllcn of superintendent of pub
lie instruction of Dakota o .unity Nebr.
subject to the wishos of Hie democratic
electors at the primary election to be
held August 17, 1909.
Maiit V QriNH.
I hereby autioiiuco myself a candi
date for the office of county treasurer
of Dakota county, Neb, subject to the
will of tlio republican votes at the
primary election to bo held Angust 17,
1909. W. J. Manning.
I hereby anuonnce my candidacy for
the republican nomination for oonnty
Judge at the coming primary election,
ubject to the will of the republicans
of Dakota county. D O Btmson.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of oonnty clork,
subject to the wishes of the democratic)
electors of Dakota county, Nsvr, at the
primaries to be held Aug 17th, 1909,
J C IJotiAN.
Items of Interest
from our Exchanges
Ilartiugtou News: Mrs M Oigesr of
Emerson is the guest of Mrs C l'rovau
eh a this woek, I
Decatur Herald i J W Olhrey just
0 impleted a nice lot of cement woik
for Jens Larson, west of town.
Waltbill Times: Deputy Unitod
States Marshal John bides was in
town, yesterday. Powwow bootleg
gers, take notice.... Mr Oirely of
South Hioux City ia visiting friend
and relatives in and around Walthill
this woek.
Lyons Mirror: Gei W Rockwell
one of the pioneers of Dakota county,
vikited the Mirror family. Be landed
on Nebraska soil November ' 10, 18U9
and settled .1 miles west of Homer
where he ha residua to the present
time, lie is ou of those grandfather's
vf the Homer baseball teams.
Ponca Leader: Mrs Jim Pouieroy
onme home from Hubbard Monday
livening with'the children, where they
apeut several days on a visit. Jim
Came home Monday noon.... He Mr
Deitc and two sous leave today for
Crystal lake, where they will spend a
mouth camping out. Miss Deitz will
spend sooe time at (he Henry Hoheffel
homo in Geruianton, while Mr Deitz
and the boys are away,
i '
Tender Times: Mr and Mrs Geo J
Adams came dowu frctu Crystal lake
Monday morning... .Mis Lou Hirsch
went to Crystal lake Saturday evening
to spend Sunday with relatives. (She
returned Mouday morning.... Misses
Leona and Ruth Waohter returned
from their visit at Crystal lake Wed
oaday. They were the guests of the
(Jen J Ad ma and J Smith families,
&4 report ft fin time.
Wayne Democrat: Mr and Mrs J W
Bartlett came home this morning from
Crystal lake.... They do aome funny
thing down at Crystal lake. One
4ay a neighbor borrowed my bathing
suit, and vou would aoarce believe it,
but the nest person to wear it was one
f Wayne biggeet and best women.
Kvorvbodv is everbody elses'a friend
down there, and nobody kick on how
avacb. room you take up in the lake,
aJtheuch not all of the bathers ere
floaters, not by a "jugful."
Winnebago Chi H lu ; Miss Carrie
Kelloer was in llir. r Uat week visit
tag Mrs Gertie t-"icrrdson.... Henry
Niebuhr sttrted for Bioux rails, 8 D,
Wednesday evening on a business trip.
....Mrs Floyd Ohmit was a viaitor
with relatatives in bouth Sioux City
rout Sunday till Wednesday noon ....
Merrill Hratfield and Miss Gold a
Qaeen attended the Yeoman ioe cream
iKx-hil in Homer Tuesday eveuing ....
Fro Wilcox, Cha Ayers, Ray Mans
field, Joe Davis and Elmer Shook were
in Homer Tuesday eveuing to attend
the open lodge end iupper given in
honor of Mrs Alice M Holster. .. .Mr
e4 Mr Mell Mebuhr returned from
a bioux City trip on Weduesday
morning. They have bought out a
Mr Packet, 820 Tearl street, and will
wove there at onoe. We wish theiu
juncu ucce ia their now venture.
Tom Allien is the new hand at Joe
Mrs Hansen and children, of Salix
Iowa, returned to their home tue latter
part of the week, after a visit at the
(J M IUsranssen borne and with other
llert Col.leigh and wife and Chas
Pounds and wife were aome of the
Crystal lake visitor Bunday.
Mrs Hanson, mother of G M Rss-
mnssen. who has been serlonslv ill of
lale. isontof danger at this wilting.
It a honed that she will retrain her
usnsl health. She is quite an uged
We s ill have some fine dress shiiti
for wsrrn weather. Carl Anderson.
Johanna Mnndy enjoyed a visit from
a cousin of Ponca a few dsv last
Mrs B B Gribble and sister, Ger
trude Fair, drove out to the home of
Mr Ilerweg Tuesday.
Mrs Herman Ronzeand Mrs J Green
visited Friday at the Mike Farrol home.
A jolifloatien wa hold at the Jesse
Grave home Thursday evening, when
a n.erry crowd from town went out
and remained until the weetmtll hours
of the morning. All report a splendid
If vou noed a cream separator we
can sell you the U H, the best separa
tor made for the price. Carl Ander
son. Fred Sohumaker has received notice
ef his appointment as postmaster here,
vice Mrs M J Mnndy, resigned. The
offb-e will chuuge hands about the
Nels Anderson and wife were iu the
it v tho first of tlio week for the pur-
iiiso of getting furniture for their new
The plasterers will begin work the
latter part of the week on the new
1 veiling which is being built by Mike
Green. The painters havo started on
the out side work. It will be a fine
structure when completed.
Mary O'Connor shopped, in tho city
last Thursday.
Mra Mnndy and daughter Johanna,
xpect to loave for their old home in
Germany to reside as soon as Mrs
Mundy can be relieved of her duties
s postmaster.
We can use all the butter, eggs and
produce you can spare, and will pay
the highest market price Carl An
derson .
Cha Dodge lost a valuable horse
from lung trouble Monday. The
animal was sick only a few minutes,
The infant child of Emit Andresen
and wife bus been quite sick. The lit
tie one fell from a rooking cbair and
was seriously injured.
Mrs Persingor is eorlously ill with
typhoid fever. This family certainly
has had it snare of sickness lately.
Mr i rancisco, who has been quite
tick, is on tue mend.
Tho McOee has been numbered
among the sick for the last few days
Louis Podersen and Herman Nelson
transact od business at the county seat
las'. Friday.
in onior to make more room lor our
new tail goods which are arriving
daily, we have some splendid bargains
that we will put on sale just a fast a
we can get our good arranged on our
new shelving. Watch for bargains
next week, Carl Andersou.
Lightning killed a cow for Ernest
Ooertz during the storm Monday
The carponter work ou Curl Auder
sou's new store is about completed,
and the force of clerks is now busy re
arranging the stock of goods and (lis
playing them whero evertbiug cau be
seeu at a glance. Ho now has about
tue finest store in the couuty.
The infant child of Nels Andersor
and wifo was christened last Suudav
at tho Lutheran church. Johanna
Mnndy was the Godmother,
Hans Nelson shipped a cur cf hogs
and cattle 1 riday.
Ja Barry of Jackson, bought a car
load of oattle last Thursday from Pat
trick Jones.
Phil Heiss went out to Fred Bartels
Friday afternoon to commence work
on the foundation for a new bam
hich Mr Bartels is building. .
Mrs J P Rockwell, of Dakota City,
visited at the home of her daughter,
Mrs Ernest Ooertz, from Saturday
until luesday.
Mr Jones, of Bpaulding, visited Bun
day at tho home of hi sister, Mr T
1' rersingor lias been making regu
lar trip to Bioux City for the last
week with his oldest child who is being
treated by a physician there. The lit
tie fellow has been suffering from the
effoct of steppiug on a rusty rake
Mra F Heeney shopped in the oity
last luursday.
Mrs ) lUrty and son Daniel, were
visitor in the city last week.
Mr Paul Sharp went to the city
Monday atternoon.
A street medioine show is ia Homer.
Attorney Paul Pizey was down from
Dakota City Wednesday.
Mis Gertie McKinley was a Bioux
, , '
Will Lamon acoompaniod Tod
Christopherton and aon Jack, home
...1 T l I
Margaret Smith went to Rook oonntv
Tueaday J Walter, her father, accompa
nied her a far a Emerson.
Tod Ohristopheraon, of Crofton, was
visiting the boys for a few day. Com
again Tod. We all are glad to see
Mr Audrey Allaway visited the
maternal home over Bund.
Mia Jane Johnson departed Sunday
evening after a several week visit
with her sinter Mr Lewie Rockwell
and other relative.
There was a "mad dog" scare Lore
the latter part of last week. We were
not informed who the dog belongod to
but it was wandering around frighten
ing women and ehildron by its curious
action and there was times it seemed
almost unconscious, bunday evening
the constable ordered it shot, which
was done.
Wll Lam son and daughter Silvia,
and his sister, Mr Bert Sheldon, .re
turned to Walthill Thursday of last
week .
M, Mason, Lewi Smith and wife,
Elgie Smith, Will Beardahear, and
Phil Brideubaugh went to Denver
Commissioner Bonderson and his
brother Ben, were Homer visitor Mon
day. We understand be has condemn
ed the Hoch bridge which has been
unsafe for some time.
Mrs Sarah Smith and Miss Christine
Blessing are keeping house for Lewis
Smith and wife while they are in
Denver. '
Word oame to Homer last week that
Perry Learner was not expected to
live his son, ill. and daughter, Mr
Will Broyhill, were called to his bed
Harvesting is on in full blast.
Mra Mary Gill is under the doctor's
uare this week.
Eva Stevens deoarted Thursday for
visit iu the home of her sister, Mrs
Zella Harrington, Denver, Col,
Frank Davey jr, of Sioux City, visit
ed over last Friday night with friends
in town. He is now iu the employ of
the Walter Bros Commission Co,
John T Daily departed Monday for
Colorado, He expeuta to visit a broth
er at Longnont, and also other points
in Colorado.
E J Mullally is threshing his winter
w heat, the yield being very good.
Born to Mr and Mrs James Barnett,
July the 20, 09, a son .
Dean Carroll is spending the week
with his brother, Maynard at Macy,
Mrs D J Splane, of Chicago, is visit
ing her sister, Mr Ella Maloney.
Mary A Boler is clerking in the
O'Connor drug store this week while
Mr O'Connor is away ou business.
Mary Myers of Hioux City is a guest
in the Joe Twohig home this week.
The biHh ef a daughter is reported In
the home of Mr and Mra William Hun
gerford, of Goodwin, Aug 1, '09.
The Misses Mary and Katharine
Qniun eutertaiued the Miaaess Nellie
Hogan and Margaret Keefe, at their
home last Thursday in compliment to
the Misses Bauer and Wandte of Fon
ca, who were their guests. Later in
the evening luncheon was served.
W T Bartlett of Bioux City had bu
siness here last Saturday.
The Jacksoo aeoond nine went to
Homer last Thursday and defeated the
Homer nine, score 20 to 10.
Carl Linstrom. who was the Omaha
station agent here the past two month
I left Monday for Maskell, r
..- i. ni i.a
for Maskell, Nebr. A Mr
station for
. 0 -
the present
Herman Nelson sold hi farm Tues
day to Mad Knudsen consideration
f 8,000.
Martha Casey of l'onca visited over
Sunday with Carniet Qulnn.
Mary Batry ia visiting friend in
Rock Valley, Iowa, thia week
Turn Long of Hubbard, wa in town
L P Erlaoh i visiting hi sister, Mr
Thomas Hedge, at Weethope, N D.
Mr AC Carroll departed Tussday
for Deep Haven, Minn, to join her
daughter Gladys, who is there the
past two week visiting relatives.
The school warms are all in Dakota
Oity this week atteuding institute.
They report a very interesting and
profitable sesbiou.
Mrs Mary E Nordyke and Mr Mollis
7 irtl.iv '
Broyhill and daughter, Verde, arrived
here Wednesday for a visit iu the B F 1
Sawyer home.
Mary Harty ha gone to LeMars,
Iowa, where she has accepted a posi
tion with the Berg Dry Goods Co.
Will Kennelly played ball Sunday
with the Jefferson team, they defeated
the Hoffman House team at the form
ers grounds, score 5 to 1.
M D Laudoo departed Wednesday
for Deadwood, B D, to visit relatives.
He expects to bo gone a month .
Sister M Carol a is enjoying a visit
from her sister, Miss It M Vail, of
Freeport, III.
Helen Rockwell is attending insti
tute this week.
Mr F A Sawyer has been very sick
thia week.
Paul Simonson returned home from
Lake View, Iowa, where he has beeu
Mm Ed V Maurice went to Council
Bluffs to see her father who is sick .
A picuio was given at the John Jes
sen home last Bunday aud all hud a
good time.
Mrs Liouis lvockwell enjoyed a visit
from her sister, Jane Johnson, last
week, fshejleft ior her home in Wis
cousin, Butnrday.
llattie W llkins visited Iriends neur
bmerson the first of the week.
Chris Miller, while harvesting oats
the other day, got his hand hurt pret
ty bad. In putting the binder out of
gear he got his hand in the wheels.
bomethiug else besides the binder at
tracted Chris' attention .
Mrs Sherwood of Sioux Falls, S D
visited the E II Cornell home a couple
or days last week.
Erio Beerman started Mouday for
trip to the Pacifio ooast he expects to
EDo Ifo (Go
VACATION DAYS cannot be spent to better advantage
than at some beautiful lake in Northern Wisconsin en
joying the healthy attraction of outdoor life.
Many beautiful lakes arc adjacent to the
PJorth-Western H-finc
and summer cottages and hotels provide excellent ac-
commodations at reasonable prices. Then again if a
camping party wishes, they may drive a few miles inland
and enjog practically a virgin field.
Trout, Pike, Bass and Muskallonge
will be found at almost any of the Northern Wisconsin
resorts. Hay Fever sufferers also find instant relief in
the pine laden air of these resorts or on the shores and
islands of Lake Superior.
For booklet showing maps of the fishing localities, list of hotel and
prices or any assistance you desiie in finding a desirable location,
Address, T. W. TEASDALll.
General Passenger Agent,
St. Paul, Minn.
Uneeda Biscuit
are .made from the finest flour and
materials obtainable
That Makes them
Uneeda Biscuit
are baked in surroundings where cleanliness
and precision are supreme
That Makes them
Uneeda Biscuit
are touched only once by human hands
when the pretty girls pack them
That Makes them
Uneeda Biscuit
are sealed in a moisture proof package
visit in Seattle, Portland and well
we almost, promised not to tell, but he
may not retnrn alone
Johu HazlegroVe and wife expect to
leave next week for a trip to the Pa
cifio ooast.
Clair Lapsley arrived here a few
days ago for a visit with friends and
Mrs Jennie Bostwick, of Woodbine,
Io, visited her brother, Lewis Blanch-
ard and family, last week.
Louis Erumwiede has threshed his
fall wheat, some of it yielded 32 bush
els per acre .
Harry Brown has purchased a new J
I Case threshing machine.
Chas O Beerman with the assistance
of H D Wood is building a small addi
tion to his house and otherwise improv
ing the place.
George Bates, J W Hazlegrove aud
Chas Beerman unloaded a car of brick
at Wood Park to be used for their
barns, caves, eto.
Oue of Henry Biermann's boys is
seriously ill of pneumonia and his re
covery is doubtful.
Mrs B E Crouch is still on the sick
list. ,
For Sale
A large list of Cheyenne, Morrill,
Box Butte, Kimball, bcott Bluff and
Banner county Nebr, lauds.
Ranches, re'inqniHhments railroad
contracts, school sections ell sizes
and prices from $0.00 per nero and up
for deeded lands.
Having a personal knowledge of
these lands I will go and show them to
those who wish to invest.
B A Combs, Homer, Nebr.
Tho Kozy Studio is making special
low prices during the spring months.
Cabinets f l.tO up; also 24 small Pho
tos 25o. 12 postals bUc. e lead in
low prices. All work guaranteed.
Kozy Studio,
304 Douglas street, bioux City, Io
the best
an ideal
That Keeps them FgtQQ
W. M. Hileman Writes of His Trip to'the Coast
, Visit Many Former Dakota County People
Also Places of Interest Bnroute. . 1 : : : ,
Continned from last week
Oar next stop was at Forest Grove,
where we visited at the home of Mrs
Watt reus, nee Kate Fair.
1 From there we returned to Portland
where we spent a week seeing the
sights of the Rose City and saw more
and finer roses than we had Been in all
our lives before. We stayed longer
than we had planned that we might
be there during the rose festival and
we were more than repaid. We went
to the rose show, and to one who loves
flowers, it was worth going almost any
distance to see. We left Portland
Friday morning, and reached Seattle
that evening The next day we went
out to the A YP Expositiou where we
found many fine exhibits from Califor
nia, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and
Yukon. Our Government building is
fine, and contains so many things of
interest for both old and young. On
Sunday we met John Stinson, and
part of that day and the day follow
ing we spent with him viewing the
city. We found John looking tine and
very favorbly impressed with the west.
While here we visited the navy yard
on Vancouver island and was on board
the battleship Tennessee. We visited
the Fair again Tuesday, and Wednes
day took the steamer Victoria for Van
couver, B C. We arrived there early
in the evening. Everything here is
quite English, all the hotels, cafes, and
even fine cigars have English names
We boarded the Canadian l'aoiiio
train tho next morning and our first
stop was at Kamploops, where we spent
the night as we wanted to see the fine
scenery, we .eft there early the next
morning; the scenery is fine, and as
our train wound up around tlu mount
ain it became more grand. The snow
was melting fast and many of the
mountain 6 1 reams weie over their
banks in many places, while here and
there could be seen the bright spark
ling waters as it came down the st..ep
mountain sides. Frem the car windows
could be seen some of the highest
peaks of the Selkirk mountains. Our
next stop was at Calgary, Alberta; it
is growing rapidly and is surrounded
by a fine farming country. We left
ror l
We carry a complete line of Miunesotu Paints, Colors, Oils,
and Unfile.
Edwards Bradford Lbr.Co.
here about 10 p m, and when we open
ed our eyes in the morning found it
had began to rain and it kept at it un
til evening. When we were about on
the line between Canada and United
States, the custom officers came
through the train and made an inspec
tion of all the baggage, but I gness
they found a poor crowd on our car a
they did not find anybody iu pos
session of anything worth collecting
duties on.
We reached Minot about 2 am; here
we stopped for a visit with our niece,
Mra Ben Herbranson and an old time
friend, Mrs J Hodgins. While here
we went out to see Curt Hileman and
family. They are living on the farm
and are doing well, crops are looking
good and the country is settling up
rapidly. Minot is a lively place, and
has several fine stores and hotels, and
is mrrounded by a fine farming coun
try. We spent the glorious Fourth
here, and that we had a good time goes
without saying. On July the 6th, we
left Minot for St Paul where we stayed
until Saturday morning. We were ac
companied by Mrs Hodgins and two
children. While stopping in St Paul
we visited with Mrs Hodgins' cousin,
and we all had a fine time seeiug the
sights of the city, and were sorry we
could not make our etiy longer. We
visited the Minnesota state capital and
found it far surpassed any building
we had visited on our trip. The Twin
cities are well worth visiting as there
are so many places of interest. While
we were there the 0 E convention
met there, and to jndge by appearan
ces the Endeavorers were enjoying
their outing.
We left St Paul Saturday morning
and after reaching LaMara found
traveling slow and dangerous as the
tracks had been washed out iu several
places, but we reached Sioux City
without a miashap and only a couple of
hours late, and was mighty glad to set
foot once more on familiar soil.
And so after a journey covering sev
eral thousand miles we are baok onoe
more to a fair a land as the sun shines
on. W M Hilkmak.
T Vzt'
mrty-oeven i ears
have been made in Minneapolisby
the Minnesota Linseed Oil Paint Co.'
Best prepared paints has been their
life work. They do nothing else year
in and year out. They are experts
trained from boyhood up, to make the
best paints, that can be ' made. It's
small wonder that it has become the
standard by which others are judged.
A aewUiacd Mlmol Ptlat (tack U mw oa wlWs
wlUa four erdar.