When the r 7 . n n riair rails v"". it! And why not? Fall " . iviirfs a disease, a regular ' ' i ;-se ; and Ayer's Hair Vlcor, ' m;!e from our new 1m ' tved formula, quickly and uii; letely destroys that dis The hair stops falling crows more rapidly, and ..1 Jindruff disappears. m no chanre the color ef ihe hah. A CormuU with aach bottla Bhosr it to yen yers Ask him about It, than do m ha says Th; l;;:le bonk in etch package gives .- f jrmula of our new Hair Vigor, (ells h' each ingredient is used, and ex pivr:? many other interesting things. After reading you will know why this new hair preparation does its work so well. - Mat by tha J. O. Arar Co., Lowall, Maas. Local Items Friday, July 30, 1909 We have as good a stock of bard warn and tinware as there ever was in Dakota City, and you will find our noes right. Schnever Bros. Subscribe for the Herald, only II. Bay a good farm on the Dakota county bottom. I have it. Eimers. Maud Sohumaoher is here from Co rell, Minn, visiting relatives and old friends. Archie Ooughtry, wife and baby spent a few days in Wakefield and vi cinity the past week, visiting relatives. Fred N Lacey and Ellen Margaret Wheeler, both of Slouz City, were uni ted in marriage Wednesday by Judge Stinson. Ernest Triggs is having the Duncan house moved Irom the east part of town to a lot south of the Geo NiebUhr house, and will fit it np for a residence. Morey Cleveland, son-in-law of Fred Hall and wife, was down from bis farm near Waterbury the first of tho week, and spent a fev days with rela tives here. Frederick A Peterson, of Brownloe, Neb. and Laura M Timmermann, of Moline, 111, came . all the way here Tuesday' to have Judge Stinson tie tho cupt'al knot for them. Qeorge Wilkins returned Tuesday from his trip to the coast and the Se attle exposition. He says there are some fine exhibits at the fair, piinci pally those of the government. Harry Brown this week reoeived a new 40-horse power gasolene traction engine ani gang plow consisting of eix 11-inoh plows. He will use th eugine to do most of his heavy farm work. Don't forget the piano recital thi8 Friday evening at the M E ohurch, given by Miss Ada Hart's pupils, as sisted by Miss Ellen Hartzell, reader, and F A Wood, baritone. An admis sion fee of 25ots will be charged. I have now, with my new stock, a fine assortment of queensware, and anyone who wants anything in that line can get it as cheap or cheaper than they can buy it in Sioux City. Try me and see. Van de Zedde. Tbe local Sons of Hermann lodge wisn to DuoiiciT inanz me jrioneers anu . . . , .1 . .. v . nd Old Settlers' association for the nse of their buildings, chairs, etc, at tbe park, and also tbe people in town for the decorations on the day of the pionic. What is MIDWEST LIFE Of Lincoln, Neb. There are plenty of life insaranoe oompanies We entered the field to sell good insurance at tbe least rates that are possible, consistent with perfect safety. We give the people of Nebraska an opportunity to keep their money at home. A DOLLAR'S WORTn FOR A DOLLAR. C. L. WILLIAMS GENERAL AGENT Midwest Life Ins. Co.. Of Lincoln, Xebr. 2BE3SHBBBB SATURDAY I Stxturdcvy, - 1 r at ! w I 1 I A A OU ceiu iranon can 01 uricoLb unu 1 cauics jjo 20 cent gallon can of Apricots and Peaches IOC A 31b can of Hominy or Baked Beans, J cans lor. Enelish Walnuts per lb . . 9c 3 lbs Seeded Raisins Sixturday, August 6th la On all Low Shoes, all size 50 cents off On all Ladies Shirt Waists 50 cents off On all Parasols and Umbrellas 25 off No. 1 & 2 Lnmp Chimneys, Cc 7 brs White Rus. Soap, 25c S. A Stinson ! 1 Dakota City. Nebraska A bright little baby rirl came to tbe 0 E Doolittls home Sunday night. Rev Yon Ilagen returned last Thurs dsy from a two weeks' visit in Wiscon sin. Theodore Bliven and family visited over fcrhuday at Pender, at the Jsy Bliven home. For Sale A nearly new Marsh mo torcycle, at a bargain. O F Broyhill, Dakota City, Nebr. Mrs R B Orr returned home Mon day evening from a month's visit at her old borne in Canada. Jacob Uager who has been seriously ill for the past ten days is improving and will soon be out again. Mrs B O Foye, of Waverly, Iowa, visited at the home of her parents, Wm Lenox and wife, tbe past week. John Joyce and Mrs Charles Cough try returned last week from a con pie of weeks visit with relatives in Omaha. Albert Sohumaoher is taking a ten days layoff frem bis duties as railway mail clerk on the Sioux City and Lin coln run. Edward B Samite, a traveling man man from Milwaukee, Wis, and Lottie L Dunham, of Leeds, Iowa, were join ed in carriage Monday by Judge Stinson. A disiluy of fine glassware, that looks as nice almost as any cut glass, and sold dirt cheap; your choice on the center table for only 10 cents, at Van de Zedde's. Tha Emmanuel WH&FM society will meet at the church Thursday evening August 5, at 7 :30. Let all tbe members be present as special bu siness will o oonsiclerd. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for le at reanyuable prices. . Fiixds & Slauohtzb Co. Tkq E Bliven, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. John W Beacorn, who has been foreman on one of the Burlington sec tions out of this place tbe past three months, has been transferred to Ran dolph, Nebr. A man from Fremont has taken bis plaoe here. Your opinion about what you see is determined partly by how you see. Very few people have normal vision. Only perfectly fitted glasses will give both relief and normal sight. W 0 Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist.' Services at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday as follows: Preaching, 11am; Sunday sohool, 10 am! Class meeting 12 m; Epworth League, 6:80 p m; Preaching, 7:30 p Preach in Grace church every Sunday at 2 :30 pm. Youareoordially invited to any and all these services . J McElpbree and family, who have had charge of the local telephone ex change for the past two years, will re move to Sioux City Monday to reside. They gave excellent satisfaction while here, and we only hope their success ors will be equally as courteous to the patrons of the company, frank Forbes and wife, of Norfolk will be tbe new managers of the 'exchange, and will be assisted by Maud Doolit tie, who hs assisted in tbe work here at difflereot times. The Rev H H Millard D D, of Oma ha, will deliver his master address on "Christian Education" at she Method ist Episcopal church on Sunday morn ing at tbe usual preaouing Hour, this address should be heard by every par ent in town for it is full of good things hicb they aught to know. Dr Mil- ard is a flue speaker, and a great orator and those who fail to hear him on this occasion will miss one of the best things that has ever come to Da kota City. A free will offering at the close of tbe address. Mr J A Page, of Omaha, will be in Jackson and Hubbard shortly after August 1st, tuning pianos, cleaning and repairing organs. Mr Page la a graduate of the Nebraska school for the blind where he completed a course in this particular line of work. In case the ork is not satisfactory no charges are made for time or labor. Mr l uge has done work in Jackson and Hub bard before and has given excellent satisfaction to some of the best rausioal people. Persona in Jackson war.tiug work done of this kind may ieave or ders with Lee Kearney at the bank Anv one in Hubbard wanting work done may leave orders with Mis Chas Thompson or at Mr Uribble e store. Tbe republicans met in delegate convention at the comt house Satur day afternoon and named the follow inn delegates to the state convention, held at Lincoln on Tuesday: R E Evans, Nelsou Smith, W P Warner, F 8 Berrv. Ben Bonderson and b t Sawyer. The three first mentioned were the oolv ones to attend the state convention. J J Elmers was chosen chairman of the county central com mittee ai d Burt Kroesen secretary. with the following precinot committee men W A Niemever. Dakota; lien Bonderson, Emerson; J O Smith, Hub' bard ; W H Meeker, Covington ; W W ReninRe-, Pigeon Creek; L B Hanger- ford, Summit; B F Sawyer, ot John s T D Curtis, Omadi. At tbe state con vention 1 eld Tuesday E A Wilte o Pender was named state committee man for this district. SPECIALS j I I July 31st 1 T) 1, QKft ..25c I I Mrs Ed Waldman visited in Harting ton the past week. A restaur meeting Of tbe Aiasonio lodge will be held Saturday evening. Martha and Emma Ewald of Sioux City spent Sunday with relatives here. Julins Quintal spent Sunday with relatives and friends at Elk Point, 8 D. U 8 Marshal Warner and family will break camp at the lake and return to Omaha tomorrow. Oalen Hatheway was laid np the paat week with a lame hand having ran a rusty nail in it. , There will be no preaching for ths next four Sundays by Rev Oberholtzer at Salem and Dakota City. Wm Orr and daughter Lillian, left Tuesday evening on a month's trip to Canada, to visit relatives at their for mer home. Sheriff Rockwell has finished trim ming np the trees in the court yard, which gives the place a much better appearance. Willie Lorenz is taking a few days vacation this week and is rusticating over near Lawton, Iowa, at the home of bis aunt. W S Baughman and family have re turned to town, after spending a coup le of months' outing at tbeir Crystal lake cottage. To my many friends and patrons: Here I come with the best and most complete line ever handled in Dakota county. Still on the road doing busi ness. Have completed canvassing in Thurston county and am ready to de vote all my time to Dakota county Anything you need before I call please order and oblige. 8 H Moore, The Rawleigb Man Have you seen our latest production in photos? We aro now making some of the finest photos made anywhere for the money and prices very low. For groups, wedding or baby photos, see us first, and save money. Di Lcxk Studio, Next to 5 and 10c store, 40 j 4th, Sioux City, Iowa. Hon. W. Y. Ailen for Speaker. . The committee on speakers has se cured the consent of Hon Wm Y Allen of Madison, Neb, a former U S senat or, to deliver the annual address at the Pioneers and Old Settlers' annual re union to be held at Clinton Park, Da kota City, on August 26th. Another big drawing card for the occasion is Heed s military Dana 01 Sioux City, which has been contracted for. Tbe Herald has been awsrded the privilege of printing the official pro gram for the Pioneera'and Old Settlers' twenty-eighth annual reunion to be held Thursday, August 26, 1909 . orriCKBS or thi day. Marshal J. P. Rockwell. Assistant Marshals J. M. Brnnnnn. Wm. Rlermann. Louis Uoodsell, Jiiiihs Kueston, Grant Castor, Joe M.Leedom. COMMITTERS. Invitation W. L. Ross. Mary V. Qulnn, Oeorge Wilkins, Lena W'llklns. Sneakers President John Boler, Wm. P. Warner, R. E. Evans, J. J. Elmers. Transportation R. E. Evans, M.O.Ayres, . J. Elmers. Pettlstrar Mrs. Fannie Orozler, Mary Easton, Lizzie Ilaase, II. P. Orozler. . Privileges Barney Grlbble, Geo T.Woods, . H. Baker. Amusement M.O.Ayres, O. H. Maxwell, M. M. ttvam, W. H. Mason, John Hotron, Dr. B.J. Leahy, Walter bniltn. lien Bonder- son, Archie uastou. Mnmhprshirj Mrs. Ida Grlhhle. Mrs Mary Jrlts. Anna Bartlett, Kvarlnta Ryan, Mar garet Qulnn, Kate Dutrtran, BrldKte Hayes, Mrs. Nelson Keauto, Airs. K. A. ( araprifii, Alice Heffernan, Helen Rockwell, Mrs. Fred 8. Berry. Memorial 8. A. Combs, John H. Ream. Badges Mrs. Fannie Orozler. Grounds H. T. Wood. Barney Grlbble, . A. Stinson. Henry Kruniwledo. Herman Blermann, . F. Broyhill, O. H. Ream, A. H. Bakur, Walter Uheney, H. P. Orozler, W. L. Ross, J. J. Elmers, Kminutt H Human, J. P. Rockwell. John Koltz. 8. W. Foltz, Ernest TrlKgs, R. E. Evans, vern U. Lake. Recentlon Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ashford, Mr. ami Mrs. O. J. O'Connor. Nell Combs, Margaret Murphy, Mr.anu M rs. J . M. Jving, IikvIiI IHsdd. Mr. and M rs. Hartnett. J. 1', Beaconi, Mary Timlin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hlnnir. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stolze, Hoo, H. Haase. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Berry. Nel lie Heeney, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Llnafelter, Mr Kurt Mrs. I'hilo McAree. Mary nunimrer, Martin Voss, John O. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. .1.11. iMifftfHii. Mr.and Mrs. Michael Bencom Miutule Twohlg, Matt McKivertmn, janies Casey, Ed T. Kearney and wife, Frank Davey and wife, Helen O'Neill, Bonnie Hum. J. J. Rvan. E. L. Wilbur and wife Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. K. Church. Llbhle HavlUue. uentrice Blessing, eorge Wilson, Herman Fonts, Mrs. Mary K. McBenth, U. M, Pieiswanger Perle Htlnson. EllziUx th Huase, Harry H Adair and wifeMrs. W. L. Ross, Mrs. Etta M.8pencer, Mrs. Nellie Mason, Mrs. Eva 1. Orr, Lillian Orr, Mrs. Alice Sides. L. H. Armhright and wife, Paul Plzey and wife, George W. learner. Oliver Fisher and wife. Mell A. Schmied and wife, Mrs. Tina Brl' iiunluiiiiFh. Fred Heermann. lr.. Henry Bier nuinn. John C. Dlneen. J.M. t'lncaiiey anu wife, 8. P. Mlkesell, Jerome Hollman, Hans Nelsen and wife, Ben Bonderson anu wile, W. A, Morgan and wife. Notice for Bids The Privilege committee of the Pio neera and Old Settlers' association will reoeive sealed bids up to August 10th on all privileges to be let for tbe annual picnic to be held Angust 26th. Ad dress all communications on this sub' iect to Barney Oribble, chairman of privilege committee, Dakota City, Nebr. BARGAINS Acme Queen Binder. . . .$135.00 Acme Joint Mower 48.00 Acme Sweeps 16,00 Acme Sulky Rakes 25.00 Fuller Lee Pressed Drill. 75.00 Beatrice 5 Disc Drill . . . 25.00 Fanning Mill, best 25.00 Corn and Grain Grader. 40 00 Wells Jr. Stacker 45.00 Schroeder Grain Dump.. 135.00 The above troods are not in the trust. I don't buy trust made goods if I know it "I am a democrat." Were it not for the independent manufacturing companies the consumers would have to pay almost double what they are paying now for farm machinery. Best cream separator oil, 40c gal Stacker rope manila 15c lb Machine oil, 25c to 50c per gal Sunshine WashingMachine,$'J.50 Western Washing Machine, 3.50 Binder Twine, made in Tulv. 1900 9.00 a Will trade any of above ma chinery for young horses or cows. D. C. Heffernan, Hubbard, Nebr. Official Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioner. Dakota City, Nebr, July 24, 1909. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present John Sierk, chairman: Ed Morgan and Julius Bonderson. Claims allowed oiniHAL runs I) n Stinson. oourt costs In Bert, Pa Tlsrase S 7 00 wmetia u rfiu. witness lees, in yavls rsw 1 So 1. Valentine, same 1 AO John H Ream, bonrtl of health Im Heth P Hnrnes. same S fin James Flynn. same I )ft O l Smiley, same TO The Smith Premier Typewriter Co, aunnlles - S 1ft Perkins Bros Co, supplies T U Paul Plsey, prosecution of Talbot.... fA On Paul Plzey. defending Bert Ixtvls.... ft IK) Saniarltnn Hospital, care of O'Brien. TOW) Auatln Western Co.repalrs for grader Tl To S W Foltz, repairing cell S Si) Klopp, Bnrtlutt Co, supplies.... ... M IS F.lnier Smith, H of tine of Hlerk 100 W L Ross, Slid Quarter salary, polt- nge, etc lie TO P Kockwel . SRlnrjr 18 SI Wm Blermann, salary 40 00 M Beneom, tax refunded SI S A Htlnson, indse 19 81) LI ml hoi in Furniture Co, carpet for court room 107 SO John G Rachort. hoarding paupers... M 60 nen iiacnere, caring for Mrs tteeu.... ri V W J Manning, postage, e to 84 40 Fred Hchrlever at Co, mdse 8 SO Ed Morgan, salary as so JohiLSlerk, salary U SO ir J A naronde. services aS CO Jepson A Jepson, attorney tee In ditch matter 1U0 uu Hoard ordered the county treasurer to accept $18 in full payment of all taxes due on lots 4, 5 and 6, block 44, Covington. lioard ordered the county treasurer to accept $21 in full payment of all taxes due on lots 10, 11 and 12, block 42, Stanton. road rnw n. John O Smith, road work t 00 Charley smith, same 11 00 Ulaims allowed on road dist. Ne it. 'harles Hlrsch. road work K7 7ft Theodore Peters, same 8 00 John Tram per, same 100 linns lionnlckson, same 10 6" 1) Barge, same 8 00 Dan Hartnett, road work, dlst No 9.. 6U 00 The county treasurer is ordered to accept the principal, less interest and advertising, on the following property : Lots 8, 9 and 10, block 21; lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12, block 12; lots 1, 2. 3, 4, S, 6 and 10, block 23; lots 1, 8, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, block 24 ; lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12, block 81; lots 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, block 32; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11, block 83; lots 1, C, 10 and 11, blook 84; lots 1, 2, 8. 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12, block 35; lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, blook 74; lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7. 8, 10, 11 and 12, block 75, all in Dakota City, Nebr. The board made order for 8 B Folly to remove the private bridge spanning Elk oreek ditch. The following reports were approv ed by the board : To the board of oounty commission ers. Dakota oounty, JNeb. Report of fees earned in ,the county clerk's office in the 2nd quarter of the year 1909 Fees earned for recording ...!") 10 Second quarter salary 100 00 Total 1409 10 W L lioss. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of Jnly, 1909. D C Stinson, oounty judge. Amount of fees collected by D O Stineon, oounty judge, during the 2nd quarter of 1909. Amount collected during April I at so May 12 wi " ' " June 151) 08 Total HTJ 16 D O Stinson. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of July, 1909. W Li lioss, county clerk. Keport of J P Book well, sheriff, 2nd quarter 1909, shows fees earned to the amount of $123 94. J P Rockwell, sheriff. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of July, 1900. W Li Ross, county clerk. The oounty clerk is ordered to pur chase Stella Wnrzburger transporta tion to Colorado. The folowinK Petition came np for hearing at this time. To the Board of County Commission ers of the County of Dakota, State of Nebraska:- We the undersigned owners of the lands situated within and constituting u part of tUe lands hereinafter desonb ed. to-iti The south half of tbe southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter and part or tne east half of the southwest quarter of section thirteen (13), and the northeast Quarter of tbe northeast quarter of section twenty-four (24), all in town ship twenty-eight north of range seven (7) east; the south hall oi section sev enteen (17). that part of the southwest quarter of section sixteen (16) lying west and south of tbe hit Ureek dltcn runuiun through said section sixteen '(16), the north half of section twenty (20), that portion of the east ball of section twenty-one (21) lying south and west of the said Elk Creek ditch running through said section twenty one (21), the north half of the north east quarter of section twenty-eight (28) the northwest quarter, tha east half of the southwest quarter tbe north west quarter of the southwest quarter pf section twenty-one (21) all in town ship twenty-eight (28) north, of range eight (8) esst; all of said lands being situated in Dakota Couuty, Nebraska, do hereby most respectfully represent to this Honorable Board, that Pigeon Creek, which enters upon said lands iu said section thirteen (13) flows over and spreads over said lands, which are low, level and without natural drain age tbe said Pigeon Creek has through said lands no defined channel, and by reason thereof and the fact that it so spreads over said lands, has and does reuder Bald land low, wet, unbt lor cultivation and does make and the said lauds are swamp lands and that said lauds are unhealthy, unsanitary and injurious to ptiblio highways and iu tueir present condition and in the con dition in which said lands remain dur ill? tbe year swamp lands, unfit for oultivattiou or the pursuits of agrioul tore or for pasture or bay land and detrimental to the publio health auJ the publio welfare and convenience Your petitioners further shows and represeut, that if there were a ditch constructed from a point in seotiion thirteen, township twenty-eight north of range seven in said couuty of Dako ta, where said Pigeon Creek intersects the east line of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said see tiun, tbeoce in a northeasterly direc tion to a point slout twenty rods east and eighty-five rods south of the ren ter of anid section thirteen, thence in a southenrtcrly direction dossing thi line between the east and west half of the southeast qearter of said section where tha new or present channel of said Pigeon Creek crosses said line and crossing the rast line of section twenty-four township twenty-eight range seven in said county, about twewty-flve rods south of the north east corner of said section, being the lowest point on the east line of the northeast quarter of said section twenty-four; thence southeasterly following the lower land to a point about eighty rods east and one hundred and sixty rods north cf the southwest corner of section twenty-one in township twenty eight north of ranee eight east in said -county; thenoe following the lower land easterly about one hundred and twenty rods; thenoe still follow ing the lower lands southerly about one hundred and sixty rods to a point on thj south line of section twenty-one in township twenty-eight north of range eight east in said oounty of Da kota and about fifty-five rods west ot the intersection of said south line with the said Elk Creek ditoh; thence in a soutbesterly direction still following the lower land and intersecting with the said Elk Creek ditoh In tha south west quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-seven north, of range eight east about thirty-five rods south of the north line of the said southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section twenty-seven, all of said ditoh being in said oounty of Dakota. Your petitioners further show that the location, and construction and maintenance of such ditoh is necessary and if located, constructed and main tained as above indicated and request ed it will drain said lands, will repair the health and be conducive to publio welfare and convenience and will re deem the lands above described from tbeir present wet and swampy condition, lour petitioners further show that they are tbe owners of the following described lands within said swamp land above described and to-wit: northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-seven town ship twenty-eight range eight owned by Roy Armour and the east-half of southwest qusrter of section thirteen township twenty-eight roge seven owned by JP Beacom, the amount in acres so owned by the petitioners being in excess of the sum of one hundred and twenty acres. Therefore your petitioners would re spectfully request and pray that your honorable board do proceed to investi gate said matter and the advisability of makiug proposed improvement, that in making such investigations you se lect such help as shall be necessary to fully investigate said matter and to fully and completely advise the bvard, if necessary employing a civil engineer for that purpose, that if upon investi gation you find that the said improve ment is nesessary and will be condu cive to the publio health and welfare and convenience and you are warrant ed in so doing, that you locate, con struct and maintain and cause to be located, constructed and maintained, as nearly as may be along the line above indisated and described, a ditch of sufficient capacity to carry the wat ers of said Pigeon Creek at all flood stages so as to carry out the purpose and intent of your petitioners and that yon do all and evory act or acts neoes- sary nndar the law to protect, preserve and drain the lands of your petitioners and others similarly situated with ref erence to said Pigeon Creek, and to provide for the expense of making, lo catiDg, constructing and maintaining said improvement prayed for, proposed herein and hereby petitioned for. Dated this 24th day of July, A D 1909 J P Beacom, Roy Armour. Whereas Roy Armour and J P Bua- oom have this 24th day of July, A D 1909 filed with the county clerk of Da kota County, Nebraska a petition the object and prayer of which is the loca tion, construction and maintenance of a ditch to carry the water of Pigeon Creek from a point in section thirteen in township twenty-eight north of range seven in said county to- a poiot in the Elk Creek ditch in section twenty-seven north of range eight in said County as in said petition described and to whioh reference is hereby msde: Now therefore, we Roy Armour and J P Beacom as principals and Fred Bartels and F J Heeney as sureties are held and firmly bound unto the County of Dakota, State f Nebraska, for tbe payment of all costs that may ooour in case tho Board of Commissioners of said county find against the aid im provement prayed for in said petition also all ibe expenses of tbe proceedings thereon or thereunder if the said find ing is against the said improvement, I to tbe paymeut of whioh well and truly to ue maue we uiuu uuraenen, our heirs, exeoutors and administratora. Signed this 24th day of July, A D 1999. Id the presence of, J W Ueileruan and Qeorge Eble. Roy Armour, Fred Bartels, J P Beacom, F J Heeney. . The above bond and the sureties thereou are hereby approved by me this 24th day of July. A D 1909. W Li Ross, County Clerk, ot Dakota County, Nebraska . W L Ross was authorized by the board to consult with Fred Smith, surveyor and arrange for a meeting of said petitionera, commissioners, and surveyor to investigate said matter of constructing said ditoh, and report on aid investigation at the meeting fol lowing the adjourned meeting. Board adjourned to meet August 7, 1909. W L Robs, Clerk. PROGRAM The W II & F M sopiety ill meet with Mis Lew ArruoiigHt August 0th, at 2:30 p m. If vnin No. Hi Prayer Kev. Olx-rlioltiur MliiutxH of Inst iiictUiw Roll I'ltll If viii n No. Ml HII.Ih HuhiIIiik Mrs. F.iniiii'tt (irlliblu Ortlerof Hurvlce No 6 1'rm-t airs. UullMirtson Hiislness Hymn No. 'U lord's Prayer , For Sale A large list of Cheyeune, Morrill, Dox 15 u tie, Kimhall, Hcotts Bluff and Uanuer oouuty Nebr, lauds. ItaDohes, relinquishments railroad contracts, school sections all sizes snd prices from 10.50 per acre and up 1 for deeded lands. IlaTiug a personal knowledge of these lands I will go snd show them to those who wish to invest. B A Combs, Homer, Nebr. Ibrahim anew "The bank that Always treat yon Right" lias a new Pocket Savings Dank. for You It is Loaned not sold. But yon must open an account, by and by, in this good bank, that's "safe as a Government Bond." It will simply MAKE you save for the lainy day. It costa yon nothing but you must deposit or return. Small and good enough fot any pocket even a lady's. Call in and talk it over, please. Dank, of Dakota County i"n em IB. ScDa.GOfia.blc Goods for Less Mbncy Hammocks Ovens and Reaper Whips Our Stock the Largest Our Price the Lowest. Edwards & Bradford Mr Go; V. 0. Lake, Resident Mgr. Patronize Home Industry buy your in jats of Wrtn LrOREPIZ, Proprietor of- City Meat Market Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket goes on Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays I DAKOTA CITY EvGrywkcrc It is impossible to present a detailed list of the attractive oxenrsion rates now in effect. You Can Go East on daily low rares to Atlantic cities and resorts; every day rates to Wisconsin, Michigan and Canadian resorts, and for the celebrated tour of the lakes. You Can Go West : There are very attractive rates every day to Colorado, Yellowstone Park, Seattle, California, Black Hills, Hot Springs; homeseekers rates every first and third Tuesdays everywhere west. Inquire about the personally con ducted camping tours from Cody into the Yellowstone Park. See Your Own Country: Between America's prosperity and low railroad rates there is every reason why you should join the great summer travel throng. I in 1 We have just received a Bee Ilccpcrs' A fret which may interest our Beo Keeping friends. Don't forget that we are still in the Harness Business. Sturrfco Bros. 5!LpciVy.wi 4V 'MM The E. & B. Ball Bearing Sewine Maching and the One Minute Washer win praise everywhere, by giving universal satisfaction Light Running Long Lasting. r Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard - - Nebraska PAUL PIZEY, ALFRED PIZEY, Dakota Citv. Nia. 11 fY ZTS 608 Me,roP0,iUn Bll' Bonded : Abstracter : sioux city, iowa LVr. (Do. Ice Cream Freezers Gas Stoves Toasters Lap Dusters Leather and Corded Fly Nets Dakota City, Neb a NEBRASKA W. E. Snethen, Ticket Agt, Dakota City, Neb. L. W. Wakrlit, Q P A, Omaha, Neb INN PR Let us show them to you X x t "i. x