Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 23, 1909, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Official Paper of the County
Subscription Trice. $1.00 Per Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebrnka.
Permission has been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
mails m second-claos matter.
Telephone No. 43.
The nndersigued respectfully an
tionooes himself aa a candidate for the
oflioe of olerk of the district court of
Dakota county, Nebraska, subject to
the will of the republican voters of
Dakota county, Nebr., at the primaries
be held AuguRt 17, 1909.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the oflleo of county clerk, snbjec'. to
the wishes of tue republican electors
of Dakota county, Nebraska, at the
primaries to be held August 17, 1909.
W. L. 1C088.
I hereby announce myself as a can
dilate for county commissioner from
the 2nd district, subject to the wishes
of the republicans of said district at
the primaries to be held August 17th,
Thos D Long, Hubbard, Nebr.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the oflioe of sheriff, subject
to the wishes of the republican elec
tors of Dakota oonnty, at the primary
election to beheld Anftust 17, 1909.
J P Rockwell.
Republican County Convention
The republicans of Dakota county
will meet iu delegate convention at the
CDurt house in Dakota City, Neb, Sat
urday, July 24th, 1909, at 2 o'clock p
ta, to select delegates to attend the
stute convention to be held at Linooln
and to transact such other business aa
may come before the meeting. The
different precincts of the county are
entitled to representation as follows:
Hubbard 4
Emerson 4
Omadi 9
Dakota 10
Covington..:... 9
8t. John's 8
Summit 2
Pigeon Creek 2
It is also recommended that precinot
caucussea be held Friday evening, July
23rd. at which time, besides naming
delegates to the county convention,
precinct officers, including precinot
assessor, will bo nominated.
J P Ilckwell, Chairman.
W L Ross, Secretary.
John SI Commons, superintendent
and special disbursing agent in charge
of the Omaha tribe of Indians, has
filed in the district court of Thurston
county a suit against Thos L Sloan, an
attorney of Pender and a member of
the tribe, for 110,000 . The smt grows
out of charges alleged to have been
ruude aguinst Commons oflicial con
The followiing candidates took ad
vantugoof the opportunity and filed
their applications with the county
clerk to have tlisir names placed on the
primary ballot, after having paid the
DecesHsry fee to the oounty treasurer:
Judge D C Stinson, rep; treuatirer
W J Manning, rep; sheriff J P
Rockwell, rep; clerk VV L Uoss, rep
Mailious Learner, rep, M T Heacom.
dem, John 0 Uogan, dem; olerk of the
district court George, Wilkins, rep;
county superintendent Mary V Qiinn,
dom, Wilfred E Voss rep; coroner 11
F Sawyer, rep; county commissioner
2nd district Thos Long, rep, John
Bieik. rep; 3rd district J II Bonder
on, rep,
It - I a . 5
items oi i rue. est i
f f Am A I CvaUhmwaa 1
n, IIWIIIUUI k.bliailC j
South Creek items in Ponoa Journal;
Mrs bheahan visited her sister Mrs P
Cuter, iu Dakota county.
Aden News: Mrs Chas Lovcll and
daughter, Amber, are visiting Mrs
JUovell's folks at Dakota City.
Ilornick items it Sloan, Io, Star: Mr
nd Mrs W J Dills returned borne Sun
day evening from ati outiug of a week
at Crystal Lake.
Newcastle items in Ponca Journal:
John Kramper wife aud daughter, of
Vista, have been visiting here at the
Mike Ileenan home.
Newcastle Times: On acoonnt of
the breakdown of the train while oora
ing from Sioux City last eveuing, they
were delayed at Jackson about four
Bloomfleld Monitor: E B Hammond
was a passenger for Omaha last Tues
day morning where he vent to have
his hand dressed and taken care of
Sioux City Journal, 20 : Mrs Louise
Eorowsky, 511 Main street, who was
recently subjected to an operation of
akin graftiug made necesxary by
bums received from a gasoline stove
explosion a week ago, was able to
leave the Samaritan hospital yesterday,
Pender Republio: Mrs Guy T
Graves, George J Adams ard family,
Mr and Mrs Leon Ream and Miss Lou
Hirsch were at Crystul Lake over Snu
day. Mr Adams bought a cottage at
that plaoe Saturday, lie aud Lin fam
ily will occupy it for a couple, of weeks
later ou.
Lvous Mirror: R O Bauer, vita and
eon Moses Warner Bauer recently of
Alberta, Canada, left Friday for ItOse
Lad A gency. 8 D, to visit relatives ....
Mrs U J Shtddou and niece, Miss Syl
via Wiluia Lampson, of Walthill. visit
ed the Mirror family yesterday, then
went to Tekamah today to visit friends
and see the races,
Pocea Journal : Steven Gasser re
turned last Friday from a trip to Col
fax. Io.... Mr II LI Hart and child reu i
are spending a coipln of weeks at
Crystal lake.. ..Ed Kearney and
daughter Helen and Tom Murphy
drove tip from Jackson Tuesday in
Tom's auto to attend the ball game.
Winnebago Chieftain : Ashley Lon-
drosh, of Dakota City, has the con
tract to construct the now Catholio
cburch and the priest. house, to be
rectod immediately wejt of the site
selected for the convent. They are to
be completed by October 1, and the
convent by the middle of Heptember,
so that the fall term of school may
begin about tbat time.
Pender Times: John Ash ford was
over irom liomer J:rilay....Lick
Walden went to Schuyler Monday. . . .
Mrs Chas Pounds was down from Hub
bard the first of the week. .. .John
Beverson was down from Sioux City
yesterday ... .Geo J Adams has pur
chased a cottage at Jtov s place on
Crystal lake and will move Lis family
to that place (Saturday. They were
up there last week but came home for
the week.
Ponca Leader: Will F Mikesell has
filed for nomination at tho primaries
in August for oounty clerk. He has a
host of mends who would like to soe
him nominated. ...Mr Rhodes came
up from Hubbard Tuesday noon to
join his wife and two sons, who have
been visiting at the Bnstelman home.
They left Wednesday morning for
Casper, Wyo. . . .The Ponca ball team
boasts of one oalp to its credit this
week. They met tho Homer invirici-
bles, reinforced frdm WaltbiU and
Sioux City, Iowa. Not one of the
Homer lads crossed the home plate,
Simon onr artist in the box allowing
only three bits. The home boys got
five soorei off Homer
n, in r son enterprise: air and Mrs
Ilenry Sindt and children epent Sun
day at Crystal Lako with Mr and Mrs
It U Hatcher.... At about 12 o'clock
yesterday an explosion at the pumping
station blew the roof completely off of
the structuie and burned Murshal
toss Daniels in a very serious manner.
It is thought tbat a quantity of gaso
line had overflowed in the pit was the
direct cause. Mr Daniels said there
were two explosions the first one was
quite bad and happened just as he
started the engine setting his clothes
on fire. He ran for the door aud just
aa he reached it the second explosion
ooourred whioh did the damage. By
the time he reached the road Jake Fran
cisco, Ernest Enke, E O Shearer and
others were there and smothered the
flumes, put him in an auto and he was
rushed to a physician While he is iu
very bad shape it is thought that he
has good chances to recover. The
damage to the building will amount to
about $300. The machinery was only
slighty damaged and was ull iu work
ing order before eight.
Sioux City Journal, 17th; RusLiug
down a steep grade near Emerson,
Nebr, yesterday morning and crashing
into an extra freight that wus on the
main track, the engine of train No 17
on the Chicago, St Tuul, Minneapolis
and Omaha linn was demolished, the
engine of the extra damaged, and the
engineer of No 17, Oliver J York, of
South Sioux City, dang-rously hurt.
He was brought to the St Joseph's
hospital in this city. The train was
coming down the grado at a rate fur
above its usual speed, and tho crew of
of the extra supposed that they would
have time to get off thn main track
before the regular arrived. Thin was
impossible, owiDg to the speed of No
17, however, and the two trains collid
ed head on. The members of both
crews, with the exception of York,
who pluokily stunk to his post, jumped,
but the engineer was caught in the
collision snd his left leg so badly
crushed that it probably will htve to
be amputated.' Mr York is a well
known and popular ongineer, having
been in the employ of the Omaha road
for nearly eight years. Although he
resides in South Sioux City, York is
well known on this side of the river.
Wayne Democrat: A "state" joke is
out on Rosa Hammond, revenue collec
tor. When Judge Evans met Mr Ham
mond at Crystal lake the other day he
said to Ross: "I was just down in
Omaha aud it ia reported around head
quarter that a state official is running
around here in his bare feet, iu hopes
of finding a "mind oure " Mr Ham
mond "admitted the coru" without a
quibble. The Demoorat man was told
that the taleuted writor of "Ran loin
Thoughts" bad several a (Unities who
thought his feet wore simply infectious,
i . . .In the contest for oounty attorney
over in Dakota oounty, between Fred
Berry and J J McAllister, the former
has taken an appeal to the aupreme
court from Judge Gitves' decision
that there was a possibility of the
votea having been tampered with si:oe
the eleotiou, and therefor a reason why
the recount showed Mr Berry to have
been elected. In the first oount the
precinct that caused ell the trouble,
gave the republicans only aome 18
votes, while Mr Berry got 28. To win
out it was necessary that the reoouut
give him 10 votes more, and as the
evidence showed that the election
board was composed of men of good
character, and that the ballot, liu.l
been kept in a gunny sack, previous to
me recount, Judge Graves held that
the elemeut of error lay io the seoond
. . . . I here are now a largo number of
northeast Nebraska people at Crrstal
Beach, "linneitv'a landino- " I'um.
lies from Allen. WukehVM. W.vn.
' ' 3"
idbs iiamroonu aud family from 1- re
mout; Judge Warner aud fmilv. nn,l
dozen Others that make a pleudid lit-
U.J outing village thero. There are
just twenty cottuges uow complete and
tberu will be more built this season.
After a few days spent ou "onr oivu
dung hill" at th lake wo have toiuu
to tlm ponolusion that it is the best and
biuutbt investment uieu to a lii a ti of
moderate rueuus, and that withiu the
next rive years a patch of ground largo
enough to locate a cottage will be
worth more than an am a now in lt.-i.a
Hammond, of Fremont, who is spend
ing the summer there, says it is the
largest lake in Nebraska aud sure to
be a crest resort in th ni, ,,,,..
The Demoorat has uo personal interest
in saving that DOW 111 t)i A tintaa ti.
w - - -- w a 'a
W area pnonle to tret t
even though they do not build in the
next year or two. It J- a good specu
lation., bnt better than a golden in
crease if used for the purpose of get
ting back the health and happiness of
your youth.
tOMGnat SOton WAV 3 &01fMWr.
John Howard and family spent Sun
day at the Joe Uagen home.
Annie Anderson spent the first of the
week at the home of her brother E
Joe Leedom is the proudest grandpa
in the county.
Little Mike Green is slowly conva
lescing from the effects of a severe
Dr Leahy has been making regular
trips to our burg of late looking aftex
the sick.
Mrs Lewis Moggensen and baby vis
ited in Iowa from Saturday until
Yon will need a binder whip one of
those long 15-foot ones like Schu
macher & Leedom sells. There are no
(lies on their fly nets either. Get a
pair for your team before they are all
B R Dyer and wife Sundayed at the
C It Smith home.
The infant child of George Timlin
and wife has been under the weather,
but is now greatly improved.
W W Witte left Saturday evsning
for his future home in Omaha.
Mrs Hans Hanson was on the sick
list last week.
A picnic was hold last Sunday at the
Marcus Miller home south of town.
Mrs Louis Larson is greatly improv
ed io health, which is good news to
Fred Bartela observed the old ptov
erb of "making hay while the sun
shines" and went to Sioux City be
tween showers Wednesday.
Mrs U Nelsoo went to the city Mon
day to consult a physician.
We can nse all the farm produce our
customers can bring us, and will guar
antee you the highest market price.
Carl Anderson.
Our ball team was defeated in a hot
10 inning contest at Newoastle Tues
day, 3 to 2.
Carl Anderson's now store is putting
on a fine appearanoe.
Sheriff Rockwell and wife visited at
the home of their daughter, Mrs Ernest
Goortz, over Sunday.
Roy Wilsey enjoyed a visit from his
sister and husband Sunday.
II Nelson marketed a car of hogs
from here Saturday,
Mrs Connelly was on the sick list
Saturday aud Sunday.
A baby boy arrived at the Amil An
derson home last Saturday.
Harvesting will soon be on in full
The Danish Brotherhood will have
a big pionio Sunday, the 25th, at the
George Jensen home southeast of
Wm Dodge visited his farm near
Woithington, Minn, last week.
U Nelson was a business visitor in
Minnesota the first of the week.
A number from Goodwin were here
shopping at the Carl Anderson store
last week.
Mary Beacora returned last week
from her stay in Sioux City at the Mrs
Thornton home.
Mary Ryan of Jackson and Hanna
O'Keefe of Sioux City, spent last week
visiting at the home of their aunt, Mrs
T M Cullen, aud at the Mary Graham
Miss Daley, one of our former school
teachers, is here irom O'Noill on a
visit with friends and relatives.
Fr English had some workmen look
ing after a defect in the reservoir Mon
day. Mrs Nelson and son William, drove
to Ponca Saturday to visit Grandma
Dodge. They returned Sunday.
Carl Anderson and wife visited at
the Martin Hawk home near Goodwin
B B Gribble and Tom neffornan re-
mrned the latter part of the week from
their laud hunt.
Gertie Fair expects to leave soon
and take up her abode on a homestsud
iu Wyoming.
Larson Broa shippod a car of hogs
irom Here Tuesday.
Mrs O Rasmussen was in the city
Iu tho course of this week we will
have the new addition to our store
completed . sufficiently to enable ns
to again have all our goods on the
shelves, when wo will be in better po
sitiou to show the goods and wait on
our customers with promptness. We
will also have a much larger stock to
select from as our new store will ao
cuudntb the display of several thou
sand dollars worth more of goods; and
besides we have a lot of goods that we
will dispose of cheap to make room for
our new goods that are coming. Carl
Ponca played ball here Wednesday,
ueteatiog our boys 4 to 3.
Off Harris' baby has been quite sick
but is better at this writing.
Carrie Kelner of Pender was a guest
of Mrs Gertie Shepardson this week.
Mrs John McKinley is atteniug the
races at Onawa.
Richard Shortley of Dakota City
was a Homer visitor Wednesday,
Nellie Kinkead went to Dakoti City
Tuesday, after spending a con pin of
weeks here with relatives and friends.
M rs Mary MoBeath was a guest, at
the home of her son George tho latter
pait of lust week.
Mrs H A Monroe and children and
Mis D L Allen aud daughter lieuluh,
were guests at the Will Clapp Lome
VVednesday ,
Homer played ball at Walthill
Tuesday, and gave the game to Walt-
bill at the fifth inning and quit oaing
to a jangle.
Fritx Kriege wont up to LeMars.
Saturday to visit the home folks, re
turning Tuesday,
Barney Gribble of Dakota City was
on our streets Monday,
Sam Blanchard and wife of Norfolk
visited at the Jira Blanchard home
from Thursday till Sunday. Feru
liucklsnd accompanied them from
Fern Buckland, who was a guest at
the Curtis home Thursday and Friday,
returned to Winnebago Saturday.
Marion Curtis accompanied her home
and took iu the "pow wow."
Mrs J M Brannan and baby Joseph
ine, are visiting relatives in Sioux
Quite a few attended the bo-very
dance at Louis Peterson's last Satur
day evening. A picnio will be held
there next Sunday.
Mary Maloney spent over Sunday in
Sionx City with her cousin Madaline
Thos Sullivan enjoyed a visit from
his sister, Mrs J P McEwoo, and baby,
of Sioux City, the first of tho week,
Mike Hoon an and family of Newcas
tle, spent over Snnday with relatives
near Vista.
Bart and Marie Leahy are spending
the week in Omaha.
William Keunelly went to Newcastle
Tuesday and played ball with the
Hubbard team, who were defeated by
Newcastle 3 to 2. He also played at
Homer Wednesday.
M D Landon arrived here last Fri
day evening to spend the summer with
his son, Mark, on the farm.
Hanna O'Keefe of Sioux City who
was a guest in the J W Ryan home
several days last week departed for
home Saturday.
Mary Z Boler and cousin, Edith
Miller, went to Waterbury Thursday
evening to visit in the Wtu Maun
A 0 Carroll is in Rosalie this week
where he is getting ready to build an
clavator of the material he t Jok down
from the Dakota City elevator last
Gladys Carroll left Wednesday for
the Minnesota lakes to be gone about
six weeks.
Among thoso who shelled and deliv
ered corn this week were Frank Davey
2i cars, Cullen BroB 1800 bushels, J
M Barry 1400 bushels. T B Jones is
also shelling and delivering 1500 bush
els. Nellie Sierk visited her sister, Mrs
Frank Nelson, at Randolph, Nebr, the
past week,
Frnnk Hiokey has gone to Water
bury to work in the O'Connor drug
store during vacation.
E V Maurioe and wife were Sioux
City passengers last Saturday.
N L Crippen and wife were visitors
at the Off Harris home Sunday, the
lattors little daughter being very sick,
Peter Sorenseu marketed two loads
of hogs at the Farmers Elevator and
received $7.30 per hundred.
There was a pionio at the Miller
Bros home Sunday, end all report a
fine time.
Mrs Hans Nelson visited at the C L
Dodge home last Tuos.lay.
There was a batchelor party given
at the 1 Dodge home Saturday uight
and as Mrs Dodge was away J Labahn
was oIiohou oook, but it proved that his
watch needs repairiug by the way the
eggs turned out.
Anna Jepson is enjoying a visit from
her friend Miss Alma Ericksen this
week .
Hay making is ocoupyiug the atten
tion of the f aimers at present.
S A Heikes and wife returned Wed
nesday from a trip into South Dakota.
Ed Sundt and wife are the happy
parents of a baby boy that came to
their home July 10th.
Mrs Milton Foreshoe has been
spending the week in Sioux City with
her husband who is still confined in
tbe hospital witti rheumatism.
Salem has a candidate this year for
oounty oflioe In the person of M G
Learner, who is is out for county clerk.
There is no question as to his capability
and integrity, aud if he wius out in the
primaries his election will be a crodit
to tho people of this looality.
Krom the Ueeoril
Mrs. W. A. Morgan was at Allen vls
ItinK relatives nil lust week.
Mrs. Lewis Jeep wus visiting with
relatives ut Lyons this week, returning
Mrs. Ida Pelxtng is at Dubuque this
weeK visiting her Uuughter, Mrs. M. 11.
Work of putting up tho 30 new elec
tric lights ordered by the city council
some time ago is now In progress.
Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Mitchell. Jr.,
were culled to Movllle Monday by the
tleuth of Mrs. MUi'lit'll's brother, James
1". Kellorun, who wus drowned whll
swimming Sunday ufternoon.
Milton Koreshoe an'1 son, Milton
ForcHlioe, Jr., pasued through here
WediH Hduy on tln-lr wuy to Sioux City,
where Mr. Foreshoe, sr., will undergo
treatment ut the Gorman Lutheran
hoHpltal for rheumatism.
The lee cream social given In the In
teroxts of the Kt. Anthony's Huby home
oy tne ladles or ull the South Sioux City
churches Tuesday wus n decided suc
cess, both socially and nnundully.
Thirty dollars was given to the home
us a result of the ufTnlr.
Mrs. Julia Mikesell enjoyed a visit
from her daughter, Mrs. F. C. Arts,
lust week. Mrs. Artz left for u West
ern trip und left her children here to
visit with their grundmother.
Henry Wilhuunn, of Carroll, Neb., a
cousin of Mrs. George Kohlmclor,
cumc down Saturday morning to see
the show at Sioux City, but finding no
elephant there, spent Sunduy here ut
South Sioux City. He left Monday
morning for Carroll, somewhat disap
pointed. Charlea I'rh uter has sold his half of
the lease on the dance pavilion at Crys
tal lake park to Hert l-Vld. Mr. Ford
will continue to conduct the pavilion
for dancing and roller skating. Mr.
I'rlester hua purchased a half Interest
in the relrcMhineiit stand of Jack
I'ai'lec aud now Ills smiling- face will he
much In evidence when you are tit the
lake and need a cigar or a dish of Ice
ci(a;n. not to mention a ntlck of gum.
A pr My little wcddii.K' win laid at
the M. parsonage Saturday after
noon, when William C. Altlg, of Ar
mour, S. P., was united In marriage
to Mif.s Kdna Antrim, of Homer Miss
Antrim at one time lived here and was
loved and respectedhy all who knew
her. Of late years she has lived with
her grandmother at Homer. The
groom is a graduate of the Wayne
Normal college, but of late has lived
with his parents In South pakotu. Kev.
J. L. I'hillips sal. I the words which
made them husband und wife. They
will move to pecutur, Neh.. about
August 15, Mr. Altlg having been
elected prim leal of- the schools at
"l want a husband who Is easily
pleased." "Don't worry, that's exactly
what you will get."
Belle Dick says I grow prettier ev
ery time he sens me. Estelle You
should get him to Chll more often.
MHIy I find this balm excellent for
preserving the face. Jeasle But why
do you wish to preserve your facet
"Ves; they not only have everything to
worry about that women hnve, but they
also have the womeu to worry about,
too." Smart riet.
"I see they have the same means of
rounding up the lambs In Wall street
as bhephcrds have In the field." "What
is that?" "A crook."
"I started out on the theory that
the world had nn opening for me and
I went to find It." "Did you find It?"
"Oh, yes. I'm In a hole."
Grace He said I looked lovely In
that gown, didn't he? Helen Not ex
actly, dear. He said that gown lookad
lovely on you. Brooklyn Cltlxen.
She (on the Atlantio liner) Did
you observe the great appetite of that
stout man at dinner? He Yes; he
must be what they call a stowaway.
Suffragette We believe that a wom
an should get a man's wages. Mar
ried Man Well, Judging from my own
experience, she does. Boston Tran
script. "Sued for a breach of promise, eh?"
"Yep." "Any defense?" "Temporary
Insanity; and I expect to prove it by
the love letters I wrote." Washington
"I understand that manager Is pay
ing fabulous salaries to his leading
singers." "Not fabulous," replied the
cynical press agent, "fictitious.''
New York Herald.
"Your ocean trip was pretty nice, I
s'r.ose?" "Ob, yes." "Saw icebergs
and such things, eh?" "Yes; but I
nil3sed the billboards, I can tell you."
Washington Herald.
He (teaching her bridge) When In
doubt It's a good rule to play trumps.
She But that's Just it; when I'm In
doubt I don't know what the trump la.
Philadelphia Record.
Mother Johnny, why didn't you
wash your face this morning? Son
The doctor snld to be careful and not
get my feet wet. and I guess my face
Is Just as good as my feet.
Housekeeper Look here, I ordered a
dozen eggs from you this morning, and
you only sent me ten. Dealer Well,
ma'am, two of 'em wore bad, and I
didn't think you'd want 'em.
Her Father When you marry, my
daughter, you marry a big-hearted, no
ble girl. Her Suiter (a wise guy) I
know that, sir, and I'm sure Bhe inher
its those Qualities from you.
"I have Just decided to suspend your
sentence." the Judge began. "For the
lord's BuV:e, Judse, you don't mean to
say lifting a few chickens is a hanging
matter!" New York Herald.
Itcdd This paper says there Is on
exhibition In Saco the largest lobster
that has been landed in those parts for
years, if ever. Greene Does it give
the name of the lady who landed him?
First Farmer (pointing to the flar
ing horn on an automobile) What's
thet thing for? Second Farmer
Thet's th" thing they blow Jes' before
they run y' down! Town and Coun
try. Clergyman (examining a Sunday
school class) Now can any of you
tell me what are sins of omission?
Small Scholar Please, sir, they're
sins you ought to have committed and
Gentleman (Indignantly) You
praUed your kitchen coal to the skies,
and said it was most economical. Why,
It won't burn at all! Coal Dealer
(coolly) Well, what could you have
more economical than that?
"Mr. P., how a it you have not
called upon me for your account?"
"Oh, I never ask a gentleman for
money!" "Indeed! How, then, uo you
get on If he don't pay?" "Why, after
a certain time, I conclude that he s
not a gentleman, and then I ask him."
"Here," said Dr. Price-Price, "Just
take these pellets. You've merely got
a little fever, that's all. Five dollars,
please." "My!" exclaimed the tran
sient patient, who had haiwened Into
I his office by chance "Excuse me, Doc,
but I hope the fever ain't as high as
the fee!"
"It is said that aggressive. Impul
sive people usually have black eyes,"
remarked a man who was interested
In tho suggestion how far the face is
an Index of the mind. "That's quite
true," rejoined a listener. "If they
haven't got them at first, they get
them later."
Eashaway You sny your sister will
be down In a minute, Willie. That's
good news. I thought perhaps that she
wanted to be excused, as she did the
other day. Willie Not this time. I
playrd a trh'H on her. Dashaway
What tlid you do? Willie (triumphantly)-
1 snld you were another fel
low. Jac'.i I aave a banco to marry a
pror gil l v.iior.i I love, or a I ich o:u
r.n whom I do lu'.t love. What would
you t'dv! -? (i'orjo I ovo il the .vdt
of li, i'iy friend. Without It nl! ei
l.i ruiY.l t. Iti pi:i e
povt i ty v, e:ith. .I;i a Jc .
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A prS wicr at tile y-.l !,
July convicted o." Mi, :t, w';:n it a
seen, on 'provl.i,; pr-va ,. n-,,;
tlons," t!nt he h.ii :i.iu..ly :
prison at tV t'.mo t!o I :c:t w.i.i ,
mittcil "Why didn't you say
asked the jiuls'1 "t the pri-i-pM i; , .;
ly. "Your lordihip, I wr.. ainiii (
prejudicing tV jury a;;.i.:i it u; .
A Kli'1'a love for ran iy Ccc
esi-'arlly Indicate a fhvc' i':- i
A clivle cf fiieuJi L s::. 1-rcuud.
Oil, per gallon 10c
Flake Rve. per pkee 12c
Seven, 5-cent Cigars ..... 2 5 C
ScKturdsvyt July Slst
A 50 cent gallon can of Apricots and Teaches 35c
A 20 cent gallon can of Apricots and Teaches 15c
A 31b can of Hominy or I3aked Beans, 3 cans for 25c
English Walnuts per lb. ,9c 3 lbs Seeded Raisins 25c
S. A. Stinson !
Dakota City. Nebraska
The E. & B. Ball Bearing Sewine Maching and the One Minute
Washer win praise everywhere, by giving universal satisfaction
Light Running Long Lasting. Let us show them to you
Edwards Bradford Lbr. Co
Dakota C.t, Nt. 1 . V
Bonded : Abstracter
- f-rV"v4--4-f 7
We have just received a
I Car ILoad of I
; IBce E$Leepe&s'
I SVPFlrlllS I
X A f -pt which liny int-vest our Iteo Keepir.fr fricds. i
X Don't forgtt that we are stiJl in the Ilanuss Business.
I Stixrgcs Eros, ffllirsri .SX I
Blew ILa.fffc.c Obaces
Fl'itliead Indian L'eservatioTi: Register nt iv'aiunnii at
on the Great Northern Railway.
tOCUr a AlcilO Reservation: Register at Coeur d'Alene,
Idaho. (Buy tickets to Spokane.)
Spokane Reservation: Register at Spokane, Washington.
Registration dates July 15 to August 5th, inclusive. This is
another of the remaining few chances for this
tain good government lands.
iu.-swiiiJi.ivt leaner., snowing conditions, excursion rates, etc.
The Burlington-Great Northern, Spokane and Seattle train
takes you through the wealth producing Wenatehee fruit coun
try, and shows you the wonderful upper northwest empire; every
mile is interesting.
big Horn Basin : A splendid choice of the government irri
gated lands is left to homesteaders in this growing fast country.
oiO'Ace )'01ldel Lands: Thousands of acres of these
larger sized tracts are now available for free homesteading in
eastern Wyoming and are going fast.
Come and see the new
Detroit Gasoline
They are the best in the
market and absolutely safe
If in need of
WevsKIng Machines, Etc., Etc.,
Fred Schriever & Co.
Lowest Trices Guaranteed. Dakota City, Neb.
C Abstracts of Title
J a $10,000 su.ety BoCa
I Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abstract I make
July 744h
Prunes., per lb. . .
4 cans Corn
. . . . 7c
k1 V Q Y C
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
Call on nearest tieket acent for
D. Clem Deaver, General Agent.
Land Seekers Information Bureau. Oraalin, Neb.
1)akota Co"ty Abstract Co.
Bonded Abstracter
that place.