Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 04, 1909, Image 7

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ham'sVegetable Compound
Adrian, Oa. "I suffered untold
misery from a female weakness and
disease, and I cMild not eland more
than a nmiute at a
time. My doctor
said an operation
was the only
clianco 1 had, and
I dreaded it almost
as mneli as death.
One day I was
reading how other
women liad been
cured by Lydia E.
I'inkham's 'epe.
talile Compound,
and decided to try
Uerore I had t iken ono bottle I
jva? better, and
Buiod.'.' Lk:-ta
d now I am completely
A. V. IlFKKY, Koute No,
g, Adrian. CI. --rr. Ci.-
, Adrian
hy w
ay will women tuko chances with
En operation or drix out a sickly,
alf-hcarted exbroiK'u, missing three
fourths of the joy of living, when they
pan And health i:i Lydi;v Ji. l'inkhain's
Vegetable ConiDouud?
OS-. v0r tliirtv vr.irs it has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
has cured thousands of women who
have been troubled with such ail
ments as displacements, inllammation.
Ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregulari
ties, periodic pains, backache, iudiges
tion, andnervoin prostration.
If you have tho slightest doubt
that Lydia K. Pinkbam's Vcjrc
table Compound will help you,
write to Mrs. lMnkham at Lynn,
Mass., for advicf.i Your letter
will be absolutely confidential,
and the advico i'reo.
The "While" ICIilnuceroa.
If President Iioosevelt . expects to
bag a really white rhinoceros in Afri
ca he is likely to be disappointed, for
there Is no such thing, although there
is a creature called by this name, says
a writer. The animal is of a yellow
ish grny, not nirHi lighter than some
of Its relatives that are not honored
with the name of "whife."
It Is supposed that the hunters who
first saw the creature viewed It
galust a very dark background and
in bright sunlight. Apart from Its
color, however, the "white"' rhinoceros
has some distinctive characteristics. It
Is taller than others of Its kind, and
hiyj a larger and stpiiirer snout. It is
more decidedly herbivorous. One of
its two horns Is sometimes dwarfed or
wanting, which gave rise, as early as
1S48, to the fiction of an African one
horned species of rhinoceros. Besides
all this, the skin Is closely covered
with small tubercles.
The animal, iil.e all African big
game, has been rapidly dlsupienrlug,
and by 1800 it had vanished from
eastern Africa, except for a small re
aerve In Zululaud. It is di31cult to
approach, as Its soent is keen and its
gait rapid. ,Vr",,i-S
'- -A ' ' '
f A Sort of Con.iln.
"Tnu say, madam," said the bespoc
taetG lawyer to the woman in the wit
ness box, "that the! defendant is a sort
of relation of yours. Will you please
explain what you mean by that Just
how you are related to the defend
ant?" The witness beamed upon the court
and replied :
"Well, it's Just like this. His first
life's cousin and my second husband's
Brst wife's aunt married brothers
named Jones, and they were cousins
to my mother's aunt. Then, again, his
grandfather on his mother's side aud
my grandfather on my mother's side
were second cousins, and his step
mother married my husband's step
father after his father and my mother
flied, and his brother Joe and my bus
band's brother Harry married twin sis
ters. I ain't never Cggered out Just
how close related we are, but I've nl
ways looked on 'im as a sort of
"Quite to," answered the lawyer.
'Tour explanations are perfectly 6atis
actory." Impoaalble.
"T Jon't euro about a church wnlrtln;,
Ifyrtie. Do you? Wouldn't you rathei
k. married right here at your owl
"Yea, but I am afraid we can't do that,
lgy. I'm quitp sure it's forbidden ia
fci lease." -Chlrtiw Tribune.
Appetite Calls
For food which promote a prompt flow of the
vium cereal Cn i t71 .
"The Tasle Lingers.
Popular pltg. 10c; Large Family size 15c
Thin Qneatlna la Important la Paint
Inn a Ilona or Other ItnlldlnK,
A projier color scheme Is extremely
Important In painting a bouse. It
makes all th difference between a
r;:;iy attractive home, ami one nt
which you wouldn't take a second
gbixe. And it makes a big difference
in the price the property will bring on
the market.
As to the exterior, a good deal de
pends upon the size and architecture
of the house, and upon Its surround
For a good Interior effect you
must consider the size of the rooms,
the light, etc.
You can avoid disappointment by
studying the books of color schemes
for both eterlor and Interior painting,
which can be had free by writing N,i
tional Lead Company, 1!Ki2 Trinity
landing. New York, nnd risking fm
1ft useow -tier's Painting Outfit No. -ID
The outfit also Includes seclQcatlotis,
and a simple Instrument for testlna
th purity of paint materials. Pure
White Lead which will stand the test
'n this outfit will stand the weather
est. National Icad Company's faniouf
'Mitch I!oy Painter trademark on the
;c:: i? a guarantee of that kind 01
Ti'iite lead.
Ont In the Rain.
The Indian fairly revels in rain, do
elates fS. W. James in ills book. "What
vtne .white uace May Learn from tha
Indian." Indian women no more mind
the rain than they do that the sun
should shine or the wind blow, and as
for any evil effect from the wet, there
are no slns of it.
In the first place, thej have bo fear
of the rain. It la not constantly in
stilled into their minds from childhood
that "they mustn't get wet. or they'll
take cold." This has soniftlilng to do
with it.
In the second place, they inove about
with natural activity in the rain as at
other times. This keeps the blrjad cir
culating and prevents any lowering of
the temperature of the body.
In the third place, their general out
door life gives thein such a robustness
that If there Is any tax upon the sys
tem it Is fully ready to meet It.
Kverythlng iu nature loves to be out
in the rain, and upon human beings
its effects are beneficial, provided they
value health and vigor more than they
mind a little discomfort iu the bedrag
Clement of their clothes.
The United States consumes 80,
000,0(10 pounds of tea annually.
A man can insure against loss In
lotteries with a company at The Hague.
There are more doctors per capita in
New York city than anywhere else In
this country.
Seallug wax contains no wax.
The Dutch throne has forty-one pos
sible claimants.
Potatoes steeped in sulphuric add
and subjected to pressure make an ex
cellent substitute for ivory In the
manufacture of billiard balls.
Where It Landed Him.
With a duzed look in his liloodsho
eyes the ninn who lind been on a jag foi
a week or more nnd had wandered ovei
the country in a half delirious conditio!
without knowing where he was goin
came to hiiusolf.
He wns in a strange city.
Everything; around hlui looked unfamil
"Officer," he said, stopping a police
mnn. "what town ia this?"
"Anneoiula." answered the policeman
"Then I've (tor 'em again 1" he groan
ed. Chi""o Tribune.
Tallest Tree In tha World.
The tallest tree in the world so fat
as has been ascertained Is an Austra
lian gum tree of the species eucalyptus
regnans, which stands in the Cape Ot
way range. It is no loss than 415 feet
high. Gum trees grow very fast. There
is one in Florida which shot up forty
feet Iu four years and another In Guat
emala .which grew 120 feet in twelve
years. This corresponds to a rise of
ten feet in a year, or nearly one foot
per month.
Ilnw the l.lne.
Huron Munchausen had just told on
of his stories, and somebody in the crowd
had questioned the truth of it.
"That's all right," said the baron ; "I
know I'm a liar. Put I lie merely for
fun. I don t lie either for spite or for
profit. I'm not a meniuer of any Ananias
Thus, while contributing to the incun
abula of unveracity, he escaped the Im
putation conveyed by the short and ugly
Masculine Cynicism.
"Your wife seems to be delighted
with the new flat."
"O, yes. it has all the modern incon
veniences." Chicago Tribune.
digestive juice
in addition to
supplying nour
ishment. Post
is a most
delicious answer
to appetite.
It is, at the
same time, full of
food-goodneas of
White Corn, and
toasted to a crisp
delicious brown.
Threat of the Snffras-ette.
If ya don't take our cause up when
yo'tr wife
It'll 1m th greatest pl:t;ue in all your
'Twill be no use tranquillity to neck;
I'll have a washing day tdx times a week!
I'pon your shirt I'll never sew a button,
And for your mip"T you sliall have cold
Or If on pastry yon should set your heart
I'll never make you pudding, pie or tart!
If yon come home and bring r. friend to
I'll go out--aftor lot-kins; up the wine!
If to your chili nt nii;iiis. you choose to
I'll fetch you ignoininionly home!
Whene'er ;?ji make a joke I'll never
Before yoi die I'll writ.' your epitajxli!
When wearied out. the day's work being
If you woo slumber, heavens, how I'll
snore !
Or if I'm wakeful, how you'li cinne those
night!) !
I'll lecture you I will oa woman's
New York San.
IMa-tit l ur of M Irrer.
Tho women who are perpetually
running after new hats and new
frocks, dissatisfied with what they
have got, and draining th;ir purjs,
do(not make a right use of their mir
rors. She who has sufficiently studied her
complexion, her features, her hair,
etc., won't make a mistake In the buy
ing of a new hat; she'll spot her
quarry in tho "twinkling of an eye,"
and having got Just the right thing,
she won't lie in a desperate hurry to
change it for something new. There
isn't any doubt about it that sacred
little moments with Misj Mirror are
an Immense aid to economy. If one
only had more time one would save
many dollars, not to mention time and
temper, for this is the sort of thing
which happens. Rvery h."t. cne pos
sesses seems suddenly to have gone
wrong nothing will sit. rf-iht on one's
head aud ofi we go U.- s-.-cur the
milliners for something incro satis
fying. Well, we get the satinfj mz thins,
and go home quite happy and smooth
tempered, yet perhaps very roo:i after
take up one of these rejected mis
creants, and, perhaps, with compas
sion, pop It on to see how it looks,
when lo and behold! the flaw irf found,
that there was something wrong
with the twist of the brim, or the
angle of this wing, or that flower. We
right tho wrong, ami suddenly the
scene is changed, and the miscreant Is
every bit as becoming as, cr more so,
than the new purchase.
Tads and farictes
East Indian hats aro among the new
articles of headdress.
Close, clinging styles have not yet
received the expected setback.
The dlrectolre sash Is an effective
feature of the majority of the narrow,
clinging skirts.
The single psyche knot Is in in
creasing favor for the coiffure as the
party season advances.
New model gowns show a slight
flare at the hem, otherwise they vary
little from past styles.
The fan ia more faslilonalile than
for many seasons and usually echoes
the color of the gown.
Plain cloth, combined with brocaded
or embroidered velvet, Is to be seen
on new reception gowns.
For the later season tike gown of
old-fashioned flowered muslin 1b her
alded as the top of .fashion.
Collars must now meet In front til
a straight up and down line; flaring
corners are no longer iirmittd.
l'earled chiffons that look as if
drops of dew had spatterod them axe
the newest dei-lgns for evening gowrw.
Of late there has btxn a turning
from the longu.d white yoke lo lace
and net yokes of tlie color of the
Tim fancy arrangements of brald-i
and bands over the bodloo produces
bo bolero effect without It Ix-lng a
separate garment.
Most of the sleeves of elaborate
gowns are of the same lace or net as
tha yoke, though there lias been an
effort to establish the sleeve like the
The new corsets are very short from
the bust to the waist line and renin rk
nbly long over the hips, a sultablo
stylo for large women.
One of the newest girdles is a waist
coat shape with turnback revcrs and
topped by a lace Jabot which falls
from the throat to the top of it. .
Dlrectolre shoes are a fashlonablo
accessory to accompany street g'owns
of that style. Dressy shoes for in
door gowns are also to be had in dlrec
tolre style.
-I Mi .ii ,i.
The value of clothes specially chos
en with a view to hiding defects opens
up a wide field of thought, for Just
as there are certain clothes to be
avoided by tall women, and others to
bo adopted by short ones, so also can
obesity or scragginess be hidden by
properly-selected clothes.
Stout women will do well to avoid
anything approaching ever-elaboratiou
of design or trimming, all materials
bearing horizontal bars or big checks;
vivid colors must also be avoided, and
It Is an excellent Idea to have skirts
cut In long, graceful panels, If one
would hide the effects of corpulence,
Another precautlon-is to wear loose
rather than tight-fitting clothes, and
lo keep the lines of the bodice as long
as possible.
Scragginess is even easier to hide
by means of properly-cut dresses trim
med with a profusion of frills, ruches,
soft quillings of lace, etc.
Too tbjn arms can be hidden by
adopting elbow sleeves made Into
drooping arrangements of lace, rather
than short puff sleeves. In cases whero
the skin of the arms Is red and coarse,
it. Is nn excellent plan to line all
sleeves with a creamy tint of mous
sellne de sole over an inner lining of
fine white net.
A big waist can be frequently re
duced hy a skillful dressmaker who
avoids anything like a contrast at the
waist, or by skillful folds, and care
ful fitting and boning reduce the ap
pearance of a waist several Inches.
Too great prominence of the bust
may also be hidden by well-arranged
bodices made on a fitted lining, and
arranged so that the fullness Is lost
sight of. Prominent hips may be re
duced and disguised by a well-cut cor
set and a skirt cut and designed with
the idea of remedying the defect.
Round shoulders, which have not be
come too pronounoed, may be hid
den by a little careful arrangement
and the skillful drapery of a fichu like
trimming. In abort, there are few, If
any, defects of the hody that cannot
be coped with and Improved by a ro
ally papatde dressmaker.
t Mowtuar rtne Seed,
A lady who was Just going to plant
some poppy soeda, which were very
small, jit them in an old salt shak
er; the task of sowing them was mwlo
much easier and they were sown even
ly. This Idea may be used with all
small, fine ueds.
t'tiwf 9wlw Mnelilue.
For those who own a drop-head ma
chine an e,x-llout pLui is to make a
slip of sojim soft ntOtti-Ul, for liibtauce,
velour, to lit bittf or lop- It preserves
the wood from arralrlu!, etc., when
the machine U ki usi, a:;d servas as a
cover when cbasttd.
TaJte it Morulnx Walk.
Let a woman w)u ha Ix-en working
all the morning over tho countless de
tails of houdekot'plng it on her hat
and go out fur a brisk walk. If It Is
only for fifteen mlnntes It will do her
untold good her. heud will be clearer
and her heart lighter. Time thus tak
en is not wasted, but the best kind of
an investment, as sho will find sho
can do much more In the long run.
Toothache Hemedjr.
A good remedy for toothache when
the pulp (the soft nerve substanrt
In the middle of the tooth) is exposed
is a disk of cocaine. Thesti disks can
lie bought ready for use. Ono or two
should he taken up on the point of a
needle, be carefully Inserted in to tho
hollow of the tooth, and kept In posi
tion w'th a tiny plug of wadding. It
Is a good plan to get tho chemist
from whom they are purchased to ap
ply them.
To rover Hat Frame.
Cut the velvet the exact shape of tin
hat, allowing about half n inch for
the turning of edges. Instead of sew
ing uso liquid glue 2nd proceed tho
same as In sewing. Next, cover tho
top of the brim, and, lastly, paste the
facing In. It looks much better than
when sewed, nnd requires less than
half the time. Try It; you will be sur
prised and delighted with the result
Aotite I nillueatlon,
A good remedy for acute indigestion
is an emetic. I am not speaking of
chronic cases. One tahlespoonful of
mustard may bo stirred In a tumbler
ful of warm water; and warm water
should be taken freely after the emetlo
has been swallowed. Acute indigestion
causes symptoms which affect the
blood aud make one fell 111 for days.
Aaklnu; the Doctor,
A story Is told of a lady, who,
though quite comfortably off, hated to
pay doctors their hard-earned fees.
When her friends were ill she gener
ally managed to get a copy of the In
valid's prescription, and accumulated
In time quite a respectable collection
of unfailing cures. The lady caught
a heavy cold, which none of her Btored-
up remedies would relieve, so she de
cided to visit a friend whose husband
was a doctor. Arriving at the house,
she found the doctor In his wife's
drawing-room. "My dear doctor," she
said. In her most Insinuating manner,
"what do you do when you have an ob
stinate cough?" The doctor seemed
for a moment or two lost in thought;
then, suddenly looking full at his visit
or, he replied, tersely: "I cough."
Honey Is said to be a good substi
tute for cod-llver oil.
A little ammonia In tepid water will
soften and cleanse the skin.
Callous places upon the feet may
be kept smooth by the use of the pum
ice stone.
Celery Is a good nerve tonic. It
also contains sulphur and helps to
ward off rheumatism.
To take the soreness out of a soft,
painful corn, try binding It up each
night with baking soda, moistened
with a little water.
An excellent home remedy for burns
Is pure vaseline. Olive oil will servo
the same purpose. The point is to ex
clude air and dirt from the burned
surface, and this either oily substance
will do.
If the hands are large, do not wear
tight sleeves. The pressure on the
arms will make the bands swell. A
tight wrlstliaud Is as unbecoming to
a large band as a low heel Is to a
largo foot.
Perspiring haiuLi ae an evidence of
nervousness. It is good to bathe tliein
often with white wine vinegar, after
ward dusting them with jiowder of
orris root. Persons suffering with
such annoyance should dust their
gloves with powdered cJu'Uk.
Physicians claim that sleep Li mora
refreshing n u tlarkcjuj room; trrero
fore, it U b&st to liavu iik-iido sluuTus
of dark green Holland under tli or
dinary shades. Thurie tiro more easily
adjusted than blinds. It Is well to
accustom children from infancy to
sleep In the dark.
MeiM'ilfil SlilrttvuUta,
Instead or being embroidered the
new shirtwaists are stenciled In the
most charming deslgus and colors.
WWi!&J 1 For Infant and Children.
'3 Cat i "' " . -
AVcgclaHe Pre parslinn fate
slmil,niii$ tlic Food antJRrtfula
KngUteS tomachs andJJivJs of
ncss and ReshContalns rtclilwr
Opium. Morphine rwrMiiicnL
hfaajmn time.
Ancrfrcl Remedy forConsdpa
lion auur aiuumuiti'uuiu""
ncss audLossorSlEE?.
TacSuailc Signature of
a. ;.
r.d l
.a V
fcularanlecd underihe Food
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
'(I 'J' !! 1 ' "
" 1 .1 -
Pollen 1 rnvtli Vnr,
The pollen from the pine forests of
ten forms a yellow coating on lakes
or on the ocean, as far as 200 miles
from the shore, and has been mistaken
by peasants for showers of sulphur.
The pollen grains of the pine are pro
vided with yellow vesicle, which
buoy them up In the air very much ou
the principle of a box kite.
A Car (or II ob Cholera.
Hog Cholera or Swine Plague aa it
is sometimes called Is a highly conta
gious dlsordor.
When a hog shows any symptoms of
this disease, he should be Isolated at
once and the pea fumigated in ordor
to save the other bogs If possible.
Mix one part Sloan's Liniment with
two parts milk In a bottle and give
tvery sick hog a tahlespoonful of this
mixture night and morning for three
days. Sloan's Liniment is a powerful
antiseptic, kill the disease germs,
soothes all Inflammation and acts as a
tonic to the animal.
A. J. McCarthy, of Idavllle, Ind.,
ays: "My hogs had hog cholera three
days before wa got Sloan'a Liniment,
which was recommended to me by a
neighbor who was using It with suc
cess. I have used It now for three
days and my hogs are almost well. One
bog died before I got the Liniment,
but I have not lost any since."
Mr. Q. W. Balsbaugh, of Peru, Ind.,
writes: "I bad four pigs that were
coughing and were not doing well. I
gave them some of Sloan'a Liniment
and they got better at oaco."
Sloan'a book on Horses, Cattle. Hogs
and Poultry sent free. Address Dr.
Earl S. Sloan, Boston. Mass.
Talk and Money.
Wilbur Wright, on the broad green
plain of bis school of aviation ut Pau,
talked about his early struggles.
"Wo had, In those Dayton days,"
said he, "wonderful offers, uiaguiDccut
promises, but when It came to tho ac
tual laying down of money, then c'ooin
descended on the scene. Our friends,
with their mouths full of millions nnd
tbelr quite empty hands, reminded me
of a Duyton barber. This barber said
ono day as he shaved me:
"'That's a fine pup of Simmons.
I'd give anything for it'
" 'Wall, It's for sale, isn't it r aald I.
"The barber burst Into sneering
'"Oh, yes, It's for sale,' aald he:
'hut do you know what Simmons
wants for It? Why, $2!'"
To til knowing auffercrii of rueumnttm,
wbrtber muHculur or of t lie Joint, ,i-ltli',
lumbagoa, backache, pain In tli UWlnuy
or neuralgia pain, to write to her fur a
home trratmtnt which ha repmtvdly cured
all of these torture. Kho fecU It her duty
to lend It to all uflVrer KUKK. You cure
youraeK at home a thoiiKundi will testify
no change of climate being neceaaary. Till
Imple dlacorery bunlahr uric acid from
the blood, !ooen the tl(TcniU Joint, puri
ne the blood, and brighten the eyes, giving
elasticity and ton to the whole aysttui. If
the aheve Interest you, for proof sddren
Mr, ff. Bummer, Hot 3, Notre Dame, Ind.
Pretty Tough for lb General.
A French general's wife, whose
tongue-lashing ability was far-famed,
demanded that an old servunt, who
had served with her husband in the
wara, be dismissed.
"Jaeaues," said the general, "go to
your room and pack your trunk and
leaver depart."
The old Frenchman clasiKd his
bands to his heart with dramatic Joy.
"Me I can go!" he exclaimed io a
vtry ecstacy of gratitude. Then sud
denly his manner changed, as with ut
most compassion he added :
"IJut you my poor general, you
must stay !" Success Magazine.
Tfi3 Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
$ For Over
Tiilsiy Years
' i r r-. ffl
Millions Say So
When millions of peopla use for
years a medicine it prove its merits
reople who know CASCARETS
value buy over a million boxes a
month. It's the biggest seller be
cause it is the best bowel and liver
medicine, ever made. No matter
what you're using, just try CAS-
- a n nTe ' . Ml o
wviviio once yuu ii occ.
CASCARETS lOo a boa for a week's
treatment, all drutralttt. Blsresl sella
ia the world. Million box a month.
of Wheat Land
in Western Canada
50buanel per acre have been frown. OfieraV
aTerare arrater than in any other part of the Con
tinent. Under New Regulation It t possible to
rcure a Ilomratead of loo acre true, and aadltinta)
lou acre at iXiM per acre.
" The drretopment of the country bae
made marvellous alride. It i a revela
tkm. a reerd of conqurat br attUement
that 1 remarkable." Extract from cer-rrapotirii-nce
of a. National Kdltor, who
visited Canada in Aurust last.
The grain crop of 190S will n-t many tanner.
t?V0U to $.00 per acre. Graia-raiaina. Miaan
Karuiina and Dalrylna ara the principal indue
trx-a. Climate ia rxorllrnt: Social CaauUlion the '
brat; Kallwav Advantag-ea unequalled; School,
churches and markets done at hand.
Land mav also be purchased front Railway
and Land Companiee.
pamphlet, map and information as ta
llow to secure lowest Hallway Mates, apply to
W. D. Scott, Superintendent ol Immigration,
Ottawa, Canada, or t-. T. Holmes, tit Jscksoav
St., St. I'aul, Minn, and j. M. MacLschJan. Bo
lib, Watertown, bo. Dakota. Aullioritea Govern
aient Agents.
Pleas sar where jnm saw this advertiaamsat.
Ti.: t.j- i.
r., V x i aur-uiai n
Eliminates All
Vp . Ilnr-nevoivvs,
in the purchase of
paint material.
It is an absolute
guarantee of pur
ity and quality.
For your own
protection, see
liut it is on the side of
every keg of white lead
you buy.
1102 Trimly luiltlaf. lee Tori
I lib I LL I ii in cleanung. wluteunf aner
removing Urtai (rota the teeih, bends dettrrjrii)
all germs ol decay and disease which ordmar
loo tli pteparatioD cannot do.
the mouth
and ihroal, puri&et tha brexth, and kills tha lerau
which collect in the mouth, cautimr, sora thisst.
bad teeth, bad biealh. grippi , an J muck acLies.
Tjjj FYSTC wnea nnaae4 nW. xck
I IlSm hm I and burn, mry L uutiallf
telieved and strengthened by Fudna.
PATADSIJ P1'1" wi" dewraw the germ
UA I Anlltl thxt cause cxUiih, linl the ia.
Bxmmxlion and stop the dtKharjie. h is a Mas
cemedy for uterina catarrh.
Pxxtine is a harmless yet powerful
sermicide.duinfeclant and deodorizer.
Used in bathing it destroys odors aad
leaves the body antisepocally clean.
)T plsssa say IM saw Saw SrsrtisaaB
Shi pawasw
4-Ton Scales--S25 Cash
Chicago Scale Co., Chicago. Ellnolav
Agent Wanted HIk puy: 600 per cent
prolTt: woiiiIhi f ill hi-IU-r. A family needle
cu8 115 tet nepillus; 35-i'fiit value foi
only 7 ci-ntH. Mull, piiHtd. Older una
AIhu liltvst Nlieet mimic, lti cent, iiialteg)
prepaid. K C. Deu.il, buuth Uninha, Nekx
I'erpctual wuter right, fine water, pro.
ituctlvt) anil, crop failures unknown, tt
bUHliela wlicut pc-r arte. SVu l 6 tons al
tulfa. Health nil climate, free timber,
Taiitu eiuty. Write now. I.tnwood Lajt4
Co., Hock Springs WyomlnK.
9 craSETvf! n
m mm
H 320
H. C. H. V.