Dakota County Herald Official Paper of the County tOSS H. Wilt, rCBLIBEZB. Unbacription Trice, $1.00 Ter Year. A weekly newspaper published at Dakota City, Nebraska. Permission ha been granted for tbe ransmission of this paper through tbe maiii as aecond-claos matter. Telephone No. 43. 7, mJPJfl rrjTJtl TrT. Tyrjf rsr 3 I Items of Interest I from our Exchanges i US KOMI Kj WX K00 30.' Towdor Creek itcma in Newcastle Times; Boss Tolly from Dakota City arrived in Ponca Saturday noon. lie is now visitiDg in this vicinity. Salix items in Sloan, Iowa, Stir: Russell Liukswiler, of Winnebago, Neb, visited Sunday with bis sisters at tho borne of their aunt, Mrs Cone. Ponca Journal : Melvin Harden went to Sionz Hity last Friday noon to be at tbe bedside of bis father, who died about 8 o'clock that evening. Mrs Harden and daughter Lncile, went down Saturday to attend the funeral. Thurston item in Pender Republic: C J O'Connor was over from Homer last Monday.... Mr and Mrs Jos. Nash were Pender callers Wednesday. ... .Frank Thompson was scalier at Emerson and Hubbard last Sunday. . . . .Mrs Pearey and daughter, Mrs Irve Clinkenbeard, were Pender callers last Saturday. Pender Times: Frank Lampoon was over from Walthill Tuesday .... W W Pounds and son, Claude, were in Oma ha Monday.... Miss Lou Hirsch visit ed in Omaha tbe first of the week .... Judge Oraves has been holding court in Dakota City this week . . . . Mrs J L Phillips was down from South Sioux City yesterday. Hartington News: Mae Oarvey re turned to her home in Sioux City Mon day after a short visit here with her uncles, C P and J J Oarvey....ZM Baird went south the first of the week to buy some fancy Poland Chinas at a big sale for Dr Biller's stock farm On the way back be will spend some time at Excelsior Springs. Sioux City Journal, 24 : John Shea, wbo recently returned from Knoxville, where he bad been confined ia tbe home for inebriates, again fell from grace on Sunday afternoon and, as result of his attack on John Barley corn, Patrolman Sawyer arrested him. Shea bad atlirxd hiniBolf in an old police helmet and insisted that he be not haudled roughly. Tjyous Mirror) Mrs M M Warnr was in Omaha Tuesday ... .It was just C2 years ago Monday since we landed upon thd fertile soil of Nebraska in Dakota County, May 17, 1857. ...Mrs 'O V York of Carroll, Iowa, is here on a visit with her sister, Mrs David Ever ett. Her Husband end the Mirror editor use to go swimming together .more than 40 years ago. Ponca Leader: A number of young ; people attended tbe dance given in Jackson Friday evening.... Miss Etta Bauer came home from Dakota City IFridny to spend over Sunday at home. ....The Dakota City baseball club have raised $85 by voluntary subscrip tion and the boys promise to show some of the neighboring clubs how tbe na tional game should be played. "Sloan, Iowa, Star: South City ia up in arms over a proposal to eMabliah a second Covington there. A little vice in a large ?ity is not particularly no ticeable, but when the accumulated vioe of a town like Simix City is dump ed bodily into a oountry village of a few hundred inhabitants the entire community is contaminated. South Sioux City does well to kick and kick bard. Emerson Enterprise! J L Davis was in Homer on business Monday.... W Y McLaughlin visited Sunday with Edi tor and Mrs Kroeson at South Sioux City.... Mr and Mrs Arthur Popo, Mrs J A Ireland and JUiss Minnie were Sioux Citv visitors Thursday ... .Mrs Gene Nordyke and children of Sioux City sre spending a couple of days at the home of Mrs ebb Kellogg .... Mr and Mrs Burt MoEntaffer were in Da kota City Sunday the guosU of Mrs McEntaffer's brother, Ed Waldman. Omaha World-Herald: United States Marshal Warner bad a number of callers Monday. They voiced their surprise and congratulations, over the announcement tnat lie bad entered tbe frnbernatorial raoe. The marshal bad little to ssy about bis candidacy neith cr affirming or denying it. He said it was more fan distributing the patron age than being a candidate, and be bad an offloe to band to every comer. Up to noon be bad banded out 200 jobs as colonels on bis staff, bis only care being to exact a promise from the ap nointee that be woutd not resign, Some of them rssured him that be would have more cause to lesign on thttir account than they would have on acoount of him. ( Newcastle Times: Last Tuesday afternoon Rev Taylor tovk a traveling i roan to Hubbard iu bis auto, Osmer Butler also accompanied them for the ride, they reached their destination all iiiit itnd they started for heme aguiu a Lid as ttiey tieared Jackson they were crging along at a twenty mile an our gait when something happened, the machine was stopped as soon as pobMihle, tbo men aoratnbled out at double quick, and the auto was soon enveloped in flames, burning the ma chine to the ground the men could do nothing to extinguish the Humes. It developed that the oonuectiug rod gavo way and the main craok shaft j. i ked the piston out of the cylinder bin! threw it up through the cr auk case and broke a gasoline pipe off right over the top of the crank case and the Choline flowed Lack in the cylinder onto alive spark. The loss represents about (300.00, no insurance. Walthill Times: Bert Rossitor is borne resting up after being in Dakota City where court is in session this week.... Miss Mabel Miles of Dakota City was in town the first of the eek, visiting friends. .Rev J L Phillips, of South Sioux City, will deliver Iho commencmont day address to the Homer graduating class, Friday even ing, May 28. Mr Phillips will also preach their baccalaureate sermon .... Mr Ray Marral, of Stanton, Neb, and Miss Edna Trask, of Homer, were united in marriage at Dakota City last Saturday and returned here Sunday, Mr Marral is a carpenter who name here from StnDton a short time ago and was boarding at the Central hotel when he met Miss Trask, who was doing dining room work at that place and they at once got thatdosense call ed love and both oame to the conclu sion at once that marriage was the only cure, so set the time for Saturday when the khot was tied They are at pres ent boarding at the Central hotel but are planning on building a residence here and going to housekeeping in the near future. Winnebaga Chieftain : JE McKtn ley was down from Homer yesterday afternoon.... George Ashford passed through here ytterday on bis way to Fremont.... Mabel Niebuhr was in Dakota City. Tuesday evening and Wednesday. ...Mrs Louis Herman was in Dakota City on Thursday and Fri day of Inst week, at the borne of her brother, Ashley Londrosh... .Miss Helen Queen of Thnrtou was the guest of Mrs Louis Armell on Tuesday, and from here went to Honler to see her sister, MrsJE McKinley .... Myrtle Bates, Dora Eee, Arvilla Reeves and Merl Brassfleld were the Winnebago representatives at the Homer Wood men dance, on Tuesday evening.!.. Frank Mansfield has resigned bis iiosi tion with bis brother, M S, and is at borne in Homer for a short visit, b: fore going to Kansas City, where he will ac.ept a situation. Frank has won many friends here, who will regret to learn of his departure . . . -The Y inne bi(0 Juniors played the Homer Cana ries on the diamond of the latter last Saturday, resuting in a score of 10 to 11 in favor of the Homer boys. But that is only a loss by the "skin of the teeth. A lntle more practice and the Juniors will show the Yellow Jackets that they will have to be up end com mg to do it again,... Mary Herman and Oertie Buckland attended the party given by Mrs Julius Pitts last Friday evening in Homer as a farewell to Mifs Grace Harvey, who took her departure to Danbury, Iowa, on Tues day evening. Miss Harvey has been a very successful teacher of tun interme diate room of the Homer schools, and baa been active in the social functions of that place. Her sister, Mrs L B Clements, and little ion, left on the same train for their new. Mianeaota home. The latter bus held the presi dency of the Homer Woman's Club, and also the Dorcas society of the M E church, and has been very active iu both of these oflices. MrClement ban a position us traveling salesman. He has been for years bead clerk in the Farmors' Exchange. R0MM40i0MWjMI40MillQKsiym HUBBARD. Tref Deroin was a business caller at Jackson Wednesday. Joe Hagen and daughter Maryland Mrs Mike Greeu were passer gers to Sioux City Thursday. Rubber boots at Carl Anderson's. Look out for noma Juue weddings tbat are booked for tbe near future. Mrs John Provancha, who fell snd fractured her arm, is not getting along very well. Mia J P Rockwell visited at the Ernest Goertz home the first of the week. 11 Reuze waa a business visitor at Emerson Wednesday. You need a slicker or rain coat for this showt-rr weather, aud Carl Ander son can fit you out. J P Rockwell camo up from the county seat Monday on business. A number of farmers in this vicinity are plowing up their oat fields aud planting them to oorn. The lengthy cold spell having killed the seed genu the oats are barely half a stand. C Pounds and family arrived bore last Saturday at-d are again residents of our town. Peter Anderson, from near Good win, spent Tuesday here. We have a splendid new stock of pants, both for Sunday and everyday wear. Carl Anderson. B B Gribble and D 0 Heffernan at tended court in Dakota City this week. Jas Barry of Jackson was a business visitor here Friday, Dr Leahy was on our streets Satur day . Eugene Nordyke was a visitor here Mondsy. Our new stock of gloves is here, and we can ahow you everything in dress and work gloves. Carl Anderson. liana Larson weut to Sioux City Tuesday morning. Joe Leedom, our village marshal, went to Liuooln Tuesday to assist the sheriffs force in taking a ooupla of prisoners to the penitentiary. Ha 'jtrauam was a city passenger Tuesday. Trioity Lutheran church, Sunday school every Sunday at 2 pin. Next Suaday, May 30th, Pentecost Sunday, service at o pm. All cordially mvitud Rev E Yon Nusbuum Clara Reiss was the lucky girl to receivo the silver set given by the medi"iue show here lust Week to the most popular young lady. The team wnicu ran away witu nir Larson and family was srdd to partios in Homer this week, consideration f 2 )5 Johu R Clayton shipped the finest bunch of cattle to Omaha Tuesday evening that has come into Hubbard this year. Those who went to Sionx City from here Saturday were Herman Rouite, Joseph Christecsen, Mrs Sam Knox. Mary Beacoin, Mrs Mullen. Painter Garret, Win Reninger and Miss King. D C Hoffernaa was in Sioux Ci'.r and Dakota City on business several days the pact week. Our new line of wash goods is beie and we can ahow you all the latest styles and colorings. Carl Anderson. Carl Frederickson went to the city last Wednesday, returning Thursday. Henry Cain, Ed nartnett, Barber Tagne and ball player Smith all at tended the ball game at Wakefield. J N Miller went to Lakeview, Iowa, Thursday morning, with the hope that his wife would be able to return borne with him. Mrs Miller has been a suf ferer for a long time. Bring us your butter, eggs snd all farm produce, and get. the highest price going. Catl Anderson. Mrs Geo Timlin and baby went out to the Mike Green home Saturday to spend tbo week. Mrs Bert Cobleigh returned Sunday morning from a week's visit at Phillips, Nebr. John Green was in Sioux City last Thursday. We carry everything in the line of groceries, and at prices that stand all competition. Carl Anderson. B B Gribble and children celebrated ascension day by going fishing. Miss Murphy spent Satar jay in Da kota City. Miss Atle Smith and Miss Mogen sen osme down from Ponca Saturday to attend the basket ball given by the Danish Brotherhood. The schools close here on Wednes day, June 2nd, followed by a program and basket social in the school hall iu the evening. The Hubbard Giarta will play tbo Sweeney a Cubs, formerly the Sioux City Greys, at this place ou Sunday. J J Killackey of Bloomfield, for merly a merchant of this place, passed through here Wednesday on his way to Sioux City. He has accepted a po sition as manager of a lumber yard at Walthill. Ed nartnett, was a passeoger to the city Wednesday. Nearly everybody from here has been in atteudunee at district court at Dakota City this week, either as wit ness or spectator. Here is the line of machinery that we carry: Mandt and Peter Schuttler wagons two of the highest priced wagons on the market; Heeney bug gies and surreys, guaranteed by the Moline Plow company; a full line of Rook Island cultivators; Badger and New Century riding cultivators; Mo line cultivators; the Mandt manure spreader, made by the Moline Plow company, with roller bearings; stock tanks; the Iowa gate, with 30 days free trial on your place. We sharpen all shovels free the first time, and gnurantee very article we sell; we also guarantee our price against any dealer in the same line of goods. A trial will convince yon. Ronze & Green . JACKSON. Helen Kearney departed Saturday for a two weeks visit with friends in Omaha. . Mrs Alfred Demaray left Thursdav for Ihlen, Minn, to visit in the home of her son Louis and family. Frank Carpenter, of Vista, is visit ing relatives at Mineral Point, Wis Jessie Reed is working in die J E Collison home at Ponca. Nebr. Margaret Qninn, one of Dakota coun ty s suooessful teachers, has been en gaged to teach in the intermediate room at Homer, Nebr. John Sioverson of Fender, had busi ness here several days the past week He recently sold bis farm now occupied by Leie Bros, to bis brother, Chris Sieversop, of Sioux City, who will probably take possession next year. Rev Ferd Leohleitner departed Wednesday morning for Blair. Nebr, to take charge of the pastorate there while the Reverend pastor ia away on a European trip. The good wishes of his many friends here go with him. Victor McGonigal and William Tel ler left last Friday for tbe west. Thos J Uartnett bad a load of hogs on tue market last Friday. Eva Stevens enjoyed a visit from htr sister Mae, of Omaha, the past week. Henry Francisco bad two loads of cattle ou the market Tuesday. Baby Josephine Branu an is ill with tue measles W O Mixer ariived here Moudai evening for a short visit with his fami Frank Flvnn, of Hinton. Iowa, visit ed iu the home of hi brother, James flynn, several daye last week. J M Johnson, auditor for the E & B Lumber company, waa in town Tues day. Mra Noble League sold her bouse hold effects here Monday, and Tuesday she left for Dakota City to visit her parents, John Delaney and wife, be fore her departure for her future home at Minneapolis. .crin maun ia recovering from an operation for appendicitis which be successfully underwent last week at St inoents hospital. M M Uickey and wife departed for lempe, Arizona, last Saturday. Uonnie Uavanaugb of Allen spent over busday at tbe Horace Dugan borne. Thoa Moras and wife of Wayne. neor, visiiou over Sunday witu rela tives here. Frank Riloy, who was attending the Creighton college of dentistry, arrived bomo Saturday evening for vacation. Jackson defeated Dakota City Sun day in a gama of ball, score 12 to 2. Batteries, for Jackson Marsh and lleff- eruan. J P McEwen and ou, Milton, visit d over Suuday with relutivea iu Sioux City. airs liana Knudsou enjoyed a visit from hor pareuta Hans Anderson and wife of Hubbard, aeveral days laxt week before their departure for their old home in Deumark. J A Hall loft Monday for bis ranch at Dogwood, Mo, after a two weeks visit with bis family here. Ed T Kearney ia away on a business trip to Spoouer, Wig, and other points. Mra Ryder aud aon Pete left for their borne at Lucan, Canada, Thurs day, being called here by the death of her sister, Mrs Mary Oormally, a few weeks sgo. They remained here to visit relatives. , SALEM That blessed rain came again just wben it was needed. Miss Mabel Ponton of Dakota Ci'y spent several days with Helen Sides reluriog home Wednesdsy. Miss Lena Barber and Sadie Cornell of Ponca who were visiMng friends and relatives hero last aroek returned home last Saturday a m. Mr and Mrs U Cornell accompanied them for an over Snnday visit. Fishing is the farmers sport these rainy days, the larger part of the corn planted is up (yes and also the weeds.) B M Boals has his barn completed. It has all of the modern improve ments Sam Heikes bad a car of porkers on the Sioux City market last Friday. Mr and Mrs Addie Sides auto'ed it to Homer Sunday, Mr aud Mrs Guy Sides accompanied them spending the day at the Audrey Allaway home. B E Crouch spent Sunday with rel atves here. Miss Bertha Lamb of Sionx City wts tbo Sundsy guest of her friend, Miss Dollie Blessing. Harry Brown returned Friday from a land inspecting trip through the Da kotas. Mr Brown purchased 'a farm consisting of 170 acres and is much taken up with the oountry. John W Hazelgrove sold two thou sand bushels of corn to the Akron Milling Co, at 64 cents. Mrs C T Westcott and two children spent Snnday at the Haxlegrove home. Geo Bates, Fred Beerman sr, E M Blessing and O W Fisher shipped their cattle and hogs to Sioux City Tues day. School is out now, and it is me for the cornfield. Henry Bodenbender is home on a Yisit from Kansas. Sides Bros sold a thousand bushels of corn to the distillery at South Sioux City last Thursday, receiving CGc per bushel. Tim O'Connor of Homer was a busi ness caller in Salem on Wednesday of last week. Milton Foreshoe sr, has been under the doctors care the past week but is somewhat improved at this writing. Clay Armbrigbt did not purchase the Frank Broyhill auto, as some of the county papers has reported, but Clay still is in love with the automo biles and may purchase one in the future. Richard Bougous on last Friday evening suddenly became very sick. Three doctors working over him all night . The doctors states that he was poisoned from canned salmon which he ate, We ae glad to report that he is guining rapidly. Hugh Graham marketed a car of hogs and two of cattle last week. Roy Armour was down from the bluffs several days the past week trans acting business with our farmers. Sam Bridenbaugh was on the Sioux City market Tuesday with a car of cat tle. . ' a musical and reading eutertain ment will be given at the Salem Evan gelical Lutheran church on Friday evening June 4 by Mrs Georgia Boals Reed and Miss Elizabeth Boals under the auspices of the Salem W H fc F M society. Admission 15 and 25 cents. These young people were born and raieed in our community and a fnll house can be assured. Remember the date (June 4.) NACORA. Miss Lizzie Larsen visited in Homer last Saturday and Sunday. Mra Frank Heeney and daughter, Gladys, visited with relatives here Sat urday and Sunday. Mr and Mrs Gns Lester entertained friends from Sioux City last Sunday. A number of the young people of tkii place attended the ball game in Wakefield last Thursdav between Uub bard and that plane, most of them staying for the dance in the evening. Alice Demaray was a Sioux City vis itor last Saturday. Miss Laura Heeney visited in Sioux City with relatives last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Lizzie Larsen has resigned her position iu Edwards & Bradford's store and will leave for Omaha next Monday evening. Charlie Connors was doing busiuess in Sioux City last Monday. Miss Alvina Schwartz, was shopping in Sioux CUT last Monday. The Heensy school closes Friday for tne summer vacation. (Reoeived too late for last week.) August Voss shipped a carload of cattle to Sioux City last Thursday. Laura Heeney spent several days in uuDuard tbe latter part oi last week J Myers of Sioux City was calling on mends bere Thursday of last week Lizzie Larson and Hattie Wilkina visited in Wayne Saturday and Sunday with Grace Wilkins, who attends the uormal at that place. Mae aud Rose Heener and Alice Demaray attended the dance in Jack son last I riday evening. Lena Larsen, of Homer, visited with her sisters here over Sundav. Asuius Schwartz was doing busiuess in Sioux Ctiy the first of the week. Maggie Murphy visited over Suuday at ber borne near Uomer, George Wallway of Emerson, spent Sunday with relatives at this place. James Heeney shipped a oatload of fat cattle to S ioux City last Wednes day. HOMER. The town has secured the M W A hall iu w hich to hold its meetings. Mra Selby (nee Nettie Armour) came over from bioux City t riday to visit relatives and friends for a few dava. Eva Kinuear went to the city Satur day. Ittttta Mell Kinkead, of Sioux City, visited relativea bee Suuday. Johu Ashford received bis new auto Suuday, ard the weather man seems to thiuk John had better stick to the cow catcher or baggage car. However, if -Tohn finds bis machine a success Turn Murphy aad Tom Ashford will each purchase one. Troaper Armell, one of the best mown Indians on the Winnebaso res ervation, died at his home south of erereoently. Mrs John II Ream, of DuVrtts Citr was a visitor nere Wednesday. Little Dorotbv McBenth wrlin liml l,un via.t. ing at Dakota City, returned with her. Cbas Borowskv onuned tin antnnn on Front street Tuesday, consequently whs nas ween a very wet week in town. l.Iruer Shook will niove into th Mra Crocker house. Rev J L Keil is holding minfiul meetings in tbe Assembly church. Gertie Buckland. of the Winnflm Agency, visited several days here with friends this week, and also helped in the Free Press office a few days. Tom Baird and wife sttendn.l tlm Polly-Wendt wedding at Newcastle Wednesday, and report a fine time. Addu Sides was in town with li new auto Sunday and took some of his friends a ride. The cake sale for the preacher net ted J3, 10. The town is full of telephone and school house men, and they can hardly find a a place to lay their beads. The old frame school bouse will soon be a thing of the past. It will be sold at publio sale next Saturday, May 29. It always makes us feel a little bit sad to tee the old put aside for the new. Ed MuDger is putting a new jiorch on the south side of the Mrs Sarah Smith house and screening it in. S A Brown has told his blacksmith shop to Dick Skid more, giving posses sion Tuesday. It will be moved from its present looation and Mr Brown will use the site to enlarge bis lawn. Fred Kipper took the evening traiu Tuesday to attend the Polly wedding at Newcastle. Sundav mornincr a nurtv nf nli.rnn started bright aud early for Big Bear lane on a nsuing trip, u A Monroe aud wife chaperoned the party. Just ask "Alvey" about it if you want to hrar a big fish story. For Sale Aermotor windmill and tower com plete, with tank and tank heater, all neaily new. Alfred Seymour, Dakota City, Nebraska. First Publication May 21 lw NOTICE. To the unknown heir of .Tnincs Htewart. .loccnscrt Von nml each of you will tike notice t lint on the lstli day of May, lwm, Krnest T. Harris, Alliert J. Hitrrlx. Arthur I,. HiirrUniui Klch.'ird O. Harris. plulntllTt, llleil their petition In the district court of imkotn county, Ntate of N'chmsku. mndit the unknown lielra of Jimii's Ntcwnrt, de censed, as defendants, the oliject and pinyer of which are to remove the cloud from their title to the northenst quarter of the north cast quarter of section one (1 1, township twvnty-seven (27) north, of rnne eluht IS) cast of the sixth (St h I principal merldhin In Dakota county, Nebraska, cast thereon and occasioned by reason ofa deed iM'iirinu dnte April 8. lwto, from Worgf H. iiratT mid Amanda UnttT, his wife, to said James Stew-n-t, said deed ixdiiK recorded Indeed twiok V"M pee J127 of the deeil records of snlil co.iniy of lmkota, purporting to convey the north half of said section one 111. The pliilntirr also prays for general equitable re lief and costs of suit. -A'ou are required to answer hnld petition on or liefore the 1 ith day of June, IMw. Kknkkt T. Hakhis, Ai.hkht .1. Hakhis. A KTlll-K I,. H AKKIM, KlfllAHD (4. llAKHIS. Plaint I ITs. 1 he nlxive and ioreprolriK notice to lie pul Ilshed four weeks In a lewd newspaper print ed, published aud of Keniii'Hl circulation In Dakota county anil approved by me ns a proper notice for service on the unknown heirs of James Stewart, deceased. 4uyT. tVKAvrs. Judire of District Court. First publication May II Iw PROBATE JiOTICK TO CREDITOHa. In the county court of Dakota county, Nebraska. I n the uuittor of the estate of Carl Autrust Schopke, ilecmspil. Notice is hereby Kiven. that the creditors of the said deceased will meet the executor of said estate, liefore nie, county Judire, of Dakota county. Nebraska, at the county court room In said county, on the loth day of Scptenilier. Hum, on the 12th cuiy of Octo ber, iunu, and ou the loth day of Novemlcr, lloni, at 10 o'clock a in, each day for the pur pose of prewntliiK their claims for exam ination, adjustment mid uliowance. Six mouths are allowed for creditors to present their claims and one year for the executor to settle said estate, from the lilt Ii day of Mny, ItH. This uotlce will lie published ill the Dakota County lleruld, for four weeks successively prior to the lot li day of Hep temlM'i , I'joii. Witness my hand, nnd seal of said court, this loth day of May, A. D. D. C ISTINKON. BAi. County Jndtre. First publication May 7 4w KOAD KOT1CE J. T. BUEBUS ROAD. To all whem It may concern: The commissioner appointed to locate n road commenclmi at the nort beast corner of tlie southeast quarter of section 27, tow n shlp 2li. ramre rt east, aud iuiiuHik due west one mile to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of said section 2;-2!Mtenst on the county line lietween Dixon and Da kota counties, Nebr, has reported ill favor of the establishment thereof. All objections thereto, or claims for iiainaKcs, must i meu III the county clerk's olllce ou or before noon of the 2Mb day of June, A. D. l!n. or such road will lie estnb- llU,..,l u.,,1 In...,..,! ...1 . t....... ...iv. .... nun mvuuui irjciciILT llierC to. W. 1- Rows. County Clerk. First publication April ai-iw PROBATE XOTICK TO CREDITORS. In the county court ol Dakota couuty, Ne braska. In the matter of the estate of Hubert niuuie. deceased. Notice is hereby irl veil, that the creditors oi inn said deceased will meet the tfelintiil iraior oi saui estate, oeiorc me, couuty judge or imkota county, Nebraska, at the couuly court room In said county , on the 2Htli day of Autrust. on the 2lh day of September, lwiu. and on the Hut h day of.ttcto hcr, Itaiw, at Id o'clock a. m. each day for the purpose oi presentimc lueir claims for ex amination, adjustment and allowance. Six mouths are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the adminis trator to settle said estate, from the Kith day of April, luiu. This notice will be pul. Ilshed In the Dakota County Herald for lour weeks successively prior to the 2-Uli day of AtiHTUst. lunu. Witness my baud, anil seal of said court, luis.tiiiuay oi a pin, a j imiv. D. C. Stismojc, bk a i. County Judire Undertaker County Coroner 11. F. Sawyer Jackson, Nebraska ' :". i j w The IS. & B. Ball Bearing Scwine Maching and the One Minute Washer win praise everywhere, by giving universal satisfaction. Light Running Long Lasting. Let us show them to you Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard - - Nebraska ! D g not c sil BJ Sidewalk Cisterns Calves i Estimates furnished. All work guaranteed. Harry XI. Foliz, Dakota City. Ntbr PAUL PIZEY, Dakota Citvi Nta. laVyCTS Bonded : Abstracter ' t A TRIP OF A LIFE TIME The grand tour of the Pacific coast is a journey of a life time; a tour of Europe is also a trip of a life time; but the difference is that the Coast trip is, directly within your reach at a far less cost than any other extensive journey can possibly be made. May 0th to 13th, only $50 to California and back, and commencing May 20, through the summer, only $50 to Seattle and back; for $15 more you can include California. One makes a tour of from 5,000 to 6,000 miles through a wonderland re- v plete with modern interest, linked with a romantic past. Write 'me for "Alaska Exposition" leaflets, "California Per sonally Conducted Excursions," "To the Great Northwest," "Yellowstone Park." Let me help you plan your tour. ia We have just received a l E$e ICeepers' A fiet which may interest oar Bee Keeping friends. X Don't forget that we are still in the Durness Business. i m . Ait r. i si No. Sired by Anserseul 12S00, he by Reve d' Or 7400, out of La Blonde Fayt 22235. Dam, Lisa de Kestergat 11631, she by Cadet 1900, out of Mie van Kestergat 11627. Foaled March 16, 1903. Imported August 16, 1906, by Frank lams, of St. Paul, Nebraska. LION DE KESTERGAT Is a Bay Belgian Stallion, 0 years old, weighing 2300 lbs, and is an ideal drnft hopse. Took First Premium hi his class at the Interstate Fair, Sioux City, Iowa, and was acknowledged bv all horsemen as being one of the best horses on exhibition. Will make the season of I(9 as follows: Tuesdays and Wedneaiinys, Dakota Citv, at Maxwell's liarn. Thursdays, at the IW Farm. Fridays umi Saturdays, at llubbard. Terms20 to ljT colt. I ... .1,A . 1 ... lum uo wunj iu loui urn uecomcs uue atouce; or mares not properly returned tor tiil tervioc, fees li-come due at once. HARRY E. BROWN, Owner L. T.OSS, Attendant. Dakota Citv, Nebr, i rsr rsr t W r I I ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Iowa W. E. Snethen. Ticket Agt, Dakota City, Neb. L. W. Wakklet, O P A, Omaha, Neb loxax City, lowat. 35364 Upon thpi,ale vt removal of marc M liii - M SB9