Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 28, 1909, Image 1

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M0TT0--A11 Tho News When It Is News.
St ate Historic:!! S ..( v:
.1 J 1 11 jILXsI .U.J I JLJo
oolouki ";n.is'' or iiowaku
colli; k A in m:ssi:i.
Chk'f Kxecullvo Declares Negro Is Xuw
lU'lng Kccoiiizcd as a Valuable As.
set Corner Hliinc Is Laid After 1T3
erti.ses Arc Concluded.
Speaking to the colored graduates
ct Howard university, near Washing
ton, D. C, Wednesday, President Taft
declared that never at any time has
the future of the negro, as a race, ap
peared more hopeful and bright than
at the present day.
The president pressed upon his
hearers the fact that It is for the ne
I groes themselves to work out their
own future and to make themselves
valuable citizens in the communities
in which they live. Conditions for the
negro In the south, the president said,
he believed are growing better and
better. Southern people of the better
class are coming to look mors and
more upon the negro as one of their
valuable assets. Mr. Taft declared
and he again urged upon the negro
the importance of gaining the respect
and the friendship of the white peo
ple among whom he is to live.
The task of educating the negro
and especluUy of educating leaders
among the race, tho president asserted,
was a debt owed by the government,
a debt only too difficult of repayment
because of the constitutional limits of
the government In dealing with the
President Taft personally handed to
the more than 100 candidates for de
grees their parchment rolls. When
the commencement exercises were end
ed he was escorted to the foundation
of the new Carnegie library of the unl-
versty, where he officiated at the lay
tng of the corner stone. The presl
dent evidently enjoyed the privilege
of being a real mason, for he not only
applied the customary first dash of
mortar, but worked industriously with
the silver trowel until he had covered
the entire resting place for the well
proportioned stone.
Secretary of the Interior BaJlijiger.
Minister Leger.'of Haiti, and President
Thirflield, of the university, also wert
called upon to wield the trowel.
four Cornered Duel In Remote Section
of North Carolina.
Arthur and Andy Franklin were shot
to death Tuesday night in Laurel town
ship, a remote section of Madison
county, N. C, in a four cornered duel
in which the Franklins wore arrayed
against the Tweed brothers.
Robert Tweed and Arthur Franklin
met In the store of Arthur Franklin
and opened fire. Andy Franklin en
deavored to stop the fight, it is said, but
Maj. Tweed Interfered, and both draw
lng pistols the fight became general
Andy Franklin was Instantly killed
Arthur Franklin died Wednesday of
his wounds. Maj. Tweed received
serious wound in the thigh. Beverly
Stanton, a bystander, was shot. '
Accused of Taking Over $36,000 of
County's Funds.
Jarcd C. Weed, of Buffalo, N. T
cashier of the county treasurer's office
since 1898, was arrested Wednesday on
a charge of grand larceny.
County Treasurer Fix, who made
Hie charges, says that the total of the
alleged stealings since 1900 was $36
650, ranging from a few hundred dol
lars to several thousands a year.
i Treasurer Fix charged that another
employe is implicated and says he has
information from each of the men as
to their peculations. He says the con
feuslons and restoration of the funds
which have been taken were procured
without any promise, of immunity.
Unitarian at Bonton.
The annual meeting of the American
Unitarian association occupied practl
cally all of Wednesday's anniversa
week 'session' at Boston. The report
of the nominating and business com
mlttees and the election of officers
weie considered in the forenoon.
Fight Promoters Are III.
Almost simultaneously with
news of the Illness in New York of Pat
Sheedy, his former partner In ma
enterprises, Parson tavlcs was tak
quietly from New Orleans to Chiea
and is said to be seriously m n that
Kloux City Live Stock Market.
weunesuuy s quotations on the
Floux City live stock market follow
Top beeves, 16.65. Top hogs, $7.25.
1 Carried Through SIuliv ;ntc.
Four persons were drowned t
our others were rescued from a ci
sired gasoline launch which was c
irled through tho sluice gates of
dam of the Consolidated Water Poi
er company of Grand Kapids, Wl
iTuesday night and dashed to the roc
lie lew.
Paris Court Hot urns a Verdict Against
A dispatch from Paris says that on
the charse of having maltreated young
children ccnllded to their care, Cecil
H. Sargeant, an Englishman, and his
American wife, who was Miss Nevln,
of New York, were found guilty Mon-
3ay. Sargeant was sentenced to two
years' imprisonment and his wife to
thirteen months' Imprisonment. In
addition a small fine was Imposed on
each of the defendants. Witnesses
testified that the urgeants had beat
en the children and deprived them of
food. One of the last witnesses, Mme.
Marleoh'.l, of Urussels, declared that
she had Confided her child to the Sar
geants five years ago and until recent
ly had not heard any tidings from it.
In a burst of ungoverned fury she
threw herself at the throat of Mrs.
Sargeant and tried to strangle her.
Guards with difficulty pulled the en
raged woman away.
A curious development was the
claim set up by a woman from Ver
sailles that the child was hers. Pend
ing a settlement of this, the court or
dered that the child be kept In the
municipal orphanage.
Sargeant and his wife were arrest
ed at Asnlers last February charged
with the gross ill treatment of four
children whom they had adopted. The
couple has been In the hublt of in
serting advertisements in Knglish and
Belgian newspapers offering to adopt
children for a money consideration,
An effort was made to have Mrs. Sar
geant examined as to her sanity, but
after an Investigation by a magistrate
both of the Sargeants were ordered to
stand trial before tho correctional
Movement for Overthrow of Domini
ran Republic Spreads.
A dispatch from Cape Haitian,
Haiti, by courier from Monte Chrlstl,
San Domingo, says the revolutionary
movement Is spreading. Gen. Cama
cho, the former governor of Monte
Chrlstl, who is working in unison with
Gen. Qulrito Felice for the overthrow
of the government, has attacked and
seized Guayubin and Dajabon, which
are situated on the Haitian frontier,
the Dajabon river being the northwest
boundary between Haiti and the Do
minican republic. There has been
fighting between the revolutionists and
the loyal forces at Monte Chrlstl. The
fate of Jose Bordas, governor of Puer
to Platta, is not known, but it is re
ported that he is either dead or
prisoner. '
Communications are interrupted
and the government troops are ex
pected to reach the disaffected district
by Tuesday.
lino Temple Dedicated.
Masons of Indiana Monday, dedtcat
ed the new $750,000 Masonic temple
in Indianapolis, which they declare is
the finest building devoted to Masonry
in tho world". The temple is built of
steel and stone, four stories in height
The Interior fixtures are of beaten
brass and bronze and the furniture,
carpets and tapestry were especially
made for the purpose. The temple
contains two restaurants and many
private dining rooms and on top is t
roof garden.
Shocks IVlt at Messina,
One of the severest shocks since the
great earthquake occurred at Messina
Monday afternoon. The movemen
was both vertical and horizontal and
lasted twenty seconds. The shock
was preceded by a rumbling noise. The
populace tied panic stricken and the
walls of the ruins in various places
tins Explosion in Hut.
Six persons were Injured, one merl
ously, by an explosion of gas which
wrecked an apartment house at 763
Marshall street, Pcrtland, Ore. Three
of the injured were In an adjoining
houBe, "Which was also badly damaged
The cause of the explosion is unknowa
Drought in Vera Cruz.
The drought is so serious in some
sections of Vera Cruz, Mex., that many
people are leaving. Hundreds of cattle
are dying. Wolves and dogs have gone
mad, and natives in a number of vll
logos have been bitten by the razed
Bubonic Plague at Caracas.
After an absence of six months th
bubonic plague has again made its
reappearance at Caracas. One case
Is official 1 undor examination. Th
rates of Caracas show Infection. No
cases have been found at La Guayra
or elsewhere in the republic.
Tclcgrupli Frank Investigation.
The norma house Monday ap
pointed a committee to investigate
the "frank" files of the Western Union
Telegraph company's Tallahassee of
flee to ascertain whether members of
the legislature have been using tele
graph "franks."
King IUIwaril Holds a Ix-vee.
King Edward, supported by the
prince of Wales, held a levee at St
James palace, London, Monday. Am
bassador Held and J. It. Carter, necre
tary of the American embassy, wer
among the diplomatic guests. The for
iner presented Charles Carroll,
Maryland, and Walter Furwell, o
Chicago, to his majesty.
Dr. RtelTcn Tells Churchmen How to
tie Money.
'Let Rockefeller and Carnegie alone
go into your own pockets for college
ndowments," v.rs the advice of Dr.
C. Steffen, of Dubuque. Ia., in an
iddress before the general nssembly
f the Presbyterian church at Denver
fuesday afternoon.
During the day It became apparent
hat Chicago Instead of Atlantic City
-as taking the lead as the next meet-
ng place, but the subject was not of-
lclaUy before the assembly.
It was decided that $100,000 should
3e spent in the erection of churches In
he synod of Tennesjc to replace
hose taken from th hurch by tho
eclslon of the suprerr court of that
itate, which held Hie union of the
Presbyterian church in the United
states of America and the Cumberland
"resbyterlan church Illegal.
Dr. Steffen called attention to the
ack of bible study In the sectarian
tchools and urged that a rule requir-
ng at least 144 hours of bible study
n each school year be made compul-
ory In the case of each regular stu-
lent. He also said tho board had
een withdrawing Its aid from second
ary schools as much as possible In
iflew. bf the greatly increased efficiency
ot high Bchools. .
The regular and special reports of
he executive commission were accept
d after debate. Objection was mado
:o the appropriation of only $16,000
o the temperance board, but It was
pointed lout that this sum Is $1,000 In
excess of the amount usually appro
priated. The special report provldu
'or the discharge of the standing com
nlttce on finance from the considera
;ion of the budget of the missionary
ind benevolent board and that the
policies outlined by the various boards
Do submitted to the commission for Its
onslderation, later to be referred to
he assembly.
Dr. W. L. McEwan offered a re
port of the board of home missions
showing that the amount received
U.073,971 was the largest In the his
tory of the church. He asked for
1800,000 for the work of the coming
year. Dr. Charles I. Thompson, of
New York, secretary of the board,
made a plea for the Immigrant, saying
that within fifty years the United
States will have a population of 200,
DOO.OOO and that a special effort must
be made to Christianize the incoming
Congressman Bennett, of New York,
who is a commissioner to the assem
bly, denied that the majority of im
migrants are idlers and criminals.
Dr. Thompson referred to the re
moval of Robert Watchorn, former
commissioner of immigration, station
ed at Ellis island.
"Politics," he said bitterly, "or what
not, was the cause of the removal of
a great man."
Mothers Heroine Alarmed When Eire
Breaks Out Near School.
A panic Btricken mob of nearly
1,000 women, mothers and relatives of
the 500 children which attended, the
east side public schools at Forsythe
and Stanton streets, New York City,
stormed the doors of the school house
Tuesday when a fire started in a six
story tenement house adjoining.
Realizing the serious consequences
that would follow if the excited women
got inside the school house, the Jani
tor quickly closed and bolted the
(Joors, and the" teachers managed to
quiet the children. No one was 1n.
Fact's Murder Charge; Ends Life.
On the eve of his trial for murder
Irving Carter, aged 23, committed sui
cide at his home at Huntsvllle, Mo.,
shooting himself in the head. A yea
ago he shot and IdlVed Thomas B.
Bagby because Bagby had wronged
his sister. Carter lured Bagby to the
spot where he shot him.
Train Holdup Km"ieet Held.
A man giving the name o I XJ.
fitelnhoff waa arrested at Cheyenne,
Wyo., Monday night n suspicion or
being an accomplice In the robbery
of the Union Pacific mull near Omaha
Saturday night. He hud in his posses
sion $800 In currency.
Deadlock Is Unbroken.
On the ninety-fourth Joint ballot in
Illinois the total vote of the Joint ses
sion was: Hopkins. 88; Foss, 7; Ma
son, 2; Shurtleff, 18; Stringer, 40; E.
J. Kelly, of Chicago, 11; M. J. Collins,
16; scattering, 17. The Joint session
then arose. ,
Kills Wire with Hummer.
Samuel Klyt. a retired farmer,
killed his wife early Tuesday In Jewell
City, Kan., with a hammer. He had
been bordering on insanity ror several
years, but was not considered danger
ous. The murdered woman was hl
second wife.
Lunching In Arkansas.
A spmiHl from line Bluff, Ark.,
says that Iovett Davis, a negro,
charged with attempting a criminal
assault on a 15-yenr-old white girl,
was lynched at midnight Monday.
die Children Itiirixil.
Five children were fatally burned
during commencement exercises In a
private school ut Central City, Ky.
Monday nltlit.
t 4.4.44,4.44.4. 4r4
Nebraska l'repuii il for loiig Siege In
Testimony will be taken for the first
time next month in the various rail
road cases in the federal court in
volving the validity of the 2-eent fare
law. the maximum freight rate com
modity law and other legislative enact
ments of 1907. These have been In
court for nearly two years and the
lawyers have Just about got all the un
derbrush cleared a:iy for trial on
their merits. In the stututes in ques
tion are the anti-pass law anil tin
act creating a railroad commission, if
the state loses, all the work of the t
past lour years in legislative regula
tion of railroads will fall, but the at
torney general Is confident that he can
sustain them all.
A year's time, It Is expected, will be
consumed In taking testimony. Four
or five years will probably pass before
a final decision in the higher coutts
can be secured. The ease Is to bo
heard by both of the federal Judges.
Before he was appointed. Judge Thom
as C. Munger wat one of the strong
est advocutcs o of the restrictive legis
lation In question, and the state goes
into tho case relieved of the Incubus
that Missouri had In the person of
Judge Mcpherson, who was a railroad
lawyer before he became Judge.
McPherson's decision Is citublc as a
precedent, but what governs will be
tho earnings of the roads. In Nebras
ka the anti-pass law undoubtedly
stimulated the net earnings, while Mis
souri had no such enactment. The
railroad commission's physical valua
tion of tho railroads will be completed
before the trial of the case, and It Is
expected to materially aid In sustain
ing tho state's position. Meanwhile all
of these luws will remain in force.
Colored Woman at Hasting Said to Be
Aged 101) Veiirs.
Mrs. Clara Bliley, colored, of Hast
ings, presumably the oldest person
weBt of the Mississippi river, on Mon
day celebrated her 109lh birthday un
nlversary. She Is apparently as strong
in body and mind as she was thirty
years ago and Is able to talk with re
markable clearness of things that oc
curred a century ago.
"I stopped getting old about sixty
years ago," said Mrs. Brllty. "i'hl-i
thing of breaking down In old a- Is
a matter of self-control. 1 would have
died long ago If I had given up, but I
made up my mind at the ago c DO
that I would live another fifty yeurs,
and at 100 I decided to live ut least
twenty-five more. I think I've made a
pretty good stail." -
Beatrice Butcher Pleads tinllty
Selling and Pays Flue.
On complaint of Mayor Rutherford,
of Beatrice, Henry Neltman, proprietor
or a meat market on Lower Court
strwe!, In that city, was arrested
charged with bootlegging. The com
plaint was drawn In two counts. Nelt
man appeared before Judge KIMs and
pleaded guilty. He was fined $l!04..S(l.
which he paid. Ever since the saloons
closed here, more than a year bk, it
was suspected that Neltman had been
engaged in thv moist goods business
and the authorities have been keeping
close tab on him slai-e he took out a
government license a few weeks go.
Robinson and Blekley Acquitted lit
Sprlugview of CJuirgeof M order.
A dispatch rrom Sprlngviuw snyii
Anthony Robinson and William Blek
ley were acquitted thrre late Saturday
night of murdering Warren Suther
land. Robinson shot and killed Suth
erland May 12, 1908. He claimed
Sutherland had inude Improper pro
posals to his 18-year-old daughter.
Blekley. a brother-in-la w of Robinson,
went with him to the Sutherland house
near Carries, whrji Robinson shot
Lightning Strikes a Kidiool.
Monday afternoon during a thunder
storm the lightning struck the toWer
of the public school bulldhig ut Ne
ligh and damaged It so mew hut and
started a fire, which wax timn put- out
by the fire department. The children
had Just beton dismissed and were
nearly all out of the building 'before
the alarm was sounded.
McCarthy Coming Iku k.
The polloe of IJncoln say the
amount of mcuu-y taken by Joseph H.
Stores, knows there am J. H. McCar
thy, administrator of Ihe Helen Horn
ttate. Is cios to $10,000. McCarthy
U under arrest at Seattle, and advices
from that plarw say hr ha les ithan
$100 of the niooM-y left.
(hn1 Italn In CiiMcr.
Except ror om- or two local showers,
dry weuther has been the rule In Cus
ter county this jquing until Sunday
night. A general rain begun railing
early in the night and continued until
7 a. m. The government register show
d the precipitation to be slightly in
excess or hair an inch.
Howard County tU-iu Showers.
Three llght showers Sunday in How
ard county Sunday brought a rainfall
;t .4,1 and Somewhat relieved the
drouth, hut u good di n) more is need
ed, as the ground wutt getting very
Nebraska Cloud hurst.
A cloudburst occurred Monday night
between Plalnvlew anil N'ioliruru. No
trains ran between Norfolk ami the
Rosebud country Tuesday on account
of daintig) to bridges. At Verdigris a
numhi r or fiimlllei were forced to
move from their hmnie to escape the
water. Washouts occui.fi also be
tween nakdale ami Tilden and between
Albion und l.oietio.
Dot's Tic ACK Ct l.PRITS.
IIIoimIIioiiiiiN Solve Mystery flint Wor
ried Nance County People.
Hloodhounds were Instrumental In
settling the telephone diffieultywhlch
has been aggravating the people over
In Nnncc county. Just north of Palmer,
for a long time, and the culprit Is now
under arrest.
For ser.ie time the tines have been
useless at Intervals, and when the dif
ficulty was Investigated It was found
that It was always due to 'he ground
ing of th,- wires, evidently by some
person with malicious Intent. Sunday
tr.,, u,,,.. Ul,ut ,.tlt ,)f comirn!)!
slll?l T f Fulll,rt(,ni w
t cut of commission and
as sum
moned to help untangle the affair.
He went over the line und found that
nt a rertaln point It had been ground
ed by a piece of wire being bent over
tin) telephone wire und then extended
down to the ground. He was at a loss
to 'know where to fix the blame, but
thought of Sheriff Her and his blood
hounds at Central City and phoned
the sheriff to bring them over.
Shcii?.' lkr and Judge Peterson I
1 n'.'f d tin; d"gs In an automobile and
Wciii to tho scene.
The duo tock tho scent at the point
where t! e mischief had been done
and followed It to a nearby farm
houre, where t'ie man of the house,
when confronted with the the accusa
tion stoutly denied any knowledge of
It. His 12-yeur-old son, however, was
called upon and owned up thut he and
his brothers had been In the habit of
tampering with the telephone lines in
this manner, thinking it great Bport to
thus thwart their neighbors in their
efforts to use the line. The officers
of the law, however, did not see the
humorous side of the affair In the
sumo cheerful manner as the boys, and
took them over to Fullerlon on a
charge of malicious mischief, to which
they will be compelled to answer, in
.lsc(,m!id from Lincoln, Neb., With
$10,000 or nil Eetatc.
The Lincoln police department Sat
urday received advices from Seattle,
Waph.. of the capture at that place
of Joseph StorrM, allns J. H. McCarthy,
for whom n vigorous chase has been
made for over a month, extending
almost across the continent. McCarthy,
as lie is known In Lincoln, Is charged
with absconding with $10,000 of the
Horn ettate, of which he was udmls
Istrator. Mrs. Helen Horn, a wealthy
und eccentric widow died, leaving the
bulk of her property to a friend. Rela
tives contested and the vl 11 waa set
McCarthy, who was employed In a
Lincoln law office, took an active part
In the Iftlgation, and made such a good
Imprerslon that he wus, although al
most a stranger, appointed administra
tor. Aftor securing control of the
property und cash on hand the young
lawyer. It Ih alleged, began spending
money more freely than his circum
stances would warrant, giving expen
sive suppers to actresses and making
frequent trips to Chicago and other
cities. He disappeared for good early
In April, and since then a detective
has been after 1,1m east and west.
A telegram Saturday from Seattle
says McCarthy has consented to re
turn without a requisition, and would
sturt Monday. A bonding company
of Omaha has paid the expenses of the
U. P.'h Overland Limited Is Held Up
Neur OtimliA.
four masked bandits held up and
robbed Union Pacific passenger train
No. 2, known us the Overland Limited,
a rnlle west of Omahu Just before mAr
night Saturday and secured seven mail
sacks, and they ar believed to have
contained a large sum.
Tho robbers evidently got on th
train at some town west of Omaha.
The 'hold up occurred about a mile
west of the city limits in a deep cut
aloirg the recently constructed Lana
cutoff. The robbers cJ Imbed over the
tank and forced the engineer to stop
his truln und then proceeded to the
mail car. The clerks were forced to
open the door and hand out a number
of pouches of registered mail. Once
they secured the bags they nurrted
awtty In a southernly direction and
pomnltted the train to proceed.
The passengers were not molusted
and us soon as tbe robbers left the
see 1 of the holdup thu train proceed
ed to this city. A big squad of polloa
hunrled to the seen and quickly start
ed in pursuit of the bandits.
Mall Sacks IVMroycd.
To sucks of mail rolled under the
curs at York and the wheels or th
Burlington through passenger ground
the letters anil sucks to the fineness
or powder. A part or the mull was re
covered and although torn and discol
ored Home or It will reach Its destina
tion. Plon for "Weed" Day.
O. 11 ijillispie, or Madison, has
written liov. Shullenherger requesting
111 111 to set upurt one day in each year,
by proclamation, designating such
day as "weed day," and culling upon
the people to cut the weeds in tho
hlKhwuys and nywuy und between
such places and the alleys.
Siunloii Child Ixh-iw an Eye.
While playing in the yard with his
olilcr brother, Ronald, the youngest
son of i'lof. and Mrs. Welch, or SUn
ton, hud ttie mlsfortunu to Injure one
of bis eyes to such un extent that It
will have to be removed. The child
ren weie playing with a broom hundle,
0111; end of which was pointed. In
trying to get the stick away rrom hi
older brother he rotced the shurp end
into his own rye, bursting the eyeball,
Ronuld Is IS months old.
Payments tluonc.li the banks and
fewer defaults testify to healthier con
llthins. The coiutiic trial outlook la
keener and awaits an early settlement
of tariff revision. Developments B3 a
thole carry the encouragement which
it ini tilatea enterprise1, renewed Mrength
nd lonlMen; e lielug well established,
runout activities arc conspicuous in
;he enlarged movements of heavy ma
terials, factory products, general mer
chandise and taln. The outgo of pro
visions also Is Increased, although live
Hock arrivals declined and packing
rapacity woiks under tho normal.
Weather conditions have favored
more extended operations In the lead
ing industries, construction and build
ing, and Rain is seen in the absorption
af seasonable goods, but more warmth
Is needed for nn adequate disposition
of light-weight apparel, retailers not
yet seeming ample sales.
Cheaper prints and costlier tenden
cies or wool fabrics Induce more wide
spread orders In wholesale dry goods
and clothing. This has brought larger
numbers of visiting buyers into the
markets for staples, and bookingi rise
for Immediate and fall shipments of
textiles, footwear, men's . furnishings,
furniture and household needs.
Inquiries for furnace and mill out
puts extend farther into the future
and the contracts closed reflect dis
tinct progress in iron, wood, brass and
leather working. Railway orders ap
pear more freely and assure Increas
ing activity at the forges and equip
ment plants. Building materials are
under tho greatest consumption known
here, and this stiffens prices and puts
the building trades upon a substantial
Batik clenrings, 1271,814,502. exceed
those of the corresponding week in
1008 by 19.5 per cent and compare
with $252,032,830 in 1907. Failures re
ported in the Chicago district number
24, against 36 last week. 28 in 1903
and 1 In 1907. Those with liabilities
over $5,000 number 10, against 4 last
week, 7 In 1908 and 4 In 1907. Dun's
Weekly Review of Trade.
Weather conditions continue trregu
lar, but a change for the better baa
occurred In staple crop conditions, and
retail business is slightly improved,
though disappointing and showing evi
dences of the repression heretofore
evident. Re-order business from Job
bers and wholesalers, lias been rather
quiet, but there is, if anything, a more
assured optimism permeating the re
ports as to the outlook: for next fall
and winter trade.
Best reports as to retail trade comes
from the upper part of the great cen
tral valley and its tributaries. Cold
wet weather has interfered with busi
ness In parts of New England und the
middle Atlantic States, and trade
seems slow to improve in San Fran
cisco and in parts of the Pacific North
west. All indications of activity have to do
with future trade, the expectation be
ing that the removal of tariff uncer
tainty will give an impetus to general
business. Retail trade, though better
than a year ago, has been on the whole
disappointing, causes assigned for this
being weather conditions and the high
prices of the general public.
Business failures in the United
States for the week were 219, agaitiHt
224 last week. 284 in the like week of
1908, 165 in 1907, 170 In 1906 and 179
In 1905. Canadian failures for the
week were 25, against 30 last week
and 39 in same week last year.
Chicago Cattle, rouuuua to prime,
$4.(Xl to $7.'J."i ; Uogs. prime heavy, $1.50
to $7.4.1; sheep, fair to choice, $4.1iT
to $(1.75; wiie.it. No. 2, $1.44 to $1.48;
corn. No. '2, 7'"c to "tic; oaU, standard,
17c to fi.Sc ; rye. No. 'J, sric to 87c ; hay,
timothy, $M.(K) to $ti..0; prairie, $M.0
to $l.'i.oO; butter, choice creamery, 22u
to 24c ; ecu, frcsli, 18c to 21c ; potatoes,
per bushel, 7.1c to IHie.
Indianapolis Cuttle, shipping. $.1.00
to $7.40 ; 1iiks good to choice heavy,
$.i..riO to $7..V ; sheep, good to choice,
$'.'.oO to $0.ir: wheat. No. 2. $1.45 to
$1.47; corn. No. 2 white. 7:ic to 74c;
onts. No. 2 white, .Me to ."."ic.
St. Iouis Cuttle. $1,011 to $ll.!K); hogs,
$4.00 to $7.40; sheep, .'!. H) to $lt.2") ;
ulieat, No. 2. $1.4(1 to $t.4.S; corn. No. 2,
74e to 7.V ; oats. No. 2, ."ie to Ti'.ic; rye,
No. 2, H.ic to S.V,
Cincinnati Cattle. $4.00 to $(1.40;,
hogs. $1.00 to $7.0i: slii'i'ii. if.i.OO to
$4.7."; wlieiif. No. 2, $l.4!l to $1..10; corn,
No. 2 mixed, 7(s' to 77c; outs. No. 2
mixed. "7c to .V.c; rye, No. 2, IMJc to 02c.
Hu fin !o ('little, choice shipping steers,
$4.0(1 Id $7.M); lio-s. fuir to choice, $4.00
to $7.71; sheep, common to good mixed,
$4.00 to $1.7.1; liuulis, fair to choice,
$.1.00 to $S.2.1.
New York Cat lie, $1.00 to $H..1;
ho's. $:i..10 to $7.00; sheep, $3.00 to
$d.OC. ; w henl. No. 2 red, $1.4.1 to $1.45;
corn, No. 2, S.".e to Sc; on is, natural
white, (12c to Otic; butter, creamery, 22c
to 20c; egu. western. 17e to 22c.
Toledo Wheat, No. 2 mixed. $1.4.8 to
$1.."0; corn. No. 2 mixed, 7,1c to "lie;
outs. No. 2 mixed, .IKc to title; rye, No.
2, SDe to !0e; clover seed, $.1.1)o.
The Itevolntloa lit Tarker.
Turkey ia acquiring the South Amer
ican temperament In fine style. Atlan
ta Journal.
Castro ought to be glad that he is
out of range. Look at Abdul. Mil
waukee Sentinel.
Now let's us see If the rebels can
knock tho stuffing out ot Turkey.
Cleveland Leader.
It is announced that Abdul Humid
has left his throne. If bo, it must havo
been riveted to the floor. Cleveland
It would be Interesting to know how
many of Abdul Hamld's 4,000 wives
are saying "I told you so." Washing
ion Star.
When the Sultan arrests an Ameri
can as a spy he is taking the chance
of an ultimatum of the sort not mere
ly to be placed on file. Philadelphia
Turkish soldiers made the revolu
tion largely because their pay was la
arrears. Now they naturally want
their pay from the new regime. Mil
waukee Sentinel.
If Abdul Hamld is driven to seek,
an asylum in America, he would make-
corking good "denying" secretary
for some Presldont or statesman.
Washington Post.
Under the present circumstances
Abdul Harold would doubtless accept
with pleased alacrity an invitation t
accompany President Taft on his visit
to Alaska this summer. New Orleans).
While Abdul Hamld may be tried
for trespass, murder, erabezzlrmentsv
perjury, bribery, boodling and graft '
there are wise men who will think of
his eleven wives and conclude that hla
punishment is enough. St. Louis
1 That Hnmii to Mars.
Here's another feller who cuts prices
and offers to talk to Mars for $20,000.
Help, union. Cleveland Leader.
A message to Mars can be sent for
$10,000,000, Bays Prof. Pickering. Let's
send it collect, and Bee what will hap
pen. Cleveland Leader.
What attracted attention was not the
Idea of signaling Mars, but the discov
ery of a brand-new way of spending.
$10,000,000. St. Louts Post-Dispatch.
An eminent professor says it will
cost $10,000,900 to talk with Mars. In
long-distance toll, that's the limit.
Hang up the, ecelyer! Atlanta Con
stitution. 4 " I
It would be shame to spend $10,
000,000 to talk with the Martians, entr
to find in the end that they couldn't ,
understand the baseball language. -Toledo
For some unaccountable reason no
enterprising citizen has yet rushed ;
forward with that $10,000,000 which ,
Prof. Pickering requires before open
ing a conversation with Mars. Kan
sas City Journal.
Speaklasf of Saffrat.
The nine hundredth bolter from the
suffragette movement has called her
self a governmentalist. Washington.
Poet v
Suffragettes are particularly request
ed not to disturb Parliament while
England is struggling with the ques
tion of a deflcit. Washington Star.
Westchester County, New York, has
developed a lady horse thief, which
goes to show that woman's sphere of
activity is constantly expanding.
Houston , Post.
Speaking of the matter of woman,
mirage, about what per cent or the
general average ot men throughout
the country believe their wives are in
capable of voting intelligently? To
ledo Blade. -
It's always the way, at first, to be
ruled by sentiment, but after women
have exercised the elective franchise
for a few years they will develop com
mon senfte in selecting their candi
dates. Detroit News.
Wltk Ihe Fms."
They have unveiled a monument to
the "father of baseball" in Npw Vork,
but the game will never need one.
Cleveltnd Leader.
While golf is Mr. Tart's favorite
tport, he recognizes that he is Presi
dent of all the people. He went to a
ball game the other day. Kansas City
It is said that President (Taft fears.
he ia a baseball hoodoo. But as far
as the Washington club is concerned,,
he is only one hoodoo in many thou
sands. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Englishmen who object to the lan
guage employed by baseball writers
have too little knowledge ot the gam a
to know tnat it they want to attract
any attention they must reserve their
critical energies for the umpire.
Washington Star.
DUalaa at Ike Canal.
The Gatun dam Is at it again. But
we decline to get scared. Milwaukee
It won't be Congressman Ralney'a
fault if the canal isn't finished on
time, lie is making desperate digs at
it. Atlanta Constitution.
The canal Is going to cost a tew mil
lions more than we expected It to, but
what are a few millions betweeu
oceanB? Cleveland Leader