TZO'JZZT.S AND rMrnta. Loao;i' In I lore Detmle the Kllci't of l.rm (nvrrlnic, Have truiinTn liclpcil or retards the eonrsc i.r i iviUxtioii? whs the ques tion rivemiy l (c nt a meeting of tho (:iilor mill cutter senate In ticrrarj atrwr, London. The eillior of the Tnilor and Cutter revonliM Ms secret yrnrnlng. for a re turn of knee breeches. "There are millions of microbe-.," he remarked. "In the turn tip of every trouser. Our most eminent Sonnlors and others wcr breeches ut 'ourt, and pvpn his mnjtsty the King who, It should be remarked, liever wears a crenste down the froat ef his trousers, but at the side as aoon as It 1m possible, assume either the kilt or knickerbocker for sporting and other functions. All the greatest dis coveries, all the greatest triumphs, na tal and military, have been achieved by men wearing breeches." "The century of trousers," declared another six-nker, "has been the century f pence, henlHi and proprejis," and added that the progress had, however, assumed rather alarming proportions. i.Cl,!s i Jie." he sulci, "hat the teudtney of the age Is agniiTst the wearing of clothes. There has been the rage for dispensing with boots, and ow we have the hatless brigade, with many of those who possess bats car rying them In their hands along the streets. I an afraid it may be the same in regard to both breeches and trousers. Itreeehes are the mark of the flunkey, the broad-arrow convict, and the tuxlenh chauffeur. Whatever trade may suffer, we must keep out trousers." - - .... r Demanding Prompt Actloa. Mistress What in the matter, Caasyl Terrified Nurse (wringing her hand) O, Mrs. Jyuies, I'm afraid baby has wallered that rocoannt I was lettin kef play with! I can't find it anywheres J Cuicairo Trilmp" I wnnt every TVerson who suffers wltli any form of Kidney Mlment. no matter how many remedies they hnve tried, bo latter how many doctor! they have con sulted, no matter bow aerlous the case, to five, Mun.vou's Kidney Remedy a trftl. You will lie astonished to see how quickly It relievea all patna In the back loins and groins caused by the kidneys. Toa will he surprised to aee how quickly It reduces the swelling la the feet sad legs, also putHneas under the eves, after taking a few doses of this, remedy. You will be delighted to see the color return ing to your cheeks and feel the thrill of vigor and eood cheer. If your 1,'rlne Is thick or milky, if It la pal and foamy. If It contains sediments or brtekdust. If It la blgfcly colored or has an offensive smell. If you urlnnte frequently, you should per sist Id taking this remedy until all symp toms disappear. We believe this remedy has cured more serious kidney ailments thsa all the Kidney medicines that have been compounded. Professor Munyon be lieves that the terrible death rate frem bright' Disease and Din betes Is unaec ssary and will be greatly reduced by this remedy. Go at once to your druggist and purchase bottle of Munyon's Kidney remedy. If It fulls to -give satlsfactl6n I will refund your money. Munyon. For sale by all druggists. Price 25c. PE&&F em the We tell you about how good you'll feel after taking a CASCAKKT that millions of people buy, use and recommend them But that's talk you buy a box now take as directed to-niiht and get the proof in tho morning After you know CASCAKliTS you'll never be without them. m CASCARRTS ioe a box for a week's treatment, all druggists. Biggest seller in the world. Million boxes a uuata. Food Products LIZBY'S EVAPORATED mw Contains double the Nutriment and None of the Injurious Bacteria so often found in So called Fresh or Raw Milk. The use of Llbby'a Insures Pure, Rich, Wholesome, Healthful Milk that is Superior in Flavor and Economical in Cost. Llbby'a Evaporated Milk is the Purest, Freshest, High grade Milk Obtained from Se lected Carefully Fed Cows. It is pasteurized and then Evaporated, (the water taken out) filled into Bright, New Tins. Sterilized and Seal- i cd Air Tight until You Need It. Try LIB MVS and ttlt your friends hew good it it. Ubby, MoReta & Ubby OHioAa e HO NEED TO TAKE CHANCES. Twer Is Sure? Way of Kiowlif Good I'alat Material. There Is really no need wlmtever for ny property owner to take chimera la the selection of Ms paint materials It doesn't cost a cent to learn how to be on the safe aide. Certainly every prop erty owner has enough at stake to find this out A complete painting guide, knrfvn as Houseowner's l'alntlng Outfit No. 40, can be had free by writing Notional Iad Company, 1!K2 Trinity Itulldtng. New York. This company la the largest maker of pure white lead In the world. Its Dutch Boy Painter trademark is famous as a guarantee of purity and quality. The outfit Includes a book of color schemes, for either interior or exterior painting, a book of specifica tions, and a simplo little Instrument, with directions fjr testing the purity of palut materials. IIU Idra of Hvforiulnar If. Tarty of the Kirst Part Hut uon't you believe iu reforming the tariff' Wild l-'yed t rank Hi-forming the tar iff? Of eourve, I do. It has no "t" toe many ! Fall from Scaffold and lajnrad III Back. Thirty years ago James C. life, of 1100 0th street, S. K., Washington, D. C, fell from a scnffold and serloubly Injured his back. In telling about It be nays: "My suffering was terrible; from the small of my buck nil around my stomach was Just as If I had been beat en with a club. I tried all kinds of plasters belladonna, cnin-lne and por ous without getting relief, and bought so-called electric belts but none of them did uie nny good. One day. while working near my daughter's house, my back pained me so badly that I had to quit. I went Into the house and lay down for cose. My daughter had a bottle of Sloan's Lini ment in the house and she rubbed my back well with It and gave me some to take home. I used six and a half bottles of Sloan's 2."c. Liniment and ran do as much work now as any man In the shop, although I am sixty-seven years old. I would not be without Sloan's Liniment for any consideration and recommend it to anyone suffering pain." FASHION HINTS White mull, organdy, very sheer linen lawn, any of these would be suitable for this crrnrtuntinn frnrk. It is mnde with a tucked flounce which runs higher in front The arrangement of the trimming is orig inal and pretty, fine white embroidery, or a light pattern oi cluny lace could be used. T)ie belt and sash are to be of lib trtv satin. France imports 170 tons of human hair every year. Most of it comes from China and after being made up it Is sent to all parts of the worlfi. Safe and Bare. Among the medicines that are recom mended and endorsed by physicians and nurses is Kemp's ltulsain, the best cough cure. For many years It has been regarded by doctors as the medi cine most likely to cure coughs, and it has a strong hold on the esteem of all well-informed people. When Kemp's Balsam cannot cure a cough we shul! be at a loss to know what will. At druggists' and dealers', 20c. Ilia Pustttoa. "Jinx's oldest boy has run away from home." "I suppose Jins is furious at him?" "No, I think lie rather envies him." Houston I'ost. Care That Cold To-Day. Nearly all druggists and dealers now have in stock Lane's 1'leusnnt Tablets (laxative) for Colds and Grip, and they will break up a cold quicker than any oth er remedy. A trial will convince you. as it has thotmsmlM of others. Avoid suffer ing and save doctors' bills by ordering to day. 20 cents a boi. Sample free. Ai Irasa Orator V. Woodward, Le Roy, N. Y. Good for fora Era, for over 100 years PETTIT3 EYE SALVI5 has positively cured eye diseases everywhere. All drug(iata ar Howard Broa, Buffalo. N. Y. Ills Protracted Effort. "Muriel, I love you !" "It ia that all you have to say, Ro- "Great Scott, Muriel, it has takea ma eighteen months to say that!" WANT FARM, nuwlness or Income Property, fend full description and low out price. Will deul on'y with owners. Btevaiits, Box 1010. Minneapolis, Minn. Partners la Ills Crlaaa. Tho hard looking customer bad beta arrested for stealing an umbrella. "What have you to say for yourself?" eked tho police justice. "Are yon guilty at guilty?" "I'm one 0' the guilty onea, y'r honor, I reckon," answered the prisoner. "Tho r bruits had the name of J. Thompooa 0t tat handle, G. 11. U rick ley st stuped a the loside o' the cover, an' I stole It from a man named Quioiby." Chicago Trihaao. Try M urine Bye Reeae4 ror od. Weak, Wssrr, Watery Eras. Compounded br Eiperlvaced PbfsUlaas. roaforsis to the Pure Food as4 Drags I .aw. Murine Doosa't tntrt. HootiiM Eje Pst. tsf aUrlae for Sour Eyes. Ton WW Uko It llooeekeeplna; r Marhlaary, In Chicago there is a family whose bread winner earns $18 a week, says a writer in the April Appleton's. He Is employed by one of the great electrical companies of the city. Ills wife, of course. Is her own cook, maid and laundress. On Monday the family wash, which has been soaking In soapy water all night, is put in a tub. She turns a switch; then cud dling baby In her lap she opens the morning papct3 and rocks and reads while the electric motor is swishing the soiled clo'li s ack and forth In the washing machine. The first step of the laundering pro cess finished, she rinses the automati cally cleansed clothing In clear water, turns rncilier switch and feeds the moist, cloth through the rubber rolls of the wringer, which la operated by the same motor that ran the washing ma chine. After the clothes are dried she irons them with electrical ilatlrom and what was once a back-breaking, health-destroying form of drudgery has become almost a positive pleasure. The kitchen of this home has in it a gas stove, but it. also has an electrical cabinet on which a goodly part of tho meals are cooked. The cabinet la home made, of dark stained wood, and on its broad shulf are several electrical "stoves," plates of Iron In which are resistance colls that warm up to a cooking heat when the current Is turn ed on. The electrical oven stands on the floor when not In use, for it takes but an Instant to screw the plug at the business end of Its wire Into the sock et, and bo ready to roast the Sundr ies of mutton. And all this In the house of a man who earns but $18 a week! . A mining company composed entire ly of women was recently organized In Marquette, Mich. The German empress for state occa sions wears diamonds and a wreath of silver myrtle on her silvery hair. In the patent office at Washington Is the model of a pocket sewing machine, the invention of Sally A. Rosenthal of Dubuque, Iowa. There Is a men's league for women suffrage in London and one lone man was present at the international meet ing representing It. Miss Caroline McGill, an instructor In anatomy In the University of Mis souri, has won the $1,200 Sarah Ber liner reasearch fellowship for women, Mrs. Mlllieent Garret Fawcett enjoys the unique distinction of being the only woman ever Invited to address the University Debating Society at Oxford. The Japanese woman dresses accord tng to her age. She wears gold pins until she Is 25. At 30 the pins are white and at 40 she wears plain shell combs. Mrs. Philander C. Knox, wife of the secretary of state, personally manages the big dairy which is conducted on I her husband's country estate at Val- ley Forge, Pa. It is said that Queen Alexandra . wishes to establish an order for the recognition of the special virtures of women In civil life, corresponding to the king's order for rewarding heroism In civil life. Mrs. Harold Gorst, author of several novels dealing with the slums of Lon don, and sister of Charles Rann-Ken-nedy, the playwright, who wrote "The Servant in the House," Is in this coun try on a short visit. She is not a suf fragette. Mrs, Mary Crowell, of Byron, 111., is one woman who believes that what Is worth doing at all Is worth doing well. She Is engaged in the very prosaic oc cupation of raising hogs, but the deal ers say the pork made from her hogs Is of such good quality that they think she deserves to be allowed to vote. A Two-Tone Torlian. 'I lie Jaunty lines of this turban are most becoming, and the style la not at 11 trying despite Its rather dushliig character. The turban Is of mixed Davy and steel blue straw and the crown Is entirely covered by a sweep ing cot) reamer mane or small gray quills tipped with bine. A scarf of navy blue satin goes around the tight side, and the left, brim, which turns sharply upward, Is caught by a smart cocade of gray la center! with a ileel button. Husband aa Lovrr. There seems to be a grow! and widely spread dissatisfaction among womeu with the men. Very few worn- M appear to be thoroughly ' atlsflad with the men of their households. One and all, they fall tar short of what they ought to be. Fathers refuse to pay milliners' and modistes' bills with the pleased and unquestioning alacrity a fond and ap preciative parent should show, broth ers display a careless Indifference to their sisters' company and an unrea sonablp and allogether Inexplicable preference for the noclcty of "that girl;" and husbands never mind. The only capacity In which a woman appears to be thoroughly satisfied with a EV1 y'lfJJ no ls a 'over "her" jover, of courbe. -" As her lover ho is usually all she - - f wants him to be. As her lover he Is willing to spend the whole evening telling her she has the most beautiful eyes, the most ador able chin aud the most klssable mouth that were ever placed In the face of woman! As her lover, he never praises an other woman, because he never sees another woman! As her lover, ho listens avidly to ev erything sho says nnd believes It! As her lover, he will go anywhere, do anything, get anything she wants! As her lover, he has neither mind, will nor soul of his own! Yes. as a lover he is thoroughly rea sonable and a satisfactory person. On the face of these facts does It not appear that it. would be to the In terest of the women to keep the men their lovers even after marriage? " Softening- tba SkJn. Homely conplexlon specifics are al most becoming too homely nowadays. Raw mutton fat, which Is said to be excellent for the skin of the face In cold weather, Is, aa a matter of fact, 3 somewhat drastic remedy, an (lie same might be said of raw eggs, whlcli are credited wltii a wonderful effect on the complexion. A well-beaten new-laid egg, spread rather than rubbed over the skin In the evening, and left to dry on. Is looked upon by many people as an ex cellent skin softener and preventive of the crow feet, tho first signs of which have alwayB to be closely guarded against. The fdee Is first of all gently washed with tepid distilled or pre viously boiled water, and then dried with a soft handkerchief. A large sable-haired paint brush is afterward dipped in tho well-beaten' egg and worked over the face until the skin feels a littlo stiff and drawn. This Is left to soak in for ten minutes, when the egg-wash la gently wiped off with a handkerchief dipped In rosewater. Borax snuffed up the nose Is good for cataarh. It Is said very strong tea will stop bleeding from a cut. A Bun bath is of much more value to health than much warming by the fire. Undue consumption of tea, coffee, co coa and chocolate will make the skin sallow. A littlo eood toilet water or cologne poured Into a bath Is, delightful in Its effects. If your heart Is weak do not Indulge in showers, and be careful to temper the water, no matter how strong the heart. Wherever thore Is an Inconvenient hollow a gentle massage with cocoa butter will soon fill it up, and it is the purest and best of skin food. A teaapoonful of strong black tea tied up In a piece of muslin, with boil ing water poured over it, may be left on the eye all nipht for a aty. Washing the eyes morning and night in water as hot as it can be borne is a yonderful tonic for those useful ser vants which are so easily Injured. An excellent household remedy for burns Is pure vaseline or olive oil. The great thing Is to exclude the air and dirt from the burned aurface, and this the oil will do. A dry shampoo of cornineal Is very cleansing If properly done. The meal should not be allowed to get too close to the scalp, and should be brushed out with a gentle "lifting" stroke. To tajte disagreeable medicine eat one or two cloves or hold Ice In the mouth until the tongue Is chilled and the medicine will be loss disagreeable. Medicines that discolor the teeth may be taken through soda straws. In sleeping, keep tha head as low aa possible that the blood may circu late freely In the brain. The less pll lows the better. Always stretch out your body fully. When the limbs are crossed or curled up In any way the rest Is not so great An Insect In the ear may be de stroyed by pouring a teaspoonful of warm olive oil or camphorated oil Into tho ear and keeping It there for some time, holding the head In a position to retain the oil, which will afterward come away with the dead Inaect. roverlaat for r'aherbed. Fur a covering for feather beds make a slip of cotton cloth eight Inches longer aud wider than the article to bo covered, leaving an opening at one Bide a third of the length. On each Inside corner sew tapes six Inches long; also sew tapes six Inches long on the four comers, tie the tapes, and either lew tha opening at side or nse buttons and buttonholes. Cotton challles can be used for omnforta Insteud of cotton cloth. Water Drives Away niolpaea. The brown skin patches which are so disfiguring and seemingly so bard to cure come supposedly from tha liver. Many remedies have N-en tried for them, but the latest "cure" is ao ilm pie that it should at least be tested by every woman who wishes to fight the blemishes. A skin specialist declares that he has had more success in treat ing brown patches by copious water drinking than in any other way. The patient is forced to drink, ten or twelve glasse of water a day. taking 110 other medicine. In a short time her skin shows good effects and in many cases the brown patches disap pear entirely. Tacked llloaae. - ' . ' , f 1 , 4. The blouse tbpt fs' tucked In varlou effective ways is the favorite one of the moment, mid this model would be charming developed either in lingerie material or such thin silks as crepe de Chine,, messalln'e aud the like or In cashmere; Indeed. In any material that can be tucked successfully. The plain yoke and center frout are especially well adapted to the hand embroidery that is so much in vogue, but they can, if preferred, be trimmed with applique or lie mailt' of fancy material. Making m Flu Character. The Bweetest bread that any man 01 woman ever ate Is that which Is won by their own energy, or deserved by their usefulness. Whether labor be that of the hand or the head, there la dignity In it. Do not atand around with arms akimbo until occasion tells you what to do; don't live In hope with your arms folded. Fortune smiles on those who roll up their sleeves, put their shoulders to the wheel and push! To begin at the very foot of the hill and work slowly up to the top may be a very discouraging process, but It la precisely at this spot where so many begin to spoil their Uvea. Homo Love Best Charity. We have cumu to realize that a child needs something more than clothes and food to develop the best ; It needs the love thnt can only be found In a homo. Tho success of tho whole depends en tirely upon the success of the unit, and this can only be achieved by recogniz ing each unit, though It lie merely a puny little child of want or crime, as 1111 Individual, with Individual charac teristics and nu Individual-yearning for love Baltimore Star. A ttrnctl vciicas. A magnetic iiersonnllty Is often more powerful than ability, and Is often, very often, placed Id the balance against It. It is, therefore, advisnhle to exert oneself to tho utmost to culti vate that wonderful charm to the high est degree and she who has It not Is not so miuh to bo pitied as blamed, for It is more or less within tho reach of all. A Flower Hat. Luxuriant flower wreaths composed of all the blossoms that grow weight the huge hats. The coloring of the ex ample shown above was rich and' beautiful. The hat itself, be ing of a burnt straw, lent a har monious back ground t o tha wreath of black eyed Susans en circling the high CI- or broad crown. The spots of Intense black furnished by tha flower centers gave rlchnesa to the color scheme. A huge chou made of many loops of satin ribbon of a rich burnt orange shade waa placed on the left and com pleted the hat The Outdoor Woman. The sight of an Englishwoman chas ing a bare on foot, through bramble and thicket, over bridge and Btlles, hel terakelter over everything, would, says Town and Country, make a German hausfrau sit down in the middle of the road with her hands folded helplessly In front of her. For the Kltohaa Blak. A bottle of household ammonia should be aa Invariably an adjunct to the kitchen sink and that of the wait ress' pantry aa the soap dish. It "kills" grease by a chemical combination with it and lends luster to silver by tha same. A Polat la Ironlaa. When Ironing a Btarched garment and a part of U become dry, do no dampen with water, but with a cloth wet with a little cold starch. This will keep nil Prts of the garment of equal stiff nea. Onrloaa, put True. "GlrlB Who Rooelve Ilundreda ot Proposal" la the title of an article la a contemporary. A curious fact In this respect Is that liars, we believe, receive more proposal than any othef aort f girl, Pouch. 4V ...1.1 i 1 ri mm 1 When a remedy has lived for over thirty years, steadily growing in popularity and influence, and thousands upon thousands of women declare they owe their very lives to it, is it not reasonable to believe that it is an article of great merit? We challenge the world to show any other one remedy for a special class of disease which has attained such an enormous demand and maintained it for so many years as has Lydia E. Pinkham't Vegetable Compound, the famous woman's remedy for woman's ills. Unless it is a very good medicine and the claims made for it are honest, such a record would have been impossible fraud, or misrepresentations would long ago have been detected and the business gone into oblivion. Read this unsolicited letter: Melbourne Iowa: "I Buffered for many years with femal troubles. Inflammation, and bearhiff-dowu pains, no that I was unablo to do my work. LydlaE.PInkliam'iiVeffetalde Compound was recommended, and I am no thankful for the great eood it has done me. 1 feel that I am a livinjr advertisement for thltf medicine a I have) Influenced so many of mv friends to use it, so thankful am I that it restored me to health JUrs. Clara Waternianu, It. 1). 1, Melbourne, Iowa. When a woman like Mrs. Watcrmann is generous enough to write such a letter as the above for publication, she should at least be given credit for a sincere desire to help other suffering women. For we assure you there is no other reason why she should court such publicity. , ) We say it in all sincerity and friendship try this medicine. For SO years Lydia H. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound hits been tho standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try tlds famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and lias thousands of cures to its credit. ffffat Mrs. Plnkham Invites all nick women li'f to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address lira, l'inkham, Lynn, Mass. Corn Planting mar take soma of them 0(3 Mfa ldi uuva uuiemper. SPOIIN'S DISTEMPER CURE In your truo oafruard a euro an well aa preTentlTO BOo an It Jl buttle t6.0UauakiO.IMdutPD, drllrvrrU. Largo Is aioro than twice lag mailer io. Don't putltoff.Uellt. UruuRl"' oraeudlomanufaoturatol Spoba Modlcal Co., CknalM aa tehiruikf tots. Guohea, Ind.. HJ4 loir.- '' Bl t t.aa1Viin .1 . aMOS.. arar' , 'ai ri 4 vt i'::,Jv2J:f,i THAT MN.TSATC.1 . .A,: V FREE TO YOU MY SISTER rrSmvStS! I m a wrnnn. , niemlxtr.that It will oust you nDinina ( -iToioa treatment a complete trial; and If yon should wwh to continue. It will cost you only about 1 cento I week, or Ursa t hun 2 o-ntH u day. It will not Interfere with your work tr occupation. Just send ml your name and address, tll me how you suffer if you wish, and 1 will send youth treatment' lor you cane, entirely lrN, in plain wrapper, by return mail. I will ulwi send you, free Of Cast. nf book -"WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL aUVISEK" with explanatory HluKtratkma ahowinr why womej suiter, and how they can easily euro themselves at homo. Kvery woman should have It, ass I ear 8 lo think for herself. Then when tho doctor nays "You mint have an operation," you ca docido lor yourHelf. Thousandot woirn-u have cured tbemaelve with my home remedy. It cares Slh Otderyeunit. To Mothers of Daughters I will explain a simple homo treatment which epeedtli and oftectually cures l.eucorrhoea. lireen Sicknes and Vainlut or Irregular Menalruatioa ia jTouuJ Ladien. Pluinpneoa and health always results Irom le use. Wherever you live, I can refer you to ladios ol your own locality who know and will fladiy tali an . sufferer that this Home lreetmeat really Cures all women's diHcases. and makes woawa wei strong, plump and robust. Just tend ml your address, snd the tree ten days' trcatusat la your, also the book. Write today, as you may not see this offer again. Address MRS. M. SUMMERS. nx I. . . . Notre Dame, I rid., U. S. JeV rolltenesa, Nat Craclty, "Now, sir," bellowtl the ruby-TlB-aged K. C, taking off his placc-nt. and pointing them at the unhappy bub band, "you deny any cruelty to war your wife, I understand. Kladly tail us whether It la a fact" hero tun ed triumphantly toward tha Jury, aad put ou his piuce-nez again "that for three mouths you did not speak to her." "It la," answered the husband. "Well, sir," thundered the K. a, "why didn't you speak to her, nay I aak?" "Simply," replied tba husband, "be cause I didn't want to Interrupt mer." Answers. Fair. "Tou'btj Dot prejudiced Is favor of either cundldate, are youl Tea are ab Bolutely unbiased?" "Sure. They've both paid ue the same amount." Cleveland Leader. SKIN TROUBLES CURED. fwe Littlo Glrle Had Emms Very Badly Ia Oaa Case Child's Hair C'aaao Oal aad Loft aro Patches Cutlcura Mel sellai Isesui, "I have two little girls who have been troubled very badly with eczema. Oue of tbeni had It on her lower limbs. I did everything that I could bear of for her, but It did not give U until warm weuther, whi'O It seemingly sub sided. The next winter when It be came co'd the eczema started again and alao lu her beud where It would take the balr out and leave bare patches-. At the same time her arms were aore the whole length of them. I took her to a physician, but the child grew worse all the time. Her slater's arma were also affected. I began using the Cutlcura Itemed'es, and by the time the second lot waa used their skin was soft and smooth. Mrs. Charles Bnker, Albion. Me, Bt-pt 21, 1008." Totter Drug 4 Chein. Corps., Sole props, of Cutlcura ReixsdleB. Boeton. Is kere Ilstemrr tani taa Born mar bn ner Tsa4 9 mares ar foaling Dtstsmpof corn plaining may bo late If your a 1 Know woman annaruiira. ' I baTolound thocuro. . . I wUl mail, free ot any charge, mr noma treaS . moat with lull lutructlons to any outlorar kn wowaa'a ailment. I want to t-Jl all womn abot this cure you, mr reader, tor jrouraeH, your anghtA your mother, or your oixtcr. I want to tell youl to euro jrouriwlTi'e at homo without tho help ol doctor. Men cannot undm-ntnd wom.Mi'uerinrt What wo women know Irom experience, wo knoo5 betterthaa any doctor. 1 know that mr home treat, went l a aa!e and sure cure lor Leucorrhea oo Whitish Dlachurgci, (jloorntlon. llpeenenr or rllln of the VVoniU. Profuse. Scanty or Pali ful Peftia, Utrrlno or Ovarlnn Tumor oj rowtho: auo polus In the head, hack ana bowels, bearlnj down fscllnjs. nervcuimena creeping feelUfJ up the pl:ie, melancholy, ddi Ira ta cry, hft flnr.lica, weariness, Mdney and. bladder troubles, U'lier caused by weakneasaa cuullar looursex. ... . I .want to rand youo complete ten day t treat, nent entirely free to prove to you that you concur jonrsWf at home, easily. quMlp omt nuial?. fca This Trade-mark Eliminates All Uncertainty in the purchase oi paint material!. It is aa absolute guarantee of pur ity and quality. For your, own protection, fee that it is on the tide of every keg oi white lead you buy. NITIONU IEI0 COaVaVT 1101 Trlaity Ivii.l.f, Sm Tfl WESTERN CANADA More , Dig Crops In 1C08 iawiker 60,003 Sattlen trea the Uahed Males NEW DISTRICTS OPENED FOB SETTLEMENT tit terse at Lsad le CAM tCTTltt-fM N IssmssmI ass l el Sl.t Par Aero, ' A mmsi. rUk esaar ini m Mniuir.a IHWMnwi mmnmirn. " Kxtrsct Irom camuspoad. eam at a Natioual auditor, whoso ieit ta Wesief tii ia auaui, ivos, was aa losausuaa. Many haes paia ta entire cnot of taotr lanaa aad had a baiaace ot Iroaa $19.00 to IW.M par auri as a resale of ana crop. Bona Wheat. Wmur VHvat, Oats, Barter. Flas sad Peas are SUa principal crupa, while wild trnin brine s perfcxtiou tha host Cat that haeosver aeeo add on the Chlcaro sssrlaM. bWadid Ctiiaaia, S.aeula sad ( huneo m sl locaUUi, ssllwars Uuch mint of the svtUod dla tricla, lu pilsra kjr preduaa are alvsas snud. Isoda, aiay aieo be puixaad fruru Railway aol Lssd t'oaipaawa. FNjr paaipiilets. soaps sad la loraiatloa tcaardlavo' low railroad rales spplyte VI. D. Stelt, Supertnterult-nt it luaiWraMoa, Otlaws, Canada, or t. 1. Hoireeiv 315 Jaiase St., St. rsul, Uloo, sad J. 1. MaiLachlao, boa 116, Waletlewa, to. Llnkgla Aullioruod tot srti BMUt Ayeats. rieie. eay wh s pea oaa this ad-artlieoxas. TTraKM wmrriHe) ro advk v 'Jdoaaa say yo oaw saa adew. IVMIU & a n. u. xo. 21 too.