FTiir w l B Without Alcohol ft AllU A oiron Ton it Without Alcohol A FJv Puildcr A Hbod Purifier r Without Alcohol Without Alcohol A r.rr-if Alterative Without Alcohol A Hoctor's Medicine Withottt Alcohol Ayer's SarnpariHa Without Alcohol A nijers Wo publish our formulas V7 bitninh Alcohol from our mediolnea W urje yon to oonauit jour doctor Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They act directly on the liver, make more bile secreted. This is why they are so valu able in constipation, biliousness, dys pepii. sick-headache. Ask yourdoctor if fcc knows a better laxative pill. , '. h-7 Vi j. o. ATcr Co.. I,ot'. Wm. Local Items Friday, May ai, 1909 We have as good a stock of bard warn and tinware as tbere ever was in Dakota f!it.v. and vnn will (KnA m, prices right. Sohriever Bros. Geo Haaseot Emerson was a visitor at borne over Sunday, Bess Robertson returned to school work at Emerson Monday. John Krupgor and wife and Cha8 Sierk and wife went to Wayne Saturday and visited over Sunday with Chas Sundt. Any cash customer who spends a dollar at Van de Zedde's, sugar except ed can get their choice of any glass dish on the center table. Final papers were granted Monday in the district court to Soren Hansen Lauritson, of Goodwin, and Christen Christensen, of Vista, and both are now full fledged citizens. On account of the union baccalaure ate services at the M E church 'next Sunday morning, there will be no preaching at Salem. Preaching at Emmanuel Lutheran church in the evening at 8:80, Sunday school 9:45. Remember we handle a full and complete line oi overalls and jackets, and it will pay you to oall and look over our stock, whether you wer over alls or not. Prices are what talk, and our goods speak for themselves. Van de Zedde. W T Bartlett, of Sioux City, is ad vertising in this Issue of The Herald an excursion to the Texas Panhandle oh June 1st, where his company will put 150,000 acres of the best Texas land on the market. This is an oppor tunity you should not miss. Clifford Peterson, son of A J Peter son and wife, and Susie Lenox, daugh ter of VVm Lenox and wife, all resi dents of this place, were married in Sioux City Saturday. The young couple have the best wishes of their many friends here, where they will make tbeir home. Ilernian Nelson was here on business Monday from Jackson. Dr II J Leahy and family were down from Jackson Tuesday ia their new Ford automobile. W'm Antrim and wife, of Qttis, Colo, spent a few days here this week with their niece, Mrs Paul Fizey. New stock of lawn mower just re ceived at the & B Hardware store. Reliable mowers especially priced at t3.35 and np no trash. C N Phillips and wife returned to their home at Exeter, this state, Mon day, after a ten day' visit here with their danghter, Mrs W E Snetben. A display of fine glassware, that looks as nice almost as any cut glass, and sold dirt cheap; your choice on the center table for only 10 cents, at Van de Zedde's. Judge St insou performed two wed ding ceremonies Saturday, the first for Riubard R Bates and Carrie Suave, both of Sioux City, and the second for Riy G Marrall of Stanton, and Edna D Trunk of Homer. We are indeed thankful to that most eflieient and very indispensible organi zation in our church, the Ladies Aid society, for greatly needed and highly appreciated improvements made at the M E parsonage this week.' I have now, with my new stock, a fine assortment of queensware, and anyone who wants anything in that line can get it as cheap or cheaper than they can buy it in Sioux City. Try me and see. Van de Zedde. The Herald office was moved Satur day of last week to its new borne in the rear of the postofflce. Our phone number is still 43. The old postofflce phone, No 15, is now the editor, bouse number, where any items of news will gladly be received. In the class of 171 which graduates from the state normal at Peru this year appear the names of Miss Mildred Sponcer of this place, and W L Best, wh9 was assistant principal of our sohools the years '07 '08. The com mencement exercises will be held May 27 to June 1. The graduating exercises ef the Da kota City schools will be held on Fri day evening of next week, May 28tb. The class this year will consist of three members, Ethel Strong, Esther Lea rner and Marjorie Spencer. Instead of the graduates delivering orations, as is the usual custom, Rev E H Stevens, of Sioux City, has been secured to de liver a lecture on this oocasion. Fred Parker returned from Malvern, Neb, Monday, near which place be has located on a 040-aere homestead. He expects to return to his claim about the 1st of Juue, when be will be ac companied by his wife and Mrs C B Howard. Mr Howard, who is expect ed home the coming week from bis claim, will return at the same time, and will make the trip overland by team, accompauied by his son Edgar. Preparations are under way for a big lime at the close of theEpworth league contest in the near future. A fine feast and a track meet are to fee the features of the cccasion in honor of the winning sids. The same contestants and captains will be the opposing sides ia the track meet, so if you have any stunts you want pulled off at this timo begin now by practiceing to get yourself into shape for the occasion, which promises to be a very interesting and enjoyable affair. THE DOLLAR -you save- -TO-DAY brings OLD AGE COMFORT Tomorrow We pay four percent interest on deposits and keep your money Absolutely Safe "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you JUGHT" Bank of Dakota County Jack. son, N brask.Bk. ALWAYS HUNGRY FOR. MORE BUSINESS ' T TT T-- 1 . i f M .rairomze norae inauscry Duy your m ;ais 01 I , . . I Proprietor of 1 D!rtv Iy2ca,i Market I Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent goes on for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays ' . I DAKOTA CITY NEBRASKA ! SATURDAY SPECIALS I I I I 1 I I I J Dakota City. Nebraska Sewturcievy, May 22nd 3 Pkgs Yeast Foam 10c 1 can 30c Lamb Tongue, 20c 3 one-pound packages Fancy Seeded Raisins 25c 3-lb sacVof Rice 20c Lie can Peas 2 for 25c Saturday, May 29th One gallon fancy can Peaches and Apricots, per can . . IOC Sbars Laundry Soap..25c 23c Sunbonnets 20c Ladies Shirt Waists 20 oft All 5c tablets, 0 for. . .2oC See our new stock of Umbrellas just from the factory Jas King was up from flomer Tues day. Chas L Culler and wife were down from Wayne over Sunday. Mrs Wm Orr is seriously ill, with little hope for her recovery, J S Qnist of the TJ 8 navy is here on a visit witli ins brotuer. uuarley Qnist. The prospect for a bounteous fruit crop in this locality was never better than now. M O Ay re and son Edgar arrived home Wednesday morning from their trip to Boston, Victor llausen, of Omadi precinct, spoilt a few days here this week with his former schoolmates. The high school ball team defeated the Jackson kids here yesterday after noon, score 15 to 3. Elmer Smith received word the past week of the death of his brother, Geo W Smith, at Pitcairn, Ta. The sup position is that he was killed by the cars. 1 Found A lady's black astrachan cape, one mile west of Dakota City, Owner can have the same by calling at The Ilerald ofllce, and paying for this notice. Mrs Lonis Goodscll sr, of Homer, spent the week here with her daugh ter, Mrs V O Lake. She goes to Omaha next week to visit her son, Clarence Goodsell. All kinds of coal, feed and bay for sale at reasonable prices. Fiflds & Slaughter Co. Theo E Bi.iven, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. The Burlington railroad company put in a crushed stone walk across their right of way, connecting with the cement walk on the east side of the track and the Herman Biermann walk on the west. Miss Blanche Africa went to Good ell, Iowa, Wednesday to spend the week at her old home. Mrs George Pranger has taken her place as hello girl at the telephone exchange. Your opinion about what you see is determined partly by how you see . Very few people have normal vision, Only perfectly fitted glasses will give both relief and normal sight. W C Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist. The Rev W S Oberholtzer will preach the bachalaurate sermon to the graduating class of our high school at the M E ohnrch on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Everybody who is in terested in our school is most cordially invited to be present. , Victor J Sheppard and Josi" Carroll, of Sioux City, were married by Judge Stinson Wednesday. The couple were accompanied by Alfred Sheppard and Mrs Kate Anthony, brother and sister of the groom. The Sheppard family formerly resided in this place. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday as follows: Preaching, 11am; Sunday school, 10 ami Class meeting 12 m; Epworth League, 6:30 p m; Preaching, 7 :30 p m. Preach in Grace church every Sunday at 2 :30 p m. Yon are oordially invited to anr and all these services. Three couples were joined in con nubial bliss by Judge 1) O Stinson on Thursday. Fay D Woodford and Mar garet Hoss, of Sioux City, were the first to embtrk on the matrimonial sea and the others were, Edward W Tar rant and Miss Bessie L Willey, both of Pender, and Frank L Thompson of Thurston, and Miss Laura M Gigear of Emerson, the last two couple form ing a double wedding party. The Iowa STEEL Gate for the farm. Not made of iron or gaspipe to bend and sag out of shape, but of high car bon steel tubing with heavy wire fabiic. A gate that your children can open with one hand, that your stock can't open at all. We deliver them to you here at Dakota City at the same price you would have to pay were yon to buy direct from the factory. Sold on trial and fully guaranteed by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. The first circus to show in this vi cinity, this year, is that of Campbell Bros, combined circus and menagerie, which will exhibit two days in Sioux City, May 28 and 29. An added inter est is attached to these performances from the fact that tbey will be given for the benefit of the Sioux City Pub lic Playground Assciation. Aside from these facts Campbull Bros consolidated shows is the best aggregation of menag erie and circus talent sbowiug in the middle went this year. Remember the date May 28 and 29 at Sioux City. The object Playground Assooiation. The price fifty cents and best of all tho greatest show in the season. A jolly crowd of Woodmen of the World went to Lincoln from this place last Saturday afternoon to attend the big icitiation meeting held there that evening, when a class of 1000 mem hers was taken in. Field Deputy L H Saunders organized a lodge here with 32 members, fourteen of whom made the trip to Lincoln, at the ex pense-of the errand lo.ice, to witness the exemplification of the secret work of the order. Those who went were: P Rockwell, D Van de Zedde. Wm Biermann, S VV Foltz, Earl Frederick, Sam Boutou, Wm Lorenz, Louis Lr sou, Henry Hrumwiede, ChasFoestm, Ben Hall, Emmett Hileman, Preston Foltz and Hmry Sargeant. Ttie bunch attended divine services (the tmt offence for most of them) at the penitentiary Sunday morcing. The trip was a pleasant one all around. Distnct court convened here on Monday with Gny T Graves on the bench. The burglary case against t rank J Brice and James Uullen was disposed of when they plead guiltv charted, of breaking into the E & B Lumber Co's hardware store at Soutii Bioux City. The judge sentence 1 each of them to one year at hard labor in the penitentiary . Agnes Ilartranf was granted a divorce from her bus band, Ernest Uartranft. John II Priestley was granted a divorce from Louisa Priestley. On J'nefiday the caseofJWGray against the C St M&O railroad was called; a jury was empauneled a id the case, which promises to lie a a lengthy one. is still on trial. It involves 17,010 damuges claimed by Gray to bis land which lies north of the railroad in the swamp caused by the grade holding the atu on the plaintiff s land, ihe remain dor of the jury was discharged for thi term. The case against It A Talbot for selling liquor without a license wa Sold only in Moisture Proof Packages n n ' rTy I What What What makes them the best soda crackers ever baked? makes them the only choice of millions? makes them famous as the National Biscuit ? National - Biscuit - Goodness mm NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY A son was born to George Hirsch- back and wife Tuesday. II A Roost of Brushy Bend returned rom the hospital Tuesday. Buy a good farm on the Dakota county bottom. I have it. Eimers. Dr W R Ream, of Walthill, visited elativta here between trains Wedues- ay. Orville Lake and wife were tip from Homer Sunday, guests at the V O Lake borne. The dance Tuesday evening was not s largely attended as it would have been, hud the rain not interfered. Mrs J P Rockwall visited a few dayi the past week with her daughter, Mrs Frank Mehsn, near Ponca, returning Wedntsday An exhange remarks that a man has to have nerve to get mariied in that man's town. Another adds that be as to have a girl and the price of a icense in bis town. Frank R Polly, of Omadi precinct. tid Miss Sophie D Wendte, of New castle, will. be joined in marriage at the bride's home in Newcastle, May 0th. They will be at home to their many friends on the old Anthony Myers farm after June 1st. The Modern Remedy Co, an up to- date rcedioine show, will open a week's engagement here Monday. The show will be held under tents ou the lot ear the Eagle office. An admission fee of 10 rants will be charged. All over 35 will be admitted free the first uight . Jnmes Harden, an old reeident of this county, died last Friday even ing at his home on Walker's Islund, after n sickness of several months with ung trouble. Deceased came to this county in his boyhood days, and many vears was a resident of Dakota City. He leaves a wife and seven children three sons and four daughters . The vrncral services were held Sunday, in terment being in the Taylor cemetery. COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM The following program will be given at the commencement exercises of the Dakota City high school, to be held in the M hj church Friday evening, May 28, l'JOi). An admission fee of 25o will be charged; school children, 15o. March, "I'roce ksIoiiuI" Entlier Itomi Involution Knv. Von lliigi'ii 80I0. 'Lullaby" Ada (I. Itart Lecture, "They That Tarry by the HtutT" Itcv. K. H.Mteven yuartett!' "Iu ttllent Mend" Mcksm Wood, Acliilr, l'ixey, JOHlaso'ii, Presentation of Dlplunias H, A. Still- koii, 1'rcnUlttnt ol Board of Kduration lli'iicilli'tlon Hev. Von HaKcn For Sale A ei' motor windmill and tower com plete, with tank and tank heater, all tieuilv new. Alfred Seymour, Dakota City, Nebraska. PROGRAM. The Wednesday Literary club will hold its last regular meeting for the year at the homo of Mrs Crozier, on Saturday, May 22, at which time the following program will be givcu: Hull ('nil Km n well Ki'iittmciits Tin- Ni-w Koutli Mr. )ir A Sola A iniTlcHii St-ill i tor. . . M r. Kvnn H1111111 W riter of tln Soiilliliinil M In Knvi'len Hciiilliiir liMKlliyc .11 ill iKllcy). MI-- Jluusc Sons A 11 1 1 1 I.uiiK Sync Tlit'lili It is especially requested that all members meet promptly at 2 o'clock to transact business. E. Z. Kngelen, Secretary. If You Own Any Farm land, or know anybody who does, you ought to get in touch with the steps farmers in all parts of the country arc taking to protect themselves from some of the commission men who have been robbing them almost ever since they were boys. If you dont own any, but want the best short starits' printed this month, get th JUNE EVERYBODY'S For sale at Schmied's News-stand l)R. C H. MAXWELL, Thysician and Snrpeon. Calls promptly attended DiKOJA CITTV NEBRASKA Undertaker County Coroner B. F. Sawyer Jackson, Nebraska Two Gala Days May 28 and Canbell 29 Bros Consolidated Shows tit en City - Hotel THOS. DEBIEN, Proprietor. Meals at All Hours 25c azvd 50c Being newly and neatly furnished throughout, we can offer the best of accommodations to the traveling public. DavkotA. City. NebraakBk. W INN 1F S l j 1 i "I J '' The E. & B. Ball Bearing Sewme Maching and the One Minute Washer win praise everywhere, by giving universal satisfaction. ' Light Running Long Lasting. Let us show thera to you Edwards Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard Nebraska PAUL PIZEY, ' Dakota Citvi Nta. j Bonded : Abstracter Lawyers ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan B!k.. Sioux City. Iowal Circus and Menagerie at Sioux Cityt Iowa Under the Anspices of and for the lieuefit of Sioux City Public Playground Association Erery ticket purchased helps a worthy cause Admission. 50c The Herald for all the News When It IS News t Abstracts of Title A $10,000 Burety 'liond Guurantees the accuracy of every Abstraot I make mm ten a gum Successor to Dakota County Abstract Co. Bonded Abstracter J J. EIMERS continued over the term. WW