Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 21, 1909, Image 2

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    Dakota Comity Herald
tOUS 11. KEAM. . Fubflsher
TIi general European situation con
tinues bilious.
With the spoiling reformers nothing
is sacred. They have cut the "a" out
of heaven.
Do you think the person who Invent
d this season's millinery was in his
right mind?
At last we have a President who ran
write a short message to Congress. The
country Is safe.
A lllinflrnri t-Aflra fritn IIiav m.IT"i
mm u u J . w Ul I J i. 1 1 I J IT 111
be pointing to some great man who
was uorn, in a uni.
More women are making; speeches,
and they are making belter ones, but
the same can't be nald of their pie.
Since It has been discovered that It
Is absolutely Innocent tho Standard Oil
Company may decide to bo more rare
(ul la the future.
1 hough Lieut. Shackleton did not
discover the south pole, be can give a
good description of the ice that
abounds In Us vicinity.
According to statistics, only five per
cent of marriages are dissolved by di
vorce courts. The other ninety-five
per cent grin and bear it.
Scientific advancement is to be en
couraged, and yet It has evolved perils
which our forefathers never knew. The
live wire is one of them.
In order to see the preacher the El
gin people make the women ri.ke off
their hats In church. They like to
"watch" things at Elgin, you know.
Consider Explorer Peary: How long
It will take him to post up on what
has happened In the world at large
1nce be betook himself beyond the
aews belt.
The optimistic Inventor who has
constructed a fish rod which auto
matically measures and honestly
weighs each fish as It is caught, will
never die a millionaire.
Ten thousand Sicilians arrived in
New York In one day. If America can
help them to prosper, it will be a
greater service than the gifts of mon
ey for the relief of those they left
A deaf and dumb man in California
worth 1100,000 wants some one to love
him for himself alone, not for his mon
ey. It hasn't occurred to him that to
avoid mistakes he should throw away
his money before he goes a wooing.
On April 1 the law went Into ef
fect which forbids the "importation of
opium Into the territory and depend
encies of the United States. . The kind
used for smoking Is debarred absoluta
ly, and the' forms used for medicinal
pnrposes are placed under severe re
strictions. The management of a London me
nagerie, having advertised for "a lady
dance In the lions' den," received four
hundred and thirty-seven applications
for that perilous post, and chose a
.'lady" who did the Highland fling and
encaped in safety. The lions took no
notice of her. If human beings would
follow their example, fewer persons
would seek notoriety by foolhardy
feats. .
The value of a friendly spirit and a
kindly manner were accurately ap
praised in the British House of Com
mons the other day, when Sir Edward
Grey, the Foreign Secretary, said, In
discussing the foreign vlults of tho
King, that "Tho King in his own per
son has the exceptional gtft of convey
ing to the people abroad tho impres
sion of good-will and the good dlspogl
Hon of the DrltlHh nation toward
them; that is a great national asset"
It Is fitting that the attention of the
world should be called to the worth of
these qualities.
There Is no. longer any danger of
rver-production of breadstuff and meat
ind dairy products Ir. this country Ex
tension cf the area of cultivation ap
proaches the limit more and more, and
It does not keep pace with increase of
population. The demands of the do
mestic market for consumption ad
Vance out of prportlon to production,
snd the surplus for export Is relatively
aimlnishlng while the world's require-
tnents Increase. The export of farm
products Is still our mainstay for pay-
-ing for Imported merchandise and will
eontlnue to be so while the cost of
manufacturing is artificially kept up
for exports necessarily come Into com
petition with foreign producta of the
same kind. We not only need to ex
tend the area of land cultivated for the
Itaple crops, but to Improve methods of
cultivation and reduce rout of produc
lon so far as practicable.
A short time sgo. in an Interior
Ullage in Kiang Su, a woman, ambi
tious to become educated, killed her
elf after bad treatment from her hue
band's relatives. Her farewell letter
was everywhere copied by the Chinese
press. It has become- a national doc
ument, and almost a charter of the
. new movement. In It occur the fol
lowing sentences: "I am about to die
to-day because my husband's parents,
having found great fault with me for
having unbound my foet and declared
that I have been diffusing such an
vll Influence as to have injured the
reputation of my ancestors, have de
termined to put me to death. Main
taining that they will be severely cen
sured by their relatives once I enter
t school and receive instruction, they
have been trying hard to deprive me
of life, in order, us they aay, to stop
beforehand all the troubles that I
iray cause. At first tliey intended to
eurve me, but now they compel me
to commit suicide by taking poison.
I do not fear death at all, but how
eaa I part from my children, who are
se youngT Indeed, there should be
no sympathy for me, but the mere
thought of the destruction of my
Ideals and of my young children, who
will without doubt be compelled to
live in the old way, makes my heart
almost break." The blood of such mar
tyrs Is beginning to make Us Impres
sion upon the Chinese people and Is
turning them to favor more liberal
popular customs.
A familiar sight on crowded rail
road trains Is that of a processloa of
passengers moving hopelessly by seats
that are c rjd with baggage. The
seats are "reserved" by the simple
process of placing the baggage on
them, and the owner of the baggage
feels that he has established a perma
nent claim. So secure Is he that ha
may pass most of tho time after the
train starts In a smoking car. This
familiar Incident of travel led to
a dispute which was taken to the
courts la New York State, and the
C ourt of Appeals has decided against
the smoker. It holds that seats are
for passengers, not for baggage, and
that no one Is bound by the reserva
tion. In tho particular rase tho two
contestants had come to blows. The
conductor, who was appealed to,
would not pronounce upon their
clnltns, and though the Intruder was
obliged to succumb to superior force,
he succeeded In throwing part of the
baggage through the window. The vic
tor, not satisfied with this result, in
voked the aid of tho law and wanted
damages for his loss and for the In
jury to his feelings, as well as a Judg
ment that he was acting within his
rights In trying to occupy two seats.
I!ut the court was generally unsym
pathetic. It considered the feelings ol
the othjr man and Indicated that the
smoking baggage owner could get
damages only by a separate suit In
which he should establish the exact
amount of the 'loss that he sustained
because of the window episode.
Though the decision Is effective in
one State only, it will arouse general
Interest, since the reservations are
common in all parts of the country.
Whether they are respected or not de
pends very much, however, upon the
character of the individuals concerned.
The more aggressive person with the
stronger will is likely to have his way
unless there Is a well-defined author
ity that can be asserted over him.
Somotlmes nothing more is attempted
than a bluff that results In abject
failure when It Is called. Or deception
is practiced, as is the case when the
man with the baggage sits close to the
window and becomes absorbed in his
paper, letting his grip speak for an
imaginary absentee owner. His ob
ject is to keep two seats side toy
side, but often the simple question,
"Is this seat occupied?" will suffice
to clear the atmosphere and the cush
ion. And the curious thing Is that
the same person may take the differ
ent parts In the drama at different
times. We say curious, bu perhaps
this Is only human nature and not
very curious after all.
Incandescent lamps can be colored
by dipping them In a solution of white
shellac in denatured alcohol, to which
has been added aniline dye of the de
sired huo.
There Is said to be $1,000,000 worth
of whalebone locked up In a single
Massachusetts storehouse, held for tho
better prices which are expected In the
near future.
A French chemist has figured It out
that the oceans of the world carry 20,
000 tons of radim in solution, whllo
1,000,000 tops are contained In the sed
iment on the floors of the Beven seus.
A big company has been formed In
London to exploit a new form of
chrome leather, which it is claimed Is
mado waterproof by working a rubber
solution into Its pores after it Is
For the past four years Great Brit
ain has led tho world In the per capita
consumption of sugar, with the United
States a close second, Bulgaria, Greeco
and Servla having used the least
The greatest road builders of the
world are tho red ants of South Amer
ica, who line the roads leading to and
the galleries and passages within their
nests with clay, packed perfectly
C. E. 8. Phillips writes to Nature to
say that an astonlshlnit Increase of the
brilliancy of a lime light used with a
demonstrating lantern can he obtained
by slmuly slluolng over the artlflclHl
lime cylinder an ordinary Welsbnch
mantle. The mantle la hut slightly
damaged by the Jet, and if it Is
turned occasionally, an Intense illu
mination may be maintained for two
Men of science care less for the
finding of the actual poles of the
earth's axis than for the exploration of
the lands and seas surrounding them.
Dr. William S. Bruce points out that
the only extensive work remaining to
be done In the arctlo region Is the de
tailed Investigation of the north polar
basin. In the southern hemisphere al
most everything south of latitude 40
degrees, corrspondlng with that of
Philadelphia In the northern hemis
phere, requires a thorought Investiga
tion. The phosphate lauds recently with
drawn from entry for settlement by
the national government constitute, It
Is said, the greatest known phosphate
deposit In the world. The; lands com
prise nearly the whole of Uinta County
In Wyoming, and portions of Morgan,
Htch and Cache counties In Utah, and
of Dear Lake, Bannock, Bingham and
Fremont counties In Idaho, making la
all about 7, COO square miles of terri
tory which Is more or less underlaid
by phosphate rock, Besides these vast
natural depoulta. It Is pointed out that
the gases from the smelters at Butte
and Anaconda, which are very Injuri
ous to vegetation, may be made to
yield sulphuric acid for the uianufao
ture of superphosphate fertilUero.
Portion of Prlaoa Made Fameae V
IHrkena Mar He Seea Yet.
Among the few places still stronglj
reminiscent of one of Dickens' most
famous works "Little Dorrlt" Is
Marshalsea prison, a portion of which
may be seen Just across Ixmdon bridge
on the sreith side of the Thames, says
an exchange. This place is often
ought by American visitors, but It is
by no means easy to find. There are
several narrow courts and turnings to
negotiate; and, as the inhabitants of
the district are of the very roughest
element, inquiries as to the where
abouts of the relics meet with little
response. Most of the denizens of the
district think you mean a saloon when
you Inquire for the "Marshalnea" and
kindly offer to show the way, their
good nature being only exceeded by
their anticipation of favors to come
In the form of liquid refreshment.
Tucked away behind a lot of build
ings, after pacing through a place
called Angel court, there still remains
a portion of the Marshalsea prison
wall. The paving stones of the little
garden which faces this wall are the
actual stones which at ono time
formed a portion of the prison. In the
Introduction to "Little Donit" Dick
ens thus describes this spot:
"Whoever goes Into Marahalsea
place, turning out of Angel court, lead
ing to Ilermondsey, will find his feet
on the very paving stones of the ex
tinct Marshalsoa Jail; will see Its
narrow yard to the right and to the
left, very little altered, If at all, ex
cept that tbe walls were lowered when
the place got free; will look upon the
rooms In which the debtors lived, and
will stand among the crowding ghosts
of many miserable years."
If you stand In the little recreation
ground facing tbe wall you ran read
a tablet Inscribed as follows: - "On
this site was originally the Marshal
sea prison, made famous by thjs late
Charles Dickens in his well-known
work, 'Little Dorrlt.' " Just above this
Is the name of a firm of machinists.
The prison bars in the windows still
remain as in tho days when the place
held Its motley crowd of debtors.
Among these, It will be remembered,
vas Dickens' own father, whom the
novelist has described under the
name of Mr. Mlcawber.
oufldrnre erded.
Confidence Is what we present-day
Christians need. Rev. Edward Yates
Hill, Presbyterian, New York.
Theojoscr and f'hrlat.
A knowlsdge of theology does not
tm'ng a knowledge of Christ. Rev.
E. la. Powell, Christian, Louisville.
No man can believe in tho Father
hood of God and doubt Immortality.
Rev. Dr. Waters, Congregatlonalist,
Loyalty to Church.
Loyalty to church should not bo con
tingent upon petty human likes and
dislikes. Rev. Arthur G. Jones, Pres
byterian, San Antonio..
Mortal Poaltlon.
What satisfaction Is It to have so
cial position and pollttcal preferment
If our conscience Is dulled? Rev. John
Hale Larry, Congregatlonalist, Provi
dence. Brlf-rontrol.
Self-control Is an essential to man
hood; and the only way to change
your disposition Is to bridle your con
duct. Rev. Robert Gordon, Baptist,
Greed for Gala.
It Is tho greed for gain that Is
wrecking society. Money making Is
all right; but it should bo mado le
gitimately. Rev. J. Wesley Hill, Met.
Temple, New York City.
The t'lirlatlan Idea.
Down through the life of character,
the life of intellect and tho life of the
flosh, the power of the Christian idea
of tho universe goes like the balm
of GUead. Rev. George A. Gordon,
Congregatlonalist, Boston.
Spiritual llmtlnr.
Each of ub, all of us, have an Immor
tal spiritual destiny. The grave has
never been the final goal of humanity,
and the tombstone has never been
more than a milestone on man's Jour
ney. Rev. C. A. Bushlrk, Christian
Scientist, Louisville.
The Familr.
Through the family and the home
most of the good has come to the
world. The State began with the fanv
lly, religion had Its first expression
in the family ancestral worship. Rev,
John L. Elliott, Ethlclst, New York
lteg-ard for lloaor.
The conduct of business merely for
profits leads men Into corrupt prac
tices. A regard for nonor and a spirit
of kindness no not hinder profit, but
make business a means of soul culture,
Rev. T. Edward Rarr, People's Pul
pit, Milwaukee.
The Churrh'a Supreme Mlaalon.
To restore man to himself, to his
place In nature, to society and to God
was the comprehensive mission of tho
Son of Man, and it is the supreme mis
sion of His church in the twentieth
century. Rev. James B. Clayton, Bap
tist, Washington.
The HoverelaV of Will.
Christ Is sovereign of the will. To
will to do a thing Ib almost to do It
But we must have a sanctified will.
God helps a man who helps himself.
You can become mentally, spiritually
and physically what you will to be.
Rev. A. T. Osborn, Presbyterian, Ka
sa City.
What Montr ('! Ray.
Money can't buy everything: Ther
are no admission tickets to a sunset
you wouldn't trade the look in your
boy's eyes when he greets you at night,
for a million dollurs of anybojy'i
money; nd if you keen a well furnish
ed mind you can go Into it any time
you Ilka as you would Into a child!
playground and amuse yourself watch
Ing your thoughts play leap frog with
each other. Lillian Pwscal Day, l
Success Magazine.
Why Uncle Sam's New Navy
Is Obliged to Grow Slowly.
cost or boa ?xj -j zstsf rvjn. - $
rwtv&ra Asm sajhuttx
U!,f iM '
C''-":;'V'v v 7 '; '.""V
HEN Congress adjourned at the close of the first half of
n rs
Its fifty-seventh session It was satisfied with Its appropria
tions for the, naval establishment of the United States,
There were not many ships, It Is true, but there were
enough. In the opinion of Senators and Representatives. A
total of approximate'' thirty-one and a quarter millions of
dollars was turned over to the Navy Department with which
to maintain Its ships and yards and construct new vessels.
And everyone was apparently content. This was In 1807.
The following year the Maine was blown up In Havana
harbor, and, like a bolt from the blue, the United States
found Itself forced to go to war. Tbe country was not pre-
Y pared, the navy was on the scantiest kind of a peace foot
Tjl IzT 3S lng an(1 fl,tQ0U8Q tne nation was to measure strength with
K'-i a. second-hand power, there was consternation everywhere.
ims naa UB eueei ou
prTation bill for "the
added a lump sum of $50,000,000 "for national defense" and an additional
amount of $42,298,741 for the general improvement of the fleets and yards
and the purchase of new vessels wherev they could be found. In all, the
budget for the year of the war with Spain amounted to the enormous sum of
$125,301,75. These figures startled everyoue, once the battle of Santiago
hud been fought and the last vestlgo of the Spanish ea power htuj be&i
swept away. Not much was said, however, for the victories of Devvey and
Sampson were not such as to admit of criticism of the preparations fhat
had made them possible. There were cries of economy, but In the following
year it was found impossible, so strong was public sentiment, to get the ap
propriation beneath $(12,547,703, Just twice as much as the budget carried
two short years previously.
Thus It might be said that the real birth of the modern navy of the
United States was due to the war with Spain. Ever since that year there
has been Increasing activity in tbe upbuilding of the naval cstab'Jshment,
and for the last two years the appropriations for the maintenance of the
navy have been greater than the heavy sura appropriated in the stirring days
Paul M. Moafort Falla Through Gle
. vated Car Wlndotv.
Paul Maurice Monfort. the 4-vear-old
son of A. W. Monfort, a Chicago com
mercial photographer, was killed by
falling from an open window of a
South Side "L" train as it started
from Stony Island avenuo at 63d
Street, and the heartbroken narent
have been consoled by messages of
sympathy from friends scattered
through several States, where the boy's
lace nas been familiar for years in ad
vertisements of staples.
The child was known as the most
photographed baby In America and hU
father had posed him more than 1.000
times. The most familiar include the
talcum-powder picture of a child smll
Ing at flue particles strewn from a box
and one of a babe seated in u bathtub
with a cake of soap in his band.
The boy's mother was with him at
the time of the accident. The boy, run
ning ahead of his parental guardian,
leaped to a window seat and leaned
forward to steady himself on the win
dow pane. But the window was open
and, Instead of finding glass, the child
toppled out into the Btreet below. Mrs.
Monfort. only , four feet behind him,
frantically leaped after htm. but miss
ed the child by a few inches. Then
she tried to throw herself after it
through the window, but was prevent
ed by tbe train crew.
Cwaanaaptloa of the Leather la Row
Ureater thaa Ever Before.
Occasional attempts to utilise the
coriaceous epidermis of alligators In
leather manufacture have been made
for over 100 years or more, but not
with much success until 1865. when
this novel leather became somewhat
fashionable and a considerable demand
developed. Tho market, however, was
not long continued, and after a few
thousand hides had been shipped from
the Gulf States the demand ended.
During the Civil War another raid
was made upon these saurians to sup
ply shoe material and they were again
slaughtered in thousands, but wttb the
cessation of hostilities and the restor
ation of free commerce in shoe mate
rial the alligators were again left to
repose for a period.
The rest, however, was only tempor-
ry. for about 1869 fickle fashion again
Him t'Tnrr
jrczrr aptiop
2 750.000
IV. . . .
sooo l&srs orjiipsfve cosrlre.joo.oot
';... V
t ii-ir r.SOO, ooo
vuinrro. tiime uie regular Bi'prif-
navy carried $33,003,234, there was
called for the leather for manufactur
ing into fancy slippers, boots, traveling
bags, belts, card cases, music rolls and
so forth. An immense demand was
soon created for It, resulting In the
slaughter of many thousands of the
animals every year, giving employment
to hundreds of men. The demand soon
exhausted the productive capacity, bf
this country and large numbers of skins
were imported from Mexico and Cen
tral America.
'The consumption of this leather at
present is greater than ever before,
and owing to the large importations
the market price is somewhat less than
a few years ago. The output of the
tanneries of the United States approxi
mates 2S0.000 skins annually, worth
$420,000. It is a characteristic of all
aquatic leather Indeed, cf all leathers
that they are curiously checkered in
oblong divisions, known as "scales" or
"bosses," separated by lnteisectlng
grooves, and varying in size and char
acter from the rough, hornlike scute3
on tho back to the smooth, pliable
markings on other parts of the botfy,
giving the skin that peculiar effect
which makes it so popular for leather
lender I'rt-nent t'omlillona the Mar
ltvta Come to Hotel Stewnrda.
"I run over to the market about
once a week to keep in touch with It,
but tho modern hotel steward no longer
'goes to market' In the old-fashioned
sense. He Is too busy. He would have
to spend the whole day there. In oth
er words, under present conditions the
markets come to tlu hotels," said J.
H. Todd to a New York Herald man.
"You see, the market men como
around looking after business, for they
find competition rather keen."
"How do you manage to got the best
of everything?" was asked.
"We have to depend absolutely upon
the dealers, and that works all right,
for they could not afford to send In
ferior stuff. If they did. It would go
right back to them, and they would
also run a risk of losing business. We
also depend upon them to notiry us
by telephone when they have anything
especially fine on hand. You see, there
is always a limited Bupply of delica
cies, and the hotel Bteward who is en
terprising gets what he wants of them.
For Instance, I had the first fresh
mackerel that reached New York. That
was Tuesday. Then In the middle of
the week I captured a small shipment
of peaches, nectarines and Japanese
plums that came In from South Africa.
"We also have had canteloupes
grown especially for us in a Pennsyl
vania hothouse. They come with the
name 'Plaza' on the melon. This Is
done by placing a metal case and sten
cil over the melon Just before it Is ripe
and the sun burns the name. The ex
periment was tried last year of raising
canteloupes this way, but only this sea
son has it bt-en possible to raise u
number of them. The fruit Is red,
sweet and of good taste.
"We have printed slips of what is
on hand every night, and this Is sent
to me. I go over it and then find out
what entertainments are scheduled for
the next day, and so cover the day's
supply as closely as possible."
latelleetaal Itlveraloa.
That psychologlcail-researcn man
entertains some strange theories."
"You have It the other way around."
answered Miss Cayenne. 'Those the
ories serve to entertain him." Wash
ington Star.
If some people were to marry for
brains instead of for money they would
prvbably get left Jul the ttiue-
II ill,
err rr- Hwrr i -
f eosr or ff rrrt or hast s oc
cost or sLAQCHzrorrs- JzscrprcAZ
rrACjfMry- rTrjres-ZTC. tfso.ooo
-f 4! t"' cosrorffPjre acm sum 8 do
j,,, 2
to topploo D&rzffse evra
Of ? 7TJYOr3
of 1SD8. During the last decade tho sums granted each year by Congress
to the navy have been ever iucreaslug, with only two exceptions, those being
in the years 1000 and 1007. These exceptions to tbe general rise, however,
were more than overcome by the bill of 1908, which was the greatest ever
pasKed'ln the history of the country for the use of the navy. It was not
until 18.S8 that the first boat of the new navy was authorized. This was the'
socoud-class battleship Texas long since discarded as of small importance.
Two years later the first armored cruiser was provided for by Congress, and
the New York wa the result Both of these vessels took part lu the naval
engagement off Sautiugo in 1808, when Cervera's fleet was destroyed.
In 1890 the first of the big modern battleships were authorized. Con
gress, with the lesson of the Spanish war fresh lu miud, did not haggle over
terms, but furnished the money necessary to build three first-class battle
ships; these eventually were the Indiana, Massachusetts and Oregon. In
1S02 the Iowa was prorlded for, In 1895 tue Kearsarge and Kentucky, and
In the following year the Alabama, Illinois and Wisconsin. There was a
lapse of a year, but in 1S98 three first-class ships were laid down, tho Maine,
Missouri and Ohio, while In the year succeeding the Georgia, Nebraska and
Virginia were authorized. In addition, the naval bill of that year provided
for the powerful armored cruisers that now are a feature of the American
sea power. There were two of these laid down in 1800, the California ana
jyegl VJrlnla, and three additional In 1900, the Colorado, Maryland and
South Dakota. r
The Increase of the United States navy Is due primarily to the fact that
this nation has been forced into taking Its position as a world power. The
war with Spain forced upoi the American people tho Philippines, Guam
and Porto Rico. In addition It was necessary to take over Hawaii. All
these outlying possessions need protection, and to afford protection worthy
of tho name a powerful navy is necessary. There is another explanation of
the rapid growth of the navy, nud that Is found In the increasing necessity
for policing the Central American and South American countries. The Unite
States, as promulgator and defender of the Monroe doctrine, is compelled to
maintain a uaval force great enough to enforce order, whenever that should
become necessary. This country is the policeman of the Western Hem
isphere and the navy Is Its club and ba0e of office.
Takea from Chore h and Jail Metal
of Coanterfeltera.
The strange theft of a church bell
from the chapter house of Southwurk
cathedral the other day was paralle'ed
some few years ago by the mysterious
disappearance of the big bell of a fa
mous English Jail. It was In Its n'.ace
one evening and the next morning It
had vanished. The affair was kept a
secret from the press, In accordance
with the traditional policy pursued by
our prison authorities, and for a long
while nobody knew what had become
of the missing article.
Eventually, however, it leaked out
that It had been stolen by one of the
convicts with the connivance of a war
der. The thief was a professional
coiner whose period of detention was
on the point of expiring and his rea
son for desiring the acquisition of bo
much good metal Is sufficiently obvi
ous to need no explanation.
In all probability tho missing South
wark bell was annexed for a similar
purpose, although other ends have
been had tn view in the past by steal
ers of such articles, There was, for
instance, the case of the antiquary
who stole the famous St. Klllln bell
from Its place In the tower of Klllln
Chu.xh In Perthshire.
The vulgar believed that the bell if
surreptitiously carried, away would
extricate Itself from the hands of the
thief of lu own accord and return
home ringing all the way; and the
antiquary, when called to account,
pleaded that he took the bell in order
to prove the faliaty of this particular
popular superstition. Then there was
that "Ralph the Rover" of Southey's
well-known ballad who stole the Inch
caps bell in order that peacoful mer
chantmen might be wrecked upon the
dreaded reef. He perished himself,
with all his crew, because of the ab-'
aence of Its warning note, a fact
known to every schoolboy. Pearson's
Blaeklaar Heela.
"The ordinary bootblack," said tho
woman who has had much experience,
"does not know how to polUh a wo
man's shoes. He thinks If he puts a
brilliant shine on the toes and slaps
a thin coat of dull blacking over all
um U
tgooo. xacm
the other parts of the shoes he has
done a perfect Job, because that is the
way he blackens men's shoes; but that
will not suffice at all for women's
shoes. They should be evenly polish
ed all over.
"The front part of a man's shoes is
all that ever shows, but when a woman
crosses the street or goes up or down
stairs or eteps on or off a car or Into
nn auto or a carriage her whole shoe
Is likely to show, and nothing looks
wore than soiled heels or dingy strips
up the back of a woman's boots. A
woman who cares ta be well groomed
Is extremely particular about the trlm
ness of her heels and ankles, but It
almoBt is impossible to get a bootblack
to give that part of her shoes suffi
cient attention, although she pays hln
extra." .
The self-ImproTemeat Habit.
The very reputation of having an
ambition to amount to something in
tin world, of having a grand life-aim,
Is worth everything, says a writer In
Success Magazine. The moment your
associates find that you are dead-in-earnest;
that you mean business; that
they cannot shake you from your de
termination to get on In the world,
or rob you of your time or persuade
you to waste it In frlvofcus things, you
will not only be an Inspiring example
tr them, but the very people who are
throwing away their time will also ad
mire your stand, respect It, and profit
by It, and you will thus be able to pro
tect yourself from a thousand annoy
ances and time-wasters, and experi
ences which would only hinder you.
In other words, there Is everything
In declaring yourself, in taking a stand
and thereby announcing to the world
that you do not propose to be a failure
or an Ignoramus; that you are going
to take no chances on your future
that you are going to prepare yourself
for something out of the ordinary,
away beyond mediocrity, something
large and grand.
The moment you do this you stand
out In strong contrast from the great
mass of people who are throwing away
their opportunities snd have not grit
and stamina enough to do anything
worth while, or to make any great
effort to be somebody In the world.
Marriage Is a gamble when there Is
money back of It,
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