Where is v rr. . o our nairc In your comb? Why so? Is net the head amuch better place for it? Better keep what Is left w;h?re itbelongsl Ayer'sHair Vi,or, new improved formula, quickly stops falling hair. There is not a particle of doubt about it. We speak very posi tively about this, for we know. fl-.n not change the color of the hair. ii mm aim S2A. JL formula with eaoh bottla Show it to your Qootor Aak him about it, than do as ha aara yers InJ!;cd, the one great leading feature of our new Hair Vigor may well be ".aid to be this it stops falling hair. Then it Sors one step further it aids nature in resfr. ring the hair and 6calp to a healthy ;::! cliiion. Ask for "the new kind." t. vie b Ilia 3. C. AyarCo., Lowell, Maas. Local Items Friday, May 14, 1909 We have as trood a stuck of hard ware and tinware as there ever was in Dakota City, and you will find our prices right. Sohrierer Bros. John Welker of Homer was a visitor here Tuesday. J 8 Ennis, of Atkinson, Nebr, was transacting business here Monday. Buy a good farm on the Dakota county bottom. I have it. Eimers. W" L Ross went to Lincoln Monday to attend the grand lodge meeting of the AOUW. I Mrs John F Sides and son, Frank, returned Tuesday from a week's visit with relatives in Lincoln. Fred Oehlerking has bargained for the James Harden farm on Walkers Island and will try farming again, Frank Broyhill disposed of his auto mobile last week to Clay Armbright, and will likely invest in a new up-to-date machinee. Any cash customer who spends a dollar at Van de Zedde's, sugar except ed can get their choice of any glass dish on the center table. Mamie McCorkinda'e, of Wakefield one of the newly elected teachers in our schools, was here Saturday and Sunday, the guest of Miss Bauer. Barney Gribble has commenced the erection of a summer cottage on his Walkers Island farm on the north , bank of the lake. If the demand for cottages keeps up he will erect a string of five or six more for renting pur poses. Remember we handle a full and complete line ot overalls and jackets, and it will pay you to oall and look over our stock, whether you wear over alls or not. Prices are what talk, and our goods speak for themselves. Van de Zedde. II Q Learner one of the prominent young farmers of thisprecinet, market ed a lot of steers on the Sioux City market last Friday, which ware sold by Clay, Robinson & Co at f 6 25 per cwt. There were 20 steers in the con signment, averaging i,dJ 10s, ana tne price secured was top there for the day. Leota Quintal was np from Winneba go over Sunday. B F Sawyer county coroner, was a bnsiuess visitor here from Jaoksou Sat urday. Julius Quintal went to Elk Point, S D, Saturday, to look after his prop erty interests. Dr Tindall preached a very fine and highly spiritual and helpful sermon Sunday morning. Mr Cora Ankney, of Oaks, N D, arrived here last Friday for a visit at the J P Rockwell home. J Van de Zedde has purchased the Kountz lot just west of his residence. This gives him a nice roomy looation. C N Phillips and wife arrived here last Thursday from Exeter, Nebr, for a visit with their daughter, Mrs W E Snethen. New stock of lawn mowers just re ceived at the E & B Hardware store. Reliable mowers especially pticed at $3.35 and up no trash. J M Butler, of Lincoln, was here Tuesday looking after business for the Nebraska Mutual" Insuranoe company of which he is state agent. A display of fine glassware, that looks as nice almost as any out glass, and sold dirt cheap; your choice on the oenter table for only 10 cents, at Van da Zedde's. The last collection to be counted by the Epworth league in its present con test will be taken on 8unday evening. Now look out for smoke, as the writer knows that something is in the air. I have now, with my new stock, a fine assortment of queensware, and anyone who wants anything in that line can get it as cheap or cheaper than they eanbuyitin Sionx City. Try me and see. Van de Zedde. Have you seen our latest production in photos? We are now making some of the finest photos made anywhere for the money and prices very low. For groups, wedding or baby photos, aee us first, and save money. Dc Luxe Stcdio, Next to 6 and lOo store, 40o 4th, Sioux City, Iowa. In the list of teachers selected by the Sioux City school board appear the following who either lire or have taught sohool in this county : Emma Bliven, Mabel Cheney, Mildred Bur kett, Edna E Durland, Lnla I Dur land, Lillian Orr and Mrs Nellie R Swingle. Rev W H Fricke, a German Luther an minister, residing at Madison, Neb, stopped off here Monday for a couple ot days visit at the Fred Duensing home while returning from a confer ence meeting at Hartford, S D. Mr Duensing and Mr Fricke were boyhood chums iu Germany, and the visit was therefore greaty enjoyed by both. Married at the M E parsonage Sat urday morning by the Rev G E Von Hagen,'John W Blacketer and Miss Sylvia E Lake both of Homer. The young couple were attended by Mr Chas Lake, brother of the bride and Clara Blacketer, sister of the groom. Homer is to be the home of these hap py young people. 1 A new floor was laid in the M . E parsonage kitchen this week, greatly to the delight of Mrs Von Hagen, and we hereby extend our thanks to all the friends who so kindly helped us so as to make it possible; now if you will only push a little more and assist ns in putting iu new eave spouting which is greatly needed, the parsonage family will be under double obligations to you for your kindness and liberality. I Cemeat W r Ik 1 Sidewalk. Cisterns Caves Estimates furnished. All work guaranteed. 1 Ilevrry II. Foltz, Dakota City. Nebr. I I I must ;aiiess S Patronize Home Industry buy your m ;ats of , Wm LOREMZ, Proprietor of y City Market Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket goes on Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays OAKOTA CITY NEBRASKA I I ! SATURDAY SPECIALS 41 I I I I I I I I I S. A. St in son ! Dakotii City. Nebraska j Saturday, Ms.y I3tH 31bs nice dried Peaches..25c olbs Fancy Raisins 25c 3 Bottles Pickles 25c 4 cans Corn 25c English Walnuts lb 12c 1 pkge Flaked Rye 13 C Siturd8k.yi May 22nd 3 Pkgs Yeast Foam 10c 1 can 30c Lamb Tongue, 20c 3 one-pound packages Fancy Seeded Raisins 25c 3-lb sack of Rice 20c 15c can Peas 2 for 25c Chas Bates was np from Wlnflr-tORo Tuesday renewing old acquaintance. Rev Oberholtzer was at I'onca Tups day raising funds for the Carnegie library building ot Midland college. Charley Ooyle, of Dakotab, Iowa, an old time friend of Col J F Lwedom, was here Wednesday and made hira a short visit. Chas O Hamren, of Correction ville, Iowa, and Blanche E Schroeder. of Dallas, S D, were married Tuesday by Judge St in son. Mrs Jas Fisher came up from Walt hill last Thursday for a few days' visit at the home of her parents, .Mr and Mrs Fred Duensing . Mrs Dave Monroe and two children of Sioux City visited at the F O Htan ard home the past two weeks. Mr Mon roe camo over Sunday and spent a few days. Do not fail to be at Suuday school next Snnday morning as we wibq to elect delegates to the state convention and decide what we will do as to pay ing their expenses. Snnday May lGth holy communion will be celebrated at Salem at 11 o'clock and at Emmanuel at 3 o'clock. The third quarterly offering for benev- olenoe will be received. On Friday afternoon at 3 :00 o'clock there will be preparatory services held in the Emmanuel Lutheran church at the close of which officers will be elected for the coming year. All kinds of coal, teed and bay for sale at reasonable prices. Field 8 & Slaughter Co. Thko E Bliven, Manager, Dakota City, Neb. Regular preaching at Salem next Sunday morning at 11:00 o clock. Sunday school at 10:UU. rreaciimg at Emmanuel church, Dakota City at 3:00 pm. Sunday sohool at 9:45 a m. Arrangements are now being made by the Emmanuel Lutheran church to entertain the North Platte conference of the Nebraska synod on June 8th and 9th. A more extended notioe will be given later. Your opinion about what you see Is determined partly by how you see . Very few people have normal vision. Only perfectly fitted glasses will give both relief and normal sight. V O Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist. The Eozy Studio is making special low prioes during the spring months. Cabinets f 1.50 np; also 24 small Pho tos 25c, 12 postals GOc. We lead in low prices. All work guaranteed. Jvozt BTUDIO, 304 Douglas street, Sioux City, Io. Itev J F Seibert secured $75.00 in his canvass of last week in the Em man nel and Salem churches and $6.00 from a partial canvass of the Homer congregation. He was suddenly call ed home on Thursday morning on ao count of the death of one of his mem bers. Services at the Methodist Episcopal churoh every Sunday as follows: Preaching, 11am; Sunday sohool, 10 ami Class meeting 12 m; Epworth League, 6:30 p m; Preaching, 7 :30 p to. Preach in Grace church every Sunday at 2 :30 pm. You are cordially invited to any and all these services . The Herald office will this week be moved to its new home in the rooms in the rear of the postoffice building, where we will be pleased to meet all our old friends, and especially those who are in arrears for the paper, or those who want all the news while it IS news for $1.00 per year. ' Don't all come at onre! The Iowa STEEL Gate for the farm. Not made of iron or gaspipe to bend and sag out of shape, but of high car bon steel tubing with heavy wire fabric A gate that your children can open with one hand, that your stock can t open at all. vve aeuver in m 10 you here at Dakota City at the same price you would nave to pay were yon to bur direct from the factory. Sold on trial and fully guaranteed by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Before going down a well, test the purity of the air by lowering a lighted candle or lantern. If the light burns dimly or goes out. the poiouous carbonic acid gas "damps" can be driven out bv igniting a quantity of turpentine and sawdust or kerosene and rags, in a kettle, and lowering it to the sufaoe of the water; and then, later, pour several bucketfuls of water into the well from the top. Test again with the lautern and note the improvement The following item taken from the Soutb Omaha notes in the Omalia True Voice, refers to Father Moriarty who was located at Jackson for several Tears: "liev Jfatner iuoriarry 01 nen son attended the meeting of the Old Settlers Asaoiiation last Tuesday. Al though Father Moriarty wished to be onlv a spectator the audience insisted by loud applause upon Lis making an impromptu speech. No matter how far or for bow long away from this city Father Moiiarty may stay bis popular ity, due to his good work here, will aever decrease." A novel sight was witnessed by the resident of this locality Monday even ing when a big army balloon, which left Fort Omaha at 11:15 that day, paused over the county from the south and landed near Jacksoj at 6:45 in the evening. The balloon was manned by two army officers from the fort who were making an experimental trip. When the balloon came to earth it exploded anl burned to a crisp, slight ly injuring one ot the men. J lie bal loonists returned to Omaha by train Taesday moroing, after spending the night at the Ed T Kearney home. Mrs E.I M Phillips, a former resi dent of this place, died at her home in Carringtoo, N V, on 1'riday of last week of apopltxy. She bad been ail itg for some months, and her death was not unexpected- Deceased had been a resident of this county for 35 years, coming here with her parents, the late Mr and Mi's Joaepli Mol'her son, in 18G8, and having moved to North Dakota about four years ago Her husband, one son, Joseph Phillips, and a brother, Wesley Mcl'heraou of this place, and three sifters Mrs Chas H Ream of this place, Mrs Net tie Hum mond of Trenton, Neb, and Mrs JeKse Little of Sioux City survive her. The latter departed lust Saturday for Car rington to attend the funeral obsequies ' fnij OX? Y'X& 4.' M Sold only in Moisture Troof Packages The National prestige of Unceda Biscuit is baked in. The moment you take a biscuit from the package, as soon as you taste it, the reason becomes apparent why so many hun dred millions of packages of Uneccla Biscuit have been bought by the American people. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY iham Subscribe for the Herald, only (1 . S A Stinson made a business trip to Homer leBterday. Hal Blacketer is home from the hos pital, where he was taking treatment the past week. George J lioucuer and family were down from South Sioux City Wednes day evening calling on friends. Bess Robertson was home from Em erson this week, the schools there being closed on account of scarlet fever. The Dakota City ball team will give dauce in the new hall r"jxt Tuesday the 18th. Collins Bros will furnish music Mrs Ben Hall went to Lawton, Io, last week to assist in the Gus Bartsls home, where a bran new baby boy had made its advent. M O Ayres and son Edgar, in com pany with Geo Carter and wife of I Omaha, left Saturday on a two weeks trip to Washington, D C. Fred Hughart and wife came up fiom Winnebago Tuesday for a fei days visit. They left Thursday for a visit at MrHuRbarts old Home 10 Wisconsin. Subscription Bargains!! n it V - Hntfi 3 C6? IIcrEvld and New Idea Magazine $1 Sionx City Daily and Sunday Journal 0 without Sunday 4 to rural route patrons 3 50 Lincoln Daily News to April 1. 1 20 Kansas City Weekly Star.... 1 15 Iowa Homestead 1 40 30 00 20 )R. C H. MAXWELL, Physician and Snrgeon. Calls promptly attended DISOri CITT. KSBRA8KA Undertaker County Coroner 3s ft 1 . en 4 THOS. DEB I EN , Proprietor. Meals zxt All Hours 25c and SOc Being newly and neatly furnished throughout, we can offer the best of accommodations to the traveling public. DaaJtotak. City, Nebraska. Wir.H cr.HOOL NOTES 2H EDITED BY THI aENIOft CLASS jfHiV- Esther Learner was absent Monday. Myrtle Powell has been absent on account of shkoess. Final examinations begin in the grammar room next ween. Nellie Sanford is back in school again, after a couple of weeks' absence. The first and second primary rooms are missing three of their classmates, Hazel, Charlotte and Acie Bliven, who have gone with their parents to Pen der to live. The "field meet," which was to be held May 28, will be held Tuesday, May io, instead, vvetaxe tnis occa sion to invite all patrons to come out and spend tuat day wun tne young people. They will be glad to bavo you come, and we aUall entertain you as well as possible. - Come in the morniug, bring your dinner and stay all day. All Ready For Two-Day Show Sioux City Journal, May 10th: W H Barnes this marning received from A G Campbell a telegram saying that arrangements are complete to give the show on the Beall triangle May 28 and 29 for the benefit of tho Playground association, ISext oionuay two advertising cars will arrive here and forthwith the bill hoards will be clothed in gayly colored posters announcing the multitudinous acts in tho Campbell shows. Not only will Sioux City be thoroughly billed, but all towns within a radius of twenty miles will be flooded with posteis and advertising matter. The circus will arrive here early on the mornii.g of the 2Hth. A street parade each day will be followed by performances afternoon and evening. In the meantime the men and women interested in the Playgrounds associa tion will thoroughly canvass the city with tickets. By the sale of tickets it in hoped to secure sufficient funds to carry the Playgroun 1 project through its first season without asking the pub lic for subscriptions, (Vv-:i"..:3 vl.;i AT INNER B. F. Sawyer Tackson, Nebraska BO YEARS' V EXPERIENCE (Mil st&' Track Mark DcaioNa CopvmoMTa Ac. nay Ira. Hatnuu but for o'UfiiiitMit. The E. 81 B. Ball Bearing Sewine Maching and the One Minute Washer win praise every where, by giving universal satisfaction. Light Running Long Lasting. Let us show them to you Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co iinrva, to til tint fri. OI'lHkt "T lur l I'lUautl taken through M mortal ,u,ltC. WllhriUt Ctnni Scientific American. Hubbard Nebraska h.nrfuimftlr lUontratod weeklf. I.nnt tfir '".T.i". I iVm" fa T SU Waablumou. D. C. PAUL PIZEY, Dakota Citv. Nib. Bonded Abstracter Lawyers ALFRED PIZEYJ 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Iowa (&) Mvm The Herald for all the News When It IS News T.r..r.M. f nil l'iUli.rnU " ih.n of ar.v olh.f ' I'M - H. .i mlvlm. KCCUIACV ao4 MUP"lltr I Abstracts of Title I ar ...o.ciipnun i ....... u - - --- . .... I.mb-i, A cent.. ..... ultiil((i a alkali rai i.j. a..nl. Wintril. Hm "! . - . ... 1 .(!,,., lj lt.llunll.M srif pr.OllHM Ital lrfe AJirui THt UcCALL LO Vwfc I A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the accuracy of every Abstract I make Successor to Dakota County Abstract Co; Bonded Abstracter J. J. EIMERfJ I to I I