t r s.- ir r I want rvprT rlnnrlc th".imntlf to throw tvnv in mvilltlui all liniments, all Plant it, mil rlvr- MINIONS IUIKl'MA TIS.M KKMICliT n trlnU No matter what your dnrtor may a.y, no matter what your friends himjt any, no matter hor )irjiulli'i(l toii rent- tic against all adyar ll"d remedies, p nt oiwe to yer driiir rlBt ami cot a Lottie of the lUirci'Mt. 1 ISM It KM KI Y Ir It fitllM to rive .Mia faotlon,! will refund your niony. Mnujroa Remember tills remedy eontnln no ml Ifrllp Bv'il. no nt-lum cnenni morphine or pOior t.: inful lire's. It In put up under tl'f guarantee of t lie Pure Food autl Dray aet. For aale by all druggists. Price. 25c This Trade-mark Eliminates AH Uncertainty in tin; purchase of paint materials. It is an absolute (ii.ir.uiti'o of pur jty mid quality, lor your own protection, sec that it is on tlie siile of every keg of white lead yon Imy. N.tTlrNAl lf0 COMPANY 1S02 Trinity Buildinfr. n Tort FASHION HINTS Foulards are liicli in favor this season and really there is nothing more practical and satisfactory for a gown that must fit many occasions. The model Shown here would be very good for a foulard, either plain or figured. . If plain material is used. then the neck and lower sleeves should b4 In an open work pattern in lace or batiste. If figured silk is used then make the neck and sleeves of net or chiffon cloth. " Nutshell Tactlca. The stock argument ayaiust votes for women that they could not bear arms In event of war is not unanswerable. nistory Is explicit concerning wom en's efficiency as private soldiers, and at least one pood regimental officer Should be credited to the weaker sex. On the authority of Anatole France, Joan of Arc once declared her prin ciples of leadership : "I Bay, In among them, and I go In." The soldiers of France followed, of course. Could male regular or volun teer belter that? Fame. Unci Hiram So you play base ball, lo you, Dickey? Has your ball club got i name? Five-Yea r-Olil Has it got a name! Gee! You've heard of the Rng Alley Tannigans. haven't you, uncle? Well, I'm their rcc'lar shortstop. We're goin' to lehale the ei-crlmUm' stuflin out o' the Bumtown Killygnats next Saturday! Chicago Tribune. Any Chans an Improvement. Photographer Is that the most pleas ing expression you can assume? Sitter Yes, sir. Photographer Then, for heaven's sake, glare ferociously at mc ! Pain and swelling seldom indicate in' ternal organic trouble. They are usually the result of locnl cold or inflammation which can he quickly removed by a little llamliiis Wizard Oil. Try and see. No limit lo 111 Ability. "Now here," said the salesman, "is a cigar I cau rec-omuiend." "I know you can, young man," said the customer. "I tried one of them the ether day on your recommendation. What I want is a brand you can recommend without lying." Garfield Tea has brought good health to thousands! Unequalled for constipa tion, liver and kidney diseases. Composed f Herbs. Iluy from your druggist. t aught l b rev Ton of Motbe. An electric light trap to end the caterpillar plrgue by destroying the brown nun mollis that lay too rggs from which the caterpillars are hatched bus been devised and placed In successful operation at I.tttau, Ger many. The trap consists of two large and powerful reflectors placed over a deep receptacle Into which the moths are drawn by exhaust funs. The first night three tons of moths were taught. Jr-ina(are. The era of universal peace had dawned. "How delightful!" exclaimed the suf fragettes. "There will be no opposition now to our demands for the liullot !" Instantly universal war broke loose again. Red, Weak, Wearr, Watery Ey Bellertd by Murine Eve Ftemedy. Com psnndd by Kiperienced I'liyslcians. Mu lna Doesn't H-nsrt : Soothes ye l'ulo. Write Murine Ere Kemedr Co., Chicago, Car Uleatrated Kt Rook lit. la Professor What was Nero's grent crime? lirlnht Pupil--He played the fiddle. Teacher (dur'mt; a lesson en fowls) Mary, what Is tin c'? Mary An cp? Is n chicken not yd. Itecrult Please, serjjetmt. Ive ent a splinter in my 'a'ul. Serjeant In structor Wot yer been doin"? Mrokin' yer 'cad?-- Punch. 'Your fiancee seems to have a will of her own." "Yes. unit su:net lines I half regret lhi I'm the "-'lo bene-fleliiry."--Philadelphia Pres. ' Scott Wherever docs Enstly get the Idea that his JoUs are funny? Mott Oh. lie tells them to yeuni; ladles with pretty icetli !--l.imdon Answers. Ill Miss Sceiand holds her ac remarkably well, doesn't she? She Indeed she does. S!ie has been 'JO for nt least ten j-j-ars. -Illustrated Pits. Dentist (to worklngmnn. who has Just saved him from drowning! My dear man. how can 1 express my grati tude! Come to my house and I'll pull every tooth In your head for nothing. "'So your boy .losli Is an Inventor?" "Yes." nnswered Fanner ("tirntossel. "lie has Invented a lot o' labor-saving devices." "What are they?" "F.xetises for not working." Washington (I. C.) Star. "Mother. I've a dreadful thing to confess to you. Past nUht. when you told me to lie down In bed, I lied down, but after you turned out the gas I grounded my teeth at you In the dark !" Passenger Agent Here are some post-card views along our line of rail road. Would you like them? ratron No. thank you; I rude over the line one day last week and have views of my own on it. "I strolled into the Globe last night nnd heard Maxll. and I want to say right here that I think him the great est moiiologlst In the world." "You do, eh? You never heard my wife." Pos ton Courier. Farmer Honk ( musingly) They say Deacon Klutclipemiy's wife was n par agon before he married her, and Mrs. Honk ( briskly ) Nothing of tho lind! She was n Smith! I knew tho whole family. Puck. He was a countryman, nnd he walk ed along a busy thoroughfare nnd read a sign over the door of a manufactur ing establishment. "Cast Iron Sinks." It made him mad. He said that any Idiot oucht to know that. Invalid Huslmnd Did the doctor say I was to take all that medicine? Wife. Yes, dear. Invalid Husband Why, there's enough there to kill a donkey! Wife (anxiously) Then you'd better not take It all. John ! Tit-Pits. Former Ciistmner (after n long ab sence) What lias become of the pretty blonde that used to feed the hungry at lnr'iU CCiiuter? Djrk Skinned Walter (Jirl Pin her. What you goin to order, sir? Milwaukee News. "Mamma, may I play with Johnnie Cross?" "No, (ieorgie. He's a bad boy. Let him play with the other bad boys." "Well. Hint's all right, mamma. His mother Says I'm the worst boy on the street." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mrs. P.'g;s Mr. Meekman Is a splendid example of what a man ought to be. Mr. Hog,'s 'Nut on your life. He's a splendid example of what a wife, two sisters, a grown-up daughter and a mother-in-law think a man ought to hp. Puck. Sipilre's Daughter Would you mind throwing your little boy Into the pond? I want to sis- if my dog will rescue him. Villager Certainly not. Sipilre's Daughter I do wish you would. You're the second weman I've asked who has said "No." Punch. Little 1-year-old Allen had been giv en a "Noah's ark" on his birthday. One day he put the animals all in. shut the door mid sat silent for some time. "What are you waiting for, Allen?" asked his mother. "Waiting for It to rain," he replied. "I see you have my pamphlet on your desk," said the economist. "What do you think of It?" "It's Is-twlxt nnd be tween," answered the heartless friend. "It's too light tis tin argument and not heavy enough for a pnKr weight." Washington Star. Pitrber (to customer) Kazor all right, sir? Customer My dear man, If you hadn't mentioned It I'd never have known there was a razor on my face. llarber Thank you. sir. Cus tomer (continuing) I thought you were using a file! Doctor Why, how Is this, my dear sir? You sent mo a note stating that you had been attacked with mumps and I find you suffering from rheumatism. Patient -That's all right, doctor. There wasn't a soul in the house that knew how to spell rheumatism. Loudon Tlt Plts. "What brought you here, my poor uianT" Inquired the prison visitor. "Well, lady." replied the prisoner, "I reckon my trouble started In attendfn' too many weddlu's." "Ah! You learned to drink there, or steal, perhaps?" "No, lady. I was always the bride groom." Philadelphia Inquirer. "What Is It. uiadain?" asked the man behind the desk In an Intelligence office. "I want a cook," exclaimed the lady, patting the directolre knot on the back of her bead, "and I want her bad." "Quile lmple. madam." the clerk as sured her. "We have no other kind." New York Herald. li new Her. P.ertie, your Nelghboi mother la calling you. Pertle Ves'm, I know it, hut I fancy she doesn't want me very badly. Neighbor- Put she has called you seven times already. Perth- Yes. 1 know, but she hasn't called me "Albert" yet.-Philadelphia Inquirer. Every morning a man thinks of how much he will accomplish thut day. ISvery night, at supper, he utilises hlu alf for accomplishing so ll'.tla. ISTHMUS STKEWN WITH E0TTE3. Trip Arrnxa I'minnm I an l.irnl Ian to a "ravonril t.lolie Trot ter. t'r.issing the Isthmus of Panama by rail tbe tourist );ets an excellent view of the Culelun cut and other well known wonders of ( orss rue! ion. but far off from the railroad are feeders, dams, dikes, fills nnd fpills (hat are marvels of the englni ering world, of which the traveler is unable to get more than n passing glance and one has a wholly In adequate Idea of the great canal pro ject, w riles Archie Pell. Fores: s w hich screen the work of the Americans from the ees of passers by are wonders In themselves, and afford as delightful lews of tropical luxur iance as h found lu P.razll. Java, or i'y other place on earih. more dilli ciilt of act ess, jet in .re famous on this particular account In the public prints. Here nnd there are cemeteries with graves marked by crude iron crosses or plain slabs of wood. The gvound Is tilled the bones of men who went to the K;ln,,i;s on some mission or other nr.d fell a prey to fever and ma laria. Here are the skulls of the compan ions of tilt' Spanish explorers, here the graves of Americans who tried to beat their brothers to CnllfomH In lMt dur ing the ri'.-;h for gold, tlvvr yonder is a pntch o. land where the railroad builders found their last sleep. F.very where are the graves of canal diggers. Out of oi-o consignment of S.iA.o nien brought over by the French about tin survived. Consequently Ihe dredges and steamshovels dally, even hourly, scoop up the skeletons of the unfortu nate men whose dead bodies paved the route for the great intcroceanle canal. The tourists across the Isthmus will see great flocks of tropical birds, some of them of gaudy plumage and strange voices, which can be heard from the car THE OK EAT ivindows. Turltey buzzards are perched along the route hi every direction. In stinct teaches them a good thing when they see it, and there Is no happier place for buzzards nnd vultures than Panama. The ride from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean on a moderate American train In less than three hours should be an event In the life of the most sea soned globe trotter and there are many side trips by cart nnd nmleback which offer n veritable panorama of surprises to the northerner. . FAMILIES IN OLDEN DAYS. Often Heninrkably I. a rue, According to Authentic Itecorila. The north of England seems to be a fertile soil for large families, for In 17!)7 we read of n Cumberland man and his wife, accompanied by thirty of their children, all attending the christening of the thirty-first child, Says the Lon don Tit-Pits, ami In earlier years an other north countryman, Thomas Crcen hill, applied to t'.ie then duke of Nor folk, earl marshal, for an augmenta tion to Ids coat-of-anns on t tie singular ground that he was "the seventh son and the thirty-ninth child of one father a ml mother." In Conway churchyard there was to be seen It call scarcely be there to-day a tombstone bearing ' the following remarkable epitaph: "Here lyeth the hotly of Nicholas I locker of Conway, gentleman, who was the forty-first child of his father, William Hockcr. by Alice, his wife, nnd the father of twenty seven children, its:"." If man's family be considered as In cluding all his descendants, that of Peter Smith, who flourished In New Jersey in the seventeenth century, la entitled to a high place of honor, for at a recent annual gathering of Peter's progeny no fewer than 7.KS met nnd dined tigether under the apple trees in the orchard attached to the ancestral homestead. In families it Is not an unknown thing for one child to be old enough to have a sister or brother young enough to be Ills or her great-grandchild. Thus the eldest son of ThoWas Peatty of Drumeondra had passed his "3d birthday when his youngest broth er qualified for the cradle. When Will lam Frost, of lialphay, near Itlpon, li.il In 17'. his eldest child was a sturdy boy of ss summers and his youngest was barely lti, and the Ijtdy pow erscourt of to-day Is half a century older than her latest brother. There are eases on record where n century or more has divided the wed ding days of father and sou. The first earl of Leh-ester was first inarrhvl In 177."i and his son led bis second wife to the altar In August. 1S73; while I'apt, Francis Maude, who was married on June t!, IS 111, was follow ing the example Ills father. Ir1 Hawurden, bad set Mm ninety three years earlier, In 17"'i. Put both these eases are quite eclipsed by that of (ien. (). Stevenson of pristol. ho whs united to his third wife In WU nt the ,"::e or XL', uini whose father wis first wed In 17t. the year of Plenheim. This seeming Impos sibility is Hivoutiteil for by the fact that I tie father, w ho was born In liwi, was married for the third time at the age of 7 nnd the general was the sou of this late union. Thus we get Un remarkable result of a man whose father waa bora in Charles II. 'a reign . ... ,., , , ... v ... .tij . ... ;. F - , , . . . , .'S 1 "'V- ' .. ; -: ' ".. : ' - : '- u' ' . ". y wi.;v-A-.'..f..j:-,--.... .. ..-' , V'v' V:' v'it !'--,i'1--.;- ; - ; - " 'T:: ' ' : y ru r&yz&&s -vv -V4 wooing ntirt wedding within tbe men. ory of many jieople still living. SOME CURIOSITIES IN COLOR. IIIuo llnys 1 1 ii r 1 1 I to Kuans, anil IToru tireen Seen Farthest.. Put n growing plant tinder red glass nnd It shoots tip very tall nnd spindly, (ircen glass causes n similar effect, but not quite no strongly marked. Pine glass, on the other Intnl. seems to dwarf vegetable growth. A plant grown under blue glass Is nlways smaller than Its neighbor under transparent glass, says the Philadel phia Press, although the conditions are otherwise similar. A Serb's of experiments In growing plants tinder various colored glasuM was conducted by Ihe well known as. tronomir. Cainil'e Fbiininarioii. and the results, as above, reported by to Ihe French Academy. Light and color are full of odd puz zles, many of wbbh are still a gixid deal of n mystery. Dr. Mel Flns.-u, famous for bis clcelr!" Ilslit Invention for tbe cure of cancer, made exhaust lv experiments on the eiv.vts of Uahl r various colors on the various forms of animal life. One or two of these were very In teresting. For Instance, he placed a number of earthworms in a box mvered half with red, half with blue glass. In every case the worms were found to crawl nway from under the blue glass and take shelter nu.ler the red. where they remained qul.'e content. A chameleon llr.ard was then placed by tho experimenter In a sin ill box, so that half Its body was under blue and the other half under nnl glass, lie no ticed that st once the part under the blue rays turned black, while that part tinder red light remained almost white. It was evident that the creature was using Ills pigment cells to protect itself CFLFItKA CUT. against the disagreeable effects of the blue light. It Is now universally acknowledged that the blue rays are, of all the vis ible rays which we receive from the sun, the only t.ucs that can produce In jurious effects upon animal or plant life. It Is these blue rays that cau-ie scarring In smallixix. The skin In this disease boeomeH almost as sensitive .is a photographic plate. If the patient is kept in the dark no scarring results. Put a red light Is i-qunlly harmless as darkness nud less unpleasant to t in patient. Sunstroke, as we call it. Is produced not by light rays at all, but by the chemical rays of the sun. Sunstroke may thus be termed a photographic ef fect, and we can therefore list? color to fight It. Treat tho body aa a photographer treats his dark plates. Envelop It not lu black, as is usually done, hut in or ange. An orange-colored shirt nnd a coat and hat lined with orange fabric have actually been tried by otlleers In India, who had to march during hot weather. Men soj attired were certain ly rendered Immune to sunstroke. Certain blind persons can tell tho color of a llower by laying It. against their cheek. Actual experimenting shown that blossoms of certain colors are in reality warmer than those of other tints. A scientist who recently carried out il series of sm ii expu-linents found that dark reds and browim gave the sensa tion of greatest warmth, while lemon yellow was the coldest color. link is warmer than white, but whitv, curious ly enough is warmer than violet, blue or yellow. , rather odd fact about yellow l,s that a yellow light has greater power of penetration lu foggy weather than a pure while one. It has bi-en proved that the yellowish light of oil or gas In a lighthouse lantern can be seen farther out at sea than can the pure while of an electric, lamp. In clour weather and by daylight green Is visible at the greatest distance of any color much farther, for lnstam-c, than scarlet, which Is usually imag ined to be tbe most brilliant of colors. Indeed, blue, aiid even dark gray, lira far more visible at a distance than Is scarlet. The t'hrrrfnl Krraad-llunnera, "It Is realy h pleasure, ma'am, to ob serve how readily your little ly runs your errands!" "Oil, he's the loy that lives next door. I get him to do my errands be cause my own boy won't." "Ah! What is your isiy doing now?" "There be Is, rushing on an errand for the lady next door !"--Llpplncott's. 'I lie Idea Ki tended. "Wouldn't It Is- nice?" asked the eu miry of the parrot." "What would be nice?" queried the parrot. "If humans would only extend this wireless Idea to cages." Faltlmore American. o t'hanre. Her When are you going to sjienk to papa? 1 1 i in Oee, I don't know! Pre tried three times, and he's always been In. - Cleveland leader. England has 1 7. " X t I acre of laud available for fort-station. WIIAT C0L0R3 SHALL I tTSEf this Qnrallnn Is tirnnrtnnt In Taint Inn a Hon or Other llnlMlnnr. A proper color scheme Is extremely Important In painting n house. It inal.ei all the difference between n really attractive home, and one nt which you wouldn't tuko n second Fiance. Ami It makes n big difference lu the price the property will bring on the niiil-et. As to the exterior, n good deal dc poi.ds npon the size and architect tuv of tl;e l ouse, and upon its sut round Iiil's. for a goo 1 interior effect yon must loiisider the si.e of the rooms the Ik-lit. etc. Von tan avoid disappointment by sic ! ins: the books of color scheme for both exterior and Interior palming which can be had free by writing Na tional Lead Company. I'.h:'' TrintM Fielding, New York, and asking f i Hi useow tier's Painting Outlit No. I't The outfit also 1 1 it hides spec! lb -at Ions nnd a simple Instrutueirt for tesilnp the parity of paint materials. Fur White 1aul whi. Ii will stand the test In this out tit will stand ihe w eathe: test. National I'ad Company's famuli Duti-h Poy Painter trad 'mark on t!i ke. is a guarantee of that kind ci white lead. ne.iiitlful .lns Uaratenta. Spinning glass for practical uses was very well known by the nnolcn; Egyptians, nnd we are now rediscov ering it. Spun glass has long been known ns a curiosity. A Frenchman In the middle of the last century de veloped the process along commercial lines, but died without revealing his secrets. These seein, however. to have been recently rediscovered lu Oermany. Class thus drawn out Into very tblu threads is flexible and It Is thought It Will be possible to spin nnd weave It Into clothes. These garments would be Incombustible, non-conducting nnd impervious to acids. They can be ben tit (fully tinted by using tluted glass. The Insulating properties of the glass wool would render it valu able ns packing where It is desirable to keep In or exclude heat. In this case wa should be resorting to the mineral kingdom for our clothes. though ns yet we hnv not these asbestos gnriucuts which could be washed by throwing them on the Ore "WISHED FOR DEATH. SafTerlnifa from Kidney Trouble M'oro Do Acute. Mrs. Josephine Jeffery, 2-lth and Washington Sts., Marlon, Ind., says: "To look back upon what I have gone through, It seems a miracle that I live, and 1 feel that I owe it to Iouu's Kidney Pills. My case devel oped gradually. First, backache, floating spots before my ayes, weakness and exhaus tion, then a terrible steady pain over the kidneys nnd an extreme nervousness. loclors Anally said there was 116 liopo for me, but I began using Doan's Kid ney Pills and gradualy recovered tuy health." Sold by all dealers. GO cents a box. Foster-Milburu Co., Puffaio. N. V. Cirreler Dodged l-laooln. President Lincoln, having been often nnd severely arraigned In tho New York Tribune for what Mr. Oreeley considered bis alowuess In prosecuting the war, had said: "If he (Oreeley) objects to my policy, I shall be glad to have hltn state to me his views fruuk ly aud fully. I shall adopt his If I can. If I cannot, I will at least tell hhu w hy. He and I should stuud together." "If 1 were to go," said Gree!y when the words were repeated to him, "he would fciinply twist me arouud his fingers, as he always does." "Lincoln's smile would wilt uie in half a minute," he said on another oc casion when again urged to see the President and have a talk with blui. Ho is u wonderful man wonderful! I never csn harbor a thought agulnst him except when I keep uway from him." Western t anudu's Happy Prospects, In no year since the development of Western Canada began has spring brought a brighter outlook thiu it brings this year, in no preceding spring has there been greater nssur ance of iidfnncing development nud prosperity. The movement of Immigra tion has already assumed large propor tions, and Is as desirable in character us It Is satisfactory in volume; from a toss the Atlantic sturdy, industri ous and thrifty newcomers are arriv ing hi large numbers, homeseekera from Ontario und tbe oilier older provinces are coming in a steady stream, and from across the Interna tional boundary a movement Is already In fu'.l flow which, it is confidently predicted, will beat the records of nil previous years; special settlers' trains are crossing the line, loaded with ef fects, actuul material wealth being thus brought into the country at the rate of millions of dollars' worth monthly. Tbe movement is so uiipreis-denl ly lai'Ke that extra Dominion Immigra tion otllcluls have hud to be provided at both North Portal and at Emerson, and It Is estimated that the total num ber of new settlers from the I'nlted Slatss this year will be 70.m.K ut least, uud may run well up toward KMi.tssi. lnt year's total of new settlers from the South was 5.1,7'.'.'!; thus the area that will be placed lu wheat and other grains this year will greutly exceed that of last year. Settlers uie making extraordinary efforts to get tin their lands and begin seeding operations. The price of wheat now, it way ubove tho dollur mark, is incentive enough, and when one has in view the splen did results that the past few years have shown, It Is not to be wondered at that the pr client will be the buiiuer year for Immigration to Canada. Ask your ties rest Canadian, government agent for rates of transportation, uud ha will also Head you Illustrated pamphlets. PUTNAM C4sr tmt ts fcrltstcr aa lattar cslsrs Asa aay t' Tlie month Way, In the Inst generation Tyler Cobb, Esq., ns a well known citizen of North P.rMgcwoter now Prockton Massachusetts. He was famous throughout Plymouth County, says n contributor to the Poston Herald, for bis witty retorts and dry humor. Never having taken a aea trip, Mr. Cobb one day concehed tho Idea cf making n voyage to New York. Ac cordingly he sailed from Boston In n small schooner. The first day out a storm was en countered and Mr. Cobb beennie vio lently shk, but lifter several hours he niusleicd up courage and strength to look out upon tbe troubled waters. Aa he looked from the side of the little ship up the trough of the sen, it seemed very smooth to him. The captain's cutting of tbe waves was 'senseless," he told himself. Put as this mad steering continued, the unhappy passenger finally crawled out, on hand aud knees to where f.u? captain stood at the wheel, and raising Ids video nbove the din of waves ami wind shouted : "Man, man, keep In the ruts, keep in thtsure .(-sit ctnfwyp cnifwyp nifw In the ruts!" CURED ITCHING! HBMOIt. nitf, I'n Inful Swelllnars Broke nnd IHd .Not Ileal SuftVred Thre A pun Torture Yield to Catlenra. "I.lttle black swellinKS were scatter ed over my face and neck and they would leave little black scars that would itch so I couldn't keen from ecrntchltiK them. Larger mvell Intra would hppenr nnd my clothes would stick to tbe sores. 1 went to a doctor, but the trouble only got worse. F.y tlila time it was all over uiy nnns nnd the upper part of my body In swellings ns large ns n dollar. It was so ptiln-. ful that I could not bear to He on my j tmciv The seiimd doctor stopped the swellings, but when they broke the places would not heal. I bought n set j of the Cutlcura Remedies nnd in less thau a week some of the places were j nearly well. I continued until I had used three sets, nnd now I nm sound and well. The disease lasted three' years. O. L. Wilson, Puryear, Teun.. Feb. 8, PJOS." Potter Drug & Chcm. Corp., Sole Props, of Cutlcura Remedies, Poston. ArroBjaace of Wealth. "What's them apples worth'.'" asked th faruirr, stoppiuf in front of a fruit -mud. "In that pile?" aald tho proprietor of the stand. "Fivt cents apipce." "So? Well. I gutsa I'll eat about a lime's worth." Thereupon ba took two big red apples out of a capacious pock ft in his over coat nnd strolled on, placidly munching one of them. Chlra-ro Tribune. How's This? VV offer One Hundred Pollara fteward for any caso of Catarrb thai luunot U cured by lUII'i Catarrh Cure. K. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, bav known K. J. Chmey.for tlie last IS years, and tielleva blm perfartly honorable In ail business trans actions and flnamlally able to carry out any obllguttons niade br his Arm. Waldixq, Kisnas k MabviS, Wholesale llruKKlnts. Toledo. O. rtall'i Catarrh Cure U tatcu Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tlie svsleui. Teatimoutals sent free. Price 73 cents per bottle. Bold by all (img-glsta. Take iUsII's Family Pills for constipation. The Experienced twls. The crowd around the posfoftVe store, i after exhausting the possibili ties of politics, local nnd national, bad been discussing the alleged lack of the truth-telling Instinct in Old Man Simp kins. Uncle Fzra came in, nud Jim l'eters suld : "What do you think nbout it, Uncle F.zra would you call Old Man Slmp kins a liar V" "Weli," answered Uncle Fzra slowly as he thoughtfully studied the celling. "I wouldu't co so fur ns to cull the old uuui u Mar. but I do know It to be a fact Unit when feedln' time come to get any response he bus to have somebody else cull his hogs fur hliu." Woman's Home Companion. A Fanioo Health Hullder. A medicine that will demise tlie bowels and put them In condition to do their proper work unaided will do more than unything else to preserve health and strength. Such a lued lei lit is the tonic laxutive herb tea, Lnnu's Family Mediclue. Get a 2."c. package to-day at any druggist's or denlcr's. No matter what you have tried before, try this famous herb tea. S-cs Only W'lirn I.yluu Down. 1'hyslcluns In the Manhuttau Fye. Far and Throat Hospital lu New York are very much, mystified by the case of n patient who cau see only when In a recumbent position. He Is a youn man. In otherwise perfect health, nud Is nn athlete. A few months ago he was struck In tlie face while playing football nnd tliice thut time bus been unable to see when islanding or Kit ting, but when lying down his sight Is normal. The doctors arc unable to un derstand the case. A Cur for Colds and Crip. There is iucoovrnipoet-, Miitferinx and danaar in a cold, aud the wuiuirr is tha' people will take so few piveuutions aeuinst cold. One or two I.un-'a Pleas ant Tkblou (be aiire of thr name) tuki-u when the brat snutlly fei-linit apprars. will stop the progrvNa of a cold and save a gr.-Ht deal of uiiiit-ce.iHurj' sufft-riiiK. Drtis IctKtai aud dealers Keurrully nll llx-se t:ih lels, price "jj ct-nts. If you cannot iri-t them seud to tirulor V. Woodward, Ituj, N. V, Sauiple free. Atuu.a k lira k(, Mrs. lliliuppe I'ucle Henry Is so stupidly plfbvluii. Keully, I aui exas perated every time he calls. Mr. Hlj-liuppe-In what way, my dear? Mrs. llishuppt-Why be always ask If our baby cries. Am If we hud one of those old fiiHl'I'-neil luililes! Wrs Wluslow's HiHiiuina bjrsp tor ihlld rrn teeililng. s'-fteua Ilia aruuis. reJqcea In tlniuiiisileii. allays palu, iuie uluil cuUu. Uv a hot t la. 'lbs Wlnta-r .( Mis "Wliat'a the mutter? itlat'ooteat. Aren't your pictures a success' "N.i." "I'.ut the piipers suy they are full of warmth." "That's It; they are all Arctic Hvues." Hi. e.,,.. 1 "oat. FADELESS DYES alkar ii: ss I Of aacttf tslsrs ill llssra, fkai if DOCTOR ADVISED ' OPERATION Cured by LydiaE.Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound Taw Taw, Mich. "I fmfTereil ferrl i My from female ilia, incliKiiiiff lnflam- ! ination and conges tion, for several years, ily doctor paid tlicro was no hope for ind but aa oix-ratioi). I begim t'lkitiEr J.ydia E. Pink ham's Vegeta ble Compound, and 1 can now Bay I am a well woman." Emma Dj:ater. .Another Operation Avoided. Chicneo, 111. '"! want women to know what that wonderful medicino, Lydia K. l inkham'a Vegetable Com j'ound, lias done for mo. Two of tho lest doctors In Chicago said I would din if I did not have an ojH-ration. and 1 never thought of Beeiiif? a well day .gain. I had a small tumor and female troubles so that 1 suffered day and night. A friend recommended Lydia E. I'inkhnm's Vegetable Compound, nnd it mado m? a well woman." Mrs. Ai.vena HrmiiiNO, 11 Langdon St, Chicago, 111. Lydia E. Plnkham's VoRctablo Com- f'ound, made from roots and herbi, ias proved to lie the most successful remedy for cininp" the worst forms of letnaie ills, mcli-amir olsDlaccmenta. inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu- larities, periodic nalns. backache,, bear. ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, and nervous prostration. It cost but a triilo to try it, and the result has been worth millions to many Buffering women. "I find Cascarets so good that I would not be without them. I was troubled a great deal with torpid liver and headacha. Xiow since ukingCaicarets Lanuy (atnae tic I feel very much better. 1 shall ct tninly recommend them to my friends a the best meutciue 1 have ever seen.' Anna Dazirirt, Osborn Mill No. a, Fall River, Maaa, rteatant, Palatable, Potsnt, Tills Goad. Io Good. Never Slcksa.Wosltm or Oris. 10u. 25". Mo. Ncvtr '.J In bulk. Theieaa Ino tabk-t stamped C C C. Uuaiacttsd to euro or your moiiey baca. 823 Tu3 Hanson I Mnk and Sell More Mod's $3.00 & $2.60 Shaaa Than Any Other Manufacture ( tHK-siHt I s'.r I ha wfkrtr tht bnflt of ill Bint oodi:.u m Kinit!on o tislSMi uu s&a sluu4 )to.siiri id lh oountry. Tht a!ectlin of th. IwUhtrt (tor Mrh pirt f ifes hv sn4 avtry fULtli of the m.k tif In artrr ttoDtxtsietit. w luok,d tftr br tht hft ltnwvliT In the (ho indtiUr. i i cram iuow y-s sow CftTnuiT w . 1.. unnil I ali sr ibm1. tob woald tlin sodani&ad whv thev sold thai ahapa, at battar, and waa loaf ar thjjt say othar aubka. My Method nf Jannlng iht Solet ma 01 thtm f se Flexible and Longer Wearing than any other. SIiom far Kv-rj Member f the Fninlly. Ale-u, lljr, sVuiurii, M las unl '-.itllraW K'rnl hy ih( dMUpra fireiywhrt. PIMTiriM I '""e avmiliH uillioiit W. I. Tonytas LfnU IIJll I i-a-'iia anil ltrli-a atmiiiH-.t 011 Iiutloia. Fut Color EyaWts tis4 Bzelnalvaly. Oatalog aalltd fta. W. L. DO-JULAS, l7 Sparli St., Brackloa, Mats. , .'a m EIEfifJAG PositlfelT cured bf these. Little PUls.( TUcy ana rellere Dla tress trom Dyspepsia, Ia dtffestlon and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem edy for Dlzzlneas, Nanaeo, Urowstnoss, Bad, Taata in the VmUu Coat TnnjTTie, Pain In tbe Side, TORPID LIYEtl. TftS-a regulate tbe Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRIC Gsnuina Must Bear Fan-Simile Signaturf r.sFUJ? SUSSTITUTES. VfrBKi TOmrriwa to ADTKKTisau 1? vi a tbU Isas say fum saw sava 4ramtoBaa of Wheat Land I in Western Canada WILL MAKE YOU RICH 50 Uusosla ix-r sere hsy tMen frown. (Wasral a reraie arvawr than Id any fther sari of thsCaav tinfiu. Itiidrr NVw Kiauiaii,ins it I puhuISs ts svui s Hoim-stead M Iw acrrs I nss. aud aUaittoaa1 loo acn- at J i per acre. " Tb (Wteluviurot of the country has mad nv-rvetttius strides. It is a revoia ihii. a rec rd is cuequest by sttlcmtnt that is rem jrk able."- Kxtract tnmi cor rewpmidence? of a Natiomtl Kditur. who lid C'snsiia ia August last. Tie uraiii crow of 1J will n t mxny larmsra 3n.iw i per men. GraiawaiaUs. MixaJ Kaiwinir sot Dairyina ara I ho principal iadss irir. Ciimaia is rxca-llcnt: Siicial ( nndilions tho bki: Hallway Advantages unenuailed: Silussa. clHirchcs .nid markrl clou at hand. I.nmla may also be purchased (roiu Railway and Land companies. rU "LAST HIJHT WH8T" pamplilcis, mais and lulormatioo as to h.m to aucure loxost Kailway Kales, apply to S l. bcott. Superintendent ol Iinmif ration, lluaua, t suada. or E. T. Holmes, Jit; J-cfcaoa M.,-i. Paul, Mam, and ). M. MaiLsclilan, Has lib, Wsiertown, bo. Dakota. Aulho-il Govaaa niriit Agents, flsus ajl bars f no aaw Wila sdawrtlasasat. PILES tun T.r- UtA CO.. Dpi. li t rialulft L'M 1 OS. MUasaa.lia. Mia II lilllcled with Sore Eyes, km HOMPSON'S EYE W11ER K. C. N. IT. . . o lti 1909. la cats' tk ktSay (las say slksr ays. ta. aw 1 . : . ',e;t v;V,.V 1, . "'' A EaftZf UUEB v- c-C "I.COTQ?) oo Var CARTER'S h PI US. GARTERS fITTIE IVER PIU.S. IHSHacres