Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 30, 1909, Image 5

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    Local Items
Friday, April 30, 1909
Having a good stock of hardware
nd tinware on hand, we ask yon to
call and Bee u. Schriever Bros.
Mrs Will Mason, of Bonth Sioux
City visited relatires bere Tuesday.
8 r Barnes was here Motday from
Homer looking after business matters.
Clifford Jndd and wife were orer
Sunday guests at the M M Ream
Wm Ooertz. of llubbard preoinet
visited at the J P Rockwell home Mon
day night.
Fred Blume on Saturday was ap
pointed administrator of the estate of
Robert Blume, deceased.
The kid ball nine from the high
school went to Homer Saturday after
noon and defeated the boys there 9 to 6.
Mrs Lettie llempton came down
from Wakefield Monday to visit her
sister, Mrs D H Eager, and other rela
tives. Bertha Minter and Fred Bachert re
turned Thursday of last week from
Fort Dodge, Io, where they had been
visiting for two weeks.
Any cash customer who spends a
dollar at Van de Zedde'a, sugar except
ed can get their choice of any glass
dish on the center table.
flole, both of Sioux City, were married
at the home of Judge Stinson April
15th, Rev Oeo Bray offoiating.
Attorney M F Langhlin will soon
open an office for the practice of law
here He has rented the Barney
Oribble house near the court house.
Anna and Alice Ryan, of Jefferson,
8 D, were here Friday taking out
paper preparatory to filing on Kiokead
homesteads in the western part of this
Subject of the sermon Sunday morn
ing at the M E church, "The Undenia
ble Proof of the Christian Faith."
Evening Subject, "A Conference to be
avoided." '
Tern Lake and family moved here
from Homer Tuesday. Mr Lake is
the new manager of the E & B Lum
ber company at this place, and will 00
cupy the E & B cottage.
D II Hager and wife will leave Sat
urday for Winnipeg, Canada, where
Mr Hager will re-enter the employ of
MoLanghlin & Ellis, lumber dealers
who he has worked for the past two
Remember we handle a full and
complete line ot overalls and jackets,
and it will pay you to oall and look
over our stock, whether you wear over
alls or not. Prices are what talk, and
our goods speak for themselves. Van
de Zedde.
Mrs 0 E Bliven left Saturday for
Yalantine, Nebr, to join her husband,
who has taken np a Kenkead home
stead in Cherry county. She was ac
companied by her father, Wesley Me
Pherson, who went to take a look at
the country .
The Rev John Crewes, soperintend
ent of the Crowell Memorial Home at
Blair, Nebr., represented that insti
tution to the good people of the Meth
odist church lust Sunday and was re
warded by a substancial gift of one
hundred and seven dollars.
The following corps of teachers has
been eleoted by the Dakota City school
board, and have all accepted the posi
tions: Prof J 8 Josiassen, principal;
Margaret Davis, of Peru, assistant
principal; Mamie Corkindale, of Wake
field, Bessie Robertson and Mildred
Spencer of this place, and Lorraine
Murphy, of Homer, grade touchers.
The W H & F M society of the
Salem Lutheran church will hold their
next regular meeting at the home of
Mrs Burnett Oribble on Friday May
7th at 2:30 pm. The following pro
gram will be rendered: Hymn, 401;
prayer, Kav Oberholizer, roll call
minutes of last meeting, order of serv
ice No 0, Bible reading, Mrs Alice
Sides, tract, Mrs Fred Culbertson,
business, hymn, 67, Lords prayer.
A pair of burglars were captured at
South Sioux City last Friday night,
wnue gomg inrougn tue Hardware
store of the Edwards & Bradford
Lumber company. They were discov
ered at an early hour in the store by a
passerby who immediately notified II
M Tollinger, manager for the company.
With the aid of Marshal Castor and
other citizens the men were captured
while sttll in the store, About $55
worm 01 cutiiery pocKctknives, ra
zors, etc, were found in the pockets of
the burglars when oaptured. Sheriff
J P Rockwell brought the prisoners to
this place and lodged them in the
county jail, and on Saturday they were
taken before Judge Stinson for a pre
liminary hearing. They gave their
names as Frank J Brice and James
Cullen. They waived examination
and were bound over to the district
court under $500 bonds each, in default
. of which they will languish in the
-county jail until court convenes.
A baby girl was born Wednesday to
Mr and Mrs Harry Brown.
Mrs Panl Pisey went to Randolph,
Iowa, Wednesday to visit hr parents.
John Boler, of Jackson, has been ap
pointed executor of the Patrick Casey
A girl was born at the home of Oeo
F Stevens and wife, of Brushy Bend,
last Saturday.
Mrs Dr Young, of Tonca was here
Thursday transacting business with
the county Treasurer.
Elmer B Doherty and Mary Olson,
of Sioux City, were joined in marriage
Saturday by Judge Stinson.
The dance, given in the new hall
last Friday eveniug was quite largely
attended, and a fine time is reported.
The W n and F M society of the
Lutheran church will meet with Mrs
Schmied Thursday afternoon, May 6.
Bernard M Boals was installed a
trustee of the Salem Lutheran church
on last Sunday, to succeed himself,
for a period of five years.
Messdams J F Sides, W L Ross, RE
Evans and Mary R McBeath leave
Monday for Lincoln to attend, the ses
sion of the grand chapter O E 8.
The will of the late Mary Curran
was filed for probate in the county
court Tuesday. Thos Curran, brother
of tho deceased, is named as executor.
Oeorge Eohlmeier removed his
household effects to his new home in
South Sioux City Monday. Oeorge
and his estimable wife will be greatly
A display of fine glassware, that
looks as nioe almost as any cut glass,
and sold dirt cheap; your choice on
the center table for only 10 cents, at
Van de Zedde's.
C W Oarlock, of Walkers Island,
filed a complaint in Jndge Stinson's
court Wednesday night against Oeorge
Barnett, charging him with assault.
The case was continued for thirty days.
W P Warner was here from Omaha
Taesday attending to legal matters
connected with the Wm Nixon estate.
The affairs of settling up the estate
have been amicably settled between
the heirs,
I have now, with my new stock, a
fine assortment of queensware, and
anyone who wants anything in that
line can get it as cheap or cheaper
than they can buy it in Sioux City.
Try me and see. Van de Zedde.
Mr and Mrs A Christiansen moved
to Morning Side Tuesday, where they
will engage in the store business io
partnership with Asa Bailey. Fred O
Stanard has rented the Christiansen
home and will take up his residence
J C Smith was down from Hubbard
Saturday attending to business mat
ters and incidentally doing a little so
liciting for the new Lutheran church
there. He stated that less than $200
would pay of all debts against the
Announcements have been received
here for the commencement exercises
of the University of Illinois sobool of
pharmacy held at Chicago on Thurs
day, April 26th. Frank H Niemeyer,
formerly of this place and a son 01 Wm
Niemeyer, is a member of the clans
which numbers seventy-six. v
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
churoh every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11am; Sunday school, 10
am! Class meeting 12 m; Epworth
League, 6:30 p m; Preaching, 7 :30 p
to. Preach in Uraoe ounrcn every
Sunday at 2 :30 pm. You are cordially
invited to any and all these services.
Have you seen our latest production
in photos? We are now making some
of the finest photos made anywhere
for the money and prices very low.
For groups, wedding or baby photos,
nee us first, and save money.
Dk Luxe Studio,
Next to 6 and 10c sto'e, 40j 4th, Sioux
City, Iowa.
Having recently been assigned the
management of the Ed ards & Brad
ford L'br Co .'a business at this point,
it will be our aim to supply the trade
of Dakota City and vicinity with good
reliable merchandise at the lowest pos
sible figure consistent with good busi
ness management. With the addition
of new lines and the enlargement of
the present stock, we hope to be favor
ed with a liberal share of your patron
ace, We want your business. We
will not be under-sol.l.
V O Lake, Manager.
One of the greatest pitcbiog duels ever
seen ou the Lincoln Baseball Club's
grounds oocured last Friday,' when
Greeu's Nebraska Indians played the
Linooln Western League Club. Tobey
pitched for the Indians and Johnson
for the Lincoln team. Johnson was
formerly the star pitcher of the In
dians and so was working against
old team mates. Tobey allowed only
four hits and Johnson only three. For
seven innings neither team got a man
to second base. Then a lucky hit by
Davidson, after an error by the Iudian
third baseman, scored the only two
rnns of the game. Lincoln won 2 to 0
Sa.turdayf May 1st
25c Cookies 10c per lb. 3 pkgs Pancake Flour. .25c
Catsup and Chilli Sauce 3 Bottles for 25c
Golden Egg Rfacaroni 5c per pkge
All Laces up to 5c a yard, at 3c
StvturdEvy, May 8tK
Four Individual Bottles Catsup SOc
1-pound package Taney Seeded Raisins , lOc
3pkges Egg 0-See..23c Horseshoe Tobacco lb. .4-5 C
Dakota City. Nebraska
J H Rockwell of nomer was doing
business bere Saturday,
Aidie U Sides was last week ap
pointed executor of the late Adam
Sides. '
The poetofQce was moved Saturday
night to new quarters in the old bank
A fine little daughter arrived at the
home of Andrew Eramper and wife
last Friday,
The carpeuters have begun work on
tit ell A Sohmiod's new residence north
of his store.
John F Sides, deputy U S marshal,
left Wednesday on a business trip to
the western part of the state. .
Clyde T Reese and Lillian E Wag
ner, both of Sioux City, were joined
in marriage by Judge Stinson Monday,
Laura Williams, sister of Mrs Kid
Ream, went to Homer Monday where
she will reside at the Oeorge McBeath
Addie Sides brought home a new
Cadillao automobile from Sioux City
Tuesday, the first machine owned by
a farmer in this locality.
Bert Harden stopped off Wednesday
for a short visit at home, ne has been
making South Dakota in the interei-ts
of the Oalena Oil company.
Jay Bliven has gone to Pender to
take the position of section foreman,
Seval Olsen, who held the job, having
resigned and returned to the section
here .
Barney Oribble will soon commenoe
the erection of a cottage on his farm
on the north side of Crystal lake, for
the use of himself and children during
the summer. x
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fiilds & Slaughter Co.
Tbxo E Bliven, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
Regular preaching at Salem next
Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock.
8unday school at 10:00. Preaching
t Emmannel church, Dakota Uity at
-.00 p m. Sunday school at 9:45 a m.
Your opinion about what you see is
determined partly by how you see.
Very few people have normal vision.
Ouly perfectly fitted glasses will give
toth relief and normal sight. W C
Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist.
The Kozy Studio is making special
low prices during the spring months.
Cabinets $1.50 np; also 24 small Pho
tos 25c, 12 postals 60o. We lead in
low prices. All work guaranteed.
Kozy Studio,
304 Douglas street, Sioux City, Io.
The following paper, which was
read by 8 A Stinson, merchant at this
place, at the big Shenkberg show in
Sioux City last Thursday, was so well
poken of by those who heard it that
we herewith publish it:
Pleasure conies to the person who Is
willing to work in the field to which
his inclinations have been called.
here never has been a time during
all the past nges of civilization, nor
has It been discovered to this day,
hen any Royal road lead3 us contin
ually In paths of pleasantness and
peace. If such a thing as that could
be possible, all the powers of man.
Intellectually physically, morally and
spiritually would dwindle and decay.
It is that bold rush for existence that
makes our people what they are, and
In no business is competition stronger
toan In the mercantile business. True
it Is, that we find as many failures in
the professions and amongst the farm
ers as we do among the merchants. I
believe a man may truly be called a
failure who does not make advance
ments In his line of business so that
the general public can notice them.
Of course. It is not expected that a
person will continually advance with
out reverses in business, but a con
tinual standstill from year to year
shows negligence and a want of ambi
tion to be something in the world.
The pleasures which crown our
pathway through life munt come along
In our every day work. The man who
expects to labor a lifetime or until he
accumulates a fortune and then sit
down and take enjoyment, will never
realize on his investment the per cent
of pleasure which a legitimate busi
ness should pay. The man of the hour
who wishes to have pleasure thrust
around him must gather it day by day
and must show a system of honesty
in lis business. Let a man have the
reputation of being fair and upright
in his dealings and he will possess the
confidence of all who know him. With
out these qualities every other merit
will prove unavaillHK. Ask concerning
a man, "Is he active and capable?"
Yes. Industrious, temperate and regu
lar in his habits? O, yes. Is he honest?
Is he Trustworthy? Why, as to that.
I am sorry to say that he Is not. to be
rusted; he wants watching; he is a
little tricky; and will take an undue
advantage If he can. Then I will have
nothing to do with him will be the in
variable reply. Part with anything
rather than your integrity, and the
pleasure that Is afforded by this mode
of living will amply repay you. Some
there are who are callous as to this.
Some there are wno, In stooping to
mercantile dishonor in driving the lm
moral bargain, think they have done a
clever action. You may be prosperous
In your own eyes; you may have real
Ized an envied fortune; you may have
your automobile and servants; but
rather a crust of bread with a good
conscience than a stately palace wltb
out it.
We must admit as merchants that
wo have an innumerable train of hang
ers-on in the business, who pass along
down the stream of mercantile activ
ity with scarcely a bubble of enjoy
ment about them. They live well, and
dress well as long as possible, living
as they do upon the generosity of
wholesalers and friends, and often
pass on for years before juBtlco over
takes them. So long as these persons
can keep up fashionable appearances
and elude the police, they are received
into the company of the "Upper Tens.
Hut soner or later the deeper prln
ciplt's of right will prevail and Justice
will be meted out to them. This, o
course, Is Just as prominent In every
vocation in life; but the successful
merchant who Is striving to reap hap
illness will not take the advantage
liis fellow man. The greatest men
business today are those who look af
ter the liulo things carefully. Mlchae
Angelo was one day explaining to
visitor at his studio what he had bei
doing to a statue since his pievlou
visit. "I have retouched tills pa.'t, po
lulled that, softened this feature
brought out that muscle, given some
expression to this lip and more ene
gy to that limb." "Hut these are tri
lies," remarked the visitor. "It ma
be so. " replied the sculptor, "hut reco
lect that trifles make perfection, an
Sold only in
Noisture Proof
1 n c:y m
J NTT) (fG&fri svsy
makes them the best soda crackers ever baked?
makes them the only choice of millions?
makes them famous as the National Biscuit?
National - Biscuit - Goodness
perfection is no trifle."
Fellow merchants, we must Improve
every opportunity foe our advance
ment, or failure Will be written on our
banner. Do you suppose that we can
try one business and then another and
tints while away our lives and make it
a success? The secret of one's success
or failure In nearly every enterprise
is usually contained In the question,
How earnest is he?" The talent of
Biiccess is simply doing what you can
do well, and doing well whatever you
do without a thought of fame. Be
cheerful, for it is the only happy life.
The times may be hard, but it will
make them no easier to wear a gloomy
and sad countenance. It Is the sun
shine and not the cloud that makes
the flower. The sky is blue ten times
where it is black once. You probably
have troubles; so have others. None
are free from them. Perhaps It is as
well that none should be. They give
new and tone to life fortitude and
courage to man. That would be a dull
sea, and the sailor would never get
skill where there was nothing to dis
turb the surface of the ocean. It Is
the duty of everyone to extract all the
appiness and enjoyment he can with
out and within him, and above all,
e should look on the bright side of
things. What though things do look
little dark. The lane will turn and
end In broad .daylight. Men were not
made to hang down either heads or
lips; and those who do only show they
are departing ironi tne pains or true
common sense and right. Oive us
men who do not change with the wind,
as do weather-cocks, but like tho
mountains who change the winds
themselves. Do not live in hope with
our arms foided; fortune smiles on
those who roll up their sleeves and
nut tneir shoulders to the wheel.
What a departure from the field of
wholesaling was launched when the
Shenkberg company stepped aside
from its old trodden paths and took
into its confidence the retailer. Such
step as that was considered suicidal.
When we Btop and think what a step
like that means It does not take a
philosopher to tell us what the result
will be. Whenever you show the peo
ple you are Interested In them, then
is they stop from their labors for
a time and ask, wnat you have to offer.
What retailer isthere that does not
want his dollars to purchase as many
goods as possible? None that I have
heard of as yet. Why, then, is it a
good thing? Because others are pull
ing for the same thing. More friends,
more business, more dollars.
A great many persons who will look
upon this project in tne ruture win
consider It luck; but my friends, it Is
pluck which weaves the web of suc
cess. It is not luck, but pluck, that
turns the wheel of fortune. It is pluck
that amasses wealth, that crowns men
with honors, that forges the luxuries
of life. It Is this thought I would In)
press on you that in order to gain en
Joyment you must bo vlgllent i!nd
brave; and when you have done your
work as best you could, it may be said
of you as Longfellow has put It
lii'.i was the troubled life,
The conflict and the pain.
Th grief, the bitterness of strife,
The honor without stain.
h'o when a great man dies,
Kor years beyond our ken,
The light he leaves behind him
Upon the paths of men.
not needed
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a
strong drink. As now made,
there is not a drop of alcohol
in it. It is a non-alcoholic tonic
Sand alterative. Ask your own
tmnpmr aNnifr trtiif til Inn rtile
medicine for thin, impure
blood. Follow his advice
every time. He knows.
W publish our foriuulu
Wm bnlih nloottol
from our mdiciuc
We urea you to
oon.uit your
Ask your doctor, "What is the first great
rule of health?" Nine doctors out of
ten will quicMy reply, " Keep the bowels
rnvsbr " Then ask hlin another ques
rr", "Whi-tdo vou think of Ayer's
. .-'O'r.ition?'
- I...TV UII,MUI."
Personal Mention
AZINE has come back to
town on a visit, after nearly
two weeks' absence. He
says he hopes to stay quite
a while with a number of
the best families; he brings
with him a lot of new
stories- -good ones ; his
health is much improved.
For sale at Schmied'a News-stand
County Coroner
IJ. F. Sawyer
Jackson, Nebraska
IT T""
Take Notice
Notice is hereby given that all
streets, alleys and vacant lots in Da
kota City must bo cleaued of rubbish
at once by the adjoining property own
ers, or the same will bo done and taxed
to said property owners,
Jauks Fl'ESTON, Marshal.
sira c 2 t W r Ik
Sidewalk. Cisterns Gswes
Estimates furnished. r All work guaranteed.
Htvi-i-y II IToltzt Dakota City. Nebr.
I Specials on Horse Blankets and Lap Robes
Strong, Square Wool Blankets $1.40
Large, Strong, Square Blankets 1.75 4
Brown Duck-Lined Storm Blankets 1.70 1
Heavy Plaid Duck-Lined Blankets 2.00-
Heavy, Plain Plush Lap Robes 2.75
Heavy, Fancy Plush Lap Robes 4.50
Very Fine Black Fur Robes, Large 8.75 ;
Very Fine Black Fur Robes, Extra Large.. 10. 50 .
Sttsrgges Bros
411 Paawrl Street
Sloxsx City Iwas.
'"""""IS. 'I
n iNrreDg
Cream Separators
save work of hand
ling and washing
pans or crocks.
Skim all tha cream
from the milk. They
are very strong and
durable. Parts are
few, simple, easy to
get at. Have all
conveniences such
as low supply can,
cream pail nheif.and
easy to wash bowl
Examine the 1909
Model U. S.
Separator at
Carl Andorson'H
llubbard, . . . Nebraska
City - Hotel
THOS. DEBIEN, Proprietor.
Meals a.t All Hours
25c and SOc
Being newly and neatly furnished throughout, we can
offer the best of accommodations to the traveling public.
DavlcottK City, Nebraska.
Patronize Home Industry buy your m tats of
Proprietor of
City Bfteat Market
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
goes on
for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays