Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 30, 1909, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Official Paper of the County
Subscription Trice. $1.00 Ter Year.
Mr Hawk and family Saoilajed at
the 0 i; Smith home.
John Howard aLd family were Jack
mod visitors Saturday.
All kinds of breakfast foo:ls at Carl
. r f t 1. - - .1 1
..,.. r.UK'ae Uari r reueriCKBeu uB rej icreu uu
if ftm our fc-YcnansreS T I , . .... . i. o.
i . or nmnied tue interior oi me uunt ohih
fioGMQKjWOiO ImproTes its ap
oriwd of pearanoe
Ponca Journal: Quite a
yonng folks attcndod the
Jackson last Friday.
dance at
Sloan, Jo, Star: Miss Johnson, of
Homer, Nebr, daughter of a former
pastor at Albaton, was in towu last
Tender Times: Don CriDklaw was
in town Friday, lie will not remain
at Hoskins but has received the ap
pointment as operator at Wayne
Decatur Herald: J W Olbrey has
moved the building he recently pur
chased of Al White np on Main street
and will remodel it into a fine residence
Tender Republic: Clias Hedges, the
operator at the depot, has been trans
ferred back to Wakefield . We regret
that the company did not see fit to
leave him with ns permanently. A Mr
Nichols is the new operator.
Thurston items in Tender Republio:
W W Tonnds was a passenger to Hub
bard last Suuday....Miss Helen
Queen was a passenger to Emerson
Tuesday evening. .. .Lew Tearey and
nephew Luther Tearey were callers at
Winnebago last Tuesd ay .... Win Vsgt
jr, and Albert Nash were Emerson
oallers last Saturday.
Tonca Leader: Mr and Mrs WF
llikcsell are sponding their Arbor Dar
vacation in Bontli Sioux City.... C A
Kingsbury went to Dakota City Mon
day on legal business and from there
to O'Neill. . . .Mrs A B Franois went to
Sioux City Monday, returning Wednes
day noon. While gone she visited with
Mrs Braunt of South Sioux City....
Mr and Mrs WF Mikesell went to
Sioux City Saturday visiting Mrs
Mikesell's parents till Sunday. From
there they went to Hubbard where
they assisted in the niuaio at the dedi
cation of the new Lutheran ehurch.
They returned to South Sioux City
Sunday evening and visited Monday
with Mr Mikesell's mother.
Emerson Enterprise: J A Ireland
nd daughter Minnie, were Sieux City
'visitors Thursday ... .Goo II tfaase is
in Lincoln attending the Grand Chap
ter of the Eastern Star as a represent
ative of Emerson Chapter.... Ralph U
Hatcher, of South Sioux City, and
Miss Frances Holekamn of Emerson
were united in marriage Tuesday after
noon at the residence of Rev II C Day
hoff, 2234 Tearl street, Sioux City.
The brides step faluer and mother, Mr
and Mrs Henry Sindt, were present at
the ceremony. The bride is one of
Emerson's most popular young ladies
and the groom holds a responsible po
sition at South Sioux City. They will
reside d'.ring the summer at Crystal
Lake. The Enterprise joins their
many friends in extending best wishes
Win Goertz "?as down to the 'county
seat Monday.
Mrs 0 Thompson went down on the
bottom Wednesday to visit at the Mc
Glashan home.
We are selling lots of shoes, but we
tiava lota more that we are going to
sell and sell them choap, too. Curl
Those Mottcr brand overalls and
j ickets are all new goods and are sold
at prices that can t be beat. Unn An
When Hubbard gots a new store
building and another church it will
certainly be quite an addition to the
H Nelson and wife visited at the
Mike Farrel home Friday.
The Methodists will have quarterly
meeting, May 7th. All are invited
Moline and Rock Island riding and
walking plows at Renze & Green's,
Tom Long and Mr Campbell came
out with a bran new harness, bought
at our new shop.
A lecture will bo given in the Wood
men hall Tuesday evening, May 4th,
by Rev Phillips of South Sioux City
A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Hans Anderson and wife and An
drew Larson, wite and daughter, are
contemplating a trip to Denmark after
corn planting time, the former two to
remain, but the latter family just for a
few mouths visit.
Mandt wagons and Henney buggies,
s good goods as there is made, at
Renze & Green a.
Wm Anderson's team took fright at
an automobile Tuesday, but were cap
tured by lorn Ueiiernan beiore any
damage was done,
A big delegation of Knights of Co
lumbus went to Sioux City Sunday to
attend an initiation ceremony.
J. he new harness shop has bad a
large sign put up, which makes things
look business like. A new harness
machine will be installed before long
A little eon of Frank Hoeney and
wife is very ill with diphtheria. The
home was quarantined Tuesday. Dr
RooBt was oalled in consultation and
performed an operation, inserting a
tube in the little one's throat.
Have yon tried any of our Creolone
Dip for your stook if not, you had
better take homo a can. Carl Ander
Mary Green was a city passenger
Friday morning.
John Hogan has been on the sick
list the past week.
Saturday, aad was a guest in the borne
of Mrs Catharine Twohig until Mon
rt Sullivan has cone to Tonca to
work for th summer.
Seba Mixer while playing in bis
yard Saturday full, breaking his arm
and dislocating his elbow, lue nine
fellow is getting along cicely.
L D Ilioks was confined to bis heme
the past week with bronchitis.
John J Ryan went to Omaha Monday
where he serves as petit juror in the
federal court.
A party of twenty Knights of Co
lumbus from here were in Sioux City
on Sunday, attending Initiation ceremo
nies, A iarge class being initiated,
under the auspices of the Epiphany
E T Kennolly, R F D carrior on
route 1, went to Sioux City Tuesday
and ordered a motor cycle to use on
his route.
Wm Wolfe "tyjto" of the Record was
in town last Friday.
Mrs 3 M Barry returned the last of
the week from Chicago, whorj she and
her daughter, Bonny, attended the
opening of Grand Opera. Mrs Barry
had a very pleasant time.
Jessio Hodges of Interior, S D,
spent over Friday night with friends
Ed J Waters arrived home Saturday
evening for a short visit with the home
folks. He attended the initiation cer
emonies of the Knights of Columbus in
Sioux City Sunday.
Genevieve Brady spent Saturday in
Sioux City with her sister, Mrs 0 A
A son was born to Henry Martin and
wife April 24, '09.
Mary Bryan went Sioux City Mon
day to spend the summer with a Mrs
Dr B J Leahy delivered 15C0 bush
els of corn to the Atlas elevator the
last of the week.
W T Bartlett, of Sioux City, was in
towu Wednesday.
Mary Clark, who is teaching near
Hartington, Nebr, is eipeced home
Saturday, her school closes Friday.
Mrs Clara Bans (nee Wilbur,) of
Sioux, City has gone to the Iowa City
sanitarium to take treatment for tuber
eroulosis. Mrs Banse is well known
here, having visited here at different
The remains of Mary Cnrran who
died at the borne of her brother, Thom
as, in Waterbury last Thursday, were
laid to rest in St John's cemetery Sat
urday morning. The deceased has
lived all her life ou the old homestead
near Vista, she was 45 years old, and
had been ailing the past year. Her
brother John, ofjOmaha attended the
CornmUntoners Proceedings .
I)kot(ntr. Nb., April . TO.
The honrd of county coniiiilloiier met
piirnnnnt to sojournment. Crcwnt-John
HW-rk, clinlrmnu, Fred Blnnit! and Kl Mur
ium, Honrd mnde order for the cntinty treasurer
t.o Kcccpt the tttri on th n Sit rod tw't 1S-KH-ti
fit one-half lt ameiwd valuation, for
tho year It", for tlx' rcaon until land Is
more thnn hnlf In tin' Mlnoiirl river.
The petition of Ktti M Hpencer for the re
duction of tune on lh followlim lots wm
runted h prayed for: IxiM 1 and II In hloek
i. find loin 7. II. I? ninl 18 In block 6. HUM
l'laee, Houth Hlintx (Uty. Nell. Tim county
treaniirer In ordered to accept tho orlKllml
tnv lean Interest and nil penalties.
The following reports of county officer
were npproved by the nonrn:
Kenort of .1 P Rockwell, county sheriff,
1st quarterly report, enillnif April It. llK,
Miown fees earned, fC.Nil.
To flie Hon. Honrd of County Commission
er. ltcport of It C Htliison, county Juilue, for
the months of Jnuuitry, Felinniry find
March, tin.
Uolleeted during
.liiniinry . . ..
...$ 7 )
... ii 70
... WW
fMl 66
I). (1. SthiHon, County .Indue.
Hdtmcrlbed and sworn to tx fore me, tills
3rd day of April, MM.
W. I,. Ross, County Clerk.
To tho Hoard of County Commissioners,
Tlakotii county , Nebraska.
lie port of fee earned III the county clerks
otllee In the Mrst quarter of tho year ending
March HI, 11.
Keen for recording, etc fW 16
First quarter salary H '
MukliiK assessors liooks IkMjO
Total fee earned t'M 15
I hereby certify that the above. Is a true
and correct report of all fees earned In the
county clerk's ortlee In the (Irst quarter of
the year IMW, to the liest of my knowledge
and liellef. W, I Ross, County Clerk.
Hubscrllied In my presence and sworn to
before mo this SUM day of April, It II.
1). C. Stlnson, County Judge.
Couhty clerk la ordered to write the fol
lowlnir warrants:
II W Klder, roaddlstNol $ HO 00
8 Hi 00
100 W)
A Vt 00
H 60 00
II Nil W)
14 H6 00
U :on
I'iO 00
nit ee
Better Furniture and Carpets-Lower Prices
We prove this statement with our goods.
60 00
20 00
. . 60 00
. . JO 00
,.. 40 )
.. 66 00
,.. 100 00
Kd Morgan
Fred Ochander,
John 'lay ton
John Mclntyre,
Chris Waddell.
Hans Anderson,
Mike Mitchell,
Mads Nelsen,
Peter MoHhann, " 14.
Aug Frederlcksen' 17.
Catherine Ijeahey' 17
Pat'k (I'Connor, " 17
M J Heocom, " 1H
C II Duggan. " is
Nlss Aiidrcseii, "
Resignation of J M Woodcock,
surveyor, accepted.
Hi-port of W J Manning, personal taxes
not co ected. approved by the board
H F Sawyer, claim of 112, Inquest on Rob
ert Hlume, rejected.
Claims allowed on general fund.
John liachert, boarding paupers IX 00
John Hterk, commissioners' salary 4.1 00
Neb Clark Aut Tel Co. phono rent fl 6
Samaritan hospital, care of O'Brien.. KM 60
Win Blerman, salary 40 00
J P Rockwell, salary WM
Hammond A Stephens Co, Nupplles... XV 00
Klopp A Hartlett Co, supplies 7 0
John H Renin, board of health 4 00
Seth P Hnrnes. same 8 00
James Flynn, same S 00
V li Smiley, same 60
Oeorge Wllklns, postage, etc. 12 12
Mary V yulnn, salary, expense, etc. .. 47 04
li. , lt..V...A ,,..n.ll.,n A 41 U.,v.t.i.. '
A'l J, I'C TUir, aUIVIl,llllN A J K7IV1U. ,
ana family 24 60
Claims allowed'on load district fund
Fred Hlume. freight paid on tile, road
district No 17 7 7
John Slerk. freight puld on tile, road
district No 2 9B
IjouIs Pederson. road work, allowed
on road district No 4 28 26
Board adjourned to May 8, lime.
W I, Ross, County Clerk.
Chairs, made of
solid white oak,
leather seat,
full post, brace
to seat, Ten
stretchers used
to brace legs.
Regular price,
price, -
Kitchen Cabinet
Made of maple; size
26x16 inches. Has two
bins, two drawers, one
meat board, one bread
board. Substantially
Buy of us and be convinced
Combination Bookcase-
Extension Table Made of oak; 4 -inch
turned if g; gomen finish: 8-ft ex
tension. Keguiar value
$1160. Special
price, -
$7.98 ,
Made pf oak,
desk, five
for books
price $15
--y-v, ,i
5 0iiartCS li
- Spcciai $3 98 y
Garland Stoves and Ranges
Send for Special Catalogue.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Money Refunded if Goods Are Not
as Represented
$9.50 1
The Anderson Furniture Co.
G06-608 Fourth St.
Sioux City, la.
It Is herehy ordered that you. and all
persons Interested In said matter, may, and
do, appear at the county court to tie held In
and for suld county, on the Nth day of May,
A. li. lvov. at to o'clock a. m., to snow
cause. If any there he, why the prayer of
the petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said petition
and that the hearing thereof lie given to all
ersons Interested In said matter by pun
ishing n copy of this order In tho linknta
County Herald, a weekly newspaper print
ed In said county, for four successive weeks
prior to said day or Hearing.
hrai.I County Judge,
Liaat Sunday was confirmation day
at the Lntheren ohuroh, and a beauti
ful daj it turned out to be. lhe aery-
ioeg were Urgly attended.
Bring na your produce butter,
cream, egg, etc and get the highest
market price. Carl Anderson,
Dr Leahy is making regular trips to
Card of Thinks
The undersigned, the pastor and
committee of Trinity Lutheran chnrob
of Hubbard, Neb, wish to thank all
those who contributed to he fund for
the erection and furnishing of our
beautiful little church. Through your
generosity we were able to dedicate it
free fro a all debt, and your kindness
is very much appreciated by us all.
The money was received from friends
of all denominations and is all the bet
ter appreciated. Very truly yours.
Rev Nuesbaum, Peter Anderson, A
0 Hansen, Mrs B B Qribble, church
First publication Apr 3 5w
Lyons Mirror: Mrs Canflold Phillips our burg these days.
was up irom uakiann intirsaay . . . .
Section Boss, John Young, and his
hovel brigade charged on Thurston
Yesterday.... Mr and Mrs Chris Kohl-
uneier, of Craig, took the tram here
-for Siout City Saturday to place their
little son in the hospital.. . .Mrs SB
Brown received word that her sister,
Mrs Newton Myers, of Pasadena, Cali
fornia, had broken her arm in a fall.
Victor Warner, who is attending
lhe Omaha high school, spent Sunday
with bis mother, Mrs li J Warner, and
sister, Eunice, who are here from
Cheyenne Agency, S D. In the high
John Qreen and wife, L Mogensen
uud wire ana Wm Uenmnger were
among the Sioux Oity shoppers from
here Saturday.
Mrs Hagen and daughter, Mary went
to Bioux (Jity Saturday.
Christiansen has been tussleing
with the grip for a few days.
T F McQee was mail carrier the
fore part of the week.
Boy Wilaey and Hans Carlson were
among the Sioux City passengers Tuesday.
Our assortment of canned goods
school athletio context at Omaha Sat- can't be beat anywhere, either for qual
uraay ue was urui m quarter miu uy or price. Uarl Anderson,
foot-raoe, in one minute and two-thirds CUrlie Vo ,bi d tw0 0ttrlottds of
of a second; second in the high jump; 0ftttle Monday morning.
uuiiliutuguiwiu I T ,. , : , . ,
UKISUU iilUQ OUl'l'BU uua vms oi uugo
Tuesday morning.
Try a bottle of that special Ileinz
vinegar at Carl Anderson's, at 25o.
Noue better on the market.
James Nelson returned to his home
in Dakota City Saturday after a week's
stay with his brother, 11 Nelson.
Chris Bassmussen lost a valuable
brood mare the first of the week . Mr
lUssmuscn is having his share ia loss
es of that kind. A year ago he lost
three nows.
Driuk Millar's Charm coffee, sold at
Carl Anderson's, and you will drink
nothing else its fine.
Mrs F Heeney visited at the Heoney
uome near JNacora last iuursuay.
Fred Bartels took home one of those
manure spreaders from Renze &
Oreeu's Tuesday.
Renze & Qreen sell the Little Joker
oultivator and it is guaranteed to be
Wm Anderson bad the misfortune of
getting a horse pretty badly cut up on
a diso last week.
"Winnebago Chieftain : Misses Mabel
and Helen Niebuhr were in Sioux
City over Sunday.... Mr and Mrs C
H Kilbourn, who have just sold out
the hotel business in Craig, were
quests at the home of thoir daughter,
Mrs T T Harris Sunday. They re
turned to Craig on Monday, but they
will come to Winnebago again tho lat
ter part of this week . . . .John Ashford
has found a new way cf transportation
between Winnebago and Homer. He
tried the pilot on the looal Tuesday.
We would have no one think for a mo
ment that John did not have the price,
o will relate that he stepped onto the
pilot of the engine supposing it was
till switching, but to his surprise it
was the "start off for Homer, with Mr
Ashford on the "observatory." He rath
er enjoyed the experience other than
tt was a little chilly. To say that the
old town of Homer looked better to
John as the traio puffed in than it had
for many a year i, we think, putting it
boot right. John is always to the
front, in one way or another.
tt 0t0B inicjKa
The baseball nine played the Homer
Ligh school nine Saturday and won by
a score of 11 to 7
Dewey Heikes was a Grammar room
visitor Wednesday.
The 7th grade is reading "The
Young American," a civil government
Osoar Snyder baa re-entered school
Frae Entreken is back in school
Kin after a week's absence.
Mrs Bert Pryor and Lula Barnes re
turned to Omaha Saturday.
Frank Combs' three little girls were
guests at the Sam Combs home Satur
day their mother joining them Sunday,
Rob Rymil came home Saturday
from Lyons where he has been attend
ing school. i
Mrs James Blanchard visited in
Sioux City Friday of last week.
Fred Blume wss in Homer Monday.
II r s Tilden Harris visited in Homer
The school board at the meeting on
the 26th inst appointed Qeorge 0
Blessing superintendent and inspector
on the building and material of the
school house.
Mrs John MoKinley accompanied
her sister Oolda Queen, home to Craig
Attorney Tom L Sloan of Pender,
was a guest at the Eru Smith home
Monday night.
The many friends of Will Winch
will be glad to see him back in bis old
stamping ground. He started in with
Edwards & Bradford Lumber compa
ny, on Monday.
Grandma O'Connor was a Sioux
City visitor this week.
Nelson Smith and wife were Sioux
Oity shoppers Wednesday.
Mrs H A Monroe was Sioux City
visitor Thursday of last week.
Frank Sawyer and Nute Crippen
were on the market with hogs Wednes
Our friend Coon Thorn, from the
head of Fiddler creek, was shopping in
Homer Wednesday.
Lewie Wile, who has been helping
Ex Shriff Hansen for several months,
started for Wisconsin! Wednesday, to fourcentM (27.44) due defendant, k. j. Mui-
1 j. ,,. lully, on his cross-petition; also the sum of
eo 11m pnreuis. om, mmr,,(j H)x dollars and seven cents
Will Holsworth, Off Harris and
Chas Dodge marketed hogs Wednes
Phi' Reuz, who has been very sick,
but was on the mend, had a relapse
Sunday and is a very sick man. At
this time, Wednesday evening, he is
little better.
The Operetta Silvia, which was
given last Friday night was well ren
dered and was appreciated by large
audienoe. There is some talk of its
being repeated at the request of those
wno saw it. We nave not space to
mention each one, but they all did
Mrs George Teller is taking care of
her mother, Mrs. J G Merrill, at Mo
Cook, S D, who is very ill with pneu
monia. George Teller who was there
over Sunday, returned Monday eveu-
Maggie Hurley returned to Ponca
Tuesday after two weeks' visit iu the
Horace Dugan home.
Noble League departed Friday for
Minneapolis, where he expects to settle
down. His wife will go later.
The forty hours devotion opened at
St Patrioks church Sunday and cloned
Tuesday. Fr MoCarthy was assisted
Much exoitement was caused in the I during the exercises by the neighbor
hisrh school room Tuesday morning I ing priests, including Rev F McCarthy
when flash light pioture was taken of of Vista, Rev John Roche and Rev
the lower room. Wuen tue picture was
tkeu an explosion was caused. The
amoke becan to two r out cf the win
dows below and the high school pupils
began to tumble down the stairs, hats
and coats in hands; baUbats, puds, and
Ferd Leohleitner of this place,
Calvin Smith, a former resident of
this place, but now at Luton, Iowa
was calling ou friends here the last of
the week.
Assessor William Roninger and wife
laiis, uaa ueea prevuo.j vU.wu 0f Hubbard, were calling on friends
01 tue wiuao: Lor8 MontUT,
Ttiiv a irood farm on the Dakota Mrs Catharine O'Connor, of Homer
Mntf imitam. I have It. Eimera . attended the funeral of Mary Curran
Notice Is hereby given that I have taken
up as an estray, at my premises In Dgeon
Creek precinct, on or about three months
ago, tho following descrllicd estray: line
heifer, red and white spotted, about S years
old. no brands
Owner Is hereby notified to call and prove
property, pay all charges for keeping, ad
vertlslng, etc., and take said estray away.
Dated this 17th day of April, lWHt.
First publication April KS-Cw
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of sale issued by ueorge llklns
clerk of the district court In and for Dakota
county, Nebra-ska, and directed to me, J. P.
Koek well, sherlll of said county, command'
lug me to sell the premises hereinafter dc
scrllied to satisfy curtain Judgments of
the said district court of said county and
state, obtained at the March. 1mm. term
thereof. In favor of the Hecurlty lluuk of
l'onca, Nebraska, and against Michael Mill-
lallv. Catherine Mullally. Thomas Mullally
and K, K. llalstead for the sum of eight
thousand four hundred twenty-two dollars
and 'ty-scven cents. (imil.n7). as follows
One thousand two hundred fifteen dollars
and thirteen cents, i l'i!6.1it), due on plain
tiff's llrst cause of action, three thous
and four hundred elulity-hlJC dollars and
ten cents, i HW,. Id I, due on plaintiff's sec
ond cause of action, also the sum of three
thousand seven hundred twenty-one dol
lars and forty-four cents, (CI72I.44), due on
plaintiff's third cause of action: also
the sum of fine thousand eight hundreii
ninety-four dollars and sixty-four cents
(llsvl.tll) due defendant, Waterbury State
Hank on Its cross-petition, also the Mini of
one thousand four dollars and eighty-six
cents lllooi.Hili due defendant, J. .1. McCar
thy, on his cross-petition; also the sum of
two hundred scventy-c ignt ooiuirs nuu
twenty-six cents (C7X.20) due platntltT on Its
fourth cause of action; also the sum of two
hundred twi'iity-sevon dollars and forty-
First Publication April ltt 4w
To the unknown heirs of Mary Crosby,
deceased; the unknown heirs of Peter
Uaugbran, deceased; William (Jordan ; Car
rie K.wantt; K. h. tiunnara, trustee, real
name Klbert H. Hubliard; William (4. Phil
lips; Rose S. Taylor, widow and sole lega
tee of Henry J, Taylor, deceased; K. B.
Spalding, real name Kdward B. Spalding;
M. B. Davis, real name Madison H. Davis
D. T. Oilman, real name Daniel T. till man
Sarah K. White: Defendants.
You and each of you are hereby notified
that on the loth day of April, 1UH, James M.
Woodcock. Plaintiff, filed his petition In
t he district court of the state of Nebraska,
In and for Dakota county, against you as
Defendants, the oblect and prayer of which
are that title he quieted In l'lalntin to the
following described premises situated in
the county of Dakota and state of Nebras
ka, to-wlt: Dots 4. 6. . 7. H. . 10. 11 and 12,
In Block 4, of Smiley and 4eorge's addition
to tho village of Mouth Bioux city, ami ait
of block IS and lots 5 and S, In block 21. of
Hallway Addition. Dakota county Neliras1
ka, Second Plat; that you, and each of you,
mid all persons claiming by, through and
under you, be excluded from any Interest
n said oremlses. or any part tnereoi, and lie
enloined, lwtrred and forever estopped from
claiming any Interest therein adverse to
the title and estate or the run i, hit, or irom
interfering with his possession thereof;
that all adverse claims or apparent record
titles asserted by you or any of you lie de
creed to be null and void and removed as
clouds on the title and estate of Plaintiff
and that Plaintiff have such other and fur
ther relief as justice and equity may re,
mil re.
The lieienaanis, me unxnown neirs oi
Mary Crosby, deceased, and the unknown
heirs of Peter Oaughran. deceased, are al
leged in the said petition to lie claiming
some interest, adverse to the title and es
tate of PlalntlrT, in tho following deserllied
parts and parcels of said premises, to-wlt
the unknown heirs of Mary Crosby, decens
ed. In I Ait A, In Block 4, of Smiley anil
(ienrge's Addition and Lot 6. In Block zt
suld Hallway Addition; the unknown heirs
of Peter Uaugbran, deceased, In lots U, 10,
11 and li. In block 4. of Smiley nnd Oeorge 'i
Addition and lot , In block Id, of said Hull
war Addition.
You are reaulred to answer said petition
on or before the run day of May, lWiv.
Dated April 14, imn.
Jam kh M. Woodcock. PlalntlrT.
By Alfrid Pizbt and Pati. Pizkt,
His Attori
Asmns Schwartz, made a trip to
Sioux City one day this week.
A few from this place attended the
dance in Emerson Monday evening.
Among those shopping in Sioux City
last Saturday from this plaoe, were;
Mrs Robert Voss, Mrs August Bedtke,
Theresa Anderson, Mae Heeney and
Mrs Frank Heeney.
Miss Alvina Schwartz wss a Sioux
City vibitor last Sunday.
Nick Anderson is busy hauling lum
ber to his faim now a-days where he
intends to put up a fine new house.
James and Joe Heeney and Frank I first Publication Apri uh
Simmons attended a meeting of she I Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
Knights or Uolumbus in Sioux City
last Sunday.
Peter Rohmfuldt is moving onto his
new plsce.
Laura Heeney returned borne from
Emereon Ust Wednesday, where she
has been visiting for several days.
(IUiA.117) due the Atlas Klevator Company
on Its cross-petltlou, together with Interest
ou all said Judgments, and prior costs taxed
at thirty-four dollars and fifteen cents
(tH.lfti. and accruing costs, Isoldes a prior
lieu of taxes amounting to two hundred ten
and no one hundredth dollars (t'UU).
I have levied upon the followlngdescrllied
property, to-wlt: The northwest quarter
of the northeast quarter and the east one
half of the northeast quarter, In section IS,
township W. range S, Dixon county, Nebras
ka, and the northwest quarter of the north
west quarter, the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter, the northeast quarter of
the northwest quarter, the southeast quar
ter of the northwest quarter, the southwest
quarter of the northeast quarter, the south
east quarter of the southeast quarter, the
northeast quarter of the southeast quarter,
In section IS, In Dixon county, state of
Nebraska: and the northwest quarter of the
northwest quarter, the northeast quarter
of the north west quarter, In section 15, town
ship W, ranges, and lots IS and 14, In block
IS, village of Huhlmrd, Dakota county, Ne
braska, all being liK Kted In said Dakota and
Dixon counties and state of Nebraska.
And I will, on Tuesday, the 26th day of
May, 1O0. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day, at the south front door of the court
house In Dakota City. Dakota county, Ne
braska, proceed to sell at public, auction to
the highest and best ISdder, for cash, all of
the almve deserllied property, or so much
thereof a may be necessary to satisfy said
order of sale Issued by Oeorge Wllklns,
clerk of the district court In and for Dakota
county, Nebraska, the amount due thereon
In the aggregate being the sum of eight
thousand four hundred t wenty-two dollars
and slxty-sevencentst fM."T). with Interest
from date of decree and prior taxed
costs amounting to thirty-four dollars and
fifteen cents (;I1.I5I, and accruing costs.
Olven under my hand this H'th day of
April, A. D. luow.
J. P. KnrKWKi.i
Sheriff of Dokotaeounty. Neb.
First publication April 2:1 aw
Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate
f Will.
In the county court of Dakota county,
State of Nebraska. Dakota county, ss.
To Mrs. Augusta Messerschtnldt. Rudolph
Schooke. Theodore Stark. Mrs. Theresa
y.astrow, Mrs. Agnes Kay, Herman Stark
Arthur Stark, Laura Stark. Freddie Sehop.
ke. Mella Hchooke, Klla Schopke, Arthu
Schooke. and Otllla Builthaus, and to all
persons Interested In tho estate of Carl
Amrust Schooke. deceased.
On rending the petition of Rudolph Schop.
ke praying that the instrument tiled In this
court on the luth day of April, luuv, and pur
porting to lie the last will and testament of
the said deceased, may oe proven bhu ai
lowed, nnd recorded as the last will and tes
tanient of Carl August bchopke, deceased
that said Instrument .lie admitted to pro
bate, and tk9 administration of said estate
bo granted to Rudolph Sehopko asexeeutor,
It Is hereby ordered mat you, and an pe
sons Interested In said matter, tniiy.and do,
appear ut the county court to be held In and
tor suld county, on the 10th day of May, A.
D., Hunt, at 10 o'clock a. in., to show cause. If
any there ls, why tho prayer of the peti
tioner should not b6 granted, and that no
tice of tho pendency of said petition and
that the hearing thereof lie given to all per
sons Interested In said matter by publishing
a copy of this Order In the Dakota County
Herald, a weekly newspaper printed In said
county, for three successive weeks prior to
Rulfi dnv of hearing.
Witness my hand, and seni or said court,
this ltfthday of April, A. D. WOU.
ukai. County Judge.
m Of Jkf kF 9S L X.F
This Good Bank
makes a specialty of Insurance
is the time for
Hall and
fy?" soon coming
We have the only good Hail company we know of and our Tornado
companies are the best in the world. Let us tell you just how
cheap it is, to have
Complete Protection
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT'
Plenty of money for loans ALWAYS. Jackson, Nebr.
JUDITH BASIN, MONTANA. On the Great Northern
line between Billings and Great Falls, a fine area of reliable pro
duction, with splendid chances of profit for early buyers. No
irrigation ; average moisture 17 inches, which is enough to insure
heavy and varied crops. Send for Judith Basin folder.
SUN RIVER, MONTANA. Government irrigated land
275,000 acres near Great Falls, Mont. First section now open
for filing; only $30 an acre in 10 annual installments. Send for
Sun River Project folder.
BIG HORN BASIN. A new government irrigated tract of
12,000 acres near Garland, Wyo., to be soon opened for filing.
Watch for this and make your filing early on a choice location.
ROUND TRIP RATE. Only $27.50 to above localities.
This is . a low rate for an extensive trip into these fast develop
ing sections. Take it this spring or summer.
Personally Conducted Excursions. I conduct excur
sions on the first and third Tuesdays of each month' to the above
localities. No charge for my sei vices.
Write me for folder, technical information about tak
ing up homestead lands, etc. I was for many years con
nected with the Land department of the Government.
I ean help you make a good selection.
D. Qlfm Deaver, General Agent.
Land Seekers Information Bureau. Omaha, Neb.
ill fit ;
Klrst publication April HO Iw
In the county court of Dakota county, Ne
braska. In the matter of the estate of Robert
Illume, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors
of the said deceased will meet the adminis
trator of said estate, before me, county
Judge of Dakota county, Nebraska, at the
county court room In said county, on the
Wth day of August, 1WM. on the With day of
Heptember, 1, and on the 3ith day of tJcto
her, imJ, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day for the
purpose of presenting thoir claims for ex
amination, adjustment and allowance. Hlx
months are allowed for creditors to present
their claims, and one year for the' adminis
trator to settle said estate, from the SUli
day of April, lVi HI. This notice will be pub
lished In the Dakota County Herald for
four weeks successively prior to the 28th
day of August, 19t. ....
Witness my hand, and seal of said court,
this JUb day of April. A. D. lWiU.
D. C. Htiki'ow,
ral County Judge.
Notice Is hereby given that on April ,
lliov, J. K. Tilggs tiled with the village clerk
of Dakota City, Dakota county, Nebraska,
his appllcaMon and petition for a license to
sell malt, spirituous and vinous Ihiuors, and
conduct astloon In said village, during the
llscal year Ivglnulng on the llrst Tuesday
In May. 1U. under the laws of the state of
Nebraska and the ordinances of said vil
lage, In a building located on parts of lots
14 and IB. Ill block li. Any and all objec
tions to the graining of said license should
lie ou tile with the village clerk of said vil
lage on or lfore the 4th day of May. 1km.
.1. K. Tkhmis, Applicant.
lAn. PlT.sy. Village Clerk.
Dated this 14th uuy of April, A. D.. llm.
For Sale
Aermotor windmill and tower com
plete, with tank and tank hotter, all
nearly new. Alfred Seymour, Dakota
City, Nebraska.
for Settlement of Account
In the district court of Dakota county.
Snteof Nebraska, Dakota County ss.
To John I.. Nixon, Alexander M. Nixon,
Klials-th Nlxou, Jane Nixon Waile, John
Taylor, Orace Nixon, James NIxoiT, Klla
llli Nixon Mi Uttll, I'nknowu Heirs of
Alexander Nixon, deceased; I'nknowu
llsll.of Mary Nixon, deceased; K I i .els) III
Nixon, of Nu. US Argyle tsiiuaru South Carl
ton, MellMiurue, lu Victoria, executrix of
Alexander Nlxou, deceased; and all per
son Interested lu the estate of William
Nixon, deceased:
on reading the petition of Thomas C.
Clnpp, praying a dual settlement and
allowance of his account tiled 111 this court
on tliu luth duy of April, and for his
Notice Is hereby given that on April IS.
1 Mi l',.rl Kr..drteksoll llleu Willi the Vll
I...,.'. rk of lliililuki'd. Dakota county, Ne
braska, his application and petition for a
hivii.u ln mall, suirmious aim nmnn
Honors, anil conduct a saloon In said vll
luge, during the fiscal year beginning ou
tt... first Tuesday iu May, luuv. under the
Iiiwi of the slate of Nebraska and the or-
,,.,.,. of said village, In a building In
.... lot M. In block li. Any and nil ott-
Jecllons to the granting of said license
should U on Ille with the village clerk of
....t.i i niuiie on or before the 1st day of May
Imhi. Caul Fkkhkickhoh, Applicant.
D. C. Hkkkkkn AN. V lllage Clerk.
Dated this I41U day of April, A. !., 1H.
The E. & B. Ball Bearing Sewine Maching and the One Minute
Washer win praise everywhere, by giving universal satisfaction.
Light Running Long Lasting. Let us show them to you
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co
Dakota City. Nts. 1 . a Ul V O Yd
Bonded : Abstracter
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
The Herald for all the News
When it IS News
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety BodiI
Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abstract I make
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co.
Bonded Abstracter